Pachymetry - the principle and features of the procedure

Eye diseases of one degree or another are present in about half of the inhabitants of the Earth. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to periodically check your eyes, are they not susceptible to any pathologies and diseases. There are several very effective diagnostic techniques - and one of them is pachymetry. Let us consider in more detail what it is.


  • 1Method definition
  • 2Application area
  • 3Methods of procedure
  • 4Procedure
  • 5results
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Method definition

Pachymetry is a special instrumental diagnostic method that allows you to measure the thickness of the cornea, that is, the cornea of ​​the eye.With this method of research, reliable data on the condition of the cornea can be obtained, which is very important both for diagnosing various diseases and for planning treatment.

Another method that must be used along with the pachymetry to ensure a qualitative prediction of the state of the cornea is biomicroscopy.

Application area

There are a number of diseases and pathologies in which this type of diagnosis will be the best solution. These include, but are not limited to:

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  • Keratoconus.
  • Keratoglobus.
  • Dystrophy of Fuchs.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Puffiness of the cornea.

Also, this diagnosis is the norm, if you need to check what condition the cornea is after its surgical transplantation, as well as in preparation for various operations, in the first place - to laser correction view.

Please note that there are also several contraindications in which you will need to refrain from carrying out this diagnosis. These include the following:

  • Violation of the integrity of the cornea.
  • Mental illness or drug / alcohol intoxication (may accidentally harm yourself and your doctor during the procedure).
  • Pronounced purulent eye diseases.

Methods of procedure

There are two main approaches to this diagnosis. The first is that it is carried out using a slit lamp, the second method is using an ultrasonic device.


If an approach using a slit lamp (which resembles a microscope) was chosen, then the patient sits on one side of this lamp and places the chin on a special stand. The doctor sits on the other side and watches the eye. A special nozzle is put on the lamp. It contains two parallel glass plates. The lower of them is stationary, while the upper rotates along the vertical axis. The doctor directs the lighting to the desired place and, with the help of the rotation of the handle, measures the indicators on a special scale.

Slit lamp diagnostics

An alternative to this diagnostic is the use of an ultrasound machine. It gives an even more accurate result. The procedure is as follows: the patient is placed on the couch near the ultrasound device, anesthesia is injected into his eyes, then the cornea touches the apparatus attachment. As a result, the thickness of the cornea in different areas is automatically calculated on a special monitor.

Diagnosis with an ultrasound machine

A non-contact approach with a slit lamp may be less effective, but it has fewer contraindications, for example, it can be used even with injuries and purulent processes in the eyes.


The results are directly related to the thickness of the cornea detected during the study. If we take the typical thickness, then it is usually in the range of 9-6 mm. In the region of the limb, the indices can be somewhat higher, where the thickness can reach up to, mm. In this case, the average figure for men will be equal, 51 mm, and for women - 42 mm.

Example of survey results

Daily change in thickness within the range, mm, is permissible.

As a result, the main thing that you pay attention to is the excess of the normal thickness of the cornea. If it exceeds the limits, mm, then it means that the cornea is not in order at the moment, therefore it is necessary to investigate it to reveal further potential disturbances.


One-day contact lenses

Moisturizing eye drops with hyaluronic acid are described here.

All about the method of keratotopography




If you doubt that your eyes are in order, then the pachymetry will be an excellent solution for diagnosing. You can pass it in virtually any public or private ophthalmological clinic.

Also read about such diagnostic methods as visometry and perimetry.