Effective eye drops for newborns

What can be more important than the health of your child? But, nevertheless, each parent over time faces various problems and diseases that have affected the small body. And most often there are problems for children of an ophthalmological nature. To combat them, eye drops are used. The choice of a suitable preparation should be made by the doctor, taking into account the causes of the development of pathology.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Antibacterial
      • 3.1.1Albucid
      • 3.1.2Tobrex
      • 3.1.3Tebridex
      • 3.1.4Zipromed
      • 3.1.5Fucitalmic
    • 3.2Antiviral drugs
      • 3.2.1Actipol
      • 3.2.2Ophthalmoferon
    • 3.3Antiseptic
      • 3.3.1Floxal
      • 3.3.2Vitabakt
      • 3.3.3Normax
      • 3.3.4Oftakwix
    • 3.4Anti-allergic
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Diseases of the eyes in children of inflammatory nature are diagnosed today quite often.To understand the presence of a particular ailment can be in accordance with the existing clinical picture: increased isolation of tear fluid, redness and purulent discharge.

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To stop this unpleasant symptomatology, crumbs without medicines can not be avoided.

Eye drops for children can be prescribed in the following pathologies:

  • conjunctivitis (allergic, bacterial, viral form);
  • keratitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis.

Some drops can be used for barley. The choice of a suitable medication is based on the age of the small patient.

Features of preparations

When appointing a particular drug, the doctor should read the fact that the positive effect obtained should be stable. The effect of the components of the eye drops is directed directly to the developmental site of the disease, and the therapeutic effect is as follows:

  • drops can be prescribed for treatment or prevention in ocular diseases, which are fungal, infectious and inflammatory;
  • drops are excellent for complex therapy of eye disease;
  • an excellent prophylaxis of the development of the inflammatory process after performing the operation on the visual organ.

List of drugs

Drops for the eyes differ in their pharmacological effect and composition.


They found their application in the treatment of infectious diseases that occurred against the background of bacteria.In the role of an active substance in such drugs are antibiotics or sulfonamides. Consider the most effective.

Use eye drops with antibacterial effect for a long time can not be, otherwise it will lead to the development of persistent immunity in bacteria to the active component.


These eye drops have an antibacterial effect. They can be used by patients from birth. For babies up to a year in pharmacies there is a 20% solution. The composition of the drug is sulfonamide. Its action is aimed at destroying the normal course of processes in the cells of various types of bacteria. Thus, the process of their multiplication is inhibited, as a result of which their death occurs.

These are children's drops from conjunctivitis, purulent ulcers, blenorrhea. For newborns, the dose will be 2-3 drops 6 times a day.


In the role of active substance acts tobramycin. It is an antibiotic belonging to the group of aminoglycosides.Drops should be used to treat blepharitis, bacterial conjunctivitis and barley in children.Apply them within 7 days. And although the instruction indicates that the use of the drug for children under one year is not recommended, since its effect on a small organism has not been fully studied, the experience of pediatricians was able to prove the opposite.

If you do not comply with the dosage, it entails such consequences as a violation of auditory activity, failure in the work of the kidneys, respiratory system.


These eye drops contain components such as dexamethasone and tobramycin. The last one is an antibiotic. It is a combined preparation that has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Assign a remedy to patients with eye diseases that have arisen against bacterial infection. This includes blepharitis, keratitis and conjunctivitis.


The composition of these drops contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Refers to the group of fluoroquinols, has a bacterial effect 15 minutes after application, and it lasts 5-6 hours.According to the instructions for the use of eye drops Tsipromed, they are prescribed as a prophylaxis after transferred operations on the eyes, as well as with diseases such as conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis and meibomitis.

These eye potassium must be used 5-8 times a day for 2 drops in the affected eye. This periodicity is typical for the treatment of chronic inflammation, and in acute course - 9-12 times a day.


This medicine is an antibiotic of local action.Presented as a suspension of white color. Due to this consistency, the droplets will remain on the conjunctiva for a long time.To drip a preparation in a conjunctival bag of an eye on 1 drop 2 times a day. The duration of therapy will be 7 days. If the positive effect is not observed, then the doctor should reconsider the treatment.

