When you cough, your head hurts

Headache with coughing and runny nose

The reasons for the simultaneous cough and headache are poorly understood by modern medicine, but the relationship between these two symptoms has certainly been proven by many scientists. The combination of both signs is not typical. Cough (often with a runny nose) is observed in less than 1% of people suffering from headaches and migraines. However, the problem for this part of the population does not become less relevant.

Why does my head ache during coughing?

The causes of unpleasant symptoms that occur simultaneously (very often in combination with a common cold) can be:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.

The first group includes diseases that directly cause headaches, reflex respiratory tract cramps and runny nose:

  • Cold.
  • Flu.
  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.

To secondary can be attributed quite serious ailments that cause a cough pain in the head and runny nose, for example, brain disease. Also here are the pathological processes taking place in other organs, except those related to the respiratory system.

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How does the runny nose, headache, cough?

Unpleasant symptoms can be of varying degrees of intensity. Headache when coughing, accompanied by a runny nose, is characterized by the following typical characteristics:

  • Instant appearance.
  • Instant fading.

Most often its duration lasts from 1 minute to half an hour.

Severe headaches with a cough accompanied by a runny nose can be:

  • Single-sided or bilateral.
  • Knocking.
  • More or less intense.
  • Sticking.
  • Sharp.

Symptoms (cough, headache) manifest simultaneously, often along with a common cold. Thus reflex spasms of respiratory ways can be various on the character:

  • Dry.
  • With separation of phlegm.

They can be accompanied by feverish conditions, nausea.

It is important to remember that if your head hurts, and cough, temperature, runny nose are constantly observed and only grow, then you should immediately consult a doctor. After an increase in the intensity of symptoms may indicate the presence of various health hazards.

Coryza, cough, headache: Causes

Factors that can trigger the simultaneous occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, there are many. Unpleasant symptoms can be caused by:

  • Catarrhal diseases. Coryza, cough, headache in this case are considered typical symptoms. Also, there may be lumps, drowsiness, weakness, apathy, sinusitis, unpleasant sensations in the throat and ears. There are often feverish conditions, chills, pain in the muscles.
  • Tumors and pathologies that occur in the brain. With malignant neoplasms, coughing, headache, and weakness are very common. The appearance of these symptoms indicates the transition of the disease in later stages of development. Also can observe the following symptoms: dizziness, loss of attention, vomiting, memory problems, lethargy, indifference, aggressiveness, visual hallucinations, pain in the extremities.
  • Anomalies in the respiratory system. With such pathologies, the head often hurts with a strong cough. Also at the same time, shortness of breath (even suffocation), blood spitting can be observed.
  • Smoking. Infinite inhalation of tobacco smoke for many years can lead to quite disastrous consequences. Often from heavy smokers you can hear the words: "When I cough - my head hurts but who said this a person immediately reaches for a cigarette, without giving a report on the relationship of bad habits and unpleasant symptoms. Also, tobacco smokers are often accompanied: shortness of breath, attacks of rapid heartbeat.
  • Allergic reactions. Coryza, headache, cough - such complaints can often be heard from people suffering from various intolerances. It can be an allergic reaction to food, animals, plants, dust, household chemicals and many other irritants. In addition, patients often experience itching in the nose, wheezing in the lungs, choking, sneezing.
  • Changes in atmospheric pressure. Pain in the temples or cuff during a cough is characteristic of people who are hypersensitive to weather changes. Human vessels do not have time to react to changes in environmental conditions and as a result, unpleasant and sometimes very uncomfortable sensations arise. They can be accompanied in parallel with nausea, hearing and visual impairments.
  • Attacks of asthma. Sneezing, a runny nose, a headache and a severe cough are permanent companions of asthmatics. In addition, patients have attacks of suffocation, accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness. If symptoms build up and do not go away within 24 hours, you should seek emergency medical help, otherwise the attack can result in pneumothorax, acute respiratory failure, or emphysematous violation lungs.
  • Inflammation of the nasopharynx. Symptoms - headache, runny nose, cough - are typical for such abnormal processes. Often they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, difficulty swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, changes in voice.
  • Vibrations of intracranial pressure. The main symptom is a headache after a cough, before and during it. Also, people often observed: double vision, vomiting, nausea, fatigue.

