Ointment for rubbing with cough for children

Cough remedy

Cough, as is known, requires cardinal treatment, that is, not the elimination of the symptom, but the elimination of the disease that caused it. The doctor at the reception will explain how to treat the disease, but the recommendations for eliminating the cough symptom are often reduced to the appointment of a single syrup or expectorant tablets.

How to speed up the sputum and recovery, without harming your body?

There are many methods of home use for every taste. They can be used individually or together, thereby strengthening the therapeutic effect.

The most popular home remedies for coughing are sputum excretion - rubbing, compresses, inhalations, potions and syrups, prepared according to the traditional medicine prescriptions.

Rubbing on coughing

Basic rules for the use of grinding

  1. Rubbing can be done for everyone - adults and children, starting with infancy. Of course, it is ideal if the cleansing is approved by a qualified physician, but even in the absence of this condition, the procedure can very rarely harm the patient.
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  3. Rinsing can be carried out as a pharmacy means, and natural, prepared independently. The components that make up this procedure can have a synthetic and plant nature.
  4. It is advisable to do rubbing before going to bed. The thorax is rubbed during the procedure, simultaneously massaged and heated. Strong pressing with this method is not applied.
  5. Rubbing should be any area other than the left region of the chest, otherwise you can damage the cardiovascular system.
  6. After the procedure, it is recommended that the patient wear a T-shirt and be wrapped in a warm kerchief or a blanket.

Means used during grinding

For this healing procedure, goat fat, turpentine ointment, a mixture of castor oil and turpentine in a ratio of one to two are used. You can use butter instead of fat. To enhance the therapeutic effect should be at night to drink lime tea with raspberry jam or buckwheat honey. In addition to the chest, you can rub your heels, and then wear warm socks.

Contraindications to rubbing:

  • skin infections, including venereal diseases, - scabies, Verlhof disease, syphilis;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • extensive bruising and bruising in the chest;
  • swelling of lymph nodes - cervical and supraclavicular;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the structure of the vascular wall with a high tendency to bleeding;
  • acute cardiac pathology;
  • increased pressure or hypertension of the third and fourth degree.

Compresses for cough

Grandmother's remedy will become a wand-rod for those patients who can not take standard cough supplements because of allergies to their components or for any other contraindications.

This is a universal tool that helps not only with coughing, but also with a cold, weakening of the body. Ingredients for the preparation of compresses can be different, it all depends on the patient's preferences and capabilities.

Compresses are not only hot, but also cold, and also dry and water, based on alcohol and oil-based.

Compress based on apple cider vinegar is the most popular among the rest. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix three parts of water with one part of apple cider vinegar, preferably home-made. In the liquid, dab the napkin, squeeze a little and put it to the throat and chest. Put a cellophane on top, then a handkerchief. Lying with a compress for 25-30 minutes.

Adding instead of water to vinegar vegetable or camphor oil, you can make a more gentle skin solution, or rather, an emulsion. This compress lasts 40-45 minutes.

The oil compress consists of vegetable oil. It is possible to add several grams of ethereal - eucalyptus, coniferous. Ideal such a compress for children, even for babies. In the oil you need to lower the towel and wrap the back and chest. To put on a tracing paper or a special parchment for compresses, then a warm kerchief. It is recommended to withstand this procedure for the night. Patients using the oil compress noted a significant improvement in the condition already in the morning.

Another interesting cough compress for children can be made using cottage cheese. One hundred grams of cottage cheese should be kept a little on a water bath or in a modern microwave oven, then mix it with the same amount of honey. Lay out the composition on a towel or napkin, cover them with the baby's breast, put parchment, scarf on top and keep the night. In the morning you need to see the cottage cheese. Folk healers claim that if he looks like a cake, then the child has no inflammation of the lungs, if it's yellowed, it's necessary to call a doctor immediately.

Honey compress is prepared from linden honey. The chest is rubbed on it, wrapped in cellophane and a handkerchief, the composition is aged for 26-30 minutes. Contraindication to the use of such a compress is the allergic reaction to honey and pollen of plants.

