Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar and sacral parts


  • 1How to treat polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine
    • 1.1Identify the problem
    • 1.2Causes of ailment
    • 1.3Symptomatology of the disease
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Therapy
  • 2Peculiarities of polysegmentary osteochondrosis treatment
    • 2.1Factors of development
    • 2.2Signs of pathology
    • 2.3Principles of treatment
  • 3Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral cervical spine
    • 3.1Characteristics of pathology
    • 3.2Why does the disease develop?
    • 3.3How does the disease manifest itself?
    • 3.4Examination and treatment of patients
  • 4Polysegmentary osteochondrosis - a kind of pathology
    • 4.1What it is?
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3Symptoms of the disease
    • 4.4Treatment after diagnosis
  • 5Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine - anatomy of the structure
    • 5.1A little anatomy
    • 5.2Symptoms and diagnosis
    • 5.3How to treat osteochondrosis
  • 6Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine: treatment, possible complications
    • 6.1Clinical picture of the disease
    • 6.2Causes and Symptoms of Disease
    • 6.3Treatment of ailment
    • 6.4Possible complications
  • instagram viewer
  • 7Osteochondrosis polysegmentary: treatment, exercise therapy in polysegmentary osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis
    • 7.1What is the essence of the problem?
    • 7.2The main causes of the disease
    • 7.3Types and forms of the disease
    • 7.4What symptoms are accompanied by osteochondrosis?
    • 7.5What diagnostic methods are used?
    • 7.6Polysegmentary osteochondrosis: treatment with drugs
    • 7.7Other therapeutic methods
    • 7.8Osteochondrosis polysegmentary: how dangerous can the disease be?

How to treat polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine

Every year the number of patients with a diagnosis of "spinal osteochondrosis" increases.

We can say that this is a peculiar scourge of the 21st century, as this century was marked by the development of new technologies that automate the work people, they have to sit for hours at the computer and other equipment, which contributes to hypodynamia and, as a result, the development of an unpleasant ailment.

Identify the problem

Is a serious pathology of the spine, which develops when the cartilaginous plate of the intervertebral disc is thinning, which leads to the articular surfaces of the vertebrae.

The lumbar spine is one of the most vulnerable areas for this disease, since all the main burden goes to it.

Recently, a polysegmentary variant of pathology began to occur more often. Segment - these are the successive two vertebrae, the intervertebral disc between them and the ligaments.

If there is a lesion of two or three segments - this is a polysegmental view of osteochondrosis. Naturally, it proceeds more difficultly and is treated much longer.

In addition, with such a flow, the probability of occurrence increases at times. Since the waist is bordered by the sacral department, the pathology is more often mixed.

Causes of ailment

Most often, the osteochondrosis of the lumbar region occurs in males. This is due to the fact that they choose professions that require hard physical labor.

Therefore, the first place in the list of reasons is the excessive physical strain on the spine.

To date, it has been scientifically proven that lack of physical activity also has a negative effect on the lower back and leads to osteochondrosis.

Elderly age is one of the risk factors for chondrosis. Over the years, cartilaginous tissue becomes less "durable "wears out resulting in chondrosis, we can say, is a physiological process.

People suffering from obesity are many times more likely to suffer from osteochondrosis due to an increase in the load on the lumbar vertebrae, especially when they are kept in a vertical position for a long time.

Women experience discomfort in the lower back, the cause of everything is also weight gain, and as a result pressure on the spine.

Violation of metabolic processes in the body leads to insufficient nutrition of intervertebral discs, which leads to their degeneration.

Symptomatology of the disease

The main complaint of patients is pain. The intensity varies from weak, aching to strong shooting.

It can be local, in the area of ​​several vertebrae or spilled - extending to other parts of the back.

Irradiate can in the gluteal region and lower extremities, in the pelvic organs.

Cramps and numbness of the legs may appear with the progression of the disease and the absence of treatment.

Violated the functions of organs located in the small pelvis, in particular the bladder - frequent urge to urinate or, conversely, urinary retention.

There is stiffness in the morning and a sharp pain when lifting from the bed.

If this clinical picture increasingly worries you, and the pain syndrome increases, then perhaps the complication of osteochondrosis - a hernia or perhaps already developed.

The problem is very serious and dangerous, in some cases, for life. Since the hernial protrusion constricts the major vessels and nerves, which leads to disruption of nutrition and innervation of other organs.

At some point the hernia can completely clamp the lumen of the vessel, which will lead to necrosis of the blood supply area or simply rupture of the vessel.

Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, consult a competent specialist for detailed examination and treatment.


