Long dry cough in an adult

Why does not a dry cough go away? Causes of dry cough in children and adults

Coughing is a reflex, just like breathing itself. And his appearance indicates that there was some kind of pathogen - allergic, infectious, viral, that is, the cause of dry cough, serious or not, which causes irritation in the respiratory tract and causes the body to clear them of the - allergen, infection, virus or foreign body.

Cough itself is not a disease, it is a symptom of over 50 different diseases or allergic manifestations, from common cold to tuberculosis, oncology, bronchial asthma or heart disease. Most often, a dry cough lasts for several days, moving into productive, moist with sputum, but can sometimes be prolonged. The duration of dry cough is divided into:

  • Acute - which after a few days passes into the wet or passes
  • Prolonged - which lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months
  • Chronic - which lasts more than 3 months.

Let's see why the dry cough does not last a long time, which diseases are the cause of dry cough.

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The main causes of dry cough associated with the respiratory system

The most common causes of dry cough are inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are caused by viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

In this case, a strong organism with a strong immune system cope on its own, and if the immune response the virus or infection is weakened, then antibiotics or antiviral drugs come in for ARVI and influenza.

When parainfluenza and the flu should always consult a doctor, as these are very insidious diseases, which recently become very aggressive, leading to a mass of complications. How to distinguish the flu from ARVI read in our article.

If during the acute respiratory viral infection, flu or other infectious disease, a dry cough does not last for a long time, it can be caused by:

  • firstly because the immune system in a person is significantly weakened
  • Secondly, that there are provoking factors that affect the duration of dry cough, they include: smoking and drinking alcohol, very dry air in the room and taking in insufficient amounts of fluids for cold or viral disease.
  • thirdly, the attachment of a secondary infection or complication after a viral disease, when bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis develops, etc.

Diseases of the pleura and lungs can also be accompanied by a dry, painful cough - pneumonia, pleurisy. Most often there is a high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain.

Atypical forms of pneumonia

It should also be borne in mind that a prolonged cough can be a consequence of mycoplasma and chlamydia, these pathogens microorganisms can cause atypical pneumonia, bronchitis, which can occur for a long time, periodically recur. To differentiate the pathogen that caused pneumonia or bronchitis, you can take a blood test using ELISA.

Pertussis, measles, false croup

Pertussis can cause dry cough in children, and in adults. Pertussis is considered to be a childhood infectious disease, although vaccinations have reduced cases of whooping cough among children, but they occur, in addition, weakened adults also sometimes recorded cases of whooping cough. With this disease, a convulsive cough is so severe that it often leads to vomiting. In this case, you should take antitussive remedies for dry cough, such as Sinekod, Libeksin, Bronholitin, and others.

In addition to pertussis, among childhood diseases characterized by a strong dry cough, measles and false groats can be identified. Measles, other than cough, is also characterized by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes (see Fig. symptoms of measles in children). With false croup, the vocal cords, larynx, trachea and bronchi are involved in the inflammation process, so it is characterized by a barking cough. This disease is more likely to affect children under 3 years old.


Tuberculosis is a formidable disease that has also been epidemic in recent years, not only among low-income as it is commonly believed, but also among the wealthy strata of the population, with the development of favorable factors for its progression. Constant nervous tension, stressful situations, lack of adequate nutrition and good rest, fascination various depleting diets, can lead to the development of tuberculosis even among businessmen and high social status.

By 20-30 years it is believed that each person is infected with a stick of Koch, but a strong immune system copes with it. It is only necessary to weaken the body and mycobacterium tuberculosis can become more active and cause pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms.

As for the dry cough, it can be caused by tuberculosis of the lungs, bronchi or trachea, larynx. It begins with a dry, unproductive cough, obtrusive coughing, weakness, while body temperature rarely is more than 3, -3, most often it rises to low-grade figures and only in the evening.

Tuberculosis can be the cause of dry cough in adults, as well as in children, which is especially dangerous, as tuberculosis today is not the tuberculosis that was 40 years ago. Now a large number of drug-resistant forms of this terrible disease are registered, which require a longer and expensive treatment, and in combination with other chronic illnesses in the patient or HIV infection lead to lethal outcome.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis

are also frequent causes of dry cough. With pharyngitis, the mucous pharynx is involved in the inflammatory process, and with laryngitis, the mucous larynx is involved. Both these diseases are both acute and chronic, cough while it is dry, barking, exhausting, intensifying at night. With frequent inhalation of dusty air, dry, cold, and also in the presence of irritating gases and vapors in the air, tracheitis can develop - both acute and chronic. There is also a painful dry cough.

