Capsicum ointment: instructions for use

Capsicum is a combined remedy showing an analgesic and irritating property.

Used for muscle and joint pain, as well as as a warming ointment for sports. Pain is one of the most common clinical syndromes that threaten temporary (and in some cases permanent) disability.

On this page you will find all information about Capsicum: full instructions for use on this medication medium, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied ointment Capsicum. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Preparation with local irritating and analgesic action.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Price list

How much does ointment Capsicum cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of300 rubles.


Form of issue and composition

Capsicum is produced as an ointment for external use.

1 g of ointment contains:

  • active substances: benzilnicotinate - 20 mg, nonivamide (vanillylnonamide) - 2 mg, racemic camphor - 30 mg, turpentine gum - 30 mg, dimethylsulfoxide - 50 mg;
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  • auxiliary substances: bronopol, polysorbate 80, sodium cetyl stearyl sulfate, cetyl stearyl alcohol, emulsifier type A, purified water.

Pharmacological effect

All components of the composition of the "Capsicum" ointment have the ability to cause irritation on the surface of the skin.

  1. Turpentine turpentine. The source of natural compounds with anti-inflammatory activity, capable of improving blood flow with topical application.
  2. Camphor is racemic. A volatile substance of natural origin that irritates cold receptors and causes a slight feeling of cold on the skin. Introduced into the "Capsicum" as an additional irritant, distracting from the main source of painful sensations.
  3. Dimethyl sulfoxide. Volatile matter, rapidly penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis and into the systemic bloodstream. As part of the "Capsicum" plays the role of a conductor, providing transportation through the skin of the active components.
  4. Benzyl nicotinate. Vasodilator, which improves peripheral blood flow due to the expansion of surface vessels. Causes blood flow to the site of application.
  5. Noniwamid. This is a synthetic derivative with an action analogous to capsation. It has anti-inflammatory, hyperthermic, irritating properties, activates peripheral circulation.

Immediately after application of the ointment "Capsicum" to the skin, a cooling sensation appears, characteristic of camphor.

Indications for use

Ointment is recommended for such symptoms as:

  1. Pain in the muscles (myalgia) and joints (arthralgia);
  2. Neuralgic pain;
  3. Radiculitis;
  4. Osteochondrosis;
  5. In sports medicine as a heating agent.

"Capsicum" for treatment needs to be taken a little, and not to spread ointment as butter on a sandwich. After applying, do not take a hot shower.


The drug can be used only as directed by a doctor. Due to the components of the ointment components, Capsicum has the following contraindications for use:

  1. Bleeding wound surfaces;
  2. Pyoderma;
  3. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  4. Excessive sensitivity to the components that make up the ointment;
  5. Excessive dryness of the skin, microcracks;
  6. Atopic dermatitis, wet eczema;
  7. Age to 16 years.

After application of the drug to the skin, the patient feels very burning, so people with hypersensitive skin should be tested for tolerance in a small area before using the ointment.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated for use in pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use

In the instructions for use it is indicated that Ointment Capsicum is used externally.

  • When used as a heating aid in athletes before physical exertion on the relevant muscles apply a small amount of ointment (about 2-3 grams) and rubbed with massaging movements until light redness skin. After training, you should wash off the ointment from the skin with cool water.
  • With myalgia and arthralgia - 1-3 g of ointment applied to the area of ​​the painful area and lightly rubbed into the skin 2-3 times / day. The length of the course of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the disease and is on average 10 days.

After each procedure, wash your hands with soap and water.


Side effects

Of the side effects of Capsicam, allergic reactions are noted: redness, itching, swelling and urticaria.

The drug can cause fainting, cardiac complications.


There are no data on overdosage and drug interaction between Capsicam and other drugs.

Capsicum is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

special instructions

Avoid contact with ointment on open wounds and mucous membranes. To avoid side effects, it is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment on the skin beforehand to determine the sensitivity to the drug.

Drug Interactions

Clinically significant drug interaction was not detected.


We picked up some feedback from people about the Capsicum product:

  1. Alina. But I always put my capsicum with my mother and father to the dacha. And then they at me summer residents inveterate and happens so will process, that then both a loin and joints to hurt or be ill; be sick begin, so they rub and it becomes easier to them. By the way, they have already opened the dacha season, they need to buy ointment and put them in the first-aid kit.
  2. Olga. In addition to a strong warming action, lasting a very long time, pressing and depressing, no therapeutic effects from I have not seen the application of Kapsikam, therefore I consider its role supplementing the use of other means in the treatment of joint pain, but not main. Rubbing his hands in a painful place is fraught with permanent burning for the hands, even after washing off with soapy water, and the place rubbed with them during the movements becomes so unbearably hot that you want to howl.
  3. Anna. Oh, and I suffered from cellulite. And wrapping did, a lot of money in beauty salons left. On the advice of her friend, I tried cheap and the best, in my opinion, a remedy. This is a mixture of cream and ointment Kapsikam, did, as they said, and was satisfied! And yet, I modeled 30+ to drink, that would lose weight. Has thrown off 8 kg. After such changes, I'm beautiful.
  4. Marina. Excellent ointment. Helps in any situation to cope with the pain in the back: and the work is sedentary, and at the dacha quite often, it happens, snatches. The pain passes quickly enough and the warming effect at the height


If the ointment for some reason is not suitable for treatment or is poorly tolerated, it can be replaced by analogues. For the treatment of radiculitis, sciatica, joint pains are suitable:

  • "Finalgon
  • "Finalgel
  • "Flamydes
  • "Apizarthron".

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep the medicine in a cool place, away from children. After each use, the tube must be tightened tightly! The expiration date is indicated on the package, at the end of the medicine must be discarded.

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