"Sinekod" (syrup): instructions for use, analogues and reviews
For some people, coughing is an opportunity to at least slightly clear bronchi and lungs. For example, for smokers. But for the majority this is a real punishment. After all, this symptom can not only frustrate plans (winter walk or sledding). Sometimes he does not let the owner go to sleep. It would seem that modern pharmacology has provided many drugs, each of which can relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, it is such a variety that sometimes confounds. A wrong chosen means can significantly worsen the condition. Consider one of the most popular cough drugs - "Sinekod" (syrup, drops and tablets).

Basic information
The manufacturer of the drug is the Swiss company Novartis Consumer Helms SA. It specializes in the manufacture of pharmacological agents intended for the treatment of inflammation of the broncho-pulmonary system.
Medical experts who clinically tested the drug, note the beneficial effect on the body. Thanks to the "Sinekod" medication, the terms of recovery of patients are shortened, the paroxysmal cough is reduced. In such patients, sputum evacuation is stimulated.
a brief description of
The drug is a bronchodilator antitussive. It excellently suppresses the excitability of the cough center, eliminates irritation of mucous membranes. He has a bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect on the body. The undoubted advantage is the easy and rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.
The drug "Sinekod" (syrup, tablets and drops) refers to the drugs of central action, excellent suppressing cough. This means that the agent does not affect the bronchi or the lungs, but directly on the brain. On the site that is responsible for the cough. When the medicine enters the brain, the brain ignores the impulses sent from the respiratory organs. Accordingly, he does not give the command to cough.

Structure of the preparation
The main component of the drug is butamyrate. It has an excellent antitussive effect. However, other components included in the Sinekod preparation are equally useful for the organism. The composition of the medication is
- butamate citrate;
- solution of sorbitol;
- glycerol;
- sodium hydroxide;
- vanillin;
- sodium saccharinate;
- ethanol 96%;
- benzoic acid;
- water.
Forms of release
Producers provided the consumer with a wide variety of dosage forms. The drug in tablets is convenient to take when necessary to work. Lovers of sweets will appreciate syrup.
Drops are the most universal form. This remedy is taken internally. It is produced in vials containing 20 ml. Suitable in this form is the "Sinecode" medicine for children who are 2 months old. In one milligram of the drug, which is 22 drops, contains 5 mg of active ingredient - butamirate citrate.
It is also believed that the drug "Sinekod", released as a syrup, is a child. You can buy it in vials containing 100 or 200 ml of medication. Five milligrams of syrup contains, mg of the main active ingredient.
For adults, the preparation is manufactured in the form of tablets. One package contains 10 pieces. Each tablet is characterized by the presence of 50 mg of butyrate citrate.
In addition, the agent has been developed as a solution for injections. This form allows you to take the drug intravenously or intramuscularly during surgical operations (or after them) on the respiratory organs.

There is another form - dragees. It is most convenient. After all, the patient does not need to mess with a measuring cup or spoon. Sometimes you can even do without water. A special smooth coating makes it easy to swallow a dragee.
Effects on the body
What did this tool deserve so much popularity? Effects on the brain receptors - this is not the only therapeutic effect of such a drug as "Sinekod." The syrup perfectly eliminates the inflammatory process in the respiratory system. It stimulates the escape of mucus. Significantly reduces bronchospasm.
However, it should be remembered that it is used exclusively with a dry cough, as indicated in the "Sinekod" preparation instruction. The syrup in this case will really help effectively. After all, he prepares the respiratory organs for the natural process of purification from accumulated mucus. If the sputum is already present in large quantities, the medicine will remain ineffective. It is advisable to choose other drugs.
In addition, the drug reduces edema of bronchial mucosa, normalizes their physiological functions.
The positive property of the medicine
Especially it is necessary to stop on one more favorable influence on an organism. The drug completely does not cause addiction and addiction to it. Most drugs that can suppress cough, are made on opiates - narcotic substances. These drugs are not considered harmless in case of uncontrolled admission.
Absolutely does not cause such anxiety, due to its composition, the medicine "Sinekod". For children, this tool is the most optimal. After all, the drug affects only the cough center. It does not affect the functioning of other brain areas.
Indications for use
The medicine is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, which accompanies an unproductive, debilitating cough. Let's consider, at what diseases it is expedient its application.

