How to treat tonsillitis

Is it tonsillitis??? How to treat, antibiotics do not help (((


Yole Alfa

Well, what antibiotics? where do you live? if MSK - then I can give an adequate doctor.
Tonsilitis is treated with usual rinses. procedure painless. but not very pleasant (the gag reflex works). but all my friends who used to be constantly tormented with angina and doing constant courses (1 course = 10 times, 1 course is done in 3-4 months) generally forgot what a sore throat. The fact is that in the throat, under the amygdales accumulate a huge number of microbes. and they just need to be washed out.

Svetlana Platonova

bioparox or inhalipt, rinsing with chlorophilic, chamomile, soda and salt ...


Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, mostly palatines. Distinguish between acute tonsillitis (angina) and chronic. Frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis can lead to violations of the function of the heart, the appearance of pain in the joints. Tonsillitis is more common in children. Chronic tonsillitis occurs as a result of repeated angina and acute childhood infections.

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Symptoms: Unpleasant sensations, pain in the throat, giving in the ears, sometimes the smell from the mouth, cough. Often a prolonged temperature in the evenings, weakness, headache, disability.
Traditional methods of treatment: Flushing of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (antibiotics). With complications - the removal of tonsils.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take 4-5 chopped cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of dry shredded herb sage, pour 1L. boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 15 minutes, and cool at room temperature, strain. Take, 5 glasses 3-4 times a day and rinse with this infusion of the throat.
2) Conduct garlic irrigation of the tonsils. Squeeze a little fresh juice of garlic, apply it to the fingertips and grease this juice with tonsils. After this, this procedure can be repeated with the infusion of propolis. This is a very effective tool. Consider that the juice should be diluted with water a little.
3) For pain in the throat, pour a teaspoonful of baking soda and salt into a glass of warm boiled water and add a few drops of iodine. With this solution rinse throat. The pain can pass after 1 day of rinsing.
4) For the treatment of tonsillitis rub 1 glass of raw beets, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar, insist, squeeze the juice with vinegar and rinse your mouth, throat and swallow a bit (1-2 tablespoons).
5) It is good to squeeze into the prepared dishes juice from 1 sheet of aloe. The age of the plant should be at least 2 years. Drink juice for 1 teaspoonful 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1 month.
6) In tonsillitis, lubricate palatine tonsils with aloe juice mixed with natural honey in the ratio: within 1 week.
7) Brew 1 cup of boiling 3-5 clove buds (spice), infuse 2 hours. Infusion to drink or all at once, or on, 5 glasses. The procedure can be carried out once a year as a treatment, as well as with preventive purposes.
8) Lubricate the tonsils with fleece impregnated with fir oil (sold at the pharmacy) 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 days. The effect is enhanced by simultaneously injecting 1 drop of this oil into each nostril at the same time. There may be unpleasant sensations, but they will pass in 10-15 minutes.
9) Collect the flowers of the potato, dry it in the shade. Boil 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 glass of water. These solutions gargle 3 times a day for 10 days.
10) 4 teaspoons of the crushed dry leaves of a sage to make 2 glasses of boiled water, to insist 30 minutes and to filter. To apply for gargles of a throat 2-3 times a day.
11) 3-4 tablespoons of elderberry brew 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool and drain. Gargle as often as possible.
12) Mix 1 part of linden flowers and 2 parts of oak bark. Brew 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the mixture, hold on low heat for 5 minutes and strain. Gargle by diluting the broth with honey.
13) Gargle with fresh potato juice or do inhalation with potato steam.
14) Take 5 gr. kidneys of a pine and flowers of a camomile chemist's. Collect 1 pint of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Do inhalation.
15) Grind 2 yolks of raw egg with white sugar, add butter and take between meals.
16) To make inhalations with essential oils of mint, thyme, eucalyptus.
17) Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped rhizome of calamus (sold at the pharmacy) with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes, strain. Gargle as often as possible.

