Treatment and photo of warts on the legs

Warts can appear on the skin of any person, regardless of age, social status or gender. Neoplasm is benign, but it does not say that you do not need to fight it. Unpleasant growths not only spoil the appearance, but are accompanied by a lot of unpleasant sensations and even pain. This article will detail about what warts on the legs, photos and treatment will help visually see the ailment and eliminate it.

  • What are warts, and what are they
  • What causes warts on the legs
  • Warts on legs: photo
  • Warts on the feet of children
  • When to call a doctor
  • Treatment of outgrowths on legs
  • Conservative medication
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures
  • Folk remedies for warts
  • Prevention of neoplasm of legs
Related articles:
  • What causes warts and how to treat them?
  • Treatment of warts on the finger
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  • Treating plantar warts at home

What are warts, and what are they

A wart on the legs is a benign neoplasm on the upper layer of the epidermis. Appear these unpleasant growths due to the presence of the virus in the body of human papilloma. It is a fairly aggressive pathogen, therefore it is always actively manifested. Sometimes the first signs appear immediately after infection, in other cases it can manifest through time.

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Often papillomas appear on the legs. All of them can differ among themselves, in their appearance and character of manifestations. Types of warts on the legs:

  • an ordinary or dry wart. It looks like a small tubercle with uneven contours, grows up to 1 cm. Initially has a flesh tint, but eventually becomes gray or yellow. Usually there are okolonogtevye warts, also papillomas hit the back of the feet and a wart on the toe appears. It is never accompanied by painful sensations, but sometimes it can be itchy;
  • palmar-plantar or heather. In appearance it is similar to a hard spike or corn. It can grow up to 2 cm, while it has an oval shape and uneven edges. Its color is gray or yellow, however, there is always a black dot in the middle (a clogged vessel). It can appear at any age, always accompanied by pain with pressure and itching. As a rule, it develops on the soles of the feet, between the toes and in the place that contacts the shoes;
  • flat formation. It looks like a flat small tubercle, its size does not exceed 5 mm. Usually has a light pink, brown or yellow color. Appear on the lower legs and on the soles of the feet. Neoplasms never hurt, but sometimes you can feel an unpleasant itch;
  • senile warts. In appearance it resembles a coarsened bundle, which has an irregular shape. Its dimensions can be from 0.2 to 6 mm. As a rule, it has a dark shade. Are located on legs in any zone and even under a fingernail, but except for a foot. Neoplasms do not hurt, but sometimes you can feel itching. Usually, unpleasant growths appear in people after 45 years.

Obviously, there are many varieties of papillomas. However, in order to determine its exact form, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. The specialist will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and tell you what to treat this pathology.

What causes warts on the legs

The main causes of development of benign formations on the body is the human papillomavirus. Once the infection enters the body, it immediately begins to act. Typically, infection occurs when in contact with an infected person or with objects that the patient has used. However, the legs of the papilloma do not appear immediately, since there is no favorable environment. Suitable factors for the development of neoplasms are:

  • small scratches or wounds on the skin;
  • overdried feet;
  • decreased immune system;
  • excessive sweating of the feet;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders that cause cyanosis of the lower limbs;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • regular stressful situations;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene.

As a rule, a person can pick up an infection in the pool, gym or sauna. It is important to take as a rule that it is forbidden to shoe someone else's shoes, use other people's instruments for pedicure and walk without shoes in public places.

An exception are senile warts. They develop not because of the virus, but because of metabolic disorders. These neoplasms are not transmitted from one person to another. They need to be treated to restore an aesthetic appearance and to save a person from unpleasant symptoms.

Warts on legs: photo

Warts on the feet of children

Often papillomas are formed on the foot of a child. Typically, warts appear in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, but in earlier years they also occur. Diagnose the child for all types of warts, of course except senile. The main symptoms of infection include:

  • near the affected area the skin color changes;
  • on the surface of the legs there are numerous growths;
  • On the foot there is a hard and rough formation that hurts when walking;
  • small warts are located next to each other.

At the first signs it is necessary to address to the dermatologist. The specialist will carefully study the problem and select the optimal treatment regimen. Typically, the incubation period lasts up to 30 days, but sometimes it stretches and for six months.

When to call a doctor

At first glance, it may seem that the wart is a common neoplasm, which can not be treated. However, such an opinion is a delusion! Timely therapy will help to get rid of the development of pathology and painful symptoms. There are several serious signals that indicate that you need to urgently consult a doctor:

  • The papilloma will change its shape and color;
  • the surface of formation becomes heterogeneous;
  • the wart on the leg hurts;
  • their number is rapidly increasing;
  • itching increases in the place of growth;
  • the boundaries of the warts become indistinct;
  • the build-up is inflamed and bleeds.

Treatment of outgrowths on legs

How to remove a chicken wart on the leg or any friend using effective methods? Therapy of warts on the legs is a long and laborious process, so it is important for a person to have patience. There are many methods of treatment that effectively cope with the tasks.

Conservative medication

Modern pharmacology produces many effective drugs that successfully fight with papillomas on the legs. In pharmacies, you can find ointments, creams, solutions, gels and patches. Unfortunately, all these tools can not give a 100% guarantee that education will not appear again. In time it can grow in the same place. Below are the high-quality drugs that will help quickly remove growths:

  • liquid Feresol;
  • ointment from warts on the legs of Viferon;
  • Oxolin Ointment;
  • Aldar's cream;
  • solution Solkoderm or Collomac;
  • plasters Mozolin and Urkogor;
  • gel Panavir;
  • natural remedy Malawit.

Important!The remedy for warts on the legs should be prescribed only by the doctor. The specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the development of the papilloma.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Professional procedures are the most effective. They allow you to get rid of the papilloma once and for all. The specialist will recommend how to remove the wart on the leg. In addition to physiotherapeutic treatment, prescribe drugs that will strengthen the immune system and help the body fight viruses. Doctors recommend to conduct such procedures:

  • laser coagulation. With the help of a laser beam, any papilloma is quickly removed anywhere, even on the little finger of the foot. Upon completion, no scars remain on the body, and there are no side effects. However, the procedure is expensive, so not everyone can afford it;
  • cryodestruction. Freezing the papilloma with liquid nitrogen, this is a rather painful procedure. Small formations will be removed immediately, and if the wart is large, then it will be necessary to repeat the removal several times;
  • electrocoagulation. The removal is carried out by means of an electric current. During the procedure, all the roots of the wart are eliminated, so it is recommended in most cases.

Folk remedies for warts

Treatment at home is quite effective, although the most affordable. There are many ways to eliminate warts "grandmother" methods, below are collected the most popular:

  • twice a day to treat papilloma juice celandine, milkweed, dandelion or garlic;
  • gently drip onto the affected area a drop of acetic acid;
  • rub the wart with fresh mashed berries of mountain ash;
  • rub twice a day castor oil;
  • Apply mashed leaves Kalanchoe, change the bandage after 24 hours;
  • Tea tree oil is applied to the growth;
  • combine honey (1 part) and hemp oil (4 parts). Mix thoroughly, mix the mixture on the wart several times a day;
  • Wood ash is combined with water, after which the solution is wiped with neoplasms.

Prevention of neoplasm of legs

Papillomas will not appear on the body if the immune system is maintained normally. To do this, you need to eat properly and have enough rest. In addition, it is important not to use other people's things (slippers, towels, instruments for a pedicure) and not to walk barefoot in public places. Make an effort to get rid of excessive sweating of the feet. Simple rules will protect your feet from the appearance of warts.