The child has a stuffy nose and a cough

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Coryza and cough: symptoms, causes

Cough and runny nose in adultsCoryza and cough without fever are common in people often. They can be signs of various processes occurring in the body of both not too dangerous, and quite serious.

Cough and runny nose: Causes

The main factors that cause the appearance of unpleasant symptoms include:

  • The effect of irritants that cause allergic reactions.
  • Development of respiratory and nasopharyngeal infections.
  • Flowing from the nose into the throat of mucus.
  • Ingestion of foreign particles.
  • Weakening of the immune system after a cold.

Coryza, cough without fever, like allergy symptoms

Imbalance of the immune system after diseases often leads to a violation of its proper functioning. The result of this often becomes an inadequate incorporation of protective functions when a person contacts a substance that is not dangerous. These include:

  • Food.
  • Wool.
  • Pollen.
  • Household chemicals.

Cough and runny nose in an adult and a child are very frequent symptoms of an allergic reaction to such irritants. Unpleasant phenomena can also be accompanied by:

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  • Tear.
  • Constant sneezing.
  • Rash on the skin.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Hyperimia of epidermal integuments.
  • An impassive voice.

Cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, as a sign of infection

Very often unpleasant symptoms are a signal about the onset of the inflammatory process. It can occur:

  • In the nasopharynx.
  • In the respiratory system.

The infection in the body leads to the development of colds. In this case, a strong cough and nasal congestion can be accompanied by:

  • Nasal congestion, cough and runny nose in infectionsTemperature.
  • Weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Apathy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Headaches.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat and chest area.
  • Chilliness.
  • A fever.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dyspnea.

Cough from the common cold: symptoms

Cough and runny noseSharp spastic exhalations can arise due to mucus accumulating in the nose and flowing down the throat. Especially often, bronchospasm from snot is observed in young children. After all, if an adult can spit out the accumulating substance in time, then the child (especially the baby) is not.

Sharp spastic exhalations due to snot will have the following symptoms:

  • Appearance first a cold, then bronchospasm.
  • Absence of temperature.
  • Exit in the case of sharp spastic exhalations of mucus not from airways, but from the nasopharynx.

Cough, runny nose - symptoms of inhalation of foreign particles

Snot and bronchospasm without temperature can act as a sign of getting into the respiratory tract of dirty air, smoke, and harmful substances. The signs of such an anomaly are often:

  • Sharp occurrence and cessation of acute attacks of reflex spastic exhalations and a runny nose.
  • Possible occurrence of tearing, rubbing in the eyes.
  • Feeling of nausea, unpleasant manifestations in the chest.

Symptoms (cough, runny nose) in this case will be short. With their help, the body is cleaned of foreign particles. After the restoration of the normal state of mucous membranes, nasal congestion, bronchospasm, and runny nose pass. Such a reaction of the immune system does not indicate the onset of a pathological process, but about the inclusion of protective functions of the body.

Cough, stuffy nose, runny nose (without fever) after a cold

A prolonged manifestation of unpleasant symptoms can be observed after various diseases:

  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Influenza.

If a person has a stuffy nose and a cough without fever does not last some time after these diseases, then there is nothing terrible. An organism weakened by an ailment needs time, in order to recover. Thin mucous membranes come to normal gradually.

However, if the snot is green and cough a few weeks (2-3), and there is a fever, then this may indicate the transition of various colds into a chronic form. Often such a process occurs because of untreated:

  • The flu.
  • ARVI.
ARVI - cough and runny noseIt is worth remembering that if bronchospasm and discharge from the nostrils (with or without fever) are seriously disturbed, then treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. It is not necessary to risk and engage in independent diagnosis and selection of medicines. Such self-treatment can lead to the transition of not too dangerous diseases into fairly severe chronic forms. Only an expert will help to defeat the disease quickly and effectively.

Cough run by the baby then dry then wet and the nose is laid.


Daria Perel

What kind of mother are you?
To the doctor immediately, otherwise pneumonia is provided

Reflection of the Moon

to the doctor. You need to listen. Whether antibiotics depends on this depends.. So as not to say that her mother-in-law launched, do not start it yourself, but treat more quickly.