Diseases of ENT organs

Against the backdrop of various diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, or chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, the appearance of night dry cough is due to the syndrome of postnasal swelling. When these diseases acquire a chronic course, not infrequently, the mucus that is separated from the nasal sinuses begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, it irritates the cough receptors in the tracheobronchial tree. This cough may seem productive and moist, since nasal mucus is released during cough, but this cough should be considered dry.

Oncological diseases of respiratory organs

Cancer of the bronchi, lungs, trachea, throat cancer, and mediastinal organs (organs located between the sternum and the spine - the heart, bronchi, aorta, etc.). If the dry cough does not persist for a long time, it worries both day and night, as soon as possible, turn to doctor, blood test, X-ray of lungs, according to indications, MRI of mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy, oncolikers. With any chronic cough it is necessary to find out the exact cause of its appearance, for today the oncological tension is getting stronger, cancer appears even in young people, and everyone knows that the timely detection of cancer increases the chances of recovery or significant prolongation of life.

Only on the basis of the examination the doctor can not establish the cause of a protracted cough - this is not possible, therefore it is necessary to pass the tests and pass several examinations according to the indications - blood test, sputum, spirography, spirometry, X-ray, bronchoscopy, bodipletizmography, tussography, MRI, CT.

Causes of dry cough, not associated with inflammatory processes of the respiratory system

Allergic cough

In recent decades, the number of people suffering from various allergic reactions has increased significantly among the Russian population, especially in children. Almost all children today have any allergic reactions, if not food allergy, so allergy to dust, wool, pollen, ticks, etc. Pollinosis - a seasonal allergy to the pollen of flowering plants, which appears in spring and summer, has a hay fever very a large number of people, it is manifested by sneezing, runny nose, tearing, itching mucous and dry allergic cough.

Bronchial asthma

a very common disease, characterized by a chronic, painful dry cough and attacks of suffocation. This disease can not be considered only a disease of the bronchi, it is a serious pathology, which is associated with a general violation of immunity, nervous system and allergy.

The impact of toxic substances in everyday life

household chemicals containing chlorine, washing powders, etc., the presence of cities in the air, megacities of the abundance of exhaust gases, leads to the emergence of an allergic dry cough. Also pay attention to when you started a dry cough, it may be somehow connected with the purchase of new furniture, new repairs, purchase of household appliances. Modern industry, especially the production of plastic, furniture, building materials, even children's toys, often uses abundance toxic chemicals that can irritate mucous nasopharynx, bronchi, causing chronic chemical poisoning. If there are a lot of such products in the room, they are new and exude a smell - this can be the cause of a dry cough.

Glistular invasion

Occasionally, cases of ascariasis are recorded, during which, during the migration of the ascarid larvae along a small circle of circulation, they linger in the lung tissue, causing a superficial dry cough. Getting into the lungs, the trachea and the bronchi, they cause irritation of the cough receptors, the migration phase with ascariasis is 8-14 days (see Fig. ascarids-symptoms and treatment).

Professional dry cough

The reason for its appearance may be related to work in harmful production, where in the air a mass of suspensions of toxic substances that cause dry cough in the workers is formed. Workers of the stone-working and coal-mining industry often develop silicosis of the lungs. Also among occupational diseases that cause dry cough is the disease of American farmers or fibrosing alveolitis, where dry cough is only a debut of pathology, the outcome of which is a severe respiratory failure.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract provoke a dry reflex cough without temperature, it happens after eating with diverticula of the esophagus, esophagus-tracheal fistula, reflux-esophagitis.

Acceptance of certain medicines

as a rule, ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure and treat other cardiovascular diseases. In 20% of patients, these medicines cause a dry cough, if after discontinuation of the drug it disappears, therefore, this cough was a side effect of the drug taken.

Cardiovascular diseases, heart failure may also be the cause of dry cough

The cause of allergies, a provoker of allergic reactions can be established with the help of tests, which will be directed by an allergist. It is worth taking seriously any manifestations of allergy, as it is not just a dry cough, runny nose or a rash, with a strong an allergic reaction can occur anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, which without timely medical care can be deadly.


Strong cough without fever in the adult: causes, treatment and varieties

  • Dry cough
  • Prolonged cough

A severe cough without fever in an adult is a widespread symptom among people of young and old age.

Characteristic for various diseases, in the absence of treatment, prolonged coughing is steadily progresses in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the quality of life patient.

A growing strong cough without fever in an adult is a sign of an infectious process, characteristic of a decrease in immunity or for elderly patients.

Paroxysmal cough paroxysms are pathognomonic for the initial stages of whooping cough, which occurs without fever, runny nose and general impairment in children and adults. Night attacks are typical for exacerbation or debut of bronchial asthma as a result of irritation of the bronchial mucosa on the background of an allergic reaction. For asthma, a typical exhalation in the presence of a normal inhalation of air, hypersecretion of viscous sputum provokes the development of a strong cough without temperature in an adult and a child.

