Cough in a child 11 months than cure

How to cure a child 1, months cough? Drugs spits out.


Julia Borisovna

and correctly does.

Means "from a cough" are actually preparations stopping tussis (for example, sinecode). They are used in whooping cough. In any other cases, especially if there is a moist cough, they are strictly prohibited. Imagine that a child who has a wet cough (that is, there is sputum) is removed from the cough reflex. The sputum can not go outside, the child does not cough. The result is pneumonia, respiratory failure.
Means that dilute sputum (of plant and synthetic origin) are drugs that do not affect the cough reflex, therefore, do not clean the cough. They only dilute sputum. They are NOT used in children under 3-5 years of age. This is due to the fact that the child does not know how to cough up phlegm, and it "stagnates" in the lower parts of the respiratory tract, increasing the risk of developing pneumonia.. Example: bromhexine, ACC, ambriform, lazolvan, potion with althea root, etc.

There are drugs for "softening the throat." They contain anesthetics (drugs that reduce sensitivity, for example, anesthesin or lidocaine) or enveloping agents. Their job is to reduce the unpleasant sensations in the throat with pharyngitis, sore throat. They do not heal anything. An example is tantum-verde.

instagram viewer

There are preparations containing antibiotics. For example, hexoral. I personally do not understand their meaning. After treatment with antibiotics are subject only to angina caused by hemolytic streptococcus. And the treatment consists in a 10-day course of the penicillin antibiotic. From local treatment, there will not be any sense. Therefore, I tend to attribute hexoral, etc. to a group of drugs that "soften the throat."

Larisa Orekhovich

I made radishes with honey.


The medicine is poured into the cheek. Massage helps on the back. From the bottom up, so that the phlegm is removed.


I rubbed the back with ointment "Doctor MOM hung the peeled garlic at the headboard, a plentiful drink of fruit juice from cranberry or cowberries.

Alexander Parkhomenko

Which is a canyon, dry or wet. And it is better to address to the children's district doctor so that he listened and examined.


dilute the medicine with jam, in sweet tea, milk.. .
all the kids do not like medicine, but moms somehow still give... can still have to insist, show desire and imagination?

Elena R ***

Massage the chest and back with goat fat. You can be bearish or badger.

Liudmila Bulgakova (Ilina)

Aloe with honey, there is also lemon juice and Cahors. Unless of course not an allergy.


And prvilno does!
If you are sick, just Throat, chest and ears inside anoint with warming ointment, such as Gavkamena and wrap your chest, throat, ears, woolen, tea and spatki. The legs and knobs can be opened, depending on what temperature.
We are 100% helpful and more than once treated with snot and cough.
Once given antibiotics, now let's bifidumbakerin - to restore after them microflora! If it's really fucking diarrhea, the more green it is - Liv 52 in pinch 2 times a day.
It is better not to give medicines, they are very harmful, as well as vaccinations, do not reduce the temperature to 39 (if viruses start to die at 38.5), if the baby is normal suffers and there are no cramps, you can lower the temperature by undressing the baby and wiping the handles, legs with cold water, on the head - the line of hair growth - wet towel. A child can not sharply reduce the temperature!
Then put on light clothes.
And drink clean water with the baby, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and its purification.
In bottles, and even more from the tap - the water is dirty, physically and informatively, it is already proven that the water has a memory - [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
At home you can prepare clean water like this:
Enameled pot with filtered or plain tap water should be placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. After 4-5 hours you need to get it. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already caught by the first ice. This water is poured into another saucepan. The ice that remained in an empty pan contains molecules of heavy water that freezes earlier than ordinary water, at +, 0C. This first ice containing deuterium is thrown away. And put the pot of water in the freezer again. When the water in it freezes by two thirds, unburned water is drained - it is "light" water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remained in the pan - this is the protonic water, which is necessary for the human body. It is purified of impurities and heavy water by 80% and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid. It is necessary to melt this ice at room temperature and drink this water during the day.
Get well.

Irina Kobzar

I cough differently and cure differently! do not engage in self-medication and do not try to put compresses and rub the child with various ointments and fats, you will cause only bronchial obstruction!

tatyana neizvectnaya

Go to the doctor, after all the advice of the head around, and when your child will prescribe medications, consult a doctor and decide what is better for you? And then apply your advice safely !!

Jana Strizhak

I to my kid cooked figs in milk and gave to drink warm. It helped quickly.

Than cough cure in a child 11 months cough third week of temperature no blood test shows low hemoglobin



Watching what cough, but in general, helps Ascoril, but best of all - physiotherapy! It will definitely help!

