Than to treat a cold at a lactemia

Treatment of a cold with breastfeeding

In most cases, medication with breastfeeding is acceptable if the drugs are compatible with the feeding. But, of course, you need to be careful, carefully study the annotations to the prescribed medications and monitor the condition of the baby. First of all, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about breastfeeding, the age of the child and possible reactions to the medications. Proceeding from this, the doctor will select an acceptable method of treatment during lactation. Depending on the situation, the treatment for breastfeeding can be both traditional and non-traditional. For example, treatment of colds in lactation can be carried out with the help of physiotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy.

Of course, there are a number of diseases in which breastfeeding is unacceptable. First of all, these are mental disorders in acute form, severe chronic organ diseases, an open form of tuberculosis, some venereal, autoimmune and oncological diseases.

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In some cases, it is possible to postpone treatment until the end of breastfeeding, but this is possible only after a detailed examination and consultation with a doctor.

If treatment can not be postponed, and while it is incompatible with feeding, then two options are considered. With long-term treatment, breastfeeding stops completely, while the child is transferred to artificial feeding so as not to cause a negative reaction. If the treatment is short, and does not affect the quality of milk afterwards, the child is transferred to artificial feeding temporarily, or the donor milk is used. In this case, the mother needs to maintain lactation during treatment with the help of expressing, and after recovery continue breastfeeding.

The prescribed medications and tablets for lactation must meet a number of requirements for the level of toxicity, for effects on the development of organs, the nervous system, drugs should not cause irreversible changes in the body child.

It should be noted that the effect of many drugs on the health of the child is not fully understood, therefore such medications are contraindicated in breastfeeding. In addition, there are contraindicated drugs, the negative effect of which is proven.

When using drugs compatible with breastfeeding, it is worth remembering that the active ingredients in to one degree or another fall into milk, and side effects can develop both in the mother and in the child. To reduce the risk of unwanted reactions, you need to follow certain precautions:

  • follow the dosage of the drug, if the child's condition changes, consult with a specialist about the drug cancellation or reduction of dosage.
  • taking medication and feeding should be combined so that by the time of the next feeding the concentration of active substances in the mother's blood was minimal.
  • long-term use of drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor. The time of reception should be chosen so that when feeding the milk contained the least amount of medicine, for example, take medication at night.

Let's consider features of treatment at a lactation of the most widespread catarrhal diseases.

Treatment of a cold with breastfeeding

Colds, cough and temperature during lactation are very common, as often the immunity of a nursing mother is reduced. The most acceptable means for lowering the temperature during lactation are paracetamol and ibuprofen. The use of paracetamol is possible only in normal dosage (3-4 tablets per day), and no more than 2-3 days, since it adversely affects the liver. When coughing, vegetable preparations are recommended. Drugs based on bromhexine can not be used. Treatment of a cold with breastfeeding with the help of complex medications is not recommended.

Treatment of the throat during breastfeeding

With a sore throat, antiseptic drugs of local action are recommended. So will help rinse broths of medicinal herbs, a solution of sea or iodized salt. If you suspect a sore throat, specialist consultation is necessary.

Treatment of a runny nose with breastfeeding is possible with the help of oil drops or vasoconstrictive drugs, but you can not use these medicines for longer than 2-3 days. At the same time, it is possible to cleanse the nasal sinuses with a solution of sea salt, calanchoe juice, honey.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza with breastfeeding

In case of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, pathogens enter the the appearance of signs of illness in the mother, therefore, stop breastfeeding completely it's pointless. Moreover, with milk the child receives also antibodies necessary for struggle against illness which are developed by an organism of mother. If, at the sign of infection, the child is severely weaned, it will affect his immunity and transfer the virus disease to him will be much more difficult. Of course, the specialist should prescribe medicines, choosing the most suitable ones for breastfeeding.

Treatment with antibiotics for lactation

There are several groups of antibiotics that differ in the level of concentration in milk and the effects on the child's body. Contraindicated in feeding sulfonamides and tetracyclines, whose side effects violate development of organs of the child's body systems, lead to toxic damage and can cause bleeding.

The second group, macrolides, is considered not so dangerous, but caution is required when using it. When prescribing antibiotics for this group, the child is prescribed funds for dysbiosis, but there is a possibility of developing allergic reactions.

The most compatible with breastfeeding are considered to be cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and penicillins. But the dosage and the period of admission is established

only a doctor.

Breastfeeding temperature

If the fever is not associated with a cold or SARS, then it is necessary to be examined, in order to establish the cause. It is impossible to use antipyretic agents for a long time, even those compatible with breastfeeding. Moreover, the temperature may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process, which may affect the health of the child.

