Amblyopia of high degree: causes and treatment of disease

One of the most difficult conditions in ophthalmologists, poorly treated, is amblyopia or lazy eye syndrome. It can occur in people of different ages, and unlike other pathologies, it is practically not amenable to correction with the help of lenses. So that you know how to act, if your relatives have such a problem, let's see what amblyopia is, why it arises, what symptoms it has and what treatment it requires.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Amblyopia, also called lazy eye syndrome, is one of the most difficult conditions in ophthalmology, which is practically not amenable to lens correction.At such pathology the brain incorrectly perceives the information transferred from one eye. As a result, there are various problems with vision: fuzzy vision of contours of objects, incorrect determination of the distance between them. There are no optical prerequisites for such problems with vision.

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Usually, this disease develops in children from birth to 7 years. At this stage, the pathology can be treated fairly well.


This disease can be provoked by various factors.These include:

  • opacity of certain parts of the eye;
  • strabismus;
  • functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • presence of tumors;
  • cataract;
  • anisometropia.

Factors associated with the development of this disease are: prematurity, cerebral palsy, weight deficit, genetic predisposition of the person to eye diseases, including strabismus.

Also, the risk of such a pathology increases smoking and drinking alcohol by the mother during pregnancy. In some cases, the concomitant factor for this pathology may be a woman's admission during pregnancy of certain medicines.

Since it is practically impossible in any given case to exclude all factors of the development of this disease, It is important to constantly monitor the child's vision in order to provide him with the necessary medical help. This is the only way to eliminate the serious consequences of this disease.


Amblyopia can be recognized by a number of characteristic symptoms. To such it is possible to carry:

  • decrease in visual acuity of one or two eyes at once;
  • difficulties in perceiving large objects;
  • Problems with estimating the distance from oneself to objects.

If a person also has a strabismus, he may have complaints of double vision in the eyes, as well as a deviation of a healthy eye to the side. In this case, the doubling and blurring of objects will disappear when one eye closes.

The presented symptoms adversely affect the quality of life of a person, limits his ability to learn and engage in various crafts. That is why he should pay attention to such symptoms and turn to a doctor about this.

Possible complications

If, in amblyopia, the patient is not receiving adequate treatment, he can completely lose his sight on the diseased eye. This loss of vision can not be restored.

Such a complication can not be confined to patients who did not cure the disease at all, but also those who did not complete the therapeutic course. It is for this reason that it is so important to fully comply with the prescription of the doctor, so as not to face the severe consequences of this disease in the future.


Depending on the causes and peculiarities of amblyopia in adults, treatment can be prescribed for both surgical and conservative treatment of amblyopia. It is best to spend it at the age of 6 to 7 years. If the disease began to be treated after 11 years, the chances of a positive outcome are extremely low.


The main method of conservative treatment of amblyopia is occlusion.With this technique, close either the eye that sees best, or the one that sees worse, or one and the other alternately. This allows you to train the lagging muscles in the development of the eye and practically equalize the optical strength of the two eyes.It should be noted that this method of treatment gives good results only if the child complies with the prescribed period of wearing the bandage.If this does not happen, the therapeutic treatment will not give the desired result.

In addition to this method of treatment, amblyopia can also be administered with various fiz. procedures, including classes on special optical preparations. They also contribute to the development of a "lazy" eye and allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.

The terms of treatment of this pathology for each patient are individual. They can be several months.


Surgical methods are used when, for successful treatment, the cause of amblyopia should be removed: tumors, impending eyelid and other similar. The operation in this case is carried out in a hospital. In the event that doctors have suspicions of central nervous system damage that caused such pathology, treatment should be carried out together with a neurologist.

In most cases, surgical treatment does not make it possible to completely cure amblyopia. That is why after him a patient is usually prescribed conservative treatment, which will fully restore the vision.


In order to prevent this disease, it is recommended that from the first month of life regularly undergo a dispensary examination with an ophthalmologist in order to identify the slightest deviations from the norm in the direction of amblyopia.When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately prescribe a conservative treatment for the baby. If at this stage to complete a full course of such therapy, you can achieve complete cure of the disease.


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As you can see, amblyopia is a complex condition in ophthalmology, which nevertheless can be corrected with the correct approach to treatment. To help the child cope with it, it is extremely important to immediately pay attention to the first manifestations of the disease, for help to a doctor and undergo a full course of treatment, which can include both therapeutic and surgical methods. Only if you meet all these requirements, you can achieve a sustainable result of vision correction.

Also read about presbyopia and astigmatism.

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