"Sinekod" (syrup) should be used in the following pathologies:
- cough paroxysmal in whooping cough;
- bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
- for getting rid of cough reflex when performing bronchoscopy diagnostics or surgical treatment of respiratory organs ailments;
- a smoker's cough.
Dosage of the drug
The main factor on which the norm of the drug used depends on the age of the patient. It is recommended to take the drug half an hour before the process of eating. The drops should be dissolved in boiled water (50 ml).
Remember, the duration of treatment, as well as the recommended dose, is determined exclusively by the attending physician for each patient strictly individually.
Drinking syrup
The instruction of the preparation suggests the following scheme of reception. Syrup "Sinekod", the price of which is relatively low, is recommended:
- Babies from 3 to 6 years. At this age, the dose is 5 ml. The syrup is consumed three times a day.
- Children 6-12 years. Assign 10 ml three times a day.
- Children who have reached the age of 12, as well as adults. The dose is 15 ml of syrup three times a day.
Manufacturers took into account the need for a correct measurement of the syrup. For these purposes, a measuring cap is enclosed in the package. It allows you not to make mistakes in the recommended amount of syrup.
How to use drops?
As stated above, the manufacturer produces the drug not only as a syrup. But all properties are fully preserved in any form. Excellent characteristics are all forms of the drug "Sinekod." Drops, whose price is also not from the category of sky-high, is allowed to take the baby from two months. In this case, the drug does not contain glucose or sugar. This allows the use of drops to treat people with diabetes.
In the instructions of the drug you can see this scheme of reception:
- Infants, starting from 2 months and up to a year, can take 10 drops to 4 times a day. It is recommended to dilute the drug in breast milk.
- Babies from one year to 3 years, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 15 drops four times a day.
- For children from 3 to 12 years - a single dose is 25 drops. It is recommended to take twice a day.
- Adolescents with 12 years and adults drink 25 drops three times a day.

Just do not forget that taking the medicine is possible only after a thorough familiarization with the instructions, and best of all - after the appointment of the medicine by the attending physician.
Use of tablets
This is another form in which the manufacturer produces this medicine. However, it should be remembered: if you decide to use this form of the drug "Sinekod", tablets can be taken only for those who are more than 12 years old.
The following dosages are given according to the instructions:
- Children over 12 years can take 1 tablet 1 or 2 times a day.
- Adults are allowed to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
Side effects
They should have full information about them. Indeed, during treatment, there are sometimes side effects. Although this is very rare. Their list is resulted in the instruction enclosed in the preparation "Sinekod". Syrup is able to cause:
- headache;
- fatigue;
- nausea, and sometimes vomiting;
- dizziness;
- allergic reactions.
Especially it is necessary to dwell on the effect of the drug on the central nervous system. The drug "Sinekod" is able in patients to cause drowsiness. Therefore, when driving a motor vehicle or doing work that requires a high concentration of attention, care should be taken after using the medicine.
Unfortunately, the excellent medicine "Sinekod" (syrup, and any other form of release) is not suitable for all patients. The drug is contraindicated with the following factors:
- individual intolerance to any of the components of the product;
- pulmonary hemorrhage;
- period of pregnancy (1st trimester);
- children under the age of 3 do not give syrup;
- Children under 2 months should not use drops.
With increased caution the medicine is taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
Avoid simultaneous use with expectorants. Ignoring this recommendation can lead to a large amount of sputum accumulating in the airways. This is fraught with the risk of bronchospasm.

An overdose of the drug
Such situations are rare. However, you should remember what to do if an overdose is triggered. It can be signaled by symptoms - nausea, headache, stools, vomiting, dizziness, lowering of pressure, loss of consciousness.
In this case, it is necessary to wash the stomach. It is advisable to use enterosorbents: Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon. In addition, it is desirable to take a laxative. Doctors recommend to carry out activities aimed at maintaining the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Cost of drugs
To buy a medicine will not be very difficult. It can be easily found in almost every pharmacy. After all, an effective drug is widely claimed by patients suffering from respiratory ailments.
Pleasantly please the cost of the medicine "Sinekod". Drops, whose average price is 377 rubles per bottle containing 20 ml, do not belong to expensive drugs.
The same can be said about the syrup. The acquisition of a bottle (100 ml) will cost the consumer in the amount of 24, 0 rubles.
Of course, it is more profitable to buy 200 milligram syrup "Sinekod". The price of such a bottle in retail pharmacies is 39, 2 rubles.

