Vertebrogenic cervicocranygia, what is it?


  • 1Vertebrogenic cervicocrany: symptoms, causes, treatment
    • 1.1Causes and provoking factors
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Treatment
    • 1.5Non-drug therapy
  • 2Vertebrogenic cervical craniialgia
    • 2.1The causes of vertebrogenic cervicocranygia
    • 2.2Symptomatic picture of vertebrogenic cervicocranium
    • 2.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 2.4Treatment of vertebrogenic cervicocranium
  • 3The manifestation of vertebrogenic cervicocranygia
    • 3.1What it is?
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Predisposing factors
    • 3.4Symptomatology
    • 3.5Classification
    • 3.6Diagnostics
    • 3.7Treatment
    • 3.8Prevention
  • 4What is vertebrogenic cervicocranygia: forms of manifestation, causes, symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Classification of the state
    • 4.2The causes of vertebrogenic cervical craniialgia
    • 4.3Symptomatic of vertebrogenic cervicocranium
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Methods of treatment
    • 4.6Consequences and complications
    • 4.7Prevention
    • 4.8Conclusion

Vertebrogenic cervicocrany: symptoms, causes, treatment

Medical words may well frighten an uninitiated person into anatomical and clinical terminology. Some of these words became understandable and used in everyday life, for example, anemia.

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And what about the more "catchy" terms on which one can "break the tongue for example, what is vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia? It seems even terrible to approach the words themselves, but by the end of the article everything will become clear to the reader.

First of all, this is pain. So in neurology they designate painful symptoms in the head and neck area, we can also talk about the syndrome of cervicalgia and cranialgia of vertebrogenic genesis, which sounds absolutely incomprehensible.

Here three Latin words are involved: vertebra - vertebra, cervix - neck, cranium - skull, or, roughly, head. And algos is pain.

Causes and provoking factors

The most important reason is a pronounced osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, in which there is a serious flattening of the height intervertebral discs, there are marginal sprouting along the edges of the cervical vertebrae - osteophytes, which cause vascular compression and this syndrome.

In osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic cervicocranygia is most often provoked by the following factors:

  • supercooling;
  • sharp head turns and episodes of physical activity;
  • a syndrome of strained muscles - it develops as a result of circulatory disorders, outflow of metabolic products (lactic acid). As a result, chronic failure of the outflow of blood develops, which intensifies the symptoms;
  • vertebral artery syndrome. In the event that the treatment is inadequate, often the attacks of vascular compression are accompanied by pain;
  • trauma to the neck, which can lead to a condition such as the syndrome of instability of the cervical spine;
  • venous hypertensive syndrome. In this case, due to various causes, venous pressure rises due to a violation of outflow in the large veins of the head and neck;
  • in some cases, the cause may be infringement of rootlets, for example, upper cervical and occipital nerves, when the corresponding pain symptoms appear.

How to recognize the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, the doctor will tell in the program of Elena Malysheva "Live healthy!"


It is important to know that cervicalgia syndrome is not isolated.

It can be a consequence of such conditions as vascular compression of the vertebral artery, or migraine caused by disorders in the spine.

Pain sensations often accompany a variety of symptoms, for example, vegetative-vascular syndrome in vertebrogenic cervicocrany.

Therefore, all these symptoms will be described below, as possible companions of pain. Treatment of cervicalgia is also symptomatic, since the main factor is osteochondrosis, and, consequently, the main task of therapy is the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Pain in cervicocranium has a localization in the neck, almost always behind, which rises up to the nape, and from there it spreads into the parietal areas, and also forward, in severe cases it hurts all head.

Often the pain radiates to the peritoneal region, as well as into the ear. In general, the pain symptoms are very diverse, and this greatly complicates the diagnosis and often prevents the appointment of the right treatment.

So, the pain can be localized on one side, or be bilateral.

By nature, it can be aching, pressing (more often the cause of this pain is muscular - tonic manifestations of vertebrogenic cervicocranium), burning, or wearing a bursting character.

