Pneumonia without fever

Pneumonia has known classic symptoms:
- Fever - increase in body temperature> + 38 ° C.
- Pain in the chest from the side of the inflammation, intensifying with a deep inspiration, movement, coughing attacks.
- Acceleration of dyspnea, uncharacteristic for the patient.
- The appearance of a cough, sometimes with phlegm or rusty phlegm.
These symptoms when they appear in the complex should cause suspicion of inflammation of the lungs in both adults and children. Patients with pneumonia may be disturbed by general weakness, fatigue, sweating at night.
Is the course of pneumonia possible without fever?
Suddenness of onset of the disease, fever and chest pain may sometimes not occur, for example, in elderly and weakened patients with immunodeficiency.
In elderly people who have severe chronic diseases or a decrease in body defenses, there can be pneumonia without temperature. In 25% of patients with pneumonia at the age of> 65 years, fever is often absent, and extrapulmonary symptoms prevail in the clinic of the disease. External clinical signs are erased and expressed as weakness, fatigue, nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, confusion of consciousness.
With such a hidden course of the disease, little or no external signs of pulmonary inflammation, usually detected by the doctor during examination, are absent.
The idea that there is pneumonia without a temperature should arise if, for obvious reasons, the elderly, children and weakened people significantly reduced physical activity. At patients the general expressed weakness grows, the person ceases to move, all time lays, becomes indifferent, quite often drowsy, refuses reception of food.
How to suspect lung inflammation without fever?
A careful examination of a sick person sometimes reveals a one-sided cheeks blush on the side of the inflammation and dryness of the tongue, coated with a white coating. Pneumonia without temperature is always manifested by a significant increase in dyspnoea and rapid heart rate - tachycardia. Listening to the lungs usually helps to detect a place of accumulation of wet wheezing above the lesion site.
There are classic signs of inflammation of the lungs, detected when the patient examines the doctor. These symptoms will help diagnose "pneumonia" without temperature in weakened patients.
- Stupidity of the percussion sound over the inflamed part of the lung during percussion.
- Limited focus of hard breathing over the lungs when listening.
- Limited congestion of sonorous small bubbly wet wheezes.
- Limited loss of breath over the pulmonary field.
What is the danger of belated diagnostics of inflammation of the lungs?
Late diagnosis and delayed antimicrobial treatment in patients with pneumonia for more than 4 hours, worsen the survival prognosis.
Pneumonia is dangerous by the development of complications:
- Pulmonary - exudate pleurisy, suppuration of the lung, empyema of the pleura, edema of the lungs.
- Extrapulmonary - infectious-toxic shock, psychosis, pericarditis (inflammation of the cardiac sac), myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), sepsis (blood infection).
Will X-rays help clarify the diagnosis of pneumonia without temperature?

To confirm the diagnosis of "pneumonia", the patient is given a chest x-ray in two projections. The main x-ray sign of pneumonia is a limited darkening of the lung tissue against the background of external signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract. In the absence of darkening of the lung tissue on the X-ray, the conclusion about the presence of pneumonia is not justified.
Treatment of pneumonia - basic rules
Diagnostic studies should not delay the antimicrobial treatment of pneumonia due to a worsening of the prognosis when it is delayed.
Antibacterial treatment for the destruction of pathogens of pneumonia is selected on the basis of the natural activity of the drug. In each case, the possible resistance of microbes to the drug is taken into account. Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics lasts an average of 7-10 days. In the presence of a cough with thick sticky sputum, treatment can be supplemented by expectorants and medications that dilute sputum.
An X-ray study is performed at the onset of the disease and again 10 days after the onset of antimicrobial treatment. X-ray images can be performed at an earlier time if there is a threat of complications or a significant deterioration in the patient's condition.
Pneumonia without fever and without coughing
Inflammation of the lungs in itself is a very dangerous disease, but pneumonia without a cough is much more dangerous. Not many people know, but this pathology can develop quite unnoticed, without any pronounced symptoms and a sharp deterioration in well-being. This term is a collection of several pathologies relating to lung tissue, and each has its own characteristics. It is important to remember that the ailment is not always accompanied by the usual symptoms: cough or temperature.

