Inflammation of the symptoms in adult home treatment

Treatment of pneumonia in an adult

Diseases of the respiratory system have a high risk for humans. One such common pathology is pneumonia, which causes inflammation of the lung tissue and irreversible changes in it. To avoid oxygen starvation of tissues, the disease must necessarily start on time to treat.

How to treat pneumonia at home in adults

Pneumonia often has a viral nature, but even in other cases, it is joined by bacterial infection, so adults are required to perform antibiotic therapy, appointing 1-2 drugs Simultaneously. The treatment standards take into account several factors:

  • type of pneumonia;
  • volume of damage to lung tissue;
  • state of health and age of the patient;
  • concomitant diseases of the heart, kidneys or lungs.


Adults prescribe antibiotics for pneumonia, taking into account their age, and even with negligible the effectiveness of a single drug does not change it within 3 days or until a sputum test is decoded patient. For the treatment of pneumonia use modern popular drugs under the names:

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  1. Ceftriaxone. As a form of release, white powders are used for the preparation of injections. The course of treatment of pneumonia is determined by the doctor depending on the degree of severity. For an adult, the dose is 1-2 g daily. A solution for injections is prepared from 500 mg of the drug and 2 ml of a 1% solution of lidocaine, and for the droppers 5 ml of sterile water are used. The price is from 25 rubles, it is sold by prescription.
  2. Sephpotek. Antibiotic, also allowed a child with 12 years. Effective in the treatment of pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections. Adults need to take 200 mg - 1 tablet, with an interval of 12 hours. End the course of treatment is necessary in 2 weeks. Price from 120 rub.
  3. Sumamed. In addition to tablets, it is available as a powder or lyophilizate. It is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases, including respiratory tract. From pneumonia, you need to take 500 mg of the drug per day treatment course, equal to 3 days. The price from 520 r.

People's means

Folk treatment of pneumonia in adults is effective in combination with taking medications if therapy is done at home. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Decoction of raisins. Rinse, art. Dark raisins, pass it through the meat grinder. Gulf a glass of boiling water, soak under the lid for about 10 minutes. To treat inflammation of the lungs with such a decoction it is necessary, drinking on, art. daily.
  2. "Milk" milk. Prepare 3 dried white figs. Heat the milk, pour the fruit, cook over a small fire for about half an hour. To treat pneumonia, drink 2 glasses a day until symptoms improve.
  3. Nastoy on the nuts. Take 500 ml of dry red wine. Fill them with 50 g of peeled nuts. Strew the remedy on a low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Eat 1 tbsp each. before each meal.

Exercise therapy

To begin with, it is recommended that you change your position frequently in bed and do not lie on your side, which hurts. After 3-4 days, when the acute period of the disease is already behind, you can begin respiratory gymnastics, for which you lie on your back and put your hands on your stomach. You need to exhale after a deep breath, but do it slowly, straining your abdominal muscles. Approaches should be at least 5 per day, each of which includes 15 reps. It is recommended to use LFK and for the prevention of pneumonia.

Features of treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia in an adult depends on many factors, the first of which is the type of this disease. Therapy for the elderly is mandatory in the hospital, otherwise the decision is made by the doctor. The algorithm of treatment consists of several stages. First pneumonia is diagnosed, then the focus of inflammation is eliminated with antibiotics. Next, additional medications are prescribed for the remaining signs of the disease.


In adults this form arises more often than others and is divided into right-sided and left-sided. A particular species is bilateral, when lesions are present in both lungs. Treatment of pneumonia in an adult is carried out permanently with the use of antibiotics, physiotherapy, inhalations and elimination of allergic reactions. With a one-sided or bilateral form, you need to ensure the correct position of the patient - semi-sitting to improve the performance of the lungs.


Viruses, bacteria or fungi and parasites lead to the viral form. The first two days for the treatment of pneumonia for an adult are prescribed to take antiviral drugs, such as Tamiflu or Ingavirin in the influenza nature and Acyclovir in the causative agent causing varicella. In addition to these medicines, the patient is prescribed antipyretic, analgesic and cough suppressants that help to sputum. Antibiotics are prescribed only with the addition of bacterial infection.


