The back pains in the field of lungs behind


  • 1Sore of the lungs from the back: what can it be?
    • 1.1Causes of painful manifestations
    • 1.2Differential diagnostics
    • 1.3Osteochondrosis
    • 1.4Inflammation and pleurisy
    • 1.5Lungs' cancer
    • 1.6Inflammation of muscles
    • 1.7Neuralgia
    • 1.8Denial of responsibility
  • 2Pain in the area of ​​the lungs from the back - causes and treatment
    • 2.1Why does the back and lungs hurt?
    • 2.2Symptoms of the disease
    • 2.3Pathology of the spine
    • 2.4Pneumonia
    • 2.5Cancer
    • 2.6Ischemia and heart disease
    • 2.7Neuralgia of the rib department
    • 2.8Inspection in the hospital
    • 2.9Discomfort in inflammation of muscles and joints
    • 2.10Pain on the right side of the lungs
    • 2.11Other problems
    • 2.12Pain Management
  • 3Back pain in the lungs
    • 3.1Possible causes of pain
    • 3.2Clinical symptoms
    • 3.3Differential diagnostics
    • 3.41. With the development of osteochondrosis
    • 3.52. With IHD
    • 3.63. With pleurisy and pneumonia
    • 3.74. In malignant neoplasms
    • 3.85. With muscular inflammation
    • 3.96. With neuralgia
  • 4Why does my back hurt in the lungs?
    • 4.1Pain in case of pneumonia
    • 4.2Pain in the lungs
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Sore lungs: what symptoms and what to do, the causes and treatment
    • 5.1What does the nature and location of pain indicate?
    • 5.2Pain in the chest
    • 5.3Soreness in the region of the lungs from the back
    • 5.4Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the lungs

Sore of the lungs from the back: what can it be?

According to observations of experts, there are many people who have lungs from the back. This phenomenon is observed with equal frequency in patients, regardless of their age category.

The cause of this condition are problems with the spine, muscles or pathological processes in the lung tissue. In order to understand whether the lungs can ache on the back, it is necessary to consider what pathological conditions can be noted in this area.

Causes of painful manifestations

If we consider in more detail, the unpleasant sensations in the region of the lungs from behind can arise for the following reasons:

The cause can be a variety of processes, so before you stop pain, you should consult a specialist and undergo a thorough examination.

Differential diagnostics

Before appointing a treatment, a competent specialist will conduct a patient interview. Thus it is found out, after what such signs have appeared, how long they proceed, what else signs are marked at the given disease.


If the thoracic segment is affected due to osteochondrosis or back pain, it can simulate pain in the lungs.

It is caused and, manifested not only in the back itself, often resembles the diseases of internal organs.

The attack is provoked:

  • lifting heavy objects,
  • tilt or turn the trunk,
  • .

The condition improves after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or resting in a horizontal position.

It is diagnosed by:

  1. X-ray examination.
  2. in some cases, the doctor may recommend taking an MRI or CT scan.

Treatment of this pathology requires a long and complex. It includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and the use of manual therapy and,.

Inflammation and pleurisy

Does the back hurt with pneumonia? In fact, pain in pneumonia usually does not occur, unless pleuritis or myositis is attached (which happens quite often). The patient, in addition to pain, notes:

  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • temperature increase;
  • increased unpleasant sensations during breathing.

Palpation in such a patient from the side of the lesion causes soreness. During listening, friction noise and crepitation occur.

Pleuris often accompanies such a disease as tuberculosis. Pain is often seen on the tops of the lungs, and also on the side of the back pain is revealed.

Diagnosis is carried out using radiography. When tuberculous lesions, special tests are made, which, if present, will be positive.

Treatment for pneumonia is to take antibiotics. Tuberculosis is treated only by special means.

Lungs' cancer

When does the back hurt with lung cancer? Unfortunately, this symptom is manifested only in the late stage, and the pathology that is not detected in time is often incurable. A person experiences a malaise for a long time, and does not consult a doctor.

Signs of a neoplasm in the lungs are usually not specific. The following are noted:

  1. prolonged cough;
  2. sputum with an admixture of blood;
  3. dyspnea;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. occasionally rise in temperature;
  6. gradual deterioration of the general condition, weakness and cachexia (exhaustion).

Pain in the lung area occurs, as a rule, when the tumor grows into the pleural cavity.