Facts about the disease
The main and main respiratory organs are the lungs. They let oxygen into the human body and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. It is here that gas exchange of substances occurs, air purification from toxins, microorganisms and harmful elements, as well as nutrition of each cell. In a healthy person, pushing the air outward is normal, the patient's breathing is much more difficult.
As soon as the infection enters the respiratory system, their functioning, normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune system are hampered. Infection occurs through inhaled particles of vomit, through viruses, harmful bacteria and fungi, foreign objects and the like. In addition, the factor of the appearance of pneumonia may be both hypothermia, and the recently transferred cold. Not all lungs, but only separate parts of different areas can be affected. Such a disease is not contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has the character of an infectious disease.

Note that the risk of getting sick is most common among older people over 60 and children under 2 years old. Finding the root cause of infection, you can determine how a person fell ill: because of an infection that got into the body through the airways, or because of deterioration in health against the already existing disease. For example, if the flu is not completely cured, the consequences can be unpredictable.
Despite the main prerequisites for the emergence of ailment, the negative impact can have both medicines and medical intervention. This includes the following:
- organ transplantation;
- manifestation of the disease after intubation of the trachea or artificial ventilation;
- infection can occur and as a result of visiting the infectious disease department of the hospital.
How to discover the disease in time

The condition of the body is affected by the human condition. Such reasons as an unfavorable environment, poor diet and bad habits can lead not only to pneumonia, but also to other serious illnesses. Therefore, most patients can be found in nursing homes and similar institutions. In addition, people who suffer from narcological and alcohol addiction, with weakened immunity and HIV-infected are also prone to infection.
Anyone with a weak immune system may not notice the development of the infection. Protection capabilities are reduced due to the presence of microorganisms and viruses in the blood, so the body can not fully resist the harmful effects of the environment.
Self-medication and taking medicines without doctor's supervision affects the internal microflora and promotes the favorable reproduction of harmful bacteria. They quickly adapt to the environment and become insensitive to treatment.

It is accompanied by temperature, fatigue and weakness in general. Not everyone wants to see a doctor when a cough occurs, because they think that the usual home treatment will be more effective. However, this is how the inflammatory process begins, which can lead to serious complications if you do not give enough attention to the treatment (or if you do not cure the ailment).
Absence of obvious symptoms
With a careless approach, a mild cold can take on a chronic character. Slime does not go away from the bronchi, and suppression of cough drugs leads to the development of pneumonia, which is very difficult to detect under such conditions. All pathological changes remain directly in the lungs and continue to develop there. A more severe stage leads to the appearance of pus of a green or yellow hue. If a person does not have a temperature, then the following symptoms are possible:
- weakness;
- pallor;
- excessive sweating;
- dyspnea;
- pain in the chest during movement;
- coughing.

If symptoms are found in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible. At home, observe how the child performs physical exercises, whether there are signs of drowsiness or a decrease in appetite. The specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination and make analyzes and, of course, explain the harm of self-treatment.
Correct approach to recovery
As practice shows, not all follow the doctors' warnings about the back side of self-treatment. We must not forget that, without knowing the cause of infection, it is impossible to find the right drugs, which will once and for all get rid of the pathogen. A full course of treatment, affecting both temperature, cough, and the condition of a person as a whole, is a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, a specialist (in the case of children, a pediatrician) prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and general strengthening therapy. Such methods will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to taking medications, the patient can in another way contribute to his recovery:
- Observe the sleep regime and the correct diet. Eat more foods with protein and zinc.
- More fish, dishes from cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits. These products reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.
- Abandonment of bad habits will speed up recovery.
It is very important to return the cough reflex, otherwise it is necessary to perform a sanation with bronchoscopy. To all this, physiotherapy and special gymnastics are prescribed.
Concerning folk remedies: medicine does not prohibit such an approach, but to rely solely on recovery with home-made decoctions and tinctures is dangerous enough.
Pneumonia: symptoms without fever. Symptoms of Hidden Pneumonia
High temperature is a classic sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs. It signals a serious illness such as pneumonia. Symptoms without fever are rarely taken for its manifestation. It's a pity. After all, they indicate the latent course of the disease.

