Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
    • 1.1What is this disease
    • 1.2The main directions in the treatment of the disease
    • 1.3Basic principles of nutrition
    • 1.4What to look for, or Symptoms of the disease
    • 1.5Neck
    • 1.6What to do and how to treat this disease
    • 1.7Pathology of the thoracic spine
    • 1.8Pathology of lumbar spine
    • 1.9Classical treatment
    • 1.10Folk wisdom
    • 1.11Other recipes of folk medicine
  • 2Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms, treatment, signs of disease
    • 2.1Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment
    • 2.2Causes and factors of osteoporosis
    • 2.3Factors that accelerate the development of osteoporosis
    • 2.4Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine
    • 2.5Clinical symptoms of the disease as it develops:
    • 2.6Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
    • 2.7Treatment of osteoporosis
    • 2.8How to protect yourself with osteoporosis
  • 3Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine, diagnosis and effective treatment
    • 3.1Clinical manifestations of the disease
    • 3.2Instrumental methods
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3Laboratory methods
    • 3.4Methods of treatment
    • 3.5Correction of a way of life
    • 3.6Anesthesia
    • 3.7Medication administration
  • 4Treatment of osteoporosis of the lumbar, thoracic, cervical spine
    • 4.1Clinical picture of the disease
    • 4.2Types of osteoporosis and their signs
    • 4.3Ways to fight the disease
  • 5How to treat osteoporosis of the spine by different methods
    • 5.1Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine
    • 5.2Decrease in growth
    • 5.3Decreased bone density by 30%
    • 5.4Causes of the disease
    • 5.5Methods of treatment of osteoporosis of the spine
    • 5.6Diet
    • 5.7Gymnastics
    • 5.8Massage

Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Many of us feel pain in the back as a normal phenomenon, because it is quite common. As a result, symptoms are ignored, and the ailment is aggravated.

Well if it comes to osteochondrosis, although in this case, the inflammatory process should be treated on time. But osteoporosis does not at all forgive this attitude to your health.

Having launched this serious disease, you can get a bouquet of complications and at all be on disability. That's why we want to tell you more about osteoporosis of the spine.

Symptoms and treatment, prevention and maintenance therapy - all this should be known to everyone who wants to live a long life without pain and taking strong medicines.

What is this disease

Despite the abundance of information, many do not fully understand what this ailment is. And completely in vain, because, skipping the first symptoms, you are at great risk, since a terrible disease slowly but surely will continue to develop.

Therefore, every person, especially those over the age of forty, should be well aware of what osteoporosis of the spine is.

Symptoms and treatment can be very different in each case, but there are still common features that will help you navigate.

So, osteoporosis is a chronic disease of the spinal column, as a result of which the density of bone tissue gradually drains, and the fragility of bones increases. Below we will consider in more detail the biological mechanism, because of which this happens.

Most often this disease affects women 45-55 years after the onset of menopause. But after 70 years, the disease is no longer differentiated by gender, hitting both men and women equally. Moreover, more than a third of all fractures are caused by osteoporosis.

Even a slight fall can lead to a fragile bone breaking. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the osteoporosis of the spine at an early stage. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely related to each other. Therefore, the therapy should be supervised only by an experienced orthopedist.

Do not try to self-medicate.

The main directions in the treatment of the disease

Depending on the age and condition of the patient, in which he turned to the doctor, drug preparations of different groups will be prescribed. However, this is only one of the components of a successful medical complex.

It is very important to visit the exercise room and follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Special gymnastics very well helps in the fight against the development of osteoporosis.

Finally, it is very important to adhere to full, proper nutrition and to use traditional medicine, because they are often very effective.

Basic principles of nutrition

Doctors may not focus your attention on the need to optimize their diet, but folk doctors first of all say exactly about this.

First of all, it is very important to include in your daily diet the optimal amount of vegetable and animal protein, vitamins and calcium.

That is, in the first place on the table should be low-fat meat, vegetables and fruits. This is the basis of the diet. As sources of calcium, you can use legumes, that is, beans and peas, as well as hard cheeses and cottage cheese.

To the body did not lack a vitamin D, you must have on the table butter, eggs, fish and seafood.

What to look for, or Symptoms of the disease

At a time, not one disease develops. The osteoporosis of the spine is not an exception. Symptoms develop on increasing, gradually becoming more and more pronounced and strong. This process can take several years or even decades.

The first symptom is pain in the spine. Most often it is noisy, lasting from a few days to several weeks. The pain calms down usually independently, but at any physical activity it comes back again.

Most often it is noted in the thoracic spine.

If you do not pay any attention to this symptom, then the situation will gradually worsen. Especially pronounced are the symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine in women.

