Chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis of the spine


  • 1The best chondroprotectors: reception of preparations at a cervical osteochondrosis of a backbone, the price
    • 1.1Chondroprotective drugs in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis
    • 1.2Taking medications and their benefits on the spine
    • 1.3Indications for use
    • 1.4Contraindications to therapy
    • 1.5Classification of the best
    • 1.6For oral administration
    • 1.7For injections
    • 1.8Gels and ointments
    • 1.9Why should I take with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 1.10Price
    • 1.11How to choose medicines: instructions
    • 1.12Most Popular
    • 1.13Inexpensive
    • 1.14Natural remedies
    • 1.15Verified
  • 2The role of chondroprotectors in the treatment of osteochondrosis and joint diseases
    • 2.1Mechanism of action of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis
    • 2.2Forms of chondroprotectors and effects
    • 2.3The rules, which are necessary when taking chondroprotectors
  • 3All important about the use of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis
    • 3.1The effect of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis and joint diseases
    • 3.2Six features of the use of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.3Varieties of chondroprotectors
    • 3.4Forms of release
  • 4Preparations chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis of the spine
    • 4.1Causes of violations
    • 4.2What are the preferred forms of issuance?
    • 4.3Classification
    • 4.4Application features
    • 4.5Who is contraindicated with chondroprotectors?
    • 4.6Adverse Reactions
    • 4.7Interaction with other drugs
    • 4.8Additional recommendations
  • 5The effectiveness of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis
    • 5.1What are chondroprotectors?
    • 5.2What to expect from the use of chondroprotectors
    • 5.3Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 5.4Thoracic osteochondrosis
    • 5.5Lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 5.6Natural chondroprotectors
    • 5.7Some recommendations

The best chondroprotectors: reception of preparations at a cervical osteochondrosis of a backbone, the price

The vertebral column consists of vertebrae, between which there are peculiar elastic pads, shock absorbers - disks. The health of the ridge largely depends on their condition.

Changes in the discs cause problems: they sag, change in height, the vertebrae can move away from the correct location, the hernia appears. Anomalies of this kind are called osteochondrosis.

Causes of problems:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • long stay in wrong poses,
  • excessive load on the ridge,
  • malnutrition,
  • overweight.

As a result, microcracks can appear in the disks, depletion of the cartilaginous layer occurs and deformation. Such phenomena lead to loss of water, pathological changes and aging of disc tissues.

Cartilages have an elastic structure and sufficient moisture due to the presence of chondroitin sulfate in them. it decreases in the tissues of the discs from the listed reasons. With age, destructive manifestations are exacerbated.

Chondroprotective drugs in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis

The fact that with the spine, not everything is in order, the systematic pains in it or in the extremities are signaling. The earlier a patient comes to help a doctor, the more he can count on.

The specialist gives an appointment for a comprehensive treatment. The program consists of consecutive events:

Depending on the depth of the problem, some items in the appointment are not taken into account.

Taking medications and their benefits on the spine

Medicines that contain substances necessary for the normal state of cartilage: chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are called chondoprotectors.These substances are related by the fact that glucosamine is a precursor of chondroitin.

Chondoprotectors are food for cartilage tissue, their use increases its elasticity and ability to retain moisture.

Treatment with chondroprotectors causes a number of processes in the body.

In the blood, the number of cartilage metabolites, tissue fragments increases, the restoration of the cartilaginous tissue is reflexively activated, immune processes are included.

The accumulated experience shows that the use of this dosage form contributes to the normalization of the cartilage composition and restoration of their functions, therefore the means are shown to be used when the first hints of disease. Practitioners say that if the damage to the discs at the initial stage, it is even possible to fully restore them.

If the disease is very neglected, therapy improves the condition of the discs, in any case, participates in stopping their pathological changes. To use restorative means follows longly, the positive effect comes gradually.

The course of admission is approximately three months, the doctor can extend it up to six months. After a three-month break, it is recommended that treatment be resumed.

Indications for use

Drugs should be taken only as directed by a doctor. The specialist conducts a survey, diagnoses and determines the depth of the problem. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, he makes a selection of medicines.

They are assigned for problems:

  1. injuries of the spine,
  2. spondylosis,
  3. osteochondrosis of the spine,
  4. postoperative period,
  5. inflammatory processes in the spine,
  6. calcium deficiency in bone tissue.