Main reasons
Symptoms of latent pneumonia are intense sweating and weakness. Even in the case of minimal loads. What do these signs mean? They signal a weakened immunity. After all, the body does not give a normal response to the inflammatory process. That is why, even in the case of severe lung damage, the body temperature rises slightly, and sometimes remains at a normal level.
At the same time, high sweating and weakness speak of the strongest poisoning. Malicious bacteria are not restrained by immune cells and spread a lot of toxic substances. The excretory system simply does not have time to get rid of them. As a result, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. And this leads to an even greater oppression of immunity. In the end, the body completely ceases to resist infection.
Remember, pneumonia without temperature is a sign of impaired immunity. Such a patient needs prompt medical assistance. Because without it, the patient can die.
Symptoms of pneumonia with a cough
The situation is typical for a patient who has had a long cold. The patient's condition improved significantly. The doctor does not observe wheezing in the lungs. There was only a small cough. For example, after a strong bronchitis such a residual phenomenon is considered the norm. However, only if it lasts no more than 2 weeks.

When is there reason to suspect that pneumonia develops in the body? Symptoms without fever, but with the presence of a cough should be alarmed in the following cases:
- the presence of general weakness;
- duration of cough more than 2 weeks;
- decreased appetite;
- expectoration of a large amount of sputum or, on the contrary, minimal;
- shortness of breath, chest at this time asymmetrically expanding;
- painful discomfort in the lower ribs;
- strong heat and profuse sweating at any load.
These are the most common signs. These are very serious, characterizing such a disease as pneumonia, symptoms. Temperature of 37 C, and sometimes normal, in combination with the above signs may indicate a latent form of pulmonary tuberculosis.
That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.
Hidden pneumonia without coughing
Unfortunately, such a disease is characterized by different forms of manifestation. Is there pneumonia without fever and cough? Symptoms (signs of a hidden ailment) indicate a complete inactivity of the body before an insidious disease.

The following persons are subject to this form of manifestation of the disease:
- patients with alcoholism;
- persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;
- HIV-infected;
- aged people;
- weakened children;
- patients who have a different form of depression of the immune system.
In addition, symptoms of latent pneumonia without a cough can be observed in people who have a busy schedule. Such people, most of whom are office employees, spend a working day in a room depleted of oxygen. In this case, they are often delayed after a day's work. They do not pay attention to malaises of moderate and mild severity. Thus, most of the infections are carried on the legs.
Against the background of the weakening of immunity they develop pneumonia. Symptoms without fever and cough greatly complicate the possibility of correct diagnosis of the disease. But the whole danger lies in the fact that a good standard of living and nutrition gives the body the power to suppress the pathogen independently. At the same time, the connective tissue forms on the site of the former inflammation. As a result, the lungs lose their ability to gas exchange. The patient develops a respiratory failure.
Pneumonia in children
Breasts and newborns are most susceptible to the latent course of pneumonia. This is due to low respiratory activity in the absence of physical exertion. In children, stagnation of fluid in the pleural cavity is observed. In this regard, hard breathing is accepted as the norm of physiology. Meanwhile, pneumonia develops without temperature in children.

Symptoms of childhood pneumonia are of this nature:
- the duration of sleep increases;
- the regime of wakefulness and rest;
- increased nervous excitability;
- there is a flabbiness of the skin;
- there are causeless vagaries;
- there is a violation of breathing;
- increased sweating;
- nasolabial triangle turns pale and acquires a bluish tinge.
Undress the baby and carefully look at the chest during breathing. Hidden pneumonia is indicated by uneven movement in this area. One side may lag far behind the other when inhaled.
Possible reasons
Physicians identify several factors that can provoke pneumonia.
Inflammation of the lungs without temperature, causes:
- Weakened immunity, which does not repel the ailment.
- Complications after a viral infection.
- Adapting the body to an antibiotic or antibacterial drug of a certain action.
- Intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma).

Correctly diagnose the ailment is capable only of the doctor. After listening to the lungs of a small patient, he can suspect a serious illness. Finally, to make sure of the diagnosis, X-rays can be used. In addition, the baby will be assigned a blood test. This study will determine the causative agent of the disease.
Caution - pneumonia!
In the case of the above described symptoms, the only true solution will be a referral to the therapist. It is recommended to reduce psychological and physical stress. If you suspect pneumonia, symptoms (without temperature) fully indicate it, do not yourself do the following things yourself.
- Take medication. Some bacterial infections react to drugs by abrupt reproduction and growth.
- Warm the chest. Gorchichniki, banks will only contribute to the spread of infection.
- Take antitussive drugs. Blocking the reflex, drugs lead to stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
- To visit baths, saunas. A high temperature will trigger the spread of infection in the lower ways.
- To use antipyretic, anesthetizing medicines. Such drugs negatively affect the immune system.

