A good remedy for the common cold to an adult

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How to choose the best cure for a cold

You can catch cold and catch a cold at any time of the year.

Cold rhinitis can seriously "poison" life to an active person, and can also contribute to development of such dangerous complications as sinusitis, which is treated much more difficult than simple runny nose.

In order to stop the symptoms of the disease and completely cure, as a rule, little use of any one drug.

The most effective treatment of the common cold includes the use of modern drugs for the common cold and nasal congestion with folk methods of therapy.

But in order to choose the best cure for the common cold, you need to know about the existing drugs, the principle of their effects and the side effects that they are capable of causing.

Treatment of catarrhal rhinitis, as a rule, begins at a time when the approach of the disease is barely perceptible and the state of health has not worsened yet. In such a period of time, the followingantiviral drugs:

  • Tablets "Arbidol"
  • Tablets "Remantadin" (erroneous name "Rimantadine")
  • Capsules "Tamiflu"
  • Drops "Grippferon"
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Such drugs can be used for prevention, during a dangerous viral situation, and also after contact with sick people.

Their effectiveness, they showed in the fight for recovery at the beginning of the development of colds.

After the beginning of their admission, the disease, which has not yet gained momentum, recedes within a few hours.

The list of drops in the nose from nasal congestion and runny nose is great. To choose from these drugs the best cure for the common cold, you need to assess your health, pay attention to the symptoms. Also, it is not superfluous to visit the attending physician in order to be convinced of the correctness of his decision regarding the chosen drug. Albacid in the nose is often prescribed as an alternative to modern antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. Doctors quite often write out Albucidum in the cold for children, since the composition of the drug is quite effective and safe.

If the disease does not resolve to recede and you feel unpleasant sensations in the mucous membranes, and you are already experiencing significant discomfort abundant discharge from the nose, it is necessary to think about the use of drugs, the action of which is directed solely at treating the common cold and alleviating its symptoms.

Such funds are divided into several groups:

  • Vasoconstrictors.They only stop the manifestation of the symptoms of the rhinitis, but do not treat it. But they cope with the removal of edema, decrease in mucous secretions, and stuffy nose. Such drugs include: "Galazolin "Nazivin "Ximelin "Sanorin "Nazol" and "Tizin
  • Antihistamines.They are used when the common cold is allergic. Such drugs are: "Allergodil "Vibrocil "Levokabastin "Sanorin-Anaerhegine".
  • Antimicrobials.As a rule, they have an antibiotic in their composition and prevent the development of complications against the background of the common cold. These funds include: "Isofra "Bioparox" spray, "Miramistin" spray.
  • Means of mucolytics.Liquefy viscous mucus for the most effective cleansing of the nasal cavity. A remedy from this series: "Rinofluimucil".
  • Preparations of combined action.These are effective remedies for the common cold, which combine the qualities of all the drugs listed above. In this group, the best cure for the common cold is Polidex. As a rule, "Polidex" is prescribed for sinusitis.

To the drugs described above, had the proper effect, did not cause complications and addiction, it is necessary to coordinate their reception with a doctor. If you decide to postpone the trip to the doctor, it is important to remember the information on the correct intake of these medications. Most of the listed medicines can not be taken more than a week without a break, and some of them and more than 3-4 days. Otherwise, there is a possibility only to aggravate the course of the disease, the rhinitis can begin with a new force. To stop the stuffing, you can apply the technique of acupressure, especially effective massage, if you spend it with the Vietnamese "Star."


Read the instructions for use of medications carefully!

The best medicines for the common cold are often considered folk medicine. This is completely unsurprising, since these drugs rarely have serious contraindications and side effects. They are often indicated for admission by young children, as well as by pregnant and lactating women.

Often used beet juice in the cold, it quickly helps to stop the symptoms of the disease, and also has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes. The treatment of rhinitis with tea tree oil is very popular, which is a very strong antiseptic.

Popular cures for rhinitis, recommendations and contraindications

When choosing a drug to focus on the most popular drugs for rhinitis, of course, should not be.