This is a sharp decline in performance and increased fatigue from previously habitual loads. We can observe a progressive stoop and protrusion of the abdomen, a lack of waist.


In addition, bright signs are a decrease in growth (due to a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae) and impaired mobility in the spine.


However, it should be noted that osteoporosis of different parts of the spine is manifested and treated somewhat differently. Therefore today we will talk about each of them separately.


This is the most vulnerable section of all. It is the pain in the neck that most often finds people who, due to the nature of their work, have to spend a lot of time at the desk in one position.

Therefore, first of all, we will today consider osteoporosis of the cervical spine. Symptoms and treatment will depend on the degree of development of the disease.

Thus, an easy degree is manifested by a slight decrease in the density of the spongy tissue of the vertebral body. Among physical sensations, pain can be distinguished by prolonged exposure in the same posture.

Soda is also referred to as pain in the extremities and cramps in the legs at night. Quite often there can be panic attacks, and also a strong palpitation.

Further changes in bone structure lead to increased symptoms.

There are aching pains of a permanent nature in the neck, because the vertebrae are deformed and the nerve endings are jammed.

In this case, squeezing blood vessels leads to headaches and increased blood pressure.

What to do and how to treat this disease

If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis of the cervical spine, the symptoms will only increase, so you need to seek help immediately.

And in the early stages, the main task is to reduce the rate of bone loss, that is, calcium-based drugs are used.

In more complex cases, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are needed.

However, the best treatment for this disease is prevention, which implies normal physical activity, compulsory gymnastics and adequate nutrition, so that the body is provided with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

Pathology of the thoracic spine

A fairly common phenomenon - osteoporosis of the thoracic spine. Symptoms in this case also in the early stages are expressed slightly, and then begin to manifest itself in the form of sharp pain.

It often happens that the first pain symptoms affect this particular department because of the physiological curves of the site. Gradually the pain intensifies and becomes permanent.

Particular discomfort the patient feels with laughter, coughing and even with a deep breath. A characteristic symptom is the formation of a hump.

Treatment of this department, like any other, presupposes a complex effect aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, replenishment of calcium deficiency, and stimulation of bone growth. To do this, it is extremely important to avoid severe stress, exercise and adhere to therapeutic nutrition.

Pathology of lumbar spine

With a sedentary lifestyle, this department suffers, because the vertebrae are constantly under excessive pressure.

Often even relatively young people develop osteoporosis of the lumbosacral spine.

Symptoms of the same type are aching pain in the lower back during physical exertion, which gradually becomes permanent. At the same time there is a strong decrease in growth, up to 15 centimeters.

Classical treatment

It must be clearly understood that the spinal osteoporosis is not a verdict. Symptoms and types of effective treatment can be evaluated by any competent doctor, and, therefore, everyone has a chance to defeat the ailment.

First of all antiresorbite drugs are used, which will stop the destruction of bones. This is "Calcitonin" and others. At the same time, anabolic drugs are prescribed to stimulate bone formation.

An important role is played by hormone therapy, as well as preparations of calcium and vitamin D. It is not very useful to describe medicines in detail, because such a complex disease can not be treated independently.

Additionally, kinesiology and osteopathy, manual therapy and massage are used.

Folk wisdom

In fact, advice can also be provided by healers, but this does not negate the approach to a doctor who diagnoses osteoporosis of the spine.

Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies of this disease have been studied by herbalists and healers for many centuries, and the accumulated experience passed from generation to generation.

Therefore, there are recommendations that can help in the composition of complex therapy. A balanced diet and sleep of at least 8 hours a day contribute to maintaining a normal state.


Bee products can be good helpers. Take 100 g buckwheat honey, 100 g propolis and 100 g shredded shell. Mix the ingredients and take 2 teaspoons a day for at least two months.


If you have an allergic reaction to honey, then you can take another recipe. Grass and spiny horsetail field is filled with boiling water, after which it is necessary to boil it for at least 10 minutes. The resulting broth should be taken at least three times a day for 2 tablespoons. The course of therapy - 2 months.

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Other recipes of folk medicine

First of all, enter the egg shell in the diet. It is enough a day to take a quarter of a tablespoon of chopped shell with lemon juice. It is also recommended to drink clay water.

To do this, take 1 dessert spoon on a glass of water. Take the drug should be 3 times a day for a third cup for three weeks.

In addition, be sure to eat boiled eggs and green beans, tomatoes and tuna, as well as Chinese cabbage. Very useful and compote of dried fruits.

And if osteoporosis led to a bone fracture, then you should do compresses from the geranium's mouth, and also take it inside. To do this, one tablespoon of herbs brew a glass of boiling water and insist for one hour.

It is very useful to take juice of the young nettle. This is a seasonal remedy, but it perfectly treats osteoporosis. For its preparation it is necessary to take young shoots and crank it through a meat grinder.