The doctor prescribes the drugs during the remission period, when the acute phase of the disease is extinguished.

Contraindications to therapy

The means of chondroprotective action are perfectly tolerated by the body. In some cases, they load the liver. Therefore, caution is not shown to take them because of:

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding,
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • intolerance of components.

Classification of the best

  1. Created from bone marrow and cartilage of animals and fish:
  2. The basis of chondroitin sulfuric acid:
    • Chondrolon,
    • Honsurid,
    • Chondroxide,
    • Arthron chondrex,
    • Mukosat.
  3. Means containing glucosamine:
  4. A remedy representing the composition of mucopolysaccharides:
  5. Means of chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory action:
  6. Means of complex composition:
    • Arthron complex,
    • Formula-C.
    • Teraflex.

For oral administration

Capsules or tablets are for long-term use.

Three months later the first positive changes are planned. A stable result comes six months later.

These include:

  • Piaskladin,
  • Formula-C,
  • Don,
  • Teraflex,
  • Arthra,
  • Structrum.

For injections

They are faster in the body compared to the tablet formulations. The course is prescribed up to twenty injections, and then it is recommended to switch to tablets.

Ampoule preparations:

  1. Adelon,
  2. Alflutop,
  3. Holtrex,
  4. Chondrolon,
  5. Elbona.

Gels and ointments

The basis of this means is chondroit sulphate. Among the ointments, the most famous is Chondroxide.

Means of external use are used, rubbing directly into the problem place. They relieve pain, edema. The effect can be combined with other means.

Why should I take with cervical osteochondrosis

Because of its mobility, the cervical region suffers first. Preparations to improve the state of cartilage work equally in different parts of the spine. They are appointed, depending on which problem arose and the degree of destructive processes.

With the recovery of the cervical department for the regeneration of cartilaginous tissues, tablet preparations are often used.


To be treated a month, you will have to spend about 4000 rubles. You can ask a specialist to make a selection of drugs that are suitable for treatment, but are relatively inexpensive.

Approximate cost of some preparations:

Name of the preparation The price of one package, rub.
Don 990
Chondroitin 300
Traumeel 400
Teraflex 900
Glucosamine 300

How to choose medicines: instructions

To designate that some remedy is the best, and the other is much worse. The course is selected by a specialist in the analysis of the survey.

It can be several drugs, which should be taken alternately.

Most Popular

An excellent result from the use of hondoprotective drugs in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis is observed if their application is combined with physiotherapeutic procedures.

The most commonly prescribed are:

  • Chondroitin,
  • Don,
  • Chondroitin AKOS,
  • Teraflex,
  • Arthra,
  • Kondronov,
  • Formula-with.


An example of a medicine at an inexpensive price can be Chondroitin AKOS, its price is four times less than Teraflex or Structum.The drug Chondrolon is half the amount of a similar drug - Don.

Natural remedies

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate can be obtained with food.

They are present in such dishes and products:

  1. cold,
  2. fish and meat cook,
  3. in jellied fish,
  4. soy.

The drugs from the cartilage and bone marrow of animals and fish are natural.


Experts positively characterize Alflutop. It includes hydrolysed cartilage of the Black Sea fish species.

Traumeel, Diskus compositum, Object-T - effective means of homeopathic action. Contain hydrolysates of cartilaginous tissue, minerals and organic raw materials. Synergistic interaction of components enhances the regeneration of cartilage.

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The role of chondroprotectors in the treatment of osteochondrosis and joint diseases

The disease "osteochondrosis" (the name in translation from ancient Greek means "bone + cartilage") is a dystrophic change in the spine.

This process is started with the destruction of cartilaginous structures of the spinal column - at the initial stage of the disease intervertebral discs are affected.

Weakened and sagging, they shift the load on the vertebrae, which leads to their deformation, destruction of intervertebral joints and further development of pathology.

To stop the destructive process, and improve the condition of the cartilage tissue in osteochondrosis, doctors use chondroprotectors. Drugs in this group with prolonged intake contribute to the regeneration of cartilage in the body, but how effective are chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis of the spine?