In any case, treatment with lactation should be agreed with a good specialist, self-medication can negatively affect the health and development of the child.

Tip 1: How to treat a cold during lactation

Unfortunately, in rare cases, the entire lactation period of the nursing mother can avoid colds. Of course, any disease brings a lot of inconvenience. However, do not panic. A woman should calm down and find the best treatment that will not harm her baby.

You will need

  1. - currant leaves, raspberries;
  2. - honey;
  3. - fir oil;
  4. - garlic;
  5. - bow;
  6. - a banana;
  7. - salt, soda, iodine;
  8. - Herbs - calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile.


  1. Drink as much liquid as possible. For example, brew hot tea with currant or raspberry leaves. It can also add a spoonful of honey, but only if you are sure that the child will not have diathesis or allergies. If the temperature rises, be sure to call a doctor. During breastfeeding, many drugs are contraindicated. Usually, paracetomol or ibuprofen is prescribed to lower the temperature during lactation, but the duration of treatment should not exceed 2 to 3 days.
  2. Massage your chest and back with fir oil, warmly dress and wrap yourself in a blanket. Pass the garlic through the garlic squeegees and rub their feet, then put on woolen socks and leave overnight.
  3. Change the gauze bandage every 2 hours, wash your hands often, do not cough or sneeze at the baby. If possible, entrust caring for the baby to other people. However, do not stop feeding if you do not take medication - breast milk contains antibodies that help fight your baby's virus. If it is necessary to temporarily stop breastfeeding, continue to express milk to preserve lactation.
  4. Rinse your throat with a solution of salt, soda and iodine, a decoction of calendula or eucalyptus, which have an antiseptic effect. Sage is not used for this purpose - it reduces lactation. From a sore throat, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile with a glass of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Then cool and strain through a sieve. Rinse your throat with this broth every 2 to 3 hours.
  5. Rinse your nose with a saline solution. Bury the Kalanchoe juice in each nostril. Massage the sinus sinus. Rub on a grater onion. Kashitsu fold in gauze and make a 20-minute compress on the wings of the nose.
  6. Grind 2 ripe bananas to a smoothie state. Pour 1 cup of hot water and add 1 hour. spoon of honey. Stir thoroughly. Throughout the day, take a banana honey mass for 1 tbsp. spoon. This remedy helps with coughing.

Treatment of colds with lactation

A cold is a viral disease, when up to 200 viruses enter the human body when a young mother has a cold and breastfeeding, she has problems, because many drugs are contraindicated to her, and they can not be categorically use. When lactating, mom is interested in such questions as whether she will infect a child, whether she can continue to breastfeed and how to remove the symptoms of a cold. The answer to this question is very important, because the health of not only the mother, but also the child depends on this.

Can I breastfeed for a cold?

Of course, yes, you can not refuse breastfeeding, because together with milk the child is protected from a variety of viruses and at the same time helps to strengthen their immune system. Only when you consume strong drugs, you can stop lactation for a while, but do not forget to express the milk, because it can disappear.

Treatment of colds with lactation

Colds during pregnancy are the main thing to start treating on time, so you can get rid of negative consequences. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately wear a mask, but it must be changed every 3 hours. Oxylin ointment is also an excellent remedy, for this, it needs to spread the baby inside the nose to itself, so that the virus does not start to develop in the body. The goal of the treatment is to reduce intoxication and improve immunity. You need to take antibiotics only when you get pneumonia or sore throat. The methods that should be treated for a cold during lactation depend on the symptoms that arise:

1. If the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, you should definitely drink paracetamol, it is safe for the baby. But remember, it should be used only as a last resort, because there are a lot of contraindications in the instruction about it. Be sure to first consult a doctor. In no case should you use drugs such as Fervex, Teraflu and Coldrex, because how they act during breastfeeding is not known. If you have a temperature below 38, 5 degrees you can use a wipe - a weak vinegar solution mixed with vodka. After you wipe the whole body, you need to take cover with an easy sheet. Repeat this procedure in every 20 minutes, but do not knock down the temperature, which is lower than 37, 5 degrees. At a high body temperature, milk burns out and can disappear for good.

2. If there is a pain in the throat, you can use drugs against microbes - Strepsils, Iodinol, Hexoral. It is very good to lubricate the throat with a special solution of Lugol.

