Eye drops Asopt

When glaucoma in a person increases the intraocular pressure. This symptom should be immediately eliminated and deal with it, because in the absence of proper treatment there can be severe consequences. Eye drops Azopt is one of the strongest drugs that can fight such a disease and help people suffering from increased intraocular pressure.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2pharmachologic effect
  • 3Application
    • 3.1Indications
    • 3.2Contraindications
    • 3.3In pregnancy
    • 3.4To small children
  • 4How to use eye drops Azopt
  • 5Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 6Interaction with other drugs
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Description of the preparation

The drug is highly effective in open-angle glaucoma and increased IOP.This drug is made on the basis of brinzolamide and refers to inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase.By reducing the production of eye fluid, Asopt has proven effective in ophthalmic hypertension.It is used, as a rule, as a monotherapy in patients with insensitivity or a contraindication to the use of beta-blockers.

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Drops of Asopt reduce intraocular pressure

Carboangainase is an enzyme present in many tissues of the body, including the structural components of the eyes.The main active substance of Azopta catalyzes or initiates a reversible reaction, in which hydrolysis of carbonic acid and carbon dioxide takes place. Thus, in the ciliary body, the secretion of bicarbonate ions decreases, followed by a decrease in the transfer of sodium and liquid, which leads to a decrease in IOP.

Asopt refers to inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase, which affects the decrease in intraocular pressure.

pharmachologic effect

The main pharmacological action of eye drops Aptop is antiglaucoma.After taking the drug, penetration of the active substance into the blood takes place and the production of brenzolamide increases due to chemical processes. Its connectivity with blood plasma is set at 60%.The drug is excreted from the body for 111 days in an unchanged form.

Asopt is an antiglaucoma agent that has no analogues in composition.


Azopt has its own specifics and features of reception.For a better understanding of what the drug is, it is necessary to read the indications and contraindications.


Azopt is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Open angle glaucoma.
  • In the periods before the operation before the eyes.

In these cases, experts note the extremely high effectiveness of the drug.


These eye drops are contraindicated when:

  1. Hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the drug.
  2. Renal insufficiency.
  3. Hyperchloremic acidosis.

In pregnancy

It is not recommended to use this medication during pregnancy, lactation.

To small children

Until 18 years old doctors do not recommend using this medication.

Before taking the drug, consult a specialist, he can give you additional tests.

How to use eye drops Azopt

To conduct the procedure for instillation of eye drops, shake the bottle thoroughly.

With monotherapy, the drug is used 2 times a day, one drop in each eye. If the case is individual, the doctor can appoint a three-time procedure.

Do not forget about the purity of the bubble.Do not touch the tip of the bottle with your hands or with your eye, this can lead to the development of infection.

Once you have dripped the medication - press the eyelids against each other and press down the slightly nasolacrimal valve.This is highly desirable, because in this way you will significantly reduce the penetration of the drug into the overall system of the body, and this in turn reduces the risk of a number of consequences.

Observe the rules for taking eye drops so as not to harm yourself.

Possible complications caused by the drug

As a systemic drug, Asopt affects the following organs:

  • Violations in the work of the heart.
  • Influence and change on the lymph system and blood.
  • Violations in the field of neurology.
  • Cough, nasal congestion, dryness in the sinuses of the nose.
  • Flatulence, dry mouth, pain near the ribs, there may be a disturbance in the work of metabolism.
  • Rarely, hair loss, rash.
  • Problems with sleep, depressiveness, pessimism, and sometimes hyperactivity and excessive vivacity.

Visual diseases when using the drug:

  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • asthenopia;
  • itching,
  • the allocation of mucus at the edges of the eyes,
  • hyperemia of the visual organs;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis or dry eye syndrome;
  • edema in the cornea;
  • diplopia or double vision;
  • keratitis;
  • photophobia;
  • excessive discharge of tear fluid.

Each person may have complications in different ways, and they can be of an individual character.

Interaction with other drugs

When combined with such drugs that contain inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase, there may be an increase in side effects.There were observations of the interaction of the active substance of Asopt with timolol-based drugs (Arutimol, Okumed), but this combination did not cause any critical results. As for myotics used in combinatorial therapy for glaucoma, there was no indication of the interaction of drugs with Azopt.

In addition to these drugs, some salicylate may cause a negative effect(Acetylsalicylic acid, Aspirin, Diclofenac) in very high doses.

Take Azopt together with other drugs can recommend only a doctor. Do not neglect these rules, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating your situation.



The preparation of Asopt does not have equal analogues in its composition. He has many reservations about the use and side effects, but with a competent approach, these eye drops will make life easier for people suffering from increased intraocular pressure. Especially you need to be careful when using Azopt with other drugs. Do this only after consulting a doctor.

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