Reviews about the drug
Like any medicine, this drug causes conflicting opinions. The majority of consumers praise the product "Sinekod". Their testimonies testify to a quick cure for a dry cough. The drug is able to help even with very strong symptoms. Many patients who did not sleep cough at night, who had a sore throat, noted that taking the medicine eased the condition almost immediately. Consumers who have undergone surgical interventions also can not get accustomed to the Sinecode remedy. Reviews postoperative patients who can not cough, so that the seams do not part, testify to the medicine as the only means of salvation.
What is put in opposition to a positive opinion? Some patients notice that the drug could not help them, sometimes even try to warn others. Such consumers characterize the remedy as ineffective and capable of leading to serious complications. However, they add that the medicine was taken without the doctor's appointment. As mentioned above, the drug "Sinekod" should be consumed only with a dry cough. Otherwise, the patient instead of the long-awaited relief will receive a "bouquet" of complications. It is about such consequences that signal consumers who are dissatisfied with the medicine.
"Sinekod" (drops for children): instruction, price
How do you want, that children do not get sick, well, or at least it happened as rarely as possible! Sometimes it is very difficult to do without complications in the treatment of colds or infectious diseases. In particular, if a child has an intense cough that is not accompanied by a separation of sputum, it can not do without antitussive syrups, tablets and other forms of medicines used to treat respiratory system.

Structure of the preparation
Being a preparation of antitussive action from the group of bronchodilators, the medicine "Sinekod" (drops) has in its composition the active substance butamate dihydrogen citrate in an amount of 10 mg per 2 ml solution. After ingestion, this substance is quickly and completely absorbed and reaches a maximum concentration in the plasma after about 2 hours. Among the auxiliary components of the drug can be listed:
- solution of sorbitol;
- glycerol;
- benzoic acid;
- sodium saccharin;
- ethanol;
- purified water;
- vanillin.
Form of issue
The drug "Sinekod" (drops for children for oral administration) is available in bottles of darkened glass of 20 ml. It is a clear solution without color or with a slightly yellowish tinge. There is a smell of vanilla.

pharmachologic effect
The "Sinekod" medicine (drops) describes the instruction in sufficient detail: the drug has a bronchodilating effect, facilitating breathing with a cough reflex. Influencing the cough center, the drug reduces its effect. After taking the drug, spirometric indicators of breathing improve. It is also important that the drug "Sinekod" has some anti-inflammatory properties. It is also suitable for the treatment of dry cough.
Since butamirate has the property of suppressing cough, it is necessary to exclude simultaneous reception with the "Sinekod" medication of the expectorant. If you do not comply with this rule, there is a risk of bronchospasm and respiratory tract infection, as a result, congestion of sputum in them.
Indications for use
There are some diseases and conditions in which the drug "Sinekod" (drops) is prescribed. Instruction for use indicates that the use of the drug is necessary for such diseases of the respiratory system as:
- Whooping cough;
- laryngitis;
- other infectious diseases, the symptoms of which are dry cough.

