Excruciating cough

What to do if you have tortured cough: tips and recipes

Cough is one of the symptoms of certain diseases. Often it passes quickly. But if this did not happen and tortured the cough, what to do in this situation? To begin with it is necessary to understand the reasons causing this unpleasant phenomenon.

The cough is unpleasant in that it brings physical discomfort, since by its duration it literally exhausts, exhausts the person. Such a cough often becomes painful, especially with prolonged seizures. In addition, because of this unpleasant symptom, a person may hesitate to appear in public places, especially where silence is observed: in the library, at a working meeting, in the theater, etc.

Causes of cough

The causes of such a symptom, as a cough, must be established, since this directly affects the treatment being prescribed. For different causes of cough, preparations with different dosing times and dosages may be prescribed, as well as some other necessary procedures.

Cough occurs as a reflex of the human body in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. People tend to regard this reflex as a symptom of colds in the respiratory tract. However, various factors can act as an irritant, among them: foreign bodies, dust and other allergens, inflammatory processes, sputum, etc. Thus, coughing is not always indicative of ARVI, bronchitis or pneumonia, it can quite speak of another problem. For example, about more serious diseases: bronchial asthma or tuberculosis. Sometimes this symptom occurs even with heart disease. It can also occur in smokers whose airway mucosa is over-dried.
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Cough in various diseases has its own distinctive features. So, with pneumonia and bronchitis, a gray or yellow-green sputum appears during coughing. When tracheitis, it is accompanied by pain in the chest. A cough with laryngitis is barking and rough. The symptom of whooping cough is a very long, but not strong cough. Even smokers can notice seizures of this phenomenon, especially in the mornings after getting up from bed.

However, do not engage in self-medication, even if there is confidence in the diagnosis! The doctor can determine the true cause of the disease.

Cough can be of two kinds: wet and dry. The first type is accompanied by the separation of phlegm, and the second - no. They are treated differently in different ways.

Wet cough is better than dry, since in this case, sputum is removed from the body and contains harmful microorganisms. And this contributes to a speedy recovery.

With a dry cough, the body does not produce phlegm, it only accumulates in the respiratory tract. As a rule, it is dry cough that lasts long and painfully, as by itself it irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract and provokes new attacks.

Thus, when treating a prolonged cough, they are primarily repelled by the cause of the appearance of this symptom and its type.

Treatment of prolonged cough

Treatment of a painful cough should not be postponed. The earlier it is started, the easier it is to conquer this disease. A prolonged cough can cause other complications and go into a chronic form.

With a dry prolonged cough, drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action are prescribed.

They are designed to dilute sputum and improve its retreat.

Effective in this regard, the drugs of central action, which affect the brain and the cough center located there. Drugs can be of two types: narcotic, containing codeine, and non-narcotic, in which this component is absent. Codeine-containing drugs (Kodelak, Codeine, Neo-Kodion, Nurofen Plus, Pentalgin-N, Piralgin, Solpadein, "Terpinkod "Tetralgin etc.) have a number of shortcomings: addictive, depress the breath, affect the motor skills intestines. These drugs are deprived of these without codeine (Butamirat, Glaucin, etc.).

Drug-mucolytics, diluting sputum, include Ambrobene, Lazolvan, ACTS, Solutan, Mukaltin, and others. In their composition, medicinal herbs are most often included, therefore such remedies are the safest.

There are also combined drugs that have a double effect, for example, Doctor MOM, Kodelak Fito, Broncholitin.

When treating cough in children, non-narcotic drugs should be used. Medicines with codeine can be used only in exceptional cases, when you need to immediately block the attack of a prolonged cough.

It is useful to perform inhalations with a nebulizer inhaler, in which you can use either pure saline (sodium chloride or physiological saline, as it is also called), and its mixture with drugs for inhalation (Ambroghexal, Berodual and other). Such a measure helps to dilute sputum and improves the ingestion of the drug inside. The dosage and timing of the procedure should be determined by the doctor.

If a cough is caused by an allergic reaction to some kind of allergens (down, dust, pollen, hair), then antihistamines are prescribed (Suprastin, Zirtek, Fenistil, etc.).