However, the popularity of the facility depends largely on the feedback it receives.

It is unlikely that you will use a drug that does not bring you the desired relief and does not cope with the treatment ailment, and even more so you will not advise him and the necessary popularity points this tool is never will acquire.

So, here we have selected the best medicines from rhinitis, which have earned popularity due to their effectiveness:

  • Vasoregulatory drug "Sanorin". It is popular due to its relatively low cost and striking efficiency. Separately it is necessary to note "Sanorin" emulsion with eucalyptus oil. This remedy for rhinitis in the shortest time eliminates even the most powerful swelling of the mucosa. However, this drug can be addictive and use it better not longer than a week (without interruptions).
  • Pinosol. This remedy for rhinitis on the basis of oils does not have a long vasoconstrictive effect, but it soothes the irritated nasal mucosa. Also, this drug neutralizes many bacteria and viruses. The rapid effect of using "Pinosol" can not be expected, but it successfully fights the cause of the disease, producing treatment from the inside. You can also note its low cost.
  • The preparation "Sinuforte". Used in cases where the runny nose is delayed and runs the risk of becoming chronic. The composition of this medicine from rhinitis includes an extract of the juice of cyclamen tubers, which significantly reduces mucosal edema and was used by healers from Ancient Greece.
  • Homeopathic preparation "Sinupret". This remedy for rhinitis has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect and has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of the components. It should be noted that homeopathic preparations need individual test use, since a drug that has come to one person can cause complications of the disease in another.
  • Means based on salt solutions "Aqua Maris "Morenazal". These drugs can be used both for the prevention of rhinitis, and to combat its symptoms. They effectively clean the nasal cavity of mucus accumulations, greatly facilitate breathing. Also, these remedies relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect.


Cures for the common cold: which are the most effective and safe?

Inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa occurs with many diseases. In the treatment of colds, the main symptom of which, as a rule, is a common cold, it is necessary to choose the most effective cure for the common cold.

To eliminate the runny nose or nasal congestion, synthetic or natural preparations can be used. It is much easier to treat rhinitis at the beginning of its occurrence, when the patient still does not feel such unpleasant changes in the body as headache, pain in the forehead and burning in the nose.

Than to treat a cold?

To date, there is a large number of drugs, the use of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the common cold. Moreover, often many patients do not know what exactly it is necessary to treat the disease. Specialists prescribe medications for rhinitis depending on its type and stage of leakage.

The most popular currently considered vasoconstrictor drugs aimed at narrowing the vessels in the nasal mucosa and removing puffiness. But do not forget about other medications that can effectively fight the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx.

Vasoconstrictive drugs

Vasodilating drops and sprays represent the most extensive category of drugs intended for the treatment of rhinitis. They, falling on the nasal mucosa, cause a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. As a result of applying for a certain period specified in the instructions to a specific drug, the swelling of the mucous membrane is removed, as a result of which the breathing immediately improves patient.

In addition, as noted by experts themselves, the amount and speed of mucus produced in the nasal passages decreases.

The composition of vasoconstrictive drugs usually includes one of these active substances:

  • xylometazoline;
  • oxymetazoline;
  • naphazolin.
To the group of drugs containing xymetazoline, belongs to Galazolin, which is prescribed for children and adults. The medicine can be produced in the form of a gel, a drop or a spray, which makes it particularly convenient to use.

Also, many manufacturers of medicines from the common cold began to produce xylometazoline in the form of drops under such names as Vonas, Ximelin, Rinonorm. The duration of all medicines, which include

xylometazoline, is no more than 4 hours.

The active substance oxymetazoline is present in such drugs from the common cold as Nazivin, Fervex, Nazole. Nazivin is produced with a different concentration of oxymetazoline, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of children and adults. The duration of action of such drugs from the time they are used is 10-12 hours.

However, it is worth considering that oxymetazoline has its contraindications - it should not be used in the treatment of pregnant women with diabetes, kidney disease, children under 1 year.

