Onchocerciasis of a person: signs, causes, treatment

Helminths are parasites that can live in the body of not only animals but also humans.At the same time, they may fail to make themselves felt at first, or vice versa, to cause great discomfort and poison the body, causing serious complications and diseases. One of the most dangerous diseases of this type is onchocerciasis. Despite the fact that it is rarely diagnosed in the territory of the CIS countries, pathology is quite capable of leading to serious consequences. Therefore, when it is detected, it is necessary to start treatment immediately.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classification
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medication
    • 7.2Surgically
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Onchocerciasis refers to diseases like biogelmintosis.In this case, adult individuals-pathogens are able to inhabit the human skin, forming nodes.

Infection, as a rule, occurs through the bite of a person by the midge, which carries this helminth.

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Thus, they get through the skin into the lymphatic system and subcutaneous fat, mouth, eyes. They are able to live and parasitize the human body for ten to fifteen years.

Usually midges attack a man in the morning and evening hours, cool, but light time of day. The main intervals: eight to ten in the morning and six to nine in the evening.

Types and Classification

At the initial stage after the introduction of microfilariae under the skin, a person practically does not notice any symptoms.They become visible only after the growth of individuals and their migration with the formation of nodules under the skin and in the eyes. In this case, the disease acquires a second stage of development, in which serious complications are possible.

Nodules in the eyes of onchocerciasis

No less dangerous type of helminthiosis is recognized and dyrofilariasis.


The cause of the disease is infection with orchorci, the last owner of which is a person.Often, pathology occurs in Africa and South America - the habitats of specific migratory vectors.

Causes of onchocerciasis

Since the carriers of the parasite are midges, infection can be prevented by protecting them.


As a rule, the symptoms largely depend on the degree of infection.They appear usually after passing the incubation period, which usually lasts about a year. Among the main signs of infection:

  • Skin itching and unpleasant sensations(for example, a feeling of stirring under the skin);
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Eosinophilia in the blood;
  • Changes in the skin(thickening, appearance of wrinkles);
  • Excessive pigmentation of the skin with spots.
Symptoms of onchocerciasis

In the later stages, a serious change in the skin can occur.It produces persistent abnormal pigmentation, changes the direction of hair growth, their follicles are affected. Often, edema can occur and the lymph nodes increase.There is soreness, constant itching (especially in the thighs), probably the formation of a skin apron.

With this disease, itching often intensifies in the evening and night.

The presence of helminths in the eye area can be considered a dangerous phenomenon.The parasite is able to penetrate almost any layers and tissues of the visual apparatus, including the cornea. In this case, the following symptoms are possible:

  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Redness, itching, burning;
  • Intolerance to light;
  • Puffiness;
  • Abnormal pigmentation of the conjunctiva.
Anomalous pigmentation of conjunctiva

Against the background of these symptoms is likely the development of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other types of inflammation. Allergic reactions to the toxins and products of vital activity are possible.

Possible complications

The most dangerous form of onchocerciasis is acquired if they move into eyeballs.In this case, you can expect complications such as cataracts, atrophy of the optic nerve, glaucoma of various types, reduction and loss of vision. In addition, skin rashes, redness, scratching of internal organs by the products of the vital activity of the parasite are possible.

Complication after onchocerciasis - cataract

One of the most pronounced symptoms of onchocerciasis is itching. If it occurs systematically and worsens in the evening hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Analysis and diagnosis of the disease is complicated by its rarity and the presence of an incubation period in which it practically does not manifest itself.Usually in this case, the study of a combination of symptoms and some tests, including blood composition, helps. Also, detection of the disease is possible if there are obvious nodules under the skin and migration of the parasite under the cornea.


The therapy of onchocerciasis is selected on the basis of studying the stage of its development and the degree of infection of the body.Currently, there are surgical and conservative techniques.


The main drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of pathology are Ivermectin and Ditrazine.They contribute to the destruction and elimination of helminths from the body. When taking medication, there may be some side effects in the form of hives and other types of rash. The therapeutic effect, aimed at reducing the level of microfillarians, lasts about six months.


Suramin - another effective drug for the destruction and removal of parasites from the body.The drug is very strong, but toxic, so it can have a negative impact on the kidneys and other internal organs.

When allergic reactions occur, antihistamines and corticosteroids are usually prescribed.


Surgery can be indicated in severe stages of orchocerciasis.With the help of surgical intervention, remove subcutaneous nodules and restore eyeballs. In advanced cases, when severe complications occur, they remove cataracts, operate glaucoma and restore vision as much as possible.

Self-treatment of onchocerciasis is unacceptable at any stage of development. With the death of parasites, poisoning of the blood can begin and withdraw them and the toxins released by them become much more difficult.


Currently, no vaccines have been developed to prevent this disease. Therefore, the main method of preventing it is individual protection against insects, as well as their destruction.To avoid infection, it is also not recommended to stay near the open water bodies where the midges live, in the morning and evening hours.It is also possible to use poisonous substances for the destruction and repelling of insects.

As a prophylaxis, once a year, therapy with Ditrazine can be administered.



Onchocerciasis is a fairly rare type of biohelminthosis, as the main source of infection are the midges, which live in Africa and South America.However, despite this, the disease is very dangerous and can seriously affect the quality of life. It spoils the skin and poisons blood and internal organs, and also affects the organs of vision, which leads to severe consequences, up to blindness. In addition, the diagnosis of helminthiosis of this type is very complicated. However, if the diagnosis is correctly formulated, one can always count on a full recovery.