Constant loading on the eyes leads to discomfort, the natural protection of the eyes is disturbed, redness and dryness appear. These signs are further reflected in the quality of vision, can develop severe diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. Therefore, in order to eliminate the symptoms, and in some cases, the treatment of the underlying disease, the pharmacological market offers a wide range of preparations, among which the described product is Oxial.
- 0.1Description of the preparation
- 0.2Pharmacological action and group
- 1.0.1Indications for use
- 1.0.2Contraindications in use
- 1.0.3In pregnancy
- 1.0.4To small children
- 1.0.5Possible complications caused by the drug
- 1.1Dosage and course of treatment
- 1.2Analogues
- 1.3Video
- 1.4conclusions
Description of the preparation
This medication is a solution with a moisturizing effect.Its composition is very similar to the human tear. The preparation consists of:
- Active substances: hyaluronic acid and boric acid.
- Auxiliary substances: sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride dihydrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, pure water for injection.
Preservatives.Maintain active substances for the entire shelf life, keeping all their properties at the maximum level.
Oxyal - eye drops from redness and dryness
Drops are supplied in a cardboard box, inside which is a container with a dispenser for convenient use. The volume of the bottle is 10 ml.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural component that is responsible for the regeneration of tissues through the enhancement of collagen production. It proved its effectiveness not only in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, but also in cosmetology. Hyaluronic acid is also found in the vitreous humor.
Pharmacological action and group
The product is able to eliminate dry eye syndrome, relieve redness, eliminate the sensation of itching and burning.The oxal is used as eye drops for fatigue. The drug can improve the placement of another, co-administered, remedy.
Each of the constituent substances has a specific function:
- Sodium hyaluronate- acts as a moisturizing component, helps the mucous eye to be in a healthy state. In addition, this substance heals microcracks and trauma on the cornea.
- Boric acidis aimed at eliminating harmful bacteria. It disinfects and purifies the organ of vision.
- Salts of sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassiumserve as support for normal pressure, and also stimulates the course of biochemical processes at the cellular level.
- Preservativesoxide have antibacterial properties, do not allow the drug to deteriorate. Safe for humans, because when interacting with the skin of the eye, it splits into completely harmless components.
Treadenhances the effect of the drug.
Oxial removes the "dry eye" syndrome
The oxide has a viscous texture, which allows it to spread evenly over the eye mucosa and perform protective functions against the aggressive external environment.
The use of drops is based on moisturizing and eliminating the redness of the eyes.In addition, the product has a degreasing effect. Sometimes they are irreplaceable for those who wear contact lenses.
Indications for use
The entire list of indications of this medication is as follows:
- Help in restoring vision after performing a laser procedure to correct vision.
- Syndrome of dry eyes.
- Diseases caused by unfavorable environmental factors. These include: dust, wind, water with chlorine content, heated dry air, cosmetics.
- Help with eye fatigue,caused by a long sitting at the computer, in front of the TV or while driving a car.
- Getting rid of the degenerative signs of the mucosa, caused by the simultaneous administration of several medications.
- For people who are over forty.
Contraindications in use
The only major contraindication for taking Oxyal isincreased sensitivity of the patient to the components included in its composition.
In pregnancy
Due to its composition, the agent under considerationcan be used by both pregnant and lactating mothers.
To small children
In childhood, the use of a medicine is possible only under the supervision of an ophthalmologistand at a much lower dosage than for adults.
A large list of indications and a small number of contraindications make this product a leader in its field.
Possible complications caused by the drug
In general, patients do not experience any complications and side effects due to taking this medication.
If there is an allergy to any element within the drops, rhinoconjunctivitis may occur. It is expressed in increased allocation of tear fluid and itching, redness of the conjunctiva and sensation of nasal congestion. Fear of bright light is extremely rare.
In the presence of at least one of the complications, it is necessary to stop the treatment and contact the doctor for help. In such cases, either change the dose, or replace the drug with an analog.
Dosage and course of treatment
In order to no longer experience discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the eye,it is enough to dig in not more than two drops from two to four times a day.This indicator depends on the degree of over-drying of the mucous eye.
As for the duration of the course of treatment, basically everything is selected individually by a doctor. The range of terms is from two weeks to a month. During this period, the patient should regularly visit the doctor to monitor the improvement of the condition.If the efficacy was not detected, then the treatment course is adjusted, and the drug is replaced by an analog.
These drugs include:
- Hilo-chest of drawers.It contains a hyaluronic acid that can protect the eyes from the effects of aggressive environmental conditions. A certain film forms on the surface, which contributes to this.
- Ottagel.Eliminates dryness, itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. Forms a breathing layer, similar to the human tear.
- Viale. The principle of action is based on the narrowing of the vessels. Due to this, the edema is removed, the allergy symptoms are removed and the micro-traumas are healed.
- Defisle.Softens and moisturizes the eyes, a cheaper analogue.

- Eye drops "Natural tear". Effective in cases of severe insufficiency of the moisture level on the mucosa
- Innox.Natural composition, complete absence of synthetic components. Ideal for those who use contact lenses on a regular basis.
- Systein.Specially designed for people suffering from irritation and allergic manifestations due to wearing lenses.
- Lycotene. Drops will help restore the optimal amount of moisture, eliminate dryness and irritation.

Analogues also have their own peculiarities, possible complications and contraindications. Independently change the course of treatment is not recommended.
Before you switch to an analog, you need to consult a doctor. If you incorrectly replace the drug, you can only exacerbate your situation.
The oxal has a huge and impressive range of uses and a very small amount of contraindications, which makes this drug effective in treating dry eye. It is important to follow all the prescriptions of the specialist and follow the dosage and the duration of the treatment course competently. Observing all the rules of use and recommendations - you can for a long time, and sometimes forever forget about the unpleasant sensations. When choosing an analogue, visit the ophthalmologist again.
Which drops are suitable for the treatment of dry eye syndrome tell this article.