Eye drops "Visoptik indications, principle of action, instructions for use

Various gadgets, digital technology make a person mobile, but they have disadvantages. The main one is the negative impact on the system of vision. If you spend the whole day working at a computer, you are familiar with negative symptoms such as dryness, a feeling of sand in your eyes, redness. What to do? Not bad support the visual organs of special medicines. Drops "Visoptik" are easy to use, have an affordable price and a minimal list of contraindications. Read more about their pharmacology, principles of action and rules of use below.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications
  • 4Possible complications caused by the use of the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Eye drops "Visoptik" are a clear solution, the main active substance in which is tetrisoline hydrochloride.Used and auxiliary compounds - an organic salt, boric acid, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, benzalkonium chloride, water (purified).

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The main active substance of eye drops "Visoptik" is tetrisoline hydrochloride.

The drug is sold in plastic bottles with a convenient dropper.The bottle is packed in a cardboard box. Keep the drops at a temperature of 15-25 degrees away from children.The shelf life of the drug is 60 months, after opening the bottle its contents are recommended to be used within 4 weeks.

Pharmacological action and group

In 1 ml of the eye drops solution contains 0.5 mg of tetrisoline hydrochloride. Pharmacological action - anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive.

"Visoptik" - anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive drops.

For vasoconstriction, edema reduction corresponds to alpha-adrenomimetic.This component reduces the swelling of the conjunctiva, reduces soreness of the mucous eyes, lacrimation, burning.The vasoconstrictive effect begins several minutes after instillation and lasts up to 4-8 hours.It is possible to use the drug in the form of nasal drops (in this case, it reduces the blood supply to the mucous membrane, removes the stuffiness of the nose, and reduces puffiness).When instilled into the eye, the systemic absorption of the drug is low.

Systemic absorption of the drug "Visoptik" with local application is minimal.

Indications and contraindications

Consider the main indications for the use of drops "Visoptik

  • injected sclera as a result of the action of chemical, physical negative factors (chlorinated water, dust, cosmetics, bright light, monitor radiation);
  • moderate irritation with congestion of the eyes;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • allergic conjunctivitis.

The drug should be used with caution in arrhythmia, elevated blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, severe forms of IHD, as part of therapy with MAO inhibitors.Contraindications to the use of drops "Visoptik

  • corneal dystrophy;
  • glaucoma;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • foreign body of the eye;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency in acute form;
  • hypersensitivity.

Children under three years of age are not prescribed a drug at all. During pregnancy and lactation, eye drops can be used, but only in case of emergency and only if the benefit of the treatment exceeds the potential risks to the fetus or the baby.

Read also the instruction of drops Tsiprolet.

Eye drops "Visoptik" during pregnancy and lactation are used with caution. Children under three years of age are not prescribed a drug.

Possible complications caused by the use of the drug

Adverse reactions in the treatment of the drug do not occur often and are usually associated with an overdose.Possible local manifestations - dilated pupils, burning in the eyes or nose, secondary swelling, sneezing, increased intraocular pressure. Systemic reactions are heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, migraines, weakness, dizziness, hyperglycemia, nausea, tremors, insomnia. If you find these symptoms, the drug should be discontinued.


Eye drops Broxinac: instructions for use

All about the drug Broksinak is written here.

Drops for the eyes from fatigue and redness Blink Intensive http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kak-i-dlya-chego-primenyayutsya-glaznye-kapli-blink-intensiv.html




The main active substance of the drug "Visoptik" is tetrisoline hydrochloride. Drops have anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect, are intended for use in ophthalmology, in some cases can be buried in the nose. There are contraindications, children under the age of three do not prescribe the drug.

Also read about such drugs as Stilavit and Hydrocortisone ointment for the eyes.