3. With a cold, do not forget to constantly moisten the nasal mucosa, for this you need to use such sprays, which include sea water - Aquamaris, Kvix. A good remedy is the nose drops "Pinosol with the help of them you can remove the inflammation, dilute the mucus and soon get rid of it. It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictive drops - Naphthyzine, Halazolinum, Nazivinum, if you chose them, they can not be dripped for more than five days.

4. When coughing, preparations on plant basis - plantain, thyme, anise, licorice root and other components - Gedelix, Tussamag, Dr. Mom, with their help it is possible to improve sputum discharge and release bronchi. Get rid of the cough will help expectorants - Ambroxol. In no case nursing mothers should not take drugs that contain bromhexine.

An excellent remedy for colds are inhalations, it is best to use a nebulizer. Inhalations are carried out with saline, mineral water and Ambrobene solution. But you still need to ask the doctor what you can and can not. If you do inhalation 4 times a day, on the second day you can already see an improvement.

To the mucous membrane does not dry out, it is recommended to drink as much as possible, so you can dilute sputum and protect yourself from intoxication.

What are the popular ways of treating colds that can be used during lactation?

Often mothers, when they get sick, turn to folk medicine, there really are many useful tips that will not harm the baby like medications.

1. You need to eat onions.

2. At night, it is good to take honey with chopped garlic and drink warm water.

3. Cover your head with a towel and get a steam of boiled potatoes.

4. An effective way is inhalation with chamomile and calendula.

5. Drink as much as possible - Morse from cranberries, tea with raspberries and lemon.

6. You can gargle with a prepared infusion of thyme, for this you need to take one tablespoon of dried herbs, then pour a glass of water, which boiled, wait until infusion.

7. Every hour you need to gargle with apple cider vinegar, for this you need to dilute it with water. Take one tablespoon and pour into a glass with boiled water.

8. It helps to lubricate the nose with a self-prepared mixture, for this it is necessary on a water bath preheat the vegetable oil, add crushed garlic and onion to it, insist the mixture for two hours, grease inside the nose.

9. Tea helps with linden, but they can not get carried away, it negatively affects the cardiac system.

Many folk remedies are quite effective and do not differ from medications. But remember that you need to carefully approach the selection of components, because they often cause an allergic reaction in the child.

Remember, if you have not been helped by all of the above facilities and two days later you are no better, be sure to see a doctor, you may need antibiotics.

Prevention of colds during lactation

It is best to try to protect yourself from this disease, than to treat it.

Therefore, for preventive purposes, you need to pay attention to your diet, as much as possible to eat fruits and vegetables, with the help of them you can strengthen immunity. When the flu or ARVI becomes worse, try not to go in crowded places, if you can not do it, use a bandage or lubricate your nose with oxolin ointment.

So, a cold during lactation is not terrible, but it is very important to tear off carefully effective methods and means that will help to recover, without having to give up breastfeeding.

Than to treat a cold nursing mum?

Many women, when faced with colds during lactation, think about what can be treated and how to be breastfeeding. Typically, the cause of this disease are viruses. Consequently, the entire therapeutic process must be directed toward their destruction. However, not all drugs can be taken in this situation. How to act when developing a cold during breastfeeding?

Before you start looking for what to treat a cold mother's nursing mother, you need to determine exactly what is the virus disease. So first of all it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the body, if it rises to a value of 3 degrees, it is necessary to take Paracetamol. This drug is absolutely harmless for an infant. However, it is best to consult a doctor about this.

Such drugs as Coldrex, Fervex, are strictly forbidden, because their influence on the lactation process has not yet been established.

When you have a mother's pain in the throat, you can take local antiseptic drugs, which include Strepsils, Geksoral. Also, treatment of the mucous membrane of the throat with Lugol solution will not be superfluous.

When a runny nose appears, you must constantly moisturize the nasal mucosa, for which you can use sprays not based on sea water. They are absolutely harmless, and do not cause vasoconstriction, like most remedies against the common cold.

After the transition of the disease to the next stage and the appearance of a cough, it is allowed to take preparations on a plant basis, among them Gedelix, Dr. IOM, etc.

What should be considered when a cold develops in nursing?

After the mother has learned what it is allowed to treat a cold with nursing, she thinks about whether it is possible to feed the baby during illness.

Breaking breastfeeding for a while does not cost a cold. However, it is very important not to let the baby get infected. such a disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is best if the mother during the feeding of the child will use a gauze dressing, which to some extent reduces the risk of infection of the baby.

Even in those cases when the mother has an idea about the algorithm of actions during the cold and knows that you can to take breastfeeding, and what not, seeking a doctor is an integral part of the success of the therapeutic process.