In this case, not the last place in the diagnosis has an anamnesis of the disease, because the patient may already have, once upon a time, been put diagnosis of polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, or patients were injured, surgical interventions in this region.

On examination, local soreness can be detected, in severe cases, a violation of the sensitivity of the lower limbs.

As additional methods of research in demand, in such cases, radiography in two projections of the lumbar and sacral divisions. The method is everywhere affordable, inexpensive and fast.

For a detailed examination of the problem or if a hernia is suspected, a CT scan is performed. The pictures show a thin plate of intervertebral disc cartilage.


With such a serious diagnosis, treatment should be comprehensive, including and.

  • For the removal of pain and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are required (). The form of release is, tableted.
  • Also, NSAIDs are recommended for topical application.
  • well relieve muscle spasm, while eliminating the feeling of stiffness and pain.
  • perfectly nourish the nerve fiber, improving the transmission of the nerve impulse.
  • Of physiotherapy procedures are often prescribed for the lower back, welcome,.
  • Manual procedures are performed after the acute process has subsided and is not shown to everyone. Perform them must be a competent, experienced specialist. LFK complex is issued after consultation with a physician of physiotherapy exercises.

Take a doctor's examination and he will prescribe the necessary therapy, do not self-medicate.

So as long as you are not worried about problems with the musculoskeletal system, try to move more, because the movement is life.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/kak-lechit-polisegmentarnyjj-osteokhondroz-poyasnichno-krestcovogo-otdela.html

Peculiarities of polysegmentary osteochondrosis treatment

When diagnosing polysegmentary osteochondrosis, many patients wonder what it is. The disease is a simultaneous spread of the pathological process in two or more segments of the spinal column.

The human spine is at the same time the most reliable and at the same time the most unprotected part of the human skeleton.

Every day he experiences enormous loads, undergoes repeated changes in position or is forced to stay in the same position for a long time.

If you recall the course of anatomy, then we can say that the spine is divided into certain segments, each of which has a certain number of vertebrae.

Such segments include the cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral and coccygeal segments.

When the disease develops, the segments that are localized in one or several parts of the spine are affected.

As is known to every medical professional, there is a document entitled "International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems".

It is periodically reviewed under the supervision of WHO and is the basis for classification and statistics in health care.

In accordance with this document, such a pathology as osteochondrosis of the spine is assigned the code for the ICD 10 - M42.

Factors of development

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis can develop for several reasons. But to have an idea of ​​the basic factors that contribute to increasing the risk of developing one of the most unpleasant diseases, one should follow. This will protect the body and reduce the likelihood of pathology.

As the main factors provoking a change in the state of the spine, it should be mentioned:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. This assumption is based on the characteristics of the metabolism and structure of the spine among relatives.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle. Staying in one position for a long time provokes the development of the process of changing the shape and size of the intervertebral disks, resulting in an increased infringement of nerve endings and a decrease in the level of oxygen supply to cells and the required elements.
  3. Overweight and unbalanced nutrition. In order to maintain the spine in a healthy state, you should include in your diet foods enriched with substances used by the body to restore the bones and cartilage. Deficiency of these elements in the body provokes irreversible changes in the spine.
  4. Regular physical activity contributes to the increased wear of the elements of the spinal column.

Signs of pathology

As experts note, signs of an illness manifest themselves depending on the localization of the pathological process. So, what are the signs of the defeat of the cervical department?

The first and second segments of the cervical region do not have intervertebral discs, their lesion occurs rarely. The compression of the rootlet of these segments is accompanied by the following features:

  • impaired sensitivity and painful sensations in the occipital and parietal zones;
  • weakened condition and hypotrophy of the sublingual muscles;
  • disturbed speech function and difficulty swallowing;
  • partial loss of olfactory abilities.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the cervical spine 3rd and 4th vertebrae is manifested as follows:

  1. decrease in sensitivity in the zone of the scapula and in the forearm;
  2. pain in the heart muscle;
  3. neck and occiput muscle tension;
  4. pain in the zone of the right hypochondrium;
  5. Frequent hiccough.

Nevertheless, in practice, it is often possible to observe the situation when the lesions of 5, 6 and 7 vertebrae of the cervical dress are manifested, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • impaired mobility and the onset of pain syndrome in the shoulder, elbow and cervical zones;
  • numbness of the upper limbs and palms;
  • cough.

