With gout, what alcohol can be?


  • 1What alcohol can you drink with gout?
    • 1.1Why is it forbidden to drink alcohol when gout?
    • 1.2Vodka and other strong drinks for gout
    • 1.3The influence of wine on the state of the patient with gout
    • 1.4Effect of beer on the body of a patient with gout
    • 1.5Additional recommendations
  • 2Alcohol for gout
    • 2.1Vodka for gout
    • 2.2Wine for gout
    • 2.3Beer for gout
    • 2.4How correctly to drink alcohol at a gout?
  • 3Whether it is possible to drink alcohol at a gout (vodka, beer, wine)
    • 3.1Features of the disease
    • 3.2Can I drink alcoholic beverages with gout?
    • 3.3Why alcoholic beverages are prohibited in case of disease
    • 3.4What you can drink with gouty arthritis
  • 4Can I drink alcohol and what kind of alcohol?
  • 5What alcohol can you drink with gout?
    • 5.1Features of the disease
    • 5.2Does alcohol need an organism?
    • 5.3Effect of alcohol
    • 5.4How to drink alcohol?
    • 5.5Combating uric acid
    • 5.6Treatment of gout
  • 6Alcohol for gout
    • 6.1Expert opinion
    • 6.2Rules for the use of alcohol
    • 6.3A few recommendations for the correct use of alcohol for gout
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What alcohol can you drink with gout?

Many men consume alcohol for gout, although they know about its harm to the body. Follow the recommended diet can units.

After all, to give up tasty meat dishes and alcohol is very difficult. In order not to deprive yourself of pleasure, gouty women try to find a safe drink.

Some drink wine, others use light beer or homemade tinctures. It is widely believed that expensive varieties of alcohol do not cause attacks of gout.

However, people, long suffering from gout, find a link between the use of any alcoholic beverages and the development of a gouty attack.

Why is it forbidden to drink alcohol when gout?

Gout is characterized by a violation of purine metabolism. Purines are contained in all human cells. They are synthesized by the body and come along with food.

The absence of purines in the diet, even prolonged, does not have a negative effect on the metabolism. If there are too many purines with food, they are destroyed.

During the cleavage of purines, uric acid is formed.

Uric acid in certain quantities is necessary for man. It protects the body from premature aging and cancer. In a healthy person, excess uric acid is excreted by the kidneys.

If the purine metabolism is disturbed, a critical accumulation of uric acid occurs in the body.

Uric acid salts are crystallized and deposited in the joints, kidneys and other tissues of the body, provoking gouty attacks.

An increase in the concentration of uric acid is due to an increase in the synthesis of purines in the body - their excessive intake of food or as a result of a violation of their elimination.

In 30% - 50% of patients suffering from disturbances of purine metabolism, kidneys are affected with time.

Pathologically altered kidneys can not in time excrete uric acid and contribute to its accumulation in the body.

Alcohol drinks suppress the production of the pituitary hormone vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone).

The main function of vasopressin is to delay and restore the normal level of fluid in the body.

Active production of antidiuretic hormone promotes activation of the kidneys and timely removal of uric acid by the kidneys.

After drinking alcohol, the synthesis of vasopressin is reduced. With its lack, the body begins to suffer from general dehydration. In humans, the volume of circulating blood decreases, and its viscosity increases. Because of a lack of fluid in the blood, the concentration of uric acid sharply increases.

All the cells of the body suffer from lack of fluid. The amount of water in the cartilaginous tissue is critically reduced.

Due to moisture deficiency articular cartilage loses its elasticity and elasticity. It becomes dry and easily destroyed, unable to withstand the usual loads.

The process of destruction of cartilaginous tissue is accompanied by inflammatory reaction and pain.

Vodka and other strong drinks for gout

Due to the fact that vodka does not contain purines, rheumatologists for a long time considered it a conditionally safe alcoholic beverage. They sometimes allowed to drink vodka in small doses (50 g).

One serving will not cause serious damage to the body. But if the person who depends on vodka starts drinking alcoholic beverages regularly and in significant doses, the consequences will be deplorable.

In addition, that vodka causes a general dehydration of the body, it promotes the synthesis of purines. With excessive formation of uric acid, the process of its crystallization and deposition is accelerated. Cognac has a similar effect.

Vodka and other strong drinks contain ethyl alcohol in large quantities. This product is very toxic. It negatively affects the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, pancreatic cells die, including those that are responsible for the production of insulin.

Therefore, in gout patients with a tendency to develop diabetes, the disease progresses.