In addition, for the suppression of cough reflex, the preparation "Sinekod" is often prescribed before the procedure of endoscopy of the bronchi (bronchoscopy), as well as before and after surgical operations.
The drug "Sinekod" should be taken orally before meals. The dosage regimen depends on the age of the patient:
- children from two months to one year - 10 drops 3 times a day;
- from one year to three years - 15 drops 3 times a day;
- from three years and older - 25 drops 3 times a day.
Before receiving the "Sinekod" (drops), the instruction is mandatory for familiarization. If the child has not yet reached the age of 2, be sure to consult with a specialist about the need to use the medication.
"Sinecode" preparation for children
Dry cough is very often a consequence of allergic manifestations and edema of the respiratory tract, which is very dangerous, especially in the case of young children. We must first determine the nature of the disease: bacterial-viral, obstructive or caused by mechanical irritation when foreign objects enter respiratory organs. Do not rush to give the child medication just because he coughs after drinking or drinking liquid in the respiratory tract.
The use of the drug "Sinekod" for children is possible only after the appointment of the treating pediatrician, do not engage in self-medication. The doctor should take into account the characteristics of the small patient, his reaction to medications, and the degree of damage to the bronchopulmonary system. Only after the exact diagnosis is prescribed the medicine "Sinekod". The dosage of the drug may vary depending on the condition and overall well-being of the baby. The specialist determines which dosage form of the "Sinekod" means more suited to this case (syrup, drops or pills), and how many times during the day to take the medicine.
The use of drops and syrup is justified with prolonged, prolonged coughing with the bacterial and viral nature of the disease, as the instruction accompanying the Sinekod medication states. Drops for infants can be diluted with warm boiled water. Do not leave a small child for a long time unattended, because when breathing sputum difficult breathing. After the baby has taken the medicine, it should be put on its side or lifted in the arms in an upright position. For better separation of accumulated mucus, tilt the baby forward, tapping it on the back or doing massage movements.
Contraindications and side effects
Of all forms of the drug "Sinekod" -drops for children to give the most logical, they are the safest and do not cause side effects. However, there are a number of contraindications to be read:
- increased individual sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
- pulmonary hemorrhage;
- children's age to two months.
The drug should not be taken to women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
As the instruction attached to the Sinekod medicine states, drops for children can cause side effects in the form of:
- dizziness;
- headache;
- nausea;
- drowsiness;
- various allergic reactions.
When you have one or more symptoms, you need to stop treatment with the drug and seek help from specialists. To stop allergy symptoms, you can take antihistamines, such as "Diazolinum", "Suprastin", "Fenistil".
Application in pregnancy
Unambiguous clinical studies on this subject have not been conducted, so the drug "Sinekod" during pregnancy is not prescribed only in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, the use of the medicine is possible, but taking into account the beneficial effect on the mother's body and the potential threat to the child.

Doctors advise to take the product "Sinekod" in pregnancy in the case of such inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, like bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and other conditions accompanied by debilitating dry cough.
Analogues of Sinekod
In those cases when after application of the drug there are side effects or if there is an individual intolerance of its components, it is possible to choose analogues of the medicine "Sinekod", which are medicines:
- "Ascoril"
- "Stoptussin"
- "Erespal"
- "Fljuditek"
- "Omnitus"
All these medicines have similar properties and pharmacological effects. The cost of analogs is approximately the same, except for the "Erespal" tool, whose price is much higher than others. Unfortunately, there are no analogues of Russian production in pharmacies yet.
Cost of preparation
The drug has three different dosage forms, in this case the medicine "Sinekod" (drops for children) is considered. The price for them on average in Russia is from 150 to 280 rubles per package.