The causes of the pathological process are:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, SARS, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • allergy (pollinosis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetovascular dystonia).

Manifestation of a symptom at night on the background of a stoppage of breathing and prolonged smoking in the anamnesis is a pathognomonic clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bronchitis of the smoker is transformed into an irreversible form, manifestations of which is a steadily progressing cough with the development of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees of severity.

Prolonged cough in an infant is a sign of the fistula of the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and a protracted inflammatory process.An incessant cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts the physiological breathing and normal development of the child.

To suspect an infectious process the doctor will allow diagnostic examination, examination of sputum and the delivery of tests. Early treatment of severe cough without fever in adults and children is done taking into account the characteristics of the cough, its duration and the overall clinical picture.

Dry and wet cough differ depending on the stage and etiology of the process. Dry cough is the initial stage of inflammatory diseases, in which coughing tremors are a reflex mechanism. A dry, violent cough develops when foreign bodies enter the body, aimed at removing it from the upper respiratory tract. A moist cough is formed as a result of increased production of serous or purulent sputum, the ingestion of which into the lungs causes the development of pneumonia.

This complication is typical for people who have weak respiratory muscles and a sedentary lifestyle.Antitussives with a dry cough are used to stop the syndrome, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane. The purpose of the drug with moist cough promotes the development of severe forms of pneumonia. Expectorants with a damp cough are prescribed against the background of taking antibiotics to prevent the multiplication of pathogens.

When taking medication, you need to consume large amounts of water to dilute sputum. Breastfeeding is a folk remedy for cough, used in outpatient treatment. Herbal infusion is prepared in the following way: for 200 ml of boiling water dilute two or three tablespoons. collection, and then leave to insist for one hour. Feedback on the forums indicate the high effectiveness of this method for the treatment of dry and wet cough. The infusion is used 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Dry cough without fever in an adult: a variety and their treatment

Dry cough without fever in an adult has the following types and tactics of treatment.

Specific antiviral or antibacterial treatment is shown against the background of the use of expectorants and mokrotorazhizhayuschih drugs. The expediency of therapy is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process, in severe cases, in-patient treatment is required.

Removal of a foreign body is performed surgically or by bronchoscopy. Elimination of the cause of arrhythmia is under the control of a cardiologist, specific drugs are prescribed that stop the manifestation of extrasystole and vegetovascular dystonia.

  1. Prolonged cough with phlegmis a sign of an infectious process, influenza, ARVI or pneumonia. Often accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, trachea and ENT organs. Accompanied by:
    • high temperature;
    • coryza;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased performance.
  2. Prolonged cough without phlegm(dry) is typical for allergic processes, bronchial asthma or the initial stages of infection (in the presence of rashes). An unproductive cough is accompanied by a sore throat, a throat, a heaviness in the head. Antiallergic therapy reduces exacerbation in the early stages.
  3. Prolonged cough without feverIs a characteristic syndrome of cardiac arrhythmia, foreign body entry to the mucosa or vocal cords. Diagnosis takes a long time, relief comes immediately after a targeted treatment, taking pills.
  4. Prolonged cough with phlegm without temperatureis formed with increased mucus production, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prolonged smoking, and work with construction dust, asbestos or cotton wool. In addition, dry cough without temperature in an adult is manifested with pulmonary tuberculosis, open or closed form, lung radiography clarifies the diagnosis.

Treatment of chronic obstruction begins with quitting smoking and taking bronchodilators short or long-acting. With the growth of fibrotic processes in the bronchi, patients are assigned enzyme preparations, as well as hormone therapy. With pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient is sent for specific therapy to the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

A prolonged cough without fever in an adult: a type of treatment

A prolonged cough without fever in an adult requires an early onset of a specific treatment after going through a wide diagnostic examination to determine the exact cause of the onset.

A blood test, sputum culture, as well as instrumental and functional research methods allow differentiate allergic and infectious diseases, foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract and esophagus.

General treatment includes:

  • to give up smoking;
  • general strengthening procedures;
  • enhancing the immune properties of the body;
  • removal of the allergen;
  • frequent wet cleaning.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections and infections is aimed at limiting contacts during the epidemic period, regular intake of immunoprophylactic drugs, and routine vaccination according to the vaccination schedule.

Mantoux reaction allows detecting tuberculosis infection at early stages, initiating early specific therapy, which significantly reduces the risk of exacerbations.

Medical treatment has the following directions:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • bronchodilator.

Preparations for infectious and fungal diseases that have caused a prolonged cough without temperature at the adult, are selected individually by the attending physician taking into account the clinical picture and the affected organ.With severe pain on the background of coughing, an urgent start of treatment is required because of the high stress on the respiratory musculature.

