Chickenpox in children and adults: symptoms and treatment at home

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Chickenpox , or chicken pox in children and adults is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by one of the varieties of the Herpes virus.

Transmission paths: airborne. In general, chicken pox infects children, but also in adults. A high risk of getting sick from those who are weak in immunity, and in pregnant women. After the transferred disease, life-long immunity is formed.


How is chickenpox transmitted?

The chickenpox virus, or shingles virus carries the Latin name "Varicella-zoster virus".The formation of a calm attitude to the mild course of chickenpox was formed during the mass transfer of the disease to children attending kindergartens. But it follows to forget that the virus Varicella-Zoster, when ingested, affects not only the skin and nerve endings, but also the lungs, digestive system, genitourinary system, the brain, it also has some influence on the fetal development of the fetus. The virus can become more active with oncology, HIV infection, blood diseases and radiation sickness.

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The virus is extremely contagious and the person to it is absolutely susceptible to 100%.The microbe is volatile and overcomes air distances up to 20 meters, overcomes ventilation systems, lift shafts and staircases.

A virus is transmitted when talking, sneezing, coughing, kissing;when the patient's saliva or the contents of the bubbles come into contact with unaffected skin;from a pregnant woman to a fetus if she fell ill with either chickenpox or herpes zoster during this period.

90% of the sick children are kids of four to six years old. But children from infected their mothers in childhood to six months can not catch chickenpox because of antibodies transmitted through the placenta.

A sick person is considered infectious for two weeks, becoming an infection carrier a day before the appearance of the first catarrhal symptoms of chickenpox and the entire period until the vesicle bubbles become crusts. Infectiousness comes to an end in five days from the moment of occurrence of the last rash.

Immunity persists for chickenpox survivors - almost in 97% of the population, the remaining 3% can recover.

For windmills, spring-autumn seasonality is typical. There are epidemics of chicken pox. They are manifested in the form of small and large cycles.

Symptoms of chicken pox

The first symptom of chickenpox is a few characteristic pimples on the face and body that look like ordinary acne, but on some of them there are tiny yellow water blisters. The base of the pimple and the skin around it are reddened. Blisters burst, wither, and a crust is formed. New blisters appear within 3-4 days.

Older children may complain of a headache and general malaise the day before the onset of the rash. But a small child will not describe such symptoms. At first, the temperature is almost normal, in the next two days it may rise.

Some children feel well for almost the entire disease, their temperature does not rise above 38 ° C, others suffer a severe illness, with a high fever. Pimples tend to itch.

Varicella is manifested between the 11th and 21st day after infection. Usually a child is allowed to leave the house and attend school one week after the onset of the illness or two days after stopping the rash of new blisters.

The dried crusts of blisters are not infectious, because of them you should not stand quarantine.

Treatment of chickenpox: general recommendations

Bed rest for a week, even if the temperature is quite normal.

Light food, mostly liquid. If there is a protein in the urine, then stick to a strict milk diet.

From parents,

  1. is required not to bathe a child in an acute period, do not expose bubbles to moisture, do not use ointments;
  2. not to allow the child to comb the body to avoid inflammation and subsequent scarring of the skin( if the child is small and unable to control himself, it is possible to put on him special rag-like gloves);
  3. after the pockmarks completely dry up, redeem the child in a warm bath and wash the whole body with soap;
  4. Isolate the child for 15 days to protect other children from infection;

Medical means

  1. vesicles treated with a 1% solution of diamond greens 1 every two to three days;
  2. for bacterial complication of treatment, to connect antibiotics in age-related doses;
  3. the decision on hospitalization is made by the doctor.

How to treat and how to cure chickenpox at home

Typically, chickenpox treatment in children and adults often occurs at home, use the recommendations above.

During the febrile period, bed rest is administered to children for three to five days, adults - longer.

Diet sparing, exclude fatty, fried, smoked products. Vegetables - only stewed or cooked. It is not necessary to eat berries and fruits during the rash - they irritate the stomach. Eat only what does not cause you allergies.

It is advisable to rinse the throat and oral cavity with a solution of furacillin after meals.

For the lower eyelid of both eyes, with symptoms of venous conjunctivitis, it is good to lay eye ointment "Acyclovir".

Skin eruptions are simply lubricated with green - a solution of brilliant green, or lotion "Calamine" or fucorcin.

Do not squeeze or comb the bubbles. That it is too itchy, smear with ointment "Penciclovir-Fenistil".

In the shower, observe the accuracy, but it is better to take it after stopping the rashes.

It is possible to pour a warm weak solution of potassium permanganate and, without wiping, get wet with a towel.

Preparations and funds from chickenpox

  1. "Acyclovir"( analogues - "Zovirax", "Virolex") - for children from two years old."Valciclovir" - from the age of 12, "Famciclovir" - from the age of 18.Preparations are toxic and are prescribed only by a doctor in case of severe disease.
  2. Specific immunoglobulin - "Zostevir".Also appointed by a doctor.
  3. For pregnant women and in case of prevention of complications use "Novirin" or "Isoprinozchin".
  4. With high body temperature - take the pill "Paracetamol" or "Nurofen"."Aspirin" can not be given to children under 12 years of age.
  5. With severe itching, antihistamines are prescribed: "Fenistil", "Erius", "Zodak", "Suprastin" and others.

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How does chickenpox look like: photos and videos

Find out what windmills look like in the photos. These are not aliens and not men from traffic lights, but people who suffer from chickenpox. I do not know why they started photographing it, but maybe someone will be interested in how sick with chickenpox look.

In adults, the symptoms of chicken pox are about the same as in children. These include: high temperature up to 39 ° C;a rash that turns into transparent vesicles, bursting and forming small sores( the rash can be combined into islets and lasts the entire course of the illness - from 5 to 6 days);itching at the site of rashes.

In the video you will see: what the chickenpox looks like, children, the initial stage of chickenpox, the symptoms, in adults, how the rash and pimples look, the onset of the disease, rashes with chickenpox, stains and crusts, scars.

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