@ granat @

Oh my God!!! What are you doing for the night... Tonsillitis, at least acute, in my opinion there is no.. Some garbage near the little tongue, I would have gone to the LOR in your place, and there I gaped so much


Does the neck hurt? You have a cold, if, of course, the ear doctor did not diagnose you with tonsillitis, if you have such a diagnosis in amnesia, then I congratulate you now for an exacerbation. Tonsillitis is best treated by washing the tonsils, as pus accumulates in the tonsils, which must be washed away. Antibiotics will not help you here. It would be nice to lubricate the neck with a lugol. Rinse your throat with ROTOKAN, this is a tincture of herbs, in a pharmacy costs no more than 15 rubles. Well, go to a consultation with an otolaryngologist (ENT), the doctor will perform a full-fledged examination and consult you in more detail, can prescribe inhalation and rinsing, as well as rinsing.

Natalia Kiryukhina

This is pharyngitis. Rinse and water.

Olga Gromova

With the slightest pain and inflammation in the throat, Tonzilotrene helps well. I am not the first time I use these pills at the first signs of angina. During the week, all symptoms of the disease pass.

Sergey Golovach

All about tonsillitis and the fight against it I found in the book C. Fysyuk "Chronic tonsillitis. The science of winning. Complete Guide. "

Olga Pecheritsa

If you do not run, tonsillitis can be cured without antibiotics. I had a similar sore last winter. From the nose, mucus began to gather in the throat. Caused frequent coughing and perspiration. The rhinitis did not give rest. For the output of phlegm, the doctor prescribed capsules Sinorm. The drug is based on natural herbs, so it does not harm the body. Did inhalation with eucalyptus oils. The nose began to breathe normally. A few days later, the lumps of mucus began to cough up from the throat. No antibiotics.

Tonsillitis: Definition, Symptoms and Signs of Disease

The term "tonsillitis" refers to the infection of the palatine tonsils.

Your tonsils are small, oval-shaped tissues located on either side of the back of the throat.

They are part of the immune system and help protect the rest of the body from microorganisms that enter the mouth.

But sometimes viruses or bacteria attack the tonsils themselves. If this happens, you will feel sick for a few days.

Sometimes the infection penetrates beyond the tonsils, causing sinus, rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases.

Many different bacteria and viruses can lead to tonsillitis.

In addition, you can easily get infected from sick people. Therefore, the answer to the question "is contagious is tonsillitis" is affirmative.

  • Bacteria that most often cause tonsillitis are called streptococci. These bacteria can also cause sore throat without affecting the tonsils.
  • Without special tests, it is impossible to say what causes the disease, bacteria or viruses. Symptoms are the same.


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If you have one episode of tonsillitis, doctors call it acute tonsillitis. But if you regularly (five or more times per year) are sick with tonsillitis, this is a sign of chronic tonsillitis.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis occur in children more often than in adults. Girls can suffer from his relapses more often than boys.

Symptoms and signs of tonsillitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis include:

  • persistent sore throat;
  • redness of the glands and throat;
  • hoarseness;
  • difficulty of feeding (children);
  • pain when swallowing;
  • fever;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • headache, dizziness, weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen (due to swelling of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity);
  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • increased cervical lymph nodes;
  • white patches on the tonsils;
  • pain in the ear (from nerves that are in the back of the throat and go to the ear).

Less common signs of tonsillitis:

  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • "Fluffy" language (with a touch),
  • "Rotten" smell from the mouth;
  • problems with opening the mouth.

Bacterial, viral and purulent tonsillitis: causes

How does bacterial tonsillitis occur?

Bacterial tonsillitis (photo above) can be caused by a variety of different bacteria, but most often its cause is group A streptococcus bacteria. Tonsillitis can be acute and chronic.

In the past, severe bacterial infections, such as diphtheria and rheumatic fever, were the trigger for the onset of the disease. Fortunately, these days this happens very rarely due to vaccination and improved treatment of these diseases.

  • Tonsillitis is transmitted in the same way as a cold and flu. It is contained in millions of tiny droplets, which when coughing or sneezing "come out" of the nose and mouth of the infected person. Other people inhale these drops and become infected.
  • You can get bacterial tonsillitis by touching the place where such a drop landed, and then touching your face.