If we talk about the thoracic area, then the ailment is not so often affects the upper thoracic segments. More often polisegmentary osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine starts from Th4 vertebra. Thus there are such signs:

  1. chronic pain in the back;
  2. occurrence of intercostal neuralgia;
  3. pain in the chest, which can be confused with the pathologies of the heart.
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One of the most common diagnosed cases of back problems, accompanied by attacks of excessive pain, polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar region the spine. In this case, the pain can radiate to the gluteal and femoral zones, as well as to the outer surface of the shin and feet. It is in these areas that a sensitivity disorder is often observed.

In some cases, difficulty urination and defecation, incontinence may develop. The representatives of the stronger sex can develop a violation of erectile function. Similar symptoms are also characteristic for the situation when a polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral segment develops.

It should be noted that the lesion of the lumbar spine can be 3 stages. At the first stage, there are no bright symptoms of the pathological condition. At this stage of the disease development, regular sessions of therapeutic massage show high efficiency.

Much to our regret, people do not pay due attention and ignore the symptoms of the disease at this stage.

Therefore, for a very short period of time, stage 1 of the disease passes into osteochondrosis of the 2nd stage, in which already more pronounced symptoms of the pathological condition are observed.

With the development of osteochondrosis of the lumbar department of the 2nd degree there are low back pains that are transmitted in the leg from the buttock area to the shin. Along with the pain, the patient feels numbness in the legs, toes, tingling and crawling sensations in the lower limbs.

Principles of treatment

In terms of duration, the treatment of polysegmental osteochondrosis is a very laborious and long-term process.

Within the limits of the accepted therapeutic measures, the patient is prescribed medications in order to relieve the pain and the developed inflammatory process.

Treatment of the spinal column involves taking biostimulants and a vitamin complex to ensure increased metabolism and circulation.

In addition to the prescription of drugs, the treatment of polysegmental osteochondrosis of the spine requires physical intervention. To strengthen the effect of taking medications, the patient is prescribed a course of physiological procedures between the seizures that occur.

Therapeutic physical exercises allow us to relax the tensed muscles, stretch the spine and release the strangulated nerves.

The load should be gradually increased.

Together with physical exercises treatment of the disease involves the use of massage and manual therapy.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine is an unpleasant disease requiring a lot of effort for cure. Nevertheless, if you do not ignore the symptoms of the disease in the early stages of development, you can avoid a huge number of health problems.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osteohondroz/polisegmentarnyj.html

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral cervical spine

Doctors often put such a diagnosis, as polisegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. This disease is chronic, and it is prone to progression.

Often this pathology leads to protrusion (protrusion of the jelly core of the intervertebral disc through the fibrous ring), which can cause temporary disability.

Characteristics of pathology

An osteochondrosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which the cartilaginous discs between the vertebrae are thinned. A process can involve 1 or more segments.

The vertebral segment is a complex that includes two adjacent vertebrae, a disc and ligaments. In most cases, several vertebrae are affected. In the lumbar region, 5 segments are distinguished.

Like polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, this pathology develops mainly in young people. Every year the age decreases. It is caused by irrational daily activities. Lumbar osteochondrosis is often combined with the following pathologies:

  • liver diseases;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • stagnant prostatitis;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • chronic colitis.

With improper treatment, a hernia or sciatica may develop on the background of a polysegmental osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.

Why does the disease develop?

The causes of polysegmental osteochondrosis are different. The following etiological factors stand out:

  1. low motor activity;
  2. trauma of the lower back;
  3. long-term presence in a forced posture;
  4. metabolic disease.

Predisposing factors include obesity, lack of trace elements, congenital instability of vertebrates segments, uneven development of muscles and bones in the back, smoking, alcoholism, genetic predisposition, hard labour. Most often, this pathology is revealed in the following categories of persons:

  • drivers;
  • office employees;
  • operators;
  • security guards;
  • surgeons;
  • builders;
  • waiters;
  • loaders.

Constant uncomfortable postures and physical exertions contribute to increased pressure in the lumbar region.

Cartilaginous tissue loses its former elasticity and elasticity. This leads to a change in the shape of the spine. The thickness of the cartilage gradually decreases.

The spine can not fully perform its damping function.

How does the disease manifest itself?

The defeat of the lumbar segments for a long time may go unnoticed. Often, patients seek help at the later stages of the disease. The main symptoms of polysegmental lumbar osteochondrosis are the following:

  1. pain in the lumbar region during motion and at rest;
  2. restriction of movements;
  3. paresthesia in the lower extremities (tingling, burning);
  4. numbness;
  5. stiffness.

In severe cases, urination may be impaired. The main sign of the disease is pain. It happens by the type of sciatica, lumbago, lumbargia and lumboschialgia. Pain is aching or acute.

It appears with prolonged sitting or taking an uncomfortable position. Often there are radicular symptoms.