Sanorin acts 6 hours and is considered the safest vasoconstrictor

Another component of vasoconstrictor drugs may be naphazoline. Sanorin and Naphthyzin, the cheapest medicines, belong to the number of such remedies. Using them, you can remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa for 6 hours. Sanorin is considered one of the safest products in this category, because it includes essential oil eucalyptus and vaseline oil, which enhance the therapeutic effect of naphazoline and reduce the likelihood of side effects effects.

In addition to these three active substances present in vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, during manufacture medications for rhinitis can be used tetrisolin and feninefril, having the same effect on the mucous membrane nose.

Means for a viral infection

If the cause of the common cold is a viral infection, it is not recommended to apply the medication until the snot does not acquire a yellowish green color. The thing is that transparent discharge from the nose is an indicator of the body's struggle with a viral infection. The main task of the patient or his relatives in such a situation is to increase the defenses of the organism.

The humidifier will help reduce the density and viscosity of mucus

First of all, it is necessary to maintain the consistency of mucus, that is, its viscosity and density should be minimal. There are many methods aimed at preserving mucus in the liquid state. For example, patients are advised to drink more liquid, maintain the necessary humidity and temperature in the room, use humidifiers, and conduct wet cleaning. Only after applying all the existing methods, you can use medicines - saline, Eccerocide and Pinosol.

Complex preparations

Complex and specialized remedies for the common cold, in contrast to vasoconstrictors, are directed not so much at its treatment, but as an elimination of the causes of its occurrence.For example, if the cause of the common cold is a certain allergen, it is easier to work on it than to apply measures to combat mucus formation.

Vibrocil is one of the representatives of the combination of decongestant with the blocker of H-1-histamine receptors.

In the production of such medications, a decongestant
vasoconstrictive action, and other active components:

  1. The combination of decongestant with the blocker of H-1-histamine receptors. This combination increases the effectiveness of the drug. In addition, the presence of an antihistamine substance helps to remove swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  2. The combination of decongestant and mucolytic. Combination with substances that dilute and separate mucus, allows much faster to get rid of the common cold.

Due to the complex effect on the body of such drugs from the common cold, rhinitis can be cured in a short time without the occurrence of side effects. That is why this group of drugs is considered the most effective in the common cold.

Essential oils

Essential oils are a good natural antiseptic

Quite often doctors in the treatment of the common cold prescribe to their patients preparations based on essential oils. Such components have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

As a rule, the composition of such products include extracts of mint, eucalyptus and pine. The most common medicine belonging to this category is Pinosol.

Saline solutions

Another type of medication aimed at treating rhinitis is

saline solutions. Their main action is to wash off the mucus and allergens that have entered the nasopharyngeal cavity. They also moisturize the nasal passages well, preventing the drying out of the nasal mucosa.

Their main advantage is the possibility of using even in the treatment of the youngest patients, since they do not cause addiction and side effects. Typically, such saline solutions as Saline, Aquamaris, Humer, Marimer, and Aqualor are prescribed.

Preparations for allergic rhinitis

The effect of the drug begins 12 hours after the administration

In allergic rhinitis, in most cases, vasoconstrictive drugs are prescribed, but in addition, in some cases hormonal agents may be indicated. Among the most common among them is Baconaz, Nazonex, Nasobek, Fliksonase. To achieve a quick effect, it is better to use Nazonex, its effect becomes palpable after 12 hours after application. The drug has a local effect, so it does not affect the entire body as a whole.

Such drugs are categorically contraindicated in the viral and bacterial origin of the disease. They should be appointed exclusively by a doctor and applied only under his supervision. Long-term treatment with them can cause reproduction on the mucous membranes of bacteria and fungi.

Homeopathic medicines

Among the homeopathic remedies for the common cold, based on the use of natural ingredients, safe for human health, it is worth mentioning Sinupret, Cinnabsin, Euphorbium Compositum, Edas-131. All of them have antiviral, anti-edematous, immunostimulating action.

However, when choosing homeopathic remedies for the common cold, it is important to understand that they are not the same for all people. Therefore, treatment can sometimes take a protracted character.