For the preparation of the composition, two medium-sized black radishes have to be processed on a shallow grater. From the resulting mass squeeze the juice. In the juice should be dipped linen or cotton towels and wrap them back and the baby's chest. Put a tracing paper and a handkerchief on top and hold for half an hour. At the time of removing the compress, you need to lubricate the baby's skin with petroleum jelly or baby cream. In addition, you can give a child a herbal warm tea with a spoonful of honey or raspberry jam.

Combs from cabbage leaf for children

This compress will have a beneficial effect with a wet cough with abundantly departing sputum. After removing a few cabbage leaves from the head and putting them on a water bath for a while, the leaves of the baby's chest should be covered with leaves, wrapped and left for the night. Repeat the procedure two more times. Sputum when using such a compress departs much faster and easier.

It should be remembered about the contraindications to treatment with warming compresses.

  • Damage to the skin and inflammatory skin diseases, for example, furunculosis, erysipelas, lichen, carbuncles or eczema.
  • Body temperature over 3, degrees.
  • The pathology of the circulatory system, accompanied by heart failure.
  • Atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels.
  • Venous pathology - thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
  • Propensity to bleeding.
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs in the phase of activity.
  • Acute infectious diseases, an active inflammatory process.
  • Inflammatory diseases, accompanied by pain, swelling, flushing (redness) of the skin, local increase in temperature.

Cough Inhalation

By purchasing an inhaler, a person can greatly simplify his life, especially if he suffers from chronic lung and bronchial diseases or is prone to frequent colds.

Inhalation of fine substances containing medications, dilutes sputum and speeds up its excretion. With a dry cough, inhalation moisturizes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, facilitating its course. The method of inhaling medicines is good because it does not violate the integrity of the tissue of the lungs and bronchi, and its effect is immediately apparent.

For the procedure it is possible to use pharmaceutical formulations for inhalation, and natural solutions made at home can be used. They can include various herbs, essential oils, as well as baking soda. The effectiveness of baking soda is due to the fact that sodium bicarbonate decomposes into a base, that is, alkali. And alkali, as is well known, has the property of breaking up sputum molecules linked together. It becomes more fluid and lighter and faster leaves the bronchial tree.

To prepare liquid for inhalation, you can use infusions or decoctions of marigold, chamomile, St. John's wort, raspberry leaves. The effect of inhalation will be more pronounced if after it a light chest massage is performed using pine essential oil.

Inhalation liquid used for wet cough

In the container put the flowers of the same nettle, linden, eucalyptus, sage. Each herb one teaspoonful. Pour boiling water. Insist on the order of ten minutes. Pour the product into the inhaler. Then start inhaling the resulting broth. Stop inhalation should be when the solution becomes a little warm. The approximate time of one procedure is 18-20 minutes.

Inhalation fluid with prolonged or severe cough

In an inhalation container put three tablespoons of soda food, pour it with boiled chilled water. Inhale solution for 7-10 minutes.

Alkaline inhalations have similar effect - with mineral water. Ideal for the procedure will suit "Narzan" and "Borjomi". After releasing carbon dioxide from the mineral water, you need to fill it in the nebulizer tank. Inhale up to five minutes.

Eucalyptus inhalations

To prepare medicinal fluid, you need a glass of infusion of eucalyptus leaves and ½ teaspoon of honey, previously diluted 1k2 cup of boiled water. Mix both solutions and, bay in the inhaler, inhale for 10 minutes.

For inhalations, you can use directly expectorant medications. For example, inhaled ambroxol is much better and will have its effect faster than taken in the form of a pill or syrup. In addition, the drug immediately enters the bronchi, it is immediately absorbed into the blood through their mucous membrane and continues to operate at a new level.

You can arrange around the room where the patient is, saucers with sliced ​​garlic and onions. These products have excellent antiseptic properties. Phytoncides and oils emitted by vegetables purify the air of microbes and virus particles, but also have a positive effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

For conducting home inhalations there are general recommendations, compliance with which will make the procedure more pleasant and effective.

