Effective cure for colds and flu

List of inexpensive drugs against influenza and colds

Almost every person, at least once a year, suffers from a cold. No matter how strong the human body, it can not be fully insured against viruses and infections, especially if there is an off-season or winter. Producers for disease control offer inexpensive medicine for colds and flu. You need to know which ones are not just cheap, but also effective.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

All funds for influenza and cold are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These drugs fight the virus, make the body cells more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations to correct the body's defense reactions to the natural level.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. Drugs of this group do not suppress the infection, but simply remove the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs of this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and adolescents drink 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those who have diseased kidneys.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. «Amiksin». Adults drink on the first day of illness two tablets of 125 mg, and then - a piece every other day. The dosage of a child's drug is halved. The drug is not allowed for pregnant women.
  4. "Ribavirin." The drug is a new generation, very effective. Adults take r, r four times a day. Course - 5 days.


Inexpensive good cures for cold and flu of this category:

  1. "Cycloferon." The drug for adults and children, who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take a pill every other day.
  2. «Kagotsel». This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults drink two tablets three times the first two days, and then one each. "Kagotsel" can not be taken for the first three months of pregnancy.
  3. Anaferon. Homeopathic remedy. Adults drink one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove signs of illness:

  1. "Koldakt Flyu Plus." Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. Drink them one by one every 12 hours. During treatment it is necessary to refuse categorically from alcoholic beverages.
  2. "Coldrex". Helps with a cold with a wet cough. It is necessary to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. This drug can not be drunk if you have diabetes, liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rince". Tablets take a piece 4 times a day. They can not be drunk with pregnant women, children under 15, people with heart disease, blood vessels. Course - 5 days.
  4. Fervex. The drug is released in the form of sachets of powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. Do not use "Fervex" for more than three days. A day can not drink more than 4 packages.

Cold remedies

In addition to pills, there are many other drugs that fight disease effectively. If you do not want to take antiviral medications for cold and flu, drink complex means of symptomatic action, then you can try another treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive drugs for cold and flu that will ease your condition.

From a sore throat

To remove inflammation and irritation you will benefit from such medications:

  1. "Grammidine." Quick-acting tablets for resorption with anesthetic. Take them two times four times a day, observing a weekly course.
  2. Strepsils. Relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. Tablets must be dissolved one at a time every three hours. Children over five years of age are allowed to be treated with the drug. Completely remove the pain in the throat for three or four days.
  3. Faryngosept. A powerful medicine that is forbidden to children under six. Tablets are recommended to dissolve after eating and then for a while not to drink liquids. For a day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Nasal drops

Runny nose will help you remove these drugs:

  1. "Sanorin". Have vasoconstrictive effect. Do not treat nasal congestion, and temporarily eliminate it. These drops can not be used for more than five days in a row. The composition of the reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor substances and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol". Medicinal drops that have a curative effect. They struggle slowly with the causes of the common cold, but they do not eliminate the stuffiness.
  3. Aqua Maris. Means for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. It does not dry the blood vessels, it speeds up the healing process. Moisturizing drops are recommended to apply for any type of common cold.
  4. "Vibrocil". Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only the common cold, but also its cause. They have vasoconstrictive, antihistamine action, kill bacteria, and reduce swelling.


Rapidly reduce the temperature of such medicines:

  1. "Paracetamol". A time-tested and inexpensive remedy that removes heat, relieves pain and inflammation. There are practically no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active ingredient of many other medicines: Panadol, Fervexa, Flukolda, Coldrex.
  2. Ibuprofen. This medicine is rather anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. Do not take those with an ulcer, kidney or liver disease. It is part of the "Nurofen "Ibuklina".
  3. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. Do not take pregnant women, children under 12, those who have low blood coagulability. It is the main component of a huge number of other antipyretic drugs.

