Than the leaves of cranberries are useful: from swelling, with losing weight, when to collect and how to take

"Berry Health" - so nicknamed cranberries due to its invaluable properties.

But in addition to berries, no less useful are the leaves of cranberries, which contain a lot of useful substances: glycoside, vaccine, lycopene, flavonoids, tannins, ascorbic acid, minerals( iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium), antioxidants, vitaminsB, vegetable proteins and arbutin( a natural antiseptic).

Article content:
  • From what diseases
  • How to use
  • During pregnancy
  • Caution, contraindications!
  • Conclusion

What diseases

Due to its rich composition, the leaves of cranberries are widely used for medicinal purposes.

Because they have antimicrobial, antiseptic, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, tonic and soothing effects.

In addition, the use of cranberry leaf is effective when:

  • temperature increase( how to knock down a child);
  • internal and external inflammation;
  • mucosal damage;
  • the occurrence of herpes;
  • instagram viewer
  • allergies and intoxication of the body;
  • compliance with a certain diet( make up for lost proteins);
  • diabetes mellitus( the use and harm of Jerusalem artichoke);
  • bacterial infections;
  • diseases of the oral cavity and throat;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines( recommended diet);
  • osteochondrosis( about acupuncture written here);
  • hypertension in mild form;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • disorders of mineral metabolism.

And what do you know about the useful properties and contraindications hazelnut? In the treatment of what diseases nuts are used in folk medicine, read in the article after clicking on the link.

About useful properties and contraindications of caraway is written here. Look at the photo of the plant.

In addition, the cowberry leaf has hemostatic, anti-cancer and anti-mycotic effects.

Ways of using

At home, a cowberry leaf is used as a decoction, tincture and tea.

Recipe decoction unpretentious:

  • two tablespoons of dry leaves and one glass of boiling water to be placed in an enameled container, cover
  • and leave for thirty minutes in a water bath, then cool and drain the sawn-off pieces by pressing the steamed leaves;
  • in the received volume it is necessary to add another two milliliters of boiled water and store in a cool place for a maximum of two days.

This broth is recommended for use in diseases of the bladder in half a glass thirty minutes after eating three times a day. The broth is also used for rinses in diseases of the oral cavity.

For the preparation of tea from cowberry, you need to pour a teaspoonful of dry leaves with boiling water and insist for twenty minutes, wrapped in a dense cloth.

This drink strengthens immunity, tones and invigorates. Take it preferably half an hour before meals three times a day, if desired, adding a teaspoon of honey.

In order to prepare infusion from a cowberry leaf, pour two teaspoons of dried leaves with two cups of boiling water and place on a water bath in an enameled container for fifteen minutes.

Alternatively, use a thermos, after entering the broth for two hours. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered through a dense layer of gauze.

Infusion recommended for colds, rheumatism, cholelithiasis( used before meals for two tablespoons).

During pregnancy

To date, there is no unanimous opinion about whether it is possible for the expectant mother to use decoctions and teas from cowberry leaves as a panacea for disorders of the genitourinary system.

The most famous doctor's reviews:

Some doctors strongly disagree and believe that the consequence may be the tone of the uterus.

And what do you know about fennel seeds? How to take them is written in an article on the useful properties and contraindications of a medicinal plant.

Than useful dried apricots and prunes read here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/nastojki/ limonnika.html written about the benefit and harm tincture of the seeds of Schisandra.

Others - on the contrary, argue that a cowberry leaf is an excellent remedy for edema.
And the third - they say that eating a decoction or tea in the right dosage will not hurt either the future mom or the baby.

In any case, a woman, during pregnancy, before taking any drug( even a vegetable) should consult a doctor who is pregnant and knows all the characteristics of her body, and together with him make a decision.

The only thing that categorically should not do for future moms is to use a cribbery leaf as a way to reduce weight, because such "experiments" can give serious failures of water-salt metabolism in the body.

Caution, contraindications!

Despite the myriad of useful properties, the application of cranberry leaf is limited by a number of contraindications, which are:

  • individual susceptibility;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • children under 12 years;
  • hypotension;
  • gastritis( with high acidity);
  • acute renal failure;
  • cholecystitis.
Taking an infusion, a decoction or tea from a sheet of cranberry, it is important to record any negative changes in the state of health, after which stop using it.

If the condition has not improved - visit a doctor.


Cowberry leaf is a storehouse of useful substances that can be bought at a pharmacy or collected and dried on its own.

Easy to use and with lots of medicinal properties, a leaf of cranberries will help improve your health.

Before using it, it is advisable to get a doctor's advice to bring your body maximum benefit and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Watch the video and find out about the benefits of folk remedies from cranberry leaves.

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