  1. Clothes on the patient should be free, comfortable, not constraining movement. The material from which it is made is natural and pleasant for the body.
  2. We need a positive attitude toward the procedure, a calm and even mood, a belief in the effectiveness of inhalation.
  3. The intake of food before the procedure should be no later than an hour and a half, otherwise the patient may experience nausea or vomiting.
  4. When inhaling air from the inhaler, you need to hold your breath for a few seconds after each inhalation. This will allow the drug to spread better over the surface of the bronchial mucosa.
  5. At the end of the inhalation, you must lie quietly for about 30 minutes, or more. It is not worth talking about, drinking or eating, avoiding all sorts of throat strain.

Contraindications to inhalation procedures

  • Propensity to nosebleeds.
  • Pulmonary insufficiency.
  • Heart failure.
  • Arterial hypertension is higher than the second degree and more.
  • Other severe cardiac pathology.
  • The raised temperature of the patient - more than 3, gr.

If the patient has any chronic illnesses, inhalation must appoint only a doctor. In any case, the pediatrician appoints the children of inhalation. Particularly responsible for this issue is to treat if the child is under two years old.

Rules of inhalation in children

  1. During the procedure, the presence of an adult observer is mandatory.
  2. If the inhalation is steam, you can start it only after waiting 15 minutes after boiling water.
  3. Care should be taken to select the drugs for the procedure - some of them are poorly tolerated by the children.


Effective way to defeat cough and cold is the reception of medicines, both pharmacy and home.

Egg Cure with Dry Cough

To prepare the product you will need an egg yolk, a pinch of soda, a tablespoon of butter and honey, preferably buckwheat, a glass of milk. In milk, dissolve honey, add butter, mix well. In the resulting solution, fill with soda, then pour the egg yolk. Again carefully mix. Take this remedy on one teaspoon 4-6 times a day before meals. The medicine is very effective in curing inflammatory diseases of the lungs and respiratory tracts - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

Potion of black radish with prolonged cough

Radish fruit finely chopped or grated on a large grater. Fall asleep with sugar or pour honey. After a while, juice will start to stand out. Drink the medication every hour on a tablespoon.

When using any medicines, do not forget about the possible side effects. These remedies are used carefully in people with increased allergic sensitivity to pollen and food products, as well as people with diabetes, since the medicine contains sugar or honey.

Some popular folk methods of treating a cough

Medicine based on garlic and onions

To produce it you need: garlic - one head, onion - 8-10 heads of medium size, milk, preferably not pasteurized. In milk boil the onions and garlic until soft. Add honey, about 50 grams, stir. Take 1 tbsp. spoon hourly.

Cream oil for coughing

Two tablespoons of butter to mix with two egg yolks, a teaspoon of flour and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Take one spoon every two hours.

Brazilian remedy for coughing

This folk remedy is widely used in Brazil, but it should be noted that domestic pediatricians quite often recommend it for cough softening in children.

Two ripe bananas must be passed through a sieve or wipe on a fine grater. Then put them in a saucepan, pour a cup of hot water, you can add sugar. Warm up the mixture, but do not boil. Drink half a glass three times a day. Before each use, reheat again.

Cowberry juice in the fight against cough

This primordially Russian remedy helps you to get off stagnant sputum faster. To make it mix together in equal quantities freshly squeezed lingonberry juice and sugar syrup or liquid honey, slightly diluted with water. Used a tool for 1 tbsp. l. every two to three hours before eating. At the same time you can drink strawberry or lime tea.


Warming ointments for children with cough

In order to get rid of cough you can take pills, syrups, do inhalations, soar your feet and rub yourself with ointments. All at once you can not do it, because you can damage the body and drive sputum from the upper part of the respiratory tract to the lower ones. Before you start treatment, you need to go to the pediatrician and find out the true cause of the cough, and also to specify where all the "evil" is located. If cough occurs due to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, soar your feet and rub yourself with ointments. It is necessary to gargle, treat the runny nose, if there is one, and do inhalations with mineral water. If the bacteria get into the bronchi, then you can soar your feet, apply mustard, rub your ointment. What can I do in any case, is to eat garlic or onions, drink warm broths, teas and milk with honey.

Advantages of warming ointments from cough for children

If the doctor prescribed rubbing with ointment, you can buy a balm "Star ointment "Doctor MOM" or "Badger". At the base of all the ointments are camphor, menthol, thymol and turpentine, which have a warming, antiseptic and sweating effects.