Alcohol disrupts the kidneys. They cease to perform their excretory function in full and do not remove the necessary amount of uric acid. Inadequate kidney work also contributes to an increase in the concentration of urate in the body of the patient.

The harmful effects of strong alcohol on the liver lead to a violation of its antitoxic function. As a result of hepatic insufficiency, the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol on the body increases.

As vodka and other strong drinks quickly become addictive, their use increases. Surpluses of uric acid are deposited in the tissues of the body in the form of tophi and stones.

The negative impact of strong spirits on the body is not immediately apparent. Pathological processes develop imperceptibly. The longer a patient abuses vodka, the more often and stronger will be gout attacks.

Exotic varieties of alcohol (tequila, gin, whiskey) adversely affect the liver and kidneys. They often cause an allergic reaction.

The influence of wine on the state of the patient with gout

For a long time wine with gout was not forbidden. Later taboo was imposed on red wine, as it is a source of free purines.

In this case, white beverage varieties were considered conditionally safe. However, any wine can provoke the development of gout and cause gouty attacks.

After drinking wine, the acidity of urine increases. When the pH of urine decreases (acidification), the solubility of uric acid decreases substantially. Therefore, it accumulates more in the body. Crystallization and deposition of urates trigger the pathological process of gouty attack.

Reduces the solubility of uric acid also tartaric acid, contained in wine. Like other alcoholic beverages, wine negatively affects the kidneys and liver, in addition, it is addictive.

Recent studies have confirmed the ability of wine to cause gout. The likelihood of developing an exacerbation of gout after eating wine is higher than after taking another alcoholic beverage.

Despite the ability of the drink to provoke a gouty attack, in cultures where wine making has traditionally been developed, a large number of gouty women has not been recorded. In the development of the disease, the hereditary factor plays a large role.

However, the dishes most often consumed with a drink are also important. If you drink wine, eating a fresh herb, you can partially neutralize the harmful effects of the drink. Vegetable food becomes alkaline. Therefore, sometimes you can drink 100 ml of the product.

It is better to give preference to white dry wine.

An exception is the period of exacerbation of the disease. At least 1 month after a gouty attack, you should not drink alcohol even in minimal doses. Alcohol is able to distort the effect on the body of drugs and increase adverse reactions.

Effect of beer on the body of a patient with gout

Many do not consider beer a dangerous drink and drink it in the heat instead of compote or water. However, this opinion is erroneous. Beer can not be consumed with gout. It can quickly increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood to a critical level due to the large number of purines.

Dangerously high is the content of 400 mg of purines in 100 g of product. In 100 g of foam alcohol is 1810 mg of purines.

Even for a healthy person who does not suffer from gout and does not have a predisposition to it, this is a large number. Safe standards of purines in foods are in the range of 500 to 1000 mg per day.

Can a patient with gout eat so many purines, the answer is obvious.

The diuretic action of the drink increases the dehydration of the body, increasing the viscosity of the blood and increasing the concentration of uric acid, which enters the body in huge quantities. After all, after drinking beer out of the body comes only water. Slag and urate remain in the body and accumulate in the tissues.

High blood density makes it difficult to supply cells with nutrients and oxygen, as well as the removal of decay products from them.

In conditions of dehydration and high viscosity of blood, one of the first suffers from cartilaginous tissue. It lacks its own blood vessels and receives nutrients with the help of synovial (joint) fluid.

In conditions of dehydration, the amount of synovial fluid decreases, it becomes viscous and can not fully perform its functions. The lack of nutrients and oxygen adversely affects articular cartilage.

It quickly breaks down, causing inflammation of the joint and periarticular tissues.

Despite the small fortress of beer, it causes dangerous consequences. It is drunk in much more quantities than strong drinks. Like other alcohol for gout, beer:

  • disrupts the kidneys;
  • has a negative effect on the process of excretion of uric acid.

With daily use of beer, the likelihood of a gouty attack increases by 50%.

Additional recommendations

Is it possible to drink gout with gout? The answer depends on the state of his health. The reaction to alcoholic beverages varies from person to person.

Some gout suffer regularly from seizures, although they strictly adhere to the recommended diet and do not drink alcohol. In other patients, gout develops less actively.

They allow themselves to moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages and are rarely subjected to gouty attacks.

Of great importance is the food diet. If the diet of gout is low in foods rich in purines, small portions of alcohol may not cause it to worsen.

It is useful to increase the amount of daily exercise, especially if you have to sit a lot by profession. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the accumulation of purines.