Intervertebral discs lose their inherent elastic qualities in pathology, resulting in a marked decrease in mobility of the spine. Cartilage tissue becomes thinner, often loosened, delaminated and deformed, unable to withstand the load from the vertebrae.

Because of this, the distance between the vertebrae is significantly reduced and compression of the spinal roots leaving the spinal column occurs. Therefore, the disease is accompanied by quite strong painful sensations.

Why does the cartilage tissue deform? The main reason for the problem of the medical profession is considered to be the now widespread "sedentary lifestyle".

Unfortunately, simultaneously with the comfort of achieving civilization, humanity was doomed to spread diseases associated with low mobility.

Also, dystrophic changes in the spine can lead to:

  • frequent slopes, extension and bending of the body;
  • too large loads peculiar to professional sports;
  • trauma of the spine;
  • infectious processes;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • poisoning with chemicals;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the spinal column;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • frequent stress.
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Due to research it became obvious that the destruction of cartilage is due to the insufficient content of chondroitin, an element that retains moisture.

Today, special preparations have been created, which contain chondroitin, which make it possible to significantly alleviate the condition of the patient with diagnosed osteochondrosis.

The group of these medicines was called "chondroprotectors".

The term chondroprotectors, translated from Latin, means "cartilage protection". This is a group of biologically active substances necessary for the construction and renewal of articular cartilage.

Mechanism of action of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors have been developed recently, so there is no unanimous opinion on the benefits of their use. Nevertheless, you can try to determine whether these tools are needed or not, by examining the mechanism of their action.

Chondroitin is produced by chondrocytes - the cells that make up the cartilaginous tissue and the synovial fluid that fills the joint bag.

Part of the medical workers are sure that the drugs have an effect only on the liquid.

Therefore, positive dynamics is noted when using chondroprotectors in the treatment of joint arthrosis.

However, vertebral joints are devoid of synovial fluid, so the use of ointments and tableted forms of chondroprotectors for the spine is simply meaningless. At best, a short-term placebo effect is observed.

Forms of chondroprotectors and effects

However, this is the opinion of only a part of the doctors. Practical results show that the use of chondroprotectors gives a persistent positive effect in the treatment of degenerative changes in the spine.

However, when using tablets should adhere to a large dosage of the drug.

This is due to the large size of the molecules of the active substance of the chondroprotectors, which need time to "get" to the affected area through the cell membranes.

There is also a difference between the dosage of injections and oral agents.

For example, for comparison, when a chondroprotector is inserted into the joint bag, injections need to be injected every other day using only 100 mg of the substance.

Reception of the same drug in the form of tablets should occur 2-3 times during the day for 750 mg.

Since the cartilaginous tissue practically does not lend itself to regeneration, new medications will not help cure osteochondrosis. But with their help you can stabilize the situation by suspending the destructive process.

Today, in order to reduce symptoms, non-steroidal drugs are used in most cases. Some of them have significant side effects and poor tolerability.

Unlike them, chondroprotectors almost do not have any side effects.

On the contrary, modern drugs favorably affect the circulatory system and even normalize the metabolism in bone tissues.

Why complex treatment of joints and osteochondrosis must necessarily include the use of drugs-chondroprotectors, the video tells the doctor.

Of course, this series of drugs requires a long course of treatment. Do not expect an instantaneous positive reaction from taking chondroprotectors. However, to increase the speed of their action can be used in combination with other means.

Usually the course of therapy lasts about 2-3 months. Increases the effectiveness of drugs combination with physiotherapy procedures, such as iontophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetophoresis.

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How to choose chondroprotectors? Which chondroprotector is better?

A special classification has been developed, allowing to place in separate groups preparations with a similar composition:

  1. Chondroxide, Chondrolon, Mucosate, Structum.
    These drugs are based on chondroitin sulfate.
  2. Alflutop, Rumalon.
    For the production of chondroprotectors of this group, natural bone marrow and cartilage of animals and fish are used.
  3. Arteparon.
    The drug is based on mucopolysaccharides.
  4. Arthron flex, Don, Elbon.
    Chondroprotectors with glucosamine content.
  5. Arthron Complex, Artra, Teraflex, Formula-C.
    The composition of funds include chondroitin, a vitamin complex and glucosamine.
  6. An arthrod.
    A drug with anti-inflammatory components and chondroitin.
    Chondroprotectors of the new generation have a number of advantages:
  • they are better tolerated by the sick,
  • have a pronounced therapeutic effect, as well as an additional anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, thereby reducing the volume of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken,
  • restore the structure of the cartilage in the joints, improving the metabolism, stimulating the production in the tissues of the organism of its own chondroitin.
    Contraindications for taking medications are:
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestine or stomach;
  • hypersensitivity to individual ingredients of a pharmacological agent.