In the event that "shoots" in the neck, the pain with such manifestations is called "cervicago by analogy with lumbago in the lower back - "lumbago". In addition to pain, in some cases, the following symptoms are possible:

  • cardiovascular symptoms: the flashing of "flies" before the eyes, the appearance of tinnitus (noise in the ears), the onset of dizziness ("headache"), the onset of attacks of nausea or even vomiting. These signs indicate that the patient has vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome also of vertebrogenic genesis;
  • in the presence of hypertensive venous syndrome there are signs of a high rise in intracranial pressure: edema soft facial tissues, morning bursting headaches, progressive loss of vision, "stagnation" in the eye day;
  • vegetative disorders: sweating, cold extremities, or vice versa, throwing in heat, palpitations, redness of the face.

As a rule, in any clinical picture, myofascial-tonic muscular syndrome, which was mentioned above, remains unchanged.

Its meaning is that the muscles of the neck acquire density and tenderness, are worse than the blood supply, and, as a result, contribute to the compression of nerve trunks.

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Upon examination, the doctor will easily identify the back of the neck, in the suboccipital areas, along the spine, painful muscular points, which are called "trigger as when pressing them there is painful syndrome.

The treatment of these muscular manifestations with the necessary remedies should underlie the entire therapy of the disease.


Currently, the confirmatory method of research is the conduct of ultrasound - dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck with rotary samples.

When the reduction of blood flow occurs, the diagnosis of vertebral artery syndrome is confirmed, which is often complicated by vertebrogenic headache.


According to the data of a routine examination, the presence of a muscle spasm and its participation in the onset of pain is established, and according to the data the presence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, instability, osteophytes and other "Neglected" signs.


When shooting radicular pains such as cervicago, it is desirable to perform magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine to visualize intervertebral discs and to exclude protrusions and hernias.


Only complex treatment can lead to a tangible result, because if you take only the head pain, despite the vascular symptoms, the result will not be, because the cause of the disease will remain. Modern treatment of vertebrogenic cervicalgia is as follows:

It is the basis, and allows you to quickly cope with the pain manifestations, translate the exacerbation of osteochondrosis into the stage of incomplete remission, and proceed to the use of non-medicinal ways:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Movalis "Xefokam") are used for analgesia and removal of the inflammatory component of pain. In the early days, intramuscular injection is possible;
  • central muscle relaxants: "Midokalm "Sirdalud" - contribute to a decrease in muscle tone, improve their blood supply, relieve manifestations of pain syndrome. Treatment begins with intramuscular injection, with the transition neither oral intake;
  • vitamins and antioxidants ("Milgamma "Kombilipen");
  • symptomatic therapy of vascular disorders includes drugs for correction of blood pressure, treatment of dizziness is carried out by such drugs as "Betaserk improvement of microcirculation is performed by "Trental with nausea and vomiting used "Croukal".

Non-drug therapy

It is the foundation on which long-term remission is laid. Physiotherapy methods are used: magnetotherapy, electrophoresis on the cervical region with thiamine and hydrocortisone, acupuncture.

Exceptionally important is the massage of the neck and collar zone, therapeutic gymnastics. The use of chondroprotectors does not have proven effectiveness in the restoration of intervertebral discs, as well as the treatment with folk remedies of vertebrogenic cervicocranium.

All preventive measures for osteochondrosis are valuable only when they become primary, that is, events should be carried out when nothing else hurts, and this is very difficult in terms of discipline.

It is easier for those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary not to gain excess weight, to move, to strengthen immunity, to try to refrain from injuries and hypothermia head and neck, give enough time to sleep, eat fully and at the same time easy, and do not have harmful habits.

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Vertebrogenic cervical craniialgia

Vertebrogenic cervicocranygia is a syndrome of sudden acute pain that occurs in the neck and occiput and spreads all over the head.

Previously, this disease was considered typical of the elderly, now and most of the young people have a sedentary lifestyle, which has nothing to do with physical education and with activity.

