Kyphosis of the cervical spine, curvature of the lumbar spine


  • 1How to get rid of kyphosis of the cervical spine
    • 1.1Congenital
    • 1.2Purchased
    • 1.3Classification
    • 1.4Symptoms
    • 1.5Degrees of disease
    • 1.6Diagnostics
    • 1.7Treatment
    • 1.8Prevention
  • 2Symptoms of cervical kyphosis and its treatment
    • 2.1Causes of pathology
    • 2.2What kinds exist
    • 2.3Symptomatology
    • 2.4Diagnostics
    • 2.5Healing measures
    • 2.6Training
  • 3Kyphosis of the cervical spine
    • 3.1What is kyphosis?
    • 3.2What is kyphosis?
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Approaches to treatment
    • 3.5What are the methods of prevention?
  • 4Kyphosis of the cervical spine: how to straighten the neck?
    • 4.1Causes of development
    • 4.2Symptomatology
    • 4.3Treatment
    • 4.4Gymnastic Exercises
  • 5All about kyphotic deformation (cervical kyphosis)
    • 5.1The causes of deformation
    • 5.2Complications
    • 5.3Treatment of cervical kyphosis
  • 6Kyphosis of the cervical spine is a rare disease
    • 6.1Stages of kyphosis
    • 6.2Causes of the disease
    • 6.3Classification of the disease
    • 6.4Symptoms of the disease
    • 6.5Diagnostics
    • 6.6Treatment of thoracic kyphosis
    • 6.7Complications of the disease
    • 6.8Prophylaxis of curvature of the spine
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How to get rid of kyphosis of the cervical spine

The spine has several bends that perform damping properties.

But in some cases, the deflection of the cervical region begins to straighten, in this case the doctor diagnoses kyphosis.

Kyphosis of the cervical region can be in a baby, adult and elderly person.

The disease develops with the inability to give the spine the correct form, the weakness of the muscular corset and the fragility of the bone tissues

All causes of kyphosis are divided into acquired and congenital.


  • Heredity, that is, several generations have kyphosis or other anomalies in the development of the cervical spine.
  • Postpartum traumaor anomalies of intrauterine development.
  • To the innate reason can be attributed andweakening of the neck musclesin children of the first year of life. Rickets cause softness of the spine, which leads to the development of kyphosis.


  • spine diseases (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis);
  • changes in the structure of vertebrae and intervertebral discs occurring with age;
  • trauma of the spine and ligaments of the back;
  • little physical activity or excessive strain on the spine, scoliosis.
  • Sheyerman-Mau disease (kyphosis develops during adolescence);
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases, which had a strong effect on the body;
  • destruction and compression of vertebral bodies associated with tumor changes.
  • tumors in the spine or soft tissues that affect the vertebral column.


Depending on the cause of kyphosis, there may be:

  • Paralytic(contractile muscle capacities are compromised in brain damage). Paralytic kyphosis is diagnosed in children with cerebral palsy.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic(with a violation of blood supply to the spine and biochemical exchange).
  • Ricket(with a deficiency in the body of vitamin D there are irregularities in the formation of bone structure).
  • Infectiousif there was a deformation of the vertebrae in tuberculosis or spondylitis.
  • Senyl(diagnosed in the elderly, develops due to spinal column involution. Cervical kyphosis doctors include the "senile back" in the symptoms).

By origin, kyphosis is divided into physiological and pathological, by age of patients to infant, child, adolescent, adolescent and adult.

Children's kyphosis can manifest in bone or muscle form. Disease in the muscular form arises because of a serious illness or insufficient physical development. To the formation of the bony form of kyphosis results in a systemic disease or damage to the vertebral bodies.


Kyphosis is accompanied by pain in the affected area.

Since in the cervical region there are nerve and circulatory structures, then in addition to discomfort, there are other symptoms.

Among them are:

  • headache;
  • increased or, conversely, low blood pressure;
  • numbness of the hands;
  • slouch;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • tingling in the lower jaw;
  • fatigue and fatigue.