With asthma and allergic pharyngitis treatment begins with anti-allergic antihistamines drugs, which are supplemented with bronchodilators to facilitate breathing and eliminate symptoms of cough. The bronchodilators work almost immediately, they are taken in the form of inhalations according to the doctor's prescription.

Folk remedies are aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the production of sputum and mucus.Individual herbal infusions, such as oak bark, affect the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in the lesion.

Lime, marshmallow and plantain are used as antitussive drugs, but can be used only after consulting a doctor because of the risk of side effects. Breastfeeding is the safest and most versatile method for softly stopping a prolonged cough without fever in an adult and a child over 10 years of age.



Prolonged (long) cough

A long cough occurs in people very often, and it does not depend on the social status or the security of individuals. When he does not pass a week, it is written off for a cold and rarely worried about it. Just what to do when an unceasing reflex action becomes intrusive and lasts for a whole year? And if 5 years or more? It should be noted that there are a large number of diseases that have a protracted cough. It can last several months and then disappear for six months. To such ailments include allergy to pollen of plants, chronic bronchitis, etc.

Prolonged cough can be a manifestation of slow flushing pneumonia. If the reflex action does not take a month, you should always seek help from a doctor. This must be done even if the person is completely sure of the reason for the occurrence of an involuntary act. The thing is that a long-lasting cough can appear due to simultaneous influence of several reasons. Recognize them only when passing specific tests. 3 weeks, 6 weeks or 6 months is a long time during which the disease can be transformed into a more severe form of the disease.

That is why doctors advise already two weeks after the onset of the manifestation of the reflex act necessarily to attend, even if other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, runny nose are absent. Often you can hear complaints that a person coughs and can not stop. This condition can be observed both for 2 weeks, and for many years. What is the cause of the appearance of a long cough? Is it possible to avoid its beginning and what to do for this?

Prolonged cough: a visible manifestation of a symptom

A long cough can develop regardless of age. Very often, there are no serious reasons for its occurrence. Prolonged cough in an adult can last several years and at the same time not bring him much discomfort. In this case, we are talking about a reflex act accompanying lovers of smoking and alcohol. These bad habits negatively affect the entire body as a whole. Most of all, they harm the smooth operation of the airways.

When the cough does not pass for a long time, it is necessary to analyze the visible manifestations of the reflex act, that is, what it is:

  • The jerky force action is very intrusive, it lasts almost without stopping. This occurs when the peak development of a viral disease, an attack of an asthmatic, involuntary act.
  • A protracted cough does not stop for several months, although the medical treatment of pneumonia or bronchitis has long been over. The fact is that in this situation such an effect can be observed for almost 5 weeks or more. This is due to the fact that the antitussive receptors have not yet completely recovered from the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria and Any, even the most insignificant stimulus, for example, smoke, a sharp smell, can cause an involuntary reflex action that hurts of people.
  • A strong expectorating long cough is observed in chronic bronchitis during its exacerbation, mucoscidosis.
  • A dry reflex act, which does not pass even after taking mucolytics, indicates a chemical effect on the respiratory tract. Here it is, most likely, about poisoning with harmful vapors or inhaling substances in the form of suspensions. Most often, this reaction is observed in workers of harmful industries.
  • If a protracted cough lasts more than half a year, then this may indicate a serious illness, such as pulmonary tuberculosis. This diagnosis is checked by passing the fluorography and giving the sputum to reveal in it the concentration of the Koch sticks. It should be noted that in small amounts it is present in the body of every person. With a decrease in immunity, tuberculosis can develop even without contact with people who have an open form of the disease.
Prolonged for a long time, a wet cough is a signal that there are negative changes in the body. It can be a symptom of not only viral diseases, but also ailments of the cardiovascular system, talking about the appearance of nervous disorders. However, in most cases, it is still about residual effects after pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

Causes of prolonged cough

It is necessary to distinguish the following reasons, which have a significant effect on the appearance of a long protracted cough:

  • Reflex action is manifested in the elderly. Unfortunately, in this case we are talking, more often than not, about the age-related changes in the body. Completely remove this symptom is not possible. It is softened by medication.
  • Of great importance is how long a protracted cough lasts. A prolonged paroxysmal involuntary act arises from the laryngeal edema, the effects of reagents.
  • Negative influence of the environment. WHO notes that in industrial centers with developed industry, a moist reflex action can appear in any person. The reason for its occurrence is the negative state of the environment. It should be noted that the forced exhalation can last a week even if the negative impact of the damaged ecology is removed. Such a period is necessary for the body to cope with it naturally.
  • Incompetent use of medicines. How often do people do self-medication with prolonged cough? Yes, with the help of mucolytics, it is possible to translate dry cough into a moist reflex act. Only, unfortunately, often the illness is healed and becomes chronic. In this case, it is very difficult to cope with the reason for the occurrence of a long act, since the organism develops resistance to certain medications.
  • Cough of smokers. As a rule, people even after throwing this negative habit reflex action is kept for a long time. This is due to the fact that nicotine for many years irritated the cough receptors, negatively influenced the entire body and in order to restore it is not necessary 6-7 months, but much more time.