Home methods
After you discuss with your doctor the symptoms of pneumonia without fever, folk remedies are allowed to be connected as additional fighting measures. Initially, it must be said that no home methods can not defeat this disease on their own.
It is recommended (only after discussion with the doctor) to introduce into the diet: garlic, onion, propolis, honey, elderberry, raspberry, hips. Of course, provided there is no allergy to these products.
Adult patients should stop smoking. The diet should be enriched with carbohydrates, proteins. It is advisable to eat foods containing a large number of vitamins A, B, C.
The patient should drink plenty of clean water. The room should be constantly well ventilated. It is useful to use an air humidifier.

Never ignore the signals that your body gives you. In fact even about the latent form of a pneumonia he necessarily signals the strongest weakness and the raised sweating. Remember, inflammation of the lungs without temperature is the situation in which an attentive attitude towards health (one's own or loved ones) can save a life.
Pneumonia without temperature: is this possible?
Pneumonia is a disease in which an inflammatory process takes place in the pulmonary system. It can occur due to hypothermia or the development of infection in the body, for example, as a complication of acute respiratory infections. Reducing the level of protection of the immune system, that is, the body's ability to fight disease-causing microbes, creates a favorable atmosphere for infection to enter the lungs.
With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lungs, it is customary to talk about the presence of bronchitis, which can be treated at home. But when their tissue is infected, pneumonia is diagnosed, the further course of which should be carried out under the strict control of medical personnel. Moreover, developing pneumonia is allowed without temperature and with a significant increase in it.
Pneumonia: symptoms without fever.
The most obvious symptom of this disease is a cough that does not go away for a long time. It is also possible to suspect the presence of such complications if the acute respiratory disease lasts more than a week and there are no signs of improvement. As a rule, the patient becomes difficult with every deep breath, which ends with an incessant cough. Pneumonia without fever is manifested in severe respiration and pallor of the patient. If the body temperature is increased, then it is almost impossible to knock it down by the usual means.
If you have all of the above symptoms, you should contact a specialist who will conduct the examination and make the final diagnosis. Usually, to confirm their assumptions, the doctor prescribes an X-ray and a blood test.
Most people do not imagine that pneumonia without temperature can develop and affect the lungs no less than with its presence. Often this is the main factor when deciding whether to consult a doctor. For example, if the temperature is not increased and the child coughs, then the parents do not see the need for an additional examination. Usually, such a cough is tried to muffle with the help of various syrups purchased at the pharmacy, or carrying out inhalation procedures. It should be understood that pneumonia in children without a temperature is often enough and presents a great danger, since an experienced doctor is required for its diagnosis. And the way to "breathe over a potato" in this case will be absolutely useless.
A person who does not have knowledge in the field of medicine, the idea that there was pneumonia without temperature, can push a number of common symptoms. For example, the weakness of the whole body, the legs seem to be wadded and always want to sleep, it is impossible to engage in any activity for a long time. You can also do a simple test. You should stand in front of the mirror, undressed to the waist, and, taking a deep breath, hold your breath. Then you need to exhale sharply. If lung inflammation develops, the reflection will clearly show that one part of the sternum lags behind the other, that is, there is some inhibition.
A specialist can not catch signs of pneumonia when looking at the exterior, but if you have reason to think differently, then he should hint at this or refer to another specialist. After all, health is the most important thing that is in life and it is necessary to protect it. Usually, this disease is treated with antibiotics, syrups and other medications, and also various physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, including back massage and inhalation. In order to help the body to overcome pneumonia, measures should be taken to improve the state of immune defense. It is usually enough to drink a course of a good vitamin complex.
Features of the course of pneumonia without temperature
Pneumonia without temperature and special clinical manifestations is characterized by the presence of pathological changes in the inflammatory character in the lung without an organism response to these changes in the form of hyperthermia, coughing and chest pain. This disease occurs in people with reduced immunity or in other cases considered below.

Causes of inflammation in the lungs
The source of the pathological process that caused pneumonia is infection.The nature of the course of pneumonia depends entirely on which causative agent is at the heart of the disease, on the presence or absence of concomitant pathology, prior treatment.This is to a greater extent and forms the answer to the frequent question: is there pneumonia without temperature? The asymptomatic course of the disease is more common in severe or weakened patients. For example, in patients after cavitary operations, with the presence of an oncologic process, and also with chemo- or radiotherapy, the presence of HIV infection.
But nevertheless, in most cases pneumonia without temperature occurs with uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs. The intake of the latter leads to the destruction of its own microflora in the intestines, which causes the growth of bacteria (which are classified as opportunistic and pathogenic), dysbiosis. The consequence of this is bowel dysfunction, including decreased immunity. Because it is the structural components of the intestine that form the majority of cells of the immune response and antibodies.