Doctors all symptoms of kyphosis are divided into:

  1. Estravertebral: weakness of the eye muscles, a decrease in skin sensitivity. With a strong squeezing of the nerve roots, kyphosis can lead to central or peripheral paralysis, urination disorders.
  2. Compression myelopathy occurs when the vertebral artery is squeezed. Symptoms are gradually increasing: cold and numbness in the limbs, muscle weakness, lack of face sensitivity.
  3. Vertebral: violation of the mobility of the neck, a characteristic "crunch" when turning its head.

Degrees of disease

There are three degrees of cervical kyphosis:

  • The minimum(first) if the angle of curvature is not more than 30 degrees.
  • Average(the second) - a curvature of 30 to 60 degrees.
  • Heavy(third) - the angle of curvature reaches 60 degrees.


The specialist, in order to diagnose the cervical kyphosis and determine the degree of the disease, assigns a radiograph of the spine in a straight and lateral projection.

To determine the infringement of blood vessels and nerves,MRI of cervical departmentand computed tomography.

Before starting treatment, the doctor determines the cause of kyphosis, the condition of the patient and the structure of his body.

Additionally, a specialist can prescribe an examination of internal organs, which may suffer from cervical disease: lungs, heart, etc.

One of the most modern and effective methods for diagnosing diseases of the cervical spine is by right MRI.

This method is not traumatic and does not require the use of contrasting chemicals, it is completely safe.


Treatment of kyphosis is a long process that will take a week.

In most cases, the doctor usesconservative methods: taking medications (antidepressants, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that improve blood circulation and relieving muscle spasms), physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures and wearing a special corset.

Good results are achieved with the help of manual therapy.

In severe cases, onlysurgical interventionor prosthetics of metal plates, which after some time are removed.

Great value in the treatment of kyphosis is given to exercise therapy, which consists of 8 simple exercises:

  1. To perform the first exercise you need a gymnastic stick. Place your feet on the width of your shoulders, place the stick behind your back and raise it as high as possible so that it is at the level of the shoulder blades. Keep your back straight. Gently sit down and inhale, then exhale and return to the starting position.
  2. The starting position as in the first exercise. Slowly raise your hands through the sides and stand on your toes. Exhale and return to the starting position.
  3. Gymnastic stick behind your back and lock in your elbows. On inhalation, pull your head back, pull your arms forward.
  4. Stand on all fours, bend the chest and take your elbows to the sides. Crawl in this position until you are tired.
  5. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Raise your chin and arch your body, leaning on your elbows and chin.
  6. The starting position is lying on the stomach. Lean your forearms and lift the chest as high as possible from the floor. On exhalation, lower and relax.
  7. Stand on all fours, lean on your knees and elbows. Feed the body forward.
  8. Stand up, put your hands on the back of your head, on inhalation, spread them apart and lift them up.

Each exercise should be done 10-12 times.

An important condition in the treatment of kyphosis is to find out the cause of the onset of this disease. If it is not eliminated, no methods of treatment will help.


To avoid kyphosis, you need to monitor your posture and posture while working at the computer, do not slouch.

Do not forget about the performance of daily morning exercises, sufficient physical activity, walks in the fresh air.

Kyphosis is a serious disease that not only restricts movement, but can lead to complete immobility.

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appeared,you need to see a doctor immediately, to undergo examination and begin complex treatment.

To get rid of kyphosis, doctors use conservative methods of treatment and surgical intervention, the choice depends on the state of the patient's health and the degree of the disease.

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Symptoms of cervical kyphosis and its treatment

Cervical kyphosis is a pathological condition in which the natural position of the vertebrae of the eponymous vertebral column changes, which leads to an increase in the deflection posteriorly.

As a result, the posture deteriorates - stoop appears. A strong deflection in the cervical spine affects negatively the work of various organs and systems.

This pathology also causes a general deterioration in the state of the body, provokes a violation of the functions of the organs of hearing, vision,

Causes of pathology

Cervical kyphosis is the result of a change in the natural curvature of the spinal column. Minor curvatures help to realize the depreciation function. At the same time, the load on the vertebrae decreases, and its distribution is more even.

Kiphotic installation violates these processes. As a result, some of the vertebrae have a more intense load, which entails development of degenerative-dystrophic processes due to increased friction in vertebral joints post.

A stronger pressure of one vertebra on the other leads to infringement of nerve endings.