Reviews about the drug
It can not be unequivocally said that all the reviews about the means of a positive nature, or vice versa - are negative. Opinions here are divided: some advise the tool "Sinekod" (drops) and praise it, others confirm the absolute lack of effect, but someone and does report the negative effects of the drug.
It was reported that the patients' state of health improved after several applications in obstructive, allergic form of the disease. In this case, the medicine "Sinekod" closes the paroxysmal cough reflex. But when the cause of a prolonged cough is a catarrhal disease with a viral or bacterial origin, treatment should be based on anti-inflammatory drugs.
General Tips
Diseases of the respiratory system, in particular bronchi and lungs, are the most common in children of all ages. The causes may be of different nature, but most often this is a cold disease with bacterial and viral etiology. In some cases, the ailment is very difficult to treat, even with the use of antibiotics and general therapy.
To avoid complications and severe consequences of diseases pediatricians recommend carrying out activities on their prevention: frequent walks in the fresh air, hardening, intake of immunostimulating agents and etc.
Drops, syrup Sinekod - instructions for use
A brief instruction on the use of Sinecode in droplets and syrup, it is used:
- With a strong dry cough of any etiology
- With pertussis
- Before bronchoscopy and other surgical interventions
- To suppress cough before and after operations
The main active ingredient of the Sinekod preparation is Butamirate, which has an antitussive effect of central action. Has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilating properties, has a direct effect on cough center, improves blood oxygenation and spirometry, decreasing the resistance of respiratory ways. It is not an alkaloid of opium, neither pharmacologically nor chemically.
Main advantages
- Allowed for use in infants (from 2 months), in the elderly
- A very effective remedy, cough suppression occurs quickly
- A safe drug
- Normalizes respiratory function without depressing the respiratory center
- There are no narcotic substances in the composition
- Has no effect on the gastrointestinal tract
- Can be used for prolonged therapy
It is important that Sinecode for children can be applied from an early age in drops from 2 months, in syrup from 3 years, the intake is taken before meals 4 r / day.
Sinekod - drops and syrup - the official instruction for use
Product Name: Sinekod
Drug formulation: drops and syrup for oral administration
Dosage: drops of 20 ml, syrup 100 and 200 ml.
International Non-patented Name: Butamirate
Group: Means for the treatment of respiratory diseases, for the elimination of symptoms of cough and colds
Farmgroup: Antitussives
Price: Sinekod drops - on average in pharmacies 320-350 rub., Syrup 100 ml. - 200 rubles, 200 ml. - 330 rubles.
Sinecode analogs: Omnitus (tablets, syrup)
- Sinekod syrup, the instructions for use indicate that it is a clear, colorless liquid with a vanilla scent.
1 ml. syrup contains 1.5 mg of butamirate citrate
Excipients: sodium hydroxide, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol solution 70%, benzoic acid, glycerol, vanillin, ethanol 96%, water.
- Sinecode drops, the instructions for use indicate that it is a clear, yellowish tinge fluid for oral administration.
1 ml. drops contains 5 mg. butamyrate citrate
Excipients: benzoic acid, sorbitol solution 70%, glycerol, vanillin, sodium saccharinate, ethanol 96%, water, sodium hydroxide.
Pharmacological properties
Sinekod is an effective antitussive drug, affecting the cough center, does not belong to the alkaloids opium, facilitates breathing, has bronchodilator effect, improves blood oxygenation and indices spirometry. When administered, butamirate is absorbed completely and quickly. The maximum concentration after taking 150 mg of the drug is achieved in plasma on average after an hour and a half and is, μg / ml. In the blood, the hydrolysis of butamirate begins initially to diethylaminoethoxy ethanol and 2-phenylbutyric acid, which have antitussive activity. These metabolites almost as much as 95% bind to plasma proteins, this explains the long half-life of plasma, which is 6 hours. Excretion of metabolites occurs mainly with urine.
Suppression of cough in whooping cough, treatment of dry cough of various origin, symptomatic suppression of coughing before bronchoscopy, before and after surgical interventions.
- Pregnancy, lactation
- For drops - the period of the newborn (up to 2 months)
- For syrup - for children under 3 years
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
Action category on the fetus
Since pregnant women had no controlled clinical trials, the use of Sinecode in the first trimester of pregnancy contraindicated, in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, its use is possible given the potential risk to the fetus and the benefits to the mother. There is also no data on the isolation of butamirate with breast milk, therefore it is not recommended to administer Sinecoda during lactation. In studies conducted on animals, no adverse effects on the fetus were found.
Method of application and dosing
Both syrup and Sinecoda drops should be taken before meals. Before using drops for children under 2 years old, consult a doctor. The measuring cap, which is attached to the syrup should be used when determining the dose of the drug, it must be washed and dried after each application. Keeping the cough for over a week, requires a doctor's advice. The table shows the dosage of droplets and Sinecoda syrup for children, depending on the age and for adult patients.
Age of child or adult | Syrup | Drops |
from 2 months to 1 year | 10 drops 4 r / day | |
1-3 years | 15 drops 4 r / day | |
3-6 years old | 5 ml. 1 teaspoonful. spoon 3p / day | 25 drops 4 r / day |
6-12 years old | 10 ml. 2 teas. spoon 3p / day | |
from 12 years and adults | 15 ml. 3 teas. spoon 3p / day |
Side effect
Sinecode very rarely causes the following side effects:
- From the digestive tract - diarrhea, nausea
- From the side of the central nervous system - drowsiness, dizziness
- Allergic reactions
- From the skin - exanthema
Vomiting, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, lowering of blood pressure, dizziness. There is no specific antidote. Treatment for overdose - the reception of activated carbon, gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy, aimed at maintaining and preserving the vital functions of the body.
special instructions
Since butamir suppresses cough, it is impossible to take expectorants simultaneously, it can lead to the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract, cause bronchospasm or infection of respiratory ways.
Patients with diabetes can use Sinecod, because as sweeteners it contains saccharin and sorbitol. Care must be taken when working with machinery and driving controls, as the drug causes drowsiness.
Interaction with other medicinal products: Not described.
Shelf life and storage conditions: Shelf life 5 years. The sinecode must be stored at a temperature of less than 30 ° C, out of the reach of children.
Manufacturer: Name - Novartis Consumer Helles SA, Switzerland, address: Re de Letraz PO Box 269.
If you used Sinecode children or adults, feedback about the drug may be of interest to our readers, it can be left in the comments.
Cyanosis syrup: how to treat?