How to treat colds with lactation

During the lactation period, treatment of various diseases is very problematic, since it is contraindicated to take the majority of medications. But if you get cold, it does not mean that you have to wait for the body to cope with the microbes. Begin treatment with natural remedies.


  1. Usually, during respiratory diseases, there is an increase in body temperature. Take paracetamol if you feel bad. It will lower the temperature and ease your overall condition. If you do not tolerate paracetamol, then wipe the body with a weak solution of vinegar. Also undress until underwear, so that a natural cooling process takes place.
  2. If your child does not suffer from allergies, then drink tea with a slice of lemon or use vitamin C to strengthen the body's immune response. Instead, a crimson mors or a decoction of dry raw material.
  3. Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile has a bactericidal effect, removes toxins from the body and helps to get better soon. The broth is completely non-toxic to the baby, unless you have a little more milk, but it's even good.
  4. Do inhalations from the first day of illness, or you can cough. Dissolve some cedar essential oil in a liter of boiling water and breathe over steam for about 20 minutes. If you do not like the smell, use boiled mineral water or a potato broth.
  5. If a dry cough has already appeared, put mustard plasters. A good help is a pack of black radish. Grind the root crop and wrap the pulp in gauze. Apply on your back for 40-60 minutes.
  6. Spend and warm your legs. Add a little mustard powder to the water and take a foot bath 3 times a day for 15 minutes, unless, of course, you have a temperature.
  7. With sore throat will help beet juice. Grind the large beets, pour the pulp into a jar and add about 150 ml of water. Insist in the refrigerator for several hours. Strain and rinse throat three times a day. Do not forget to heat up the infusion.
  8. If your condition worsens, consult a doctor immediately. It is possible that you will need to suspend breastfeeding and undergo treatment with medications.

How and what should I treat the flu for a nursing mother?

How and how to treat the flu of nursing mom, when it depends on her life and health of the most beloved and dear to her child? When breastfeeding a child can get infected from the mother even before the appearance of her first symptoms. This occurs during the incubation period of the disease.

Do not deprive the child of mother's milk during lactation due to the fact that the mother was ill with the flu. The child just needs to be treated with substances that are contained in breast milk. Moreover, it is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.During the treatment of the flu, the mother produces antibodies, which are transferred to the baby with milk and fight the virus.

Termination of breastfeeding will lead to stress for the mother and child, nervousness, a worried state, accordingly, immunity will decrease, the illness will become aggravated. Even more can increase the temperature, intensify cough, chills, inflammation of the eyes, runny nose, watery eyes, intolerance to bright light, aches in muscles and bones (especially in the lower back), headache and pain in throat. In no case do not give the baby boiled breast milk. During boiling, all of its useful immunostimulating properties and antibodies are lost, it is like transferring a child to artificial feeding. Getting a baby with the mother's milk of all protective and antimicrobial substances will only accelerate recovery.

One of the main causes of exposure of young mothers to the flu is dysfunction of the respiratory organs, breathing occurs with a high degree of load, respectively, increases energy costs to produce milk. In addition, the body is deficient in oxygen.


Influenza is dangerous complications.

With the help of symptomatic therapy, it will be possible to reduce intoxication and increase the defenses of the body.

Mother should take medicine very carefully. Most of them are not recommended for breastfeeding.

It is acceptable to use antiviral drugs containing inforoneo. Their effect on the body is more sparing. The effects of paracetamol, aspirin and antibiotics will cause significant harm to the woman's body. They are categorically forbidden to take for treatment of influenza during lactation. These drugs are mainly aimed at destroying the virus with an aggressive effect on the body's own antibodies. Because of this, antibiotics are recommended for taking with yogurt. Since the functioning and microflora of the membranes of the digestive tract will be adversely affected. And for a nursing mother, the effect will be even worse, since the main hopes for recovery lie just on the careful regime of increasing immunity and producing antibodies.

Possible treatment of influenza ascorutin. It lowers the degree of permeability and fragility of the walls of the capillaries. The walls of the vessels are strengthened, their swelling and inflammation decreases. This drug has pronounced radioprotective and antioxidant properties. It activates redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of steroid hormones, the regeneration of tissues, the synthesis of connective tissue elements. But you must strictly follow the dosage and duration of the course of admission.

Attentive treatment of medication

Ideally, the pill should be taken only after a doctor's recommendation. At the same time, it is necessary to double-check the information on the leaflet before stopping to breast-feed as directed by the doctor, who will justify this by the incompatibility of the drug with lactation.