Given that there is a kyphotic deformation of the cervical region, such violations can lead to deterioration work of different organs: the quality of sight, hearing is reduced, oxygen starvation is observed, which causes headache brain. If scoliosis is a more common pathological condition, then neck kyphosis is diagnosed much less often.

The main reasons for its development:

  • hypotonic muscles that support the spine;
  • pathology can be congenital (heredity, birth trauma, intrauterine developmental anomalies);
  • degenerative-dystrophic processes with such diseases as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;
  • pathological conditions that developed in childhood, it can be rickets;
  • age-related degenerative processes;
  • trauma to the musculoskeletal or osteo-ligament apparatus of the back;
  • the effects of infectious diseases, such as spondylitis;
  • intervertebral hernia or protrusion;
  • regular stay in the wrong position, for example at the desk, computer or while studying;
  • physical inactivity / intensive physical activity;
  • tuberculosis of vertebral tissues;
  • benign or malignant formations.
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What kinds exist

Pathological kyphosis of the cervical spine can be congenital and acquired. In addition, there are several variants of this pathological condition. The main difference between them is the reasons.

Types of kyphosis:

  • paralytic;
  • infectious;
  • rachitic;
  • degenerative-dystrophic.

With cervical kyphosis, the bend of the spine may be arcuate or angular. In the second case, a more dangerous condition develops, since certain vertebrae account for the greatest burden.

Angular kyphosis is characterized by the presence of an angle (often acute) in the area of ​​apparent curvature. Such a pathology strikes the eye, it is difficult not to notice it. To find out what the curvature of the spine looks like when kyphosis is arcuate, you can see the photo.

At the initial stage of development, this pathology is often taken as the norm.

The unnatural bending of the spine in the cervical section is represented by different stages:

  • the first - the angle of curvature does not exceed 30 °;
  • the second - in this case the signs of pathology are more pronounced, the curvature varies within 30... 60 °;
  • the third one is the most difficult stage, since the angle of curvature reaches 60 °, and often greatly exceeds this index.


Signs of pathological kyphosis can be grouped, based on the nature of their manifestations:

  • extravertebral;
  • vertebral;
  • compression myelopathy;
  • myofascial symptoms.

In the first case, the symptoms appear at some distance from the localization site of the pathological process. There are violations of the work of different organs and systems of the body. For example, the mobility of the hands decreases due to deterioration of tendon reflexes. The characteristic symptoms of this group are:

  • pain in the occiput;
  • nausea;
  • disrupted movement coordination;
  • developing transient dysfunction of the ears;
  • view.

When moving from a condition called lordosis (curvature forward) to kyphosis headaches are noted, a violation of blood pressure.

The group of vertebral features includes limitation of mobility of the neck. This pathological condition is accompanied by a crunch when you try to turn your head.

If the vertebral artery has been impaired, cerebral symptoms may occur: impaired coordination of movements, impaired vision, hearing dysfunction.


A characteristic sign of a pathological condition is an increase in manifestations when trying to turn the head.


Myofascial symptoms are considered to be the weakest. After a long stay in the unchanged position, there is pain in the neck.

A characteristic sign is chronic fatigue. There is a consolidation in the soft tissues of the cervical spine.

Tension in muscles on this site is constantly felt.

Compression myelopathy is a pathological condition, which is a form of complication in the defeat of the nervous system.

In this case, when the curvature is compressed, the vertebral artery, which provides oxygen to 1/4 of the various structures of the brain.

Accordingly, when it is infringed, dangerous and often irreversible symptoms appear:

  • feeling of numbness in the neck;
  • upper extremities become colder;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • twitching of tissues covering the organs, nerves, vessels, they have the name - fascia, this connective shell forms a kind of case for muscles;
  • loss of sensitivity to pain and temperature changes;
  • affects the trigeminal nerve on the face, which leads to the disappearance of any sensations;
  • tremor of the upper limbs along with the loss of their sensitivity.


To get an idea of ​​the state of the tissues on the affected area, an MRI is prescribed. This is the most effective method of investigation. In addition, the diagnosis is carried out in other ways:

  • X-ray diffraction in two projections, which allows to obtain a detailed answer concerning the curvature;
  • contrast myelography - the procedure is prescribed if there is no possibility of an MRI.

Considering that when the natural line of the cervical spine bend is broken, various pathological processes develop, an additional study is conducted in the direction of neurology.