To improve the effect of chondroprotectors it is possible, using special recommendations.

The rules, which are necessary when taking chondroprotectors

During the treatment of osteochondrosis, involving the use of chondroprotectors, to ensure the best result:

  1. should be avoided a heavy load on the site of the spine or a certain group of joints;
  2. every day you need to take a leisurely walk for half an hour;
  3. During work every hour should rest 15 minutes lying or sitting;
  4. at fullness it is necessary to achieve weight reduction;
  5. you need to balance the diet by adding more fiber, as well as mineral components and vitamins;
  6. it is necessary to perform an uncomplicated gymnastic complex, doing exercises sitting or lying down;
  7. you can not subcool the body.

If in the initial stage of the disease to use these recommendations and start taking chondroprotectors in a lumbar, thoracic or cervical osteochondrosis of the spine, you can completely get rid of the pain and restore the functions of the intervertebral joints.

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All important about the use of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors are a group of drugs that correct metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

In addition to drugs, there are a number of dietary supplements with a similar mechanism of action.

They stop the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, stimulate the metabolism and production of hyaluronic acid, restoring the lost functions of the joints.

Chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis of the spine come with the composition of complex treatment, positively for recovery affect the mechanism of the development of the disease - destruction in the intervertebral discs.

It is proved that the development of osteochondrosis is affected by the quantitative and qualitative content in the cartilaginous tissue Chondroitin, which retains moisture, stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, supporting elasticity.

Due to various reasons or natural aging of the body, its content in the cartilaginous layer decreases. This leads to dystrophy and deformation of the discs.

The same function is performed by glucosamine, an indispensable component of cartilaginous tissue, which is the precursor of chondroitin.

Chondroprotectors fill the deficiency of these substances (these substances are in the composition of the drugs and (or) the chondroprotectors stimulate their synthesis in the body).

Osteochondrosis of the spine begins with a pathological change in the intervertebral cartilage, sothe use of drugs-chondroprotectors in the treatment is aimed at the root cause of the pathology and the suspension of the destructive process.

Further in the article we will talk about the important nuances of the use of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis, their effects and varieties.

The effect of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis and joint diseases

The therapeutic effect of chondroprotectors is due to the action of the components that make up their composition.

Pharmacological industry produces drugs based on chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, as well as their combinations with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and other drugs.

The raw materials for the production are the components of bones, bone marrow, hyaline and other cartilages of sea fish and domestic animals. There are preparations developed on the basis of legume and avocado extracts.

Positive actions from the use of chondromodulators:

  • stimulation of the production of new cells of cartilaginous tissue,
  • restoration of cartilaginous tissue with normalization of metabolic processes in it,
  • normalization of biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid,
  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • reduction of loss of calcium ions by bone tissue,
  • increase the stability of cartilage to overload,
  • prevention of premature aging of discs and vertebrae,
  • slowing the progression of osteochondrosis of the spine with preventing the passage of pathology to healthy tissues,
  • reduction in the frequency of exacerbations.

Although complete replacement or restoration of damaged cartilage tissue does not occur, but a significant delay or suspension of degeneration is clinically proven.

Chondroprotectors predominantly affect the synovial fluid, which is not in the intervertebral discs, so their use is more justified in the treatment of joints, rather than osteochondrosis of the spine.