How does viral tonsillitis occur?

Microorganisms that cause viral tonsillitis include:

  • rhinoviruses - viruses that cause colds;
  • influenza virus;
  • parainfluenza virus - causing laryngitis and croup;
  • enteroviruses - cause diseases of the hands, feet and mouth;
  • Adenovirus is a common cause of diarrhea;
  • measles virus.

It is important to know

In rare cases, viral tonsillitis can be caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes inflammation of the glands. If so, the patient will probably feel very bad. During the medical examination, enlarged lymph nodes along the entire body and enlarged spleen will be revealed.

How does purulent tonsillitis occur?

Acute purulent tonsillitis is an acute non-specific inflammation of the palatine tonsils, often accompanied by pharyngitis. It is more common in children and adults under the age of 20 years. This disease requires compulsory treatment.

The main causes of purulent tonsillitis are:

  • beta-hemolytic streptococcus;
  • Pneumococcus;
  • a stick of influenza.

Pathogens are usually hidden in the tonsils and are activated when the human immunity is weakened by fatigue, cold or other causes. Then the pathogens quickly multiply and cause the disease.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis:

  • basically - a sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing, often with irradiation in the ear;
  • chills;
  • heat;
  • visible edema of the tonsils;
  • visually visible spots of pus.

This condition can often lead to an abscess of palatine tonsils.

Treatment of tonsillitis: bacterial tonsillitis and antibiotics

Antibiotics are used in the case of bacterial tonsillitis, whose treatment with their help is usually successful. But with viral illness, treatment with such drugs is useless.

The antibiotics of the penicillin group are most often prescribed. People who are allergic to penicillin can be treated with erythromycin. Reviews about erythromycin are pretty good, but you should not self-medicate. This drug should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

Treatment with oral antibiotics in duration takes 10 to 14 days.

  • Drugs containing antibiotics can be prescribed if the symptoms of tonsillitis become worse with time or the patient has a high temperature for a long time.
  • Studies have shown that treatment with antibiotics from tonsillitis can reduce the time of illness by about a day.
  • They also reduce the risk of complications, such as rheumatism, although complications in the treatment of viral and bacterial tonsillitis are rare in any case.
  • Diarrhea, skin rash or indigestion - frequent, but minor side effects of admission.

How to treat bacterial tonsillitis in addition to antibiotics

Home treatment

Treatment at home Folk remedies Rinse throat Inhalation Diet Propolis Chlorophyllipt Massage of tonsils Sea-buckthorn oil CollectionNo.37 Lugol

In addition to taking antibiotics, patients who want to know how to treat bacterial tonsillitis should provide their body with adequate sleep.

  • Patients should respond promptly to weather changes to maintain normal indoor humidity and prevent the body from subcooling.
  • Exercises that improve the body's ability to fight the disease are very useful in tonsillitis. But the degree of physical activity should be adjusted by the attending physician or the physiotherapist. Overstrain in tonsillitis is not the best help and so to the suffering organism.
  • Refrain from smoking during illness.
  • How to treat bacterial tonsillitis quickly and easily? Drink plenty of liquids (not alcohol) and eat semi-liquid foods at room temperature. Hot water or tea can temporarily increase unpleasant sensations in the throat.
  • Try to eat and drink regularly, even if your throat hurts. Hungry and dehydrated people experience symptoms such as headache and fatigue.

Viral tonsillitis and its treatment

If tonsillitis is caused by a virus, it is likely that the immune system will cope with it for several days.

At the same time, there are a number of things that you can do to help yourself or your child while treating viral tonsillitis.

  • With the help of paracetamol or ibuprofen, symptoms such as pain and fever can be alleviated. When taking medication, do not disregard the instructions on the package. Otherwise, you can incorrectly calculate the dose, then the remedy will not work or will have a strong side effect.
  • Patients with indigestion, stomach ulcers, kidney disease or asthma should not take ibuprofen.
  • If you are pregnant, give up ibuprofen and take only paracetamol in accordance with the instructions of a gynecologist or midwife.
  • Children under the age of 16 should not take aspirin.
  • Means such as lozenges and sprays (for example, Miramistin Spray) are often used in the treatment of viral tonsillitis, as gently soothe the unpleasant sensations in the throat.
  • Some people believe that gargling with a soft antiseptic solution can help alleviate sore throat, although there are no serious clinical studies regarding the effectiveness of the solution.