It is important to know!

Usually all medications from the common cold have a vasoconstrictive effect on the nasal mucosa. When they are used in a short time there is a significant relief - the amount of mucus released decreases, puffiness is removed and the process of nasal breathing improves.It is at this point that you can often become addicted to the selected drug, which in the near future can threaten the loss of smell and taste changes.

That is why it is important to adhere to the following recommendations of specialists, which will help to avoid such dangerous dependence:

  • Do not use nasal drops and sprays regularly;
  • use them only in extreme cases, when it is already impossible to breathe through the nose;
  • If the condition worsens after applying the drug, you should consult a doctor.

Choosing drugs from the common cold should be done with great care and care so as not to harm the body.


Cold drops

Those who consider the common cold to be a trivial symptom and do not treat it often remain not only with permanent stuffiness, but also sneezing, dry mucous in the nose and even headache. In neglected cases this leads to sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis, or rhinitis. Nasal drops help to avoid the consequences, about the varieties of which you will learn below.

What are the drops in the nose

Occurrence of a cold provokes bacteria, viruses or allergens. A small obstruction can appear after hypothermia. To begin treatment it is necessary at following sensations:

  • itching in the nose;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • headache.

Virtually all the drops from the cold in the pharmacy can be bought without a prescription. Only what to choose is already a question. Reception with the first symptoms of antibiotics is not justified, because such drugs can more damage the body, while not eliminating the stuffiness. Drugs from nasal congestion should be chosen taking into account the symptoms of the disease of the following groups:

  • vasoconstrictive;
  • combined;
  • thinning;
  • with antibiotics;
  • antiviral;
  • with a moisturizing effect;
  • on the basis of oils;
  • preparations of homeopathy.


This group of drops from the common cold is the most popular. All due to the fact that they act quickly and efficiently, while they are inexpensive. Vasoconstrictors have several drawbacks:

  • do not eliminate the remaining symptoms: headache, sneezing and itching;
  • they act temporarily, then the stuffiness returns;
  • dry the mucous membrane;
  • Do not treat the disease itself, but only narrow the vessels, i.e. remove the swelling of the mucosa;
  • are addictive so that people have to use them for many years.

From vasoconstrictive drops are allocated drugs based on:

  1. Nafazolin: Naphthyzine, the cheapest of all drops.
  2. Xylometazoline: Rhinostop, Ximelin, Xylen, Galazoline, Tysin.
  3. Oxymetazoline: Nazole, Otrivin, Nazivin.

Combined drops from the cold

These preparations are given a common name because several components are found in the composition. Some even have an antibiotic. These include Ginkomycin-Teva, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and bactericidal effects. Such drops are used in the nose from an allergic rhinitis or vasomotor. In addition to these, there are other combination drugs:

  1. Vibrocil. In addition to the vasoconstrictive effect, it has anti-allergic and anti-edematous effect, but is allowed to use no more than 1 week.
  2. Snoop. Among its main components is sea water, which not only removes the stuffiness, but also moisturizes the dry mucous membrane of the nose.

Thinning drops for the nose

This kind of drops from the common cold is aimed at diluting the thick mucus in the nose by reducing its viscosity. They are recommended for use to people suffering from purulent rhinitis. A similar function in the preparations from the common cold is performed by acetylcysteine. Among the thinning drops can be identified the following:

  • Rinoflumacil;
  • Suniforte;
  • Fluidite;
  • Mukodin;
  • Fluimucil.

Antiviral and antibacterial

Among all drops in the nose on the cause of the disease are affected by antiviral or antimicrobial. The first are used for the prevention and treatment of ARVI, influenza and other viral diseases. They do not destroy the pathogen completely, but they well restrain its reproduction. These drugs include droplets from nasal congestion, based on interferon: Grippferon, Nasoferon. Interferon.

