How to make a cough at home

How to start coughing

How to start coughing and cause a runny nose. This question is often asked by students and students of higher and secondary special educational institutions. However, even some adults use the good old methods of "slope" from work for a couple of days. How to start a cough, raise the temperature and maximally realistic simulate ARI or cold?

How to get cough?

Cough is easy to call. This symptom can be simulated, periodically coughing coughing. One day of such a virtuoso acting game will end with a reddened throat, which even an experienced therapist can take for a slightly inflamed. You can also smell black or red ground pepper. Then you will provide yourself with a runny nose and sneezing for at least half an hour. Coughing can also begin.

How to cause a cough and temperature?

Before you cause a cough and fever, think about whether it does not hurt your health. Simulating the temperature is somewhat more difficult, but there are ways to help you with this:

  • The oldest of these is the use of onions or garlic. The juice of these roots should be rubbed under the armpits. Within an hour after that, measuring the temperature can give a result of up to thirty-eight degrees. Rub your armpits with garlic before you go to the therapist's office, which will necessarily offer you a thermometer.
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  • You can begin to simulate an attack of this symptom before your parents or a doctor and after you eat a small piece of a pencil lead. Its entry into the body also raises the temperature. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise instead of an imaginary cold you can get quite a real poisoning.
  • Using paper glue will also help you feign illness. Apply a little transparent composition on the finger and lubricate both nostrils closer to the bridge of the nose. Runny nose, red eyes and a thermometer reading within thirty-eight are provided to you. At the same time, it is important not to forget yet and begin to vigorously publish strong sounds, so that the disease looks as realistic as possible.
  • You can start coughing even after you call a runny nose with a geranium. You can grease her nasal passages with her juice, or you can insert twisted leaves into the nostrils for ten to fifteen minutes. You do not have to think about how to start coughing after that. The abundant runny nose and sneezing that will cause this plant will lead to irritation of the cough receptors. Therefore, you should start to cough very real.

Remember that all of the above methods are dangerous to health. Using them, you can not only begin to cough or raise the temperature, but also get a serious allergic reaction.

Tip 1: Than to treat a cough at home

Cough is a protective reflex, during it there is an impetuous muscle contraction, after which there is a sharp release of air from the lungs. From the inside, this organ is covered with special sensitive receptors, their irritation and triggers a cough reflex, a mechanism that aims to remove foreign bodies, sputum and bacteria.

Cough can be called a useful phenomenon, with it you should not fight, on the contrary, you need to help the lungs by taking various expectorants. If this phenomenon is started, then it will go to a chronic stage. Especially it is necessary to show attention if the cough does not pass for a long time, since in this case the standard treatment does not help.

Treatment for wet cough

At home, curing a wet cough is quite simple. The main task of his treatment is to accelerate the excretion of phlegm accumulated in the lumen of the respiratory organs. To do this, try to take more fluid. For this purpose, tea from currant, hips, raspberries and lime trees is perfect. A mixture of honey and hazelnuts can help get rid of cough. It is prepared very simply, you need to grind 20 grams of nuts and mix them with 100 grams of honey. The resulting mixture is recommended to be consumed during the day in small portions, washed down with warm milk.

Also, when coughing, you can use the healing properties of onions. Vegetables need to be cut, covered with sugar and wait a little. Take onion juice should be small portions throughout the day. The patient will be much less coughing the next day. With a moist cough, inhalations with eucalyptus oil help. Thanks to this procedure it will be possible to quickly recover.

Treatment of dry cough

Dry cough is not very useful for the body, so treatment is not to stimulate it, but rather to suppress or transfer it to a wet form. A good result is chest and inhalation. Also in this case, the use of medicines is required.

But we should not forget about popular methods. So, to soften dry cough it is possible thanks to goose fat. It will be necessary to prepare a mixture consisting of it and the chopped onion. After that, it must be rubbed before going to sleep in the neck and chest area. However, this method is not suitable for those who need to go to work tomorrow, because the onion smell is very persistent and it will not be easy to get rid of it. Dry cough can be cured with a decoction of nettle. It should be drunk several times a day.

And to make the cough go into a wet form, you also need to make a decoction of elecampane or coltsfoot. It is recommended to use it after a lapse of 30 minutes after drinking a decoction of the nettle. This treatment will require a person to be disciplined, but the next day the cough will bother much less often, and later go away altogether.