Consequently, the age factor for this disease no longer has this significance, however, the wear and tear of the spine structures in people of age takes place.

On the occurrence of headaches and neck pains affect infectious and inflammatory processes, back and neck injuries, nerve compression, displacement and gradual destruction of intervertebral discs, impairment or compression of spinal cord located in the immediate vicinity of the spine, as well as slowing blood circulation due to damage to the blood vessels.

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Anatomically, painful spasm is manifested when the displaced intervertebral disks are affected by nerve endings and fibers. The pain quickly covers several zones, because the alarm signal on nerve fibers is transmitted to the nerve roots of other parts of the body, including the nape.

When diagnosing a disease, a doctor needs to be attentive to all the symptoms and possible reasons, in order to distinguish vertebrogenic cervicocranium from other ailments.

The vertebrogenic nature of the disease indicates that the root causes of it are only the diseases of the spine, and nothing more.

Therefore, and to treat the disease you need, based on this indicator.

The causes of vertebrogenic cervicocranygia

Modern medicine reveals two groups of real provoking factors. The first group includes other pathologies that have caused the appearance of vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia:

  1. osteochondrosis of the spine is the most popular cause of all vertebrogenic diseases. The fact is that osteochondrosis promotes a degenerative change in the structure of the spine, displacement intervertebral discs, loss of their amortization component and elasticity, as well as the appearance of osteophytes. All this in a complex can affect not only the peripheral nervous system, but also the spinal roots, and also give to the brain;
  2. herniated intervertebral discs - acts as a consequence of osteochondrosis as a result of displacement and slow destruction of discs;
  3. autoimmune diseases;
  4. viruses, infections, inflammatory processes;
  5. back and neck injuries. In injuries, a rupture of connective tissue is usually observed, which, in turn, disrupts the circulatory system. Recovery after an injury sometimes takes several years, while the patient is limited to head and neck movements;
  6. arthritis of the cervical spine. A serious illness associated with inflammation of the joints is called arthritis. Joints provide the presence of cushioning properties, elasticity of the spinal column. If they become inflamed, they can no longer work for the benefit of the spine, the bones lose their mobility, become tight, it affects the walking style, the presence of pain. Arthritis can have an age basis - in other words, joint wear in the elderly is called spondylosis. Also, arthritis of the cervical region may appear due to some vertebral pathologies;
  7. Bechterew's disease is a serious disease that has a hereditary form, in which the entire articular mechanism of the spine is touched. Bechterew's disease is referred to as autoimmune diseases.

The second group of causes that cause vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia includes a whole range of possible domestic troubles:

  1. a tension headache - occurs when the neck is in a long position in the same position. In addition, muscle cramps are added to typical pain for cervicocranium, because muscles lose tonus and elasticity for a while. With constant pain, they strain excessively, which leads to the appearance of a muscular-tonic syndrome;
  2. stretching the ligaments of the neck - a common misfortune for many athletes, restless children and people during local cataclysms, for example, when falling on ice;
  3. excessive physical exertion;
  4. sedentary lifestyle, inactive style;
  5. supercooling of the back and neck;
  6. stress, psycho-emotional instability;
  7. sharp lifting of heavy objects.

As we see, the causes of vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia are very diverse. Accordingly, it is necessary to be more attentive even to everyday and innocuous, at first glance, situations.

When influencing the occurrence of pathology of other diseases associated with the condition of the spine, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the root cause, and only then to treat the cervicocranium.

Symptomatic picture of vertebrogenic cervicocranium

The symptomatology of cervicocranialgia is reduced not only to pain in the neck and occiput, but also to other signs that are a consequence of the affected peripheral nervous system.

Medicine refers to the symptoms of the disease following manifestations:

  1. excessive constant tension of the neck muscles, their hypertonicity or, on the contrary, a slow loss of tone and elasticity;
  2. Stitching and shooting pains in the neck, occiput, which are given over the entire head;
  3. sensation of goosebumps, numbness in the back of the neck and neck;
  4. a crunch of bones in the neck;
  5. dizziness;
  6. nausea, very rarely vomiting;
  7. deterioration of eyesight and hearing;
  8. noise in ears;
  9. increased pain in walking, bending, bending, or tilting the head.