A specialist in the field should assess the state of tissue sensitivity, coordination of movements, muscle tone. The orthopedic doctor determines how limited the mobility of the neck and limbs.

The orthopedic status is assessed.

With a pronounced curvature of the cervical spine, the patient is examined by a manual therapist. The specialist assesses the condition of the musculoskeletal and bone-ligament apparatus.

Healing measures

In kyphosis, an integrated approach is important.

In this case, treatment involves the need to eliminate symptoms and normalize the processes occurring in the tissues, organs and systems of the body.

For this, preparations of different types are used. When the appointment is taken into account the cause of kyphosis and the severity of the developed pathological condition. Medication:

  • drugs whose action is aimed at improving the blood supply of the hard and soft tissues of the spine, stopping inflammatory process, elimination of pain: muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • nootropic drugs, as well as drugs that normalize metabolic processes in cells, and if there is such a symptom as nausea, it is recommended to take anti-emetics.

Supportive measures that should be considered if it is planned to treat a pathological condition called kyphosis:

  • neck collar of Shants - helps to position and hold the neck in the right position;
  • if there are abnormalities in the structure of the feet (for example, flat feet), it is recommended to wear orthopedic insoles: such a measure promotes the correct distribution of the load on the spine;
  • LFK is also prescribed for kyphosis, as the exercises help to develop tissues and joints;
  • physiotherapy measures: electrophoresis, laser exposure, ultrasound;
  • massages, acupuncture.


Gymnastics is not the last role in the treatment of neck kyphosis. It allows to normalize blood circulation in the affected area, contributes to a more even distribution of the load. Exercises for kyphosis are aimed at the development of vertebrae and soft tissues that support them.

The approximate scheme of trainings:

  1. The legs are at the width of the shoulders. When performing this exercise, a gymnastic stick is used. She is led behind her back, placed at the level of the shoulder blades and held by elbows. Squatting is performed on inspiration, return to the starting position - on exhalation. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  2. Legs shoulder width apart. You need to stand on your toes. On inhalation, hands slowly rise over the sides. On exhalation they must be omitted.
  3. Focus on the elbows and knees. The head rises. Elbows must be diluted in the sides, after which a deflection is made in the region of the thorax, neck;
  4. I need to lie on my back. In the initial position, the arms lie along the trunk. Then they focus on the elbows and the back of the head. In this position, it is necessary to perform a deflection of the vertebral column in the neck region.
  5. Focus on your knees and hands. The upper limbs are bent at the elbows, while doing a deflection on the thorax. In this situation, you need to move forward on the half-body and return to its original position.

If signs of pathological kyphosis were found, you should not try to correct this condition of the spine on your own.

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Kyphosis of the cervical spine

In the cervical part of the kyphosis is normal. But in many diseases, the arc is flattened, approaching the axis, then the cervical region becomes straight, and only at the extreme degree of manifestation is the inversion of the arc convex forward. So the pathological kyphosis is formed.

What is kyphosis?

In terms of severity of pathological bending:

  • the first stage, the curvature is not more than 30 deg;
  • the second stage, the curvature of 30-60 degrees;
  • the third stage, the heaviest, with a curvature of more than 60 degrees.

Due to the causes of kyphosis, the cervical spine is divided into:

  • Congenital variant (hypoplasia or underdevelopment of anterior vertebrae);
  • hereditary variant (in several generations of the same family);
  • compression or posttraumatic variant (height of vertebral bodies decreased after fracture);
  • mobile version (due to weakness of the neck muscles of the vertebra take any position);
  • rachitic variant (develops in rachitic children due to softness of bone tissue);
  • senile variant (due to general loosening of the musculoskeletal system);
  • total, or arcuate version (kyphosis of all parts of the spine, including cervical spine), is observed with ankylosing spondylitis;
  • tubercular, infectious variant (with tuberculous inflammation of the vertebrae, a decrease in their height and subsequent fractures);
  • Neoplastic variant (metastatic lesion of vertebral bodies in malignant neoplasms);
  • mixed version.

Depending on the age of the disease, the following forms exist:

  • infantile kyphosis;
  • children's;
  • juvenile (adolescent);
  • kyphosis of adults.