Cough treatment at home. Cough: treatment with folk remedies

When the cold comes, many adults and children face such an unpleasant phenomenon as coughing. He interferes with normal sleep, breathing, talking and causing severe discomfort. Very often cough is a danger to others, because with the saliva in the air is thrown out a lot of germs.

In this situation, you need to apply quality medication. But we should not forget about folk methods, because they are basically simple and accessible. What should be the effective and proper treatment for cough in the home? In what cases is it better to seek medical help from a doctor?

How to ease the course of the disease

Cough is a reaction of the body, which is aimed at expelling from the field of light foreign objects or accumulated mucus. The surface of the trachea, bronchi, and larynx is covered with a sensitive tissue, which reacts sharply to stimuli. They can be dust, bacteria, cold air or a rich, pungent smell.

Strong cough should not be suppressed or blocked, but facilitated by expectorant drugs and healing infusions.

Treatment of cough in the home should be done only with the permission of the doctor. It is very important for the patient not to forget about the abundant drink that soothes the irritated throat.

To facilitate the course of the disease, it is necessary:

  • to give up smoking;
  • At night, put a high pillow to slightly ease coughing attacks;
  • several times a day to conduct a wet cleaning;
  • Avoid inhalation of sharp odors, smoke, dust;
  • Do not give up medicinal ointments, sugar candies, grindings, compresses.

Wet cough: symptoms, treatment

The disease is characterized by a strong expectorant reflex, in which a sufficient amount of accumulated mucus is released from the respiratory tract. The faster the body clears, the sooner the disease goes. Cough with phlegm is treated easier than dry, and delivers the body much less discomfort.

The paramount task in the treatment of this type of disease is the reception of funds that effectively remove mucus from the respiratory system. The patient is recommended to drink a lot, especially the use of herbal infusions is welcomed. Teas from raspberry, linden, currant and dog rose are perfect.

If a wet cough is observed, preparations containing codeine are contraindicated for its treatment. It has an overwhelming effect on reflex expectorants and can aggravate the course of the disease.

Dry cough

This ailment gives the patient considerable discomfort. Constant coughing attacks disturb sleep, do not allow to eat normally, talk. The patient becomes irritable and tired, because the ailment is very exhausting, delivering not only physical, but also psychological difficulties.

Dry cough should be treated with agents that suppress its appearance. Particular attention is paid to inhalations, physiotherapy, massage. However, before treating a dry cough, it is important to establish its causes, since it can signal the occurrence of other, more serious pathologies in the body.

In the event of a characteristic "barking" cough, treatment is done to soften and moisten it. Often, the cause of this type of disease becomes acute respiratory disease. With the right approach, after a few days, a cough with phlegm appears. And over time, attacks stop.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

Quickly and effectively cure a wet cough with steam inhalations. During these procedures it is important to inhale as much as possible warm air saturated with components of medicinal plants or essential oils. When wet cough will help decoctions of nettle, lime, eucalyptus or sage, with dry - inhalation with the addition of soda.

Perfect means for eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract are broths of mother-and-stepmother, plantain and elecampane. Cooked infusions from these medicinal plants also help with dry cough. They promote softening of mucus and its rapid expectoration.

Good help in getting rid of dry cough warm milk with soda. It should be added only a few grams (at the tip of the knife). This drink reduces the obsessive reflex desire to cough and leads to a rapid cleansing of the respiratory tract from mucus.

Infusions of radish with honey in the treatment of cough

These natural products have antifungal properties and have an invaluable effect on strengthening the body's immune system. Radish with honey as an effective remedy for getting rid of a cough began to be applied in the last century. The recipe for the preparation of the medicine is very simple, and the curative effect of its components allows you to quickly get rid of the ailment.

Option number 1

It is necessary to prepare a medium-sized radish. Cut about 1/4 of its upper part, in the center of the pulp should make a small groove. In the formed hollow, you need to add a spoonful of honey, cover the radish and put it in a secluded place for a while. As a result, you will receive a valuable and tasty medicine. Radish with honey is taken before meals in the amount of two teaspoons. One root is used 3 days, and then replaced with fresh.