An excellent remedy that strengthens bone tissue is the mummy. It is dissolved in water and taken in courses - in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course is not more than three weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break.

A source: http://.ru/article/222860/osteoporoz-pozvonochnika-simptomyi-i-lechenie-narodnyimi-sredstvami

Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms, treatment, signs of disease

Osteoporosis refers to metabolic systemic diseases of the spine, associated with a decrease in the density of bone tissue of the vertebrae.

The name "metabolic" clearly indicates that the blame for the illness is some hidden metabolic processes that are not visible to our eyes, occurring in our body.

Osteoporosis of the spine develops almost asymptomatically, but its consequences are one of the most tragic. Therefore, knowing the signs of this ailment is extremely important for conducting timely diagnosis and treatment.

Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment

The main features of osteoporosis:

  • This is mainly elderly
  • Women are more often sick. Levels of the disease:
    • Among women, up to 33%
    • Among men - up to 20%
  • Osteoporosis is the most traumatic spine ailment:
  • The destruction is progressively affected not only by the vertebrae, but also by the large joints: especially the hip and knee

Causes and factors of osteoporosis

For its own reasons, osteoporosis of the spine can be divided into primary and secondary.

Etiology of primary osteoporosis

  1. Hormonal changes in menopause in women over 50:
    A decrease in the amount of estrogen in the climacteric period leads to the fact that after 10 years after the onset of menopause, women lose about 50% of their bone mass. Bones of women with age literally melt, and weight, also due to hormonal failures, on the contrary, tends to increase. This contradiction leads to the danger of involuntary fractures
  2. Old age changes:
    Nutrition of tissues, the entry of essential elements to bones due to the slowing of metabolism inevitably falls to old age
  3. Pathologies of skeletal development in adolescents:

    Juvenile osteoporosis is basically a transient phenomenon of transitional age, and its treatment is most successful

  4. The development of the disease can take place without clear reasons in young people of both sexes. In this case, it is defined as a group of idiopathic pathologies

Etiology of secondary osteoporosis

  • Hereditary genetic factors
  • Admission of hormonal and other medications:
    • corticosteroids, thyroid hormones
    • immunosuppressive drugs
    • anticoagulants
    • antacids for neutralizing gastric juice
    • drugs
  • Endocrine diseases (thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, hypothalamus)
  • Rheumatism
  • Diseases of the circulatory and urinary system and digestive organs

Factors that accelerate the development of osteoporosis

  • The lack of calcium and vitamin D in human nutrition is one of the main factors contributing to osteoporosis
  • Frequent use of alcohol, coffee, as well as smoking contribute to the elution of calcium from the body
  • Large weight, weight lifting increases the load on the skeleton and speeds up the bone destructive process
  • Immobile lifestyle leads to a slowdown in internal exchange

Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine

Osteoporosis can manifest itself in outwardly smoothed out symptoms, and in acute:

  • Aching periodic pain may be the only symptom of a beginning illness
  • Subsequently, at the site of the fusion of the vertebrae, if the fracture passed unnoticed and without treatment, a curvature

Clinical symptoms of the disease as it develops:

In the thoracic department:

  • Discomfort and a feeling of heaviness between the shoulder blades
  • Primary changes of posture
  • Formation of the kyphosis (stoop) of the thoracic region
  • The appearance of the "old" hump
  • The shortening of the chest (due to the decrease in the distance between the vertebrae) and the appearance of a visual disproportion between the trunks and hands (they seem too long)
  • Primarily affects 10 to 12 vertebrae

Osteoporosis of the lumbar spine:

  • Moderate pain in the lumbar region (with a fracture - acute), increasing with tilts or prolonged sitting
  • Increased lumbar lordosis
  • The distance between the edge of the superior ileum of the pelvis and the lower edge of the costal arch is shortened, which can lead to pain in the side
  • On the sides appear characteristic folds
  • The first-second lumbar vertebra

Both the thoracic and the lumbar osteoporosis have common symptoms that allow one to suspect the disease:

  1. Feeling a sick area leads to pain
  2. The growth of a person decreases, and the difference can reach ten to fifteen centimeters
  3. In the muscles of the back, tension and soreness increase
  4. Corrupted posture, and the figure looks bent
  5. There are indirect additional symptoms:
    • Cramps in the muscles of the legs at night
    • Periodontal disease and loosening of teeth
    • Early gray

An important symptom that distinguishes osteoporosis from other pathologies:

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

Methods used:

  • X-ray
  • Bone radionuclide scanning
  • MRI
  • Densitometry
  • Lab tests:
    • Common blood and urine
    • Biochemical analysis (calcium, phosphate, bilirubin, urea, etc.)
    • Hormonal (hormones of the thyroid gland, ovaries, etc.)

