How long does the temperature of ARVI stay with the child?

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How much does the temperature of ARVI stay with the child?

All diseases that have a viral etiology are accompanied by a rise in temperature. And this is quite natural, because in this way the body tries to overcome the penetrated foreign agents. Other question, how much the temperature at ORVI at the child keeps? This is important to know, so as not to confuse the typical defensive reaction of the body with the symptoms of a more serious disease that began due to the attachment of a bacterial infection.

How many days does the temperature last for children?

Coryza, red sore throat, cough and temperature - a characteristic clinical picture in ARVI. As a rule, the fight against viruses in a child's body takes from 2 to a maximum of 5 days. But, it is possible only with a competent approach and adequate treatment. Very often moms try to bring down the temperature just barely exceeded the norm, thereby rendering the baby "a disservice". In fact, such a policy is fundamentally wrong, because a rise in temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body. At high temperature leukocytes become active and they begin to attack pathogenic viruses. Of course, the temperature, which has exceeded the 38-39 degree mark, while continuing to rise rapidly, it is necessary to shoot down. Wait for high rates do not stand in children prone to the appearance of seizures, as well as at night.

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With a favorable outcome for 3-4 days, the temperature will begin to decrease independently and the baby will recover.

That's why, when answering the question how many days the temperature lasts during ARVI in children, doctors recommend waiting at least 3 days before proceeding to more serious therapy. By the way, during this period it is important to support the crumb with antiviral drugs, and also provide him with an abundant drink.

Can the temperature during ARVI stay at the child 5-7 days?

The insidiousness of this disease is that in ARVI it is easy to miss the moment when a virus infection is joined by a bacterial infection, and the disease becomes more complex. Bacterial bronchitis and even pneumonia are possible complications of a viral disease. As a rule, if the accession of the infection still took place, the temperature lasts much longer, and the patient's condition deteriorates sharply. In such cases, you need to help the body cope with the disease through more serious therapy, which should appoint a pediatrician. Most often, these diseases are treated with antibiotics and other concomitant medications.

About high temperature in children with ARVI



If I'm sure that I try not to get SARS, no one. 38 for a high do not think, 40 is high, yes. To think about what I would start from 39, 2. If the child is bad, ahead of night, I can bring down. The temperature is 1-2 days. It was longer 2p. 4 days, stomatitis. 4 days high, above 39 - tonsillitis. We drink a lot of rose hips, raspberries, viburnum, black currants, herbs, light food, mostly fruits. Remove excess clothing, wiped off with warm water.
Antibiotics for, years of life of the child did not give even once.
Angina was cured without antibiotics, but it was probably viral. 4 days of temperature, endless rinses, every 30-40 minutes. And drinking, drinking, drinking.
If there is a suspicion that overheating, poisoning, when there was stomatitis, I knocked off 3,. With an angina above 39.
The temperature should be called for 3-4 days. If a rash, vomiting, diarrhea is attached to the temperature, the doctor should be called immediately. The temperature often gives a throat, if you know how to look and know what to do, you can be treated yourself, but again 3 maximum of 4 days rises - the doctor.
If the temperature a couple of days is high, without symptoms and a normal throat, call a doctor. And take the tests. It can be shitty. High temperature is given, for example, by the kidneys, in general it is necessary to find out what's the matter and drink antibiotics of a wide spectrum, if not find out.


4 days as it was. But usually if after 3 days the rate does not decrease, then the viral infection has passed into the bacterial

I'm on

A week, until the child fainted and did not call the ambulance - they put in an infectious disease.

Journey through life

yes, it was that 4 days

Tatyana Bolunova



I do not shoot down the temperature for children... more than 3 days I do not remember what it would be like

But your goal is HIMERA

3 days was, called an ambulance ...


we had a temperature of almost 3 weeks, drank and pricked 5 types of antibiotics, our moron doctors did not see the son of pneumonia in the picture and blood they said it was just a virus, there was nothing, until we found our most beloved pediatrician's doctor, she immediately said from one listening to the child Yes, you have pneumonia, and now we are being treated and trusted only to her, though it's paid and not cheap, but I'll pay better and be calm for my health sonny.. and in general for the future if within 3 days the antibiotic does not help or assist and the temperature does not leave it is necessary to change an antibiotic urgently

Alena Kvashnina

straight high maximum of 3 days, 4 already started to fall 3,.. and all lower


3-4 days. But I can not stand it, with 38.0 I start antipyretic.