Folk methods of treatment of prolonged cough

In folk medicine, there are many ways to alleviate a painful cough in the home. Most recipes are designed primarily to combat the cough that has arisen because of a cold.

Here are some recipes of folk medicine against cough:

  1. Inhaling nebulizer, folk medicine advises to replace inhalations over boiled potatoes.
  2. Chest and back can be rubbed with goat or badger fat.
  3. It is useful to rinse your throat with broths of chamomile, calendula, sage, and breastfeed. They have anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Onion husks from 5 bulbs to grind, add a glass of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of honey and 4 glasses of water. All cook for about 3 hours on low heat, after which take 2 tsp. up to 5 times a day. Keep refrigerated.
  5. Onion is rich in phytoncides, which can kill germs. Therefore, it is useful to breathe over a chopped onion or to arrange it in a cut-up form along the apartment.
  6. An effective method of prolonged cough is a decoction of bran. In 2 liters of water for 10 minutes you need to boil 300 g of wheat or rye bran and 3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably burnt). The received structure should be taken during the day in small portions in hot form.
  7. Cut hazelnuts mixed with honey and take 1 tsp. every 3 hours. Wash down with warmed milk.
  8. From the potato, you can prepare a compress. It is necessary to boil potatoes in a uniform, grind to a gruel, mix with 5 drops of iodine and a spoon of vegetable oil. The resulting mass is applied to the chest and warmly wrapped. Remove after cooling potatoes.

Useful tips for treating a cough

These tips must be observed in order to get better soon:
  1. The course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, since only he can correctly determine the necessary medicinal means and their dosages taking into account the features of the course of the disease, age, the presence of other health problems and etc.
  2. When taking medication, you need to remember that you can not simultaneously take drugs with mucolytic effects and antitussives!
  3. It is useful to supplement traditional treatment with folk medicine.
  4. If the cough does not pass for more than a month, then it is worthwhile to repeatedly consult a doctor.
  5. Most often, coughing attacks occur at night, when sputum accumulates, not leaving in one position. Therefore it is important to change the position of the body more often at night.
  6. If you suffer from a dry cough, then an abundant warm drink will help. You can drink water, teas, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, milk with honey.
  7. Cough increases with dry air, so an important task is to maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the patient's room.

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When coughing, you need to carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor in order to beat him. To speed up the recovery process, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine, supplementing them with the traditional treatment with medicines. It is important not to postpone the initiation of treatment and take the necessary measures as early as possible. Then cope with the cough will be much faster!


What does the color of phlegm indicate when coughing?

Sputum is a secret that is produced by the bronchi and trachea.

The color of sputum when coughing is the most important indicator that will help to make the correct diagnosis.

In the normal state, there should be no discharge from the respiratory tract. The secret serves as a kind of barrier against the penetration of dirt and dust into the lungs.

Types of cough

At the onset of the inflammatory process, irritation of the nerve endings is accompanied by a profuse secretion of the bronchi and trachea. Through cough, the lungs are released from the microbes. When a person coughs, there is a sharp exhalation through the mouth due to irritation of the respiratory tract.

Coughing is not a single disease, but only a symptom of many diseases. It can be classified according to the rhythm: paroxysmal, individual coughs, and a series of successive coughing tremors. The first type most often occurs in patients with asthma, whooping cough or when a foreign body enters the lungs. Coughs are characteristic for allergies, as well as for smokers. A sequential cough often occurs with bronchitis. As you can see, coughing is different for different diseases. That's why the doctor at the reception asks the patient about the nature and form of coughing.

By type, the cough is divided into two groups:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.

With a dry cough, inflammation of the pleura, larynx, dry bronchitis is most often diagnosed. In addition, if a dry cough does not pass for a long time, it is possible to develop tuberculosis. With any long unceasing cough, it is best to consult a doctor. Cases when a person starts up his illness, occur more often. Some people think that a wet cough that lasts a long time does not pose a danger. And already when there is shortness of breath, hemoptysis, weight loss and appetite, a person begins to sound an alarm. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the nature of the cough and the consistency of sputum (if it is).