Despite clearly marked symptoms of vertebrogenic cervicocranialgia, they have much in common with other cervical diseases, as well as with certain diseases of the spine. Therefore, when diagnosing cervicocranialgia, the physician must differentiate symptomatic manifestations.

Diagnosis of the disease

When diagnosing a disease, the patient must undergo a first examination with a therapist and then with a neurologist.

Doctors perform a full clinical examination of the patient, question him for complaints and clinical symptoms.

It is very important to find out when the first severe pain and pains of a character predominate over the others. It is also necessary to distinguish the usual form of the disease from chronic vertebrogenic cervicocrany.

Chronic form has the properties of long-term pain, but they are not so acute, perhaps because the human body already gets used to them.

Chronic pain is somewhat harder to treat, however, this should not be an obstacle to an effective cure for the disease. In this regard, the timely diagnosis of the disease is important.

After necessary examinations and interviews the patient is sent to the procedures of magnetic resonance or computed tomography, which are designed to track the condition of the osseous structure of the cervical department of the spine, possible disorders, slowing of blood circulation, the presence of osteophytes as a result of osteochondrosis, compression of nerve endings, damage to nerve and connective tissues.

Also, when suffering from a neck muscle disease, an electromyography procedure can be used that detects muscle damage by sending and receiving electrical impulses.

Treatment of vertebrogenic cervicocranium

Treatment of vertebrogenic cervicocranygia may include the following practices:

  1. taking medications;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. courses of therapeutic massages;
  4. acupuncture, reflexotherapy;
  5. sometimes - surgical intervention.

Among medicamentous preparations it is possible to allocate muscle relaxants (for relaxation of muscles), anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen), vitamins and medicines that are used for better blood flow in any particular region.

You can not neglect other methods of treatment. Sometimes there are good even folk remedies, for example, relaxing coniferous baths, drinks from herbal decoctions.

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The manifestation of vertebrogenic cervicocranygia

Very often after a long work at the computer or after a dream in an uncomfortable position, a person feels pain in the neck. In some, they go for a couple of minutes, while in others, such symptoms may indicate a disease such as vertebrogenic cervical craniialgia.

What it is?

If we consider this disease by the meanings of words, then cervicocranygia is a headache, which does not arise by itself, but this is only part of the unpleasant sensations that are noted in the field neck.

Cranialgia is a headache, so to speak, in its pure form, it can be concentrated both in one side and spread in the region of the entire head.

Causes a variety of sensations, ranging from unpleasant bursting pain and ending with a burning sensation.

As for the pain in the neck with this disease, they can be both aching and shooting. Most often appear after physical work, after a long uncomfortable position of the neck and as a result of hypothermia.

A literal translation from the Greek language suggests that this disease is associated with dystrophic changes in the neck, it sounds like "neck pain of vertebral origin".


Despite the fact that the greatest burden falls on the lumbar spine, an additional load on the cervical the department can contribute to the jamming of nerves and blood vessels, which in time will affect the pain in the neck and the occipital part of the head.


If the disease is neglected, it goes into a chronic form and is the result of the development of osteochondrosis. Under such conditions, the disease is treated much more difficultly and brings much more inconvenience.


In fact, there are not so many reasons for the development of this disease, since the main part of all unpleasant symptoms is the result of the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

And only one hundredth of the cases are accounted for by various traumas or consequences of other diseases.

But for treatment it is not enough to know what caused the emergence of cervicocranium.

It must be taken into account that it caused painful sensations both in the head region and in the neck region.

Many cases of pain are associated with compression of arterial vessels.

In medicine, you can also find that this pathology is called the vertebral artery syndrome.

Also, the patient may have ailments associated with the outflow of venous blood due to compression of the intervertebral disc, this pathology is called hypertensive syndrome. And no less common phenomenon is, of course, pinching of nerves.