Give the child KARMOLIS, a vegetable preparation, contraindications allergy. I was almost asthma, I started to drink. Now, as soon as I feel a cold, I immediately drink carmolis. For a stronger effect, you need to drink a hot drink before drinking (tea, tea, etc.). Good luck, get well


Physical manifestations
Coughing is a reflex action, an attempt to clear the respiratory tract from mucus or foreign objects that irritate them. The following description refers to a cough that occurs for no apparent reason, but not to a cough caused by asthma, influenza, laryngitis, etc.
Emotional causes
More or less frequent coughing for no apparent reason can occur in a person who is easily irritated. Such a person has too developed an internal critic. He should be more tolerant, especially towards himself. Even if the cause of irritation is some external situation or another person, the internal critic still falls on him. If sneezing is associated with what is happening in the outer world, then coughing - with what is happening inside a person.
Mental causes
Every time you have a cough for no apparent reason, try to stop and analyze what's going on in your head. Your thoughts change automatically and so quickly that you do not even have time to notice how you criticize yourself every now and then. This criticism prevents you from living a full life, the way you want. YOU ARE NOT SUCH AS YOU DESERVE. YOU ARE MUCH BETTER. Having realized the internal irritation, become more tolerant towards yourself. Treat yourself the way you would like others to be treated.
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Why is the child's nose stuffy?

If the child's nose is stuffy, many parents worry and try to help him. Other symptoms may appear: runny nose, fever, sneezing.

The problem of stuffy nose in children

Treatment of nasal congestion does not always take place in a short time. Sometimes this condition in children lasts too long. For effective treatment it is necessary to establish the exact causes that caused the disease. It is necessary to show the baby to the doctor.

Why does the child get a stuffy nose?

There are several reasons for this state of affairs, which have different character. Various infections of the nasal cavity, its trauma can trigger nasal congestion. The state of the environment also influences: cold, dust, too dry air and much more.

Nasal congestion with inflammation of adenoidsDoctors distinguish the following main causes of a stuffy nose in a child:
  1. Diseases of colds and diseases caused by the virus. When the body is undercooled, the child has a runny nose, which leads to congestion. Typically, such symptoms occur in the fall and spring, that is, in severe temperature changes.
  2. Allergic reaction of the body to some substance. Different allergens irritate the nasal mucosa, causing its puffiness. The result is that the baby sneezes, breathes hard, mucus is constantly released from the nose.
  3. Adenoids enlarged as a result of inflammation. If the child is often more catarrhal diseases, then the adenoids grow. As a result, the part of the nasal passage closes. The child begins to barely breathe.
  4. In a child under one year, the common cause of nasal obstruction is teething. At this time, the immune system of the baby weakens, a runny nose begins, accompanied by stiffness.

It also happens that a child can have a nose without a cold. This is facilitated by the following factors:

Teething teeth as a cause of nasal congestion
  • physiological problems with the nasal septum or its damage;
  • The alien body in the nasal cavity, which the child has managed to thrust there;
  • Dryness of air in the room (especially during heating) drains the nasal mucosa, resulting in its stagnation;
  • Nasal polyps are able to grow so that they close the passageways of the nasal cavity, surgical intervention can save this problem.

Some mothers notice that the baby has a nose, and there is no rhinitis. If the child does not have a cold, it is difficult to understand why this is so. If the dry air in the room is the fault, you can humidify the room. The salt solution will also help. It is buried in the nasal cavity every half hour. It is also recommended to walk more in the fresh air.

Features of the disease in infants and preschoolers

In newly born children, the common cold is observed in a more acute form with rapidly developing complications. These babies have narrow nasal passages. If it pawns, then it gives a lot of problems. The kid is constantly naughty. He hardly breathes. It is very difficult to feed him, he refuses to do it. The dream of the baby is broken.

Doctor's examination of the childAt this age, the condition of the nasal mucosa differs in the physiology. She even after the birth of the child continues to form for another 3 months. If the air in the room is dry, crusts form on the mucus in the nasal cavity. The kid can not breathe through his nose because of them. He does not know how to breathe or does it with difficulty. Such a condition does not provide for any treatment, it is necessary to maintain the humidity of the air. The dried crusts in the child's nose can be cleaned with cotton swabs, after having moistened them in saline solution. For cleaning, you can use the milk of your mother.

If nasal congestion is caused by a pathogenic microflora or allergy, then this condition requires the help of a qualified specialist.Parents should understand that you can not start a disease. This can lead to various complications (sinusitis, adenoids, etc.). The general state of health also worsens. The child quickly gets tired, becomes sluggish and cries a lot.