This type of pneumonia is also called focal. It develops against the background of bronchitis, therefore it is especially dangerous due to its consequences - pleuropneumonia, abscess and even gangrene, therefore the methods of treatment are chosen only by a doctor. Antibiotics become mandatory in therapy, and they are chosen according to the degree of influence on the intestinal microflora. Ecoantibiotics are often used. In addition, adults are treated with drugs that dilute, excrete phlegm and restore the immune system.


The most serious of all is the atypical form, because it is caused by atypical pathogens and often there is such pneumonia in an adult without temperature. The insidious disease is also due to the fact that it has a latent period when the symptoms are practically absent. Antibiotics are often unable to cope with the manifestations of this type of pneumonia, so an adult is prescribed immunoglobulins and special procedures for sucking out fluid in the lungs. Treatment is complemented by a complex of vitamins and antipyretic.


Another complex form of pneumonia is the radical one. It is difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms are similar to tuberculosis and central lung cancer. Drugs for treatment are prescribed immediately after diagnosis, with several drugs at the same time, that the condition was relieved in 2-3 days and the patient could be prescribed heating and exercise therapy.

Treatment of pneumonia in the hospital

Indications for hospitalization are deterioration of the patient's condition or inability to apply the necessary drugs at home. With timely treatment, relief comes in 2-4 days, but possible complications increase the duration of stay in the hospital to 10 days, and often up to 4 weeks. The patient is given injections or drips with antibiotics, then physiological saline is injected in the same way to detoxify the body. In combination with these drugs, adults are prescribed expectorant and antipyretic agents.

How much is pneumonia treated?

Treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in adults is done at home and takes 7 to 10 days. It adds a period for the restoration of the body, which can take from 1 to several months. The same amount can be used to fight chronic pneumonia. The duration of treatment depends on the timeliness of therapy. In addition, the effectiveness of the selected drugs is also important. Inpatient therapy has an average duration of 9-10 days with severe form. Stagnant pneumonia can be cured in 20-25 days.

Video about respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia in adults

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) in both adults and children and the elderly requires timely adequate treatment, because otherwise it can lead to the development of severe complications. Correct treatment of this disease can be prescribed only by a doctor, after examining the patient and conducting the necessary studies.

Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed taking into account the conducted microscopic studies. In the event that microscopy or sowing were not performed, the patient is selected antibiotics, focusing on his age, epidemiological factors and severity of the disease.

In adults, this disease is treated in accordance with the concept of the so-called "stepwise therapy which implies a two-stage application of antibiotics. At the same time, as soon as possible, there is a transition of the introduction of the drug from the parenteral to the non-parenteral route (usually oral, ie through the mouth).

If a patient has pneumonia, the doctor, before giving him treatment, will determine the severity of his condition. As a rule, all people who have symptoms of pneumonia are divided into several groups.

  1. The first group includes patients younger than 60 years who do not have severe concomitant pathologies, and the disease proceeds without complications. Their treatment takes place at home under the supervision of a local doctor. Of antibiotics, they are usually prescribed drugs from the group of penicillins or macrolides.
  2. The second group includes patients older than 60 years who have comorbid pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, chronic alcoholism, renal or heart failure, etc.). To treat pneumonia in such patients is accepted antibiotics, belonging to the group of protected aminopenicillins, as well as third generation cephalosporins. It is best to treat not at home, but in the hospital, to avoid the development of complications.
  3. The third group includes people of any age in whom the disease is severe and there is a high risk of complications. In order to assess the severity of the patient's condition, the doctor draws attention to the following symptoms: shortness of breath, cyanosis, confusion, tachycardia, hypotension and a temperature above 39 degrees.