Drugs from the common cold with an antibiotic are indicated for the treatment of rhinitis of bacterial nature. Among the representatives of this group of funds from the common cold are Phenylephrine, Bioparox, Isofra, Polydex, and also eye drops Albucid and Chinese spray Bilitong. Alternative may be Protargol. This agent forms a protective film on the nasal mucosa due to the precipitation of proteins by silver, which is part of its composition.


The main component of almost all moisturizing drops is seawater. They perform several functions at once:

  • clean the mucous from the snot and crust, moisturize it;
  • wash your nose;
  • liquefy the pus;
  • improve the penetration of other drugs due to decongestant and bactericidal action.

In addition to sea water, in most preparations it is possible to detect other chemical trace elements that favorably affect the nasal mucosa. Among such drops are:

  • Aqualor;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Saline;
  • Morenezal;
  • Marimer;
  • Physiomer.

Oil based on vegetable basis

Harmless are considered to be drops in the nose from the common cold on the basis of plant components. They contain additives of medicinal herbs and various essential oils, for example, eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, fir or pine. This includes national recipes, for example, garlic or beetroot drops. Among the drops on natural ingredients are the following:

  • Pinosol is based on a mixture of peppermint and eucalyptus oils;
  • Pinovit - in addition to essential oils of eucalyptus includes vitamin E, menthol and thymol;
  • Evkasept is a medicine based on fir, eucalyptus and mint oils.


The absence of side effects is characterized by homeopathic remedies. They can be used at any stage of development of this unpleasant symptom. Based on such cures for the cold on special substances that only benefit in small doses, and in other cases can be harmful to humans. Homeopathy is considered safe for the most vulnerable categories of people: children, pregnant and lactating. Among them, popular are:

  • Delufen;
  • Euforbium-Compositum;
  • Edas-131.

How to choose a remedy for a cold

When choosing drops in the nose should be guided by the following general tips:

  • from stuffiness to use vasoconstrictor;
  • with chronic rhinitis or atrophy of the nasal mucosa, choose only oily preparations;
  • a strong rhinitis treats homeopathic, but drip them regularly, because they have a cumulative effect;
  • for colds, use antiviral or antibacterial agents;
  • For allergic rhinitis use only decongestants.

Drops in the nose for children under one year

Choosing funds for a cold and stuffy nose for babies, it is better to give preference to those options that will not only remove the symptom, but will be safe for other organs. From vasoconstrictive it is better to take special children's drugs, allowed from birth:

  • Baby Nights;
  • Otrivin-Baby;
  • Tizin for children;
  • Nazivin for infants;
  • Nazivin Sensitiv.

Among drops with antibiotic infants are allowed Isofra, Protargol, and from antiviral - Derinat, Grippferon. Homeopathic preparations are best for children of the first year of life not to dig in, because they are not effective for them. In the treatment of the common cold in newborn babies, drugs are used with the main component in the form of sea water. These include Salin, Aquamaris, AquaLor.

Drops in the nose for children from 1 year

As the child grows up, the list of funds from the common cold widens. Any of them is selected according to the active substance that is a part of the composition. Its concentration should be lower than in adult versions, but slightly higher than for infants. Children from the year are also shown funds from a cold on the basis of sea water. They are often replaced with simple saline solution. Only appoint them not to treat the underlying disease, but to remove dryness and reduce the density of mucus.

Depending on the nature of the common cold, for children, you can choose the following remedy for the common cold:

  1. Antiviral: Nasoferon, Grippferon, Derinat.
  2. Vasoconstrictors: Phenylephrine, Naphthysine, Sanorin, Ximelin, Otrivin Baby.
  3. Antiallergic: Vibrocil.

For pregnant

It is equally difficult to pick up funds from the common cold during pregnancy. Without the knowledge of the doctor, they are allowed to use only saline solution for washing the nostrils. If there is no allergy to plant components, you can instill Pinosol, Tui Oil and other preparations based on extracts and oils. Vasoconstrictors are under strict prohibition, because they can adversely affect the fetus. Of the antiviral agents from the common cold, those that are based on interferon are allowed.