It turns out that a protracted cough can last more than a month, six months, a year and even a few years. And completely get rid of this symptom is very difficult. In order to achieve this result, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease. A full medical examination can help in this.


Prolonged cough

Cough in most cases is a manifestation of diseases of the respiratory system, but there are many reasons that can cause it. That is why self-medication of this anxiety symptom instead of relief can lead to the most serious consequences. Before trying to cough yourself with sweet potions and folk remedies, it is necessary to conduct a good diagnosis and establish the true cause of the problem.

Not all types of cough are evidence of a disease or infection. So, a protracted cough that lasts for more than a month without visible deterioration of well-being, temperature and accompanying catarrhal phenomena is not a cause for concern. Most likely, it is caused by the activity of receptors responsible for reflex coughing. Very often, this condition is observed after the disease.

If the cough precedes wheezing in the chest, disappearing for a while after it, then, obviously, is due to the not found out of the bronchi sputum, left after the respiratory or viral disease. Sometimes a protracted cough is accompanied by low temperature and weakness. If these circumstances caused a cough, then no treatment is required, and the symptom itself speaks about the process of recovery.

At the same time, a protracted cough, especially when it comes to a child, can be a consequence of a digestive disorder, because of which food is eaten into the windpipe. Difficulty with swallowing saliva also causes a characteristic cough in infants, so often frightening young parents. Allergic reactions to odors, animal hair and pollen have similar manifestations and require qualitative, detailed diagnosis and proper therapy.

Despite a minimal health hazard, a cough that lasts several weeks creates some discomfort, not allowing to lead a full life, to visit theater, cinema and to feel uncomfortable in public places and at work. Medicamentous treatment is not required here, but nobody can interfere with the secrets of traditional medicine.

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of a protracted cough is a honey and vodka cocktail. For its preparation it is necessary to take one raw egg and beat it with equal amounts of vodka, honey, soda and fatty milk. The resulting mixture is heated slightly and taken on an empty stomach. Usually enough one or two procedures to say goodbye to a cough for a long time.

Also, intensive rubbing with turpentine ointment or, in the absence of the latter, chopped garlic, is excellent. Ointment is applied to dry clean skin in the chest area in front and behind, after which for several hours put on a warming vest made of natural wool. If at the same time drink a glass of hot ginger tea, then the effect will increase many times.

Sometimes a protracted cough is not associated with a cold or congestion in the lungs. Oddly enough, larvae of helminths can cause it. The fact is that, migrating through the body, they lay eggs in the intestines, and the larva that appears appears in the lungs, causing a violent cough that does not lend itself to traditional treatment. Avoid this serious misfortune, threatening serious consequences, you can use timely preventive measures and regularly give tests for the detection of traces of helminths in the stool.

Another reason for coughing, especially when it comes to a small child, can be the ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi. Even the smallest particle, overlapping a thin channel, causes coughing attacks. To diagnose this phenomenon, it is necessary to conduct a special examination under general anesthesia. If you do not remove a foreign object from the bronchi, the most tragic outcome may occur. Parents should closely monitor the kids, not allowing their games with small items that are easy to breathe.

Whatever the causes of a protracted cough, it is necessary to get rid of it. To resort to this for the help of traditional or traditional medicine is an individual matter for everyone. As practice shows, the best results are obtained by combining all known methods. Health care, hardening and prevention of colds are the best way to prevent a cough, which is much better than fighting it.

Posted on: 02/28/2015

The reason for a protracted cough

Cough is a reflex act, during which the respiratory muscles contract, and there is a trembling, powerful air release, laryngeal, bronchial, tracheal and pleura. The main purpose of the cough reflex is to cleanse the respiratory tract from mucus, fluid and foreign bodies.

Many diseases are accompanied by a cough. In some cases you can deal with it in a few days, but sometimes it drags on for a long time. Such a cough is considered acute and causes several.

A prolonged dry cough can occur with the syndrome of "postnasal swelling". This happens as a result of the inflammatory process of the nasopharynx, when slime flows down the back wall into the area of ​​the tracheobronchial tree. This irritates the receptors and causes a cough.

Prolonged cough may appear after a cold with weakened immunity, when the infection passes to the lower parts of the respiratory tract and leads to bronchitis. If at this time do not go to the doctor, the acute form of the disease can go to the chronic. Chronic bronchitis occurs along with dry cough in the pathological expansion of the bronchi, when their structure is changed. This is called bronchiectasis. Against the background of inflammation, it is possible to develop bronchial asthma, pneumonia and lung abscess.