Types of phlegm on coughing

Of course, it is impossible to accurately diagnose a disease only by the color of sputum. However, coupled with other symptoms, this indicator will help to correctly diagnose, and then the doctor will prescribe a quality treatment. If a person is suffering from a severe cough with phlegm, it is important to pay attention to its color.

Mucous sputum is viscous substance colorless or whitish in color. More often such allocation can be at a bronchitis, an inflammation of lungs. In such cases, the doctor usually prescribes slimy mucus preparations: potions, syrups and tablets. With more severe course of the disease, an antibiotic is prescribed. In no case should you prescribe yourself a medicine yourself!

The fact is that the human body can be immune to certain types of antibiotic. A good doctor, first of all, will prescribe a test for reaction to all types of drugs. Proceeding from this, the necessary antibiotic is determined. With proper treatment, a strong cough with phlegm will not last long.

With swelling of the lung, serous sputum may be allocated. It has the appearance of a liquid foaming substance. Treatment is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Purulent sputum can be released during inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. It is preferable to immediately prescribe an antibiotic. Flesh-thinning medications will only remove it from the lungs and bronchi, but the inflammatory process will remain in place. And if you run it, it threatens to develop into a chronic pneumonia or bronchial asthma.

With croupous pneumonia, the color of phlegm can turn brown by the third day. Initially, there is a dry and painful cough.

If sputum greenish shade is allocated with an unpleasant putrefactive smell, then it can be a gangrene of the lung or its abscess. A visit to the doctor in this case is mandatory, and it should be implemented as soon as possible.

Fungal infections of the respiratory system will certainly appear in the form of whitish curdled discharge. Necessarily antifungal therapy is prescribed (sometimes antibiotics), funds that restore the healthy flora of the body, drugs to raise immunity and vitamins. Beneficial effect on the treatment trip to the sea or visit special salt rooms.

Infarction of the lungs will manifest in the form of bright red admixtures of blood. It is better to call an ambulance.

Yellowish discharge from the lungs can appear in acute infectious diseases, such as: acute bronchitis, acute sinusitis. In addition, a yellowish shade of sputum may be in a smoker with a long history, and with an allergic cough.

As for any admixtures of blood - scarlet or brown, this sputum character can signal tuberculosis in neglected form, about lung cancer or pneumococcal infection. Self-medication is completely unacceptable.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the cause, usually an analysis of morning excretions is prescribed. It is done or made it is mandatory on an empty stomach, after a preliminary rinse of a mouth a disinfectant solution. Then the patient coughs into a jar, and the contents are carefully examined in the laboratory. Based on the results of the tests, treatment is prescribed.

When infectious diseases are prescribed, respectively, an antibiotic, with allergies - antihistamines. The smoker has two options: either quit smoking, or continue to suffer a cough.

If the diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, several more rules should be followed. First: abundant warm drink. It can be herbal teas, fruit drinks or compotes, just water. Perfectly help in the treatment of herbal fees. But remember that the herbs should be used not as an independent means of treatment, but in tandem with medications. In severe cases, some fees will not help.

Still it is possible to carry out inhalations with saline or preparations for these purposes. They will help to remove the painful coughing spells and speed up the excretion of phlegm. It should be remembered that inhalations are strictly contraindicated for children under one year, and children under six years of age are only allowed with permission and under the supervision of a doctor. Now special devices for procedures are being sold - nebulizers. It is very easy and convenient to use. You can add to the inhaler and a decoction of chamomile or other herbs. A more detailed composition will tell the doctor.

What should I do if my doctor prescribed medication and my cough did not go away? This is a definite reason to sound an alarm. It is best to contact your doctor again, who will send you for an X-ray. The most important thing is to exclude lung cancer, neglected tuberculosis. If these terrible diagnoses are not confirmed, then chronic bronchitis or the so-called smoker's bronchitis is possible.

The fact is that when smoking cilia lining the bronchi, do not cope with their task, namely: to detain pollution from the external environment. Resins and combustion products cause increased secretion secretion, followed by inflammation. Sputum during coughing usually worries all smokers, whose experience is more than 5 years.