Radiography reveals osteoporosis rather late, when bone density decreases by 30%. The photographs show:

  • Vertebra Transparency
  • Greater clarity of vertical bony septa of vertebral bodies, in comparison with horizontal
  • Vertebrae decrease in height, their wedge-shaped deformation appears due to compression of the anterior wall

However, the most verification method of diagnosis today is densitometry.

It is an investigation of bone mineral density, namely the calcium content in them, in one of four ways:

  • Ultrasound examination
  • X-ray absorptiometry
  • Quantitative magnetic resonance tomography
  • Quantitative Computed Tomography

Treatment of osteoporosis

It is necessary to include in your diet products containing a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D:

  • Dairy and sour-milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, butter)
  • Fish such varieties: orbushu, salmon, Atlantic herring, Alaska pollack
  • Dried fruits
  • Sesame
  • Carrot
  • Black bread
  • Women are recommended to take products with the content of natural estrogen: asoli, soy, nuts, greens

If the food shortage of calcium and vitamin D, the deficit is compensated by pharmacy mineral-vitamin complexes.

Daily intake of vitamins D and calcium should be as follows:

  • Vitamin D - 800 IU
  • Calcium - 1000 - 1500 Mg

Taking calcium, you need to remember that a single dose of taking Ca should not be more than 600 mg

Weight Control

Pain Relief Treatment
With osteoporosis, traditional pain medication can also be administered:

  • With the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can be used and externally in the form of ointments or gels
  • Using selective NSAIDs of the second generation with fewer side effects: ovalis, Naise, etc.
  • Taking calcitonin for seven to ten days can also reduce pain

The basic medical preparations:

  • Biofosfonaty - drugs temporarily stop the pathological destructive process, necessary for bone synthesis
  • Calcitonin is a peptide hormone produced by the thyroid gland, responsible for the concentration of Ca in the blood
  • Preparations of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), namely: estrogen, improving bone metabolism
  • Complexes of vitamins CA + D

Difficulty of treatment

  • "The other side of the coin" in the treatment of osteoporosis are complications with prolonged intake of calcium-containing preparations and biophosphonates:. Ca intake in large doses for a long period leads to hypercalcemia. Biofosphonates cause:
    • renal insufficiency
    • digestive problems
    • Dental difficulties
  • It is necessary to warn also women from irrepressible reception of the synthetic hormonal preparations containing an estrogen because of risk of oncological diseases, in particular РМЖ (a cancer of a mammary gland)

How to protect yourself with osteoporosis

  • Do not wear weights, use handcarts
  • Use comfortable shoes without high heels
  • Do not go out in the ice without the need of home or wear shoes with a protective sole
  • In transport, always hold on to the railings
  • Wear corsets if you are in a vertical position for a long time
  • With frequent imbalances use a cane
  • Engage in affordable sports

: How to treat osteoporosis

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A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/osteoporoz/simptomi-i-lechenie.html

Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine, diagnosis and effective treatment


Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by a pathological decrease in bone density due to imbalance in the processes of formation and destruction of bone tissue.

Osteoporosis of the spine is one of the most severe forms of this disease, since it is the vertebral column carries maximum loads during movement, participates in maintaining equilibrium and vertical position body.

When fractures of the vertebrae often develop compression fractures (damage associated with a sharp compression of vertebral bodies), which significantly reduces the quality of life of patients and sharply limits their mobility.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

In the early stages of the disease, patients do not notice any permanent specific complaints. And only with compression fractures of the vertebral bodies, caused by serious disorders of the bone structure, there are symptoms that make it possible to suspect the presence of osteoporosis.

  1. The most characteristic symptom is the acute pain that occurs with a compression load (a sharp turn of the trunk, lifting of weights, an unsuccessful fall). Pain syndrome increases with movement and lasts for 4-6 weeks, after which it gradually weakens.

    In the case of multiple micro-fractures, the vertebral bodies begin to gradually deform and sag under the effect of their own weight.

    This leads to the fact that patients experience constant back pain, which is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, laughing or simply changing positions.

  2. When the pathological processes involve not one but several vertebrae - there are deformations of the spinal column. A characteristic symptom is the defeat in the initial stages of predominantly I-II lumbar or X-XII thoracic vertebrae.

    This is due to the presence in these places of natural bends of the spine, which account for the maximum vertical load. There is an excessive stoop. As the disease progresses, the back strain increases, and humps may appear.

    In this case, the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae are very rarely subjected to compression and fractures.

  3. In patients with osteoporosis of the spine, a significant decrease in the spine is noted: the difference with the previous measurements can reach 10-15 cm.

    In addition, there is a shortening of the thorax, because of which the arms seem disproportionately long.