From herpes

This unpleasant symptom of cold will help to overcome such ointments:

  1. Acyclovir. The most inexpensive means. It struggles with the virus, does not allow it to multiply. If you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, do not use the drug. If herpes you often appears, it is better to alternate "Acyclovir" with another antiseptic ointment or cream, so as not to cause addiction.
  2. Zovirax. The composition of the cream includes propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates into the cells faster and more efficiently. It is well absorbed into the skin. "Zovirax" should be used clearly according to the instructions.
  3. Fenistil Pencivir. Very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes immediately. Does not allow the wound to become scarring. The drug can not be used by pregnant, lactating mothers, children under the age of 12.

From cough

Table of preparations:

From a dry cough

From a wet cough

  • "Lazolvan
  • Ambrohexal;
  • "Herbion
  • "Libexin
  • "Stoptussin."
  • "ACTS
  • "Broncholitin
  • "Acestad" (analogue of ATSTS);
  • "Pertussin
  • Mukaltin;
  • Doctor MOM.

Inexpensive drugs analogues

If even the cheapest antiviral drugs are too expensive for you, use Paracetamol, Aspirin, or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: nasal drops "Naphthyzine" or "Farmazolin tablets for the treatment of sore throat "Septifril medicine "From coughing". It will also be effective to rinse your throat with "Chlorophyllipt".

Drugs for the prevention of influenza and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, and not to cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with immunomodulating action. The rules of preventive reception are described in the instructions of each of them. You can try capsules "Broncho-munal which is allowed to combine with almost all drugs. A good prophylactic action is possessed by such drugs as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, Amizon.

Video: home Coldreks for colds


Olya, 27 years old: At the first symptoms of the flu, I always take some symptomatic medicine, for example, "Rinzu" or "Coldrex". This does not allow the infection to "play out". Immunomodulators did not drink at all because of the high price. And I try to treat the child with folk remedies, but I knock down the temperature with Paracetamol. I trust more domestic products.

Lena, 35 years old: Now the pharmacy offers so many names of medicines for colds that it's hard not to get lost. I try to use antipyretic drugs, for example, "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol." If the runny nose begins, then I use "Pinosol". He helps well, though he does not break his nose. If you start a sore throat, I use "Chlorophyllipt".

Tanya, 24 years old: I always have ORVI with fever and cough. I drink Fervex in powders, and I also buy ACTS. Thanks to this treatment, my illness lasts for three or four days. Last winter, saw for the prevention of "Arbidol but still sick, so I do not recognize any medications for correcting the immunity. I'm cured when the cold has already begun.


Drugs for cold and flu: a list of the best means of rapid action

Every year during the seasonal temperature fluctuations people suffer from many unpleasant symptoms caused by a cold.

In pharmacy chains, the assortment of antiviral drugs simply overshoots its diversity.

Medicines differ not only in price, but also in the principle of action, the form of release, the composition.

Naturally, you do not need to prescribe drugs for yourself against colds, but to get a little guidance in such means, you should familiarize yourself with the proposed article. A list of cold medicines will help you understand the characteristics of each drug.

Arbidol, Teraflu, Anaferon

Arbidol - a pill against viruses, covered with a film membrane. Their main active component is umifenovir, auxiliary: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose. The agent is shown when:

  1. acute respiratory disease (ARI);
  2. severe respiratory syndrome;
  3. influenza type B, A,
The medicine may well become a part of complex therapy in the treatment of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis. Much less often it is recommended for the prevention of health problems after surgical interventions to strengthen immunity.

Tablets for catarrhal diseases and flu are high-speed. They will help improve the patient's condition the very next day after the start of the course of treatment.

Arbidol has no contraindications. The only caveat when using it: can not be used for children under 3 years old. Babies under the age of 12 are given 1 tablet per day, and 2 tablets for adults and children over 12 years of age.

For healthy patients, this remedy for colds is not prescribed.

Teraflu powder

It must be diluted with hot boiled water. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. The auxiliary substances were phenyramine maleate, phenylephrine hydrochloride.