There may be problems with the occipital nerve or with the vertebral column, in which case a diagnosis of "radicular syndrome" will be made.


Depending on how the disease manifests itself and what causes it, vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia is divided into several species that will differ among themselves.

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Predisposing factors

In order for the disease to manifest itself, it is important not only the reasons for which it appears, it is also necessary to reconsider possible predisposing factors of this disease.

As you know, the pain in this department of the spine is not so much due to stress, as it happens with lumbar department, but because of the constant uncomfortable position that many people do not change in process of work.

The impact of some extraneous factors can accelerate the development of the disease.

One of the main problems is sedentary work behind the computer monitor. It so happened that at the moment no office work can do without using a computer or laptop.

Some employees are working behind the monitor, but this is not their main task, and in this case there should not be any special problems.

But those who sit at the monitor all day, without detaching themselves, are at risk. This is due to the fact that the muscles in the neck constantly strain, receive a load.

The muscular corset weakens, and the functions that the muscles must perform are not fully realized, and as a result, vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia begins to develop.

For the development of this disease, it is sometimes enough to simply "blow the neck".

This is due to the fact that with a decrease in the body's normal temperature in a certain area, a dormant inflammatory process may appear.

The emergence of cervicocranium occurs in the same way as in the sedentary work.

You can take an uncomfortable position of the neck not only during work, but also during rest.


It happens that the patient complains of pain syndrome only after a dream, however paradoxical it may be, but after a night of rest, fatigue is felt.


In most cases, the reason for this is a disproportionately high or simply inconvenient pillow. There is a spasm of muscles, and in the morning begins to pull the neck, the pain will be localized depending on the person's posture during sleep.

Pain in cervicocranialgia can be after significant physical overload, so it is important to keep an eye on constantly alternating work with rest.


Despite the fact that the pain syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, with cervicocranialgia it is usually one-sided pain. In addition, that there is pain in the neck and occipital region, the patient can feel and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms that most often accompany vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia:

  • pain in the back of the neck and the occipital part of the head;
  • painful sensations in the neck, which have a pulsating character;
  • dizziness;
  • a combination of headache and light dizziness;
  • slight weakness in the body;
  • in the neck can "goosebumps
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • because of the transmission of intervertebral discs, equilibrium can be disturbed;
  • problems with eyesight, some patients complain of fuzzy, nebulous, reddening of the conjunctiva;
  • problems with hearing, the occurrence of ringing in the ears and noise.

The manifestation of all these symptoms will directly depend on what part of the neck is affected, if there are problems with the muscles, it will usually be pain. Problems with increasing blood pressure arise from the compression of the artery, and the remaining symptoms are most often associated with the squeezing of the nerve endings.


The pathological problems that arise in the occipital region of the head and in the neck and relate to the manifestations of cervicocranialgia can be divided into two main groups.

The first group is vertebral churchkalgia, this disease is associated with violations of the cervical vertebrae.

Therefore, the cause of pain in the neck can be not too common problems, for example, bone tumors in this part of the spine or infection with infections, there is pain.

The process occurs in such a way that changes in the bone tissue lead to visual problems, respectively, these disruptions affect the intervertebral nerves and painful sensations appear.

As for the second group, true cervicalgia, the violations in this case will directly depend on the problems with the intervertebral discs.

The distance between the vertebrae decreases, and accordingly the pain results from the compression of the nerve endings or vessels that pass through the intervertebral discs.

It is not always easy to determine the type of disease, since there are many cases where, in addition to the vertebrae, the changes affected the intervertebral discs.

For this reason, during the diagnosis of the disease, doctors are not always guided by the principle of determining the type of disease.

But the treatment is much simpler if the type is determined.


Treatment of any disease primarily requires a diagnostic examination. In this case, the physician should be informed of the symptoms that caused the doctor's visit. Further, starting from the patient's complaints, the doctor directs him to the examinations.