Option number 2

If you use this recipe, get a lot of medicinal cough medicine. For its preparation, you must clean 2-3 roots of radish and finely chop it. Insisting occurs in a clay pot. Radish cubes are filled with 100-200 g of liquid honey and left for 12 hours. This tasty and healthy juice is taken for 10 days.

If honey is contraindicated

Everyone knows that this product is a strong allergen. If there are contraindications, and the patient can not take honey, it is replaced with ordinary sugar. In this case, it is better to roast the radish in the oven.

To obtain the medicine, the cut root vegetables are sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven for 2 hours at an average temperature (about 120 degrees). From the chilled radish squeeze the juice and take it as a regular syrup (before eating).

Radish from cough is used very often. This natural product quickly removes the body from all the symptoms of the disease, destroys the bacteria and significantly strengthens the immune system.

Recipes based on onions

  1. To obtain a special cough medicine, take 1/2 kg of chopped onion without skin, mix it with 150 g of honey. Then slowly introduce 500 g of sugar and 1 liter of purified water. The resulting mixture is cooked for 2-3 hours, after which it is filtered and kept in the refrigerator for not more than 10 days. With a strong cough take 2 teaspoons to 6 times a day.
  2. A large onion or two small ones must be carefully grinded. Enter 2 tablespoons of goose fat and mix until smooth. This compress should be applied overnight to the chest area, tied up with a warm kerchief. Such cough treatment at home is carried out within a week.
  3. 1 head of garlic and 15 medium bulbs are cut as small as possible. Then the resulting mixture is filled with milk and boiled until soft. At the end, honey is introduced, then an infusion of buds, ivy (this is medicinal herb), and all components are mixed. The medicine is taken every hour on a spoon during the day. This recipe for cough is a simple but very effective remedy for softening and expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Recipes based on honey

  1. To prepare a healing syrup, it is necessary to boil the lemon for about 15 minutes, squeeze out. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and glycerin. Shake thoroughly. If you take this syrup on a teaspoon 5 times a day, the symptoms of the ailment will quickly wane. When the cough becomes rare, the medication can be reduced, and then stopped altogether.
  2. Prepare the tea from the red clover, insist for an hour. Mix 150 g of honey and 50 g of horseradish rhizome juice. With a strong cough take a teaspoon during the day, drinking tea from the clover.
  3. Well helps with nonsense hazelnuts. This recipe for cough contains few ingredients, but very well eliminates perspiration in the throat. To prepare the medicinal mixture, it is necessary to grind 100 g of nuts into small grains, add 100 g of honey. To quickly get rid of cough and mitigate the symptoms of the disease, the resulting syrup should be consumed during the day in small portions, each time washed down with warm milk.

Herbal infusions with cough

Healing plants have long been known for their useful properties. Treatment of cough folk remedies is not without the reception of herbal dues, which are most often recommended and prescribed to the patient.

The most effective herbs from cough are:

  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • althea root;
  • thyme;
  • nettle, dioecious;
  • Linden;
  • anise.

Infusions of these herbs effectively relieve cough, soften its manifestations and reduce seizures. To prepare decoctions of the plant, it is better to pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Such healing tea will not lose its useful properties, which are easily destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

However, it is worth remembering that some herbs are contraindicated if there is an allergic cough in an adult. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of antihistamines and respiratory gymnastics.

Cough in children

When a child has the first symptoms of a disease, parents do not always have the opportunity to consult a doctor. Therefore, when coughing in children, folk medicine is used very often. They are more easily tolerated by babies and do not contain chemical additives that are harmful to the still fragile body.

Certainly, to conduct independent treatment is not necessary, but it is better to contact the pediatrician. He will prescribe effective drugs that will help the child cope with the disease. But along with the use of medicamentous agents, it is advisable to carry out folk cough treatment in children.

Most often the child is recommended compresses from natural products, teas, wraps and steam trays. Along with these procedures, a doctor should be prescribed funds for cough for children - syrups, candies, medical aerosols.

Well-established potato compress. To make it, you need a few medium-cooked root crops. Warm potatoes warm up along with the skin, gradually introduced alcohol, turpentine and any vegetable oil (on a tablespoon).

Formed 2 flat cakes of medium size. One is applied to the baby's breast, the other to the back. On top, the compresses are covered with a towel and left for an hour.

