Retinal dystrophy: what is it?

The retina is the connecting component between the optical components and the visual center of the brain. It participates in the transformation of light into a visual image. When the retina is thinned for some reason, the vision begins to fall.

Retinal dystrophy can appear irrespective of the person's age, while it can manifest itself in no way, but at the same time irreversible changes occur.

In this article, we will talk about how dangerous retinal degeneration is, and how to properly and effectively cure it.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Retinal dystrophy is a pathology of vision, which is caused by irreversible destructive processes in the retina of the eye.This degenerative disease is characterized by slow progression, but is one of the most frequent causes of vision loss in old age.

Retinal dystrophy in most cases is found in the elderly.

The risk group includes people with myopia, with vascular diseases, diabetics and hypertension. This disease can be transmitted by inheritance, so those whose parents had a similar problem, it is recommended to be examined regularly.

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There are several types of retinal dystrophy:

  1. Hereditary.It, in turn, is also subdivided into two subspecies:
    • Spot white.Such a degeneration is congenital and manifests itself from an early age. And the vision begins to fall even before the child went to school.
    • Pigmentary.The nature of pigmentary dystrophy has not yet been fully studied. But this disease appears as a result of disruption of the photosensitive cells, which are responsible for vision in the dark. Such dystrophy proceeds rather slowly, alternating with exacerbation with temporary relief. Usually pigmentary dystrophy begins to manifest itself at school age, and by the age of twenty it can be clearly diagnosed.
  2. Acquired.This type of retinal dystrophy is typical for the elderly. It also happens that the acquired dystrophy is combined with various age-related pathologies of vision, for example, with cataracts and with metabolic disorders in the eye tissues. Acquired retina has three subspecies:
    • Central.Degenerative processes occur in the macular (central) region, where the site of the most clear vision is located. It has two forms: dry and wet. In the first case, metabolites are accumulated between the choroid and the retina in the form of clots. And in the second case, new vessels appear, through the walls of which sweat blood or liquid, which leads to the appearance of retinal edema and the defeat of photoreceptors.
    • Peripheral. In this case, the peripheral region suffers. Such a dystrophy is difficult to diagnose, because there are no significant symptoms. There are also peripheral chorioretinal retinal dystrophy (PCRD).
    • Generalized. Generalized dystrophy affects all parts of the retina.

In turn, peripheral retinal dystrophy also has several types:

  • Latticed.It is typical for people with retinal detachment. Usually it happens immediately on two eyes. Upon examination, the doctor sees a series of white bands (vessels) on the fundus. Between the vessels appear pink zones of thinning, ruptures.
  • Ineyed like. Changes occur in the fundus, and they are bilateral and symmetrical. On the periphery appear "flakes" of a yellow-white hue.
  • "The trace of a snail". On the retina appear small white inclusions with a large number of small holes. Affected areas merge and form zones that look like a trace of a cochlea. Round large breaks may appear.
  • Bristly.Appears in the form of cysts on the periphery of the fundus. Cysts can merge with each other. When a person falls or strikes, cysts can tear, which leads to the appearance of ruptures.
  • "Cobblestone pavement".Upon examination, the doctor sees oval white foci surrounded by pigment particles.
  • Retinoschizis. This is a retinal bundle that can be congenital or acquired. In the second case, retinosis may occur with myopia and in old age.


The main causes of the appearance of retinal dystrophy include:

  1. Various eye diseases and inflammatory processes(myopia, uveitis).
  2. Infectious diseases and intoxications.
  3. Eye injuries as a result of bruises, strokes and so on.
  4. Genetic predisposition to dystrophy.
  5. Various systemic diseases(diabetes, hypertension, thyroid and kidney problems, atherosclerosis and so on).

All these reasons, except genetic predisposition, can not always contribute to the appearance of retinal dystrophy, but they are risk factors.

Doctors say that people with overweight and bad habits have a high probability of developing retinal dystrophy. Low blood pressure during the second trimester of pregnancy leads to impaired circulation and poor nutrition of the retina. Therefore, pregnant women are also at risk.


Symptoms of dystrophy depend on its kind.So peripheral dystrophy of the retina can proceed without any symptoms for a long time, therefore it is diagnosed, as a rule, quite by accident. The first signs ("flies" and flashes) appear only when there are tears.

With central dystrophy, a person sees straight lines distorted, areas of the visual field fall out.

Other symptoms: impaired vision, change in normal perception of colors, blurred vision, distortion of visual fields, impaired vision.


To diagnose retinal dystrophy, the following examinations are necessary:

  1. Investigation of visual fields;
  2. Research of color perception;
  3. Checking visual acuity;
  4. Examination of the fundus using the Goldman lens;
  5. Fluorescence angiography (examination of the vessels of the eyes);
  6. Ultrasound and electrophysiological examination of the eyes;
  7. Analyzes to determine the state of the body's metabolism.
Genes of retinal dystrophy


To cure dystrophy of the retina, it may take a long time.It is rather difficult, and it is not always possible to get a positive result.

It will not be possible to restore vision, when there was an exacerbation of dystrophy. In this case, the treatment is aimed at slowing the progression of dystrophy, strengthening the vessels and muscles of the eyes, restoring metabolism in the eye tissues.

Treatment with medicines is based on the use of such medications as:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Angioprotectors;
  • Corticosteroids;
  • Vitamin preparations;
  • Lutein-containing preparations;
  • Vasodilation and vascular wall-strengthening drugs.
Conservative treatment of the retina

It is necessary to know that these drugs can be effective only in the early stages of development of retinal dystrophy.

At the beginning of the disease, physiotherapy gives good results. It is aimed at strengthening the retina and eye muscles. The most commonly used physiotherapy methods:

  • Electro- and Phonophoresis;
  • Laser irradiation of blood;
  • Ultrasonic and microwave therapy;

Surgical intervention is performed to improve blood circulation in the eye vessels and metabolic processes in the retina. In the case of wet dystrophy, surgery is necessary to remove fluid from the retina.

One of the modern methods of treating retinal dystrophy is laser coagulation. It allows you to prevent detachment.When laser coagulation is carried out, the damaged areas are cauterized to other areas at a certain depth. The laser does not touch healthy areas.Unfortunately, using laser coagulation can not return lost vision, but you can stop further destruction of the retina.


In people with retinal dystrophy, complications do not occur very often. But the most dangerous of them are ruptures, detachment of the retina and complete loss of vision. Therefore, it is very important to detect the disease in time and begin treatment.


The main method of prevention is timely diagnosis. This is especially true of peripheral dystrophy.

Those who are at risk or have an initial stage of dystrophy should undergo an examination at least once a year. Pregnant women need to undergo examination of the fundus at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy.

A healthy lifestyle, rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition are also good measures to prevent dystrophy.



Dystrophy of the retina can lead to detachment and deterioration of visual acuity. Unfortunately, it is impossible to restore vision in this case, but it is possible to stop the progression of the disease.

People with dystrophy are recommended to wear sunglasses, to eat a balanced diet, to be treated in ways that were prescribed by an ophthalmologist, and twice a year to be examined.

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