Regardless of whether the out-of-hospital or nosocomial pneumonia is involved, the patient should be hospitalized or transferred to the pulmonology department. For therapy, drugs belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin) are used. It is necessary to identify the pathogen that caused pneumonia.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic therapy of pneumonia in adults is aimed at alleviating and eliminating its main symptoms. So, when the temperature rises above 3 degrees, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesil, aspirin, indomethacin, Nurofen) are used. Used thinning sputum and facilitating her expectoration of the drug (marshmallow, licorice, ambroxol, lazolvan, solvine, fluimitsil, fluditik, haliksol, ATSTS, Mukaltin and bromhexine).

For the purpose of detoxification therapy, the patient, if necessary, may be given intravenous fluid injection, for example, haemodesis. Also, the patient may be prescribed antihistamines, drugs that simulate local and general immunity, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. In severe cases, cardiac glycosides, analeptics, etc. are used.

Physiotherapy, which is performed in adult patients, can reduce inflammation, as well as restore the ventilation function of the lungs. This treatment promotes the acceleration of resorption of the inflammatory infiltrate, reduction of the bronchial obstruction, activation of alveolar-capillary transport and increase in the level of nonspecific resistance organism.


With pneumonia, you need to be treated not only with medication, but also with the help of physiotherapy exercises. Simple exercises are a good prevention of complications. Beginning to practice is recommended already from the first days of illness. At first the patient should change position in bed more often.

Do not lie on the side that hurts, it is better to change position more often, lying down on a healthy side and on the back. For 3-4 days you need to begin respiratory gymnastics. For this, the patient must lie down, put his hands on his stomach and take a deep breath. Exhale should be slow, while pulling the abdominal muscles. Repeat this exercise should be 15 times 5 times a day. It is possible to supplement such breathing exercises with other movements, for example, with tilts and rotation of the trunk.

Care and Nutrition

If the patient is at home, then he should be carefully looked after. If he sweats, you need to change the bed linen and bed linen. It is worthwhile to provide the patient with a special spittoon where he will expectorate sputum.

The room in which it is located should be regularly ventilated and held in it by wet cleaning. The person should have personal hygiene items and cutlery. If he has signs of complications, it is worthwhile again to see a doctor.

The food should be high in calories, but it is necessary to exclude from the diet difficult to digest products (for example, too fatty). Every day you need to eat fruits and vegetables. Abundant drink will help to increase the excretion of phlegm and prevent the development of dehydration against the background of high temperatures. The patient should drink about three liters a day, alkaline mineral water, fruit juices and various fruit drinks will suit.

Folk methods

Those who are treated at home often use various folk remedies, having consulted their doctor in advance. You can use, for example, a decoction of raisins. For its preparation, half a glass of dark raisins are passed through a meat grinder, poured a glass of boiling water and pressed on fire for 10 minutes. Then decoction is filtered, squeezed and drunk three times a day until recovery.

And also the treatment with folk remedies often includes the use of a decoction of figs. To make it, you need to pour a couple of dried figs with a glass of cold milk and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. The received drink should be taken a glass a couple of times a day. Folk remedies for poorly departing sputum are hazelnuts, which the patient can eat in large quantities.

Duration of treatment

Many patients are interested in the question of how long the treatment lasts. In each case, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually. If there are no complications, then taking antibiotics continues for another three days after the temperature normalization.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

Pneumonia is an infectious disease. It remains one of the most common in the world. It is the leader among nosocomial infections leading to death. It is important to know the symptoms of pneumonia in adults in order to take timely action. Treatment of pneumonia and the prognosis of the development of the disease depends on the nature of the infection, age and general condition of the patient.

What is pneumonia and how dangerous it is

Inflammation of the lungs in an acute form is called pneumonia. It is caused by infections that can be transmitted in various ways, affecting the lung tissue. In the list of diseases that caused death, she is in fifth place, and medicine does not always help. Lethal outcome among adults from pneumonia is 10-33%. Intrahospital and atypical form of the disease takes even more lives - the risk of dying increases to 50%. In elderly people, people with weakened immunity, the prognosis of pneumonia is often disappointing.