It is a remedy for a new generation of colds. It can relieve the ailment and the common cold in just a day, but on condition that the doctor's orders and bed rest are strictly observed. Teraflu is characterized by the action:

  • anti-virus;
  • antipyretic.

Powder is forbidden to be taken together with beta-blockers and antidepressants. Do not prescribe Teraflu patients with diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, lactating women, people suffering from alcoholism, children under 12 years of age.

The medicine is fast, but it's best to apply it carefully. This is relevant if the patient suffers from arterial hypertension, severe impairment of kidneys, liver.


Tablets for colds and flu contain antibodies that activate the functioning of human immunity. The drug is recommended for treatment of children aged 12 years and adults. For babies is a special tool Anaferon child. It can be used from 1 year of life.

You should know that this medicine is not only against viruses, but also to strengthen the immune system during seasonal air temperature fluctuations. It well helps to treat herpesvirus infection in mild form.

Cure for colds Anaferon:

  1. acts quickly;
  2. has no contraindications;
  3. does not cause adverse reactions.

From the drug should be discarded only with the individual intolerance of any of its components. In very rare cases, a skin rash is possible.

Kagocel, Coldrex, Antigrippin

Kagocel is the best quick-acting remedy for colds. Not suitable for children under 3 years, pregnant women and during lactation. Do not take pills with individual intolerance.

Preparations of such a plan are well used for getting rid of a cold, herpes, flu, acute viral infection. Kagocel is also suitable for the prevention of these ailments.

In order not to fall ill during the autumn period, it is enough to take 1 tablet every day for a week. If the common cold has already begun, it should be taken 2 times a day in the first few days. Children are given 1 tablet each.

Provided that the patient clearly follows the prescriptions of the doctor and strictly adheres to the instructions for use, the possibility of developing adverse reactions of the body is negligible. When a patient notes the development of an allergy, you need to stop taking the medication and consult a doctor to replace it.


This remedy for cold is presented in the form of a powder. It should be boiled and drunk hot. The drug Coldrex is characterized by a powerful antiviral effect and helps to cope with signs of ARVI. The list of symptoms, except for the common cold, included:

  • headache;
  • nasal congestion;
  • increased body temperature;
  • aches in the joints;
  • uncomfortable sensations in the throat.
No less effective Coldrex against the common cold. Powder is not recommended for children with colds, pregnant women, lactating women, with severe liver disorders, diabetes, heart problems, closed-angle glaucoma.

Adult remedy for cold and flu in the first days of illness should be taken 1 packet every 4 hours. Once the symptoms stop, the powder is not necessary. The maximum course of therapy should not be more than 5 days in a row.

If there was an overdose, the patient risks getting a serious liver damage. In addition, long-term use of the drug increases the chance of developing side effects, for example, disturbances of a night dream, rising of a level of arterial pressure, attacks of a nausea, head pain.

It is necessary to refrain from treatment with Koldreksom without prior consultation of the attending physician.


Another preparation against viruses is Antigrippin. It is believed that the medicine is the best and helps from the common cold, colds quickly and effectively. The drug is in the form of a pill, like many similar drugs. Assign it to patients from 15 years.

To help with bacterial infection this medicine can not. Take it should be 1 piece 2-3 times a day to improve the patient's well-being.

Antigrippin should not be taken to children with increased sensitivity to vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and paracetamol. Also he is banned for such violations:

  1. renal failure;
  2. phenylketonuria;
  3. hyperplasia of the prostate.

Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. With special care is assigned to patients with viral hepatitis, alcohol dependence, the elderly.

Fervex, Amiksin, Ingavirin

There are drugs that instantly help with colds. To such it is customary to include the Fervex powder. No less effective it will be with the disease of rhinopharyngitis.

Powder can be taken in conjunction with other medicines against the flu. If the phase of the disease is acute, a dose of 1 packet is recommended three times a day. During therapy, the interval between use should be at least 4 hours.

