Dry cough in an adult treated with folk remedies

Folk remedy for coughing adults: how to cure quickly at home

Cough (dry or wet) accompanies almost all colds.

The appearance of a cough testifies to the defeat of the respiratory tract - larynx, trachea, bronchi.

In these parts of the human body, sensitive receptors are responsible for the cough reflex, which is a protective reaction.

At a time when a person coughs, everything that adversely affects his health goes out of his respiratory tract. However, despite the protective mission of coughing, it so exhausts the sick person that the latter has a dream, pains appear in the muscles, sometimes a violent cough can reach vomiting.

Some people are very hard to tolerate a cough, so many patients of a therapist are interested in the question: how quickly to cure people with cough at home?

Coughing can signal the development of a dangerous disease in an adult's body. Therefore, before starting to treat it at home, you need to go to the doctor.

If a doctor does not have a suspicion of a more serious illness than an ordinary cold, cough treatment can be done on his own. In the event that a doctor has any doubts about the nature of this phenomenon, he will prescribe to the patient an additional examination.

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For the treatment of colds, the doctor will prescribe medications to the patient, which can be combined with recipes of traditional medicine.

To prevent the occurrence of side effects from such treatment, you should prepare the folk remedies only after carefully studying their recipes.

Folk recipes

To cure cough in adults, you can drink licorice syrup, which must be drunk three times a day for one week. Syrup of licorice without alcohol along with a spoonful of natural honey is added to plain or herbal tea.

Another recipe, with which you can quickly cure a cold and get rid of the heat at home:

  1. Take a small piece of ginger and grind it on a grater.
  2. The resulting mass is placed in a brewer with a herb collection.
  3. Pour into the kettle and boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Before use in the drink, add one teaspoon of lime honey.

This remedy for cough can be drunk 3 times a day.

Three times a day for one week must take the following composition:

  • large onion rub on a large grater and squeeze out the juice from it;
  • to the juice obtained, add a teaspoon of honey and let the agent brew.

Using this recipe will help to quickly cure even a strong cough.

If an adult is allowed to drink warmed milk with honey and a piece of butter, a fit of coughing will stop quickly. Such a drink can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In addition to the fact that milk with honey softens on the throat, it is also pleasant to taste.

With dry cough at home, steam inhalations are performed. Very useful conifer baths with a water temperature of 37-38. You can stay in a bath for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the patient must be immediately put in bed. The number of sessions per course is 12-15.

How to quickly cure a cold with a cough, using folk recipes

Today, doctors know a huge amount of effective folk remedies that doctors recommend to their patients for a cold or an infection accompanied by a cough.

In the diet of the patient it is useful to include the following foods:

  1. Grated radish, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil;
  2. Hercules, boiled on milk;
  3. mashed potatoes;
  4. dairy products;
  5. Grapes - acts as an expectorant and healing for the lungs
  6. honey - without this product the treatment of colds is not complete.
Grape juice mixed with honey is a truly unique remedy with a strong cough. But from the use of coffee patient should be temporarily abandoned. The drink can be replaced by chicory with a trace of milk.

The lemon slipped through the meat grinder needs to be mixed with a little honey - this compound helps the adult patient to quickly cure even a very strong cough and get rid of the heat.

In order to restore the diseased water-alkaline balance of the body, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Water helps dilute the sputum accumulated in the bronchi.

Doctors advise to use alkaline mineral water, the chemical composition of which approximates the moment of recovery.

How to treat dry cough

To cure a dry cough with folk remedies is not so easy. A rapid effect can be achieved only by simultaneous administration of drugs that suppress the cough reflex. But this is not a cure for the disease, it's only getting rid of the symptoms.

With a dry cough, provoked by a cold disease, it is useful to carry out inhalations. To prepare an inhalant should be mixed in equal amounts of thyme, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, sage, take 4 tbsp. spoons of this raw material and pour boiling water. Add in infusion 2 drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil and one teaspoon of soda. Inhalation should be done several times a day.

  • Diet patient should be enriched with high-calorie, but not heavy food.
  • The daily menu should include vegetables and fruits.
  • Quickly cure dry cough is impossible without the use of expectorants.
  • The patient must necessarily see the doctor.

The appearance of a dry cough against the background of a cold is a very typical phenomenon. Sometimes cough to treat and not necessary, he independently passes during the treatment of the disease itself.

