Outbreaks in the eyes: causes

Flashes in the eyes is referred to as a photopsy.It is expressed in the appearance of sparks, luminous images of a very different shape and periodicity.It can be luminous circles, "splashes spots, unexpectedly arising and shimmering in different colors. With this symptom, it usually hurts inside the eyeball. More serious pathologies that can manifest themselves are discussed in this article.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

This unpleasant and uncomfortable condition is associated, first of all, with the pathological changes that occur in the vitreous body of the organs of vision.Very often such an emerging glow is associated with lesions of the retina tissues. How can you identify the symptoms of this phenomenon.Many people compare this phenomenon to a flash with a strong impact of the head, when a person falls or knocks hard on something. Often, such a "color music" in the head, combined with mandatory accompanying symptoms, it can be a pain in the head, spinning, a general partial loss of visual acuity.

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Thus, the "flies" appear before the eyes

Why there are outbreaks, where to look for the roots of this phenomenon, in what is the origin mechanism? Symptoms tell about serious disturbances in the system of vision.This, nothing else, as an independent reproduction of the retina of the eye, nerve impulses. When they hit the brain, they immediately project distortion in the form of a visual image, circles, blurred luminous forms.

In other words, it is possible to express the mechanism of occurrence so that there is an irritation of the mechanical or electrical origin of one of the segments of the visual analyzer.If you press your closed eyes with your fingers, or, more precisely, the corners of your eyes, you can observe something similar. The outbreaks in the eyes are called phosphenes.

This symptom is the most popular complaint in the ophthalmological room. Often patients complain about simultaneously appearing flashes and flies, flickering before the eyes. All these facts speak of eye diseases, or rather, a change in the structure of the retina.


Not always "pulsing" flashes in the eyes have serious consequences.The causes of flies before the eyes are associated with severe fatigue, a long sitting in front of the computer monitor, a TV set, but one can not ignore this problem.If the phenomenon becomes obtrusive or aggravated, it is time to turn to the ophthalmologist, as this can depend on the timely treatment of a developing and often serious disease.

Possible diseases

Here are some diseases that are provoked with symptoms such as flare-ups in the eyes of bright light:

  • Detachment in the vitreous body.What it is? This is the same substance, which is the main and central ocular part attached to the retina. Throughout a person's life, due to age, there is a gradual squeezing and flaking of it from the original place. And here comes the main thing - it begins to pull the retina, which causes flashing effects. This is especially often observed with the movement of the eyeball. Here there is no special "crime but it is necessary to regularly observe the specialist, since this diagnosis can time to grow into a more formidable, associated with detachment of the retina, and this, as you know, is the direct way to complete blindness.

  • Rupture of the retina and its detachment.Most often, such serious injuries can occur due to extreme stress or huge physical exertion. If flashes, veils, or visual loss occur, promptly call an ambulance.
  • Migraine.With particularly severe attacks of migraine and before the attack, often the patient before your eyes there are bright lines, zigzags, points of a flare nature. Appearance is possible in one or both eyes, more often in peripheral areas of vision. If the flickering of light in the eyes is not accompanied by pain in the head, then the disease is called eye migraine, and here the help of a neurologist is required.
  • Pathology of the vascular system.The list of such ailments includes: diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some other vascular diseases. In these diseases, outbreaks are associated with short-acting spasms, as well as with impaired blood flow in the structures of the retina tissues. Having common vascular diseases, patients complain of a periodic flare-up in the eyes when they are closed or in the dark.
  • Tumors inside the skull and in the occipital part of the brain.With such pathologies, the "light show" is of a permanent nature, of various shapes and shades.
  • Inflammation of the retina and choroid, or of retinitis and choroiditis.Global violations of this type do not go without additional symptoms: blurred vision and severe vision loss.

  • Eye injury or blows to the head can lead to occasional flashes.
  • Some medications, or rather their overdose, are also capable of causing similar phenomena.
  • Gradual aging of the body, usually manifestations begin after 40 years.

Diagnostic Methods

Harmful, at first glance, phosphenes can lead to disruption of the integrity of such an important element of the eyes as the retina. Especially dangerous is the phenomenon, if there is a loss of side vision.

To determine a specific diagnosis and identify causes, a number of studies are implied:

  • ophthalmoscopy,
  • examination by the method of ultrasound of the eyeball,
  • optical coherence tomography,
  • The study of visual fields and visual acuity,
  • measurement of intraocular pressure,
  • fluorescent angiography.


Treatment is carried out on the basis of identified symptoms and accurate diagnosis of the disease. It is not necessary that the patient will be treated only by the eye specialist. There are often connected and other doctors:

  • With violations, tears and detachment of the retina, the main treating specialist will be an ophthalmologist.
  • With such diseases as angiospasm or osteochondrosis in the cervical department, the neurologist and cardiologist will solve the problem.
  • It may also require the help of a therapist and an endocrinologist.

The specificity of the treatment process is determined by each individual case, therefore it is impossible to say about any general method. So, for example, with retinal detachment, laser coagulation methods or surgical treatment in the form of vitrectomy and tamponization of the cavity are used to ensure that the retina is tight.When inflammations are prescribed corticosteroid drugs for local effects and antibiotics.

Laser coagulation

If tumor tumors are detected, an oncologist is connected, a full examination is performed and oncological therapy is prescribed.


The main and the only prophylactic and preventive complications of action in case of outbreaks in front of the eyes is the timely access to the eye doctor.This will allow you to recognize the cause, understand the problem of this condition at an early stage, and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

No independent measures will not give the proper effect and will not protect against the imminent threatening of pathologies, with provided this is not a temporary state of fatigue, which can quickly pass, costs a person fully relax.


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Constant or recurring outbreaks in the eyes, is a sign of some kind of disorder of the optic path, with possible involvement of the retina. If you want to keep sharp eyesight for many years, you should not hesitate to visit a polyclinic. Only an experienced doctor will show you the way to recovery and help you regain peace and quality of life.

Also read about such symptoms as fog in the eyes and causes of edema of the upper eyelids.

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