The drug should not be taken to sick people suffering from kidney failure, excessive sensitivity to its individual components. During pregnancy, he is only allowed from the second trimester.

As for the period of lactation, some components of the remedy can penetrate into breast milk. For this reason, it is better to refuse from Fervex at this time.

It is forbidden to combine medicine for cold with alcohol-containing products. This can provoke severe liver damage. Sometimes patients complain of the development of adverse reactions:

  • nausea;
  • pain syndrome in the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness.

Very rarely allergic reactions can begin, for example, skin itching, rashes.


This antiviral agent has an immunomodulatory effect. Produced in the form of tablets, the main active ingredient is tilaxine. Auxiliary components of croscarmellose sodium, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Tablets are perfectly combined with other drugs against viruses, influenza. During seasonal temperature fluctuations can be used to prevent ARVI (in adults and children).

Adult patients with flu and cold should take 1 tablet once a day for 3 days. For prophylaxis take 1 piece. The drug can not be administered to patients with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy, lactation.


Medicines for colds and flu under this name are made in the form of capsules. Ingavirin helps quickly and efficiently. Heat, headache, uncomfortable sensations in the throat, aches in the body are already a day after taking the remedy.

It is not recommended for patients younger than 18 years of age. The main active ingredient is vitaglutam, auxiliary ones are potato starch, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide.

Capsules are prescribed to drink 1 time per day, regardless of food. Usually the general course of treatment does not exceed 5-7 days. Begin therapy immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, for example, the common cold. When treatment is delayed, the remedy, like the rest of the drugs, begins to work with less efficiency.

So, if the first capsule was drunk a few days after the onset of the illness, the result can not come quickly.

Viferon, Anvimax, Grippferon

Many of the above cold remedies and cold medications are not always allowed for future and young nursing mothers, children. Therefore, the treatment of colds, runny nose, SARS in these patients can not do without the drug Viferon.

Candles, perhaps, are the fastest means of treating viral diseases. They have no contraindications except the first trimester of pregnancy. Such an effective medicine during flu and cold helps to get rid of the symptoms.

Viferon is better than tablets and other drugs coping with ARI. Adult patients are prescribed 1 suppository three times a day. Children from the year the dosage is reduced to 1 candle a day. And it should be noted that this is an extremely effective treatment for Orvi and influenza in the home

Side effects of those who used drugs for cold and flu in candles are usually absent. Allergic skin rash and itching occurs only in very extreme cases. If this happens, the treatment is canceled and other drugs used against the common cold and viruses. The list of allowed funds is very extensive.


Remedy for cold and flu Anemax is presented in the form of a powder. It is necessary for symptomatic therapy, it can not affect the underlying cause of the disease. The structure includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • paracetamol.

Patients with excessive sensitivity to these components should use these drugs against the common cold and other cold symptoms with extreme caution. Powder is the best remedy among the rest. Anvimax is a quick-acting drug that removes body temperature, headaches, aches and pain in the throat. If applied correctly, the medicine helps to overcome the disease in a short time.

Powder can not be administered to patients younger than 18 years of age, people with kidney failure, sarcoidosis, chronic alcohol dependence, hypercalcemia, phenylketonuria.

Like many other cold medicines, Animax can not be a remedy for pregnant and lactating women.

Take the powder strictly according to the instructions. During an exacerbation of a symptomatology it is necessary to drink on 1 package from 2 to 3 times a day. On average, the course should not be longer than 5 days in a row.


Grippferon is a good medication based on interferon, which helps fight viruses. It is also characterized by immunomodulating effect on the body.

The medication is allowed for the treatment of pregnant women and children under one year. The only contraindication is intolerance of individual components. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Named tablets and other drugs - this is not a complete list of effective drugs. Funds from the flu should be selected individually. However, even in this case, it is impossible to avoid the development of adverse reactions. Therefore, the treatment process should be under the supervision of a doctor, as detailed in the video in this article.