It is recommended to drink clean water and alkaline mineral water more often. This will reduce the concentration of uric acid and reduce the acidity of urine. It is advisable not to drink once again alcohol. The state of health of gout is significantly improved if it begins to often visit the fresh air.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/podagra/kakoj-alkogol-mozhno.html

Alcohol for gout

The majority of scientists and medical workers dealing with this problem are categorical in expressing their the opinion that alcohol in any form is not only harmful but also dangerous for the body of a patient suffering from gout.

But even in medical circles, opinions on this issue were divided.

A number of doctors still believe that a natural alcoholic beverage that does not contain any preservatives and flavoring additives in small doses, on the contrary, is useful to the body.

Prepared from natural products, such a drink is able to raise the immune status and strengthen the effect on the musculoskeletal system, to which the joints also belong.

So what alcohol can you drink with gout? how to find that justified "golden middle which will, without harm, bring a noticeable benefit?

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One - two glasses of quality wine - this is all that a patient can afford for a gout man.

Vodka for gout

Any alcohol slows the already weak excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. Therefore, vodka with gout is not recommended.

Scientists conducted an experiment, one experimental group did not take alcohol at all, becoming a control group, the second - on During the day, she drank five doses of the product (150 ml of a 40% beverage), the third - during the day, took seven doses of the product (210 ml of 40% beverage).

As further examination showed, the first group of people had more sporadic seizures and were with a weak symptomatology.

In the second group of patients, the frequency of attacks of exacerbation of the disease was twice that of the control group.

The third group of patients suffered the most, showing the result of the frequency of exacerbation is, times higher than the control group.

Therefore, in order not to put yourself at risk, it is generally desirable to give up vodka altogether. But if this requirement is not fully met, you should follow the recommendations given above.

The only thing that is useful for gout is able to make alcohol is to serve as warming compresses for the sick area.

Wine for gout

When gout is wine, in a small amount (one or two glasses), if it is a home product or products of companies with a solid, unblemished reputation, it will not hurt. So some experts believe. Preferred dry wines, choosing to taste either white or red.

But this is all purely individual: if for some patients this dosage is harmless, then for others this amount can become a catalyst for the aggravation of the disease.

There is an interesting observation by Boston scientists who stated that consumption of wine provokes more gout attacks in men than in women.

Beer for gout

If a person's history is burdened by the disease under consideration in this article, then it is strictly forbidden to drink beer. This prohibition applies not only to alcoholic, but also nonalcoholic variant of this drink.

Most men consider beer to be "a diuretic that cleanses the kidneys." But this is a big mistake.

Beer contains a high level of purines. That is, any, even insignificant consumption of beer, can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. And wait for an attack for a long time will not have to.

In this case, the hop product increases the blood density. This fact worsens the process of delivering nutrients to various organs and systems, including joints, which only aggravates the situation.

How correctly to drink alcohol at a gout?

If you force yourself to give up alcohol or avoid taking it you can not, you should know a few rules on how to drink alcohol correctly with gout to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

The most important thing is to prepare your body for the upcoming feast.

  • Some advise several hours before the main celebration to prepare the body for drinking, taking a small dose of alcohol-containing beverage. This will increase the level of alcohol dehydrogenase - an enzyme in the blood, which will further promote better processing and withdrawal of alcohol. But in a situation where there is a gout in a medical history, doctors do not recommend this.
  • You can advise, shortly before the banquet, to take one of the means that will reduce the level of absorption of alcohol by the mucosa of the digestive tract. This can be a small portion of butter or vegetable oil (enough to swallow one tablespoon of the product). Oil thin film wraps the mucous, starting to work as a protective film.
  • Do not take alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach.
  • It is advisable to start the meal with a hot menu. Such dishes, mixing with a drink, do not allow alcohol to act so actively on the mucosa of the digestive tract, worsening its absorption.
  • For half an hour - one hour before the banquet one can take one of the adsorbents. For example, it can be activated charcoal, it adsorbs part of the alcohol, lowering the dose of alcohol. Dosage of coal at the same time is selected based on the weight of the patient: one tablet for every ten kilograms of weight, washed down with the necessary amount of water.
  • It is necessary to monitor what you drink. No burr and fake counterfeit. Drinks should be only quality and natural.
  • Do not mix different alcohol-containing beverages.
  • After taking spiritsoderzhaschego drink, it is desirable to drink mineral water with alkaline characteristics (Borjomi, Essentuki 4 or Essentuki 17).
  • Do not abuse and the amount of food consumed.
  • Do not drink alcohol on the background of passing treatment with the use of pharmacological drugs. This combination can cause a number of complications, including internal bleeding.