Mila Khomyakova

I could not resist the temperature, if she rose to 39. Maybe because the son had a temperature above 40 with angina and the ambulance did the injection several times at home and once in the hospital. Therefore, I try to knock it down earlier with paracetamol or ibuprofen, but after 3, as well as a plentiful warm drink, like water with honey, ginger, lemon or raspberry tea, lime tea. Recently, high fever rarely happens, maybe because the children are already catching up more diseases, more precisely, we are getting stronger and defending ourselves in every way :). Garlic is a must-have product in our menu. In the summer we go to the sea, I there and a sinusitis for two days have cured, and children every time noticeably become healthier. We eat fruits, fresh vegetables, walk a lot, we love walks in the pine forest. In summer, children everywhere, wherever possible, run barefoot and others are served a "catching" example :). We also follow the health of the mucosa. If it is not healthy, it is the direct route for all kinds of viruses, microbes, bacteria. Previously, the small often had crusts in the nose, especially during the heating season. I bought aqua maris plus, we irrigate them with noses, we clean, we smash sea buckthorn oil once a day before going to bed, and sometimes with an oil solution of chlorophyllite - a pediatrician was appointed. Everything, nothing more. For a long time at last we can do vaccinations.

Daria Matveyeva

In case of a viral infection, the temperature can stay high for 7 days, but in such cases a doctor's control is needed, because the heat can be on the background virus infection, and can still stand against the background of a bacterial infection, so in such cases it is appropriate to pass a general blood test to understand the virus this or already bacterium. In general, with viral infections, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to accelerate recovery and prevent complications. To us the doctor wrote out antiviral suppositories Viferon, at children during illness or disease an interferon is not developed at once, therefore and appoint or nominate antiviral. In addition, at high temperature, the child must be soldered to remove toxins of the virus, and also cope with the temperature. Naturally important and symptomatic treatment. At a high temperature, which often increases, you can alternate antipyretics, the interval between taking antipyretics 4 hours.

Karina Kashapova

3 days

How much does the temperature last for ARVI?

Often, getting a respiratory disease, people do not rush to go to the doctor, because you can buy any effective medication at the drugstore and get treatment at home. But in such cases it is important to know the characteristic symptoms of the disease so as not to confuse it with anything else. For example, you should pay attention to how much the temperature is maintained in ARVI, what is its value, whether there are lesions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

How many days and what is the temperature for ARVI?

The incubation period of a viral disease is no more than 5 days, and at this time a person can feel completely normal until pathological cells have penetrated into the blood and caused intoxication. With the development of the disease, reproduction of bacteria begins, as a rule, in the maxillary sinuses, lungs, mouth and bronchi. This is accompanied by a sore throat, an uncomfortable sensation in the nose, a mild headache. Over time, clinical manifestations of intoxication with the virus, one of which is an increase in body temperature, are added.

It should be understood that fever or fever is a normal mechanism of immune system reaction to foreign cells in the blood. Most viruses and bacteria die at high temperatures, so the body thus protects itself from the spread of infection.

Intoxication syndrome occurs usually on day 2-3 after the onset of the disease. The heat can reach quite high values ​​(up to 39 degrees), but the process of activation of immunity under consideration is short. With adequate treatment and timely measures taken, the temperature decreases after 1-2 days, reaching normal values. It is worth noting that eliminating the fever with numbers on the thermometer to 3, it is undesirable to allow the body to fight the infection on its own.

During further therapy with ARVI, low temperature, up to 37 degrees. This is due to the fact that the patient's blood is saturated with antibodies that do not allow the emergence and progress of inflammatory processes.