Doctors distinguish the following factors, leading to the emergence of this pathology:
- uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs;
- application of antipyretics at any temperature increase;
- Earned tolerance to a certain group of drugs throughout life;
- self-administration of potent antitussive drugs;
- lack of a full-fledged cough reflex.
Therefore, it is necessary to limit the independent reception of not only antibiotics, but also any other medications without consulting a doctor. And if you have a long cold or a usual cough, do not run to the pharmacy, but to the doctor for advice and appointment correct treatment or, if necessary, examination, which will help to eliminate pneumonia.
The course of asymptomatic pneumonia

- general weakness;
- apathy;
- lack of appetite;
- the appearance and buildup of dyspnea.
The temperature rise can also be, but either short-term, or up to 37.1-37.2º, which does not attract attention and does not cause the assumption of active inflammation.
A single sign is always a cough. His character can be different: from the superficial and dry to rare and with phlegm. Sometimes, coughing can cause chest pain on the side of the inflammation and may be accompanied by sudden shortness of breath. This is due to the difficulty of escaping sputum from the bronchial tree, which can be very dangerous in view of the possibility the emergence of both unsafe for life complications, and a complete disruption of airway patency.
In addition, the symptom of pneumonia is the clinic of respiratory failure in the absence of a temperature reaction, this may be the first stage of pulmonary edema.
Symptomatic in this pathology - very meager, but still it is:

- the pallor of the skin is noted;
- there is shortness of breath, increasing over time (complaints of a lack of air, increasing with any physical exertion);
- the inability to take a deep breath or exhale (thus there is a cough);
- pain in the chest with breathing or physical exertion, up to simple body twists;
- marked general weakness and decreased physical activity;
- specific manifestations of the disease (change in the auscultatory and percussion picture, examination in this area is the prerogative of the doctor).
In any case, the interpretation of all the symptoms and the appointment of other examinations, the exact diagnosis and recommendations for treatment are only available to a specialist.
Hypostatic pneumonia
The course of pneumonia with a minimum of complaints and symptoms is called hypostatic. This situation is due to the presence of constant blood stagnation in a small circle of circulation. This stasis provides the transition of the liquid part of the blood through the vessel wall into the alveoli and bronchi, which is the cause of the pulmonary edema. This, in turn, facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the lung tissue itself. Against the background of pronounced permeability of lung tissue, weakening of the body's defenses and the presence of opportunistic pathogens flora there is a process of inflammation at the local level, which subsequently progresses to severe pneumonia.

Pneumonia can occur without clinical manifestations, it is easily confused with a cold or SARS. But if there is shortness of breath, increasing with any physical exertion, coughing with sputum discharge, chest pain when coughing, and clinical changes in the form of auscultative weakening of breathing from the patient side and percussion manifestations of pleural complications, this should be an unambiguous indication to complex treatment and examination. It is better to conduct it in a multidisciplinary hospital.
The most serious is pathology in infants. With pneumonia, the inflammatory process can take place without any signs. The kid, unlike adults, has no opportunity to complain and talk about problems, and parents are not always in a hurry to turn to the doctor. In this case, you need to pay attention to any deviations in the state of the child.
Methods of treatment
Treatment is carried out only when the doctor determines the diagnosis, after agreeing a clinical and radiological picture.
Therapy is based on the intake of antibacterial drugs, the purpose of which is according to the results of sputum culture on the sensitivity to antibiotics.
Self-administration of medications not only makes diagnosis difficult, but also complicates the treatment process, since bacteria can form immunity to the drugs taken. It is necessary to be aware of the seriousness of the situation. Pneumonia is not a cold, it itself will not pass without a trace, and its independent treatment will lead to the formation of chronic pathology, and this at best. The causative agent of pneumonia can have a specific nature (tubercle bacillus). And in this case, self-medication only aggravates the situation and lengthens the period of treatment.
Sometimes the process of diagnosing a tuberculosis lesion lasts for several months, with no signs of active inflammation. And the beginning of treatment without setting a diagnosis, in relation to this situation, can have very serious consequences, including disability and death.