The advantages of warming ointments for coughing for children are in their simple use. You need to take a little ointment and rub for ten minutes in the back, chest, feet and throat, then you should wrap up the baby, put on woolen socks and put him to sleep. If the patient has a fever, warming procedures, as well as inhalations can not be carried out.

Ointment warming from cough for children

Cough ointment is rubbed into the chest and neck, and you can also rub feet. After rubbing the patient, you need to warm it and give it a warm milk with butter and honey.

Turpentine ointment that warms from cough for children is considered effective and safe. Turpentine anesthetizes and disinfects. This ointment contains mucolytic substances that contribute to better expectoration.

Cough is often used Vishnevsky ointment, which contains birch tar, castor oil and xeroform. In order to get rid of cough, you need to compress the Veshnevsky ointment on the chest and back for three hours. After applying the compress you need to warm the chest, wrapped in wide scarves or a shawl. This ointment does not warm, but kills the infection, so it can only be used, at the beginning of the disease.

Warming ointments can be used only four days after the onset of the illness, after the temperature drops. You need to rub a week, do it better before going to bed. "Doctor MOM" is an ointment that is suitable not only for adults but also for children. It includes eucalyptus, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract.

Turpentine ointment for coughs for children

Turpentine ointment is made from the resin of coniferous trees. The main active ingredient is turpentine oil, which penetrates the skin and irritates the nerve endings. After the ointment has penetrated under the skin, the vessels dilate and the flow of blood to the site of the lesion increases, while the person feels a slight burning sensation.

Turpentine ointment for coughs for children is rarely used, as it strongly irritates sensitive baby's tender skin and can lead to burns. This ointment can be diluted with a baby cream: and rub it with children who are older than two years. Before rubbing it is better to conduct an allergy test, that is, apply a small amount of ointment on the wrist and rub into the skin. If there is no rash, swelling, burning or itching, the medicine can be safely used. If a child begins to complain of discomfort, the ointment should be removed with a tissue, washed skin and give anything from allergies.

Turpentine ointment can not be used if the patient has abrasions, cuts, irritations or dermatitis.

Doctor Mom ointment for children coughing

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​can be used even in the early stages of the disease. It contains natural ingredients, such as menthol, thymol, turpentine, eucalyptus and muscat oils. Menthol helps relieve pain and dilates blood vessels. Camphor anesthetizes, reduces nasal congestion and facilitates breathing. Timol has an antifungal and antibacterial effect.

"Doctor Mom" ​​ointment when coughing children should be applied overnight. The child should provide abundant warm drink and a quiet environment. You can not swear and shout at a sick child, the rest of the family should also not quarrel in order to provide a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house. In love and care, recovery comes much faster.

Propolis ointment for children coughing

Propolis is bee glue, which hard-working bees collect from day to day from different plants. The curative properties of propolis depend on which plant the product was harvested from. Propolis contains nicotinic acid, essential oils, vitamins B, A, E and C. It is effective both at the beginning of the disease and at the end. This natural medicine destroys bacteria, germs, strengthens immunity, relieves inflammation, anesthetizes, heals wounds, relieves itching, reduces pressure, and also improves metabolism and circulation.

The use of propolis ointment when coughing by children is considered effective, but can cause an allergic reaction, so use it with great caution. Propolis is used for stomatitis, burns, skin eczema and dermatitis, prostatitis, angina, hemorrhoids, coughs and pharyngitis.

Cough ointment for children up to 1 year

There are no people who would never be sick. Nasal congestion, cough and fever were in each of us. The most common in childhood are upper respiratory tract diseases.

For the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza, Oksolinovaya Ointment is often used, which is not rubbed, but simply applied to the nasal mucosa. Ointment should be applied twice a day and always before visiting public places, where the probability of getting infected increases at times. If someone gets sick at home, healthy family members need to smear in the nose with "Oksolinovoy ointment."

Ointment for cough for children up to a year should be selected together with the pediatrician. Often doctors recommend at this age to use ointments "Doctor MOM "Badger" or balm "Star". Any medicine can cause an allergy in a small child, so you should not choose your own medication, it is better to do it together with a doctor.