As recent studies have shown, small doses of quality alcohol have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, relieve stress very well. But this does not apply to gout.

If we take 30 g of a strong drink (at least 40% of a fortress) for a alcoholic unit (portion), then a number of scientists and medical workers are considered a daily safe dose for men receiving one to two units, for women not more than one.

The same serving corresponds to 100 ml of dry wine or 300 ml of such a drink as beer.

While others argue reasonably that even this amount increases the level of uric acid in the body and the risk of developing gout or its aggravation.

A source: http://ilive.com.ua/health/alkogol-pri-podagre_113549i88389.html

Whether it is possible to drink alcohol at a gout (vodka, beer, wine)

Gout is mainly found in men aged 40-50 years. Given the attitude of most men to alcohol, it is important that many patients wonder - what kind of alcohol can you drink with the disease?

The answer is one: beer, wine, vodka is strictly prohibited.

Features of the disease

As you know, gout develops as a result of metabolic disorders, resulting in the accumulation of uric acid in the body, which is what causes the disease. In general, the disease is divided into two types: primary and secondary gout.

  1. Primary disease is diagnosed, as a rule, in patients who have a genetic predisposition. Such people in the body independently produce an increased amount of urate sodium. This disease is often caused by a violation in the work of the kidneys, when they can not cope with the removal of accumulated salts from the body. This form of gout is called congenital.
  2. Secondary gout can develop with a negative effect on the body, which leads to a violation of the correct metabolism. By analogy with the congenital form, at this type of illness the organism is also not able to fully excrete salts. Or, as an option, the body produces an increased amount of uric acid.

During the detection of the disease, the doctor first of all studies the medical history, since most often gout begins to develop with psoriasis, hemoblastosis, myeloleukemia, diabetes, hemolytic anemia.

To the formation of a second form of the disease can lead to increased use of medicines, which cause a disruption in the functioning of the renal tubules and a reduction in the volume of circulation blood.

Including gout can develop with frequent consumption of food, which contains lead, as well as alcoholic beverages.

Can I drink alcoholic beverages with gout?

  • During the disease it is forbidden to drink both ordinary and nonalcoholic beer. This is due to the fact that the intoxicating drink contains a large amount of purines, which inside the body is converted to uric acid.
  • Vodka, gin, whiskey and other strong alcohol, including fortified wine, is also not recommended to drink. The fact is that such alcoholic beverages do not allow the excretion of uric acid from the body. You can drink only red or white dry wine, but the daily dose of drunk should not exceed two glasses.
  • It is important to know that alcoholic beverages should not be consumed if the patient takes any medications to cure inflammation of the joints. In this case, you can trigger the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding and damage the liver.

Why alcoholic beverages are prohibited in case of disease

Some patients believe that alcohol with gout can be taken in small doses, but this is a misconception. As doctors say, even a minimal amount of alcohol-containing substance can cause an attack of gout.

In this case, the disease will make itself felt literally on the same day, after the alcoholic drink was drunk.

Affected joints will begin the inflammatory process, regardless of what type of alcohol was taken. Often, doctors pay attention to the fact that the patient periodically has an attack of the disease, despite the intensive course of treatment.

First of all, this is due to the fact that the diet is broken and the person drinks alcohol.

  1. To answer the question, whether it is possible to take alcoholic drinks with gout, a lot of scientific research has been carried out. According to their results, doctors can accurately say that with the intake of even a small amount of alcohol the disease can worsen. It is important to consider that gout is completely incurable.
  2. As studies have shown, men who drank alcoholic beverages for five days in a volume of five servings, twice as likely to experience gout attacks, compared to those who did not drink during this period alcohol. It was found that when the dosage was increased to seven servings, the risk of exacerbation increased to 2.5 times.
  3. Beer, wine and other strong drinks contain a purine, which adversely affects the body. There is an opinion that in case of illness you can drink a small amount of elite alcohol, for example, an expensive dry wine. However, just one glass of even a high-quality drink can repeat a gout attack. Although in modern times there are still doctors who hold a different opinion on alcohol, who believe that elite alcohol can be consumed.

The disease becomes a serious metabolic disorder, for this reason, relapses can occur regularly. To maintain the body is normal, the patient must adhere to the strictest diet. If you do not follow the right diet, exacerbations can happen quite often.

Despite the fact that a person can feel quite healthy, at some moments he can feel sudden sharp pains, in which it is difficult to move.

Attacks arise from the fact that excess uric acid is accumulated in the blood. Usually, this condition can be observed if the patient used a lot of meat products, coffee and alcohol, in particular, beer.