Despite all the variety of kyphosis species, most often the cause is cervical osteochondrosis, in which there is dehydration and dystrophy of the discs, which leads to a narrowing of the intervertebral fissures and violation of the tone of deep muscles of the back. This is what leads to the instability of the cervical vertebrae and the deformation of the physiological arch.

What is kyphosis?

All the variety of manifestations of the disease are divided into the following groups:

  1. Extravertebral, that is, manifestations "at a distance" from the place of injury. In this case, there may be a decrease in tendon reflexes from the hands, possibly the development of vertebral artery syndrome. His symptoms are pain in the back of the head, impaired coordination of movements, nausea, transient disorders of vision and hearing. Also flattening cervical lordosis and changing it to kyphosis leads to the appearance of headaches, an increase or "leaps" of blood pressure.
  2. Vertebral (complaints of decreased mobility in the neck, crunching when the head tilts and turns).
  3. Myofascial (complaints of fatigue, tension and tightness of the neck muscles, pain in the neck after sleep).
  4. Compression myelopathy is the most dangerous and prognostically unfavorable variant. When it is deformed and infringement is not individual nerve roots, and the spinal cord itself. The clinic is extremely diverse: there are gradually growing disorders of urination, paralysis, decrease tactile, pain and temperature sensitivity, later is added muscle weakness, muscle malnutrition extremities.
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In addition to the described symptoms, the condition can be complicated by the formation of protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs in the cervical region with the attachment of pronounced radicular symptoms.


The diagnosis in the initial period of the disease can present certain difficulties and is finally confirmed only by modern methods:

  • MR-tomography of the neck;
  • X-ray diffraction of the SHOP in two projections;
  • contrast myelography in the absence of an MRI.

In addition to visualizing methods, it is necessary to:

  • evaluation of the orthopedic status for the elucidation of a possible violation of the physiological curves of the spine and the range of possible movements. It is performed by an orthopedic doctor.
  • neurologic examination - for the full detection of neurological disorders (reduction of strength, sensitivity, coordination of movements, violation of reflexes), which can exist hidden and do not pay attention to themselves patient. It is spent by the doctor-neurologist.
  • manual examination - a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus, conducted by a physician-manual therapist.
  • in-depth examination of the patient by the therapist for the detection of the underlying disease, with the involvement of specialists (phthisiatrician, oncologist, rheumatologist, etc.), if necessary.

Approaches to treatment

Treatment of the kyphosis of the cervical spine is complex, long-term, requires the coordinated efforts of many doctors, primarily treatment of the underlying disease. Neurologists, masseurs, chiropractors, LFK instructors, rehabilitators and the patient himself are taking part in the work.

The following medicines and methods are used in treatment:

  • in the treatment of cervical kyphosis, which developed as a result of osteochondrosis, muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors are used;
  • at a dizziness and other infringements of work of a brain use blockers of dopamine and histaminovyh receptors (antiemetic), metabolic and nootropic drugs, improving microcirculation and trophism of the nervous fabric;
  • if necessary, corrective corsets are used, the neck collar of Shantz;
  • important is the wearing of orthopedic insoles and the treatment of concomitant platypodia;
  • Complexes of exercises of therapeutic gymnastics, exercises on an exercise bicycle, swimming, therapeutic walking are used;
  • sessions of acupuncture, medical massage, manual techniques (to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle stiffness);
  • various physiotherapy techniques (mechanotherapy, ultrasound, laser therapy, electrophoresis);
  • in the case of pronounced kyphosis, especially complicated by myelopathy, operative treatment (metalloesteosynthesis) by surgeon-vertebrologists and neurosurgeons is used.

What are the methods of prevention?

The recommendations are simple. To maintain the spine and its cervical region in a healthy state, it takes a little, namely:

  • Do not overstrain the back in a monotonous pose, including at the computer and desk, do industrial gymnastics after every hour of mental stress;
  • try not to bump your head and injure your neck in low doorways, sheds, bathhouses, do not dive in shallow water and in unfamiliar places;
  • follow the posture, wear orthopedic insoles, do gymnastics;
  • Do not overcool your back, try not to open the side windows in the car, especially when driving fast.

Such a defeat of the skeleton as the cervical kyphosis never overtakes a person suddenly, and many months and even years develop.