Children of preschool age are often in society. Therefore, to catch any disease for them is not difficult. Various colds and infectious ailments are the most common cause of nasal congestion.

In addition to these reasons, nasal congestion in children of this age is often due to overgrown adenoids. Usually the nose pawns at night. The child in a dream drank heavily. He is overcome by snoring, and in the morning a violent cough begins.

Due to congestion of the nose, there is a deterioration in the well-being of the preschooler. His memory suffers from this, attention is lost. In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor, accurate diagnosis and qualified treatment.

Treatment with medicines

Nasal scour storageIf the child has a heavily stuffy nose, the doctor can prescribe a wash of the nasal cavity with drops and sprays, the basis of which is sea water, for example, Aqualor, Solin and the like. These agents are able to moisten the mucous membrane. If the disease proceeds easily, then this washing is sufficient to ensure that the respiration is fully restored. These drugs do not have contraindications for toddlers and older children. But these funds can be used only on the instructions of the doctor.

If the baby is heavily stuffed with the nose, then vasoconstrictive drops may be prescribed. For a while they will return to normal breathing. But they can be used no more than 5 days. For too long, their application has the opposite effect: the nose will become more embedded, you will have to constantly dig in medicines.

Babies with vasoconstrictors are contraindicated. Many doctors forbid the use of drops until the baby is one year old. If the baby has a heavily stuffy nose, you can only wash it with a solution of water and sea salt. Drops are recommended for children over 2 years old. But ointments or special ethereal-oil patches can be used earlier.

If the child has a more serious ailment, and the stuffiness is only a symptom, then drops and rinses will not help, but only temporarily relieve the discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, to eliminate its cause. Without the help of a doctor can not do.

How to cure a child with the help of home remedies?

Aloe with nasal congestionFolk remedies have a sparing effect on the health of the child compared to medication. But they can only be used in consultation with the pediatrician.

You can prepare solutions based on the juice of medicinal plants and vegetables and use them as drops for the nose. For example, freshly squeezed aloe juice diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Burial is carried out in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. This remedy will remove the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, the baby will become easier to breathe.

Another means is beet juice. To him, too, water is added in the same proportion and buried in the nose up to 3 times a day. If the baby complains of unpleasant sensations, then the juice must be diluted. If you cook beets and squeeze juice from it, it will turn out to be inconsequential.

At the initial stage of the disease, inhalations help well.

Often enough 2 days to facilitate the condition of the child. Fir oil is used for inhalation. The vapors are inhaled no more than 10 minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to force the baby to blow his nose.

Inhalations are especially good for colds and viral diseases. And if the time of epidemics has come, then they can be done as prevention.

The next home method is massage. It makes the blood circulation better. Mom can independently influence the wings of the nose. Massaging is necessary and the forehead between the eyebrows.

But massage is possible only at normal body temperature. If the integrity of the skin is broken in the massage zone, then it should be discarded. Massage is good and as a preventive measure, that is, when there is still nasal congestion.

Improve breathing will help warming the nasal cavity. It can be made with the help of boiled eggs or heated salt. Warm every side of the nose for 5 minutes. It is necessary to act extremely cautiously, so as not to cause a burn on the delicate skin of the child.

To the child almost two months, it is sick, a mucus in a nose, the nose pawns, a cough wet, but it does not have not enough forces to clear a throat.


Katya Klimenkova

will not go anywhere. the doctor prescribed a gedelix for you - an expectorant, if the child does not drink, the phlegm thickens and the expectorant stimulates cough and a vomiting center, a sputum dense and "there are no forces to be cleared up" Further I quote the known pediatrist "Expectorants reduce viscosity of a sputum. Efficiency and advantage in comparison with an abundant drink are not proved "moreover your baby for sure in a dry hot room wrapped in a hundred diapers - which makes the thickening of phlegm even more effective. moisten the room, make it cool (optimally 18 degrees, and humidity 50-70%). the temperature is not-on the fresh air and the whole day we walk. came have eaten again walk. you can on the balcony, if there is not much gassed of course and dopaivaem baby (not from the chest! ) and vodichka or is best a decoction of raisins: 1 tbsp. l. washed raisins on a glass of boiled water.