Radicular pain is a consequence of a pinched nerve in the lumbar plexus.

Pain syndrome is often combined with sensory and motor impairment.With lumbar osteochondrosis, blood vessels (arteries and veins) can be squeezed.

In this situation, it is possible to develop paralysis or paresis.

Secondary signs of the disease include increased sweating, a sensation of crawling along the body, shivering, chilliness of the lower limbs.

Examination and treatment of patients

In order to elicit polysegmentary osteochondrosis, such studies will be required:

Tomography allows you to determine the condition of bones, joints and cartilaginous tissue in the spine. When a lumbar osteochondrosis is detected, treatment is prescribed. The following groups of drugs can be used:

  • NSAIDs;
  • analgesics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vasodilators.

Recommended water procedures. NSAIDs and analgesics help to remove pain syndrome. Angioprotectors are used to improve blood circulation. In order to normalize the blood flow in the lumbar zone, massage is mandatory. It can be point, manual, vacuum and hardware.

Used techniques such as friction, rubbing, pressure, vibration.

The massage is especially needed by persons who, in the course of their profession, stay in one position for a long time.

To eliminate acute and chronic pain in the spine can be carried out manual therapy. The methods of treatment include stretching the spine.

The effectiveness of treatment is increased by acupuncture.

Of the physiotherapy methods the most widely used magnetotherapy, laser treatment and exposure to low-frequency current. Patients should move more.

To increase the motor activity of the patient, kinesitherapy is performed. An important place in the treatment of patients is occupied by chondroprotectors.

These drugs contribute to the restoration of the destroyed cartilaginous tissue. They need to be taken in the early stages of the disease, when the cartilage tissue is not completely destroyed.

Used drugs such as Artra, Dona, Chondroxide, Teraflex. They are released in the form of capsules or ointments (gels). With the development of a hernia, surgery is required.

Lumbar osteochondrosis often causes the curvature of the spine.

To prevent this, patients need to sleep on a hard surface and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Thus, polysegmentary osteochondrosis is very common. When there is constant pain in the back or lower back, consult a doctor.

A source: http://LechenieGryzhi.ru/polisegmentarnyj-osteoxondroz-poyasnichnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika/

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis - a kind of pathology

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis occurs in any department and affects several segments of the spine at the same time. This kind of pathology delivers a special discomfort and is treated more difficultly.

What it is?

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis - what is it? Understanding the mechanism of the development of the disease is associated with the consideration of certain anatomical features.

The spinal column is a bone structure bent in the shape of the letter S, and performs in the human body the role of support and movement.

It is represented by three divisions:

  1. The cervical site;
  2. Thoracic zone;
  3. The lumbosacral area.

Between the vertebrae is a cartilaginous tissue that serves as a protective element and a source of bones.

Due to it, the spinal column impose flexibility, which ensures the performance of the main functions.

For some reasons, the spinal discs are destroyed, the cartilaginous tissue is reduced, and osteochondrosis develops. And polisegmentary osteochondrosis affects two and three departments at once.


Specific causes of the disease are not identified. However, a list of factors is identified, the long-term effect of which leads to the development of polysegmentary osteochondrosis. These include the following:

  • The presence of excessive body weight, which creates an excessive load on the spine and its components;
  • Presence of constant loads in excess of a person's capabilities, which leads to wear of all structures;
  • Obtaining injuries related to the profession, for example, in various sports;
  • Lack of attention to their posture and curvature due to this spine (often occurs at a young age and is complicated by the development of the disease afterwards);
  • Genetic factor, which includes the features of metabolism and the structure of the spine, which are inherited;
  • Absence of necessary physical activity (prolonged presence in one position, absence of loading on vertebral disks also negatively affects the condition of the spinal column).

These factors can affect the spine both separately and together, causing the development of a polyser- gent type of osteochondrosis.

It is impossible to completely prevent the impact of these circumstances.

However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising, quality food will save your health for a long time.

We advise you to read: juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine.

Symptoms of the disease

The nature of the symptoms of the disease depends on which department is affected. The least likely to develop pathology is the coccygeal part of the spine, which is due to its small size.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has the following symptoms:

  1. Headache;
  2. Violation of auditory function;
  3. Attacks of dizziness;
  4. Nausea;
  5. Periodic increase of arterial pressure;
  6. Painful sensations in the region of the cervical region or lower jaw;
  7. Difficulty with the movement of the neck.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine at the beginning of its development has no clear signs.

Over time, the disease turns into intercostal neuralgia and is manifested by severe painful sensations between the ribs, coughing with the appearance of bronchial spasms.