Six features of the use of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis

The osteochondrosis of the spine is treated by a neurologist or vertebrologist who develops a treatment regimen, selects medications, determines their dosages and the duration of the course. Chondroprotectors are included in complex therapy. Their use has several nuances:

  1. A more pronounced effect of drugs is achieved at the initial stages of the disease, when there is no destruction or necrosis of the discs. With significant destruction of the intervertebral discs, it is useless to use such medications.
  2. Chondroprotectors are long-acting drugs. This is due to the high molecular weight of the main active substance, which causes it to enter the intervertebral disc after a long time after administration. To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to take these medicines in a large dosage.
  3. Restoration of the elements of the discs is very slow, therefore the course of treatment with chondroprotectors is long, ranging from 1 month to 6 months of continuous intake. After 2-6 months, the course should be repeated.
  4. Use gel, ointment or cream with chondroitin in osteochondrosis is ineffective because of the low probability of penetration into intervertebral discs.
  5. A more pronounced effect is observed when the chondroprotectors are combined with physiotherapy, for example, phonophoresis or magnetophoresis.
  6. To achieve a positive result faster when injecting the active substance, rather than taking the tablets inside. After 10-30 injections, you can go to an oral intake (i.e. e. through the mouth).
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Contraindication to the use of these drugs: childhood, pregnancy, intolerance of active ingredient components or allergy, the period of breastfeeding.

Varieties of chondroprotectors

These drugs are classified according to the composition, form and time of release of drugs.

Forms of release

  • Pills,
  • solution for intravenous injections,
  • solution for intraarticular administration,
  • capsules,
  • ointment,
  • cream,
  • gel.

When taking the remedy from the group of chondroprotectors, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the neurologist and the duration of therapy, otherwise the result of treatment will be zero.

It is important to take into account that the chondroprotectors in the form of dietary supplements do not undergo clinical studies. Therefore, their composition, the degree of purification of the active substance and in general its presence is not confirmed by anyone. Accordingly, the effectiveness of treatment can not be said.

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Preparations chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis of the spine

Chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis of the spine are used in complex treatment regimens and contribute to the restoration of the structure of damaged cartilage, normalize the supply of cartilaginous tissues. Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease in which there is a development of degenerative changes in the vertebrae, as well as intervertebral discs located between them.

Cartilage is the most vulnerable element of the musculoskeletal system.

When it wears, there may be complaints of decreased mobility, tenderness, crunchiness, tension, swelling.

Preparations from the group of chondroprotectors are designed to repair damaged cartilage tissues, including intervertebral discs.

Causes of violations

Manifestations of the disease can occur not immediately, but as it progresses. Among the main causes that affect the development of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and neck are:

  1. The impact of intense physical exertion.
  2. Overweight.
  3. Old age.
  4. Systematic impact of vibration - the risk group includes professional truck drivers.
  5. Injuries of the spinal column.
  6. Hereditary predisposition to violations of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  7. Scoliosis, disorders of posture.
  8. Forced necessity to stay in a sitting position systematically and keep the back and neck in a stressed state (office workers).
  9. Systematic stress and excessive psychoemotional stress.
  10. Congenital disorders of the spinal column.
  11. Excess load on the vertebral column can be provoked and flat-footed.
  12. The selection of suitable drugs for the treatment regimen, including chondroprotectors, will depend on the cause that provoked the disease.

What are the preferred forms of issuance?

Chondroprotectors in cervical osteochondrosis have a proper pharmacological effect at an early stage of the disease. This group of drugs is good to apply immediately in several dosage forms in order to achieve a better result. The following dosage forms are available:

  • Injectable forms have a rapid effect on the focus of inflammation and retain a prolonged effect. Injections are done according to a certain scheme, several courses per year. The main indication for the use of this form of drugs are: acute course of the inflammatory process, or late stage of the disease. The doctor can recommend the use of Dona, Alflutop, Mukosata, Elbona.
  • After a course of therapy with injectable medications, the doctor may recommend switching to oral forms in the form of powders, capsules or tablets. They should be taken for a long time: at least 2-3 months and up to six months or longer, at the doctor's discretion. In the future, the course of admission can be repeated. It can be recommended the use of Don in powder, Teraflex, Structum, Arthra.
  • Means for external application in the form of creams, gels, balms. Used as an adjunct to tablets and injections to strengthen the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as accelerate the regeneration process. The doctor may recommend the application of Chondroxide, Chondroitin AKOS, Glucosamine Chondroitin Universal Gel. You can apply the drug 2 to 3 times a day with cautious rubbing movements for several minutes. If the doctor has not prescribed another scheme of use, the course of treatment is 14-21 days. As necessary, the course of using ointments, creams and gels can be repeated periodically.