What you can drink with gouty arthritis

When the disease is allowed to drink mineral water, jelly, cranberry or cranberry mors, boar, coffee, tea. Doctors recommend drinking milk regularly, as it is able to remove lactic acid from the body.

During the day, you need to drink a half or two liters of liquid.

With arterial hypertension, heart failure, impaired renal function, prostate adenoma, the number Drink fluids per day should be less, so it is recommended to consult about this with the treating doctor.

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During the disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a diet that excludes the consumption of salty and fatty foods - that is, they contain an increased amount of purines.

It is important to understand that salt can not be completely excluded from the diet, as this can cause an increase in the amount of uric acid in the body and worsen the symptoms of the disease. For this reason, salt should be eaten in small quantities.

Food should be divided, portions should be small. Also it is not recommended to overeat, especially in the evening hours.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/podagra/kakoj-alkogol-mozhno-pri-podagre.html

Can I drink alcohol and what kind of alcohol?

The question of the possibility of drinking alcohol is vital for most gouty people. Disputes on this topic do not cease for a long time.

Many resort to using elite varieties of alcohol or soft drinks, considering them less harmful or even useful.

Nevertheless, the influence of hot drinks on the health status of gout is much more complex and multifaceted than is commonly believed.

The question of the possibility of drinking alcohol with gout should be considered through the prism of the influence of alcohol on the human body, in particular, on the urinary system.

This substance has a negative effect on the work of the kidneys. This leads to the fact that uric acid instead of excretion from the body accumulates there and crystallizes.

Over time, the result of this process is the development of gouty inflammation with unpleasant symptoms:

  • pain;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • problems with mobility of the joint.

In connection with all of the above, most physicians tend to categorically prohibit alcohol for people suffering from gout.

Consumption of even a small dose of hot drinks can cause a serious attack, which will stop only after a long treatment.

This is especially true for patients who like to mix different drinks.

Some doctors still have an alternative point of view on this issue. In their opinion, certain types of alcohol not only will not harm patients, but also contribute to the improvement of joints.

This alcoholic beverage does not contain purines, in the splitting of which uric acid is released. For this reason, sorokagradusnuyu liquid for a long time was considered a product, approved for use for gout.

This drink is undesirable for use by patients with gout. If a single intake of a small dose of a drink does not have a significant effect on the body, then regular consumption in unreasonable amounts will greatly accelerate the development of the disease.

Vodka enhances the production of purines in the body, which during gout leads to the deposition of excess uric acid.Against the background of the dehydration caused by the beverage of the body and the disturbances in the work of the kidneys, its danger is markedly increased.

The liquid in question contains a significant amount of ethyl alcohol.

This component, in addition to affecting other internal organs, contributes to the death of pancreatic cells responsible for the synthesis of insulin in the body. As a consequence, gouty women are more likely to develop diabetes mellitus.

Scientists once conducted an experiment. The group of people was divided into 3 parts:

  1. the first - did not take alcohol;
  2. the second - took vodka 5 times a day for 30 ml;
  3. the third - used a drink 7 times a day for 30 ml.

Based on the results of the experiment, it was found that the frequency of attacks of the disease in participants in the second and third groups was respectively 2 and, times higher than that of the "teetotalers." From this we can conclude that it is undesirable to drink vodka with gout.

The negative effect of the forty-degree fluid usually does not appear immediately, but after a certain time. The more and more often the drink is consumed, the stronger will be the gouty attacks. The same action is provided by other types of strong alcohol - cognac, whiskey, gin, tequila.

This drink for a long time was considered not only not undesirable for gout, but also beneficial due to the positive effect on the vessels.

Wine due to the presence of tartaric acid in its composition helps to increase the acidity of urine, that is, its acidification, which causes the solubility of uric acid to drop sharply.

This substance intensively accumulates in the body, as a result of which there are exacerbations of the disease.

It is believed that the likelihood of developing the disease after drinking wine is much higher than after consuming any other alcoholic beverage.

Despite this, in the regions with traditionally developed winemaking there is no increase in the number of gout. The development of this disease affects heredity, as well as products used as a snack along with wine.

Thus, fresh green leaves an alkali, which neutralizes the negative effect of wine on urine. Therefore, sometimes you can drink no more than 100 ml of wine. Preference should be given to white varieties.

Red wine can not be drunk with gout, since it contains free purines.

Usually beer refers to diuretics that purify the kidneys. Due to this, it is often recommended for eating gout. This is a dangerous delusion.