Ointments for cough: warming and warming balms for rubbing

Cough ointment is an affordable and effective remedy for external use, which, according to the instructions, can quickly eliminate unpleasant cold symptoms and accelerate recovery.

Ointments for coughing can be of very different effects:

  • Warming;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral;
  • Causing expectoration of sputum.

Antitussive balm can be purchased at the pharmacy, or prepared independently from natural ingredients. In any case, a cough ointment will help to overcome angina or bronchitis if applied several times a day to the chest, neck, back and feet. In addition, it helps to cope with the common cold and strengthens the immune system of the patient.

The great advantage of ointments is that their active substances enter the blood in very small amounts, bypassing the digestive tract and immediately acting exactly where it is needed. Therefore, such drugs have almost no contraindications and can be combined with other drugs of systemic action.

Cough oil ointment based on turpentine

Turpentine warming ointment is not particularly popular among patients, despite the fact that it is very effective for cough and cold, and is cheaper than other means of imported production. This is due to a lack of information about the drug. Turpentine balm has such an effect:

  1. Softens cough.
  2. Removes inflammation.
  3. Neutralizes microbes.
  4. Eliminates irritation and perspiration in the throat.
In turpentine there are substances that act as mucolytics, stimulating expectoration of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. This effect is possible due to the turpentine oil, which is extracted from the resin of coniferous trees. Terpentine oil is quickly absorbed into the skin, penetrates deep into the tissue and irritates the nerve endings.

The blood flow increases, the vessels in the area that has been ripped with turpentine ointment expand several times. Therefore, after applying the ointment, the skin may slightly turn red, the patient will feel warmth and slight burning sensation - this is a normal reaction, indicating that the medicine works correctly.

Turpentine can cause allergic reactions, so before the start of treatment should be a test for sensitivity. For this, a few tools are rubbed into the skin on the wrist and wait two hours. If there is no rash, swelling, redness and irritation, there is no allergy. To enhance the effect, sometimes turpentine ointment is mixed with badger fat or honey.

Such a remedy can be used to treat various chronic diseases of the respiratory system, neuralgia caused by hypothermia, the elimination of pain in radiculitis.

Vishnevsky ointment for coughing

Ointment Vishnevsky can be safely considered a universal external remedy, which is effective almost with any disease. In addition, it is accessible and safe. Very rarely, after using this ointment, allergic reactions and other undesirable side effects occur.

The main active ingredients of Vishnevsky ointment are:

  • Birch tar;
  • Camphor oil;
  • Xeroform.
The most effective for colds, severe coughing, wheezing and chest pain compresses with this remedy. Ointment is applied to the bandage, applied to the chest and throat, from above heat. Keep such a compress so that it does not take more than three hours to work. If you leave it for the whole night, you can get a skin burn.

Patients should pay attention that Vishnevsky's ointment does not have an irritating and warming effect. But it has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as a result of which an infection that causes cold symptoms, including cough, is suppressed.

Some see this as a lack of funds, preferring to use nevertheless warming ointments to treat angina and bronchitis. But Vishnevsky's ointment can be applied even at a temperature, while ointments with a warming effect in the heat and fever are prohibited.

Vishnevsky's ointment is treated only with a cold in the early stages, with chronic bronchitis or a dry cough, it is unlikely to help.

Heating antitussive ointment

A warming balm or ointment with antitussive effect is a whole group of different drugs with different composition and application features, which in a wide range can be found in any pharmacies. Usually these funds are used as preventive if a person has gotten wet feet or freezing.

It is recommended immediately to rub the ointment with breast, back, calves and feet, change into dry and warm underwear, and drink hot tea with lemon. If the first symptoms of a cough have appeared - perspiration in the throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, ointment should be rubbed several times a day, after which it is desirable to lie under the blanket.

Any means with a warming effect can not be used at a temperature - this will aggravate the patient's condition. If the temperature rises, the blood begins to circulate several times faster, the load on the heart grows.

Ointment will additionally increase the flow of blood, which can trigger the spread of infection throughout the body.