Than and how to treat tonsillitis in adults and children

If you have repeated attacks of tonsillitis or it interferes with daily life, the doctor can suggest the removal of tonsils.

This will be done during an operation known as tonsillectomy.

Most often it is carried out in case of tonsillitis in children.

Many doctors believe that than to treat tonsillitis regularly, it is better to get rid of it once and for all.

  • Removal of the tonsils is carried out under general anesthesia, you will sleep during the procedure.
  • Your mouth will remain open so that the surgeon can see your tonsils.
  • The surgeon will use a special scissors to remove the tonsils and then apply the soluble sutures to the wound.


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Than to treat a tonsillitis radically? Tonsillectomy is the answer to this question. This operation can be carried out in several ways:

  • With the help of surgical instruments. This is the most common method, in which a surgical blade is used to remove tonsils.
  • Diathermy. In this case, a probe is used that creates heat from the electric current to destroy tissue around the tonsils and remove the tonsils themselves. At the same time, heat seals the blood vessels and stops bleeding.
  • "Cold" ablation. The method operates on the same principle as the previous one, but uses a lower temperature (60 ° C). It is considered less painful than diathermy.

How to treat tonsillitis in adults: recovery after tonsillectomy

For those who suffer from tonsillitis and are interested in how to treat tonsillitis in adults once and for all, the answer is one - the removal of tonsils.

  • On average, after the operation, recovery takes 5 to 7 days. You may feel uncomfortable for up to two weeks after the operation.
  • People who have undergone tonsillectomy should refrain from attending work for two weeks. This will reduce the chance to "pick up" the infection from a sick colleague.
  • Speaking about how to treat tonsillitis in adults, we can not fail to mention that after tonsillectomy it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, but avoid acidic drinks such as orange juice, since they will "sting" the unhealed throat.
  • It is important after removing the glands to brush your teeth regularly, it helps fight infection in the oral cavity.
  • Pain sensations usually occur within the first week after the operation and gradually disappear for the second week. Pain in the ear is a side effect of tonsillectomy and does not give cause for concern.

It is worth noting

After the tonsils have been removed, a white coating appears in the throat. Once the throat is completely healed, it will gradually disappear. This process will take about two weeks.

Than to treat tonsillitis in a small child

Sore throat is a classic symptom of tonsillitis, but it may be difficult for parents to understand that the child has a sore throat if he can not speak yet. Watch for a decrease in appetite and saliva. Sometimes a child with tonsillitis may experience excessive salivation, because it hurts to swallow.

Than to treat a tonsillitis at the child till two years? The best treatment is symptomatic help.

  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help relieve pain and fever.
  • Offer the baby soft foods, such as bananas or pudding, and exclude from his diet tough foods such as toast.
  • Encourage fluid intake. With tonsillitis, the organism of babies can easily become dehydrated, because they do not want to drink, if swallowing causes them discomfort. Let them drink gradually, but often. Soup, ice cream and fruit ice cream are also counted as liquids.

Talking about how to treat tonsillitis in a child, it is important to say and about what to treat is not worth it. Antibiotics are usually not prescribed in the treatment of tonsillitis, because these drugs treat bacteria, and most cases of tonsillitis are caused by the virus.


Tonsillitis treatment and symptoms | How to treat tonsillitis

Decreased immunity in the upper respiratory tract, as well as regular attacks of pathogenic microorganisms lead to acute inflammatory processes. So many diseases develop, for example, tonsillitis.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the palatine tonsils. This disease can occur at any age. Especially often, this disease affects children.

One of the main symptoms of the disease are red tonsils in the patient.

Everyone knows other manifestations of the ailment when:

1. pershit in the throat,

2. drowsiness,

3. a periodic increase in temperature,

4. lump in the throat,

5. pain. All these symptoms accompany tonsillitis, while not all signs of the disease manifest immediately.