Antiviral means of fast action

Colds can overtake each of us when it is completely unacceptable to get sick. When you want to be as focused and full of energy as you can, suddenly begins to flow from your nose, to stifle your throat. They are followed by sneezing, cough, accompanied by weakness, high fever. In this situation, urgent measures are required. A cold remedy will put you on your feet in time.

How to quickly cure a cold at home

The key to quick healing is the application of all necessary measures at the first alarm bell. If the disease has arisen for obvious reasons, due to inattention to immunity or hypothermia, and the symptoms are not exposure to the influenza virus, you can use the following tips on home treatment and cold remedies actions.

  1. Measure the temperature. If the mark on the scale did not reach 38 degrees, then antipyretics for colds should not be drunk.
  2. Vitamin C. At the onset of the disease, a large dose of ascorbic acid will be an effective aid to the body for colds for a speedy recovery. The best option is an effervescent vitamin - quickly absorbed and warms. Five oranges a day will be a natural alternative to pills or capsules and will help to cure colds.
  3. Drink plenty of water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks. They must necessarily be warm, it will help to remove toxins, which is important for a cold.
  4. As much as possible sleep. After drinking a warm drink and climbing under the blanket, putting on warm socks and clothes, sleep as much as possible. Sweating with sleep is an important element of recovery for a cold. Better to comply with hospital bed rest. The room should be often ventilated.
  5. Warm up. If the heat is not observed, you can get your feet stuck and take a hot shower.
  6. Take the vitamins. Such support will be useful to the body for colds. It's best if he gets it from fruit, but if it's not possible, they should replace the dragee from the pharmacy.
  7. Medicines for the treatment of colds. Suitable funds for a cold flu, sold in the form of diluted teas, powders, which should be poured into hot water. Within a day it is permissible to use three or four such bags, but the course should not last more than three days. Powders from cold with "Paracetamol" reduce temperature, eliminate chills, have anti-inflammatory effect. The treatment will help immunostimulating drugs. Antiviral medications for colds and influenza contribute to the destruction of the infection. If the disease drags on, go to the injections of the antibiotic.
  8. Remedies for a cold, cough and sore throat. If the sky hurts, then you can choose either candy, or potions, solutions for rinsing and spraying. With a runny nose will help to cope with drops, among which it is better to choose not powerful vasoconstrictors, but medicines that have grasses in their composition. A solution of sea salt will be useful for washing the nose. With a cold, sputum is often not produced, therefore, the usual cough stopping means will suffice. If sputum in the bronchi still appeared, you should use the means that withdraw it.
  9. Consumption of liquid. Warm tea, compote or juice contribute to perspiration and recovery, while toxins are eliminated, preventing the body from fighting a cold. Ordinary water will not be the most optimal means, and carbonated drinks will not help recovery. Drink follows as much as you feel necessary, not overpowering yourself.
  10. Vodka. Alcohol should be slightly warmed and rub it all over the body. This tool will help to quickly remove heat.

List of the best drugs for influenza and colds of a new generation

Today, several classes of drugs are recommended:

  1. Arbidol, Oseltamivir, Amiksin, Viferon, Otsilokoktsinum, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Anaferon (antiviral).
  2. "Teraflu "Koldreks "Ferveks "Antigrippin "Grippferon "Anvimax" (febrifuge and relieve the pain in the throat, against the flu and ARVI)
  3. "Acetylcysteine "Ambroxol "Bromgexin "Carbocysteine" (expectorants)
  4. "Butamirat "Glaucin "Prenoxdiazin "Ledvropropizin" (means for dry coughing).
  5. "Paracetamol "Ibuprofen "Aspirin" (antipyretic drugs).
  6. Drops on the basis of xylometazoline, naphazoline (vasoconstrictive in the common cold).