This drink contains a large number of purines, which can provoke another attack of the disease.

Thus, the content of 400 mg purines in food is already harmful to health, while 100 grams of purine beer contains more than 1800 mg.

This dose is undesirable even for a healthy person, not to mention gout.

The danger of the drink rises due to the fact that beer increases the density of blood. Because of this, inflow of nutrients to various internal organs, including joints, is slowed.

Due to its diuretic effect, beer promotes dehydration of the body and the accumulation of urate and slag in it. This increases the content of uric acid.

Often the opinion is heard that the danger of beer for gout is leveled by its low strength.

But it should be noted that it is due to this characteristic that it is consumed more often and in larger doses.

It should be remembered that daily use of the drink contributes to a twofold increase in the likelihood of an attack of the disease.

Gout occurs in every patient in its own way. Some do not at all consume alcohol, but suffer from frequent seizures.

In others, the disease develops less intensively, and small irregular doses of hot drinks do not harm them.

From this it follows that with regard to taking alcohol with gout, each patient must necessarily consult with the attending physician.

Alcohol lowers its danger for gout with a properly formed menu. It is important that the diet is missing or contained in small quantities of foods saturated with purines. To reduce the acidity of urine and the content of uric acid, you should consume mineral water.

Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle favorably affects the synthesis of purines in the body. It should be possible to increase physical exertion on the body if possible, and often go out to fresh air.

A source: http://brosajkurit.ru/alkogol-pri-podagre/

What alcohol can you drink with gout?

Alcohol and gout are a possible combination?

"Disease of kings" is what gout is called, which is directly related to abundant feasts (feasts).

In our time, despite the high standard of living, this disease manifests itself not so often - many began to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

It is an unbalanced diet, containing fatty meat dishes and alcohol, are the main sources of purines that provoke the development of gout.

Alcohol and gout are a possible combination?

Features of the disease

With gout, it's all about the wrong metabolism, which is affected by the work of the kidneys.

Consuming harmful foods, a person himself knocks down the function of this important organ, filling it with purines.

As a result, urine is excreted from the body in insufficient quantities - part of it is carried along the blood along the body, settling on the joints.

The crystals of uric acid deposited on the bone tissue begin to coalesce with it, making the joint itself more and more still and deformed. From this "ossification" a person experiences severe pain first under stress, and then at rest.

How is the disease progressing - gout?

The disease can be divided into 2 stages, each with its own characteristics:

  • The primary form of the disease refers to the hereditary, when a person with genes transmits a weak ability of the kidneys to excrete salt from the body. But the body itself produces a large amount of urate sodium, settling on the joints.
  • "Disease of kings" refers to the secondary gout that develops under the influence of negative symptoms. The disturbed metabolism does not allow the body to take salts out. It is also possible to observe the active production of uric acid by the body.

Often gout can develop against a background of a number of diseases - diabetes, psoriasis, hemolytic anemia, etc. Excessive use of medications affects the state of the renal tubules, reducing the volume circulating blood.

You can also add products containing lead and alcoholic beverages. In occasion of the last they often ask the question: "What kind of alcohol-containing beverages can be consumed with gout?" The answer to it should sound like this: "Is it worth to aggravate the situation?".

Does alcohol need an organism?

Alcohol even to a healthy body harms if they are abused, and even with gout and even more so can become a "time bomb".

Even if alcohol is not a traditional drink on the table of a patient with gout, and it will be drunk in small quantities on special occasions, and here it is necessary to think - is it necessary?

Any alcoholic strong drinks are not compatible with medicinal preparations, and at a gout all the more, since. here are used quite strong in composition of the means. In this situation, it is possible to provoke liver damage or cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

In periods when drugs are not taken, you need to know which one and how alcohol will affect your health:

  • Beer is even non-alcoholic - an intoxicating drink that contains purines. Therefore, people with gout it is not desirable to drink - it is better to give up completely, so as not to provoke the growth of uric acid on the joints.

Taboo on beer with disease progression

  1. Strong alcoholic beverages (whiskey, gin, vodka) though are not sources of purines, but inhibit the process of excretion of uric acid from the body. It can be used as warming compresses on sick joints - vodka here will be very useful.
  2. As for wines, fortified brands act on metabolic processes, like alcohols. But the wine is light dry white or red allowed to drink with this disease, but no more than 2 glasses a day.

Having acquired an unpleasant diagnosis of "gout we will have to reconsider our alcohol addictions, without abusing the amount taken "on the chest."