The causes of this disease are not yet fully understood, but there is a hypothesis about hereditary predisposition. The doctor during the examination takes into account the presence of a patient with an anamnesis of relatives with a similar pathology.

Methods of diagnosis:

  • X-ray - gives a fairly clear picture of the lesion;
  • CT or MRI - specifies the localization and extent of the process;
  • Bronchoscopy - allows you to make an examination and assessment of the mucosal trachea and bronchi;
  • Fully confirm the diagnosis with biopsy.

When a tumor is detected, a portion or whole lung is sometimes removed. In this case, the second organ takes on the function of respiration. But after the operation after a while there is pain.

Why does my back hurt after lung removal? There is a scoliotic curvature of the thoracic vertebrae with development and hernia.

To prevent this from happening, you should contact a doctor at the slightest disadvantage and use the full program of treatment of the spine with:

  1. stretching,
  2. taking anti-inflammatory drugs,
  3. obligatory occupations of physiotherapy exercises.

It is impossible at such deviation:

  • carry weights,
  • stay for a long time in a sitting position at the table.

Inflammation of muscles

Can pain cause muscle disorders? At their inflammation there is a reflex spasm and an edema. This phenomenon is called and leads to the emergence of severe pain. The cause of the condition can be:

  1. excessive physical activity,
  2. injury,
  3. infection.

If the process extends to the back muscles, the patient feels that his lungs are hurting from behind. The pain is aching, intensified during movement with the involvement of a damaged muscle.

When palpation, there is a hardening. A long-term process can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy.


Intercostal neuralgia also leads to pain. If the nerve is infringed on the right side, an unpleasant sensation will appear on the right side of the back and with the transition to the front of the chest.

It is necessary to distinguish pain syndrome in neuralgia from lung pathology or acute phenomena. When the intercostal nerve is disturbed, soreness is clearly felt during palpation throughout its entire length.

If any painful symptoms appear, consult a specialist immediately for a complete examination and identification of the problem.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Pain in the area of ​​the lungs from the back - causes and treatment

More than 60% of people are faced with the fact that they have a back pain in the lung area in the back at the age of 20-60 years. ANDThe reasons for this can be a lot:osteochondrosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, inflammation, hypothermia and even greater physical activity.

Many are wondering whether the lungs can ache from behind, there is discomfort and heaviness in the right lung, a spasm in the chest and discomfort when inhaling air. And the answer, definitely - yes!

But whatever the reason, the trip to the doctor should not be postponed, because it is a serious disease that will progress.

Why does the back and lungs hurt?

Back heating

Pain in the lungs when coughing and in the back to the left occurs for various reasons that need to be identified immediately, and only then to fight with symptoms and disease. Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that a man has chilled his back and enough warming up, and sometimes the patient is diagnosed with lung cancer.

Also found:

  1. Osteochondrosis;
  2. Hernia;
  3. Pneumonia;
  4. Lungs' cancer;
  5. Ischemia and pathology of the heart;
  6. Neuralgia in the rib area.

Symptoms of the disease

Determine the type of the problem can be based on a number of characteristics that depend on the disease, the stage of damage to the body, the location of inflammatory foci and the general condition of the patient.

Back pain can be classified into the following groups:

Group No. Description

1 Stitching, aching and pressing
2 Moderate, pronounced
3 Constant and occasionally appearing
4 Emergence of inspiration, movement of the chest
5 Giving back, neck and stomach

The remaining signs and symptoms will depend on the disease and the area of ​​the inflammation.

Pathology of the spine

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If the problem lies in the pathology or diseases of the spine, the pain sensations arise when the body moves, have a sharp or aching nature.

On the development of osteochondrosis, hernia and rheumatism can speak a number of signs:

  • Numbness, tingling;
  • Decreased sensitivity;
  • Change in skin tone;
  • Decreased muscle tone, weakness.

Diseases occur without coughing and fever, burning in the right or left lung. Cough may indicate additional inflammation and a cold.


Pneumonia on X-ray

If you feel unpleasant sensations in the chest, the heaviness in the lungs to the left, then there may be problems with the lungs, namely pneumonia or pleurisy.

Then the manifestations are expressed in:

  1. Cough;
  2. Discharge of pus or mucus;
  3. Temperature changes.

Especially the pain intensifies when inhaling-exhaling, during a cough.

It is worth noting, that pain can be reduced if the patient lays on the side where the inflammation is located. Then the serous petals become immobilized and the burning sensation passes.

