Drops for eyes

Stilavit is a drug widely used in modern ophthalmology. This medication is often prescribed for both children and adults. So that you can also freely take it for the treatment of a particular ailment, let's analyze, in than its features, as well as what indications and contraindications are available for using this facilities.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Stilavit is a topical preparation that is available in the form of eye drops in dropper bottles.The active substances of this drug are sodium hyaluronate, sodium chondroitin sulfate and provitamin B5 (D-panthenol). Also, the composition of the drops provided includes a number of auxiliary components that provide the most effective effect of the drug on the mucosa.

This substance is a clear solution without any impurities.

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It should be remembered that one bottle of such a drug is intended for use by only one patient and can not be transferred to other hands at the end of taking the drug by one patient. Violation of this rule, as well as non-observance of the storage conditions of the product, can lead to infection of the mucous infection.

Pharmacological action and group

The presented drug has anti-inflammatory, softening, restoring effect on the mucosa.It allows you to remove swelling of the tissues, as well as reduce the intensity of various unpleasant symptoms associated with eye fatigue. Effectively copes with burning, itching, sensation of foreign body in the eye.

Also, the presented medicament helps to prevent age-related changes in the cornea and promotes its regeneration. Its active components are able to create a protective film on the mucosa, moisturizing the tissues and preventing eye damage from various unfavorable environmental factors.

Indications and contraindications in use

The presented drug has a fairly wide application in ophthalmology.Assign it in such cases:

  • with increased eye fatigue caused by prolonged work at the computer or by performing tasks that require high concentration of vision;
  • with a negative impact on the organs of vision of various environmental factors: such can include air pollution, increased ultraviolet radiation;
  • for quick adaptation to contact lenses (assigned to all kinds of similar optics);
  • as an accompanying therapy for the reception of other ophthalmic agents;
  • in order to restore the structure of the cornea with its age-related changes.

Also, this drug is used to restore the mucosa after microsurgery of the eye. In this case, these drops will help to quickly remove the inflammation and prevent the development of various side effects.

Like many other drugs used in ophthalmology, these drops also have their contraindications.The main of them can be considered a personal intolerance of the main or auxiliary components of this medication. Use this remedy with caution in the presence of eye trauma.


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In pregnancy

Instructions for the use of the drug does not give specific instructions for the use of this drug by pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers.They should consult with the attending physician before taking this medication and only on the basis of his recommendations decide whether to take this medication or not.


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To small children

To small patients the given preparation appoint or nominate only at presence of special indications.Reception is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician, which will avoid various unpleasant consequences of such treatment.

Despite the fact that the instruction on the use of this drug does not give direct prohibitions on the use of this drug for children, it can not be used without medical advice. Violation of this rule can lead to the appearance of various side effects.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Presented drops rarely cause side effects in patients.In exceptional cases, when they are used, allergic reactions may occur, including itching, reddening of the mucous membrane, slight burning sensation, and appearance on the skin near the eye of the rash.

Usually, the side effects caused by taking this medication take place a few hours after the end of its use. If, for some reason, this does not happen, it is recommended that you consult a doctor who will perform a full examination and prescribe a treatment that will remove the allergy symptoms.



As you can see, Stilavit - very effective eye drops, widely used in ophthalmology. They help to cope with the symptom of eye fatigue, remove dryness of the mucosa and other unpleasant sensations. To get the most from the use of such a tool, it is enough to consult a doctor about treating this medication and take drops strictly according to the instructions. Then you will not have any problems with this drug.

More details about why the upper eyelids swell. Also, read about the destruction of the vitreous humor - what it is and how it is treated.