Baby cough at night how to help

Dry cough in the baby at night

The appearance of a cough in a child at night indicates that in this way the children's organism is protected from foreign pathogens, microorganisms, mucus. A strong dry cough in a child's sleep helps to clear his throat, trachea and bronchi. Do not worry for a long time about the fact that the child coughs at night - it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of what is happening.

Causes of dry cough at night in a child

Not necessarily the reason for a dry cough in a child at night can be covered in colds or SARS. Its occurrence can be caused by various diseases of the cardiovascular system, parasites, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies or asthma. All these conditions can cause a child to have a dry cough that does not go away for a very long time. A normal condition is fifteen coughs throughout the day. In the event that attacks of a night dry cough are repeated more often, it is necessary to address for the help to the doctor.

There is a situation where a dry cough with snoring is observed in a child at night, and during the day, such symptoms are absent. The thing is that the mucus accumulated in the respiratory system during the day resolves itself and independently there is its removal, while at night the plugs of mucus clog a significant part of the space of the nasopharynx, irritating at the same time receptors. In such a situation, cough is a kind of reflex, arising as a way of cleaning the space of the nasopharynx. Similar processes occur in the lungs. The situation is complicated by the presence in the child's room of dry air, therefore, in order to facilitate air humidifiers should be used to prevent the appearance of dry night cough in child.

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Also, a night cough in a child can be triggered by gastro-food reflux - a disease that is caused by throwing into the esophagus the contents of the stomach. It also happens that the child coughs at night until vomiting, in the event that undigested food enters the oral cavity. Possible occurrence of vomiting as a result of the consequences of the child's disease with whooping cough. In this case, even for several months, the appearance of dry cough as an echo of the transferred disease.

Dry cough in a child at night, how to calm?

All parents who have small children should know how to calm a dry cough at night with their babies. Recommendations on this issue are fairly simple and easy to assimilate.

Often, a dry cough occurs as a result of being in a room with dry air, a consequence which is the defeat of the microorganisms of the mucosa, as a result of which the dry cough. It is quite often difficult to calm down such attacks. To prevent the occurrence of this kind of cough, you should hang wet towels around the perimeter of the room. The result of this hanging is the evaporation of moisture and, consequently, the moistening of respiratory organs and systems. The humidifiers of air, which have long and successfully proved their effectiveness in solving this issue, are of great help in this matter.

Means for calming cough at night in a child

A good remedy for calming a dry night cough in a child is a hot tea with the addition of honey. A glass of tea is enough to dilute with two teaspoons of honey and drink in small sips. After a while, a dry cough will weaken its effect and the baby will feel better. If he does not want to drink tea, you can simply dissolve honey, this method is also very effective and effective.

Good cough alleviates through the use of mineral alkaline water, which helps to soften the pharynx. Before drinking this water the child should get rid of the gases, before going to bed one should drink one glass. If a dry cough is repeated even during the day, in order to calm it, you should drink mineral water throughout the whole period of the disease in small doses. In order for a dry cough to turn to wet, you should drink about three or four liters of water per day.

In order to calm the dry cough, a recipe is recommended that combines milk and soda and is characterized by a specific, not quite pleasant aftertaste. For its preparation, a glass of milk is taken, heated and some soda is added to it. When heating it should be ensured that the soda is not extinguished as a result of overheating of the milk, since in this case the effectiveness of this product will significantly decrease. It is recommended to drink milk and soda several times a day. This makes it possible to calm a dry cough in the child and soon completely get rid of it.

Dry cough in the baby at night, what to do?

If a child continues to dry for a long time, he should be shown to the doctor. In case of suspicion he had any serious illness, whether it be whooping cough or asthmatic bronchitis, The examination should be more thorough, in order that a more accurate diagnosis. If the cause of cough, according to the doctor, is ARVI, parents can help their child by themselves.

Actions for a dry night cough in a child

When a dry cough occurs, the child is recommended to parents:

- Ventilate the child's room before going to bed, it is more often to make a wet cleaning in it;

- to carry out additional moistening of the baby's room or with the help of special devices that moisturize the air, if there is no such device, you can use wet towels, putting them on batteries;

- During the day should give the child more drinking. Well suited broths of rose hips, tea, vitaminized mors;

- shortly before going to bed should be flushing the nasal cavity of the baby with a weak and warm solution of salts;

- in no case should we forget that we should not treat dry night cough in a child with antibiotics and antihistamines. If a child has a dry cough, the following medicinal products may be prescribed by the doctor:

- anti-cough drugs of non-narcotic effect - Glaucine (glavent), Butamirate (Sinekod), Pentoxeverin (Sedotussin), Levropropizin (Levoprint).

- Means against cough of general, mixed action. It can be Stopoutsin, Bronholitin, Tussin plus.