Video: How to choose the best remedy for the common cold for children


Antonina, 35 years old: I do not recommend using long drops of Naphthyzin or other vasoconstrictors. They well relieve stuffiness, but then you do not notice how you start to drip them again and again. My daughter because of this developed a vasomotor rhinitis, which is difficult to treat. After 3 years with naphthyzine, she very long time from him weaned.

Tatiana, 29 years old: I'm burying my son only preparations based on sea water. They are well washed with mucous membranes. I use them myself. Breathing is facilitated and does not become addictive. It is necessary just to wash their nose more often and the rhinitis will slowly recede. For colds, Interferon drops very well. I did not part with them even during pregnancy.

Marina, 22 years old: I was always helped by Pinosol. Bury it for 2-3 days and a cold as if there was no. Only sometimes I still use Naphthyzin or Xylen, because the stuffiness just does not let me breathe. The main thing - do not get hooked on them, so I dig in only when I'm going somewhere. At home, I just try to wash my nose more often and breathe as often as I can.


The best means of nasal congestion and runny nose for children and adults

Nasal congestion occurs almost every time with a cold. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, funds are used from nasal congestion and runny nose, but it is desirable to abandon their self-application.

Effective remedies for stuffy nose, common and allergic rhinitis

By means of what means to get rid of a usual cold and stuffiness of a nose it is possible in short terms? If there is a disturbance in the respiratory function of the nasopharynx, a person experiences many unpleasant sensations. Effective means from nasal congestion can help to eliminate such a problem with health and return to normal life. All drugs aimed at normalizing nasal breathing can be divided into the following main groups:

  • vasoconstrictive;
  • moisturizing;
  • oil droplets and sprays;
  • antihistamine.

How to choose the best remedy for the common cold among the whole variety of medications? In fact, it is difficult to say which is the best drug, because the treatment depends on the cause of the onset of the symptom. One patient can cope with nasopharyngeal obstruction with funds from an allergic rhinitis, others with vasoconstrictive drugs. If the cause of nasal breathing has become an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane, then really do not do without the use of antihistamines. The obstruction of the nasopharynx and mucosal discharge from it, as a rule, begin to appear soon after contact with the allergen. The mucous membrane of the nose can swell under the influence of such factors:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • wool of domestic animals;
  • some medicines;
  • certain food products;
  • dust.

Nasal congestion with an allergic reaction of the body may be the only sign of a disorder, but it is also often accompanied by other symptoms. These include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itching in the nasal passages, abundant lacrimation. Eliminate these symptoms will help special antihistamines intended for oral administration, as well as nasal drugs that have anti-allergic effect. However, before you start using an effective remedy for a runny nose and stuffy nose, you need to exclude contact with the allergen, only so the therapy will be a positive result. Good antihistamines are Claritin, Zodak, Zirtek, Erius.

Against the stuffiness of the nasopharynx for colds and allergies, you can apply Vibrocil. It has anti-edematous, antihistamine and vasoconstrictive action, eliminating symptoms that disrupt normal nasal breathing. Considering the vasoconstrictive effect of Vibrocil, it can be applied no more than a week.

Vasoconstrictors, how to get rid of a cold

This is the most powerful group of medications with which you can solve the problem with impaired nasal breathing. They have a strong effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, so it is very important to observe the indicated dosage and not exceed the allowable course of treatment. Drugs belonging to a group of vasoconstrictive medications can cause irreparable harm to the body, so they can be prescribed only by a specialist.

First of all, you should know that the vasoconstrictor against the common cold and stuffy nose is very addictive. To prevent this from happening, drops or sprays can not be used more than 4 times a day. The duration of such therapy can be 3-5 days, only occasionally specialists appoint their reception within a week. Such preparations have the following indications for use:

  • coryza;
  • allergic and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

When using vasoconstrictors from the common cold, adults and children are exposed to special adrenaline receptors that are located on the nasal mucosa. Soon after the first instillation or irrigation of the nose, the vessels become narrower, the obstruction is reduced or completely eliminated, there is an improvement in nasal breathing.