Open storage of the bottle is no longer than 30 days

Antiviral drugs

These preparations for newborns are developed on the basis of interferon. Its action is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and increasing the production of antibodies in the body.


These antiviral drops help stimulate the production of its own interferon. With the help of drops, it is possible to quickly stop the swelling and to heal the affected cornea of ​​the visual organ.Apply 2 drops 3-8 times a day. Even after the symptoms of pathology have been eliminated, the drug will still have to be applied for 10 days.


Due to the incoming components in the composition of this medication has a wide impact:

  • antiviral,
  • antimicrobial,
  • restoring,
  • anesthetic,
  • immunomodulating,
  • antihistamine.

The therapeutic course will last for 30 days.As a rule, the doctor cancels the drug immediately after the symptomatology has disappeared. Drip 2-3 drops 6-8 times a day, if the course of inflammation is acute. Then the dosage is reduced to 2-3 times.Newborn this drug is prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis of viral origin.


These drugs have a disinfecting effect. They have a fairly wide range of applications, because with their help you can cure not only viral or bacterial infections, but fungi.

To appoint this or that drug, and also its dosage can only the doctor. Sometimes patients may have an allergy to a medicine that makes itself felt in the form of itching and lacrimation. Then treatment is canceled.


These drops differ in that they are able to render a positive effect in just 10-15 minutes.But it will last about 4-6 hours. The drug contains Ofloxacin, which has an antimicrobial effect.With the help of these drops, it is fashionable to treat viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, barley, corneal ulcer and chlamydial infection.

Floxal can be used by children from year to year, but in pediatrics it was widely claimed even in the hospital.Apply the drops no longer than 5-7 days.


These antiseptic drops perfectly cope with various eye diseases in newborns.Since the drug has only a local effect, it can be used right from birth.

According to the instructions for use Vitabakt, the therapeutic course will be 10 days, drip 1 drop 2-6 times a day. To disadvantages of the drug is a high cost.

After opening the vial, you can store it for no longer than 30 days.


Due to their antiseptic properties, drops are used to treat pathologies such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal ulcers of the optic organ, and chlamydial lesions.Drip 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.


This drug is unique in that it can be prescribed to both adults and children. With its help, you can cure various infections, including keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis and corneal ulcer.According to the instructions of eye drops, Oftakwix, do not use drops for more than 8 times a day for acute flow. Then the number of applications is reduced to 4 times a day.

Also, we recommend that you read the instruction for the children of eye drops Levomycetin.


Today, allergic conjunctivitis is very common in newborns. In this case, he can simultaneously hit two eyes. The patient experiences symptoms such as swelling, flushing, itching, tearing.

To effective antihistamine drops should be attributed:

  1. Cromgexal. In the composition of this preparation there is a stabilizer of mast cells. It can have a lasting effect, without causing burning sensation in the eyes. Cromegal has been widely used in the treatment of chronic allergic conjunctivitis.
  2. Cortisone. It is a hormonal medication that relieves inflammation and fights against allergens. It can be used for small children as well as for adult patients.

Recommendations for use

To get the maximum effect from the use of eye drops, you need to know the basic nuances of this manipulation:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Using a tampon, remove all the secretions from the eyes of the baby. You need to move in the direction from the outer edge to the inner edge.
  3. Capacity with droplets to shake. Before use, please read the instructions again.
  4. Lay the crumb on his back lightly throwing his head back.
  5. Carefully pull back the lower eyelid and make medicine there.
  6. Let go of the eyelid, so that the baby can blink.
  7. If necessary, instillation can be repeated.
  8. Remains of the drug should be cleaned with a clean cloth.

Causes of narrowed pupils

Is barley contagious on the eye and how to treat it this article.

Why yellow eye protein in newborns http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/pozheltenie-glaz/belok-u-novorozhdennyx-prichiny-i-lechenie.html




Eye drops for newborns are present in a wide range. Each of the available drugs differs in composition and effect. Before assigning a medication to a child, you first need to establish a diagnosis and understand what caused the development of the pathological process. Otherwise, the therapy will not give the proper effect.

Also read about why babies can have festering eyes, and about methods of treating haljazion in children.

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