Additional symptoms of the disease are headache, decreased physical activity and weakness. It is possible to detect pneumonia only after radiography and cytological analysis.


Sometimes tingles in the back from the lungs in cancer, and the last stage, when the disease spread to bone tissue and lymph nodes.

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Then the main signs can be completely absent, but there are such manifestations:

  • Prolonged cough;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Coughing up blood;
  • Poor appetite;
  • General weakness;
  • Exhaustion.

It is also important that the localization of the pain can determine the location of the tumor, which simplifies the diagnosis.

Ischemia and heart disease

With a feeling of heaviness and pain behind the sternum, which gives in the side or arms, it is possible to exclude infarction and angina, and talk about ischemia.

She also has the following manifestations:

  1. Pallor;
  2. Increased sweating;
  3. Difficulty breathing;
  4. Frequent pulse;
  5. Tingling in the chest.

In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately, because complications of ischemia are arrhythmia, heart rupture and atherosclerosis.

Neuralgia of the rib department

If the pain appears in the area of ​​the scapula, behind the back with inspiration, then it may be about the neuralgia of the ribs department. Usually the pain intensifies and spreads over the sternum during movements.

More about the Bole in the sternum, we wrote in this article.

Also observed:

  • Numbness;
  • Loss of sensitivity or its increase;
  • The spread of pain in the area of ​​the hands and lower back.

With the location of the foci at the bottom of the ribs, you need to go to the hospital, as this may not be neuralgia, but pancreatitis.

Inspection in the hospital

To determine the type of disease, there is insufficient external examination or conclusions on the clinical picture.

Typically, patients are assigned differential diagnosis in a hospital, which includes:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Bacteriological and cytological analysis of sputum from the lungs;
  3. Radiography of the spine and lungs;
  4. Bronchoscopy;
  5. A tomography or ultrasound.

Discomfort in inflammation of muscles and joints

Often the cause of pain, cramps and discomfort is a disorder in the muscles. Then they swell and constantly contract, which is called "myositis".

Causes of the problem:

  1. Subcooling;
  2. Great physical stress;
  3. Damage;
  4. Infections and inflammations.

With the spread of inflammation, the pain is felt behind, it increases with the load on the sternum.

If you do not pay attention to symptoms for a long time, the disease will progress, hitting new parts of the body.

Pain on the right side of the lungs

If the pains during breathing and coughing are concentrated in the right side, under the ribs and back in the lung area, then there are several reasons, depending on the clinical picture considered in the table:


Pleurisy, pneumonia and tuberculosis Cough, shortness of breath, blood, high fever and sweating.
Pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis Spasmolytic pain in the lungs or behind the back, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, general weakness and high fever, the feeling that the colitis is under the right side.

Other problems

Often back pain occurs for a number of other reasons, not just the pathology of the spine or pneumonia.

Since the back is an extensive zone in the body of a person, it can be affected by the incorrect work of all internal organs, namely:

  • Hearts, when vasospasm with stenocardia is sufficient for the occurrence of pain that spreads to the sternum and scapula. Even with an infarction, only the back muscles of the back are often affected without the other signs;
  • Lungs, when the inflammation makes itself felt only during coughing, breathing and movement of the chest;
  • Kidneys, when the organ increases in size due to stone and inflammation. Then the pain appears in the back and can give into the stomach, ribs and lungs from behind;
  • Pathologygastric tract, when the drawing pains in the abdomen are projected onto the back, the back of the lungs and the ribs. The cause of this may be a hernia, stomach and intestinal diseases. The back pain in the back of the lungs after eating is increasing.

We advise you to see:

That is why it is recommended to consult and diagnose different doctors to exclude certain diseases by establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Pain Management

Often when patients with back pain, cough, dyspnea and discomfort, and spasms in the chest area from behind, patients take painkillers or blockers like Analgin, Novokain or Renalgan. But they only remove common manifestations and symptoms, but do not treat the disease.

You can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve inflammation and infections in tissues, have analgesic effect.

Accept them only with pathology of the spine and hypothermia of the discs, because with diseases of the digestive tract, they worsen the symptoms. At the same time can be written out hondoprotectors or warming ointments, corsets and compresses.

In diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and lungs, it is necessary to go to the hospital, take antibiotics, autoimmune drugs, go on a diet, sometimes go through surgery.