Expectorants for children's night cough

In the event that a night cough occurs against a background of sputum (this is possible in the case bronchitis or pneumonia), doctors recommend the use of the following expectorants preparations:

- Alcoholic syrup;

- elixir of broncholitin;

- glycyram;

- solutan;

- Pectusin;

- Tarmopsis;

- tussine;

- terpinhydrate.

Of course, the health of the child should not be risked. In order to establish the exact cause of the cough and properly appoint and conduct treatment should consult a doctor.

Dry cough at night, in a child, than cure?

With a dry night cough, the child is recommended to give him a lot of fluids. Water helps to liquefy mucus. It is also useful to take measures to moisten the air in the children's room. In the event that the appropriate appliance is not available, you can hang a wet towel in the baby cot. You should not take responsibility for independent decision-making on the question of drugs of the medicinal type, which must be taken to the baby. Appoint them - the prerogative of a doctor. Dry cough requires its own, special approach to treatment, different from the approach to treating a wet cough. Sometimes cough should be stimulated, sometimes muffled.

If the child is not yet six months old, do not grate his breast with ointments for heating purposes. This provokes active sputum liquefaction, which can cause suffocation, because the child is too small to know how to fully expectorate it. Approximately a similar effect has steam inhalation. In addition, thanks to a couple, the infection can penetrate even further along the respiratory tract.

The minimum that needs to be done to make it easier for a child to have a dry night cough is to put it in a different position in a dream. The best position for sleeping a child is the position on his side. It is worth to lower the temperature in the child's room a little - about a couple of degrees. Discomfort this baby does not deliver, but his breathing will be greatly facilitated.

Approximately at the age of five the child already understands that the attack of a cough is not dangerous and will soon pass. To children of younger age at approach of attacks of tussis sometimes becomes simply terrible. Therefore, parents should reassure the baby by picking him up. In this case, parents themselves should be calm, because their condition is transmitted to the child very quickly.

Before you send your child to bed, you should rinse his nose with a weak saline solution. In no case should the child be given antibiotics or antihistamines for the treatment of cough, drugs of this type are contraindicated to him.

If the child is already older than six months, inhalations should be given to treat dry night cough. For children younger than the specified age threshold, these methods are contraindicated for the reason indicated above.

Why does the child cough at night?

Parents are always concerned about the health of their baby. When a child coughs at night, not only does he get enough sleep, but also his parents. Mom understands that this is a sign of the disease, but what? Cough itself is different, like the causes that cause it. To understand this, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic options.

Cough, torturing crumbs at night, arises because of:

  • infectious diseases of viral or bacterial origin (pertussis, measles, acute respiratory viral infection, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, tracheitis, sinusitis, chlamydia, etc.);
  • inflammation of adenoids;
  • infection with parasites - ascarids, hookworms, etc .;
  • gastroesophageal reflux is the casting of gastric juice or stomach contents into the esophagus;
  • allergies to dust, household chemicals, washing powder, pillow filler, etc .;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart diseases;
  • dry and cold air in the bedroom or, conversely, because it is too dry and overheated;
  • getting into the respiratory tract of a foreign object (gum, beads, parts of toys, etc.);
  • teething - during this period, the children increase salivation, and excess saliva can get into the trachea and cause an attack of cough.
During the day, the baby can cough periodically. Attack cough at night is observed due to the horizontal position of the body.

At night, all metabolic processes slow down, including blood supply to the respiratory system. Excessive sputum accumulates, but the sleeping baby does not cough it up. As a result, mucus blocks respiration, so a coughing attack begins.

To clear his throat, the child rises and tries to cough while sitting in bed. In this case, the raised headboard of a children's bed helps - a large pillow or a roller under the mattress in the area of ​​the shoulders.Taking cough medications is a temporary measure that facilitates a night's rest. The most important thing is to find the cause of the pathology and to cure the child.

Cough is a protective reflex of the body, designed to protect and clean the trachea and bronchi from irritating them agents: sputum, mucus, pus and blood, as well as foreign bodies (pieces of food, dust, villi, small items and etc.).

Night cough in a child does not appear by itself and will not disappear anywhere without adequate response. Here is a more detailed analysis of the main pathologies.

Allergic reaction

It is necessary to suspect an allergy if the child begins to cough only when he goes to bed. In infants, an allergy does not begin with the first days of life, it appears later, and no one knows when this time will come. The cause of allergies can be a feather pillow in the pillow, a blanket made of sheep or camel wool, a synthetic veil, poor-quality fabric of bed-clothes or a washing powder used for washing children's clothes and bed-clothes accessories. You need to look at the items in the bedroom: are there any recently purchased items. These can be new curtains impregnated with a chemical, or a wardrobe that emits a "scent of new furniture" - the smell of paint, varnish or glue. Allergies are often accompanied by lacrimation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose. In this case, cough during the day may not be.