Ointment Doctor Mom from a cough

This balm is very popular among patients, it can be used for colds in several ways - as rubbing, as a compress or for steam inhalations. The main component of this remedy is eucalyptus. If the patient is not allergic to this substance, the ointment will have virtually no side effects.

Ointment Doctor Mom has a pleasant smell and unique texture - it is easy to apply and rub, it is perfectly absorbed, but it does not leave greasy marks on clothes and underwear. The product is consumed very economically, one small jar is enough for the entire season for a small family.

For inhalation a small amount of the substance is dissolved in hot water, after which the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme. After inhalation, you should warmly wrap your throat with a wool scarf or handkerchief, and do not go out for at least two hours.

In pharmacies, Dr. Mom is dispensed without a prescription, the price of these drugs in comparison with analogues is low. The video in this article will tell you about what are the cough ointments.


Ointment for colds for children: rub or not to grind?

Virtually no child grows without colds. A fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, coughing are convincing signs that your child has started an inflammatory process caused by a respiratory infection. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children, especially preschool age, are the most common.

In the complex treatment and prevention of such diseases, local topical preparations are often used - various ointments for colds for children. Let's start with those that do not rub off.

Oksolinovaya ointment for colds for children

The most popular is the 5% oxolin ointment, which in the 70-90s of the last century was practically the only drug for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza. Oksolinovaya ointment is a sufficiently effective protective agent against adenoviruses and influenza viruses - due to simple mechanical prevention of penetration into the body of pathogens through the mucous membrane nose. However, this "mechanics" works and reduces the incidence rate during seasonal viral epidemics.

For the prevention of oksolinovuyu ointment for colds for children should be applied twice a day and, before everything, before going to where there will be a lot of people: in a kindergarten, school, shop, on a visit or on a New Year's matinee. Be sure to smear in the nose oxolin and in the case when someone is ill from home. From the deposited ointment (with "stuck" in it with microbes), nasal passages must be freed by washing with warm water.

When treating a cold in children oxolin ointment is applied very thin layer - at least three times a day for 4-5 days. Why is it important not to overdo with the amount of ointment? Because a thick layer can obstruct nasal breathing (with it and so problems during a cold), and the child will have to breathe through the mouth. And then the virus will fall on the unprotected oral mucosa and upper throat.

By the way, despite the solid "work experience" of oxolin ointment, disputes about the effectiveness of its use in therapeutic purposes go to this day. After all, the fundamental research of the therapeutic properties of this drug, imagine, was not carried out ...

But at the heart of the therapeutic effect of the antiviral ointment for colds for children "Viferon" is interferon alpha-2. So this drug belongs to the class of immunomodulators. The use of this ointment increases the synthesis of interferon in the body and reduces the incidence of ARVI. Ointment "Viferon" is effective for the prevention and treatment of various respiratory diseases of often ill children, including children of early age and newborns. For this, pediatricians recommend lubricating the nasal mucosa 2 times a day. The drug has no contraindications and side effects.

Doctor MOM - ointment for colds

The main task of parents in the treatment of a sick child is to act promptly with the first symptoms. It is equally important to act correctly. Many mothers, as soon as a child has a nose or a cold starts, resort to various ointments for rubbing.

In most cases, this symptomatic (palliative) treatment, that is, aimed at eliminating individual symptoms of the disease, gives a positive effect. Due to what it is achieved when using ointments for colds in children?

As part of an ointment for a cold, Dr. IOM, produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company J. B. Chemical & Pharmaceuticals Ltd, there are menthol, thymol, camphor, as well as oils - muscat, eucalyptus and turpentine (turpentine). Therefore, the main effect of this ointment is local irritating and distracting. By acting on the skin receptors, the active substances cause a reflex rush of blood to the areas of the skin smeared with the drug, and in part to the nearby organs.

According to the instructions attached to the drug, the indication of the use of ointment for colds Doctor IOM: colds, back pain and headaches. In pediatric therapy, the manufacturer recommends using it for the removal of cold symptoms and ARI - to relieve the common cold and cough. But this drug is contraindicated for children under 2 years!

Let's try to understand how the individual ingredients of this ointment act on the body. In the end, we are going to treat her own children ...