In the modern pharmaceutical market, chondroprotectors can be found in the form of dietary supplements (biologically active additives) and homeopathic remedies, which fundamentally differ in the mechanism of action and the therapeutic effect of the medicinal preparations.


Often the question arises: what are the best chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis? It should be understood that this group of drugs is extensive, classified by generations and active components. There are several generations of chondroprotectors:

  1. By the 1st generation, Alflutop is a preparation in the form of a solution for injection, which affects the metabolic processes in the area of ​​cartilaginous tissues. Against the background of the use of this tool, often reported on adverse reactions in the form of increased pain, the development of itching and burning at the injection site of the drug, dermatitis. Modern doctors give preference to more effective and safe medicines.
  2. The drugs of the 2nd generation are agents whose active ingredients are chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate, hyaluronic acid: Dona, Structum, Teraflex, Gialgan, Mucosate.
  3. Chondroprotectors of the 3rd generation with a multicomponent composition and a broad spectrum of action. The composition of the 3rd group includes glucosamine or chondroitin in combination with ibuprofen, diclofenac, methylsulfonylmethane. This combination of active substances contributes to the enhancement of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

There is also a classification of funds for active components:

  • Medicines, the active components of which are bioactive extracts from bone marrow and cartilage of fish and animals: Alflutop, Rumalon.
  • Don, Glukozamin Maximum, Arthrakam, Sustagard Atro and Artflex refer to medicines, the active ingredient of which is glucosamine.
  • The means based on chondroitin are: Arthra Chondroitin, Chondroguard, Mucosate, Artradol, Hondrolon.
  • Complex preparations, the active substances of which are chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate: Arthron Complex, Teraflex.
  • Multicomponent drugs, the active components of which are glucosamine, chondroitin and a substance from the group of NSAIDs: Moveks, Teraflex Advance.
  • The drug, which includes chondroitin, glucosamine and a derivative of sulfur, which increases the mobility and elasticity of connective tissues: Arthron Triacin.
  • Means of vegetable origin (soybean, avocado): Piaksledin.
  • Means based on hyaluronic acid. This substance is responsible for the normalization of mobility and the development of a pronounced analgesic effect. On the pharmaceutical market is represented under the trade names Fermatron, Gialgan, Ostenil, Dyuralan, Hyalurum. Hyaluronic acid is a kind of lubricant that damages impacts, has an analgesic effect.

The most popular are glucosamine- and chondroitin-containing drugs.

When complaints of a pronounced inflammatory process and painful sensations, it is advisable to use combined medications: chondroprotector + NSAIDs.

With the use of injectable hyaluron-containing drugs, prolonged medical treatment for up to 12 months can be achieved.

Application features

Before starting to use chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is recommended to pay attention to the peculiarities of using this group of drugs.

Such drugs are well tolerated and have a pronounced therapeutic effect. The therapeutic effect is maintained in the intervals between intake or injection courses.

"One of the most common schemes for using drugs from the group of chondroprotectors is the injection course means, the active component of which is chondroitin with the subsequent transition to oral intake glucosamine.


Additionally, it is possible to use drugs from the NSAID group. "

This method of application allows to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.


There is a mutual addition of such missing components as glucosamine and chondroitin, and a substance from the group of NSAIDs helps to reduce pain and inflammation.

Who is contraindicated with chondroprotectors?

It is recommended to take into account possible contraindications to use, side effects, interaction with other medicines, etc.

Before using any dosage form, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions. Exceeding the dosage recommended by the attending physician and the manufacturer is strongly discouraged.

The use of this group of drugs should be avoided when:

  1. Hypersensitivity reactions against the background of the use of active or auxiliary components of the drug.
  2. Expressed dysfunction of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Treatment of patients who are under 12 years old.
  4. Severe renal dysfunction.
  5. From the use of some chondroprotectors it is recommended to abstain if there is a history of diabetes mellitus, varicose veins.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of this group of drugs can be carried out only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of a physician. Some chondroprotectors (for example, 3 generations) are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women because of the presence of substances from the NSAID group.

Adverse Reactions

Despite good tolerability, in some cases, the development of such adverse reactions has been reported:

  • Violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea, vomiting, discomfort and pain in the abdominal region, bloating.
  • Allergic manifestations: complaints of itching of the skin, urticaria.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Discomfort and soreness in the thorax.