Olga Finogenova

Find out if there is an allergy to anything.

Alexandra Davydova

Most likely, the child has bronchitis or pleurisy. Try to give the child a syrup. "Doctor Momsomely, it helps a lot.


very good syrup "doctor tais" and "gedelix in my opinion you can give from 6 months, but it is better to clarify both syrups on herbs

Remizova Irina

All taki consultation of the doctor is the most correct decision. After all at this age, any disease develops very quickly. But if a cough, simply as a residual phenomenon of the disease, or sputum all somewhere inside interferes, i.e., serious nothing is not good help children's tea HIPP from a cough. Checked.


povushat immunitet i ukreplat zdorovije
na grudnom moloke ili iskustvennik?
tak dolgo ne vyzdoravlivajet - eto o4en trevoznuj simptom!
Iz narodnuh sredstv:
Sok redku s mjodom, po tri kapelki na stolovuju lokku vodu,
moloko s sodoj, maslom i mjodom, tjoploje,
duhat nagretoj solju. Postavte sol v miske na plitu, na 3-4 4asa, i pobudte s mnim v kuhne,
gor4i4niki - na namaslennoje predvaritelno telze, 4erez tkan, 4tob grelo ne meneje 20- 40 minut,
mozno podelat i vodo4nuje kompressu,
gemoglobin povushajet otvar krapivu
immunitet - kremnijevaja voda, ehinazeja
no nado bu i k vra4u,


In my opinion, Auger recently coughed very much, the cough was nocturnal. Doctors said that now in the city such an infection goes (in Yaroslavl), which is treated only with antibiotics. Then at me and the senior precisely also to cough begin, leave, indeed it is such infection.

vikuchka Zaslavski

Znaete mogu posovetovat babuchkin rezept.vozmite stolovuy lozku saxara polnuy poderzite na gaz, vas saxar zagorits, odozdite poka on sgori, rigotovte stakan gorychei vodi i opustite lozku s gorychim saxarom v etu vod, e volnuites nichego ne sluchitsa, ne schitay chto lozka ostanetsa cherno, o eto ne vazn, davaite malichu vipit po chainoi lozechke kazdie 3-4 chasa.prosto naleite vroti, e boites eto isprobovano i ne odnazdi.ochen xorocho pomogaet malicham i ne vredno.obyzatelno pomozet.poprobuite.udachi.da zabila napisat.kachel stanet mygkim uze cherez de, sli budete davat regulyrn, eche cherez den-dva proide, richem pomogaet pri bronxite i prosto prostude.eche raz poprobuite eto ne slozno i ​​ne vredno.udachi

ivan Till

To us it is plausible pravo. hemoglobin raises juice of a beet of a pomegranate a frostbitten pechen try to give. Now about cough sprsi in pharmacies Sedotussin sostaw Pentoxyverindihydrogencitrat

Natalia Vorobyeva

First of all, know that syrups from coughing are a profanation. Do not waste your money and time. I give a recipe, scientifically grounded and time-tested personally by me on all my own and other people's children. (More than 10 years). On a glass of boiled warm water (not hot!) 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (4%), 1 teaspoon of sugar (for taste) and 3 drops of iodine. Stir and give the child a drink for the night (as long as they want, not necessarily the whole glass, enough even 2-3 tablespoons). You can give 3 evenings in a row. And the day is the same, only without iodine - just when the child wants to drink. Forcibly not pour in - there will be no use! I emphasize once again: vinegar is necessarily apple. (I'm buying Baltimore. Now who prepares the vinegar at home himself?). At the bottom there can be a sediment - this is normal (a sign of naturalness). By the way, the situation with hemoglobin affects well. (If you drink this cocktail for a long time, for example, for example). All ingenious is simple. In an acidic environment, bacteria do not multiply. And they cause a cough. Maybe there would be a temperature, but low hemoglobin - low immunity. And with weak immunity, as a rule, there is no temperature reaction of the organism (it has no strength for it). Having made a child a drink - try it yourself. It tastes like a lemonade without gas. Pleasant (especially in the summer it's good!). Sugar adjust to taste - its number is not important, I repeat, it is for taste. Vinegar can also be made less or more (I do not know what spoons you have at home). That the child has not finished - pour out and next time to prepare fresh. (Iodine evaporates). Warm up in the microwave can not. About apple cider vinegar read in the internet - it will be interesting. And keep it not in the refrigerator, but in a dark place. All. Be healthy!

Big girls do not cry

in such cases, drink tonslingon.

How to treat a cough in an infant?