Immediately need to pass a neurological examination. There is a definition of the amplitude of movements and problems with sensitivity disorders. The body itself is mainly involved here, not devices.

The person turns his head, stretches his arms, raises his head, while talking about the occurrence or absence of painful sensations. Some patients may experience numbness or weakness in the muscles.

Maybe a barely audible crunch.


Each of these manifestations will indicate a certain violation and disease.


During the diagnosis, radiography and computed tomography will be required. They help to detect bone changes, if any. Also, if necessary, diagnose the brain to exclude the development of tumors.

There are types of diagnostics that are applied when the treatment has already begun. The patient is given a small course of therapy and again conducts the necessary studies to make sure that the disease recedes.


Several treatments are used to treat this disease. First of all, this, of course, will be medicines.

Treatment does not consist of taking one type of medicine for a couple of days, it lasts in several stages and can include more than one drug group.

About this type of treatment is difficult to say something specific, because everything depends on the diagnosis of the disease, so it may differ not only medicines, but also the form of release of drugs. One patient is enough to take pills, and others may need injections.

First of all, drugs of the NSAID group are used, they will help to eliminate pain and reduce the inflammatory process.

The duration of treatment with these drugs is not more than one week, in view of a number of side effects, they are taken with caution.

In addition, the treatment shows muscle relaxants, which allow you to relax a few strained muscles, the duration of treatment can be up to three weeks.

Also in the course of treatment, drugs are used that allow the normal functioning of nerve structures and vessels to be restored. Treatment with these drugs can last up to two months.

To strengthen and speed up the treatment with medications, doctors recommend using non-drug ways.

This will be the three main groups that are used to treat most of the problems of the musculoskeletal system.


Physiotherapy will help to strengthen the muscular corset, physiotherapy will allow directly delivering medications to soft tissues, and manual therapy can normalize the processes in the body.


To use traditional medicine is better as an addition to the main treatment, and the use of compresses and lotions, associated with the heating of the problem area, should always be discussed with the treating doctor.


Preventive actions do not take much time and very often consist in providing a comfortable position of the neck.

It is necessary to take care of the correct location of the monitor on the table, so that the cervical department receives less stress, take care of a comfortable pillow during sleep.

Always alternate work and rest, and if necessary and as a warm-up do simple exercises.

Protect your neck in the cold season with scarves.

Adhere to the principles of healthy eating, to avoid the occurrence of degenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, contact the doctor, then the treatment will be faster and less expensive.

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What is vertebrogenic cervicocranygia: forms of manifestation, causes, symptoms and treatment

In this article, a syndrome is described for cervical damage. Its causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Vertebrogenic cervical craniialgia -it is a headache in the background of diseases of the cervical departmentvertebral column. Cervicocranyalgia is not an independent disease.

This is a combined syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis, spine trauma, inflammation, muscle, vertebra and joint disorders.

By the type of introduction of computers, when working with which people lead a sedentary lifestyle of the disease occurs more often and at a younger age.

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The danger of the disease manifests itself in the degeneration into a chronic form,the appearance of inflammation, insufficient blood supply to areas of the brain with its necrosis and loss of function, which can lead to disability or death. In time, the treatment begun helps to improve the condition of the main focus of the disease and normalize the functions of the brain without visible symptoms.

Classification of the state

Reflex syndromearises as a response to damage to the vertebrae and their joints, the outer fibrous spinal ring, the near-vertebral muscles, and the ligamentous apparatus. As a result of this, a reflex spasm of the musculature manifests itself in the area of ​​the damaged area with the involvement of regional muscles.

The degree of severity of damage and the pain threshold of a person causeintensity of symptoms.

As a result of the inflammatory process in the nerve endings and roots of the spinal cord, there is edema with oxygen deficiency in the nervous tissue during its compression and hemodynamic disturbances.

Cervico-cranialgia manifests itself against the background of this syndromeparoxysmal or persistent painand unpleasant sensations and pain in the neck, which gives in the temples and parietal areas. Also, the pain is aching and intensified after sleep.