Gena Chulchinov

What the doctor said and should do

Zina Zeta

in such small children it is dangerous to narrow the vessels, they are also contracted in the liver, pancreas and brain, and these organs do not receive oxygen and are not cleared of toxins. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the cause of cough on hemoscanning and to remove it by non-toxic and non-hazardous natural preparations. In 2 months, children can not have a cold, it means that this is not a virus, up to a year children with normal immunity do not have to get sick with viral diseases if the mother was healthy while carrying the child. Breast does not feed?


Of course, only a doctor can prescribe a treatment for such a small one. I think that inhalations (a nebulizer mask to wear) would help him

Elen Kuznetsova

My 45 days was when he developed pneumonia in two days. Neither temperature, nor cough, but on x-rays of pneumonia. Insist on X-ray.


we, too, were treated so recently, about a week, but without washing, with a nasivin, they said cautiously, we were allowed 1-2 hours a day, the stubbing stream ran

Tina Kelven

The child is so small.. . Nazivin? Maybe you can try using natural remedies? I used my children in such cases to dig in the nose with a salty broth of chamomile - it removes the stuffiness of the nose and promotes the withdrawal of mucus, gave herbal decoctions expectorating to drink (the child does not have allergies?). Another doctor showed us how to do chest and back massage (light grinding simultaneously from the bottom up - the baby on the tummy), the phlegm departed gradually. It is desirable that the child on the back for a long time did not sleep. And we did a "microclimate": put a pot near the crib with a hot broth of herbs (chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, eucalyptus), periodically boiled and again put to evaporate the broth - to breathe with moist warm air in such cases is very useful, helps to cough. Ask the doctor if your baby can have herbs (do not do anything yourself, so as not to harm!)

What should I do if a month's baby has snot?

If snot appeared in a month-old baby, what should I do? This question bothers many young mothers. The nasal sinuses of babies are narrow and short, so they quickly clog. How to be when there is discharge from the nose?

The problem of a cold in babies

Often young moms panic at the slightest symptoms of a baby's ailment and immediately start giving him antibiotics. This method of treatment can inflict more harm on the infant than the disease itself. Anxiety is worth to be beaten in case the runny nose of the baby lasts 7 or more days. Usually it takes 5-7 days to recover a baby.

When to go to the doctor?

The first symptoms, when you need to contact a specialist:

Breastfeeding - an excuse to call a doctor
  • the baby became restless, throws chest while feeding;
  • snot does not allow the child to breathe normally and eat;
  • In the lower part of the throat, wheezing is heard, except for a cold there is a cough.

In the first few months of life, the salivary glands of the child actively function, it seems that it "releases bubbles" from the mouth and nose. If the kid is awake and actively studying the world around him, worry for him is not worth it.

The cause of a common cold can be not only an infectious disease, but also an allergy, in which case you should visit an allergist.

Different stages of the common cold

1-2 days. The child experiences a burning sensation in the nose, begins to sneeze, mucus is released from the nose. Breathing is difficult, tears flow. During this period, the baby becomes passive, sleeps badly, can refuse to eat.

3-4 day. Because of the widening of the blood vessels, the mucus blushes, the nose swells. Ears can be laid, often the kid loses his sense of smell.

5th and subsequent days. The body temperature rises. The symptoms become heavier, the discharge from the nose is more abundant. The disease worsens.

We proceed to treatment

Regular airing of the children's roomTry to keep the room in a constant humidity - it will not let the mucous membrane of the nose dry. Like adults, babies are shown a warm drink and rest. Do not forget to clean your child's nose regularly, removing snot. If there is a lack of oxygen, the baby will begin to breathe through the mouth, and this is unacceptable, since the secretions will thicken and descend into the bronchi, which is fraught with bronchitis or pneumonia.

Salt solution - a wonderful cure for the common cold not only for babies, but also for adults. It is better to use sea salt. Such a solution has no side effects, there can be no overdose. Burying should be 3-4 drops in each nasal passage of the child with an interval of 30 minutes. To prepare the solution, take 1 liter of warm boiled water and dissolve 1 tsp in it. salt. You can add 2-3 drops of iodine and soda (at the tip of the knife). Mix well and bury it in your nose. Watch the temperature of the solution, so as not to burn your nose to the child, to check it, drip yourself on your wrist.

Do not allow the drying of the nasal cavity oil solutions of vitamins A and E. You can use olive oil. Burying should be 2-3 drops every 2 hours. Do not use drops that narrow the vessels of the nasal mucosa.