What should I do if my head hurts, cough, runny nose?

At simultaneous occurrence of unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to receive consultation as soon as possible from the doctor and begin necessary treatment. If a person coughs into the head (and also has a runny nose), then the specialist will necessarily appoint the necessary examinations. It can be:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • X-rays of light.
  • Laboratory blood test.

It should be remembered that with such symptoms it is necessary to refuse self-treatment or waiting - when the unpleasant sensations will pass by themselves. Only an immediate request to a doctor and following all of his recommendations will help to remove unpleasant symptoms, cure the underlying ailment, restore health in the shortest possible time.


When I cough very strongly in my head, so I have to clamp my hands on it. What is this ??


Alexandr & Maria

The appearance of a cough is unpleasant in itself, but if it even pushes into your head when it coughs, it is unpleasantly doubly. With a cold, pressure can increase and so it does, but there are other reasons. - First of all, it is caused by increased pressure in the vessels of the brain. And the short-term pain that gives to the head is, as it were, the response of the body to the catarrhal condition. This happens during an attack of cough and is of a short duration. It is necessary to measure the pressure, and if it is increased, take an antihypertensive drug. - Pain, when coughing, giving to the head happens with cervical neuralgia. In this case, the occipital nerve is affected, and the pain becomes worse when coughing and sharp turning of the head. Most likely, you somewhere blown. There can be a dull pain in the head straight from the neck to the left temple. It is impossible to heat the side in any case, it is better to apply warming ointment on the affected occipital nerve and tie it with a woolen scarf. To the doctor, go necessarily to exclude the appearance of meningitis. - Another cause of this unpleasant phenomenon - osteochondrosis of the cervical region. When lesions of the intervertebral discs of the cervical region, pains are localized in the occipital region and when turning the head or when coughing it simply pushes into the head. There is a vegeto-vascular insufficiency: the head turns, in the eyes it doubles, there is a noise in the ears. Maybe even nausea and vomiting. Find out what changes have occurred in the cervical department can only be done with a full survey. Therefore, contact a neurologist who will conduct the examination and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.


It's a disease when the head and cough ache: D is normal

Anastasya Orlenko


Ekaterina Bricina

Inflammation of the occipital lymph node from various Tanzelites and Orvi. One of the reasons. It passes by itself in the treatment of the underlying disease.

Headache when coughing

Often people complain of the occurrence of headaches when coughing. The most slopes of them are middle-aged men. The onset of such pain is usually a sudden sudden, and its duration is a few minutes. The reasons for this pain can be different. Doctors divide all cases into primary and secondary manifestations. The first of them do not pose a particular danger and are usually not repeated. Secondary headache when coughing is a symptom of any disease, so if you periodically recur unpleasant sensations, you should consult a doctor.

Severe headache when coughing

As already mentioned, more often severe headache with cough occurs in men 40-50 years old, women suffer it much less often. It usually occurs against a background of coughing or sneezing. In most cases, its duration is not long, not more than a couple of minutes, but sometimes the pain can last up to 20-30 minutes. The pain can spread to one or both sides of the head, it is also possible to increase the temperature, the appearance of weakness, malaise and other signs of ill health. If these symptoms recur periodically, you should definitely visit a specialist and begin treatment. Otherwise, the process can become chronic, and the pain will torment a person for a long time.

Cough Headache: Cause

There are several reasons that can lead to the appearance of a headache when coughing:

  1. Smoking. In cigarette smoke contains nicotine, which negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system. This leads to an acceleration of the heart rate and increased pressure. In addition to nicotine, there are other poisons in tobacco smoke that cause nausea, dyspnea, cough, headaches and other symptoms.
  2. Meteosensitivity. Some people with a change of weather start headaches when coughing. The propensity to meteosensitivity can be associated with pathologies of the immune, nervous, cardiovascular, genitourinary and other systems. Especially often, headaches when weather changes occur in people who have congenital heart disease or suffer from vegetovascular dystonia.
  3. Bronchial asthma. An asthmatic attack is manifested by a severe cough and a violation of breathing. In this case, the body begins to feel oxygen starvation, which leads to the following symptoms: severe headache, drowsiness, weakness, irritability and others.
  4. Cold. Coryza, cough, weakness and headache are the most common symptoms of all colds.
  5. Syndrome Arnold-Chiari. One of its manifestations is the headache that occurs when sneezing and coughing. The emergence of this syndrome is due to abnormal development of the brain.
  6. Allergy. In some cases, the allergy may be manifested by attacks of an exacerbation cough. In addition to cough, it is also often observed temperature, weakness, chills and headache.
  7. Sinusitis and sinusitis.
  8. Pathologies of the brain, such as cysts, tumors, inflammatory processes and the like.