Often, cervico-craniialgia is combined with a headache and the symptomatology is amplified.


Also observedlimited head movement, soreness of the suboccipital muscles and ligaments, points of the vertebral artery, spinous processes of the cervical spine. About hypoplasia of the left vertebral artery - reasons, symptoms and treatment read here.

Radicular syndromeIt develops when the roots of the nerve fibers or the occipital nerves are compressed.

Depending on the compression, soreness can be localized from two sides or be one-sided.

Also, in combination with pain, neurologic symptoms appear in the form of weakness and numbness of the upper limbs or one hand, if the compression is unilateral.

The causes of vertebrogenic cervical craniialgia

There are quite a few reasons:

  1. Degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine. This is the main reason. When the hemodynamics and metabolic processes are violated, the tissue of the intervertebral disc is destroyed. It loses water, becomes unyielding, crackes, as a result of which it decreases, the disk is high and it is not capable of exerting a damping property at full strength. Also, the disc is displaced in one direction or another and this leads to a change in the position of the vertebrae, which infringes the vessels, nerve roots and muscle tension;
  2. Inflammatory processes of the neck muscles;
  3. Muscle injuries;
  4. Intervertebral hernia;
  5. Spondylosis;
  6. Ankiolosing spondylitis;
  7. Violation, tearing of the ligament apparatus;
  8. Fractures of the spinal column;
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis;
  10. Meningitis;
  11. Spondylitis;
  12. Osteoporosis;
  13. Psoriatic arthritis;
  14. Hormonal disorders;
  15. Tumoral diseases of the neck and occipital region;
  16. Abscesses of cervical department;
  17. Infectious diseases;
  18. Paget's disease.

The provoking factors are:

  • Sharp turns of the head;
  • Exercise stress;
  • Subcooling;
  • Venous hypertensive syndrome;
  • Hypodinamy;
  • Bad habits;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Obesity, anorexia;
  • Incorrect posture;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Prolonged sitting position;
  • Supply errors (also insufficient fluid intake).

Symptomatic of vertebrogenic cervicocranium

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence of this disease, some symptoms may be absent:

  1. Aching, pulsating, bursting, shooting, pressing, baking pain of varying intensity in the cervico-occipital region;
  2. Noise in ears;
  3. Frequent dizziness;
  4. Weakness;
  5. Vision and hearing impairment;
  6. Redness of the eyes, burning, lacrimation.
  7. Strain of the occipital muscles;
  8. The flashing of flies before the eyes;
  9. Nausea;
  10. Lability of blood pressure;
  11. Pain, numbness in the hand;
  12. Photopsy;
  13. Violation of coordination of movement;
  14. Palpitation;
  15. Redness of face;
  16. Limited movement of the neck;
  17. Sweating;
  18. Coldness of limbs;
  19. Increased body temperature.


  1. Manual examination;
  2. X-ray studies (there are violations in the spine);
  3. CT scan;
  4. Ultrasound examination (dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck);
  5. Consultation of the therapist, endocrinologist;
  6. Electromyelography (detection of nerve conduction velocity)
  7. Magnetic resonance imaging (for the study of intervertebral discs for the detection of protrusions and hernias).

Methods of treatment

Drug therapy includes the administration of medications:

  • Analgesicsfor pain relief(tempalgin, spazmolgon and others);
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsfor anesthetizing and reducing the inflammatory process (diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide, nimesil and others);
  • Drugs for improving hemodynamics(trental, vazonite, pentoxifylline, radomin and others);
  • Muscle relaxantsfor relieving musculature(midalbum, sirdal, aclofen and others);
  • Venotonics for improvement of venous outflow(detraleks, vasoket, diosmin, phlebodia and others);
  • Diuretics for removing excess moisture and removing the edema(mannitol, furosemide, veroshpiron and others);
  • In chronic course, antidepressants are prescribed(gedazepam, venlafaxine);
  • For severe pain, lidocaine is used for paravertebral blockades.Anesthetizing patches are also used
  • Vitaminotherapy.