Another cause can be chronic pharyngitis. A prolonged cough develops as a result of constant tingling and perspiration in the throat. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Painful coughing, fever and shortness of breath can be symptoms of pleurisy. This disease is extremely dangerous. This may be a symptom of the tumor of the mediastinum (anatomical space in the middle of the thoracic cavity).

A long cough with a subsequent dry or excruciating moist is noted at the initial stage of tuberculosis and is accompanied by weight loss, increased body temperature, chills, active perspiration. In this case, it is necessary to contact the phthisiatrician, since the absence of treatment can result in a fatal outcome.

Dry lingering cough

Cough is of a physiological and pathological nature. At the first, normal and everyday short-term actions occur, aimed at removing foreign components from the human body. Pathological cough manifests itself against the background of various diseases of the respiratory system. This includes long, continuing from two weeks to a month. Its main factor is the excessive sensitivity of receptors and the active production of sputum due to the disease. This is not only a symptom, but also an attribute of the healing process.

Prolonged cough moist

Wet cough occurs only with diseases of the respiratory system and is a consequence of the formed bronchial secretion. It occurs with pulmonary edema, cavernous tuberculosis, abscess of the lungs. Since moist cough relieves the lungs of the contents, I call it productive.

Sputum can determine the nature of the disease. In bronchial asthma, it resembles a transparent cast. With pneumonia, it is similar to rust. With abscess of the lung, the cough is purulent and with an unpleasant odor. During the flu, the secret is transparent and light. With pneumonia in the sputum, you can see blood veins. Tuberculosis is often accompanied by hemoptysis.

Often a wet cough is defined as a symptom, as it occurs with diseases of the respiratory system. It is tuberculosis, acute bronchitis, influenza, acute respiratory infections. A wet cough is tolerated by a sick person more easily than dry, but provided that the phlegm is not viscous.

When a wet cough in a child, parents should carefully monitor the course of the disease. You should worry if you see the following symptoms:

  • the baby has shortness of breath;
  • in the phlegm elements of blood;
  • sputum green;
  • there is pain in the chest;
  • the child refuses to eat.

Prolonged cough without fever

The main causes of prolonged cough without temperature are:

  • dry air in the room;
  • presence in the body of a foreign body;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the pharynx and paranasal sinuses;
  • presence of substances harmful to the body
  • heart disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthic invasions.

How to cure a protracted cough

Drugs against cough are divided into two types - thinning phlegm and contributing to its excretion. A more prolonged cough is treated as a complication after an acute viral respiratory disease or acute viral infection. Often after a cold, bronchitis occurs, accompanied by a prolonged and severe cough.

In the course of the disease, the water balance is disturbed, so a large amount of fluid helps it to recover and dilute sputum. Doctors recommend drinking a warm "Borjomi its chemical composition speeds up recovery and facilitates the departure of sputum. Food should be light, but high in calories. In the diet should be present vegetables and fruits.

Effective use of inhalation. They are shown to both adults and children. Breathing can be herbal medicinal collections of chamomile, sage, thyme, mother-and-stepmother, essential oils of menthol and eucalyptus oil with the addition of baking soda.

Prolonged cough in an adult

The risk of prolonged coughing in an adult in the absence of proper treatment is the transition to a chronic stage. On the background of bronchitis, prolonged coughing can be a formidable symptom of cancer, lung pathology or a violation of the cardiovascular system. It happens that the disease is accompanied by constant heartburn, hemoptysis, zalozhennostyu in the thoracic region, inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Prolonged cough, than to treat an adult

After a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, you can hold special massage courses. For complete recovery, four courses of twelve procedures are conducted. It is very important that there is no exacerbation of the disease.

If you smoke, then it's time to get rid of the bad habit. Also it is necessary to exclude the possibility of supercooling and exposure to harmful substances.

Prolonged cough in the child

Parents are very worried when after a long cough treatment the baby does not pass. A prolonged cough in a child is diagnosed if it does not last for three weeks. After this period, it is necessary to repeatedly consult a doctor to establish the cause. The most common reasons are:

  • allergy to dust, pets, cigarette smoke;
  • asthma;
  • inflammatory infectious diseases;
  • supercooling;
  • psychological reasons

Treatment of protracted cough in children

To make a diagnosis, you need to undergo a serious examination. If the child has a dry cough, the sputum is taken out with diluting drugs. People's remedies are good: a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice.

If the cough is wet, the doctor will prescribe expectorant medications and mucosal drugs. Carry out inhalations with chloride of benzoate and sodium hydrogen carbonate. The kid needs to drink a lot. Give him broths of wild rose, chamomile and warm fruit.