From usual pneumonia, 1-3% of young patients who do not have diseases that die, can die. Among elderly patients, the mortality rate is up to 40-50%. Causes of death from pneumonia:

  • Concomitant diseases, such as cardiac pathologies, existing respiratory diseases (such as bronchitis), diabetes mellitus, problems in the genitourinary system;
  • bad habits (smoking, especially lengthy experience, drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • dysfunctional living conditions;
  • weakened immunity.

A special risk of inflammation of the lungs is for pregnant women. The disease itself is heavy due to dangerous pathologies. For a woman who carries a child, she is doubly dangerous - for the future mother and fetus. In early terms, pneumonia is threatened by an embryo, the tissues and organs of which are not yet formed. In the last trimester for a child, pneumonia is less dangerous than for a mother. Prevention is simple: strengthening the immune system of the mother.

The first signs of pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults depend on the type of infection that caused the disease. There are several types of pneumonia, and each has its own clinical picture. The provoking factor for the onset of pneumonia is hypothermia affecting the upper respiratory tract. In the elderly, it often goes into a pathological form. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults are several: they are divided into varieties of insidious disease. The common form of pneumonia is viral, occurs in half the cases. Other reasons:

  • bacteria;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungus;
  • parasites;
  • chlamydia;
  • streptococcus.


A disease that occurs without symptoms characteristic of pneumonia is called atypical. The latent inflammation of the lungs is dangerous because it is delayed for its treatment, when many complications appear. Pulmonary manifestations fade into the background, the patient is more concerned about general intoxication. The X-ray does not show changes in the airway. Signs of atypical inflammation:

  • dry cough;
  • sore throat;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

Aseptic atypical pneumonia is caused by Legionella, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, therefore, it is treated with antimicrobials. After infection, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in a period of 2 to 10 days. Changes in the lungs begin later than with a typical pneumonia. The temperature rises, the patient starts to suffocate, he does not have enough air. A large percentage of patients can be cured at home, but sometimes the ailment is difficult. The mortality from this type of disease is 3-5%, the cause is cardiopulmonary insufficiency.


This type of disease is caused by several viruses. In the first place - the flu. At the onset of pneumonia, triggered by the influenza virus, malaise is noticeable during 3-5 days. Then the condition worsens, shortness of breath starts, chest pains appear. Pneumonia is treated with rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir. Viral pneumonia is caused by cytomegalovirus.

Serious complication of viral pneumonia is SARS, respiratory syndrome. It is caused by the viruses of Paramyxoviridae (they are also the cause of measles and mumps). The syndrome poses a great danger. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults with viral pneumonia are:

  • very high temperature accompanied by chills;
  • dry cough (unproductive);
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • fatigue without reason.


The cause of pneumonia in this case are bacteria: pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus. Bacterial pneumonia begins with a sharp temperature jump to a mark of 41 degrees. It lasts up to 3 days, and this symptom is considered a clear sign of bacterial infection. If the temperature then falls, then rises - this is a viral picture. Pneumococcal pneumonia is accompanied by the escape of "rusty" sputum, cardiac contractions become more frequent (tachycardia), breathing becomes more difficult. Treat the disease with antibiotics.


The most dangerous variant of pulmonary inflammation is fungal infection. It is due to the fact that fungal pneumonia is not manifested at first, and people do not know that they are sick. The disease is diagnosed late. The onset of the process of inflammation of the lung tissue is like atypical pneumonia, but with the exacerbation of symptoms, the nature of lung damage changes, cavities are formed. A frequent causative agent of such pneumonia is Candida albicans, a fungus. Initially, the patient has catarrhal symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath. Then, when pussy is pus, then the correct diagnosis is made.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

The cold, the flu, should not last more than 7 days, if in 4-7 days after the onset of an acute respiratory infection the condition of the patient worsened, this signal starts in the lower respiratory tract of a dangerous inflammation. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults include pallor and dyspnea. If they have a cold, they are accompanied by weakness, sweating, decreased appetite - this is typical for intoxication in the beginning of pneumonia.