And the implementation of simple rules of prevention, as well as timely access to specialists will help to keep the cervical vertebrae in a healthy and efficient condition for life.

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Kyphosis of the cervical spine: how to straighten the neck?

The spine of a healthy person is not absolutely straight, it has several physiological curves that give it flexibility and springiness. Normally, the spine is slightly bent back in the thoracic region and forward in the cervical and lumbar.

However, it happens that the anatomical curves of the spine either deform, or are smoothed out, or become excessively deep. Specifically, the deflection of the cervical bend is called the kyphosis of the cervical spine.

There are two types:physiological(normal state) andpathological(curvature caused by the causes, which we will talk about below).


This is a rare pathology, but it should not be underestimated, since it affects not only the neck itself, but also the brain and the thorax.


Let's see: cervical kyphosis what is it?

Causes of development

The pathological kyphosis of the cervical spine can develop as a result of manyreasons, and here are some of them:

  • Congenital kyphosis- is easily recognized by the presence in the family of the patient of people with similar problems;
  • Rickets, transferred in early childhood;
  • Muscle paralysisvertebral column;
  • Herniasintervertebral discs;
  • Congenital anomaliesdevelopment of vertebrae, such as fusion of the arch;
  • Age changes(the so-called senile spin);
  • Wrong posture;
  • Injuries, including generic ones.


For all the variety of causes, the pathological cervical kyphosis manifests itself in almost the same way. First of all, this issevere pain in the neck, giving in hands and a trunk.Neck mobility decreases, appearscrunching motion.

In the event that the vertebrae are arranged so that they pinch the vertebral artery, they will be markedsevere headaches predominantly in the occiput, amplified when moving head. Consequently,fainting and dizziness may occur.

Other symptoms, less noticeable:

  • A more or less pronounced cervical hump;
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the skin on the face;
  • Violations of sight, hearing and other feelings;
  • Deterioration of general working capacity, thinking and memory;
  • Sharp changes in blood pressure;
  • Tingling and numbness in the lower jaw.

Usually, after such symptoms, a diagnosis is made. However, for full confidence appointX-ray examination, which accurately shows the curvature.


Treatment of kyphosis, as a rule, occurs without surgery, if the disease is not too neglected.

It consists in receivinganalgesics and antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugsand antidepressants - the latter help to improve the patient's nervous health.

In addition,manual therapy.

If the neck kyphosis can not be cured by such methods, applysurgeryup to prosthetics with metal plates or orthopedic corsets.

For prevention should be given more time to sports(not professional, but ordinary gymnastics), follow the regime of sleep and posture.

Gymnastic Exercises

As a gymnastics you can use the following set of exercises:

  • Hands rise above the head and are divorced in the sides with inhalation, after which they are raised on the exhalation and placed on the back of the head;
  • From the knee-elbow position, the thorax maximally bends down while the head extends upward;
  • Squats with a stick pressed to the shoulder blades;
  • From the sitting position, perform head movements forward on inhalation and back on exhalation, keeping the chin parallel to the floor;
  • In the position on the back, the neck bends on inhalation, on exhalation returns to its original position;
  • In a standing position, perform slow smooth turns with your head, without moving your shoulders and body.

This is only a small fraction of all the useful exercises shown in kyphosis in the cervical spine.

Exacttreatment should be selected exclusively by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

But even in this truncated form gymnastics will be extremely useful both for those who want to avoid curvature, and for those who want to be cured.

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All about kyphotic deformation (cervical kyphosis)

You can determine kyphosis by the location of the spine - it arches in an arc.

Kifotic deformation in the cervical spine is a rather rare phenomenon. Since the pathological changes in the neck are called lordosis, which manifests as the concavity of the cervical vertebrae forward.

But with the kyphosis an entirely different picture emerges. Deformation of the cervical region forms an arcuate shape of the spine, with its curvature back.

Basically, such deformation occurs in the thoracic or sacral part of the spinal column.

The causes of deformation

The curvature of the cervical spine in the other direction is very rare and causes serious clinical manifestations.

At the same time there are strong pain sensations in the neck, radiating to other parts of the body.There may be a headache, migraine, or numbness of the upper limbs.

Such a disease can appear both with age, and with the birth of a person, accompanied by certain pathologies of the structure of the spinal column.