Menthol - a reflex vasodilator with analgesic effect - is part of virtually all ointments from inflammation and joint and muscle injuries. Camphor (the percentage of which is contained in the ointment by Dr. IOM is the greatest) usually acts as an antiseptic, irritating and distracting, and also as an antipruritic agent. Camphor, like menthol, is invariably present in the same preparations. Turpentine also perfectly treats rheumatism, but it can cause a chemical burn of the skin, and its fumes - irritation of the skin, eyes and lungs.

Further - thymol, which is a very strong antiseptic from the chemical group of phenols. He is able to neutralize even the bacilli of tuberculosis. But its local effect is weak, and when absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it can lead to a typical phenol poisoning - with nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Essential oils of eucalyptus and nutmeg in the composition of ointments for colds. The doctor of the IOM is called upon to facilitate breathing during evaporation. With eucalyptus oil - all right. But the main properties of nutmeg oil: hemostatic, analgesic (with the same arthritis and osteochondrosis), as well as regulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Currently, the ointment for colds Dr. IOM is widely used in the treatment of colds in children: many people say that it significantly relieves the condition of the cold. It is applied to the back and chest (except the heart area), wraps the baby and put it to bed - to sweat. In no case can this procedure be carried out at elevated temperature, as well as in case of skin damage and irritation.

Some manage to lubricate this ointment with even the wings of the nose - in order to "postpone" it. However, experienced pediatricians recommend rubbing with such ointments only the foot of the child's feet, and only at normal body temperature.

Dr. Thyss ointment for colds

"Eucalyptus balm for the common cold. Theiss »- a drug for external use, which includes eucalyptus oil, pinewood and camphor oil. With camphor and eucalyptus oil, we have already figured out (see. higher). Pine needles oil has a number of very useful properties: antiseptic, disinfecting, restoring, anti-inflammatory, general stimulating, diuretic, diaphoretic.

The mechanism of action of Dr. Thyss' ointment is explained by the fact that all these substances evaporate, penetrate the respiratory tract and manifest inherent properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, as well as expectorant (reduce the viscosity of phlegm and improve coughing up).

Dr. Thyss ointment for colds is used as a therapeutic for colds and ARI in adults and children older than two years. It is recommended to rub several times a day in the skin of the chest and back. To keep the heat - wrap. Categorically it is impossible to smear the skin on the face and especially near the nose.

Children aged 12 years and older can be inhaled: in a liter of hot water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus balm and 5-10 minutes to breathe in pairs.

The drug has a whole list of contraindications, including: pertussis, skin damage or skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), as well as a tendency to convulsions, spasms of respiratory muscles and allergies. As side effects, rashes, redness and itching of the skin, headache, dizziness, agitation, seizures (caused by camphor) are possible.

Ointment from the common cold in children

Parents need to remember that ointments from the common cold in children who contain menthol in their composition are not prescribed for children under three years of age.

After three years, it is often recommended to treat the common cold with the help of the "Evamenol" ointment with menthol and eucalyptus oil. The instructions say that the ointment should be applied to the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Ointment from the common cold in children "Vix Active Balm" (PROCTER & GAMBLE) contains all the same camphor, eucalyptus oil and turpentine oil. And instead of menthol - levomenthol, which refers to combined antiseptics for topical application in ENT practice and dentistry.

"Viks Active Balm" is designed to treat colds and coughs in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. But it can not be used for children under two years old, as well as for bronchial asthma, pertussis, false croup and sputum-induced coughing.

Rub this ointment 2-4 times a day: with a cold and stuffy nose - in the skin of the chest, with a cough and sore throat - in the skin of the neck, with a cough - in the skin of the back. The procedure is carried out within 4-5 days.

Among the side effects of this drug noted the possibility of allergic reactions, laryngo- and bronchospasm, skin irritation and lacrimation.

Ointment for colds for children under one year

Infants are particularly difficult to tolerate a cold. And the appearance of the common cold maximally complicates the life of the baby: with a stuffy nose, it is not only difficult for him to breathe, but it is also impossible to suck the breast normally. Therefore, all possible (and safe for crumbs) ways must urgently address this problem.