The course of treatment is developed by a doctor, but depends on the specific problem. After all, self-medication often leads to death or dysfunction of the kidneys, liver and myocardial infarction.


It is important that the patient, when there is pain in the back, immediately go to the hospital and undergo a full diagnostic.

If you delay and do not pay attention to spasms, burning and coughing with pain in the lungs or back, it will be impossible to save from cancer, pneumonia or tuberculosis.

To make the diagnosis independently, proceeding from a pair of signs it is impossible, after all only doctors will render the qualified help on territory of hospital.

It saves not only health, but life!

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Back pain in the lungs

A characteristic symptom of any disease is pain, which can be from mild to constant.

If a person has a backache in the lungs, he begins to worry and turns to the doctor.

This decision is very correct, because the pain in the back area can indicate a variety of diseases, ranging from problems with the spine and ending with malignant neoplasms.

Possible causes of pain

The reasons for the formation of pain can be several. A distinctive feature of vertebral pain is their enhancement with motor activity, straining, and also with the tilt of the head.

In addition, pain can accompany the development of myositis of the spinal muscles.

In this case, the muscles of the back are very tense, there is a slight hyperemia and a slight swelling of the inflamed area.

In this case, pain most often occurs in the morning, after a night's sleep and is enhanced by palpation and physical exertion

In the case when pain in the back is accompanied by shortness of breath, cough, high body temperature, which appears later in the evening, it is necessary to exclude pathological processes in the pulmonary system.

The pain symptom in the area of ​​the lungs from behind may arise due to:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • development of tuberculosis;
  • tumoral formations;
  • intercostal neuralgia, etc.

The reasons can be very diverse, so before you start taking pain medications and other methods treatment, it is necessary to turn to a highly qualified specialist for a more thorough diagnostics.

Clinical symptoms

The symptomatology of the disease makes it possible to understand the causes of the onset of pain from the side of the lungs. This stage is very important for further therapy.

First of all, the nature of pain, which can manifest itself as a result of the disease itself, increased sensitivity of the organism and other related causes, is revealed.

Pain can increase with inspiration and cough, and also radiate into the abdomen, chest area or neck.

On the basis of the definition of pain, other symptoms that accompany this condition are identified.

In the case when the pain is caused by diseases of the vertebral system (osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, etc.), the pain symptom is directly related to motor activity.

The compression of the nerve endings is indicated by the following symptoms:

  1. slight tingling at the fingertips and numbness;
  2. pallor, marbling of the skin;
  3. low threshold of sensitivity in the limbs;
  4. muscle weakness.

Numbness of the hands and tingling in the fingers when the nerve is squeezed

Similar symptomatology is present at various pathological conditions of the spine, including not only hernia and osteochondrosis, but also spondyloarthritis, traumas, osteoporosis, curvature of the spine, oncological neoplasms, etc. Diseases of the spine are confirmed by diagnosis in 50% of all of cases.

Differential diagnostics

To determine the cause of the emergence of negative symptoms, it is necessary to carry out a differentiated diagnosis, on the basis of which further tactics of treatment are determined:

1. With the development of osteochondrosis

When lesions of the thoracic spine due to osteochondrosis, as well as intervertebral hernia, pain in the area of the lungs in the back is provoked by a jamming of the nerve end and quite often resembles some internal disease.

A painful attack occurs when lifting weights, tilting, torso turns and deep breaths. Pain is stopped after taking NSAIDs, as well as rest lying down. For the diagnosis is used X-ray, MRI, and if necessary CT (computer tomogram).

X-ray of spine disorders as a result of osteochondrosis

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, complex measures are required, including anti-inflammatory drugs (Orthofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren, etc.), painkillers (Trigan, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, etc.), as well as massage and therapeutic physical Culture.

2. With IHD

In the event that the pain is localized in the chest area with irradiation into the lungs, under the scapula and the left arm, It is necessary to exclude diseases of the cardiovascular system (pre-infarction or infarction, as well as angina pectoris). These pathological conditions are extremely dangerous, and in the absence of timely assistance can lead to the death of the patient.

Characteristic signs of IHD are:

  • strong, unceasing pain;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath and rapid pulse;
  • anxious state.

In severe cases, an atypical course of ischemic heart disease may occur, which makes diagnosis difficult and can be complicated by complications of various kinds (arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock and aneurysm).