Treatment of cough folk remedies can be carried out with the help of mustard. Babies can make steam baths for feet, older children - put mustard plasters. For the treatment of cough in newborns, the wrapping works well. For this procedure you need to soak the diaper with mustard solution and wrap the baby around it for 3-5 minutes.

Very often, parents use a radish from cough, especially in a baked version. The resulting juice turns out so delicious that children with pleasure take this useful, healing and tasty medicine.

Carrying out inhalations

This procedure has a good effect, because healing couples penetrate into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. If cough treatment at home with the help of compresses or wraps has not brought results, you can try to hold the child inhalation.

For the procedure it is better to buy a modern device - a nebulizer. For inhalation, such herbs as chamomile, thyme, mother-and-stepmother are perfectly suitable. With a damp cough in hot water, you can add a few drops of essential oils - mint, eucalyptus.

If there is no nebulizer at hand, an old but effective method - the inhalation of potato steam will help.

However, it is worth remembering that any inhalation should be limited to a period of 10 minutes, and at high temperatures this procedure is contraindicated.

Medication "Gedelix" (cough syrup): instructions for use

The drug is indicated for various diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a difficult expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Syrup "Gedelix" contains a thick extract obtained from ivy leaves.

The drug is taken at any time of the day, it is not necessary to plant it. Newborns and children of younger age group should add syrup to juice or tea. Basically, the medicine is well tolerated.

The period of application is set by the doctor, but even with a mild form of cough the treatment is carried out for 7 days. After the disappearance of signs of the disease, taking the drug does not stop. In order to consolidate the effect, it should be consumed another 2-3 days.

The dosage table is presented here.

Syrup "Gedelix dosage
Age Number of receptions per day Dosage, ml Maximum number per day
1 to 4 years 3 times , 150 mg of the active ingredient
4 to 10 years 4 times , 200 mg of active ingredient
Children from 10 years and adults 3 times 5 300 mg of the active ingredient

Application features

Diabetics should take the syrup with caution, since in 5 ml of the drug contains about 4 g of fructose. The sorbitol, which is part of the medicine, can have a laxative effect on the body.

The drug "Gedelix" is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. In some patients, there was an increased sensitivity to syrup, which manifested itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

If the patient has hereditary diseases associated with intolerance to fructose, the drug is contraindicated.

The medicine "Gedelix" can not be taken to children under the age of 1 year.

We take care

Parents should be especially careful if the coughing episodes in the child do not stop at night. To ease his condition, use an air humidifier or turn on hot water in the bathroom to form a thick steam.

If improvement is not observed, you should ventilate the room well or go out with the child on the street - in the fresh air the attack will pass faster.

Carefully study the instruction of the cough remedy. For children in the drug box must be a measuring cup, a spoon or a syringe dispenser.

Call your doctor immediately if:

  • a strong cough lasts more than 15 days;
  • with expectoration along with the mucus, you have found blood;
  • there was a pain in the chest;
  • breathing became difficult and hoarse;
  • there were other dangerous symptoms, such as fever or fever;
  • began to show signs of an allergic reaction to the prescribed drug.

Especially dangerous is a severe cough, the attacks of which lead to vomiting. This form of the disease most often speaks of the pathologies that are present in the airways. In general, vomiting from coughing occurs in children and is a sign of bronchitis or colds.

If such features accompany an adult cough, an immediate medical examination is required. Independent treatment in this case is unacceptable, since vomiting can indicate the development of serious diseases in the body.

Treatment of cough in the home

Every person in his life encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as coughing. He appears with a lot of ailments: colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Due to the prevalence of various colds, which are almost always accompanied by a cough, there are many home remedies for coughing. These medicines are known for more than one century and can serve as a good help to traditional medicine, reduce the number of medications taken and improve the condition.

How to treat cough with home remedies?

Home treatment of cough and diseases that caused it, usually carried out with the help of a whole set of measures, to which include taking various drugs inside, gargling, compresses, rubbing and various inhalation.

To begin with, we consider the treatment of cough by domestic means, which are supposed to be drunk.

Radish juice:

  1. Take a big black radish, cut off the top and cut out the middle.
  2. The resulting container is filled with honey and left at room temperature.
  3. The allocated juice is used for 1 teaspoonful 4 times a day.

Milk drink number 1:

  1. A tablespoon of herbs of sage should be poured with 150 grams of milk and brought to a boil.
  2. Then add a teaspoon of butter or interior fat and a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Drink the mixture before going to bed.