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Due to this disease was called intercostal osteochondrosis. The disease is easily confused with development:

  • Pleurisy;
  • Heart muscle infarction;
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

The appearance of polysegmentary osteochondrosis in the lumbar sacral region is expressed in painful sensations both in the lumbar region and in the lower extremities.

The ill feels numbness in the legs, swelling of the joints of the limbs. This department is most susceptible to the development of pathological processes in comparison with other zones of the spinal column.

This is due to the anatomy and complex functions of this department.

The statement of the correct diagnosis is complicated by the presence of various symptoms, which is typical for pathologies of different systems. Detection and differentiation of polysegmentary osteochondrosis is performed by a doctor after:

  1. General and biochemical blood test;
  2. Radiographs of the spinal column;
  3. General analysis of urine;
  4. Tomography;
  5. Ultrasound examination;
  6. Doppler of vessels - a procedure that helps to see if there is a pinch of the vein or vertebral artery, since this is fraught with a violation of cerebral circulation.

All kinds of research allow not to confuse the disease with the defeat of other organs. After all, the effectiveness of the given therapy and the restoration of the normal functions of the spine depend on this.

Treatment after diagnosis

After the necessary examination has been performed and the diagnosis is made of the presence of polyserptic osteochondrosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. It includes the following areas:

  • Use of medicines;
  • Diet;
  • Carrying out of medical gymnastics;
  • Massage;
  • Physiotherapy procedures;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Use of traditional medicine.

The use of medicines is reduced to the appointment of a remedy or several means presented:

The purpose of the diet is necessary for the rapid restoration of tissues and obtaining the necessary substances and maintaining their elasticity.

Therapeutic exercises are conducted under the supervision of a specialist. This is due to the fact that in some cases there are contraindications to the conduct of exercises.

In addition, exercise therapy requires compliance with the performance characteristics.

Physiotherapy includes the use of procedures such as magnetotherapy, laser treatment, as well as exposure to low-frequency current. The massage allows you to restore blood circulation.

There are several of its types, depending on the technique and methods of implementation: point, manual, vacuum and hardware.

Acupuncture, manual therapy and traditional medicine are wonderful additional directions that help to cope with the disease.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis - a serious disease, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of development of pathology, neglect of the process.

Occurrence of the symptomatology, characteristic for damage of different zones, requires an obligatory visit to the doctor. Timeliness of treatment plays a huge role in restoring the functions of the spinal column.

After all, limiting his mobility is an indubitable sign of a deterioration in the quality of life.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/osteohondroz/polisegmentarnyj-osteohondroz.html

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine - anatomy of the structure

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, less often the joints of the limbs, in which irreversible destruction of the cartilaginous tissue occurs.

Often you can hear a diagnosis - a polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine.

What is the difference between such a disease and the usual osteochondrosis, and, most importantly, is there any difference in treatment? Let's try to understand.

A little anatomy

The human spine is a curved S-shaped, anatomically pole that performs the function of support, movement, and is also a reliable receptacle of the spinal cord. The complex structure of the spine consists of 24 vertebrae of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines and 2-3 intergrown vertebrae of the sacral segment and coccyx.

Between each other, the vertebrae are connected by a cartilaginous tissue of the discs, which functions as a shock absorber, gives the spinal column flexibility, and also feeds the bone tissue.

Each vertebra has a cylindrical body, on which the main load of a person is distributed, as well as arches and articular processes forming a spinal canal.

Arches, also connected by facet joints and longitudinal and yellow ligament.

When one of the intervertebral discs is destroyed and the lumen is cut between the bone tissue, the ligament of the spinal canal, trying to compensate for the mobility of the ridge, begin to increase in size, which leads to narrowing of the canal and its stenosis.

In the lumen of the canal of the spine, there is a spinal cord from which come out the paired processes - rootlets responsible for the innervation of internal organs, as well as the transfer of information from organs to the brain.

In the area of ​​the sacral region, the spinal cord passes into a thin thread, fused with the bone of the coccyx.

As the roots come out of each vertebra, it is possible to distinguish them according to the department to which the vertebra belongs, as well as its numbering.

Since the spinal cord is an integral and indivisible organ, it is customary in medicine to distinguish segments of the spine, to which include the nerve root, part of the spinal cord, intervertebral disc corresponding to the numbering of the upper vertebra.

With degenerative-dystrophic changes spanning several such segments, a diagnosis is made - a polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine, in this case, segments that have succumbed to the disease may be nearby, through one and even in different departments, for example, the cervicothoracic or lumbosacral.

Osteochondrosis is a progressive disease and if one segment is affected in the first stage of its development, then treatment can develop to a third degree, in which all departments are affected, this complication results in immobility of the back.