3. With pleurisy and pneumonia

If the lungs begin to ache in the back, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the pulmonary system. It is characteristic that pain in the development of pneumonia is caused solely by the attachment of myositis or pleurisy.

In addition to the pain symptom, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. persistent hyperthermia;
  2. increased fatigue and general weakening of the body;
  3. tingling in the back during breathing, especially with a deep breath;
  4. shortness of breath and severe cough.
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Palpation (palpation) reveals local soreness in the back area, auscultation (audition) can be heard crepitation (slight crackle, crunch), as well as noise resembling friction. Pleural pains often accompany the development of tuberculosis. In this case the pain is localized in the upper part of the lungs, and in the back area there is pain in the region of the trapezius muscle.

Listening to pulmonary rales

Diagnosis consists in carrying out radiography, and for tuberculosis, a number of special tests are performed to determine a specific pathogen.

Therapeutic measures for lung diseases are, first of all, in antibiotic therapy (Ampicillin, Cefazolin, Oxacillin and etc.), as well as antitussive drugs and preparations for liquefaction and excretion of sputum from the lungs (Libexin, Bromhexin, Ambrobene and etc.).

In addition, to reduce temperature, Paracetamol or Aspirin, as well as pain medications, can be prescribed. Treatment of pneumonia requires an integrated approach with the implementation of a rehabilitation period aimed at restoring the immune defense of the body.

4. In malignant neoplasms

When pulmonary pain occurs in the back area, the possibility of a malignant neoplasm should not be ruled out. The severity of diagnosis is the late application for medical care, since until a certain time the disease is asymptomatic.

The signs of the neoplasm are practically no different from the typical picture of spine diseases.

It is noted that:

  1. a prolonged cough with sputum, in which blood veins are present (a similar symptom is in pulmonary tuberculosis);
  2. shortness of breath accompanied by dyspnoea;
  3. increased sweating and weakness;
  4. periodic hyperthermia;
  5. deterioration of the general condition and the onset of cachexia (exhaustion).

A clear picture of the malignant neoplasm allows us to identify the radiographic examination and biopsy (the removal of the affected tissue by the definition of malignancy). If necessary, MRI, CT, bronchoscopy, etc. are prescribed. From the diagnosis, the necessary volume of therapeutic or surgical intervention depends.

Lung cancer on X-ray

Sometimes pain in the back area occurs after the removal of a part (whole) of the lung. At the same time, the respiratory load falls on the second lung, but at the same time it is possible to develop scoliotic curvatures of the vertebrae in the thoracic region with subsequent protrusions and hernias.

5. With muscular inflammation

A common cause of pain is inflammation of the muscles, which can be caused by:

  • general cooling of the body;
  • incorrect distribution of the load on the muscles;
  • various kinds of trauma and infection.

When the inflammation spreads to the region of the dorsal muscles, the patient may feel that there is pain in the lung area, from behind. The pain symptom is enhanced by the involvement of damaged muscles in the movement. In this case the pain can be constant, and at a palpation the muscular spastic stricture is defined.

When untimely assistance is possible, weakness, and sometimes even a complete muscle atrophy. As the treatment prescribed painkillers, anti-inflammatory therapy, exercise therapy and massage (after withdrawal of acute symptoms).

6. With neuralgia

Quite often, the cause of the appearance of pain in the back of the lungs are intercostal neuralgia, which even in the absence of severe symptoms can adversely affect the overall well-being patient.

It is characteristic that the pain syndrome directly depends on the localization of the pathological process, for example, with inflammatory the focus to the right of the pain will be present in the right side of the back with irradiation to the left side (the front of the thoracic cells). To suspect development of a neuralgia it is possible and at a pricking in a scapular area at an inspiration.

Local pain with intercostal neuralgia strong, similar to lumbago

When palpation is determined by soreness along the nerve, and in the area of ​​inflammation there is a decrease in sensitivity and numbness of the limb.

It is important to distinguish neuralgia from other diseases in the first place in order to prescribe adequate treatment, which includes the use of external analgesics (ointments, creams and gels), anti-inflammatory and massage.


The insidiousness of the onset of a pain syndrome in the back is that such a symptomatology can mask many diseases, including the spine.

Many patients do not attach particular importance to such manifestations, mistakenly believing that this is the usual cold, which leads to late treatment for qualified medical care and complications of the situation.