Overview of fast-acting remedies against colds on the lips

Colds that occur on the lips are often herpes - the Herpes Simplex virus, which is found in 95 percent of the world's population. Once in the body, it exists unnoticed and "turns on" when the human body is weakened by hypothermia, lack of vitamins, nutrients or other diseases. There are many effective ointments for fighting herpes. These funds should be applied to the affected areas of the cold several times a day, the course - no more than 5 days.

Do not use your fingers when applying the product because of the risk of transferring the virus to another location. Among the common names of ointments for colds in the ranking of the best can be noted "Acyclovir "Gerpferon "Zovirax "Gerpevir". The main active substance in them is acyclovir, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. There are ointments based on tromantadine, such as Viru-Merz.

What antiviral drugs can children take?

When a child develops symptoms of ARVI and if for some reason the doctor is not available, measures should be taken to fight the disease in order to avoid complications. If after all simple means have been tested, the disease does not recede, you will have to resort to antiviral drugs, but only those that are specifically designed for children. Acceptable are "Tamiflu "Remantadin "Relenza "Amantadine".

If the bronchitis occurs in infants, then "Ribavirin" will help, and if the child's body is weakened or have heart problems, the Sinagis remedy will be the best choice. "Tamiflu" is acceptable for children at the age of one year, tablets from the flu "Arbidol" can be given from three years. "Interferon" for the solution is used at any age, like homeopathic preparations, such as Aflubin, Anaferon, Otsilokoktsinum. To lower the body temperature, "Paracetamol" or syrups "Nurofen "Ibuprofen" are suitable.

Effective folk remedies and herbs

  1. Blackberry tea. Grind the dried leaves of blackberries (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water, after a couple of hours strain. Drink 30 minutes before eating. A good remedy against coughing.
  2. Herbs (cough remedy). One tablespoon of leaves of wild strawberry, raspberries, three tablespoons of blackberry leaves, a dry shredded violet tricolor (1 tsp). All this must be mixed, use a tablespoon of the composition for a glass of boiling water, let it brew in a closed form for half an hour, drain. Reception: a couple of times a day by a glass.
  3. Potatoes. This vegetable will help bring down the temperature. Rub two raw potatoes on a grater, mix with a tablespoon of vinegar (apple). Use the mixture to make compresses on the forehead.
  4. Kalina and honey. A mild remedy for colds and colds. Mix one tablespoon of viburnum juice and honey, take half an hour before meals.
  5. Nettle, sage and Schisandra. Herbal collection is good for colds and flu. Mix dry crushed nettle leaves (3 tablespoons), as many shoots of Chinese magnolia and sage (1 tablespoon). Pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water, after a couple of hours strain. Reception: one glass in the morning and evening. If desired, you can add honey.

What means is inexpensive and effective for the prevention of colds

Very often a cold in an adult appears as a result of a weakening of the immune system. The impact of external factors, malnutrition, lack of vitamins can lead to loss of effectiveness of the immune system and increase the likelihood of entry into the body of infections. To avoid this, interferon inducers can be used. They will ensure the production of natural protection by the body, which will allow it to successfully resist colds. This type of drugs include:

  • Arbidol;
  • "Cycloferon
  • «Amiksin».

It is necessary to support the body with vitamins. For the prevention of colds will help "Vetoron "Gerimaks "Aevit." Preparations that help to cope with the impact of the environment - adaptogens - include extracts of magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Immunomodulating, such as "Bioaron C "Immunal" "Likopid will help restore strength to immunity, will be useful for the prevention of colds and flu.

Antiviral drugs used to prevent colds, help to give the body additional strength in the fight against pathogens. The best are "Grippferon "Viferon "Arbidol "Amiksin". Do not forget about honey, vitamin C - they will not allow the development of colds. Echinacea is a cheap, simple remedy. More rest, give up cigarettes and do not forget about the seasonal intake of vitamins.