    In far-reaching cases, the distance between the pelvic bones and the ribs narrows, which can cause pain in the side.

  4. If the fracture occurred relatively recently, then in its area there may be local soreness with the vertebrae feeling.

  5. An important feature that makes it possible to distinguish the symptoms of osteoporosis from other diseases of the spine is the absence motor or sensitive disorders, indicating the involvement in the pathological process of nerve endings or spinal the brain.

Changing bones and spine with age in case of osteoporosis

In addition to clinical symptoms for diagnosis, instrumental and laboratory techniques are used. The methods of diagnosis are the same as for lesions of the spinal column, and for "classical osteoporosis of bones."

Instrumental methods

X-ray examination of the spine. The method is informative only if the bone mass is lost to 30%. But with osteoporosis of the spine there are a number of characteristic signs peculiar only to this disease:

  • Rapid increase in the transparency of vertebral bodies with several consecutive studies.
  • In the pictures, vertical bony septa in vertebral bodies appear more pronounced. This is due to the fact that the horizontal plates are more prone to damage.
  • Decreased vertebrae height. They take the form of "fish vertebrae" due to the bilateral curvature of their surfaces.
  • wedge deformation of the vertebrae due to the predominant shortening of their anterior margin.
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Bone densitometry is a diagnostic method based on the fact that bone tissue absorbs low doses of X-rays, and the degree of this absorption can be used to judge bone density.

This is the optimal and safe type of research, allowing to determine the state of bone tissue with maximum accuracy, as well as to control the progression of the disease and the course of treatment.


The technique of radioisotope scanning of bone tissue is based on the properties of certain substances labeled with radioactive markers, accumulated exclusively in the bones.


By the degree of their distribution, one can with a high degree of certainty speak not only of the availability disease, but also to identify the places of greatest damage and control the activity of the pathological process.

Laboratory methods

Laboratory methods are auxiliary tools that allow you to assess the state of calcium metabolism in the body.

If a patient is suspected of having osteoporosis of the spine, the laboratory diagnostic minimum should include the following:

  • general tests of urine and blood;
  • biochemical blood test with determination of calcium, phosphates, enzymes, urea and bilirubin;
  • research of thyroid hormones and sex hormones.

In the photo there is a picture of radioisotope scanning of the skeleton

Methods of treatment

In the choice of treatment methods an important role is played by the stage of destruction of the bone tissue of the spine and the extent to which the clinical symptoms are expressed.

In cases where the disease is detected only with the help of densitometry and has no bright manifestations - all treatment should be aimed at reducing the rate of bone loss and preventing injury and fractures.

If the patient already complains of pain syndrome due to compression fractures or deformity of the spine, then therapy should be aimed at eliminating pain, preventing further reduction in bone density, as well as improving posture and increasing overall mobility.

Correction of a way of life

One of the factors contributing to slowing the progression of osteoporosis is a lifestyle change patient, which includes: adherence to a special diet, adequate physical activity and total rejection of harmful habits.

Nutrition for osteoporosis must necessarily include foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. In the diet, dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), marine fish of fatty varieties, and coarse black bread should be constantly present.

If the patient has excessive body weight, then it is necessary to limit consumption of flour products, sweets and carbonated beverages. This will reduce the burden on the spine and prevent the development of fractures.

Women are useful products containing phytoestrogens - plant analogues of sex hormones, which are reliable protectors of bone tissue.

A large number of them are found in soybeans, legumes, raw (non-roasted) nuts and greens.

It is proved that regular physical exertion can stop the progression of pathological destruction of bones.

When the spinal column is affected, swimming, cycling or just walking is the best option.


Banned all sports where there is a risk of injury, sudden movement or lifting weights.


Alcohol and tobacco accelerate the excretion of calcium from the body and inhibit its absorption in the intestine. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly abstain from these harmful habits, not only during active treatment, but also for the rest of your life.


To remove acute pain during compression fractures of the vertebrae, drugs from the group of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

A good effect can give the use of local remedies: gels, creams and ointments.

Some analgesic effect has calcitonin - with its use the pain takes 7-10 days.

With chronic pain in the back, the reception of selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which have fewer side effects, can be used for a long time. Also for anesthesia, you can use a hot bath or a shower.

Medication administration

In the treatment of osteoporosis of the spine, the same drugs are used as for the treatment of other forms of the disease.

  1. Bisphosphonates - a means of slowing down the processes of bone destruction and activating the synthesis of new bone elements. Their regular use reduces the risk of compression fractures vertebrae up to 50%.

  2. Calcitonin is a natural hormone derived from salmonid fish. It activates the processes of absorption and assimilation of calcium, and also has a pronounced analgesic effect.

  3. Replacement hormone therapy with estrogen in women, which significantly slows down osteoporosis and prevents the development of its complications.