Effect of alcohol

Not all patients with gout are ready to refuse to drink alcohol - they just switch to smaller doses, believing that harm to the body from this will not happen. And they are deeply mistaken.

alcohol is able to accumulate in the body its destructive properties.

It happens that a strong attack of gout can occur and a few hours after taking any of the spirits:

  • Gout is not amenable to definitive treatment, but even a small glass of alcohol can start the process of inflammation with a vengeance.
  • The more you drink alcohol, the more difficult it is to treat gout, because alcohol simply blocks the action of medications.
  • Because of the consumption of beer, the density of blood rises, which makes it impossible to deliver nutrients to the tissues (including articular ones) in the right amount.
  • Alcoholic drinks do not allow the body to remove slags, which provokes an even more clogging. Those who periodically takes a diet, it should be noted at this time.
  • Even the fact that you can sometimes drink a light elite wine is not an inoffensive solution, because it is also alcohol.
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Negative consequences of taking alcohol during illness

To stop the development of the disease and avoid frequent manifestations of pain symptoms with gout, it is better not to drink alcoholic beverages at all, excluding from the ration and switching to a more healthy menu.

But if you can not completely abandon alcohol, you can sometimes drink homemade wine without alcohol or choose an elite product of high quality. They, at least (in small doses) are useful for cardiovascular diseases.

How to drink alcohol?

If you can not immediately abandon your preferences in choosing beverages, then at least use them according to the rules.

  1. Do not take alcohol on an empty stomach. In this case, the first dish should be hot, taken before alcohol, and not as a snack.
  2. To reduce the absorption of alcohol-containing beverages into the gastrointestinal tract, in a few minutes before they are taken, you should either eat a teaspoon of butter, or drink a dining room - vegetable.
  3. You can not mix different kinds of alcohol during a feast, preferring such drinks as wine.

Good quality wine can be taken in small quantities

It is necessary to take care of natural absorbents, which will not allow alcohol to be completely absorbed into the blood. For an hour and a half, it is recommended to take activated charcoal, and after the feast - a green hot tea with lemon and a small amount of sugar. Suitable here and mineral water with suitable alkaline characteristics - "Essentuki" or "Borjomi".

Paying attention to the correct intake of alcohol for gout, do not forget about the dishes, which he will have a snack. Food should be digestible, but not in excessive quantities.

The harder it is for the stomach to process food, the easier it will be for alcohol to absorb into the blood, not only acting hoppy on the mind, but also enhancing the symptoms that are characteristic of gout.

Combating uric acid

Suffering from gout pain, you should first of all think not about what alcohol can be consumed, but how to prevent the problem of settling urinary crystals on the joints. To do this, it is important to take care of the rational nutrition, "throwing overboard" gourmet predilections.

The right choice of food

  • When it comes to drinks, then you should bet on stewed fruit, jelly, mineral water. Good decoctions of rose hips and fruit (cranberry and cranberry). Black tea and coffee can be consumed in small quantities, giving preference to green.
  • If the body tolerates lactose, then milk must be drunk - it removes excess uric acid from the body.
  • Clean water allows you to wash the kidney tubules, so the daily fluid norm on average should be at least, l.
  • Fat and pickles, as sources of purines, are completely excluded.
  • But go to a salt-free diet can not in any case - due to lack of salt, the body will start to develop it independently, which will only spur the development of gout.

Treatment of gout

People who suffer from gout should remember that they are more to blame for the development of the disease themselves. So is it worth it to aggravate the situation, not wanting to give up alcohol?

Symptoms of the disease can pass to the heirs along with the genetic code, complicating them in the future life.

A source: http://bsustavov.ru/bolezni/alkogol-pri-podagre.html

Alcohol for gout

Violation of the purine metabolism leads to an increase in the content of uric acid in the blood, thereby causing such a disease in the human body as gout. In the process of its development, crystals of urate salts and uric acid in articular tissues are deposited.

The disease is accompanied by inflammation, pain, swelling of the joints with damage to the smooth cartilaginous surface.

Urea accumulation is associated with a number of factors, such as a metabolic disorder in the body, pathological changes in liver and kidney function, chronic diseases, overweight, addiction to bad habits (alcohol and smoking).

The disease is often exposed to the male sex at the age of 40 to 55 years. Patients suffering from the disease, are wondering whether it is possible to drink alcohol with gout and in what doses?

Expert opinion

In the recent past, doctors agreed that a gouty woman is strictly forbidden to drink any drink that contains alcohol.

But recently, doctors are not so critical about the prohibitions, making some exceptions.

Meanwhile, the patient should always know that alcohol can cause acute attacks of the disease.