If it is nasal and accompanied by viscous sputum, it is necessary to start taking medications that dilute sputum.

Folk recipes for cough reflex treatment

Folk recipes for cough should be used for complex disposal of the disease. To refuse from the medicamental therapy appointed or nominated by the doctor, it is not necessary. Traditional medicine is effective only as an auxiliary treatment.

The following recipes, due to their effectiveness, are very popular among the people:

  1. Colds accompanied by coughs are well treated with honey and radish. In the radish cut a small hole with a knife and pour honey into it. The product will very soon release juice, which must be drunk one teaspoon 4 times a day.
  2. You can quickly cure with a fig, previously soaked in milk. To do this, use cow's milk, which must be heated to a hot state. In the milk you need to put a few fruits of figs, insist and grind along with the milk. Puff-like mass should be taken 1/3 cup before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Treat a dry cough with a mixture of aloe, honey and butter. Ingredients should be taken in equal parts, mix and take the resulting product one teaspoon 4 times a day.
  4. Fight with a painful cough you can take infusions of medicinal herbs. For example, infusions from thyme, plantain and nettle. Leaves of the plant must be crushed, pour a glass of steep boiling water, put in a water bath and keep it for about 15 minutes. Next, the remedy should be infused for 30 minutes. Chilled broth filter and take one tablespoon before meals 5-6 times a day.
  5. Radish finely chopped, covered with sugar, put on a baking sheet and baked for 2 hours. The pieces of radish should then be discarded, and the juice from the pan should be drained into a container. Such a remedy can be given even to infants.
  6. There is a special cough cure for coffee lovers. It is not recommended to use coffee for colds, but it can be replaced with chicory, oats, rye, barley, which are brewed just like ordinary coffee. You can add milk to the drink.

In severe attacks, you need to take poppy milk. It is prepared as follows:

  • a few spoons of dry poppy soak in hot water;
  • drain the water, and crush the poppy in a mortar;
  • add a tumbler of boiling water to the crushed poppy and insist 10-15 minutes.
  • To profile.

To drink such milk it is necessary warm.

The cause of dry coughing can be an external allergen or irritant. Such a phenomenon can not be treated in the ways listed above. Therefore, when a cough reflex occurs, it is first necessary to consult a doctor.

The doctor will determine the nature of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Do I need to quickly cough?

The described phenomenon in most cases acts as a kind of protective reaction of the organism, aimed at removing toxins that appeared due to the development of some inflammatory the process

. Given this fact, the elimination of coughing will directly contribute to further infection of a person. Toxins will accumulate, and the disease will pass into a chronic form.

However, medicine is also known for its unproductive, debilitating cough, which is already unable to perform its drainage function. In such a situation, the suppression of the cough center by medical preparations is fully justified. Although quickly to win cough and get rid of high temperatures can and without taking pharmacological agents.

  1. Radish (6-8 pieces) should be cut into thin slices, covered with sugar and set aside for 6 hours for infusion, until the juice is separated from the product. This juice should be drunk every hour for one tablespoon.
  2. Pour a small lemon with boiling water and put on fire for 10 minutes. Then the lemon needs to be cooled, cut into slices and squeezed out the juice into the same water, in which the lemon was cooked. To the liquid, add two tablespoons of glycerin oil and ½ cup of honey. This mixture should be taken several times a day for 2 tablespoons.

Other recommendations

A patient with a cold should drink boiled milk, with the addition of:

  • alkaline mineral water;
  • honey;
  • anise oil;
  • turmeric;
  • soda;
  • figs.

With hoarseness, you should drink tea with butter and have cocoa butter. This often happens with the flu, so in parallel it's good to know how to treat flu at home.

For a quick exit of phlegm, you need to use a composition made from cowberry juice and honey (you can use sugar syrup).

Medical preparations for coughing complex effects have a very negative effect on the liver. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease should be treated separately. Most often, doctors prescribe to their patients expectorant and suppressive medications.

Expectorants are very effective in getting rid of sputum. Suppressive drugs, however, suppress only the cough reflex.

Preventive actions:

  1. Frequent washing of hands.
  2. Use of a medical dressing in contact with sick people.
  3. To give up smoking.
  4. Reception of vitamins.
  5. Passing an annual vaccination against influenza.
  6. Drinking lots of fluids.