Chest massage helps to get rid of the disease faster. It is carried out in the absence of temperature for fifteen minutes. The course consists of ten procedures that can be done daily.

Treatment of protracted cough with folk remedies

If a cough appeared during a cold disease, then you can be treated using traditional folk recipes:

Black bread crumble and mash. Mix with warm honey and put on the bandage, which wrap the chest.

Spread a tablespoon of thyme with a glass of boiling water and warm in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Insist twenty minutes and take a tablespoon three times a day.

Do inhalation with pine buds. If there is an inhaler, then a tablespoon of kidneys pour boiling water and breathe for ten minutes. So you can treat a child.

For ten minutes, simmer the lemon. Then cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Pour into a glass, add two tablespoons of glycerin, stir and top up to the top of the honey. Take a teaspoon six times a day.

Cut the black radish into cubes, put into a saucepan, covered with sugar. Bake in the oven for two hours. Then separate the baked portions and squeeze out the liquid. Take a tablespoon before meals four times. Children need to take two teaspoons three times.


Why there is a night cough in an adult: the main reasons

Cough itself is not a disease. It's just a symptom. His appearance can say that the body is fighting infection. It happens both during the day and at night. Sometimes a person during the day feels fine, and at night can not fall asleep because of severe attacks of coughing. It can provoke the beginning catarrhal diseases, and the person in a horizontal position can not completely clear his throat. At night, all processes slow down. Slime does not resolve, but accumulates and this causes buhikanie.

Destination in case of disease

It performs the protective function of the body, which appears as a result of a disease or the presence of a foreign body inside the person's airways. It manifests itself in the form of jerky exhalations, which contribute to the removal of infection or sputum. Buhykanie helps the bronchi to clear and protects the patient from suffocation.Sudden occurrence of a cough may indicate the ingress of an alien body into the body, and if it does not go out by itself, you should immediately consult a doctor.Prolonged seizures, lasting for two weeks, mean that the cough passes into acute form, and if there is a protracted option - more than two months, it means that he moved to chronic.

A night cough that does not recur during the day can indicate serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the diagnosis accurately, and according to it to conduct treatment. It may be that it is caused by an allergic reaction to bedding. For example, down in the pillow. And then when it is replaced, there will be a night phenomenon.

Cough begins when mucous respiratory organs are irritated. After removing the cause of their occurrence, there will be a buzzing. And in order to understand which of them caused it, we must first determine the type of cough. It can be unproductive and damp.

Why does a dry cough appear at night?

This kind of buxing itself is fraught with danger. At night, attacks of an unproductive cough can lead to apnea. And the process of coughing brings unpleasant sensations, accompanied by nausea, shortness of breath, and sometimes suffocating.

The reason for this can be:

  • obstructive bronchitis (here symptoms and treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults are described);

    In the picture - lungs with obstructive bronchitis

  • defeat pleura in tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • problems in the field of gastroenterology;
  • pneumonia;
  • respiratory chlamydia and mycoplasmosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • allergy.

Negative effects on the body of the latter can lead to a fit of coughing with suffocation, which is due to a lack of oxygen and often results in a loss of consciousness. This often occurs in people with asthma. Her pathogens can be all around: dust, fluff, plant pollen or insect bites.

Night cough with cardiac dysfunction is accompanied by shortness of breath, as well as an accelerated heartbeat. If it is associated with a malfunction in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then his attacks will be caused by irritation nerve endings of the esophagus and airway membranes, in which there may be acid content stomach.

Also, the appearance of a cough may be affected by overdried air in a room where a person sleeps. Then you need to buy a special humidifier, so that it does not happen again.

If the cause is cardiovascular disease, then they can be accompanied by shortness of breath, with the nasolabial triangle becoming bluish.

The appearance of a night cough can also cause the localization of malignant neoplasms or pulmonary tuberculosis. Because of the ingress of foreign bodies in the form of coarsely dispersed dust or grains, which were deposited in the throat and began to affect its mucous membranes. It can be caused by aortic dilatation or enlarged lymph nodes.

The nature of dry buhikaniya can tell the cause of the disease. So, if you cough:

  • loud and similar to barking a dogTrachea or larynx;
  • frequent coughsIrritation of the pleura;
  • whooping coughwith a noise and the urge to vomit - whooping cough;
  • sharp boutsPleurisy or acute tracheobronchitis;
  • bitonal buzzing- inflammation of the lymph nodes (often occurs in smokers);
  • reflex attacks outside the respiratory system- Disease of the ears;
  • stubborn coughspeaks about the problems in the lungs (pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, collagenosis and sarcoidosis);
  • whistlingoccurs with bronchial asthma;
  • stiffindicates a pathology in the region of the bronchi.

For the correct diagnosis of a cough, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying symptoms and the environment of the patient.

Find out if laryngitis is transmitted by airborne droplets.

