Disease "Cataract" in the elderly: treatment with different methods
Cataract is the main cause of blindness among the world's population. This is due to a physiological change in the structure of the lens against the background of age-related changes. Every 6 people on earth suffer from a poor vision due to this defect. By the age of 80 it can be found almost every old man. According to statistical data, the frequency of occurrence of the disease is, % of the total population of the Russian Federation, and among the female half of the population, cataracts are diagnosed 2 times more often than men.
What is cataract, its types and methods of treatment - read on.
1Definition of disease
2Types and stages, causes
4Possible complications
Definition of disease
Cataract is a partial or complete clouding of the lens.This element of the visual organ is located between the iris and the vitreous body, and it is responsible for the refraction of the light beam. By nature, the crystalline lens is transparent and, depending on the purpose - signals supplied by the visual analyzer - it can change its shape.
The highest percentage of cataracts is age (more than 90% of all diagnosed cases).This is due to the fact that the lens contains protein compounds, which, due to their physico-chemical and biological properties, ensure the transparency of the "natural lens". With age, these compounds lose their natural properties and become less transparent.
Therefore, from the point of view of the functioning of the human body -Cataract is a natural physiological process, which, however, does not occur to everyone.
Cataract is accompanied by a violation of the refractive power of the lens. If this part of the eye changes or changes position, its functioning is disturbed. As a result, diplopia develops, visual acuity decreases.
Types and stages, causes
There are congenital and acquired cataracts. The congenital form of the disease is not inclined to progress, acquired - progresses.
To the acquired include:
Traumatic- severe eye trauma.
In medicine, 4 stages of the disease are classified.
Initial maturation- characterized by watering the lens. Between the fibers of the cortical layer begins to accumulate liquid. Water gaps form. The turbidity in this case is located on the periphery of the lens. The optical zone remains normal. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient does not complain of visual impairment.
Immature- the central optical zone is involved in the pathological process. If a biomicroscopic examination is performed, a clouding of the lens is detected. However, some surfaces will be transparent.
Mature- leads to complete clouding of the lens. Seals are formed. During the examination, the doctor discovers that the pupil changes in color and becomes grayish. The visual acuity of a person falls, the color perception is disturbed.
Perezelaya- characterized by the disintegration of lens fibers. The capsule is wrinkled. The lens takes on the appearance of a bag filled with cloudy contents. Perezelaya cataract leads to the fact that a person loses sight. Against the background of the disease, glaucoma can also develop.
Maturation of cataracts takes place in different ways. Distinguish slowly progressive and moderately progressing disease.
At the initial stages, there are no suspicious symptoms.A person can normally read, perform painstaking work, which requires concentration of attention. If the disease is not treated at this stage, diplopia develops: a person sees objects doubled. Symptom of progressive cataract is flies before the eyes.Vision becomes clouded.Sometimes it seems that the objects acquire a yellowish color. Gradually violated color perception. A person can not stay in a room with bright light for a long time.
With cataracts, night vision deteriorates. The vagueness of the image is due to the progression of cataracts. If the patient tries to correct vision by wearing glasses, he can not do it. At the stage of mature cataracts, vision deteriorates significantly. Possible loss of objective vision, but the preservation of color perception.
Possible complications
Untimely treatment leads to the progression of the disease, because of the vast areas of clouding the lens, the patient's visual acuity decreases.In the future, blindness may occur.
To identify the pathology, you need to conduct several ophthalmological tests. The doctor prescribes procedures that help to determine visual acuity.
Testing for color perception is carried out. Tonometry is necessary for measuring intraocular pressure. In the course of biomicroscopy, the fundus is examined. As a result of all procedures, the physician identifies the level of vision loss. It is important to consider the structure of the lens, to analyze the turbidity. Refractometry can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
Tonometry of the eye
At the initial stage, the doctor prescribes medicines. If they do not give effect, surgery is required.
Medicamental therapy is a method of vitamin B2 and ascorbic acid. The specialist prescribes medicines based on riboflavin. For the treatment of cataract the following drops are used:
The drug "Taufon"restores the functioning of the eye muscles. It improves cell nutrition, provides prevention of intraocular hypertension.
Vitafakolnormalizes the metabolism in the tissues of the lens.
Quinaksprovides prevention of oxidation of protein molecules.
Drops of "Oftan Katakhrom"normalize metabolic processes in the structures of the lens. The drug helps to cope with the inflammatory process.Taufon used in the treatment of cataracts
The choice of surgery depends on the severity of the pathological process.When appointing a surgical intervention, the doctor takes into account the patient's health.
If there is at least one of the contraindications, the operation is canceled.
Types of operations:
Laser treatment: it is safe and non-traumatic. First, the doctor cuts the cornea, then - cauterizes the lens with a laser. In place of the lens is put a lens.
Ultrasonic phacoemulsification is often recommended for elderly patients. By the method of carrying out it is similar to a laser operation. The doctor makes an incision in the cornea and injects a special substance. This substance softens the lens: crushing is carried out. The lens turns into a liquid, which is then removed from the cavity of the eye. In place of the lens is put a lens, in the future it replaces its function.
Extracapsular extractionalso recommended for elderly patients. During the procedure, the doctor performs a deep incision in the cornea, then clears the capsule of the lens. In this capsule, a lens replacing the lens is implanted. Extracapsular extraction involves the imposition of sutures.
Timely treatment of diseases(infectious, viral and others).
Protecting the eyes from injury.
Regular preventive examination.
Exclusion of contact with radioactive sources.
Consumption of vitamins.
Regardless of age, a patient with cataract needs prompt treatment. The opacified crystalline lens can not perform its functions, therefore, it must be replaced. Rehabilitation after surgical procedures is normal: the doctor gives recommendations on how to avoid postoperative complications.