Symptoms and diagnosis

In addition to the pain syndrome that occurs when the disease worsens, and characterized by inflammatory processes in soft tissues, the symptoms of osteochondrosis depend on which organ provides the spinal process in this segment.

That, for example, with osteochondrosis localized in segment C1 (cervical region) with infringement of the nerve root, hypertension, sleep disturbances, headaches, epilepsy, with violations in segment of the first thoracic vertebra T1 possible bronchial spasms, cough, pain in the forearm, changes in the lumbar region are characterized by shooting at exercise, numbness or pain in the legs. Depending on the degree of development of the disease and the department affected by osteochondrosis, there are also muscle strains and lumbago or limited mobility.

The diagnosis of polyserptic osteochondrosis is complicated by a large number of symptoms.

In particular, it is difficult to understand if the affected segments are in different parts of the spine.

There may be numbness of the limbs, and neuroses and drawing pain in the internal organs, as well as vomiting, dizziness, arrhythmia, depression, dysfunction of the genital organs.

The signs that may indicate the initial degree of osteochondrosis are:

  • Numbness of the skin surface of the back, chills or crawl.
  • Edema of the joints of the hands and feet.
  • The tension of the muscles of the back, arising at the tension of the ligaments.
  • Lumbar and cramping of the lumbar or cervical spine, especially in the morning.

In order to diagnose, the whole spine is X-rayed in two projections, or, if there is such an option, an MRI that will show the distance between vertebrae in more detail.

If there is a suspicion of polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the cervical region, an additional vessel dopler should be passed, which will show the possible pinching of one of the veins or vertebral artery, in which there is insufficient circulation in the brain.

How to treat osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis of various degrees is a long and multistage process, which consists of various procedures aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, symptoms, as well as improving the quality of life patient. With polysegmentary osteochondrosis, treatment is complicated by a larger lesion area, versatility symptoms, as well as restrictions in the choice of procedures in the presence of contraindications for one of the departments.

In the main, however, the treatment of polysegmental osteochondrosis to some extent consists of the same purposes including the use of medications, physiotherapy, gymnastics, massages, some methods of non-traditional medicine.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical divisions is supplemented by wearing a special orthopedic corset or belt to immobilize the segment during exacerbation of the disease.

With a decrease in the height of the space between the vertebrae in these sections, the use of a pneumopoy and a pivot that spreads the vertebrae is shown.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine with infringement of the nerve roots can provoke pain in the internal organs, in order to achieve the effect of stretching, it is recommended to have a vis on the bar, treatment with the help of detencor therapy, swing exercises Yalovitsyn.

Regardless of which department is affected by the disease, lumbosacral or cervicothoracic, medications are used including the taking of painkillers, muscle relaxants, vasodilators, as well as chondroprotectors, to restore the cartilaginous tissue. Such treatment is supplemented by therapeutic charging, swimming, massages, physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, ozonotherapy, massages and the use of external ointments, compresses and applications according to recipes traditional medicine.

A source: https://sustavlechit.ru/oslozhneniya/polisegmentarnyj-osteohondroz.html

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine: treatment, possible complications

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, overtaking a person with age.

Day after day, supporting us in an upright position, our main "core" is subjected to enormous loads. The elasticity of the intervertebral discs is lost, the nerve endings are clamped, pain occurs, and we acquire osteochondrosis.

In the case of polysegmental osteochondrosis, everything, from causes to symptoms, is greater and greater.

In medicine, the prefix "poly" to the name of the disease means its extensive distribution. When the pain "sounds" right away in several departments of the spine, doctors diagnose polysegmentary osteochondrosis. So why is it segmented and what's the matter?

Clinical picture of the disease

The spine of a person is collected from 4 departments: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. They all consist of several segments. The share of the cervical is 7 segments, thoracic - 12, lumbar - 5. The last, sacral, refers to the fifth lumbar.

The lumbar and thoracic parts, cervical and lumbar, lumbar and sacral, can combine in the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. There are cases when all parts of the spine are affected immediately. What are the causes of lesions of the intervertebral discs?

Types of osteochondrosis

Causes and Symptoms of Disease

At the heart of the manifestation of the disease lie the same causes that cause and ordinary osteochondrosis:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. spine trauma;
  3. passive lifestyle;
  4. professional risk;
  5. increased physical activity;
  6. bad habits;
  7. foot diseases;
  8. stress;
  9. long stay in an uncomfortable position.

All these factors can provoke polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine.

With regard to the symptoms of the disease should be considered signs inherent in osteochondrosis departments.