What does dry cough mean in the morning?

Possible treatment of green sputum when coughing: http://prolor.ru/g/simptomy-g/zelenaya-mokrota-pri-kashle.html.

Causes of a damp cough in the middle of the night

With acute inflammation of the throat, there is a buildup of mucus and a person begins to reflexively get rid of it. This is causing a productive cough. It often appears as a continuation of the dry kind, and lasts much longer than the previous one. With a protracted phenomenon can go into a chronic form.

It can cause the following diseases:

  • focal pneumonia;
  • breakthrough abscess in the lung;
  • viral diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stress;
  • ARVI;
  • rhinitis (here you can read about the treatment of chronic rhinitis at home);
  • pleuropneumonia;
  • breakthrough of the hepatic abscess;
  • genyantritis (the reference describes drops in the nose with sinusitis and sinusitis);
  • trachea or heart swelling;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system;
  • sinusitis (read what antibiotics to drink with sinusitis).

The video tells about the causes of a night cough in an adult:

Depending on the type of sputum, you can determine which disease caused it.

So, if it is scant and viscous, then the cause is bronchitis, asthma or tracheitis.

Slime, accompanied by fetid odor, appears as a result of breakthrough of lung abscess. Her color can also tell you about the alleged disease. So, the yellow-orange color of mucus may indicate pleuropneumonia. And if it shows blood splittings and along with a cough there is chills and fever, then this indicates the course of tuberculosis or the presence of oncological pathology. In viral diseases, dizziness, vomiting and high fever can occur simultaneously with a wet cough. By reference, you can read more about the causes, if you cough up yellow sputum.

If a cough with mucus secretion is the only symptom that is not accompanied by anything, it indicates an inflammatory process in the lungs or the course of tuberculosis.

The acute form often appears on the background of acute respiratory disease. Prolonged may indicate pertussis, rhinitis, or sinusitis. A prolonged wet cough at night should be treated only as prescribed by the doctor, this is not the case when it can be delayed with his treatment.

Even knowing the cause of its occurrence, you do not need to put a definitive diagnosis yourself. It is better to provide doctors who, after observing the diagnostic algorithm: examinations, examinations, X-rays and endoscopic examinations will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment. If it is done on time, the consequences in the form of complications will be bypassed. Here you can read about the causes of a child's night cough.


Cough without fever and cold in adults - etiology

A prolonged cough without temperature in adults is one of the most common reasons for going to a medical institution. However, most people, especially the aged, try to treat this ailment on their own, without realizing the consequences (complications, chronic form). Often such a negligence is due to the fact that coughing takes place without fever, runny nose and other accompanying symptoms.

Diseases that cause a cough without fever in adults

The appearance of this symptom may indicate the presence of very serious ailments:

  • Asthma.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, stomach and intestines.
  • Oncology of the respiratory system.

In the same row is the "smoker's cough the main cause of which is chronic bronchitis caused by addiction to tobacco. But for acute or chronic heart failure is characterized by an impetuous forced exhalation in adults, coupled with shortness of breath. If an additional factor becomes a throat rash and a runny nose, then there is an allergic reaction.

Similarly, the body often responds to the systematic inhalation of toxic fumes, dust of various origins, contaminated, too dry or cold air. Provoke an attack of severe cough in adults can also get into the throat foreign body. There is also a protective reaction of the body as a neurogenic reflex act, which occurs in stressful situations. All these ailments unite one thing: cough passes in adults without fever and cold, as well as other serious accompanying visible manifestations.

However, sometimes such a reflex action can be accompanied by a high body temperature. A side effect is observed from an overdose of medications, for example, drugs that regulate blood pressure, anesthetics, psychostimulants.

Symptoms of cough without fever

The simplest differentiation of cough symptoms in adults is its division into a productive and unproductive (dry) reflex act. In the latter case, a sharp movement of the diaphragm is usually accompanied by a sore throat and difficulty breathing. If it is a case of ARVI ailments, the runny nose and temperature will be present. Sputum is not excreted. Mostly at night, this symptom appears. As healing recovers, dry cough is replaced in adults by a productive cough, that is accompanied by a withdrawal sputum (allocation of unusual color, there may be blood or other impurities, purulent substance - anxious signal). At such condition to postpone visit to the doctor it is impossible. Similarly, it should be done if expectoration is accompanied by pain in the chest or back. As a rule, along with this, adults develop snot, headache, nausea.

It is necessary to pay attention to such a symptom as the timbre of the reflex act. Depending on the disease, it can be barking, soundless or sibilant. The loudness characteristics are also significant (here there is an effervescence, coughing, whistling and other loud sounds accompanying a reflex act), time of occurrence of an attack and its duration. However, the establishment of a final diagnosis is the prerogative of a specialist.


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