There are many folk ways to cure a cold in a newborn baby. For example, freshly squeezed carrots, beets and potatoes are diluted with warm boiled water and dig into a few drops in the nose. Raw vegetables are rich in natural vitamins and natural antibiotics, which allows not to disrupt the natural microflora of the mucous membrane. Such a drug has a mild effect, is not addictive and has virtually no contraindications.

Remember that you can use the chosen method of treatment only after consulting a specialist.

Clean the baby's nose

Cleaning the nose with an aspiratorAn adult can clean his nose by himself, so that a runny nose is not a serious problem. A child without the help of adults can not cope with such a task.

In any pharmacy you can buy a device to remove the snot from the baby - a nasal aspirator. You can use a regular syringe without a needle, this method is somewhat more complicated. So, we proceed:

  1. We put the child more conveniently, this procedure, most likely, will not like it. We insert the tip of the syringe or aspirator into the nostril of the baby. With the other hand, pull the retractable part toward you.
  2. Once the syringe is full, rinse it and perform the procedure for the other nostril. Give the child a little rest and calm down, for him it is a strong stress. We continue to work until the mucous discharge is completely removed.

Approximately the same scheme works syringing:

  1. We rinse the device, press on the rubber pear, then insert it, not loosening, in the nose.
  2. Let go, and the mucus is absorbed by the syringe. Rinse the pear, repeat from the second nostril until completely cleansed.

There are mechanical and electronic aspirators for newborns. In the first variant, the parent takes the end of the tube into the mouth and draws air, in the second one just press the button.

The principle of operation for all devices for removing snot from children's noses is approximately the same. You can also purchase special softening drops for a more comfortable procedure.

Immunomodulating drugs are often used when the child has only a runny nose, without fever. Most often these are nasal drops that kill bacteria that cause rhinitis.

What is dangerous in a protracted cold

Risk of weakening of immunity with frequent coldsA common, at first glance, runny nose can give serious complications to the respiratory system, as well as to the newborn's ears. Like any disease, the rhinitis weakens the immunity of the child, which can lead to frequent illnesses, and sometimes to a delay in development.

When there is a green discharge, you need to urgently consult a pediatrician. The color change is associated with a bacterial infection. Green snot is the result of the organism's struggle with microbes.

The crumbs may begin to discharge from the nose with blood. This indicates a damage to the capillaries and a strong inflammatory reaction of the mucosa. In such cases, consult a specialist immediately. Do not forget that the body of a young child is very vulnerable, and even imperceptible damage can cause bleeding.

Rhinitis in the smallest

Rhinitis in the infants is a nonspecific process of inflammation of the nasal mucosa and a frequent companion of respiratory diseases. When treatment is necessary to remove the inflammatory process and give the child the opportunity to breathe. Before feeding, always remove mucous discharge from the baby's nose, otherwise it will not be able to fully nourish and will constantly throw breasts.

Rhinitis can lead to weight loss and make the child restless.

Risk of complications of rhinitis in childrenWhen treating, it is necessary to take into account the differences in rhinitis and other childhood diseases, such as measles, whooping cough, and scarlet fever. For correct diagnosis, seek qualified help in a children's hospital.

With abundant dense secretions, alkaline drops can be used - 1-2%. These drops dilute the mucus, which contributes to easier cleaning of the nose.

Faster will help restore fresh air. Before you go for a walk, you need to warmly dress your baby and hide. In some cases, you can just open the window.

Runny nose in a 3-month-old baby is also not a rare occurrence. The kid is not yet able to blow his nose, he needs the help of his parents. As soon as you notice that the child has a stuffy nose and redness appears, consult a doctor. With a permanent nasal congestion, the eyes and ears begin to hurt, there is a possibility that the inflammation can pass to the inner ear.

Nasal drops and sprays at the age of up to one year can cause an allergic reaction in the child. In addition, these funds should be taken with caution. they are addictive. Duration of admission - no more than 5 days. Grudnikov is recommended to treat the cold with natural remedies. They are safe and do not damage the nasal mucosa. =iqQa2zPOLsI

Do not wait until the child falls ill, it is better to take preventive measures in advance. Walk more often on the street, create such conditions that the child constantly breathed clean, fresh and cool air. Always air the nursery, but do not allow drafts. Do not forget the rules of personal daily hygiene, as well as the procedures for hardening. A healthy and nutritious diet of a nursing mother will have a beneficial effect on the quality of life of her baby. Simple measures will strengthen the immunity of the baby and preserve his health.

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