It may also be that the cough only bothers you in the morning, but does not show itself at all the rest of the time. This phenomenon should not cause panic. It is possible that the lungs simply need to remove the slime accumulated overnight. However, remember that phlegm when coughing should not be much! A healthy person can stand out in very small quantities.

Prevention of lung diseases

To restore the respiratory system after illness, a trip to the sea is perfect. If there is no possibility to rest every year at the resorts, it is recommended to walk more often in the forest or park. Mandatory hardening, full nutrition (with the correct amount of fat), intake of vitamins by courses.

In the diet must necessarily be oily fish, nuts, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. Newfangled diets with low amounts of fat are contraindicated for people with weak lungs. Try to exercise regularly (swimming, running or just walking fast pace). Moderate physical activity strengthens the body as a whole and lungs in particular.


Timely contact with a doctor, properly selected treatment and compliance with preventive measures - all this will help to avoid respiratory diseases.


What can be a strong cough with sputum

A strong cough with phlegm is always unpleasant, constant attempts to clear throat, secretion of a badly smelling liquid irritate the patient and surrounding, a similar condition occurs in different diseases, but in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause disease.

Cough with phlegm is a syndrome of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, in which purulent or serous discharge accumulates in the bronchi and lungs.

Causes of cough with phlegm

1. The most common cause is viral diseases in the resolution stage, cough is not too strong, there is little sputum, it is clear and liquid, in case of bacterial infection, sputum becomes more abundant, thick, yellow or greenish in color, with an admixture pus. If after an acute respiratory viral or cold the cough has increased in the child, and there is abundant sputum, then you should carefully monitor its condition: increase body temperature, severe deterioration of the condition, frequent, severe cough suggest the spread of inflammation in the lower parts of the bronchi and lungs.

2. Sinusitis and sinusitis - inflammatory diseases of the nasal sinuses are often accompanied by a strong moist cough due to the flow of fluid in the respiratory tract. In this case, the patient has a cough without raising the body temperature, increasing in the morning hours. In such a situation, you need to treat the underlying disease, and not a symptom.

3. Bronchitis is a strong moist cough with hard-to-separate sputum, the main symptom of progressive inflammation bronchus, as the disease develops, cough becomes more severe, and sputum is released in more quantity.

4. An excruciating frequent cough with hardly-detachable sputum in a child occurs with such an infectious disease as whooping cough, This disease is characterized by very strong, painful attempts to clear the throat, possibly the occurrence of vomiting, loss of consciousness and dyspnea. If the child has an increase in body temperature, wheezing and frequent coughing attacks, it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician, since it is necessary to treat whooping cough in the hospital.

5. Pneumonia - frequent and severe cough, accompanied by the release of a large amount of purulent sputum, occurs with pneumonia, in In this case, a child or an adult has a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40, weakness, chest pain and general worsening state.

6. Chronic diseases - a constant cough with phlegm, without raising the body temperature, may be a symptom of such chronic lung diseases, such as: tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, oncological processes in lungs.

7. Allergic diseases - constant irritation of the mucous membranes with allergies can trigger the appearance of a moist cough that intensifies in the morning hours with a scant separation of a transparent "glass" phlegm.


To treat a moist cough you need to start by determining the cause of its appearance. Most often it occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection, in this case, the main purpose of treatment is the removal of microorganisms from the respiratory tract, their purification and regeneration.

1. Mucolytic and expectorant drugs - dilute sputum and promote its excretion from the bronchi and lungs. In the treatment of a child most often used: Bromhexin, Ambro (Ambroxol, Ambrobene), licorice syrup, ACC, Lazolvan and other expectorant sprays or syrups.

2. It is necessary to drink a few liters of alkaline liquid per day, this will help to avoid dehydration and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.

3. Very useful physiotherapy procedures - especially when treating a child of the first years of life, consult your doctor about the possibility of prescribing physiotherapy or spend it at home - for this use warming ointments and compresses on the chest, mustard or just dry heat on the neck and breasts.

4. Folk methods - "grandmother's recipes" can be used as an additional treatment or mild forms of the disease, but, in any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor doctor.

