Eye drops Inokain

Inokain is a drug with an analgesic effect, these drops are used in certain types ophthalmic studies, to extract foreign objects from the eye, as an anesthetic with little prolonged operations on the eyes.


  • 1pharmachologic effect
  • 2Indications and contraindications in use
    • 2.1Indications for use
    • 2.2Contraindications in use
  • 3Possible complications caused by the drug Inokain
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

pharmachologic effect

The role of the main anesthetic is benoxinate hydrochloride. It is capable of blocking nerve endings, thereby providing a local anesthetic effect.Compared with tetracaine and other anesthetics, which are used in ophthalmology, this component causes less irritating effect on the area of ​​the cornea and conjunctiva. Surface anesthesia becomes noticeable after 30 seconds after the administration of drops, and the effect itself lasts an average of 15 minutes.

This preparation has a solution concentration of not more than,%.Specialists noted that in theory, oxybuprokain, which is part of Inokain, can reduce the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides.

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But practical conclusions have not been described either in the literature or in any other official sources.

A single instillation of the drug in the conjunctiva allows it to penetrate the corneal region. As a result, for the next 15 minutes, a decrease in the concentration of the stromal concentration of the substance can be observed, which causes a 12-15 minute interval of anesthesia.

,% Inokain solution is globally used in ophthalmology, because after instillation into the eye it quickly causes superficial anesthesia, and also renders a very weak irritant effect on the conjunctiva of the eye, excellently penetrates the epithelium and almost does not have any damaging effect on it and does not spoil it him.

The drug Inokain begins to block the nerve endings after 30 seconds after instillation. After the installation, this effect can be observed for 15 minutes.

Indications and contraindications in use

Before using this medication, you should read the following indications and contraindications:


Astigmatism Treatment

Why this upper article will swell around the upper eyelids.

All about multifocal lenses http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/multifokalnye/idealnoe-sredstvo-korrekcii-pri-vozrastnoj-dalnozorkosti.html


Indications for use

Use Inokain is recommended in the following cases:

  • Elimination of foreign objects and seams from the area of ​​the conjunctiva and the cornea.
  • For measurement of intraocular pressure (tonometry).
  • Scraping the conjunctiva for diagnosis.
  • In the presence of gonioscopy.
  • With short surgical operations in the area of ​​the conjunctiva and the cornea.

Contraindications in use

  • This tool is not recommended for personal hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • The use of an inocaine during pregnancy and during lactation is recommended only in case, when the expected benefit of taking Inokain for a mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus or breast child.
  • Prolonged, repeated and prolonged use (as well as other local anesthetics), can lead to a stable opacity of the cornea.
  • It is not intended for use in long-term therapy for the complex treatment of eye diseases.

During anesthesia, it is necessary to protect the eye from irritating chemical effects, foreign bodies and friction.

Possible complications caused by the drug Inokain

If you use eye drops for Inocaine, then you should know that in this case you can feel faint tingling and burning. Some people may develop redness of the conjunctiva.In rare cases, the patient may develop keratitis. In some cases, there may be allergic reactions.


Eye drops DuoTrav with instruction

Eye ointment Dexa-Gentamycin with the instruction is described in this article.

Eye drops with glaucoma http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/glaukoma/effektivnye-glaznye-kapli.html


A great experience, which would be enough for the use of the drug in children there.An appointment is made for the use of the attending physician if the expected curative effect exceeds the risk of possible side effects.

Most side effects or complications quickly pass and often completely without a trace.



Inokain is the most used agent for ophthalmic operations. Has the least amount of side effects and contraindications compared to its counterparts. The drug has a high efficiency, low cost and very fast action. One of the drawbacks of these drops can be considered only that they can not be used too often.

Read also about such drugs as Pharmadox and Cyclopentolate.