Before you start taking this or that drug, be sure to carefully read the instructions. The medicine may have contraindications and side effects, which can seriously affect the general condition of the patient. Self-medication is best not to deal with, drug therapy, as well as folk remedies can be taken only on the advice of a doctor, and why is said in the video in this article.


Treatment of dry cough in adults with medicines and folk remedies

During a person's life, various ailments, such as colds, flu, ARVI, can be affected. This is quite unpleasant. However, if a dry cough joins the disease - the situation can become excruciating. After all, sometimes such a symptom does not allow the patient to talk normally, take food and even sleep. How is dry cough treated in adults? Are people's means able to help?

Types of cough

This symptom refers to the normal reaction of the body to the penetration of an infection or other irritant into the respiratory tract. In such a situation, there is a need to get rid of the source of the problem. Therefore, a person has a cough. If sputum escapes with it, then it helps to remove all the bad from the body. If it is not, then the treatment of dry cough in adults begins with the transformation of it into a wet cough. For such purposes, mucolytic drugs are used.

Physicians classify dry cough into the following types:

  1. Barking. It differs by its specific sound. This cough accompanies hoarseness, whistling, shortness of breath. The decrease in the function of breathing is noticeably noticeable.
  2. Paroxysmal. In this form, a paroxysmal course is observed. The patient coughs for so long and so violently that the gag reflex works. In this case, there is a burning sensation in the throat.
  3. Chronic. There is a coughing periodically. This form is most resistant to various methods of treatment. As a rule, this species is peculiar to people who have bad habits (smoking).

Factors provoking cough

It is important to understand which sources provoke this pathology. After all, the causes and treatment of severe dry cough in adults are interrelated. The following factors can cause an unpleasant symptom:

  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammation of the respiratory (upper) pathways;
  • heredity;
  • overstrain of a nervous nature;
  • dry air in the room;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • insufficient fluid intake.

Causes of a symptom

It is important to remember that often acts as a symptom of any cough disease in adults. Causes and treatment of a severe dry cough can only be determined by a doctor. After all, this symptom can signal the following ailments:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malignant formations;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • helminthic invasions.

Why do I need diagnostics?

Most people think they know how and what to cure an adult cough. The recommendation to undergo diagnostics causes them only bewilderment. However, it is very important to identify the true cause that provoked the cough. After all, some drugs are contraindicated in certain circumstances. Ignoring such a requirement often leads to serious consequences.

Therefore, if you experience this symptomatology, the best solution is to consult a doctor. If necessary, the following examinations can be scheduled:

  • chest x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • blood test (expanded);
  • a study on the sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • an immunogram;
  • Analysis of urine.

Treatment with medicines

Various preparations can be prescribed for cough elimination. They are subdivided according to the spectrum of action. Some are aimed at suppressing cough receptors. Others are able to calm the irritated throat and withdraw phlegm in case of its presence.

Medicamentous methods of struggle depend on the cause that provoked a dry cough in an adult. Treatment for a cold or inflammation of the respiratory tract is as follows:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs - Doxycycline, Amoxil.
  2. Antitussive medications are Codeine, Codterpine, Stoptusin, Gripex, Atusin, Mukodex, and Libexin.
  3. Antihistamines - "Loratodin "Claritin "Diazolin "Pulmolor".
  4. Mucolytic drugs - Ambroxol, ACTS, Fluidite, Carbocysteine, Ambrobene.

It is very important to remember that antitussive drugs, which contain codeine, are referred to as semi-narcotic drugs. Therefore, it is very cautious to apply them. In addition, such drugs can inhibit a person's reaction.

List of medicines for dry cough

Medicine does not stand still. Pharmacology is also developing rapidly. Today's market provides patients with a wide range of different drugs. Their diversity sometimes leads to a dead end. What medicine to choose to overcome a dry cough in an adult? Treatment, if it is undertaken without the recommended diagnosis, should not only help, but - most importantly - do no harm to health!

Consider some of the medicines that have recently been very popular.

Antitussive remedy "Sinekod"

The effect of the drug is directed strictly on the cough center. Recommended for use in the acute phase of dry cough. And during pregnancy this drug is contraindicated.

Combination medicine "Gerbion"

The preparation is based on natural components. In addition to antitussive action, the drug has antimicrobial properties. The drug is contraindicated in those individuals who have an increased susceptibility to the ingredients of the drug. With great caution it is recommended to take diabetics. There are side effects, such as allergies.