  4. Vitamin complexes containing calcium in combination with vitamin D are indicated in the case of a lack of these components in food or a violation of their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

A person must learn to keep his back steady and control his movements. This helps to evenly distribute the load on the back and prevent fractures.

  • Under the prohibition of lifting any weights.
  • It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes on a non-slip sole without high heels.
  • To maintain balance when walking, it is advisable to use a cane (if necessary).
  • In a car, you must use regular seat belts.
  • If you need a long stay on your feet, you need to use an orthosis - a special corset, supporting the spine in the thoracic region. But you can not always wear it, as this will weaken the muscles of your back and torso.
  • If possible, avoid exits to the street in ice without accompaniment.

Osteoporosis is a disease, it is difficult to prevent development, and it is even more difficult to treat it.And only timely access to a doctor for diagnostics and therapy will allow to keep activity and mobility to a very old age.

A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/raznoe/osteoporoz-pozvonochnika.html

Treatment of osteoporosis of the lumbar, thoracic, cervical spine

Osteoporosis of the spine, the symptoms and treatment of which will be described below, is a systemic disease that develops against the background of a decrease in bone tissue density.

The strength of the vertebrae largely depends on the amount of calcium contained in the body. In some pathologies, this substance is washed out, which increases the fragility of the bones.

Osteoporosis of the cervical spine is the most frequent result of calcium deficiency and disruption of its assimilation.

In the future, the entire locomotor system is affected, increasing the risk of pathological fractures.

In general, pathology is found in women who entered the menopause, more than 30% of injuries received in old age, are associated with osteoporosis.

Clinical picture of the disease

The mechanism of bone tissue density reduction is associated with an increase in the activity of osteoclasts - cells that destroy the bones in order to update them.

Osteoblasts, responsible for the formation of tissues, lose their inherent functions. Resorption of bones proceeds faster than their restoration, therefore the walls of the vertebrae become thinner with time.

This form of the disease is called osteoporosis with decreased bone turnover. Another type of pathology develops against the backdrop of a deficiency of female sex hormones during the menopause.

The most rare form of osteoporosis is idiopathic, the causes of which remain unexplained.

When osteoporosis of the spine, pain occurs in one or another of its departments. They torture a person for several days, strengthening with the slightest movement. The most common is osteoporosis of the thoracic spine, in which unpleasant sensations are localized in the area of ​​scapula and ribs.

Often there are shooting, giving in the sacrum and loin. Osteoporosis, complicated by a vertebral fracture, is accompanied by acute pains, which are intensified by palpation, increased muscle tone. The most common injuries occur in the area between the 4 lumbar and 4 thoracic vertebrae.

With the further development of the pathological process, the following symptoms appear:

  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased efficiency;
  • limitation of mobility of the affected spine;
  • curvature of the post.

Severe forms of the disease are accompanied by the growth of the hump, the appearance of pathological bends, protrusion of the stomach.

At the initial stage, the osteoporosis of the lumbar spine may be asymptomatic, so it is only detected after a fracture is obtained.

In the presence of cracks in the vertebrae, aching pain may also not cause the patient any particular anxiety.

Types of osteoporosis and their signs

There are several forms of osteoporosis, which are distinguished for reasons of their origin and the nature of the lesion.

  1. The senile form is found in people older than 70 years, it is associated with a violation of the balance of resorption and osteogenesis.
  2. Postmenopausal osteoporosis is diagnosed in women older than 50 years. Its first symptoms appear 5-10 years after the termination of menstruation.
  3. The combined form occurs in elderly patients, several reasons contribute to its development.
  4. Secondary osteoporosis occurs against the backdrop of any pathological processes that disrupt the absorption of calcium.
  5. The local type of the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, in the future it goes into a diffuse form.

Specialists distinguish 3 degrees of reduction in bone tissue density:

  1. At the first stage, slight deformation of the vertebrae is observed, pain sensations are usually absent.
  2. In patients with grade 2 osteoporosis, the changes are moderate. At this stage, there are radiographic signs of the disease and the first symptoms of bone destruction, the pain becomes more pronounced.
  3. At 3 stages the deformation becomes obvious - the spine warps, the posture is disrupted, permanent pains and pathological fractures appear. They represent the greatest danger to the life and health of the patient, especially for elderly people.

Complex fractures of the spine, combined with lesions of other parts of the musculoskeletal system, make a person incapable of independent movement and committing familiar actions.

Recovery of bones in older people can drag on for several years, which makes the forecast unfavorable. More than half of patients who have suffered a spinal cord injury remain disabled.

In the absence of treatment of osteoporosis, the risk of recurrence of a fracture increases 4-fold.

The causes of deaths are:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute renal failure.

How to treat osteoporosis of the spine?