Temperature with pneumonia

With atypical pneumonia, body temperature is not always greater than 3,. In the usual cases, a sharp increase to 40 degrees is typical. With pneumonia, antipyretic drugs do not work. If you can not bring down the temperature - it's a sign of pneumonia. The temperature begins to drop when antibiotics work. It is dangerous if the disease runs without temperature: the patients sometimes do not take measures until the condition worsens. How much the temperature lasts depends on the pathogen: a fungus, a bacterium or a virus.

What a cough with pneumonia

At the beginning of the disease, a cough is dry, this is called unproductive. He becomes obtrusive, constant, exhausting. Inflammation develops - this symptom also changes. The sputum departs, the color of which depends on the nature of the infection: yellow-green, purulent, "rusty." Nasal cough, which does not pass for 7-10 days, is a clear sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

Voice tremor

The doctor can recognize the symptoms of the disease, assessing the patient's jittery response. The patient says words where there are several "p" sounds, and the doctor puts his hands on his chest, and determines the voice trembling. With pneumonia, part of the lung, or it is whole, becomes denser. This will be noticed by the medical doctor who conducts the diagnostics, by the fact that the voice tremor is amplified.

Diagnosis of the disease

If there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the lungs, a comprehensive diagnosis is performed. Sometimes already at the primary admission the doctor can determine the disease by conducting an auscultation, that is, having listened to the chest with a phonendoscope. But the main method of diagnosis in an adult is an X-ray. Necessarily the patient will take blood for general and biochemical analysis. If the patient is in the hospital, examine the culture of sputum, urine, check blood for antibodies to viruses.

Types of pneumonia

The mild forms of pneumonia, found in the initial stage, are treated at home. Remember that even mild pneumonia will complicate with improper care. It is necessary to adhere to the doctor's recommendations how to treat pneumonia in the home:

  • antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory;
  • an abundant drink is prescribed;
  • an important component of the treatment is a diet: the body is poisoned by toxins, light foods, more fluids are required.

How to treat pneumonia, how long the process will last depends on the severity and variety of the disease. Infection is sometimes found in the lung tissue for years, leading to a chronic illness. Fibers and connective tissues are damaged, they press on the pulmonary vesicles, which leads to hardening of the lungs, pneumosclerosis. The patient feels discomfort, constantly coughs. It is a slow, prolonged illness, which gradually leads to complications.

Conventional pneumonia is divided into mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe in severity, it depends on how the disease proceeds. Severe acute forms include pleuropneumonia, when one or more of the lungs are inflamed. There is pneumonia in the localization:

  • Focal (concentrated in the focus of inflammation);
  • segmental or polysegmentary, depending on whether one or more segments are located;
  • share - does not exceed one share;
  • total - covers all the lungs.

One-sided and two-sided

The inflammatory process is concentrated either on one side or it is bilateral. Unilateral pneumonia is divided into two types:

  1. Right-sided - occurs more often, the right bronchus is wider than the left and shorter than it, the infection penetrates there freer.
  2. Left-sided - develops less often, with it there are stagnant processes in the lung.

Two-sided covers both lungs: all lung tissue becomes inflamed, and the disease is provoked by bacteria (pneumococcus, hemophilic rod). Against the background of one infection, other harmful microorganisms are multiplied, mixed-infection develops. In the fight against a person enter several pathogens, to select antibacterial drugs for treatment is difficult.


The focus of inflammation, located along the root of the lung, is difficult to diagnose. Such cases are called basal pneumonia. In the diagnosis of computed tomography. The doctor should exclude tuberculosis and lung cancer, the focus of inflammation is similar to a picture on a tumor. Tuberculin tests are carried out. If you mistakenly prescribe drugs against tuberculosis, but they do not give an effect - this is considered a diagnostic sign.