This home remedy helps with night cough, softens it.

Milk drink number 2:

  1. For one glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of butter and honey.
  2. After this, add the beaten egg yolk to the mixture.
  3. Some sources recommend also adding a little soda (not more than a quarter of a teaspoonful).

Another medicine that is recommended to cook without milk, but take it with it:

  1. Mix in equal proportions crushed lemon, honey and hazelnuts.
  2. Take the mixture should be on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day, washed down with warm milk.

When coughing caused by bronchitis, funds from young conifers and shoots are effective:

  1. For a decoction of 30 grams of cones pour a liter of milk and boil on low heat until about half of the liquid remains.
  2. The broth is then filtered and drunk in three divided doses.

To prepare the tincture, young cones are poured with alcohol or vodka in the proportion: and the month is insisted. Use tincture on a tablespoon for half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Cough treatment at home by rubbing and inhalation

The most popular means of such a plan from cough is boiled potatoes. He is brewed in a uniform, then kneaded, bent over the pan, covered his head with a towel, and breathes the steam.

Effective with cough inhalation with decoctions of herbs such as mother-and-stepmother, oregano and eucalyptus leaves, as well as with essential oils of peppermint and eucalyptus.

For grinding with coughing, goose and badger fat are most often used.

Treatment of dry cough home remedies

When dry cough does not occur expectoration of sputum, and therefore it is especially painful. For this reason, for the most part, home remedies for dry cough are aimed at softening it.

Infusion for gargling:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of fennel seeds and three tablespoons of chamomile flowers, sage herbs and mint.
  2. A tablespoon of mixture pour, a liter of boiling water and insist half an hour.
  3. With this infusion, gargle at least 5 times a day.

Tea for cough softening:

  1. In equal parts, mix the licorice root, the violet grass and the mother-and-stepmother.
  2. A tablespoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 40 minutes and drink during the day. You can add some honey.

From dry cough, the following home remedy is often used:

  1. Root water pepper (60 grams) pour, 5 liters of white wine and bring to a boil.
  2. Then strain and drink in a warmed state for 2-3 meals.

The effectiveness of the drug will increase if you rub your chest and back with a mixture of ground onion and goose fat.

And remember, if the treatment does not work, and the cough does not stop for a long time, you need to see a doctor.

Conduction of inhalation for cough in the home

Cough is often the initial symptom in many diseases. It is inhalation for coughing at home is the most effective local treatment of respiratory diseases. And the sooner a diagnosis is made and the right treatment is prescribed, the easier and faster the body will cope with the disease. Inhalation, like any medical procedure, has its contraindications and features of the procedure.

What are the symptoms?

Types of cough are classified by many parameters: rhythm, timbre, nature (wet or dry), time of manifestation (morning, evening, night). Given the combination of these features, you can put the right diagnosis, and it's better to trust the specialist.

Some diseases require urgent medical attention. You can recognize them by following the alarming symptoms:

  • constant cough at body temperature up to 3 ° C, which lasts more than a week;
  • cough accompanied by attacks of suffocation;
  • sputum clears throat, contains veins of blood;
  • violation of voice function and / or voice changes during coughing;
  • cough accompanied by general weakness, weight loss, chills and heavy sweating at night;
  • cough lasts more than 7 days and intensifies.

If any of the listed symptoms is not observed, then you can ease your condition with the help of the most effective method for respiratory disease - inhalation. Inhalations are of two types: natural (for example, in the forest, at sea resorts) and artificial (with the use of inhalants).

Contraindications to inhalation

Although inhalation for cough is a local mild treatment of respiratory diseases at home, but this procedure has its contraindications. Inhalation can not be performed if the patient:

  • age younger than 2 years (only in extreme cases and only under medical supervision);
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • severe heart failure;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • high body temperature (above 38 ° C);
  • nose bleed;
  • individual intolerance of inhalation components (allergy).

In all other cases of inhalation, especially accompanied by medical treatment, several times will improve the patient's well-being.

Modern appliances for home inhalation

Now in any pharmacy you can find special devices for home inhalation, each of which has its own peculiarities:

  1. The nebulizer operates on the basis of the dispersion mechanism of the drug. There are compressor and ultrasonic nebulizers. Ultrasound is more compact, but not suitable for oily solutions.
  2. The inhalator is based on the inhalation of vapors of medicinal substances.
  3. The Mahold inhaler is intended for inhalation with essential oils and alcohol tinctures.