Ways to fight the disease

The treatment is aimed at normalizing the processes of calcium assimilation and filling the deficiency of this substance in the body. For this, high doses of preparations containing calcium and vitamin D are used: Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcemin. Metabolites of vitamin D3 improve the absorption of the substance in the intestine.

No less effective are drugs that reduce the activity of osteoclasts - biophosphonates, myacalcic. Anabolics are used in osteoporosis, which developed against the background of long-term use of glucocorticosteroids.

With osteoporosis of the spine, the treatment helps to eliminate pain and signs of inflammation. Outwardly, ointments with NSAIDs and bischofite are used. Facilitate the patient's state of physiotherapy:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • barotherapy.
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If a fracture occurs, the vertebra is fixed during surgery, after which a prolonged wearing of the corset is shown.

The effectiveness of drug treatment of uncomplicated cervical osteoporosis increases the special gymnastics. All exercises should be carried out in a recumbent position, it is forbidden to make sharp movements.

When the lumbar spine is affected, it is recommended to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and the abdominal press.


Massage can be performed both in inpatient and outpatient settings. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment is useful.


With complex fractures of the spine and a significant decrease in bone density, it is necessary to perform an operation - puncture vertebroplasty.

Treatment is ineffective if a person continues to eat improperly and lead a sedentary lifestyle. The diet should include calcium-rich foods:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • milk;
  • boiled fish.

A prolonged course of osteoporosis of the spine significantly worsens the patient's quality of life. However, this does not mean that you need to give up physical activity.

Moderate exercise helps to strengthen muscles and bones, restore blood circulation and metabolism.

The high risk of a fracture requires extreme caution from the person, especially when going out in the winter.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/prochee/simptomy-i-lechenie-osteoporoza-pozvonochnika.html

How to treat osteoporosis of the spine by different methods

Osteoporosis of the spine is a serious disease and many underestimate its consequences. This disease is characterized by a decrease in the density of the bone structure of the vertebrae.

The essence of the disease can be illustrated by the example of a sponge for washing dishes - a new foam sponge copes well with the task, but in the case of holes and lumens appearing in the sponge, if it is careless, it can tear or split into small parts. This process occurs in the bones of the spine, when they are sick with osteoporosis. Porosity replaces holes and at the slightest falls or jerks, destructive actions can be formed.

Osteoporosis in most cases is observed in people over 70 years. But women fall into the risk group during the menopause (every third woman suffers from this ailment).

The problem is hormonal balance. During the menopause, the female hormone estrogen decreases in its numbers, this provokes bone loss and women gain weight dramatically.

In men, this disease is diagnosed at a more advanced age and the causes are only slowed-down metabolic processes of the body.

Osteoporosis is considered a metabolic disease, as the fragility and porosity of bones is caused by a lack of calcium and macronutrients.

This leads to problems with metabolism and deterioration of metabolic processes, then the first symptoms of osteoporosis appear and a disease that requires serious treatment develops.

But osteoporosis is also found in school-age children. This is due to the rapid growth of bone and muscle tissue. In children this is called juvenile osteoporosis and if the treatment is started on time, a positive result can be achieved relatively quickly.

The disease so weakens the bone components of the spine, that fractures can occur even from small sharp loads, sudden movements and especially when falling.

The disease can affect any part of the spine, but the first ones suffer the most, which is the maximum load - this is the lower back.

Osteoporosis of the lumbar region causes complications in patients, and sometimes paralysis, since fractures can affect the spinal cord.

A variant of the disease is diffuse osteoporosis. Diffuse osteoporosis of the spine thinens the bone tissues right along the entire spine. This kind of illness causes disability of many people.


With diffuse osteoporosis, spine fractures reach such swings that the length of the spinal column decreases.


Outwardly a person becomes 10-15 centimeters lower.

With the pathology of the hand, disproportionately long compared with the trunk, and there is a cardinal effect on virtually all vital organs of man.

Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine

The fragility of the bone tissue of the spine does not immediately manifest itself, it is an insidious disease that manifests itself when serious disturbances began.

Osteoporosis of the spine will show symptoms and treatment in a short time can not allow irreversible changes, but you need to carefully recognize the signs of the body to understand the cause.

In the initial stages of the disease, patients complain of minor aching pains to the back along the vertebra, but over time the symptoms become pronounced:

  • Severe pain
  • Pains appear with sudden movements, bruises, small falls, heavy lifting. Physical contact with the affected area gives the patient painful sensations. These pains last up to a month and a half and are released for a while. But they come back again together with irritating factors.
  • With multiple micro-fractures, the vertebrae are seated under their own weight and from the load of the muscle tissue. Because of this, a person feels pain with laughter, breathing, coughing and sneezing and hiccups.
  • The appearance of humps on the back

If osteoporosis affects several vertebrae at once, then the deformation of the spine is inevitable.