The drug "Broncholitin"

This tool is distinguished by its ability to influence the cough center. In addition, the drug has excellent antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties. It expands the bronchi, removes the mucus edema, improves breathing. However, patients suffering from heart failure, this tool is not recommended for admission. Treatment of dry cough in adults with this drug can accompany side effects such as tremor, insomnia, tachycardia, nausea.

The use of folk remedies

Is it possible to eliminate dry cough in adults by home methods? The causes and treatment of folk remedies, again, are related. It should be remembered that home methods can help only if the inflammation is localized in the upper larynx and tonsils. With affected lungs and bronchi, folk remedies are usually ineffective.

During such treatment it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions:

  • bed rest;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • complex treatment with folk remedies.

Methods of home therapy

Effective treatment of dry cough folk remedies includes the following:

  1. Application of mustard plasters, cans.
  2. Use of compresses on the throat area.
  3. Drawing of iodine nets.
  4. Implementation of inhalations.
  5. Abundant drink.
  6. The use of decoctions of chamomile (pharmacy), ledum, St. John's wort, oregano.
  7. Use of nursing fees.

Folk recipes

Optimal use of folk remedies in combination with a prescribed therapy is considered optimal. Only in this case, the treatment of dry cough in adults will be most effective.

Consider several recipes, recognized as the best weapon against this symptom:

  1. A mixture of oil and honey.The ingredients will be needed for 1 hour. spoon. Butter should be softened, but not melted. All day it is recommended to use the prepared mixture before eating. Some time after receiving the composition, it is advisable not to drink or eat. In this case, the active substances will be able to linger on the mucous throat, and therefore, it is beneficial to act on the inflamed areas.
  2. Radish and honey.One of the effective means. At the radish (medium size), cut off the tip. Carefully remove part of the pulp. Pour liquid honey into the resulting fossa in the root crop. Close the radish with a cut top and remove it for one day in the refrigerator. During this time, the juice in the root cavity is formed, mixed with honey. Such a composition should be applied for 1 tbsp. spoon from three to five times a day.
  3. Aloe and honey.For medicinal purposes, it is best to use a three-year-old plant. You need to cut three leaves. Do not choose young shoots. Grind them. To the resulting gruel should be added 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. And as much red wine. This remedy must be consumed three times a day. A single dose is 1 tbsp. spoon. If desired, the product can be heated immediately before use.


Self-administration (without the appointment of a doctor) of antitussive drugs can be quite dangerous for the body. After all, some of the drugs described above can affect the central nervous system. In addition, their uncontrolled use sometimes leads to addiction.


Folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis

With the onset of the first colds, the number of people suffering from colds increases. Frequent companions of acute respiratory infections are inflammations of the upper respiratory tract causing a debilitating cough, which will be very difficult to cope with. There is a whole arsenal of medicines designed to fight the common cold. However, their use is not always possible. Then people's remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis come to the rescue. The most popular are herbal decoctions, honey and inhalations. They help to cope with the disease, without harming the body.

Advantages of folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine during its existence contained a huge number of methods of treatment. Each of them, before reaching us, was tested not on one generation. The effectiveness of using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis is confirmed by the recognition of official medicine. Herbal preparations are prescribed as part of complex therapy in parallel with antibiotics, and sometimes they are also used as an independent remedy for the treatment of ailment. This is explained by the presence of the advantages of folk methods over medicines, among them:

  • Environmental Safety.
  • Mild effects on the body as a whole.
  • Long-term effectiveness check.
  • The ability to combine several treatments.
  • The minimum number of contraindications.
  • Lack of addiction.
  • Minimal chance of side effects.
  • Vitaminization of the body and strengthening of immunity.

The most effective folk remedies for coughing

How to get rid of a cough? There is a huge arsenal of folk remedies that help to defeat the disease. An important condition for the effectiveness of their use is to determine the characteristics of the disease. Cough can be morning, night, dry, with phlegm, constant or intermittent. In addition, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient. Particular attention needs an approach to the treatment of infants. Let's consider, effective folk remedies for a strong cough, bronchitis and tracheitis:

For adults

How fast can an adult be cured? Folk remedies for cough, acute bronchitis and tracheitis in adults include decoctions, infusions from plant raw materials, applications and inhalations. Chronic bronchitis treatment with folk remedies:

  • Goose fat for oral administration. Helps cure dry, rending cough. The main effect of goose fat is to dilute sputum, removing it from the lungs. For the manufacture of the drug, use the interior fat of the bird, which is heated by over-frying. To cure a prolonged cough, drink in the morning one tablespoon of fat on an empty stomach. Relief comes on the second day. Completely get rid of a prolonged cough is obtained within 7 days of fat treatment.
  • Milk, honey, onion and garlic. The broth, prepared with the help of these ingredients, helps with a strong wet cough, relieves wheezes. To get the drug, take a half-liter of milk, boil in it for 10 minutes, three pre-chopped bulbs, the head of garlic. After that, allow to cool slightly and pour all the contents into the blender, where it is ground to the state of gruel. Then add a couple tablespoons of honey, better than lime. Drink this cough drug at least 5 times a day, pre-heating a little. Relief of the condition comes after the first admission.
  • Bogorodskaya herb (thyme). This fragrant plant helps from chronic dry cough, including the smoker's cough. Very good expectorant folk remedy. The broth is made from 250 ml of water and one tablespoon of dry herb. The grass is added to cold water, brought to a boil and tinned for 5 minutes. The broth must be filtered. Adults drink a remedy in a warm form instead of tea. Children are given 1/3 cup morning and evening. Receiving a decoction from a cough will dilute sputum, which helps to clear the lungs, even from tobacco products. You need to drink medicine for at least two weeks.
  • Potatoes. With the help of this vegetable, an effective application is made, helping to cope with a chronic cough. To do this, take 2-3 potatoes, peel and boil. Without letting to cool, the ready potatoes are mashed, put in a plastic bag. On the back of the patient put a cotton napkin, on top of which a bag of mashed potatoes is applied. It is necessary to check if the hot compress is not too hot before applying. Top cover with a blanket. The application from the cough is kept until the potatoes cool down.

For children

Children's cough is cured more difficult, if only because it is more difficult to clear the respiratory tract from sputum. But there are a number of folk remedies that cure even a protracted cough for a child. Dr. Komarovsky suggests easing it by diluting sputum. To this end, the doctor recommends the use of cough treatment in children by folk remedies. Among them, the following methods are distinguished by their efficiency and ease of use:

  • Eggs, milk, honey. With the help of these ingredients, a sweet potion is prepared which will quickly cure a slight cough. To prepare the preparation, take a glass of boiled milk, add 30 g of honey and butter. Separately, we'll take out the egg yolk, put it in milk. To drink such a medicine is better at night.
  • Onion, sugar. A sweet syrup made from these ingredients weakens a strong cough. For him, you need 2 bulbs, a liter of water and a glass of sugar. The washed bulbs are dipped in boiling water with sugar dissolved in it and are pressed for about an hour. Then the syrup is drained. Children are given one tablespoon of warm medication every three to four hours.
  • Honey, cabbage. These products make the application of a cough to the chest. The remedy is very effective, relief comes the day after the first procedure. To prepare, you need one cabbage leaf and a couple of spoons of honey. Sheet smeared with honey, put to the chest. The coughing application is kept all night. In the morning they remove the sluggish leaf of cabbage. Honey is completely absorbed into the patient's skin. Before using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis, it is necessary to measure the temperature, if it is above 3 degrees, then it is better to postpone the procedure.

Recipes for treatment of bronchitis at home

Bronchitis is a serious disease that begins as a simple cold, which results in inflammation of the bronchi. Accompanying the ailment with hard breathing, first a dry cough, then wet, sometimes almost squelching. In patients, the temperature rises and there is pain in the chest with a cough. Chronic bronchitis symptoms are diagnosed only by a doctor. The presence of this form of disease is indicated by thickening of the walls of the bronchi. It is more difficult to treat the disease and you can not do without folk remedies. The causes of bronchitis are normal seasonal infections.

If the child is sick, then how to treat bronchitis in children? In this case, you need to get a doctor's consultation. Signs of bronchitis in the child do not manifest immediately. From the moment of the disease can take about a week. In such cases, excretion of sputum becomes very important. Otherwise, complications in the form of bronchopneumonia, the treatment of which is made only in a hospital. We offer the most effective, easy ways to treat bronchitis:

  • Black radish. The juice of this root will help to cope with acute bronchitis. To do this, you need a couple of vegetables that are thoroughly washed. In each root crop, using a knife, cut off the cap and take out the pulp in the form of a funnel. In the lower part, only a small puncture is made. Take a tea cup, put a radish in it. Put a teaspoon of honey into the resulting funnel. From below, through the puncture, after 30 minutes, sweet juice begins to drip. Give it on a tablespoon 5 times a day. Apply this syrup with a dry cough. Relief of bronchitis symptoms comes on the third day.
  • Ginger. This miracle root has antiseptic, expectorant, bactericidal action, cures a severe cough, relieves bronchospasm. Can be used as a prophylaxis for pneumonia, bronchitis. To make a drug, you need one teaspoon of lemon juice, ginger and honey, a glass of boiling water. Juices are mixed, honey is added. Give the mixture to stand and pour boiling water. Cover the container with something warm and let it stand for 10 minutes. Drinking a drug from bronchitis should be one hour. l. every 30 minutes.
  • Badger fat. Strong means of atrophic and obstructive bronchitis. They drink fat from cough in undiluted form on one tablespoon in the morning. The agent helps to restore the epithelium of the bronchi. You can drink not only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, but also for prevention in the autumn-winter period. Children are not recommended to give this medication for bronchitis: it can provoke a strong allergic reaction.

How to treat tracheitis with folk remedies

Tracheitis is a catarrhal disease that often takes on a chronic form. Accompanies SARS, sinusitis, bronchitis. They are often affected by women and children. Characterized by perspiration in the throat, dry "barking" cough, change in voice for the time of illness. Than to treat a tracheitis? Traditional medicine offers a lot of easy ways, eliminating this problem. The most effective are the following:

  • Birch tar. This ingredient is used to make a strong cough remedy. To do this, take a spoonful of tar and dilute it with 8 tablespoons of boiled water. Stir and insist for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the liquid, pour it into another dish and put in the refrigerator. Drink this drug you need one spoon at night. In the morning, tar should be rinsed with tar water. To cure a severe cough, three procedures are enough.
  • Cacao butter. This product helps cure tracheitis, dry, hard cough and bronchitis. Chocolate aroma of oil allows you to use the medicine in the treatment of children. To do this, mix the butter with hot milk in the proportions: 0 and drink. At a time, take no more than 100 ml of the drug. It is allowed to eat 3 times a day.

Video: inhalations that cushion cough

How to cure a cough? For colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough, inhalation is used. This procedure helps reduce the viscosity of phlegm and mucus in the nasopharynx and removes them from the body. For her, you need an inhaler, decoctions of herbs (sage, marigold, eucalyptus, chamomile), soda, iodine, Borjomi mineral water, fresh onion juice and garlic. In some cases, with a strong cough, combinations of these ingredients are used. In order for the procedure to work, follow certain rules about which you will learn from the following video:

Feedback on results after treatment

Alisa, 34 years old: I'm a teacher, and I, like many teachers, have weak vocal cords. In addition to the peaks of the spread of infection, when all the children get sick, I get infected from them and I suffer from tracheitis for a long time. The only salvation for me was inhalation with mineral water. They soften the throat, relieve dryness and help quickly get rid of cough with phlegm. In addition to inhalations, I do a castor compress for the night, which helps me cope with the disease without the sick.

Oksana, 24 years old: I have a little son. He's 2 years old. He is very often sick. Cope with a cough helps a cake of honey, mustard and flour. I take all the ingredients in equal proportions and mix. In order not to get irritated, I lubricate the skin with baby cream. I put a flat cake on the back, I put a diaper on top and wrap it around. I hold three or four hours and shoot. Cough completely passes for a week.

Victor, 48 years old: I have chronic bronchitis. But I have not remembered it for years because of badger fat. I drink this folk remedy in the autumn every year on a teaspoon before breakfast. On the course I use a half liter jar. Very tasteless medicine with a peculiar smell, but it always saved me from coughing. When absolutely unbearable, I add honey. This means is not suitable for everyone. My wife has a sick liver, she can not drink it.


Treatment of dry cough in children and adults - drugs, folk remedies

Dry cough is an unconditioned reflex, which performs the function of cleansing the respiratory tract from various irritants - sputum, mucus, pus, foreign bodies, thereby helping to clear the bronchial tree and trachea.

Usually, dry cough appears at the beginning of any infectious, viral illness, colds. Depending on the causative agent and immune response, its intensity can be different, from minor to debilitating, paroxysmal, intensifying during sleep.

How to treat dry cough in children and adults, what medications and folk remedies can be used to relieve it and quickly transfer to moist? This is our article.