However, the correct diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, after performing a full diagnostic and laboratory tests, on the basis of which further appropriate therapeutic measures are appointed.

Therefore, it is extremely important when the lungs get hurt from the back, immediately go to a medical facility. This will prevent severe, and in some cases, lethal, consequences for the patient.

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Why does my back hurt in the lungs?

Pain in the back area between the shoulder blades, right and left - what to find out what can be the cause of back pain in the area of ​​the scapula. With pains in the back in the lungs area is widely used Midokalm.

These drugs reduce muscle tension, significantly reduce back pain in the lungs, facilitate the exercise of exercise therapy.

These diseases are very serious, and these are the only signs when the back is hurting in the lungs.

If you suddenly fall ill with a back in front and behind in the lungs, you should not self-medicate. To smear a back warming ointments with effect of anesthesia?

In the scapula, pain can occur for various reasons, and not always because of problems associated with the spine. Practically every person with a pain in the back and waist is familiar.

Even sitting in an uncomfortable position, after a while you can experience discomfort or there will be a sharp pain in your back.

But from the expressed... These diseases contribute to pinching the nerve bundles, which is the reason for the reflection of pain in the lungs.

Pain in case of pneumonia

But the hallmark of the emergence of pain in diseases associated with the spine is that pain occurs when sudden or unsuccessful movements occur. The development of diseases associated with the lungs is a great danger. This disease is caused by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the lung tissue.

If there is inflammation of one lung, then to the above symptoms will also add dull pain in the vicinity of the side. This pneumonia is called one-sided.

This is the name of a cancerous growth in the upper part of the lung. Like many diseases, often causing a fatal outcome, lung cancer begins to develop almost imperceptibly.

They can also irradiate to the upper limbs, back and stomach, neck and shoulder.

Germination of the tumor in the ribs or spine causes the emergence of intense and painful pain.

The causes of the appearance of such a disease as cancer of the apex of the lung, as in cases with other oncological diseases, are unknown.

Can manifest as small cell lung cancer. Symptoms of cancer can be taken for a cold with the osteochondrosis that joined it. Hello! Back pain can be very diverse and arise for a variety of reasons.

Pain in the lungs

I advise you once again to see a doctor (perhaps it makes sense to turn to another specialist) and do a lung X-ray.

In addition to treating the underlying disease with back pain (regardless of the cause), painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants are used.

With back pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed. Anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated in cases of stomach diseases (peptic ulcer).

The main anti-inflammatory drugs that should be used for back pain include: Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac. Anti-inflammatory drugs that are used in the treatment of back pain are available in the form of ointments, tablets, gels and injectable solutions.

Typically, patients (including the elderly) with back pain are well tolerated by Midokalm. In most cases, with back pain, Midokalm is taken 150 mg three times a day.

To improve the effect of muscle relaxants, their use should be combined with exercise therapy. Especially since the true cause of the pain is not clear. One of the types of such ailment is pain in the lungs, in the back.

Most often it occurs either as a result of the lesion of the thoracic spine, muscles in this area or lung disease.

A sudden attack of acute pain in osteochondrosis can be caused by sudden movement, tilt, turn or awkward lifting of the weight.

If the problem is really in the pathology of the spine, the pain is greatly increased if you press your chin to chest or strain.

The root of the problem can be hidden in various ailments: from the usual ARI to cancerous tumors in the lungs.

Do you have a backache and ribs? The reasons for these feelings are worth exploring. Because of varicose leg disease, working people become different pains and depending on how they are related to meals: hungry, early, late.

When your back hurts in the area of ​​the scapula, do not put on various ointments, lie down at home and wait for a miracle of healing. In this case, the type of inflammation is very serious and the most dangerous.

In the acute form of the disease, a bothersome dry cough that can be worried for a long period of time is excruciating.

Sluggish pneumonia is reflected in the patient's lethargic state, chills, severe headache, lack of normal appetite.

With these diseases, the nerve endings are infringed and the pain reflected in the lungs, ribs and extremities. That is why it is so important with pain in the back and lungs to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Only in the hospital you can establish the real origin of pain.

A source:

Sore lungs: what symptoms and what to do, the causes and treatment

Whether lungs can hurt or be ill; be sick? From the anatomical and physiological point of view - no, since the lungs lack nerve endings that could take painful impulses and discomfort associated with them. Most often, problems with the lungs appear in the form of a cough and difficulty breathing.

