Eye drops of Skulachev: characteristics, purpose, myths and facts

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Taking into account the fact that many different diseases of the visual apparatus are diagnosed today, the question of researching new methods of their treatment remains open and relevant.Especially important today are developments in the field of drugs that can restore visual functions without surgical intervention.Thus, eye drops developed by scientist Vladimir Skulachev are considered by many to be able to restore lost vision due to some pathological changes and to rejuvenate the visual apparatus.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Application
    • 3.1Indications
    • 3.2Contraindications
    • 3.3In pregnancy
    • 3.4To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Analogues
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Description of the preparation

Eye drops of Skulachev are released through pharmacy chains called Visomitin.The composition of the drug is bromide plastoquinonyl decyltriphenylphosphonium, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride and other components. The solution is a colorless liquid without sediment, which is released in plastic bottles for five milliliters.

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Vizomitin - moisturizing drops

The therapeutic action of the medicinal product was based on the task of eliminating oxygen in active forms, since its ions have a destructive property for the organs of vision.It is it that can cause the development and development of many diseases and deterioration and loss of vision.

The drug is dispensed solely on the prescription of the treating doctor.Closed packaging can be stored for no more than a year, open - within a month. The temperature range during storage should not exceed two to eight degrees Celsius.

Eye drops should be protected from children and used until the expiration date, as its components can have a negative effect on the mucosa. Also, the danger may be the multiplication of pathogens.

Pharmacological action and group

Eye drops are a solution that has a keratoprotective effect.Acts as an effective antioxidant, stimulates tearing, renewing the epithelium of the eyeball, and also affects the quality of tear film.

The active substance of the drug is characterized by the following properties:

  • Affects the lacrimal gland, contributing to the normalization of its work;
  • Protects cells and tissues of the organs of vision from the negative effects of free radicals;
  • Improves the structure of tear film;
  • Increases metabolism in tissues.

Thus, the drug has a serious impact on the components of the visual apparatus, forcing them to work more actively and update themselves.


In ophthalmology, Skulachev drops are used for both prevention and treatment of diseases of the visual apparatus.Method of use: three times during the day, one to two drops per eyelid. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

With the simultaneous use of other eye drops, the interval between the instillation procedures should be at least five to ten minutes. Before use, contact lenses (if available) are recommended for removal.


The main indication for use is the presence of dry eye syndrome. Also, the drug is used to eliminate cataracts and glaucoma.It is believed that Visomitin effectively prevents the negative consequences of the development of these diseases and after a course of regular use eliminates the need for surgical operations.

Dry eye syndrome

The drug is able to stop apoptosis and death of cells of the eye tissues.The mechanism of its action is characterized as follows:

  • The exchange of energy and substances of mitochondria is restored;
  • Neutralization and destruction of substances is possible with the help of the organism itself;
  • The aging of the visual apparatus stops due to antioxidants.

Thus, drops are used when it is necessary to prevent and block the development of apoptosis, cataracts, glaucoma, as well as to protect the eyes and remove the main problems associated with excessive stress and tired eyes.However, studies on the effectiveness of droplets are still ongoing, as it is not proven in the laboratory. But the use of a solution to treat dry eye syndrome, relieve fatigue and overexertion in most cases gives positive results.


The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its composition.On the effects of interactions with other drugs at the moment, data is practically not available, studies in this issue are underway.

In pregnancy

The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there have been no laboratory studies on this issue.It is best in this case to use safer, proven analogs.

To small children

Eye drops of Skulachev are contraindicated for the treatment of children under the age of eighteen. This is due to lack of information about the effect of the composition on children.

If there is a need for co-administration of drops with other drugs, it is important to consult with your doctor.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Overdosage Visomitin with external correct application is almost impossible.There is a small chance of allergic reactions with hypersensitivity to its components. The first few minutes after instillation are often observed blurred vision and blurry images. This fact does not allow carrying out activities that require increased concentration of attention. Also it is not recommended to drive vehicles.

Overdose means is almost impossible. However, increasing the dose without a doctor's recommendation may increase the side effects or increase the likelihood of their occurrence.


Eye drops with a similar composition have not yet been developed.There are also no analogues of the drug, which can have a positive effect on glaucoma and cataracts with the help of this mechanism of action. However, to choose the protective medicines to eliminate fatigue and dry eye syndrome is possible. Among them:

  • Froccal(has a large spectrum of action, removes inflammation and kills bacteria);
  • Stillavit(it is recommended as a remedy for fatigue of the visual apparatus);
  • Taufon(effective with fatigue from working at a computer);
  • Tebridex(used as a drug against the effects of fatigue, inflammation and exposure to bacteria).
Floxal has a therapeutic effect

Choose and replace Vizomitin for similar medications is not recommended without consulting a doctor.



Skulachev's eye drops were developed by the scientist as a means against aging of the visual apparatus and the most serious eye diseases requiring surgical intervention.Studies and tests for the effectiveness of this drug are still in progress, however, as a protective solution and a remedy for dry eye syndrome, vizomitin is used quite actively.