The first are affected by 1 and 2 vertebrae of the lumbar and 10 and 12 thoracic. It is in these areas that the spine has bends for normal weight distribution and these bends most often primarily cover osteoporosis, outwardly forming a hump.

Decrease in growth

As already mentioned above, deformation of the spinal column externally affects growth. A person in a short time can become lower by 10, and sometimes 15 cm. With shrinkage of the vertebrae, the distance between the ribs decreases and there is constant pain in the side, and the chest becomes noticeably smaller.

Decreased bone density by 30%

The level of bone density can be seen on an x-ray. A healthy bone will be brightly displayed, but the affected one has a barely noticeable outline. The fact is that X-rays pass through large pores in the bones and are poorly fixed in the picture.

Causes of the disease

Although the disease and associated with age-related changes in the body, but the development of the disease sometimes affects a number of factors:

  • Diseases associated with osteoporosis

As the disease progresses, when the metabolism worsens, it is primarily affected by diseases that cause metabolic processes, namely: rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the intestinal tract, urinary system.

Timely treatment reduces the risk of osteoporosis of the spine;

  • Admission of hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs can cause a hormonal failure, which, if untimely, will cause osteoporosis and will be a factor in its further development;

  • Unbalanced nutrition

The low intake of products with calcium and vitamin D directly causes a pathological change in the structure of the bone tissue of the spine;

The constant use of alcoholic beverages and coffee, as well as smoking and taking drugs, contribute to the withdrawal of calcium from the bones, making them fragile;

People with excessive body weight increase the burden on the skeleton and, first of all, on the vertebral canal. With a constant load, the destruction of bone tissue occurs much faster than in people with normal weight. Therefore, full people begin to suffer from osteoporosis earlier than in old age;

  • Insufficient mobility

A sedentary lifestyle is a catalyst for many diseases of the spine, not excluding osteoporosis. Office workers, seamstresses, sellers at the box office are susceptible to this disease, because the metabolism slows down, and there are violations in the circulation of the body.

Methods of treatment of osteoporosis of the spine

How to treat osteoporosis of the spine is interested in many people who are sick with this terrible disease. Internet spaces fill the video with the methods of treatment.

But is it possible to cure osteoporosis at home? Unfortunately, without the help of an experienced orthopedist, home treatment is very dangerous and can only harm the health of a sick person more.

First of all, with the manifestation of pain and other symptoms, it is necessary to visit the doctor and undergo a complete a survey that can confirm the diagnosis and show the degree of complications and pathologies organism.

If the doctor has diagnosed an osteoporosis of the spine, the treatment should begin immediately.

Osteoporosis of the spine does not exclude treatment at home, but only after it is approved by the attending physician and prescribes procedures.

The algorithm of treatment depends on the degree of development of the disease. If the patient does not complain of acute pain, but during the examination the first foci of the disease were found, then all the forces are cast to improve the metabolism and restore the bone density to the former density.

But if the patient has fractures, deformity of the spine and acute pain syndromes, you first need to get rid of the pain, and then go on to the restoration of bone tissue.


The basis of drug treatment includes drugs with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. The intake of these drugs is strictly controlled by the attending physician, since long-term administration threatens the occurrence of other serious diseases.


After the pain symptomatology is removed it is possible to pass to conservative methods of treatment of an osteoporosis:


Diet for osteoporosis of the spine should be balanced and delivered to the body in the right amount with calcium products, vitamin D and phosphorus.

A high level of the described vitamins and macronutrients is found in fish, fermented milk products, carrots and sesame, as well as in black bread. The diet should become the norm of life in the future, so that the disease does not develop.

If you can not get vitamins and macronutrients from foods, then you need to resort to pharmacy vitamin complexes;


Gymnastics for osteoporosis of the spine is carried out after the metabolism is restored.

Exercises for osteoporosis of the spine are prescribed by the attending physician and the first sessions should be performed under the supervision of a specialist.

LFK removes muscle tension from the spine, improves blood circulation and strengthens the corset. Physiotherapy is contraindicated if painful sensations return during exercise;


In osteoporosis, classical, Swedish and reflex massage are used. It must be done by specialists. Types of massage alternate and restore the work of muscles, reflexes and blood circulation.

Even if all the procedures have been followed by an improvement in the state of health, it is not necessary to stop doing them.

For prevention, repeat the course of massage, and gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises should be conducted every day or every other day.

Massage in osteoporosis is contraindicated if the destruction of the vertebrae continues, as physical efforts can provoke new cracks and fractures.

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A source: http://zspina.ru/zabolevaniya/osteoporoz/pozvonochnika-simptomy-i-lechenie.html