However, such therapy has its drawbacks:very quickly the vessels are addictive and the nasopharynx can no longer function independently without these medicines. In addition, treatment of stuffiness with vasoconstrictive drugs can cause some side effects.

The best means of nasal congestion are available in the form of drops and spray. If possible, it is advisable to use the spray, as it is more effective at a lower dose of the drug. In addition, there is another advantage of using vasoconstrictive sprays with nasal congestion: drug overdose is excluded.

Among the best remedies for the common cold and nasal congestion, which have a vasoconstrictive effect on the mucous membrane, belong to such drugs:

  • Xylometazoline;
  • Halazolin;
  • Tysine;
  • Nazivin;
  • "Tanos
  • Grippostad Rino;
  • Ximelin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rinonorm.

Pregnant and lactating women, vasoconstrictors can be used only after consistency with the doctor. Most of the funds of this pharmacological group, future and nursing mothers are contraindicated. It is strictly forbidden to perform such treatment of nasal congestion with individual intolerance components of the drug, glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, hypertension, tachycardia, severe atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism.

The most effective remedies for the common cold are: moisturizers

Sometimes moisturizing drugs help to cope with stuffy nose. Such funds from the common cold in children are recommended to be applied every time if nasal breathing is disturbed. They do not have harmful effects on the mucous membrane, it is well moistened and normalizes the functionality of the nasopharynx. Preparations of this group are intended not only for moistening, but also for cleansing the nasopharynx from mucus, pathogenic microorganisms and allergens that cause congestion.

Most of these funds are made on the basis of sea water. As a rule, they have no contraindications and do not cause addiction in a person. The most effective remedy for the common cold, which have a moisturizing effect, are preparations with various trace elements. They not only moisturize and cleanse the nasopharynx, but exert powerful antibacterial action on the mucous membrane, which is due to the high salt content. The popular moisturizers belonging to this group of drugs from rhinitis are Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Physiomer, Humer, Salin. They can be used in conjunction with other drugs from nasal congestion and runny nose.

Means against a cold based on oils

If the nose is blocked from a cold, you can try to get rid of the symptom with oil drops. This is an effective remedy for the common cold, which has a powerful and at the same time a mild therapeutic effect on the inflamed mucous membrane.

Fitokapli will not become an assistant if the nasal congestion caused by allergic rhinitis is blocked. On the contrary, they can aggravate the situation, because essential oils are a strong allergen. For colds and allergies, which often occur in humans at one time, combined drops on the basis of oils are well recommended. The most popular among them is the drug Gikomycin-teva. Based on the fact that he belongs to a group of antibiotics, only a doctor can prescribe a medication for such a medicine.

Application of heating means- also a good way to improve the condition of the nasopharynx.: Most warming ointments, gels and balms contain essential oil of menthol, eucalyptus and camphor. A good example of such a means is balm "Asterisk but you should know that it will help to cope only with stuffy nose, with other symptoms of cold it will not be effective.

Cheap folk remedies for the cold

Runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion, is not such a terrible problem, as it may seem to many. What means to cure a cold without the use of medications, folk medicine will tell:

  1. Drops from the juice Kalanchoe.If the disturbance of nasal breathing is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx, drops from the Kalanchoe juice will help. They cause a strong sneeze, during which the nasal passages from pathogenic contents are cleared. It is quite effective and cheap remedy for the common cold, which can be used even in the treatment of colds in children.
  2. Garlic inhalation.Garlic has a bactericidal action and well removes swelling from the nasal mucosa. To conduct the healing procedure, finely chop the garlic, put it in boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of soda, remove from heat, cool slightly and breathe over steam for 5-10 minutes.
  3. When infectious and allergic stuffiness of the nose in folk medicine, infusion of plantain is often used. It is recommended such a remedy for nasal congestion for children even the smallest age. To prepare a medicine, a tablespoon of ground psyllium leaves pour a glass of boiling water, wait for the infusion to cool to room temperature, and drip their nose 3-4 times a day.

Nasal congestion disrupts a person's full life and causes some health problems. That's why you should not leave such a process unnoticed.


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