If undesirable side effects develop, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of the drug or completely abolish the use of the drug. In some cases, there is a need to revise the treatment regimen and choose a more suitable medicine.

Interaction with other drugs

When using chondroprotectors, their possible drug interactions with other groups of medicines should be considered:

  1. With a combination of drugs, the active ingredient of which is glucosamine with antibacterial with agents from the penicillin group, a reduction in their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Combination with antibacterial drugs based on tetracycline increases its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If you combine chondroprotectors with drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids, you can reduce the dose or abolish the use of both NSAIDs and steroids. This is an advantage, because such groups of drugs can provoke the development of serious adverse reactions, especially, against a background of prolonged use.

It should be remembered that only the attending physician can correct the treatment regimen, as well as the dosage and the course of use of this or that medicine. It is necessary to inform the doctor about what groups of drugs the patient is taking at the moment and what have been used in the recent past.

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Additional recommendations

People, faced with the problem of osteochondrosis, turn to doctors and pharmacists with the question: what drugs should be better used to treat such a disease?

It is necessary to take into account that the selection of the treatment regimen is carried out individually for each patient, taking into account the degree of disease progression, age, the presence of concomitant diseases:

  • The patient should be prepared for the fact that the effect of chondroprotectors develops gradually and expect a momentary result should not be.
  • To achieve a better result, the drugs should be used for a long time and systematically, without omissions.
  • In addition, the doctor may prescribe the use of other medications, and also recommend the performance of special exercises of therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy.
  • Chondroprotectors can not completely cure osteochondrosis. Their action is aimed at slowing down the destructive process. Restoration of damaged tissues can be only partial, and in the late stages of the disease only radical methods of treatment will help.

Self-medication may be ineffective, which will provoke further progression of osteochondrosis and aggravate the clinical picture.

For the same reason, patients should not fully rely on various reviews for certain drugs and at the first sign of violations seek advice from a qualified specialist.

Preparations chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis of the spinal column Reference to the main publication

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The effectiveness of chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis of the spine are medicines, the active substances of which are chondroitin and glucosamine.

Since these drugs have appeared relatively recently in pharmacology, patients develop relatively many questions: which chondroprotectors are better, how they act on the body, in which cases they are used.

When the bone and cartilaginous tissue of some part of the spine breaks down, a disease occurs called osteochondrosis. Chondroprotectors, used in this disease, help to destroy destructive processes, moisturize cartilaginous tissue and do not allow the reduction of elasticity.

In fairness, it should be noted that not all doctors are unambiguous to the use of chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis. Are they so effective, which ones to apply better?

What are chondroprotectors?

When the joints are healthy, they have cells that produce chondroitin - a substance that moistens the tissues of the intervertebral discs.

But with violations in the joints chondroitin ceases to be developed in the right measure, resulting in tissues and discs are erased and thinned, there is inflammation, which causes severe pain Feel.

This is how the osteochondrosis of the spine arises. Medications for osteochondrosis include:

  • glucosamine;
  • chondroitin sodium sulfate;
  • hyaluronic acid.

With the help of chondroprotectors in tissues, processes are restored that contribute to the fact that the body begins to produce chondroitin. They also help to relieve pain, protect the cartilage from further destruction, remove puffiness, tighten the cartilage tissue and restore mobility.

Chondroprotectors from osteochondrosis are divided into several generations. Preparations of an earlier generation are made from natural products of plant and animal origin.

Next-generation drugs contain in their pure form glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate sodium and hyaluronic acid, and the newest preparations, in addition to active substances, are supplemented with NSAIDs and vitamins.

Chondroprotectors can have different forms of release:

  1. capsules and tablets - to feel the effect, they should be taken for a long time (several months);
  2. ointments-chondroprotectors - reduce pain, relax muscle spasms, relieve swelling; they are not absorbed into the blood, so they can have a purely local effect;
  3. injections - more quickly bring relief; they can be intramuscular and intra-articular.

What drugs will help you better in your situation? With this question it is necessary to address to the doctor as only he on the basis of anamnesis and researches can recommend this or that drug.