A sharp headache with a cough

In most cases, a sharp headache when coughing or sneezing is caused by colds. Also, its appearance may be associated with a high body temperature. In some cases, a sudden severe headache occurs as a consequence of severe pathologies of the body, such as the cyst of the brain, tumor processes, brain aneurysm and so on. The nature of pain can be piercing, cutting, shooting or indeterminate. Localization of it may also be different, more often it affects only one side and often irradiates along the nerves. If sharp headaches during coughing are not associated with a cold or a fever, periodically recur or strongly pronounced, then you should consult a specialist about this.

Headache, aggravated by coughing

Headaches, aggravated by coughing, sneezing and abrupt movements, is one of the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. In this case, people complain of a strong, growing headache with smeared localization and the greatest severity in the forehead area. Unpleasant sensations become stronger at night and in the morning. There may also be nausea, vision problems, dizziness.

Another reason that can lead to the appearance of a headache with coughing, may be cervical neuralgia. In this case, pain in the neck, giving up in the head, arise and intensify with sudden movements, including coughing.

Headache with cough and cold

With catarrhal diseases headaches appear quite often, they are caused by the intoxication of the organism arising in such cases. For such diseases, characteristic symptoms are also cough, runny nose, chills, fever, malaise and the like. In addition, headaches can occur and with some complications of the common cold, for example, with genyantritis. In this case, the character of the pain is pressing, constant, but localized in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus. There are other complications of cold, accompanied by a runny nose, cough and headaches. These include otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and others.

Headache when coughing and tilting

The appearance of a headache in the morning, aggravated by sudden movements, coughing and tilting, can be associated with a tumor. In such cases, the pain is blunt, deep in nature, and rarely has a clear localization. Similar symptoms are also accompanied by intracranial hypertension, or increased intracranial pressure. The headache that occurs with tilting and coughing can be caused by sinusitis or inflammation of other sinuses of the nose.

Coughing headaches: treatment

For the treatment of headaches with cough, various methods are used. It is very important to consult a doctor in time to diagnose or confirm the diagnosis, and also start treatment on time. In the absence of serious pathologies for the removal of headaches are prescribed drugs such as Spasmalgon, Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and others. All of them have analgesic effect. Take these drugs should be carefully, especially in combination with other medicines. If you can not get rid of a headache with pain medication, you should consult a doctor.

Remove headaches and relieve cough with vinegar compresses. For their preparation, a strip of cloth is moistened in vinegar and put on the forehead. The tissue is left on the skin until it warms up. You can also use a compress with potatoes and vinegar. For him, you need to cook, without cleaning a few tubers of this vegetable, and crush them together with a large spoonful of vinegar. Then the mass is spread on a strip of fabric or gauze and the compress is folded out of it, which is placed on the chest, except for the heart area. Leave it on the body for 15-20 minutes. A cold compress will help to relieve the headache. If the tissue moistened in cold water is applied to the site of the greatest localization of pain.

Badly remove the headache from herbal medicinal herbs, many of them, in addition, facilitate breathing and help cope with the cough. In such cases, tea from sundew, anise, mullein, mint, licorice, as well as infusions from thyme, St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother, golden mustache, chamomile and other plants help.

With a headache, there is a cough

Headache can be accompanied by a cough with various colds. In viral respiratory diseases and influenza, the first symptoms are often weakness, malaise and headache, later to he adds a fever, and only then there are typical signs of a cold - cough, runny nose, sore throat and other.

It should be remembered that headaches during coughing can become chronic. In this case, they are quite difficult to get rid of. Therefore, when they appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor.


Why does my head hurt when I cough?


Inna Timokhina

take spazmalgon with drotaverine and tie a woolen scarf.