Acute viral and bacterial infections

This is the most common cause of nocturnal cough. Sometimes it passes quickly, and sometimes torments children with night attacks. In a lying person, mucus gradually accumulates in the respiratory tract and does not depart. With a stuffy nose, the child breathes with his mouth, and this is very irritating and overdrying the pharyngeal mucosa. As a result, the brain receives additional signals that provoke a cough in a child at night. During the day, mother pays less attention to a child's cough, and at night she wakes up and can not sleep for a long time, which adds nervousness.

Often, children have attacks of an obsessive dry cough at night, this may be a sign of an acute viral illness of the upper respiratory tract.

If the child has a wet cough with escaping sputum, seizures are more characteristic in the morning, as the accumulated sputum departs after taking a vertical position. Prolonged cough for 10-12 days can be a sign of problems with the lungs, especially if a dry cough was not at all. It is possible that a pediatrician will listen to a light baby with a stethoscope and direct it to the chest X-ray. This should be done so as not to miss the onset of bronchitis or pneumonia, even if the cough goes without fever. An ill symptom will be lumps of yellow or greenish mucus that go away when you cough.

After a bronchitis quite often there is a strong cough at night, it is connected with a hypersecretion of a sputum or flowing mucus from a nasopharynx. The doctor after the examination will recommend the means to facilitate the release of sputum from the bronchi.

That the doctor could correctly define, bacterial infection at the child or virus, appoint or nominate analyzes of a blood. Also, when treating a cough for a pediatrician, it is important to know how long the illness lasts and how many days he coughs. After all, the bacterial infection could already join the virus, and this will change the treatment regimen.

A very severe paroxysmal cough, reaching vomiting, can be a sign of whooping cough. The disease begins after infection or as a reaction to the pertussis component of the DTP vaccine received. A strong dry cough swings with an attack, while the child's face turns red, the tongue protrudes, sometimes vomiting occurs. When inhaling, you can clearly hear noise and whistling.

The child should be examined by a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment. To baby could normally eat and sleep, with whooping cough will have to give antitussive drugs that block the cough center in the brain stem. These include: sinekod, glavent, tusuprex, sedotussin.

There are combined medicines that simultaneously affect the cough receptors in the airways and the brain: stoppusin, broncholitin, tussin plus. The doctor will recommend a tool suitable for age, specify the dosage and frequency of admission. Some of these drugs can not be used for asthma or hypersecretion of sputum, and also in combination with expectorants and mucolytic drugs.

Bronchial asthma

Cough with bronchial asthma is accompanied by hissing sounds on inspiration. Cough intensifies in the morning, at this time asthmatics often begin seizures. Observe if the cough aggravates with active games or physical exercises. This is important for diagnosis. Asthma can be transmitted by a related line or manifested as a complication after frequent bronchitis. Do not delay the visit to an allergist, without treatment, bronchial asthma is only aggravated.

Gastroesophageal Reflux

When you visit an ENT doctor, ask him to examine the back of the baby's throat. If there is irritation or redness - it can talk about throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. Then the next doctor on your list will be a gastroenterologist.


Regurgitation in infants should pass by themselves, but if this does not happen, gastroesophageal reflux may develop. The doctor will prescribe additional studies and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

Night cough due to cutting teeth

During this period, the children produce a lot of saliva, and they do not have time to swallow it. Because of this, the crumb chokes and clears throat. Try to lay it on the barrel, putting the folded diapers behind your back, or lift the head of the mattress.

Overdried air in the children's room

Babies are very sensitive to the atmosphere in the bedroom. They need a microclimate with an air temperature of about 22-23 ° C and a relative humidity of 50%. Without an air humidifier or wet towels on a radiator, it is almost impossible to achieve this. If the child coughs at night, try to monitor the conditions in the room. Perhaps this will improve his overall well-being.


The night cough has many causes, so it is important for parents to know them all. Start by checking the simplest options, humidity in the room and allergic reaction, and then go to the doctors and examine the nasopharynx, lungs, stomach and other organs.

If a strong cough in a child at night, what should parents do?

Sometimes a bad cough begins in the baby at night. What to do, parents do not know, and begin to question friends who have encountered such a situation. If parents turned to the doctor, then the problem of a night cough could be solved much faster.

What can cause coughing attacks?

Coughing attacks can cause viral diseases and diseases

respiratory system. Parents should know that some ailments, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and even pneumonia, can occur without temperature. During the day, the child swallows up the mucus that swallows, and while it is sleeping, sputum drips down the back wall, causing a reflex cough.

If the child is suffering from coughing at night, then it can be assumed that he has irregularities in the breathing system. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician, does the child have a predilection for bronchial asthma?

Sometimes coughing at night is caused by an uncomfortable posture in bed or an allergic reaction to sleep accessories. Down or feather fillers for pillows can be a strong allergen.