Causes of dry cough in children and adults

Before starting the treatment of dry cough, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused its appearance. If it's a common cold or flu, then with bed rest, copious drinking regimen, symptomatic therapy through a few days a dry cough becomes productive with a light sputum - this is a good sign, indicating that a person recovers.

A dry cough is an excuse for addressing a therapist, as a whole range of diseases can hide behind him. Moreover, if a dry cough does not pass 10 or more days - this is a serious reason to contact a therapist or pediatrician.

The doctor, on the basis of examination, anamnesis of the patient, can send for the following tests and diagnostics:

  • General blood analysis
  • Fluorography for suspected pneumonia or if not done in the last 2 years
  • According to the indications - X-ray in 2 projections (suspicion of cancer, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis)
  • Sputum culture for changes in fluorography or radiography and for decreed groups.
  • When purulent sputum and the presence of capacity in the laboratory - sputum culture to identify the pathogen and sensitivity to antibiotics (in clinics is not done).
  • When suspected of bronchial asthma - spirography with samples (on berotek, cold).
  • If necessary - referral to an allergist for scarification tests for allergy and examination of the ENT with smears from the throat and pharynx for eosinophilia.
  • When X-ray diagnosis of tumors - bronchoscopy, MRI or CT on indications.
  • With foreign bodies - examination of ENT, bronchoscopy
  • If suspected pertussis - blood tests for immunoglobulins or PCR mucus from the throat.

The main causes of dry cough in children and adults:

  • ARVI, flu, cold (how is the flu differs from ARVI)
  • Bronchial asthma, COPD, irritation of the respiratory tract from chemicals - bronchospasm, allergic cough
  • Coryza, sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, chronic allergic rhinitis
  • Children's infectious diseases - diphtheria, false groats (barking cough in a child) and such that are also in adults - whooping cough, measles.
  • Pleurisy, pneumonia, acute or chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (treatment in children).
  • Oncological diseases of the respiratory system organs - lung cancer, bronchial cancer, throat cancer, larynx, etc.
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Congestive heart failure, aortic aneurysm
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Cough smoker
  • Tuberculosis
  • Foreign body in the respiratory system - often happens and causes a dry cough in children.

How to treat dry cough in children and adults correctly

If dry cough is not caused by catarrhal and viral diseases, then tuberculosis, oncology, cardiac or allergic etiology of coughing should be excluded. After careful diagnosis, on the basis of the established diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. And we will consider the treatment options for non-productive cough with the most common variants of its appearance - for cold, viral, infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Drugs for dry cough

  • Drugs of central action that suppress cough: Butamirate (sinecode), Glavent (for children from 4 years).
  • Combined medicines: Codterpine, Codelac (from age 2) additionally improve sputum discharge, dilute Sputussin sputum (children older than a month), Glycodine (from 12 months), with antipyretic action - Grippostad (from 6 years).
  • Peripheral action of cough remedy: Levoprot (from 2 years), Libexin (from 3 years).

A plentiful warm drink with a dry cough is the key to a quick recovery

A plentiful warm drink is a banal phrase, everyone knows about it, but sometimes it does not attach much importance to this important component of treatment. And after all, on the basis of how much liquid a patient drinks, the speed of the transition of dry cough to wet with sputum under different catarrhal and viral diseases directly depends. You can drink the following vitamins:

  • Cranberry juice, currant jelly, raspberry
  • Broths of medicinal herbs, in the absence of allergies to them - are decoctions of plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice, sage, dog rose
  • Hot tea with lemon, honey, raspberries
  • It is useful to drink warm goat milk, while melt in it a piece of butter or add almond oil, honey (but only to those who do not suffer from pancreatitis). It is very good to drink such a drink at night.
  • Black radish juice with honey
  • Warm mineral alkaline water without gases
  • Infusions of licorice root

Inhalation with dry cough

Inhalations are also a very effective way to relieve dry cough. For the implementation of inhalations, you can use special devices - nebulizers, inhalers, and also they can be carried out In the old way - breathing over the steam, covered with a towel, you can also use a teapot spout, and inhale the vapor through paper cone. Solutions for inhalation can be very diverse:

  • Medicinal products Lazolvan, Ambrobene, ACTS inject, Fluimutsil, Sinupret, Rotokan, Tolsigon N, marigold extract.