Bronchial pneumonia characterizes the lesion of small branches of the bronchial tree of the patient. Bronchopneumonia refers to focal. The process of recovery will take a long time. Sometimes the disease is secondary, develops against the background of bronchitis. A person tries to cure bronchitis, that is prolonged, the condition worsens, weakness appears, temperature jumps. The cough that accompanies bronchitis intensifies, unpleasant purulent sputum is separated, at times - with veins of blood.

Important symptoms of this disease: shortness of breath, increased heart rate to 110 strokes for a minute, chest pain. To the development of bronchopneumonia leads not only bronchitis, but also ARVI. Often this type of pneumonia and viruses cause this kind of pneumonia, in order to treat the disease correctly, establish a pathogen, prescribe antiviral drugs or antibacterial. How much the disease is treated depends on the type of pathogen.


In addition to community-acquired pneumonia, which develops under normal conditions, there is a serious form of illness - hospital, it is also hospital-acquired. The diagnosis is made when the inflammation appears after two days and more after placing a person in a hospital clinic with a completely different diagnosis. This is the most ruthless species, killing 50% of patients. The disease is caused by microorganisms. Types of nosocomial pneumonia:

  • associated with artificial ventilation;
  • postoperative;
  • Hospital-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized in serious condition.

Immunity of patients is weakened, the body struggled with another disease, was not ready to invade new microbes. To save the situation, patients are placed with droppers, use intravenous nutrition to maintain the vital forces of the body, use drugs of a new generation, potent drugs. Cure nosocomial pneumonia can not always. Treatment of pneumonia in this case is excluded.

The equity

Fracture pneumonia affects the lobe of the lung and the pleura. With this type of pneumonia, it is important to schedule injections of antibiotics, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. Applied physiotherapy, detoxification. Partial pneumonia begins suddenly and sharply. There are three forms of the disease:

  • Upper-lobar - it is difficult, with neurological disorders;
  • lower-lobed - gives a pseudo-picture of the "acute abdomen which confuses during diagnosis, chills and "rusty" sputum are characteristic;
  • central - inflammation develops deep in the lung, symptomatology is poorly defined, difficult to define.


Croupous pneumonia proceeds acutely. The nature of the defeat of the lungs is bilateral. If the pathology is not recognized and the treatment is not started quickly, the patient will die from cerebral hypoxia and cardiovascular insufficiency. The first day the patient has a dry cough. The next day, sputum is rusty, vomiting occurs. On the third day, it becomes worse, dyspnea appears, tachycardia develops. The patient is not able to climb to one floor. Treat croupous pneumonia in pulmonology, in a hospital or resuscitation. Pulmonary lobes of the patient are totally affected on both sides.

Video: types and symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease, it is important to determine it in the early stages, when the treatment is effective even with folk remedies at home. In the video offered below, experts will tell in detail about the symptoms of pneumonia, teach what to look for if pneumonia occurs without the typical symptoms. Timely detection will avoid irreversible consequences.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults: principles and drugs

Pneumonia is the development of inflammatory changes in lung tissue. This is due to the ingress of microbes (mainly bacteria, but there may be viruses and fungi) in various ways. The danger of pneumonia is that the more or less extensive area of ​​the lung turns off from the gas exchange process, which reduces the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In addition, the body is poisoned by products of inflammation and destruction of the pulmonary parenchyma.

Inflammation can develop:

- in out-of-hospital conditions (such pneumonia is called "non-hospital");

- a person undergoing treatment in a hospital for any other disease;

- arisen because of neurologic disorders (seizures, loss of consciousness), as a result of which the contents from the stomach got into the respiratory tract (aspiration pneumonia);

- in people with reduced immune defense.

Depending on which of the four species is observed in this case, and also considering age and the presence of chronic diseases, treatment of pneumonia in adults is prescribed.

How does a microbe enter the lungs?