  • lemon with honey - mix 100 grams of honey and 1 mashed lemon, use 1 teaspoon before eating,
  • sage infusion - a full tablespoon of dry leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, dilute with the same amount of warm water or milk and drink during the day. Infusion is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers,
  • juice of black radish with honey - mix 100 g of honey with the juice of 1 black radish, the dose for an adult patient - on a half-spoonful of the composition 2-3 times a day.

Treatment for a wet cough should be done under the supervision of a doctor, since only a qualified specialist can determine the cause of the disease precisely.


How to quickly cure dry painful cough in a child (4 years) What only syrups did not re-test, no good.



We are helped balm asterisk slightly in an iron plate in boiling water and together with the child under the blanket let him shout over a plate for 5 minutes, two procedures, we usually have enough then to change and in bed I was struck by the result I hope and you will help


call a doctor


Buy a children's sumomed.


Check with doctors, cough can be with angina, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and allergic, all is treated differently.


we drink lazolvan, on day 5 it became better, and still I put a cake. It is made so mustard, warm water, honey to melt, flour all for 1 hour. l mix and gauze and chest on top of the fleece and transport the scarf and so walk around 30-40 minutes


And why do not you go to the doctor? I was treated - a cut was cut out in a green radish and a spoonful of honey was put there, as the juice was typed, so they were given... morning, afternoon and evening on a spoon.


Traditional medicine: black radish juice with honey. You can squeeze the juice and mix with honey, and you can clean half of the radish and make it a hollow. In the recess put a spoonful of honey. After a while you can give. The first way is more effective, but more nasty. But you still need to see a doctor.


Sinecod. It's antitussive. Not expectorant.

light corner ...)))

Tea from mother-and-stepmother drives away phlegm ...)))) There's still a good thing - a chest elixir. Everything is sold in a pharmacy, it costs a penny, and helps not worse than imported medicines. And an overdose is not terrible ...))) Recover ...)))

*** JuliaA ***

syrup HERBION try)


My daughter this year in February, began a painful, dry lingering cough. Treated with syrups and gorchishnikami and nothing helped. The doctor said to drink mukaltin (so that sputum and analysis of the macro). When the sputum analysis was ready, we were told to do a fluroography and we found an atypical pneumonia and, through analysis, found the pathogen, treated us with strong antibiotics for 5 days.

svetlana lugovenko

I rub off the offspring with goat fat. Fat I warm in a tablespoon and smear the chest, back, heels. Can be diluted with triple cologne. The main thing is careful not to burn yourself or the baby. But if you cough for a long time, do it to the doctor.

Elena Zotova

and licorice does not help ?!


Bromhexine. That's really, do not torment the child with a proven drug treat. 1 tablet 2 times a day, with a glass of water. The second day will start to expectorate. Usually 3 days of treatment are enough.

Nadezhda Baranova

We were very helped by warm milk with sink oil. and soda at the tip of the knife. Drank 1 tbsp. spoon every 30 minutes.


Of course, to begin with, it is necessary to find out the reason! !
But nevertheless, there are three ways with which I once put my baby on his feet... .
1) cook a peeled onion in milk for 20 minutes, then a glass of broth a piece of butter and a half teaspoon of honey. Drink tolerably hot.
2) rub the child at night with badger or nutrient fat.
3) prepare a flat cake: tablespoons of honey to bring to a boil, then add a tablespoon of vodka, a tablespoon of butter. Thoroughly mix and add flour to the cake. We wrap in gauze and in a warm kind we put on the breast for the whole night, fixing with bandage.
2 and 3 way to alternate. The main patience and all will pass. A child will still have time to get drunk for chemistry for his life (I'm talking about medicines)
Get well soon!!!)))

Gennady Kodinenko

Very good help, prepared on a steam bath broth of dry licorice root.

Lyudmila Kuzmina

Hand over analyzes on whooping cough, an allergy. Just do not pull.

Nina Lagutina

helps us to aspire, but rather rather to the doctor, do not take self-medication, we ate this dog's cough, all the time that we went to kindergarten a little caught a cold at once started a dry cough and endlessly outgrew into bronchitis or pneumonia, pity the baby better than a doctor, you still no one will help


medox syrup or erespal

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