But in medical practice there is a certain classification of kyphosis of the cervical spine, which is determined for reasons of its origin:

  • Paralytic kyphosis occurs when there is a disruption in the work of muscle tissue when the human brain is injured.
  • A deficiency in the body of vitamin D causes rickets, which arises from a violation in the formation of the bone structure.
  • An impaired metabolism or circulatory process in the spinal column can lead to the occurrence of a kyphotic deformation of the cervical spine.
  • Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis or spondylitis, can provoke an inflammatory process in the cervical spine, which leads to kyphosis.
  • With age, the cervical vertebrae are exposed not only to daily loads, but also to various diseases. Such processes provoke the appearance of such deformations in the elderly.
  • Traumatic. Kifotic pathology can appear as a result of the resulting injury and further disturbance in the spinal column.
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Kifotic deformation of the vertebrae of the cervical spine can be of two types:

  • Angular. It appears with a pronounced angle at the apex of vertebral curvature;
  • Arcuate.

Regardless of the causes of cervical kyphosis, a person has clearly expressed symptoms. At the same time, untimely treatment of a doctor threatens serious problems in the future.

The unnatural position of the cervical vertebra causes severe pain in the curvature zone, which can be irradiated to other areas of the body. There are several types of clinical manifestations with kyphotic changes:

  • Vertebral and extravertebral sipmtomas;
  • Myelopathy;
  • Myofascial manifestations.

Among the main and most obvious symptoms - violation of mobility of the neck and spine as a whole.

With pronounced vertebal symptoms, a person's neck mobility is disrupted, and movements or head turns are accompanied by a crunch.

In this case, the musculo-articular reflex is preserved.

Extravertebral symptoms are manifested in the form of violations of the elbow joint, as well as lack of skin sensitivity or weakness of the eye muscles.

Cerebral manifestations occur due to compression of the artery in the cervical spine. A person has headaches, unpleasant sensations of heaviness or squeezing in the occipital part. Hearing, vision and vestibular apparatus may also be disturbed.

Cervical kyphosis occurs when the vertebral column is deformed in the region, then changes in the vertebral spaces lead to compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. In this case, patients have problems with urination or peripheral paralysis.

Kifotic cervical deformity can appear in any person and at the same time be provoked by different factors. But in any case, when these symptoms occur, you should see a doctor. Indeed, inaction can only exacerbate the situation and cause serious complications in the spine.


Kifotic pathology is, most likely, not the disease of the spine, but its symptom. Therefore, it can be considered the beginning of the development of serious diseases in the body.

Patients who ignore the first manifestations of kyphosis are very at risk. Since inaction in such situations will entail many problems and complications.

Therefore, let's consider the most common consequences of the development of cervical kyphosis:

  • Deformation of the vertebrae in the cervical spine provokes a curvature of posture;
  • The pathology of the spine in the neck can lead to certain changes in the chest, in particular the irregular arrangement of the ribs. Thus the person starts to test discomfort at movements or inclinations of a trunk;
  • The change in the position of the ribs caused by cervical kyphosis leads to pulmonary insufficiency. Since this process provokes a constant squeezing of the lungs; Untimely treatment threatens the patient with serious complications - changes in posture or inflammatory processes in the body. Cervical vertebrae can squeeze the nerve roots from the spinal cord, so the result Such deformations can be numbness of limbs or disruption of the musculoskeletal system rights.

The most terrible complication of kyphosis can be the very ugliness associated with deformation of the cervical spine or complete paralysis.

Treatment of cervical kyphosis

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Thanks to modern diagnostic equipment and new methods of treatment, a disease such as cervical kyphosis can be eliminated.

But the main treatment of kyphosis is the use of special corsets.Thanks to such adaptations it is possible to achieve the strengthening of muscular tissue in the neck region, as well as the gradual restoration of the vertebrae to its place.

But wearing only a special corset will not be able to give a positive result without medical gymnastics. When deforming the cervical vertebrae, it is necessary to use a certain set of exercises, which includes such exercises:

  • Raise your hands up and spread them to the sides on inhalation, and on exhalation slowly raise and put them on the back of the head.
  • In the supine position on the back, inhale the neck cervical spine, and on exhalation return to the starting position;
  • Get on all fours, lift your head up, while bending down the chest. In this position, you must go to the end of the room;
  • Take the gymnastic stick and press it with your hands in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. In this position, you must try to sit down and climb ten times;
  • In the supine position, lean on the forearm and lift the chest on inhalation, and while exhaling, lower it;
  • In standing position, place your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly climb the toes with this circular movements raise your hands up.
  • Standing on all fours, lower your chest down and stretch forward on inspiration, and on exhalation return to the starting position.