Video: what to do with the first signs of a cold


What is the most effective medicine for flu and cold?



it is from these Arbidol recommended. Antiviral immunostimulating. Since the initial stage, then 2X2 times a day and so 5 days (2 packs)


We strongly recommend taking antiviral drugs in ARVI. The most optimal from the point of view of efficiency and safety is arbidol. It has a complex mechanism of action. First, arbidol blocks the multiplication of influenza viruses and ARVI. Secondly, it stimulates in the body the production of interferon, an antiviral protein, through which the body fights against the viruses on its own. Thirdly, it improves the state of the immune system and, thereby, strengthens antiviral protection. Thanks to Arbidol, any cold is easier, without complications and there is no post-viral asthenia syndrome. So they call loss of strength, weakness, dizziness and headaches, which persecute us after the disease.
Arbidol is one of the safest drugs. No serious side effect in connection with the use of arbidol has been reported. Therefore, it can be taken and children. This, in fact, a family drug. And buy it better in advance so that it is always at hand. It is not difficult to do this, because arbidol is sold without a prescription.

Tanya kozina

try the dog's fat, how to rub. and take with food,


yes, these drugs actually help, but only in the first two days, then there is no sense. but I always struggle with temperature - paracetamol (this is an innocuous preparation), plentiful drink, and necessarily a lemon, honey, jam with a currant (in it a lot of useful). good luck

Tatyana Vasilek

An abundant vitaminized drink, at night - a drink: hot tea with raspberry jam, honey, lemon and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of vodka. If a severe cough - inhalation with sage or eucalyptus. Still have foot mustard baths. Wrap up, and sleep until morning.

Sveta Petrova

For me, Amiksin probably the most effective remedy for ARVI. I certainly follow and general recommendations such as bed rest, copious drink, etc., but with Amiksin get better at times faster, for 3 days as a rule. So the remedy is really worthwhile.

Effective remedy for cold and flu

Sore throat and runny nose - problems that can occur at any time of the year. Of course, they worry much more often during the cold period, but in summer they suffer from fever, inability to swallow and snot have many. Therefore, it is necessary to know about effective remedies for cold and flu. Moreover, they should always be in the medicine cabinet. Especially when traveling and traveling.

The most effective remedies for colds

Treatment of the common cold should be comprehensive. It is important not only to eliminate external manifestations of the disease, but also to deal with the cause that caused it. As a rule, such groups of medicines are used to combat viral and cold diseases:

  1. Antiviral drugs are used to control pathogens. Among them are drugs that prevent the spread of viruses, blocking their reproduction, as well as stimulating the production of interferon.
  2. A very effective group of remedies against cold and flu are vasoconstrictive. Its representatives are struggling with a cold and nasal congestion.
  3. At temperature, antipyretic agents are required.
  4. If the patient is allergic, antihistamines must be prescribed.
  5. You can not do without immunomodulators, activating the body's own forces.

Among the most effective remedies for cold and flu can be identified:

  1. Arbidol- a drug suitable for the treatment of different strains of influenza types A and B.
  2. Amiksinis equally effective both in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and in the fight against influenza.
  3. Kagocelit is most expedient to take in the first day after the onset of symptoms of the disease.
  4. Grippferon- an inexpensive and effective remedy for colds. Its big plus - the medicine is suitable for everyone.
  5. Tamiflucopes well with viruses and can be prescribed for preventive purposes during epidemics.

Effective folk remedies for colds and flu

Of course, no one canceled the traditional methods of treatment:

  1. Inhalations with essential oils sometimes act even more effectively than drugs.
  2. Eliminate the symptoms of flu and cold helps herbal or dog rose tea.
  3. At low temperatures it is allowed to soar arms and legs.
  4. Berry and milk kissels soothe the sore throat, enveloping the mucous.
  5. Kills viruses tincture on orange peels. You need to drink it in small portions - no more than fifteen drops - and only diluted.


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