After ARI, there is a low-grade fever 37

Cases of complications after a flu are frequent. They are characterized by the presence of symptoms of acute respiratory diseases (bronchitis, otitis, pneumonia, frontal sinus, sinusitis) and the constant presence of slightly elevated body temperature: 37-3,.

Similar signs together with a poor state of health of the patient, as well as an increase in lymph nodes, can to signal the development of severe health effects or recurrence of chronic upper respiratory diseases ways.

If the subfebrile temperature does not decrease within a week after recovery, it is mandatory consult a therapist, do x-ray examinations and donate blood for laboratory tests. analyzes.

Repeated fever in ARVI

Another no less dangerous situation is the re-infection with the virus. It can occur either from family members (neighbors

for an apartment, a room), which became carriers of ARVI in the care of a patient, or due to self-poisoning due to non-compliance with hygiene and disinfection of air in the living quarters.

Repeated increase in body temperature to high values ​​suggests that the body resumed inflammatory processes, and the rapid rapid spread of the virus in the blood began. The problem is the possibility of the emergence of resistance of viruses and bacteria to the previous treatment, and the medications used will cease to have an effect, so the therapy scheme will change.

How many days can the temperature of a child stay with ARVI? how many degrees of temperature it is permissible to rise


Olenka * Nickname * ©

up to 38 - it's normal and you do not need to decrease, because at this temperature the body releases antibodies

Patri Key

5-7 days, the critical temperature above 39 is critical

Personal Cabinet Removed

above 3, you do not have to admit, Orvi or pneumonia will be solved by the pediatrician, do not waste time ...

екатерина пальцева

the last doctor said that up to 6 days is normal. but I'm scared when more than three. we had a record of 4, we are 4 years old. the eerie condition did not go wrong


Until 3,; further reduce, but not aspirin! Paracetamol is best, and give together that antihistamine of the Tavegil type or diazolin 2 r. a day for the removal of edema and prolongation of the antipyretic effect.

Ann Ten

The temperature can last for 5 days. Methods of treatment should be consulted with a doctor. The temperature of 38 degrees does not get off, as at this temperature most of the viruses die, The high temperature must be knocked down to 38. Temperature is the protective reaction of the body from disease.


permissible temperature 3, - at this temperature, many microbes die. .
if the temperature lasts longer than 4 days and does not get confused, the doctor should offer you antibiotics. I give my children antibiotics in the worst case... and it is desirable to take antibiotics under the guise of biologics of chylix fortelex. "We take the hilak-it is easy to give along with the juice, and the pill still needs somehow to swallow.. .
to knock down the temperature better than children's syrups, I really like it. Ibupenone lowers well and quenches the ache in the bones, which usually happens at high temp.

How much a child of 4 years old can have a temperature with ARVI?



Infections in this time are very strong, if you can say so. Maybe up to 6 days not to fall. Even worse, when the numbers 3 37, they then say about the presence of infection in the body.

max laurels

4-5 days


The doctor must examine him !!!


I think not more than a week or 3-5 days, depending on the burden of the disease. It is necessary to take antibiotics at high temperature. 5 day course as a rule chrasho pogoet and the child is fully recovered. Antibiotics are needed so that there are no complications, and a small course of them is not harmful

Elena Romanova

check the neck, can sore throat? then will stay until the necessary treatment is prescribed. And how many days already hold? Great temperature?

Sergey Bondarenko

The temperature is high usually 2, maximum three days, and then it is above normal, but below 38 usually, the ARVI itself lasts 4-5 days, after this temperature should not be. If after 4-5 days the child has a fever, this is either a repeated viral infection (which happens very rarely) or a bacterial complication.

Irina Kobzar

up to 5 days... but the tests must be done all the same

Olga Kononova

until they appoint a different treatment. apparently it did not go for your infection. make a call tomorrow doctor on duty

Alexander Korshunov

At a high temperature, it is necessary to start giving an antibiotic followed by a rate. for 2 days must fall

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