All these devices have a clear instruction for use, which must be read before use. Before carrying out inhalations it is better to consult a doctor, because the incorrectly chosen dosage of medicinal substances can lead to disastrous results.

When is the inhalation not carried out?

There are cases when cough is a symptom of a disease not associated with a viral or infectious disease of the respiratory system. So, dry cough happens to heavy smokers in the morning, which is associated with a harmful habit. It is necessary to distinguish the allergic cough: it is seasonal, appears during the action of the allergen and is accompanied by rhinitis, sneezing, lacrimation and sometimes skin rash.

Also, an allergic cough is observed in people suffering from bronchial asthma. In gastroesophageal reflux, dry cough is associated with the ingestion of stomach contents into the esophagus. Then you should not cough, but go to the gastroenterologist.

But there are cases when the disease of the respiratory system involves only medication. So, purulent inclusions in sputum with a productive cough testify to the development against the background of a bacterial infection, and it is treated exclusively with antibiotics.

Dry and wet cough: what's the difference?

Most often, with inflammation in any part of the respiratory system, the first symptom is a dry cough that eventually changes into a damp one. Wet (productive) cough differs from dry abundant sputum during expectoration.

Dry cough for colds indicates that the sputum accumulated in the respiratory system is too viscous. Therefore, dry, unproductive cough causes pain in the throat, chest and often is disruptive. The main task at the same time is to translate the unproductive type of cough into productive, thereby facilitating expectoration and speeding up recovery of the patient.

Therefore, when dry coughing is advised to use inhalation with the use of expectorants. Do not confuse them with antitussive drugs, because their action is diametrically opposed. The antitussive drugs suppress the cough reflex, which in no case can be done with colds.

Expectorant drugs are divided into carriers of sulfhydryl groups (carbocysteine, acetylcysteine), derivatives of vasicin (bromhexine, ambroxol) and combined preparations. Many of these drugs are sold in the form of drops that can be used for inhalation at home. As for the dosage, consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for inhalation

Folk remedies for inhalation have long been used and traditional medicine. If at hand there were no special devices, then you can use the old method: boil water with herbs in a kettle or a small pot, breathe fumes. To make the procedure more effective, you should cover your head with a coverlet or a towel, thus not allowing the couple to disperse around the room. For home inhalations there are several rules:

  1. Do not bend over freshly boiled water. Strong steam can cause burns.
  2. The face should be kept at a distance of 30-40 cm from the broth.
  3. To sit it is necessary in a convenient pose that in case of a giddiness or sloppy movement not to drop on itself a hot broth.
  4. Inhalation should be conducted no earlier than 2 hours after eating. After inhalation, it is better not to strain your throat for an hour.
  5. Inhalation should not be done more than 2 times a day.
With a dry cough the main thing is to make it productive, so you should drink more liquid, and in the room keep the humidity at a comfortable level. But the most effective in the dry cough method of treatment are heat and steam inhalations. Steam inhalations differ from heat-only ones because the patient does not lean over the dishes with the decoction, which is prepared in a teapot. Then a funnel is placed in the tip of the kettle, through which the patient inhales the healing steam.

The most effective inhalation - on the decoction of herbs or with the addition of essential oils. Expectorant properties have such herbs as sage, eucalyptus, linden, St. John's wort, calendula, coltsfoot, nettle. In pharmacies, you can buy as separate types of medicinal herbs, so already and ready-made breast dues. With a dry cough, doctors advise the use of essential oils: they moisturize and relieve irritation in the nasopharynx. Best of all, in the fight against dry cough itself, essential oils of fir, tea tree, eucalyptus are recommended.

In no case do not add undiluted essential oils to inhalers and nebulizers: this can be dangerous to health.Typically, essential oils for inhalation are added in the calculation of 1-2 drops per 100 ml of water.

In addition to warm inhalation, you can use the so-called cold. To do this, in the patient's room are placed aromatic lamps with essential oils or saucers with chopped garlic and onions (essential oils of these products help with coughing and runny nose).


It is necessary to treat not cough, but the disease itself, therefore inhalations should be not the main, but the accompanying method of treatment, which must be discussed with the doctor.

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