Effect of the drug

- children's drops;
- syrup for children and adults;
- tablets covered with a special coating.
Experts note that the use of Sinecode accelerates the elimination of the inflammatory process, As a result, the frequency of coughing attacks is reduced, sputum discharge improves, and recovery.

Due to the broncholytic properties of the drug, there is a reduction of spasm of the lungs and bronchi, an increase in their lumen. As a result of this action on the bronchi improves the process of sputum discharge, which contains viruses, bacteria, particles of blood. In addition, in the treatment of dry cough Sinekodom reduces the swelling of the bronchi, which is due to the action of the active substance on nonspecific factors of inflammation.
Half an hour after taking the drug, the intensity of coughing attacks decreases and the patient feels better by moistening the bronchial surface. Thus, the drug removes from this organ of the respiratory system inflammation and irritation caused by the penetration of the infection.
Butamirate after ingestion is absorbed in the small intestine, half-elimination of the drug occurs through the kidneys approximately after the expiration of 6 hours after its application.
When is Sinecode appointed?
Sinecod is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, accompanied by a dry cough. Specialists prescribe the drug in such pathological processes:
- acute and chronic bronchitis;
- whooping cough;
- cough from smokers;
- for cough relief during the examination of the respiratory system.
With a damp cough, the drug is not prescribed, it can only be taken at night to relieve the patient of debilitating coughing attacks.
Treatment of cough in children

Contraindications and side effects

- headache;
- dizziness;
- increased fatigue;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- itching;
- hives.

It is strictly prohibited to use expectorants at the same time as Sinecod, as this combination can cause mucus congestion in the airways. It is dangerous in that it increases the risk of developing bronchospasm and possible infection of the respiratory tract.
Analogues Sinekoda are antitussives of bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory action. Among them are Erespal, Ascoril, Fljuditek, Stoptussin.
"Sinekod": analogues of the preparation. The best substitute for "Sinekoda"
One of the first unpleasant symptoms of colds or respiratory diseases is a cough. It causes a lot of painful sensations. The patient faces discomfort in the throat, short of breath. But it is especially unpleasant, when a painful paroxysmal cough does not leave even a chance to sleep. With this symptomatology, the patient is prescribed the drug "Sinekod". Analogues of the drug can cope with a cough no worse than the original remedy. Therefore, let us consider what are the features of the "Sinekod" tool. We will study what preparations can replace it.

Brief description of the medicine "Sinekod"
The drug is positioned as an effective antitussive. It is not a narcotic drug. His fight with the cough is carried out by affecting the central nervous system. As a result, a painful cough is suppressed. In this case, the medication does not have a negative effect on respiratory functions. The drug has a light anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating properties. So the instruction attached to the medicine "Sinekod" confirms.
For children, this remedy is safe. And in the form of drops the drug can be given to babies from 2 months. From the age of 3, babies can use the syrup "Sinekod". And the six-year-olds will perfectly match the pills.
The main indications for taking this medication are the following:
- dry, painful cough;
- whooping cough;
- tracheitis;
- cough caused by smoking;
- bronchitis.
The drug is not recommended for taking pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. The drug is prohibited for patients who have pulmonary hemorrhage.
The cost of syrup varies between 160-300 rubles. Tablets cost patients 200 rubles. And the price of drops is from 150 to 250 rubles.
And now let's look at the analogues of the "Sinekod" medication.
The drug "Stoptussin"
A fairly common and effective tool. Therefore, when talking about "Sinekod" medicines, analogues, it is necessary to dwell on this drug.