So, polisegmentary osteochondrosis of the cervical department will give dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, snoring, hoarseness of the voice, fluctuations in blood pressure, skin and muscles of the neck, hands, face less are sensitive.

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For polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is characterized by the tension of the muscles of the back, lumbodynia, chilliness of the feet, excessive sweating, tingling and crawling in the lower extremities, varicose expansion of veins. With the same sensations, there is a polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral section.

In polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, pain is felt between the scapula, in chest and heart area, with deep breathing, with the raising of hands, there are difficulties with slopes housing.

And now we mix all these signs and get a complete symptomatic picture of the disease. Such a confusion of symptoms makes it very difficult to diagnose an ailment. Doctors have to thoroughly examine the entire spine before proceeding to treatment.

Treatment of ailment

It should be specially noted that the polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar region takes the first place in the frequency of spreading. However, the treatment plan for all types of illness is approximately the same.

Treatment of polysegmental osteochondrosis

If the disease is at the peak of its form, at the stage of exacerbation, then patients are prescribed a course of drugs for analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.

To increase blood flow and metabolism, the use of biostimulators and various vitamins is recommended.

The use of medications can be combined with physiotherapy (UHF, phonophoresis), provided that an acute attack of polysegmentary osteochondrosis is removed.

Simultaneously with taking medications, the physical effect on the spine is also carried out. It can be a special massage, manual therapy, complex therapeutic exercises.

All these actions are aimed at the successful treatment of polyserptic osteochondrosis, but hopes for a complete cure. It is much more important to take preventive measures against the disease and to exclude or at least reduce the number of negative factors affecting its education.

Possible complications

Failure to timely treatment of the disease can lead to spondylosis (a degenerative change in the bone tissue of the vertebrae).

As a result, we get a limitation of mobility, regular pain attacks, a decrease in overall activity.

Life turns into coexistence with a serious illness.

A source: http://pozvonki.com/vidy/polisegmentarnyj-osteokhondroz/

Osteochondrosis polysegmentary: treatment, exercise therapy in polysegmentary osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis

Osteochondrosis polysegmentary is a fairly common and dangerous disease.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that pathological processes appear immediately in several segments of the spine, sometimes even in different parts of the spine.

In the absence of therapy, the ailment can lead to complications, and therefore it is extremely important to diagnose it in time and start treatment.

So, what symptoms are accompanied by polyserptic osteochondrosis and why does it develop? What treatments can the doctor suggest? What is dangerous for this disease? Answers to these questions will be useful to many.

What is the essence of the problem?

The human backbone consists of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral parts.

Each of them, in turn, includes a certain number of vertebrae, which are interspersed with intervertebral disks - connective tissue, elastic structures, which are a kind of shock absorbers. With age (or in the presence of other causes), the structure of the cartilaginous tissue changes, becomes thinner. So begins osteochondrosis.

The disease is very dangerous, because the pathological process in the intervertebral discs leads to subsidence of the vertebrae, which begin to clamp blood vessels and nerve roots. Osteochondrosis polysegmentary is a disease in which this process affects several vertebrae, often even in different parts of the spine.

The main causes of the disease

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the spine can develop under the influence of various factors. Here is a list of the most common possible causes:

  • Of great importance in this case is the age, because in the aging process the structure of the cartilaginous tissue changes, which can lead to its subsequent dystrophy.
  • Risk factors include congenital anomalies in the development of spine elements.
  • Constant uneven loads on the spine can also contribute to the development of osteochondrosis (to the risk group are workers who, due to the special features of the profession, are forced to spend a long time in a sitting or standing position). Here you can also include constant wearing of weights.
  • To contribute to the development of the disease may also be previous injuries of the spinal column.
  • Various disorders of posture, including scoliosis, also belong to risk factors.
  • Constant stay in an uncomfortable position can also lead to the appearance of a pathological process.
  • Speaking of osteochondrosis, we can not fail to mention the weakness of the muscular corset. If the muscles of the back are weakened, then the spine has to cope with a large number of loads.
  • It is worth mentioning about nutrition, because for the normal development and functioning of the bone apparatus the body needs to receive substances such as vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Deficiency of minerals and beriberi can lead to disruption of the normal structure of connective tissues.

By the way, most often osteochondrosis polysegmentary develops under the influence of several risk factors.

