How is the test for astigmatism performed, what kinds are there
To determine the disease as soon as possible, it is necessary to pass tests or, if possible, to undergo a series of tests. The test for astigmatism will help to detect the disease in time, due to which the treatment will be started faster. You can go through it even at home, it will help to draw at least some conclusions about whether it is worth to go to a specialist, start worrying or not. It is also recommended to pass a test for color perception.
1Definition of disease
2Types of tests for astigmatism
2.1Test with divergent rays
2.2Parallel Lines
2.3The Star of Siemens
3Clinical researches
Definition of disease
This disease is characterized by an unusual form of the cornea of the eye.A healthy visual organ has a surface in the form of a sphere, but with astigmatism this form is broken. Depending on the direction, the organ of vision has a different curvature. As a result,the patient does not distinguish even and straight lines, they are distorted or blurred for him. This has a serious effect on vision.
- Astigmatism: methods of correction and treatment at home
With astigmatism, one sees straight lines as curved, curved. The sphericity of the eyeball is broken.
Types of tests for astigmatism
There are several of the most popular tests for astigmatism. All of them will help you to understand whether you have this disease or not.It is important to pay close attention to this issue, go through each test several times to make sure the results are for sure.
Test with divergent rays
To pass this test, cover one eye with your hand. Now look at the image, it looks like the dial of an ordinary clock, but instead of the usual figures, a degree angle measure is used here. Repeat the same procedure with the other eye.
A test with divergent rays to determine astigmatism
Astigmatism will be revealed in the event that the image on each eye will be perceived differently.In doing so, you will notice the following:
The rays became larger.About two or three times.
Some lines became lighter, while others became darker.
Some of the lines will be clearly visible, and the other will blur, cloudy.
Parallel Lines
An important factor in passing this test is bright daylight.Before you will be a picture with lines that are parallel to each other. Some are vertical, others are horizontal. To look it is necessary serially, each eye.
Test "Direct lines" for determining astigmatism
Astigmatism will be absent in a person who sees all the lines in black, without changes in shades. If the lines are irregularly shaped, distorted or gray lines are drawn, the person is given astigmatism.
The Star of Siemens
This test is recognized as one of the most accurate and correct. The image of the so-called Siemens star has lines that are equal to each other in all parameters. They also diverge in the same direction. Look at them alternately with each eye.If there are no violations, your eyes will see the following:
Vagueness of clear lines.
The background will become gray in the center of this star.
The central lines will gradually turn into a circle.
With the distance or approach of the image in a person with correct vision, the central spectrum of the circle will also change its size.The "Star of Siemens" test for the definition of astigmatism
People suffering from astigmatism will observe a different figure, for example, an oval.
If you find yourself experiencing astigmatism while undergoing tests - contact your doctor.
Clinical researches
To protect yourself from the complications of this disease - a specialist often writes glasses. FROMIt should be borne in mind that only astigmatism above 1dp can serve as an occasion for wearing glasses.
Invented special lenses, which are called astigmatic. They are better than glasses. This is due to the fact that the lens forms an integral whole with the eye, does not distort the image. If astigmatism is small, then often limited to night lenses.
The method of laser vision correction called LASIK is increasingly being used to correct this ailment.The procedure is good because it almost instantly eliminates the disease, leaves no traces and is carried out very quickly under drip anesthesia. Patients say that the first changes they observe in a few hours, and a full recovery occurs no later than a week.
If astigmatism is in a very strong form, then people are put in phakic lenses. Also this method is used when it is impossible to carry out the laser procedure.
There are many ways to get rid of this disease. The specialist will appoint the best for you.
With astigmatism and after the procedures for its treatment, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:
Do warm-up and gymnastics for the eyes.
To show physical activity.
Avoid injury and eye damage.
Competently distribute the load on the organs of vision.
Adhering to these rules, you will not let the disease progress, and also speed up recovery.
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Astigmatism is fairly easy to identify. This can be done even at home. With the help of the three most popular tests, you can easily identify the presence of this ailment. Observance of all and the rules with astigmatism, will help not only to preserve vision, but also to increase its acuity, speed up recovery.
Also read about how the test for color blindness and the test for visual acuity is carried out.