Pain in the lungs is a fairly broad concept, which can serve as a sign of diseases respiratory system, as well as gastrointestinal tract, neurological problems, possibly even musculoskeletal system. But why do the lungs ache, and what is hidden behind this symptom?

Pleura, trachea and bronchi contain receptors, which can give a signal of pain when coughing and breathing. The main thing is that the pain in the lungs can indicate the most unexpected diagnoses.

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It is important to be aware of how the lungs ache with various diseases, and to know the main causes that contribute to the occurrence of painful sensations. This is necessary in order not to get confused in the situation when there is pain in the chest of unknown etiology.

What does the nature and location of pain indicate?

In order to understand the cause, which provoked painful sensations, and also for carrying out reliable diagnostic measures, the patient it is necessary to indicate the strength of the painful sensations, their nature, whether there is cough, shortness of breath, whether the use of pain relievers preparations.

Pain in the chest

Distinguish the following causes of pain in the lungs:

  1. Only one lung is affected. Pain in the right lung, exactly, as well as pain in the left lung, indicates a problem not only with the respiratory system, but also nervous, about violations of the functioning of the digestive system, as well as problems of musculoskeletal system.
  2. Angina pectoris. The attack of angina is accompanied by a rapidly growing pain behind the sternum, which can cover the left shoulder, the left half of the chest. The main companions of attacks are a feeling of fear, difficulty in breathing, pallor of the skin, increased sweating, the patient becomes hard to breathe. The intake of simple analgesics is ineffective in this case, since the pain is caused by spasms of the coronary vessels. It is recommended the rapid acceptance of Validol, Nitroglycerin. An angina attack lasting more than two hours can talk about myocardial infarction.
  3. Tracheitis. With tracheitis, soreness is localized in the upper part of the sternum and has a scratching character. Cough - dry, "barking". You can alleviate the condition with the help of warm drinking, wrapping, rinsing your throat. When fever is prescribed taking antipyretics (Paracetamol).
  4. Bronchitis. With bronchitis, pain in the lungs is diffuse, and an accurate indication of localization is not possible. When trying to breathe deeply, attacks of dry cough occur, which after a couple of days turns into productive, sputum is excreted with an admixture of pus. There are complaints of weakness, dyspnea, heart palpitations. In addition, bronchitis is accompanied by fever, headaches, and lack of appetite.
  5. Dry pleurisy. This disease is a companion of tuberculosis, pneumonia, rheumatism. Pain in the lungs is stitching. If a person coughs and takes a deep breath, then the pain tends to intensify. Another typical place of localization is the right hypochondrium. The patient instinctively tries to lie down on the sick side, as this reduces the pleural movements, and, accordingly, helps to alleviate the painful sensations.
  6. Exudative pleurisy. Most often, tuberculosis contributes to the development of this disease, which can lead to pulmonary fibrosis. First there are complaints of pain in the side, a noise of friction of the pleura, dry cough has a painful nature. Gradually, the heaviness begins to be felt, the intercostal spaces widen out and become smoother.
  7. Pneumonia. The cause of the disease is pneumococcus. In this case, one or more lobes of the lungs suffer. In the beginning of the disease there is a tingling in the chest, fever, severe chills, intoxication, redness of the cheeks. The sick person coughs all the way. Cough is excruciating, bloody sputum is of rust color.
  8. Soreness in the bones. Damage to the periosteum covering the ribs is accompanied by strong painful sensations, localized in the focus of the inflammatory process. In this case, the chest bone and lungs hurt. This can be caused by traumas of the bones of the chest, oncological and dystrophic lesions of the bones.
  9. Soreness in the joints. Pain in the joints that serve as joints of the bones of the chest is usually provoked by arthritis, arthrosis, neoplasms. The joint swells, there is hyperemia, pain when making movements.
  10. Soreness in the muscles. Myositis occurs as a complication of an infectious disease, excessive physical exertion. The muscle looks thickened, palpatory examination causes painful sensations in the patient, a fever is felt. Muscles can become more sick when the patient tries to change the position of the body. For cysts and shortness of breath, myositis is not characteristic.
  11. Painful sensations in the intestines. The diaphragm divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities. In the case of increased gas formation, there is a strong paroxysmal pain localized to the left of the sternum, which disappears after the removal of gases from the intestine.