All exercises that are performed with cervical kyphosis should be performed only after the pain syndrome has been eliminated. Before doing gymnastics, you should consult your doctor and instructor.

They will help you choose the right exercises that will help you get a positive result and do not harm your body.

Also it should be noted that gymnastics or daily morning exercises are excellent methods of preventing many diseases in the body.

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Kyphosis of the cervical spine is a rare disease

In the normal state, the spine has several bends. In this case, the bend is directed forward in the neck region. But sometimes it starts to turn back, leveling the spine.

In this case, develops a rare disease - kyphosis of the cervical spine. It can be observed in people of all ages, including infants and elderly people.

In general, the disease is detected during a preventive examination.

Stages of kyphosis

There are 3 degrees of thoracic kyphosis:

  • light degree - slight curvature of the spine (up to 30 °);
  • moderate stage - the angle of curvature is within 30-60 °;
  • severe - the spine strongly curved (over 60 °);

Causes of the disease

The development of thoracic kyphosis can result in:

  • genetic features;
  • injuries and surgeries;
  • incorrect posture;
  • underdevelopment of the vertebrae;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and being in one position;
  • exorbitant physical loads;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, coxarthrosis, osteoporosis, rickets, spondylosis, tuberculosis, muscle paralysis, Sheyerman-Mau disease;
  • inflammation and infection;
  • malignant or benign neoplasm in the spine or in nearby soft tissues;
  • weakness of the dorsal musculature;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the back;
  • age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Classification of the disease

Cervical kyphosis is divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital kyphosis of the cervical spine is formed as a result of heredity or abnormal development of the vertebrae in the embryonic period.

Depending on the factors, the acquired kyphosis happens:

  • postural - is caused by an incorrect posture;
  • degenerative - is formed as a complication of osteochondrosis;
  • dystrophic - its cause is a violation of nutrition of the spine;
  • rachitic - develops as a result of the presence of rickets;
  • compression - there is an infringement of nerves;
  • infectious - is formed as a result of deformation of the vertebrae in inflammatory conditions (mainly in spondylitis and tuberculosis);
  • paralytic - formed when the brain activity is disrupted (most often it causes cerebral palsy);
  • senile - is caused by senile changes in the spine.
  • post-traumatic - formed after trauma to the spine;
  • Postoperative - is the result of surgical intervention.

Symptoms of the disease

Kyphosis of the cervical spine can be manifested:

  • stoop;
  • the formation of a hump;
  • pains in the neck, shoulders and neck;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • a feeling of stiffness and discomfort;
  • weakness and numbness of the limbs;
  • in malfunctions in the work of the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • pressure drops;
  • pinched nerves;
  • muscle spasms;
  • incontinence of feces and urine;
  • sexual dysfunction.


For the diagnosis of thoracic kyphosis using radiography, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as general examination, in which pay attention to posture, muscle tone, the strength of the muscular corset, the angle of curvature of vertebrates arcs.

Treatment of thoracic kyphosis

Kifosis is treated with the help of conservative methods: drug therapy, osteopathy and physiotherapy. But in some cases, surgical care may be needed.

The patient is prescribed analgesic drugs that relieve pain, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications, relaxing muscle spasms and improving blood flow.


If you follow all the advice of a doctor, then soon there will be positive changes, after which there will come a complete recovery.


If there are no favorable results with conservative treatment, surgical intervention or make prosthetics, during which the vertebrae are fixed to the metal plates.

Complications of the disease

In the absence of proper treatment, kyphosis of the cervical region leads to headaches, hypertension, osteochondrosis, herniated discs, destruction of bone tissue, malfunctioning of the heart and lungs.

Prophylaxis of curvature of the spine

To prevent the development of breast kyphosis will help:

  • maintaining proper posture;
  • the organization of a place for study and work;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • exercise;
  • active lifestyle (especially useful to swim, do yoga and aerobics).

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