It is positioned as a complex remedy that is used to combat a cough of any origin. It is included in therapy, as with dry cough, and when wet.
The instruction of the medicine "Stoptussin" gives the following indications for the purpose:
- bronchopneumonia;
- tracheitis (in acute and chronic form);
- bronchitis;
- paroxysmal cough, provoked by pertussis;
- bronchial asthma.
This is a great analogue of "Sinekoda" for children. After all, it provides antitussive, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, he has mucolytic properties. It should be said that the product "Sinekod" has no last effect.
When choosing an effective medicine for a child, be sure to consider one feature. The medicine "Sinekod" is allowed to crumbs from 2 months. A drug "Stoptussin" can be used for babies, whose age is more than 1 year.
Both medicines are absolutely safe for children. However, the cost of Stoptusin is much lower than the price of Sinekoda. For example, drops cost the patients 8, 0-22, 0 rub. Therefore, if you are interested in Sinekod's medications cheap analogue, then pay attention to the drug "Stoptussin."
Syrup "Broncholitin"
What else has a good analog "Sinekod"? Syrup "Broncholitin" is allowed to children from 3 years.
The remedy is based on the combination of basil oil, glacin alkaloid and ephedrine. The drug perfectly helps to get rid of cough. However, it is not recommended to use the syrup on its own.

The medicine promotes the expansion of the bronchial tree, the removal of edema by suppressing the center of the cough. Medication on the speed of exposure to the body is considered one of the best drugs.
However, it should be remembered that the "Broncholitin" remedy is quite toxic. Therefore, it is important to follow exactly the prescribed dosage.
On average, the price of a medicine varies from 80 rubles. up to 110.
The drug "Libexin"
The medicine differs by local anesthetic action, bronchodilator. Has a slight decrease in the activity of the center of respiration.
Medication is indicated with an unproductive cough of any origin. The drug is prescribed for bronchopulmonary diseases, occurring in acute and chronic stages, which are accompanied by a difficult exit of phlegm.
"Libexin" is an effective analog of "Sinekoda", for children it is produced in the form of a syrup and can also be applied from 2 years.
However, you can use the medicine only after consulting a doctor. The product has a number of contraindications. Among them: ulcer ailments, pathologies accompanied by increased bronchial secretion, cystitis, chronic glomerulonephritis, pregnancy.
The medicine "Erespal"
The drug is extremely effective. He has anti-bronchoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory properties.

Assign a medicine with:
- bronchitis;
- an allergic cough;
- bronchial asthma;
- laryngitis;
- rhinopharyngitis.
However, this tool has many contraindications. In addition, it can cause a variety of side effects. Such manifestations affect the cardiovascular, digestive system.
People suffering from bronchospasm, the drug should be taken with increased caution.
The cost of the medication varies between 356-401 rubles.
The drug "Ascoril"
The combination medicine includes three active ingredients:
- bromohexine,
- guaifenesin,
- salbutamol.
Such components give the drug mucolytic expectorant, bronchodilator properties.
The medicine "Ascoril" is recommended for acute and chronic ailments of the respiratory system, accompanied by bronchial obstruction or cough.

The drug is prescribed for patients who are diagnosed with:
- bronchitis,
- pneumonia,
- whooping cough,
- bronchial asthma,
- parakoklysh,
- pulmonary tuberculosis,
- tracheobronchitis.
The cost of the medicine, depending on the dosage and form of release, varies between 148-610 rubles.
Syrup of licorice root
Does the Sinekod product have a Russian counterpart? Pharmacists claim that there is no such medication. However, the Russian market provides drugs that have a similar effect on the body.
One of their antitussive drugs is the syrup "Licorice root". This is a natural remedy that has passed the test of time. The drug is characterized by a mild effect on the body. But the drug does not belong to highly effective drugs. Therefore, this drug is often recommended in combination with other medicines.
One of the main advantages of this medicine is extremely low toxicity. In addition, its price is much lower than that of "Sinekod". A cheap analogue will cost the patient in the amount of 17 to 32 rubles.
Medication «Omnitus»
The antitussive drug is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The medication blocks the cough center directly in the brain.
The medicine "Omnitus" has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilating properties. Recommended pills or syrup with an unproductive dry cough, provoked by various causes.

The medicine provides a rapid cough relief. Typically, a painful symptom takes place in almost 1-2 days.
Contraindications for the drug a little. The drug is not allowed to be taken with individual sensitivity to it, pregnancy, lactation period. Syrup is not given to babies until 3 years. And tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age.
Now you know what sorts of "Sinekod" analogues can be selected. However, remember that any remedy should only be used when your choice is approved by the doctor.
Strong to you health!