Traditional methods of treatment:

  • Saunas, bathhouses;
  • Compresses with mustard;
  • Rinse with sea salt;
  • Hirudotherapy;
  • Lotion on the neck with pepper.Grind the hot pepper and pour the vodka in the ratio: 0. Insist at least three hours in a dark place. Dampen the napkin and put on your neck for 10 minutes. The procedure is recommended 3 times a day.
  • Trituration of a painful area with tincture of the root of barberry.Under massage movements and this tincture, pain is dulled;
  • Also an anesthetizing effect possess horseradish leaves, if you burn them with boiling water and dry them. Recommend them to apply to the painful sections of the neck;
  • Mother-and-stepmother and celery root are also effective in treatment.They should be poured with boiling water and insisted for 24 hours. Strain and drink one teaspoon before eating. And tincture on alcohol, mother-and-stepmother can also lubricate the neck;
  • Compresses made of propolis, aloe juice and mustard powder, infused with vodka or alcohol and water.

Special therapeutic gymnastics:

  • Therapeutic exercises are needed to relieve muscle tension, the normalization of their tone and the correct distribution of the load, also for easy transfer of the acute period of the disease and recovery during the period of remission. It is recommended to visit gyms, a swimming pool under the supervision of specialists and after consulting a doctor.

Effective exercises:

  1. Breathing exercises.Take a reclining position on a flat surface on your back, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Then slowly inhale and exhale. Exercise should be performed 10 times and the subsequent increase in repetitions.
  2. Take a lying position on a flat surfaceon the abdomen, to rise on hands (thus, to watch a head and a backbone and their position) and to lift a head upwards.
  3. Take a supine position on the abdomen, raise your hands up and turn your head in different directions 10 times, then - drop your hands along the body and repeat the movements of your head.
  4. In the sitting position on the inhalation slowly pull back the head, on exhalation - to press a chin to a breast. Repeat exercise 5 times.
  5. Also in a sitting position, perform very slow circular movements of the head,while monitoring breathing.
  6. During swimming, change positions from the abdomen to the back, to avoid overstrain of the muscles of the neck.
  7. In the sitting position, throw back your hands behind your head, while bending backwards. Then stretch your arms in front of you, put your head to your chest. All exercises are recommended to be done every day, even during an exacerbation, because they are designed for small physical exertion and will not cause harm, but on the contrary will help restore and anesthetize. Regular physical doses help to prevent exacerbation and lead to a reduction in pain.


  • Manual therapy;
  • Massage with anesthetic ointments;
  • Thermal procedures;
  • Amplipulse, electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Shockwave therapy;
  • Mud treatment;
  • Electroacupuncture;
  • Balneotherapy;
  • Iodine-bromine, sulphide, radon baths;
  • Diadynamic therapy;
  • Reflexotherapy (acupuncture and others).

Other methods of treatment that promote proper fixation of the head to improve blood circulation and relieve pain in the head and neck:

  • Extension of the spine;
  • Cervical corset;
  • Shan's bus;
  • Surgery.

Consequences and complications

Prolonged spinal disorders, lead to complications:

  • Violation of cerebral circulation (up to strokes);
  • Violation of the outflow of blood through the veins;
  • The appearance of inflammation in the body;
  • Spinal hernia;
  • Squeezing the roots of the spinal cord nerves.

With timely treatment and adequate therapy, complete or partial recovery of the patient is possible.


  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Dosed physical exercises;
  • Maintaining normal body weight;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Do not overcool;
  • Use of the cervical collar under stress;
  • Favorable working and living conditions;
  • Maintaining proper posture and positioning at the table;
  • Self-massage of the cervical zone;
  • Correct sleep (duration of not less than 8 hours on a comfortable cushion);
  • Vitamin prophylaxis;
  • Timely detection and therapy of concomitant diseases.


Vertebrogenic cervicocranyalgia is a rather dangerous symptom, indicative of injuries and disorders in the cervical spine. In time, the treatment will save the consequences and complications.

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