At what displays of a tonsillitis it is necessary to go to the doctor?

Other symptoms of the disease, the appearance of which indicates that you need to seek help from specialists:

1. duration of tonsillitis more than 48 hours

2. the patient's condition is deteriorating rapidly

3. high salivation (applies to children)

5. sore throat does not allow eating food and water

6. breathe heavily

Tonsillitis can also cause complications such as:

  • the formation of purulent clumps on the tonsils
  • renal inflammation,
  • rheumatism, etc.

Symptoms of caseous chronic tonsillitis

Caseous tonsils of the tonsils appear as a result of the chronic form of the disease. They are formed from dead microbes of epithelial cells, as well as purulent secretions that appear from the lacunae of the tonsils.

As a result of caseous chronic tonsillitis, the following symptoms occur:

1. Of the caseous plugs of the tonsils, microbes enter the blood, thereby poisoning it.

2. The person feels tired, there is a pain in the muscles, and in some cases, the body temperature rises.

3. Tonsils become a place for the multiplication of infection, which can spread throughout the body. And to become the cause of such processes as arthritis, pyelonephritis, rheumatism and others.

Complications of tonsillitis

Relapses of tonsillitis lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. There is dysbiosis in the upper respiratory tract, there is a reorganization of the lymphoid tissue. Further deepening of disturbances of protective mechanisms in tonsillitis leads to even more dangerous consequences.

Disorders of self-purification of tonsils with tonsillitis with a delay in them of leukocytes and depleted epithelium - this all creates a good environment for the multiplication of microparasites. In case the disease with tonsillitis is accompanied by a dysbacteriosis, then this is an exact indirect sign in the organism of helminths.

Helminths in tonsillitis are dangerous in that they contribute to the penetration of a large number of viruses, microbes, protozoa.

Many species of helminths are able to produce larvae living in human tissues; they are also migrate through blood vessels, lingering or permanently settling in capillaries and lung tissue, lymphatic system. And in the nasopharynx, the larvae enter the lymph nodes, which affects the lymphoid ring of the nasopharynx. Larvae of parasites penetrate from the nasal cavity into the paranasal sinuses, which provoke purulent acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. In the glands of the mouth, fungi are added to the larvae of helminths, which cause stomatitis, gingivitis - purulent inflammation of the gums. In diseases of the throat (laryngitis, tonsillitis), nasopharynx and ears, prolonged cough, pneumonia on the mucous oropharyngeal mucosa are chlamydia, which are more common as asymptomatic carriers.

Infection in the palatine tonsils often also acts as a trigger for pathologies:

1. of cardio-vascular system,

2. connective tissue,

3. kidney,

4. endocrine organs.

How is tonsillitis treated with traditional methods and folk remedies?

Chronic tonsillitis is a systemic disease and requires an appropriate approach in prevention and treatment. Treatment of the inflammatory process should begin with detoxification, restoration of the microelement balance, elimination of parasitosis and immune status.

Flushing of the tonsils as a method of treatment of tonsillitis

Problems associated with chronic tonsillitis, to date, remain unresolved. Although many doctors are trying to fight this, but effective means have not yet been found. Although many of them advise patients to wash tonsils with tonsillitis. How to rinse the tonsils and why, find out in this article.

One of the treatment procedures is the washing of tonsils with tonsillitis, which is used as the first urgent remedy. Probably, every person who has this disease is familiar with this procedure.

Palatine tonsils - this is where lymphatic tissues accumulate, which are in the throat of a person. Also in this area there is a pharyngeal tonsil, guttural, lingual and tubal. But it is the palatine tonsil is the largest of all listed, especially since there are lacunae inside it - voids and strokes that increase the area of ​​the organ. Given that there are voids in it, it can be very difficult to remove microbes from there, which constantly attack the tonsils in case of symptoms of tonsillitis. Therefore, washing is one of the effective methods that are often used in tonsillitis.

But, like any method has its drawback: one of the ways of washing is washing with a syringe, here it has its drawback. So, when you come to the procedure, a curved cannula with a connected syringe is injected into the lacuna of the amygdala and after which they begin to wash it with a medicinal solution, which under pressure begins to be supplied from the washing syringe.