  • Decoctions of various herbs - sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, raspberry leaves, peppermint, coltsfoot, leaves of eucalyptus, juniper, pine buds, ready-made collections by Eucarom No. 1 or Ingaphitol collection for inhalations (chamomile and sage).
  • More information about the methods of inhalation, medications, various solutions for inhalation in bronchitis, laryngitis, cold, flu, please read our article.

Rubbing, massage, compresses for the treatment of non-productive cough in children

Rubbing, massage, compresses - any heating procedures can be performed only if there is no high body temperature in the patient. Especially cautious should be treated with such drugs in the treatment of dry cough in children.

If the child has a dry cough that is allergic or caused by whooping cough or a false croup - in these cases the use of various strongly smelling or allergenic means can worsen a condition, especially often causes an allergy of ointment - Doctor Mom, which structure includes - camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, muscat, turpentine oil, thymol. For ointments that have a warming effect, you can refer - Doctor Mom, Barsuchok, Pulmeks, Evkabal - many pediatricians Do not advise to use these ointments for children under 2 years, and in case the child is prone to allergies, do not use at all.

As for the massage, it can also be produced only at a low body temperature, in the absence of even suspicion of complications from Orvi or influenza. It is best for bronchitis, because the massage is designed to improve the sputum, but it can also be produced when the condition is relieved with an unproductive cough in children and adults. Drainage massage should be done very diligently, after a warm bath. After the massage the child should lie down about half an hour, while it should be covered with a warm blanket, and at night you can make a compress.

For a compress, you can make such a solution - 1 tbsp. a spoon of sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. spoonful of vodka, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey - this mixture should be heated in a water bath. In this solution, soak a linen rag, so large as to cover the neck and the interlap zone, put cotton wool on top of the cloth, then cellophane. To the back of the baby, you should fasten the compress with a scarf or scarf. It should be borne in mind that the child so have to sleep all night, the nodules should be made small and placed on the side. Every day, such a compress should not be done, it is better every other day.

The room in which the child sleeps with the compress should be cool air. Very carefully, you should use alcohol for compresses, you can not use it in large quantities, because skin in children under 7 years partially fulfills the function of respiration, and with an overdose can occur alcohol poisoning the kid. The same applies to the use of vinegar to remove temperature - this is an old folk method of reducing the temperature in a child often leads to poisoning, it is not worth it to use.

Medicinal Plants to Help

The use of medicinal plants - in pharmacies you can buy ready-made breast doses, which you can use inside, and do inhalations. Among medicinal plants, a significant expectorant and mucolytic property possess the following herbs: oregano, altea root, sage, mother-stepmother leaf, anise fruits, licorice root, pine buds.

Breast gathering number 1 Mother and stepmother, althea roots, oregano
Breast gathering number 2 Plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice root
Breast gathering № 3 Sage, althea roots, anise fruits, pine buds, licorice root
Breast gathering № 4 Chamomile, sprouts of ledum, calendula, licorice root, mint, violet grass
Phytopectol № 1 Mother and stepmother, althaea roots, oregano
Phytopectol number 2 Plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice root

Climatic conditions in the patient's room with a dry cough

Creating the optimum humidity and air temperature in the patient's room is also an essential condition for the early transition of dry cough to productive, because dry, dusty, too warm air aggravate the condition of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and the state of the lower respiratory ways. It is very important to observe the right climatic conditions in order to avoid complications from viral and infectious diseases so that pathogens do not descend to the lower respiratory tract.

  • Humidity should be not less than 50%, more precisely from 50 to 70%
  • Air temperature not more than 20С

With dry air, especially in the heating season, you can easily cope with the help of special air humidifiers, on the wound of household appliances they are now a great choice. It is more difficult to create a comfortable temperature, if the apartment has central heating and you can not regulate the heating of the room, in this case, you should always keep the windows open.

It is also very important that the air is clean, for this you should make a daily wet cleaning, the room should be missing carpets and carpeting. It is also best to use air purifiers.

Antitussive - it is dangerous to use without prescription

Combined antitussives with a dry cough should only be used as prescribed by the doctor, such as Sinecode, Stoptusin, Libexin, Broncholiths, since these drugs can lead to stagnation of sputum, mucus in the airways, some of them have a central effect on cough centers.

They are shown with such diseases, when dry cough is painful, it strongly prevents sleep, for example, with whooping cough. It is best to use for the treatment of dry cough Herbion with plantain, Bronchicum, Linkas.


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