What to expect from the use of chondroprotectors

As for osteoarthritis, the effect and effectiveness of these drugs have already been clinically proven. But the features of the anatomy of the spine cause a lot of controversy about the effectiveness of chondroprotectors.

The fact is that there is no synovial fluid between the vertebrae, namely through it, drugs can affect cartilage tissue, therefore, in order for the active drug substance to get into the cartilaginous tissue and give the effect, it will take more time, and also a dose.

Therefore, many doctors consider treatment with chondroprotectors of osteochondrosis inadequate.

In addition, very much depends on the stage of the disease and its severity: the earlier a person turns to a doctor and begins treatment, the faster it will be possible to feel the result.

There are practically no contraindications to drugs, and doctors often prescribe them in fairly large dosages, but we must remember that the liver and GIT organs are under increased pressure. To ensure that the negative effects of chondroprotectors are lower, pharmacists produce NSAIDs and chondroprotectors in the complex.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors with cervical osteochondrosis stimulate the regeneration of cartilage and relieve pain, but the effect of taking the drug can be seen only after 3 months.

Therefore, in the initial stages of therapeutic treatment, analgesics, NSAIDs, drugs that promote blood vessel permeability, vitamins and soothing agents are prescribed.

The best chondroprotectors are Teraflex, Dona and Structum.

The list of side effects of Teraflex is quite extensive: sleep disturbance, leg pain, intestinal distress, swelling of the legs, tachycardia and so on.

The drug is prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis and for some injuries of the spine.

"Don" gives a good effect for cervical osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis.

"Structum" is not assigned to persons with weak blood vessels, poor blood coagulability and those who have not reached the age of 15. It is prescribed for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, arthrosis; in some cases, this drug is recommended in the period after surgery.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

In the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, various drugs are used. Which particular drug will be assigned to the patient depends on the degree of the disease and the general condition of the patient. Most often, "Chondroxide" and "Artra Chondroitin" are prescribed.

"Chondroxide" is presented in tablets or as an ointment.

Contraindications for use are pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug and a predisposition to bleeding.

The drug is transferred well enough, in rare cases there may be an allergic skin reaction in the form of rashes - in this case, the use of the drug should be stopped and consult a doctor.

In "Artra Chondroitin" there are practically no contraindications, side effects too, it is well compatible with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

With regard to use during pregnancy, there are no specific recommendations due to the lack of experience in the clinical use of the drug in this group of patients.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

When osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is most often the doctor recommends the following drugs: "Rumalon "Arthron" and "Artrodar".

These drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, under the age of 13 years, with diseases of organs GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (at reception of the tablet form) and at the started stages of disease (as in this case effect not will be).

Natural chondroprotectors

As is already clear from the above, chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis can be natural and synthetic. Those who do not want to use synthetic drugs, you need to know what are the natural chondroprotectors.

When osteochondrosis is very useful mucopolysaccharides - a complex carbohydrates, which are the main constituent of connective tissue. They are rich in such dishes as jelly and jellied fish.

In the cold, in addition to chondroprotectors, collagen is also present, which is very important for connective tissue.

Mousse and kissel contain a large number of essential vitamins and gelatin, in which there are many mucopolysaccharides.

The spine needs calcium very much, and it can be obtained by introducing dairy products, cheese, sesame, dogrose, almonds, legumes into the diet.

In spinach, bananas, nuts and sunflower seeds, mushrooms contain a lot of magnesium.

In fish, cottage cheese, seafood, cabbage, rye bread, there is a lot of phosphorus, which is especially needed for people engaged in heavy physical work or sports.

In chicken, seaweed, chestnuts, onions, pineapple in large quantities contains manganese.

Some recommendations

Drugs for osteochondrosis will not give an instant effect, so most often notice their effect can only be a few months after the start of admission.

Chondroprotectors should be taken regularly and without omissions. The doctor may prescribe other medications, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics and so on.

Such an integrated approach will make treatment more effective.

It has already been proved that chondroprotectors in different patients work in different ways.

Someone they help and even restore cartilaginous tissue, others - only relieve the pain, but positive effects on the cartilaginous tissue do not have a third - do not feel any effect at all from reception.

Why is this happening, and do chondroprotectors really help, or do positive results in their application - just an accident? This is still unknown, and this issue has yet to be clarified for science.

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