It happens that the culprit of a night cough in a child becomes overdried air in the room.

How to help a child who coughs at night?

When there is a constant seizure of a strong child cough at night, what should parents do first of all:

  • consult a doctor;
  • exclude suspicions of respiratory system diseases;
  • change bedding;
  • Buy a humidifier or put in a vessel with water without lids.
If the disease is already cured, and the cough continues, for example, after pertussis, attacks at night worry about having had the disease for up to six months, then you can ask the pediatrician to prescribe a medicine that facilitates them flow. Very often physicians in this case are advised to give children lollipops that soften the throat or antitussive pastilles.

There is another way how to relieve coughing at night. It is necessary to make sure that the baby is as little as possible on his back. The position on the side facilitates breathing and does not allow mucus to enter the trachea.

Home remedies for cough relief

Traditional medicine offers a variety of methods that help to soothe a strong cough in a child at night. What can and can not be done?

You can make a warming compress before going to bed. The simplest version of it is made from cooked potatoes, which are pressed, wrapped in a rag and applied to the chest. This means 2 in 1: compress warms, and couples from boiled potatoes act like inhalation.

You can not do an alcohol compress.

Also make compresses from heated oil, honey, apple cider vinegar. Sometimes enough to wrap the neck with a woolen scarf, as did our grandmothers.

If you drop a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the pillow, it will ease the child's breathing.

Children over the age of five can be inhaled, give a steam from boiled potatoes, decoction of chamomile, mother-and-stepmother.

Internal funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine also stop a strong cough in the child at night. What can I do to make the child drink homemade potion with pleasure? Choose those decoctions that have a sweet taste.

Anise with honey in a proportion of 2/1 and several crystals of salt boil in a glass of water. The drug effectively helps to prevent night cough. The only contraindication to this medicine is diarrhea, the broth is weak.

From cough will help decoction of viburnum with honey. Sugary taste should not be, otherwise the irritation of the mucosa will intensify.

Coughing spells are eased herbal teas made from oregano, St. John's wort, chamomile.

Ways mass. You can always choose the one that is suitable for the child. The wrong method of getting rid of cough can do more harm than the cough itself.

Why does the child cough only at night?



Night cough in a child, as a rule, happens in children with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis) and sometimes with asthma. Day cough in children reflects inflammatory changes in the lower and / or upper respiratory tract. This is how the bronchitis manifests itself, the sputum stagnates, the baby turns over and cough starts, and even if it's a cold, then it's with it that all the troubles begin often. And you can help him by calling a doctor at his house so that he listens well to him and prescribes treatment. If there is no temperature, mustard plasters are not superfluous. And not treated only folk medicine, and to pneumonia is not far away. Get well!

Margarita Dyachenko

put him a pillow higher.. It will be easier

Marina Nikolaeva

Probably it's cold to him.


At night, always so and remember and the stomach usually hurts at night, so bear with it, compress make warming


yes not only the child, so at all))))

Denis THE KILLER Kilinsky

the child coughs at night because his drumstick is tickling his leg, and by that, it's the cough that wants to scare him away... himself did so ...


Because during sleep the body is just in such a position, when the sputum can come out of the lungs (something like that someone explained to me) and accordingly irritating the bronchial mucosa occurs a cough more often than in the vertical position. But when coughing honey is good. We are so grandmother treated with a cough. In a spoon, heat the honey so that it becomes fairly warm and liquid and rub it on the breast in front and behind, and heels. it's all ochtym sweet, so on the legs at once toes and on the chest with a back T-shirt and top blouse, it is so absorbed that by morning there is almost nothing left. At what when the child will recover honey will not be absorbed. )) We are so treating children from coughing) Good luck.)

Gulyaeva Maria

Cough occurs at night, because the child is in a horizontal position and sputum gets into the neck. I can advise you here such a recipe. He helped my daughter very much.
Onion milk: bring to a boil or almost to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, this time cut finely 1 medium onion. Put in milk and in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature is 150-200 degrees. Then take out, cool a little, filter. Onion, which will remain in the strainer, put in gauze and squeeze into the milk juice. That's all. You can put more honey - to taste! You can make 1 liter - 2 bulbs... In the oven, it's better to burn in a clay pea! The medicine is very good. She herself did a little daughter (2 years 3 months). Cough was in 4 days... but coughed, could not sleep at night. And without any medication. I gave before bedtime 200 ml before going to sleep - day and night.
If you do not like it and will not drink, then do it with bananas:
Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant.
Also, radish with honey is also a great cough medicine.
Get well! I hope my advice will help you! (if that ask).

natalia linnik

Humidify the air in the room, dry air - a frequent cause of coughing at night. Either purchase a moisturizer, or a wet towel on the battery, and next to the bed - a container with water

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