With this method of treatment, it is not possible to achieve the removal of all the gaps, because they are of limited size and thickness, and therefore it is not possible to enter other smaller gaps. But even that lacuna that has remained washed after the procedure turns out to be not completely cleared and it even happens that during this procedure the microbes can be driven even deeper. And the most negative factor of treatment of tonsillitis when washing the tonsils with a syringe - they start Cicatrize and reduce the effect of evacuation in natural mode, which leads eventually to an even greater problems.

Compliance with bed rest, warm drinking, eating soft food, a separate tableware for the patient and personal care products are also important components of successful tonsillitis treatment.

For better performance of tonsils, doctors recommend the removal of their protruding part. At the same time, most of them are left. Such an operation for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis is done when the baby has already formed all the immune processes, at 7-8 years.

How to treat caseous chronic tonsillitis?

1. In order to treat tonsillitis of this form, it is necessary to direct the forces to restore the tonsils (as an immune organ). That is why, the resulting caseinous corns of the tonsils are thoroughly washed with various antiseptic agents. After such a course, the ability of lacunae to self-purification should be restored.

2. The second main task in the treatment of this form of disease is the restoration of immunity. To do this, conduct various studies and designate immune-boosting agents.

3. In order to avoid exacerbations of the disease, various preventive measures are taken.

First of all, the treatment of the disease must be directed at cleaning the tonsils from the pus gathered in them. After that, the lacunas are restored, and their function is normalized. The next stage in the treatment of tonsillitis is to increase the immunity of the patient and prevent the disease.

Causes and prevention of tonsillitis

Bacteria, getting through the nose or mouth into the body, undergo the filter function, which is performed by the tonsils. In this case, the tonsils absorb the infection and process it into white cells. This action can cause infection in the tonsils themselves, which stimulates the immune system to form antibodies that resist the disease. But sometimes, under the influence of such an infection, the tonsils are destroyed. The result of such a process becomes a disease like tonsillitis.

Throat diseases in tonsillitis are most often caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi. They also contribute to their appearance in the oropharynx:

1. hemolytic streptococcus,

2. streptococcus pneumococcus,

3. toxoplasm,

4. adenoviruses,

5. chlamydia,

6. herpes viruses,

7. cytomegalovirus.

For the prevention of tonsillitis you need to fill your diet with vitamins, exercise, temper the body, lead a healthy lifestyle. At the first signs of diseases you need to contact specialists.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis in children

Some adults are treated with disdain for the diagnosis of tonsillitis, considering this disease to be frivolous. Meanwhile, this disease is very dangerous, because it has several dozen complications. If a child has tonsillitis in a chronic form, its treatment should be approached with special care. Since it is in childhood that there is every chance to get rid of the disease without consequences for the body.

You will need

  1. - Herbal infusions;
  2. - antibiotics;
  3. - a hand shower.


  1. Practice system hardening and strengthening of immunity. Start with a contrast shower, making the minimum difference between warm and cool water. After the shower, offer the child to rub a tight mitten, turning this activity into a fun game. In addition, often walk with the baby, enter the diet rich in vitamins. It is important to remember that any hardening and strengthening measures should not be started if the disease occurs in the acute phase.
  2. Teach your child to gargle. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and can also be played in a game form. As a rinse, use decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula. Choose such herbs, the taste of which will please the baby most. Decoctions can be replaced and pharmacy antibacterial drugs intended for children.
  3. Take a course of physiotherapy. Today, there are many devices that allow to qualitatively affect the focus of infection, to wash the tonsils and to pump out their purulent deposits.
  4. In severe forms of chronic tonsillitis, accompanied by frequent exacerbations and complications, take antibiotics. Of course, the doctor must prescribe the medicine. If 1-2 decades ago, preference was given to the drugs of the penicillin group, but now to the antibiotic of the macrolide group. They have fewer side effects, and also have the property of accumulating in the lymphoid tissue and fighting the focus of infection for a long time.

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