Types and forms of the disease

Symptoms and features of the disease largely depend on its form, namely on the location of the pathological process:

  1. Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the cervical region is often accompanied by rather characteristic symptoms. Patients complain of persistent headaches, weakness and dizziness. Approximately the same clinical picture develops in the lesion of the thoracic segments of the spine. Depending on which nerve roots have been affected, the patient may experience pain in the region of the heart.
  2. Polysegmentary osteochondrosis of the lumbar region often causes disorders in the functioning of the abdominal organs. Some patients complain of pain in the small pelvis, which can give in the thigh, buttocks, shins. Sometimes there is a development of intermittent claudication. The same clinical picture is observed in the defeat of the sacral department.

It is worth noting that the process of diagnosis is difficult in the event that the pathological process covers the segments of the spine in different departments. Symptomatic in this case becomes mixed.

What symptoms are accompanied by osteochondrosis?

What signs should I pay attention to? Osteochondrosis polysegmentary has a rather characteristic clinical picture, which, however, depends on the degree of lesion, as well as the location of the pathological process. The fact is that as a result of changes in the intervertebral discs, compression of the roots of the spinal nerves is observed.

Each of them has its important functions, because it provides sensitivity, transmission of nerve impulses and the work of certain organs of the thoracic, abdominal cavity. Thus, osteochondrosis polysegmentary affects the condition of not only the bone apparatus, it is dangerous for other systems of organs.

As for the symptoms, the earliest manifestations are:

  • back pain, which can spread along the nerve endings;
  • a change in skin sensitivity, a feeling of numbness (for example, in the tips of the fingers and toes);
  • sensation of tingling, burning, creepy;
  • various violations in the work of internal organs, depending on which particular nerve endings were compressed;
  • stiffness in movement, reduction of muscle strength.

What diagnostic methods are used?

If you notice any symptoms or worsening of well-being, you should contact a specialist. Quite often the process of diagnosis can be fraught with some difficulties.

For example, if the nerves of the thoracic area are infringed, the patient can be sure of having heart problems.

But if the pathological process occurs in the sacral part of the spine, occasionally sick people have soreness in the groin, as a result of which they first turn to the urologist.

Patients with suspected osteochondrosis (polysegmentary including) are required to undergo an examination with a neurologist-vertebrologist.

Here they are assigned some diagnostic procedures, including X-ray and ultrasound, tomography, etc.

In addition, it is important to conduct a biochemical blood test in order to check the patient for a deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

Polysegmentary osteochondrosis: treatment with drugs

After the diagnosis the doctor will make a suitable treatment regimen. Quite often, therapy involves taking various medications:

  1. In some cases, patients are prescribed a reception of vasodilators that help to relieve spasm from the arteries and small vessels, normalize blood circulation and nutrition of tissues. Such drugs are most often needed for cervical osteochondrosis (Papaverin, Eufillin).
  2. Since the ailment is often accompanied by soreness, the doctor can recommend an effective analgesic that helps to relieve discomfort ("Ketanov "Dicloran").
  3. The course of therapy sometimes includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help not only slow down the development of the inflammatory process, but also eliminate soreness and relieve fever (Diclofenac, "Ibuprofen").
  4. If osteochondrosis is associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, patients are prescribed multivitamin complexes (Vitrum).
  5. An important part of the treatment is the use of chondroprotectors, which stimulate metabolic processes in connective tissues and promote regeneration processes (Teraflex, Rumalon, Arthra).
  6. Sometimes the constant soreness and discomfort is reflected in the emotional state of the patient. In the most severe cases, patients are prescribed psychotropic and sedative drugs (Novo-Passit).

Other therapeutic methods

Drugs are just part of the treatment. In addition, other therapeutic measures are needed. For example, such methods as phonophoresis and UHF are considered quite effective. These procedures help to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process.

After the aggravation was removed, the doctors recommend some supporting procedures. For example, a good result can provide exercise therapy for polysegmental osteochondrosis and coxarthrosis.

Naturally, physical exercises and the degree of exercise are determined individually by a physiotherapist. In addition, a therapeutic massage will be useful.

The purpose of these measures is to remove muscle spasm and gradually strengthen them, thereby relieving the load from the spine.

Osteochondrosis polysegmentary: how dangerous can the disease be?

Of course, this ailment can be extremely dangerous. In the absence of treatment, development of unpleasant and dangerous complications is possible. In particular, the probability of a transition to spondylosis, which is accompanied by progressive degeneration of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, is not excluded.

Such a disease leads to the appearance of regular painful attacks, a decrease in overall activity, a restriction of mobility, and sometimes to disability.

In addition, it is possible to squeeze the vessels and nerve endings, which is fraught with a violation of the work of different systems of organs.

A source: http://.ru/article/250802/osteohondroz-polisegmentarnyiy-lechenie-lfk-pri-polisegmentarnom-osteohondroze-i-koksartroze