In our time, conducting clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of their action in the thoracic feeding is an extremely time consuming process, finances, documentation, certificates, permits and licenses. Many companies come out of such a difficult situation by indicating in the instruction to the tablets about the prohibition of taking during breastfeeding.

In addition, for the registration of drugs on the pharmaceutical market, the test of the degree of safety of its effects on the infant, pregnant and lactating is not mandatory. An exit from the situation can be the selection of a carefully acting analogue of a contraindicated, aggressive but effective medicine.

Home treatment

Improve the condition can be non-drug methods. Nursing, licorice root, anise, ivy, thyme, thyme, plantain and radish juice with the addition of honey can alleviate coughing.

It is important to maintain the water-salt balance and drink more than usual water, mors, juices, herbal tea. Dehydration worsens blood circulation, therefore, the disease will develop more. The liquid is good for removing toxins from the body. Perhaps even a combination of methods of diuretic tablets together with a plentiful drink.

Particular attention should be given to a healthy balanced diet. Do not overeat or starve. A timely, regular, balanced meal is helpful.

It is recommended to spend more time in bed to let the body get stronger, ventilate the room more often, do not use heaters that dry the air, it's better to dress warmer.

Saturation of air with oxygen will lead to an increase in its content in the body, which will strengthen health.

Spend more time with the baby, put it to your chest, because such a circulation of energy between mother and baby will have a beneficial effect.

Frequent wet cleaning and humidifying the air will help create a healthy atmosphere.

From the common cold will help propolis, a solution of sea salt and a drop of onion juice in the nose.

It is not recommended to soar your feet. This will cause excessive blood circulation in the chest and genitals of a woman, despite the fact that the temperature of the breast of a nursing mother is raised in a normal healthy state. The result will be a powerful inflow of milk, which will lead to stagnation. The infection will be caused not only by the swelling of the nose, but also by the swelling of the breast, which means that milk is stagnant. To avoid this, you should often put the baby to the chest.

Remove the swelling will help a cold compress attached to the chest, based on the advice of breastfeeding counselors. By the action of cold, the vessels will contract. The process of feeding a child will be easier. If you suspect that the nature of discomfort in the chest is associated with another more serious disease, you need to compare the temperature in the underarms, inguinal folds, elbow and popliteal folds.

The highest temperature under the armpits testifies to the need for an early referral to a doctor for help in the treatment of dangerous diseases.

Homeopathic treatment

Ideal homeopathic treatment. It is recommended for patients of all ages, has no restrictions on individual characteristics. It removes not symptoms, but treats and strengthens the whole organism as a whole. Their action is aimed at preventing the onset of the disease in the future, since the body will already develop protection for it.

In the case of acute disease, rather than chronic lethargy, homeopathy will have a positive effect, which will be noticeable after a couple of hours. Such treatment does not require an accurate diagnosis. Homeopathy will be appropriate even before conducting an accurate diagnosis, as it is often used for the prevention of diseases.

A number of plant-based antibiotics will help, namely: onion, garlic, pine needles, spruce, lilac, chamomile, sage and calendula.

This should be remembered

Influenza with breastfeeding is an occasion to pay more attention to the health of the mother, and not an excuse to deprive the baby of breast milk.

If the mother is already sick, she should as often as possible rest, as carefully as possible to be treated, and as often as possible to feed the baby, protecting him from the virus.


And instead of treating the flu, taking medicine and worrying about the health of the child during lactation, it is better to carry out prophylaxis flu - longer walk in the fresh air, avoid places of congestion during epidemics, take vitamins and be in good health mood.

Than to treat a cold during lactemia? (the nose is laid, I sneeze without end, t no)


dulcinea overseas

bioparox can be and the intake and throat during pregnancy and lactation
arbidol you can drink to me a doctor when lactating appointed
candles viferon - good


Viferon 1mln ED rectally in the morning and evening, IRS-19 in the nose, Lizobakt dissolve according to the instructions.

Charismatic Charm


well, the nose can be buried with any drops, but I sprayed my throat with an inhaliptic or chlorophyllite (2-3 days and as there was no illness)


If you cure a cold, then it will take a week, if not treated, then for 7 days. Viferon, anaferon and other "ferones" are useless thing. Drops of runny nose do not heal, only at the initial stage of the disease can ease breathing by removing the swelling of the mucosa. With sprays for the throat is the same story,


kaprli pinosol, and from medicines to me only teraflu helps or assists, like anything happens

Anna Sinibabnova

heal the nose with sea water. Aquamaris or make yourself from sea salt (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

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