1) On the bronchi:

- when they hit an aerosol, densely contaminated with pathogenic microbes. This is characteristic more for tuberculosis or viral pneumonia;

- by inhaling the contents of your mouth and throat. This process occurs almost always during deep sleep, increases when taking a sleeping pill or under the influence of alcohol. Normally, local immune defense of the lungs works, but when it is weakened by the action of the virus, when the microbes are too much or they are very aggressive, pneumonia arises.

2) Through the blood from another focus of inflammation. For example, from a bone - at an osteomyelitis, from valves of heart - at an endocarditis.

3) By contact:

- When pus comes from an adjacent organ, for example, with liver abscess;

- with penetrating chest injury.

Principles on which pneumonia is treated in adults

If a diagnosis of "pneumonia" is established, this implies the appointment of one or two antibiotics, since even if the cause was a virus (for example, the influenza virus), the bacterial flora joins in any the case.

In theory, an antibiotic should be prescribed after the microbial pathogen of inflammation is determined, and its sensitivity to the drugs is also obtained. But this requires mandatory coughing up of phlegm, which can not be done by every patient, as well as a 4-5 day wait for the result, which is unacceptable. The loss of time can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, antibiotics are prescribed empirically, preferably after the person has given up sputum for bacteriological research, but in the same day and preferably at the same hour as the diagnosis was established (there is evidence that a loss of even 4 hours of time significantly worsens forecast).

Treatment of pneumonia in adults is based on such criteria:
  1. Type of pneumonia: non-hospital, arisen inside the hospital or another.
  2. The volume of lesions of the lung tissue: segmental, lobar, polysegmentary, one- or two-sided.
  3. The patient's condition: takes into account his general state of health, shortness of breath, blood pressure level, degree of oxygen saturation of blood.
  4. Age.
  5. Presence of concomitant pathology of the heart, lungs (eg, chronic bronchitis), kidney.

Treatment is carried out at home or in a hospital in the department of therapy or pulmonology. Sometimes hospitalization is required in the intensive care unit.

Pneumonia: Diagnosis

The classic symptoms of pneumonia are high (above 38 ° C) temperature, coughing with phlegm, deterioration in general condition (weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite). But now there are often pneumonia with atypical course. Against the background of high or not very high temperature, diarrhea or impaired consciousness, delirium, hallucinations can appear. In this case, the cough may not be perfect.

Therefore, the diagnostic standard is to perform a chest X-ray, and computer tomography may also be needed.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults with antibiotics

For treatment, such antibiotics are used: Amoxiclav, Cefix, Sumamed, Levofloxacin, and Avelox. They are prescribed in tablets, often their combination is used. For example, with a medium flow, such a complex of drugs can be prescribed: Sumamed plus Avelox or Leflox. If the disease is caused by Klebsiella, pneumonia treatment is suggested in the hospital. In this case, intravenous and intramuscular drugs such as Amikacin, Gentamycin together with Lefloqin or Tavanik medicines are prescribed.

Inflammation of the lungs in adults: symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the lungs in adults is an acute lung injury. The cause of pneumonia (this is the name of this inflammatory process in medicine) is an infection that penetrates the body by airborne droplets. Initially, to determine whether a patient actually has a given severe inflammatory process, he is given a referral to the chest X-ray.

The prognosis for a positive outcome of this disease depends solely on what caused the inflammatory process, what measures were taken Initially, as well as - at what stage the patient turned to the doctor for help (that is, how much time has passed since the appearance of the first signs of the disease and before resorting to doctor).

Epidemiology of pneumonia

To date, pneumonia is one of the most common infectious lesions of the human lungs. Every day, pneumonia affects about 15 people in the world. If you resort to statistics on mortality from pneumonia, of the 2 million people who have lung pneumonia, 4, 00 die.

Doctors call pneumonia a terrible disease that affects both young children and elderly people. Moreover, despite the development of medicine and the progress of scientific technologies, pneumonia (pneumonia) is a common and frequently occurring cause of death in all developing countries.