Soreness in the region of the lungs from the back

Many people sometimes have a backache in the lungs. What to do in this situation depends on what became the reason for the emergence of this state.

When the treatment is prescribed, the doctor will find out what was the root cause of the pain in the lungs the sides of the back, as and when, there were such symptoms, what is their duration, other complaints patient.

Usually the lungs get hurt from the back in case of such diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis. With this ailment, pain in the back area may erroneously resemble pain in the lungs. Painful sensations arise as a result of infringement of nerve roots.
  • Pneumonia and pleurisy. As a rule, pneumonia does not cause back pain, except in cases when there is a complication in the form of a lesion of the pleura from the side of the back.
  • Lungs' cancer. Strong pains appear at the last stage. The back hurts in the lungs area when the tumor grows into the pleural cavity. Before this, the patient experiences a strong weakness, prolonged severe coughing, hemoptysis, periodic fever, exhaustion.
  • Myositis. If the lungs hurt from the back, then this may indicate myositis. Myositis occurs against the background of prolonged exposure to low temperatures, excessive loads, injuries, infections. With the spread of muscle inflammation in the back area, there is a feeling of aching pain from behind.
  • Neuralgia. Pain in the lungs can also be caused by exposure to nerve endings. If the nerves are infringed on the right or left side of the back, first there is a pulling pain, which gradually shifts to the front part of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the lungs

In order to conduct adequate therapeutic tactics concerning painful sensations in the lungs, it is necessary to conduct diagnostic procedures with the appropriate specialists.

If such complaints arise, the patient should consult such specialists:

The review of our reader - Natalia Anisimova

Recently I read an article that tells about the means of Intoxic for the withdrawal of PARASIT from the human body.

With the help of this drug you can FOREVER get rid of colds, problems with respiratory organs, chronic fatigue, migraines, stress, constant irritability, gastrointestinal pathologies and many others problems.

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  1. therapist;
  2. phthisiatrist;
  3. cardiologist;
  4. oncologist;
  5. traumatologist.

If the pains have arisen for the first time, and their onset has a sudden, paroxysmal character, it follows immediately call an ambulance, and consult a doctor about the initial recommendations for improving the condition patient.

With the development of pain of any strength and localization, it is necessary to undergo an immediate examination, which consists in a comprehensive study of the problem area:

  • One of the most optimal diagnostic methods is considered an x-ray in three projections. In this way, many lung diseases are diagnosed.
  • Another excellent diagnostic method is computer and magnetic resonance imaging. This is an indispensable way to diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system.
  • If there is a suspicion of swelling, then in this case, the optimal option for conducting diagnostic procedures is biopsy. To conduct it, diagnostic doctors examine a small piece of tissue from an unhealthy area.
  • Instrumental methods of diagnosis should be accompanied by general studies of blood and urine. The indicators of the presence of inflammation is increased ESR and the number of white blood cells.

If the pain arises in relation to the pulmonary system and is of a bacterial nature, then to facilitate the condition, it is necessary to take the antibiotics of the latest generation. Drugs of choice can be Ziproplet, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolinum, Auromitaz.

It is also necessary to take drugs that help to sputum (Lazolvan, ATSTS) and against coughing (Sinekod, Tablets for coughing).

The compulsory complex of treatment includes multivitamins and immunostimulants.

Drug therapy should be complemented by physiological and rehabilitation procedures, but only after complete relief of the acute inflammatory process.

Absolutely all who complain of the occurrence of pain in the lungs should be strictly observe a strict bed rest or sparing regimen, adhere to a rational diet rich in high-calorie food. Alcoholic drinks and smoking are completely excluded.

Are you sure that you are not infected with parasites?

According to the latest WHO data, more than 1 billion people are infected with parasites. The worst thing is that parasites are extremely difficult to detect. With confidence, you can say that absolutely everyone has a parasite. Such common symptoms as:

  1. nervousness, sleep and appetite disorder ...
  2. frequent catarrhal diseases, problems with bronchi and lungs ...
  3. headache…
  4. smell from the mouth, plaque on the teeth and tongue ...
  5. change in body weight ...
  6. diarrhea, constipation and pain in the stomach ...
  7. exacerbation of chronic diseases ...

All these are possible signs of the presence of PARASITES in your body. PARASITES are very dangerous, they can penetrate the brain, lungs, human bronchi and multiply there, which can lead to dangerous diseases. Diseases caused by parasites take a chronic form.

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