Some experts note that certain types of alcohol can be used for medicinal purposes.

In particular, according to recent studies by Western experts, a drink with a low alcohol content contributes to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and can also have beneficial effects on other organs and systems.

Consumption of alcoholic gout patients means one serving for women, and not more than two servings - for men. One serving of alcohol, depending on the type of drink, has a different volume:

  1. beer - 300 ml;
  2. dry wine - 140 ml;
  3. vodka - 40 g.

Those suffering from gout should refuse to consume beer, sparkling wine and cocktails.

The beer contains a large amount of purine: in 100 g of the drink - 400 mg of harmful substance.

After its use in the body remain slag and salt, significantly reduced renal tone and slowed metabolism.

Rules for the use of alcohol

To prevent exacerbations of the disease when consuming alcohol, patients are advised to adhere to a number of rules:

  • Preparing the body for booze. You can take a useful product that reduces the level of absorption of alcohol in the mucosa of the digestive system. It can be half a tablespoon of vegetable or butter. Before the feast, you can take medications that enhance metabolism, remove toxins and reduce the level of purines.
  • Alcohol is appropriate to drink after taking hot food.
  • An hour before drinking alcohol you can take adsorption drugs (for example, activated charcoal).
  • It is necessary to abandon poor-quality, little-known alcoholic beverages.
  • You can not mix different types of alcohol (do not go, for example, from wine to vodka and vice versa.
  • Drink alcohol can be mineral water, which contains alkali (Essentuki 4 or 17 or Borjomi). Mineral water is better to buy in a pharmacy.
  • During the treatment with the use of medications, you must give up alcohol, since serious complications, including internal bleeding, can occur.

Experts advise using red or white dry wines for a gout no more than 1-2 glasses per day.

These wines contain substances that can remove harmful acid from the body.

But when you use them, you should additionally drink a large amount of other liquid (for example, fruit, berry or citrus juices).

Determine the norm of drinking, its further consequences can only the patient, who is not indifferent to their own health.

But it is advisable to listen to the advice of doctors to prevent complications of the disease and not to experience severe pain with a deterioration in the quality of one's own life.

If possible, try not to consume food harmful to the body, refuse completely from smoking, alcohol, adhere to diet, lead a healthy active lifestyle and avoid overloads, stressful situations, heavy physical labor. When the disease worsens, it is desirable to comply with bed rest and follow the recommendations of doctors.

A few recommendations for the correct use of alcohol for gout

If you force yourself to give up alcohol or avoid taking it you can not, then it's worth knowing how to drink alcohol properly with gout to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

The most important thing is to prepare your body for the upcoming feast.

Some advise several hours before the main celebration to prepare the body for drinking, taking a small dose of alcohol-containing beverage.

This will increase the level of alcohol dehydrogenase - an enzyme in the blood, which will further promote better processing and withdrawal of alcohol.

But in a situation where there is a gout in a medical history, doctors do not recommend this.

You can advise shortly before the banquet to take one of the means that will reduce the level of absorption of alcohol by the mucosa of the digestive tract.

This can be a small portion of butter or vegetable oil (enough to swallow one tablespoon of the product).

Oil thin film wraps the mucous, protecting it from the aggressive effects of ethanol.

Do not take alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach.

It is advisable to start the meal with a hot menu. Such dishes, mixing with a drink, do not allow alcohol to act so actively on the mucosa of the digestive tract, worsening its absorption.

For half an hour or an hour before the banquet one can take one of the adsorbents. He will bind part of the alcohol, lowering the dose of alcohol. Dosage of carbon tablets is chosen based on the weight of the patient: one tablet for every ten kilograms of weight, drink a sufficient amount of water.

You need to keep track of what you are drinking. No burr and fake counterfeit. Drinks should be only quality and natural.

Do not mix different alcohol-containing beverages.

Also, you can not abuse the amount of food consumed.

Do not drink alcohol on the background of ongoing treatment with the use of pharmacological drugs. This combination can cause a number of complications, including internal bleeding.

As recent studies have shown, small doses of quality alcohol have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, relieve stress. But this does not apply to gout.

If we take 30 g of a strong drink (at least 40% of a fortress) for a alcoholic unit (portion), then a number of scientists and medical workers considered a daily safe dose for men to take one or two units, for women - not more than one.

The same serving corresponds to 100 ml of dry wine or 300 ml of beer.

At the same time, others argue that even such a small amount of booze increases the level of uric acid in the body and the risk of gout or its aggravation.

A source: http://vsegdazdorov.net/story/alkogol-pri-podagre