When the baby begins to cough, do not delay, immediately call the therapist. Note that in the body of a small child everything happens swiftly. With a small inflammation, a condition dangerous to the baby can occur. Before you start treatment you need to know what caused a cough in the baby.

Causes of cough in infants

1. Because of acute respiratory viral infection.

2. Because of an allergic reaction.

3. If the laryngeal region is inflamed.

4. When a foreign body entered the respiratory tract, the child was choked with liquid and milk.

5. Because of bronchospasm.

Observance of the regimen of an infant with a cough

It is important that the child does not overwork himself in the disease, calmly playing, moving moderately. Pay attention, forbid to play, it can not be turned, when it moves, the bronchi will be able to clear the mucus that accumulates in them faster and the child can immediately recover.

It is important when coughing babies to perform a small massage of all vital points, easily massage the chest, feet. Gently pat, tap, so sputum will quickly depart, if there is no allergy, you can use vegetable balm.

The child should eat as much as possible breast, let the older children give warm milk, puree from fruit, jelly. The more a child drinks, the faster he will have a large amount of toxic substances, sputum will be diluted and excreted.

Methods for treating dry cough in an infant

In some situations, it is necessary to take mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Well-behaved plants such as elecampane, mother-and-stepmother, juice, cooked with black radish, psyllium, it is recommended to add honey, also cough from a baby can be treated with seeds anise. Ivy drugs are valued, leaves are used for cooking, especially treatment with Gedelix, Proppanom.

If the child has a bad sputum, the therapist prescribes special medications that can be used to make phlegm easier, so the cough is moistened and the baby becomes much better.

Breastfeeding can write such mucolytic drugs as Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. For the first time in a month, a child can be treated with Ambrohexal, with the help of which it is possible to quickly withdraw phlegm, strengthen the immune system.

Cure a child with inhalation. It will need baking soda, alkaline mineral water "Borjomi potato broth. Hold the baby in his arms over the steam.

Traditional methods of cough treatment in an infant

When the child has a high temperature, it is forbidden to conduct warming procedures - use mustard plasters, compresses. Well helps onions with honey, for this it is preliminarily ground, honey is added, everything is infused for an hour. The juice must be poured, the child should be given on a coffee spoon.

Herbs from coughing to a baby

After two months, it is recommended to use a decoction based on plantain, mother-and-stepmother. If the child is 4 months old, he can give a decoction, which includes plantain, mother-and-stepmother. To make it, you need to take 250 ml of boiling water, brew the grass in it, eat before eating. This is the best expectorant drug, note, often a child may vomit, so it is worthwhile to monitor the dosage.

Positive effect on the respiratory organs is the root of the althaea, elecampane, licorice. The plants are mixed, then you need to pour boiling water, enough sex liter, insist 10 hours. The child should eat three times a day.

Cough compress for babies

If the child is not allergic, you can use a compress with honey, you need to make a cake with honey, linseed oil, a small amount of flour. Make a dense cake, it should not spread, then attach to the baby's breast area. From 6 months you can add a small amount of mustard to the cake.

Well warm the breast potato compresses, using goat fat or badger, from above it is necessary to put gauze.

It is important to follow the rules when making compresses:

1. We must first take the fabric, fold it.

2. Medicine.

3. Top with a diaper.

4. Polyethylene.

5. Marl, if not, you can use a diaper.

6. The compress can be placed only on the chest area, it is not recommended on the back that pneumonia does not appear.

If you use goat fat, you should grind not only the chest area, but also the feet. So sputum will quickly depart. When the child has a dry cough, you need to often ventilate the room to humidify the air.

Inhalation for an infant

You can prepare a passive inhalation for a child of two months, you need to heat the bath with boiling water, the room should be all in a couple. This type of inhalation is carried out within 10 minutes. If your child does not suffer from allergies, you can add eucalyptus oil.

The rules for cough treatment in an infant

1. You can not forbid the baby to move, so sputum begins to stagnate.

2. Do not use folk methods on your own, consult a doctor in order to avoid serious consequences.

3. Bathe the child in a warm bath with the addition of chamomile, sage, thyme.

Thus, coughing in an infant can not be started in any case, it is necessary to treat it on time, because there can be serious complications. Do not always immediately need a small child to give antibiotics and a lot of other medicines. First you need to find out what caused a cough in the baby, how it flows, what kind of coughing the child has - dry, wet. Then, make a decision about the treatment. Be sure to immediately consult a doctor, he must listen to the child, you may need to pass some tests to clarify the diagnosis. Also remember about preventive methods to prevent coughing in an infant.

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