For example, with the help of ointments for colds for children up to the year "Pulmex Baby". The composition of this drug includes eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils, as well as Peruvian balsam, which is obtained from the bark of the balsam tree growing in the tropical forests of South America.

Ointment "Pulmeks Baby" is recommended to be used as an additional drug in the treatment of cold cough and diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children starting 6 months of age.

The procedure is as follows: a little ointment should be applied to the chest and back - along the middle line, lightly rubbed into the skin and covered with a cotton diaper or towel. Children after three years of this procedure can be carried out twice a day.

In conclusion, it should be noted: it is important not only what we feed and take our children, but alsoThan we weaker from cold. Let them be healthy!


Can I cough cough with vodka, tincture of alcohol?

Traditionally the favorite hot drink from the Slavs has long been vodka. She made merry feasts, lifted the mood, took off stress. Gradually, the alcoholic drink was generally considered a panacea for many diseases. Especially it concerns catarrhal diseases, coughing, bronchitis. But this is far from the case. Vodka for coughing can only help in small amounts: in the form of tinctures or compresses. It has antiseptic, warming effect, helps to strengthen the effect of useful substances of plants and berries. In large doses, vodka is a poison that can burn the mucous membranes of the larynx and gastrointestinal tract. Thus, leading to an aggravation of the disease and worsening of the condition.

Methods of cure for vodka

A very good treatment in folk medicine is tincture of propolis on alcohol from cough. It can be bought at the pharmacy in the finished form. If you do not trust this option, then do it yourself. Propolis can be bought at specialized stores selling honey or at seasonal fairs. For the preparation of tincture on alcohol for cough, it is better to use a pure product purchased at a pharmacy. The main thing that alcohol was without additives. If it is medical, dilute with distilled water to 70 degrees. Usually the prescription of tincture of propolis for cough treatment can be obtained where you purchased it. Most often there is a proportion of 15gr. product per 200ml of alcohol. It is necessary to insist it for 10 days in a dark place, periodically shaking.

There are other popular recipes of traditional medicine that can quickly cure ailment. For example, cough treatment with protein with vodka. What is it? In fact, it's just cow or goat's milk with honey and vodka. All mixed in the same proportions and heated in a water bath. In no case do not bring to a boil. Drink tincture for the treatment of an illness you need before bedtime for a week.

A very effective method of treatment for adults is vodka with cough sugars. You need to make a syrup. For this purpose 150 gr. sugar to melt to brown in a saucepan or a pan. Then pour into it a glass of cold boiled water and mix until homogeneous. In the resulting mixture add 75ml of alcohol, stir and pour into a bottle. Eat one tablespoon ten times a day.

Green pine cones are a unique medicine given to us by nature itself. They contain a lot of useful substances, for example, essential oils and various vitamins, ascorbic acid. This allows the use of cones in the treatment of a wide range of problems. They are especially effective in the treatment of colds. Tincture of cough from cones can be cooked on your own at home. To do this, it is necessary to collect green young cones, in the period of late May - early June. They should be soft and easy to cut with a knife. Usually a proportion of six cut green cones per 200 g of alcohol or vodka is used. Leave to insist for two weeks in a dark place. If necessary, take one teaspoon before eating.

Rubbing vodka in the treatment of cough - recommendations and contraindications

The rubbing with vodka on coughing is effective as a warming procedure. It is best to use in combination with water in half. Do this procedure before bedtime. After grinding, you need to get dressed and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Also, vodka with pepper from cough is also quite effective. But in no case in the form of drinking. Only as a tincture for grinding. To make it, you need to grind the red hot pepper and pour a glass of vodka. Leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. The resulting tincture can rub your back or make compresses on your throat. It is better to perform this procedure before going to bed. Be sure to wrap it around afterwards. The therapeutic effect is manifested only if a person is sweating during sleep.

The main contraindication for rubbing with vodka when coughing is the increased body temperature. Also, if there are problems with the cardiovascular system, it is better to consult the doctor first about the expediency of this procedure.

Most importantly, the treatment of vodka with a cough can be done exclusively by adults. Children of any age, it is absolutely contraindicated.


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