Iranian Andriana Meyer

because coughing is an energetic explosion inside the body giving way to the head


Physical manifestations
The explanation given below applies only to the usual headache. For more serious problems or migraines, relevant article.
Emotional causes
As stated in the article MIGRAN, the head is directly connected with the individual's personality. Thus, the pain in the head (especially in its upper part) suggests that the person beats himself on the head - with reproaches and a low score. He blames himself for all existing human shortcomings, especially stupidity, and exerts increased demands on himself.
He says or thinks about the following;
* My head is cracking.
* I'm tired of breaking my head over it.
* I hit my head against the wall.
* It fell to me like snow on my head.
* I'm risking my head.
* I can not jump above my head.
* I lost my head.
He underestimates and makes himself self-deprecating. If a person feels that his head is cracking, he has been carrying everything for too long for fear of becoming the object of someone's criticism. It is also possible that this person can not reconcile with himself, since he has done something in a headlong fashion. He blames himself for imprudence, imprudence. Problems with the head can arise from the leader, if he is afraid of something to lead, to go ahead, to lead.
Pain in the head, especially in the forehead, is a sign that the person overstrains, trying to understand everything. He must give his intellect time, because for synthesis and understanding it is necessary to have some minimum amount of initial information.
Mental causes
The head contains the organs of four of the five senses and is a very important part of the body. The pain in it prevents you from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and saying something that meets your true needs - that is, ultimately to be yourself. You must restore contact with your true self, that is, become yourself. You should not force yourself to be what you think people want to see you. Nobody in this world can not justify all the expectations of others.
Showing stubbornness in relation to others, you at the same time prevent yourself from being yourself. You hurt yourself, still believing that stubbornness is good for you. Your body also wants you to not stretch your mind like that, not trying to understand everything in the world. If you often use one or even several of the above phrases, understand that you are harmed by the fear that hides behind them.
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

The right side of the head hurts when coughing (sneezing). What is it? Atit or something else? Help!



Physical manifestations
The explanation given below applies only to the usual headache. For more serious problems or migraines, relevant article.
Emotional causes
As stated in the article MIGRAN, the head is directly connected with the individual's personality. Thus, the pain in the head (especially in its upper part) suggests that the person beats himself on the head - with reproaches and a low score. He blames himself for all existing human shortcomings, especially stupidity, and exerts increased demands on himself.
He says or thinks about the following;
* My head is cracking.
* I'm tired of breaking my head over it.
* I hit my head against the wall.
* It fell to me like snow on my head.
* I'm risking my head.
* I can not jump above my head.
* I lost my head.
He underestimates and makes himself self-deprecating. If a person feels that his head is cracking, he has been carrying everything for too long for fear of becoming the object of someone's criticism. It is also possible that this person can not reconcile with himself, since he has done something in a headlong fashion. He blames himself for imprudence, imprudence. Problems with the head can arise from the leader, if he is afraid of something to lead, to go ahead, to lead.
Pain in the head, especially in the forehead, is a sign that the person overstrains, trying to understand everything. He must give his intellect time, because for synthesis and understanding it is necessary to have some minimum amount of initial information.
Mental causes
The head contains the organs of four of the five senses and is a very important part of the body. The pain in it prevents you from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and saying something that meets your true needs - that is, ultimately to be yourself. You must restore contact with your true self, that is, become yourself. You should not force yourself to be what you think people want to see you. Nobody in this world can not justify all the expectations of others.
Showing stubbornness in relation to others, you at the same time prevent yourself from being yourself. You hurt yourself, still believing that stubbornness is good for you. Your body also wants you to not stretch your mind like that, not trying to understand everything in the world. If you often use one or even several of the above phrases, understand that you are harmed by the fear that hides behind them.
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.


Otitis.. can blown?


I had this when proskvozilo!

Headache in the temples when coughing, with slopes


President Barack Obama

Before the loss of the ear? Wow, you should be able to do this!!!: -D

ღ ♥ ღ Malinka ღ ♥ ღ


vladimir cats

overexcited - ottodnyak apparently ..


neck touch - it hurts?


"Headache is a reaction of the body to stressful situations, overstrain, fatigue, lack of sleep, additional loads. An ailment can hide in a prolonged depression, a change of place of residence, malnutrition and even a violation of the usual rhythm of life. "

Alena Selivanova

Pressure prompted! Tea soothing drink, with chamomile for example, and relax)

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