Lethal outcome of pneumonia

The death from pneumonia is increased exponentially. It is the leader in mortality among infections with infectious diseases. A list of diseases that most often leads to mortality is created. In the first place are cardiovascular lesions, then oncology and in third place - infectious pneumonia.

Among the reasons for the increased mortality of patients from pneumonia, it is necessary to indicate reduced immunity. It is against this background that most inflammatory and infectious processes develop, because the body does not have the physical strength to resist infection.

The first signs of pneumonia

As mentioned above, the form of manifestation of pneumonia depends entirely on the type of pathogen. Depending on the type of infectious process in the body, the first signs of pneumonia are isolated.

If pneumonia is diagnosed at the mild / first stage of the lesion, the chances of a positive outcome are quite high.

Among the first signs of the inflammatory process of the lungs can be identified such as:

  • A heat that lasts for several days;
  • Prolonged runny nose;
  • Prolonged cough;
  • Chills, a person is feverish, even despite the intake of antibiotics, and special antipyretic drugs;
  • Shortness of breath while walking or a long conversation;
  • A person may feel that he is suffocating and he does not have enough oxygen;
  • Increased weakness in the body;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Man gets tired very quickly.

Among all these signs, the first thing that should disturb a person is an acute, catastrophic lack of air. Indeed, it creates the feeling that something is strangling you, the rope is tightening around your neck. A person can make uncomfortable wheezing, he wants to clear his throat and start breathing freely.

At the first stage of pneumonia as such, the defeat of the upper respiratory tract may not be. But, it will progress with every day (without lack of treatment), and turn into a deadly phenomenon.

Diagnosis of pneumonia at an early stage

Diagnosis of pneumonia at an early stage of the disease can be done with a chest X-ray. At this stage, the first lesions of the pulmonary parenchyma are already visible. What if you have pneumonia?

If pneumonia is detected at an early stage, it is mandatory to start taking antibiotics in order to prevent pulmonary insufficiency.


With an increase in temperature, the appearance of chills, runny nose, attacks of suffocation, you can call an ambulance. But! If at an early stage to identify an acute pathological lesion of the lungs will not be possible. The physiological state of the patient must be monitored in dynamics. On the second, third day the patient begins to breathe heavily, and wheezing is heard in the lungs.

It is very important not to miss the moment of defeat of lung tissue. Otherwise it can be very late and the volume of allocated infiltrative foci will be deadly.

Definition of pneumonia of the lungs by specific features

Pneumonia in an adult has some specific characteristics, which necessarily need to pay attention.

  • Since the virus that causes pneumonia affects the blood vessels of the lungs, the person as a result of this can be ill more than 3 Once every year (because the lungs are overgrown with fibrous tissue or in simple words - scarring occurs tissue).
  • In an adult, pneumonia most often develops against the background of influenza. After a specific sneezing, runny nose, severe headache, and increased fatigue, a cough begins with sputum and blood.
  • Inflammation is characterized by a specific pain in the chest.

Signs of bilateral pneumonia

In order to recognize bilateral pneumonia, it is necessary to pay attention to such signs of damage to the body as:

  • Blood veins after every attack of cough;
  • The rise in temperature is very rapid, a feeling is created that a person burns;
  • Severe rhinitis;
  • Continuous debilitating cough;
  • Pain in the pile, like after hitting the chest with your fist;
  • A red face, an unblinking blush on his cheeks;
  • Eruptions of herpes on the face, lips.

Treatment of pneumonia

The first drug that is used in the treatment of pneumonia is antibiotics. Further, the patient must necessarily endure the disease without getting out of bed; he was given a generous warm drink, as well as an easy balanced diet.

For the cough relief, special expectorants are used.

Self-treatment, without examining the doctor and prescribed prescription of therapeutic actions, is not permissible.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

Do not underestimate the common cold, because an untreated infection can lead to the development of pulmonary inflammation, i.e. pneumonia. This is a more serious disease, even fatal. Having found out signs of a pneumonia at the adult, the last it is necessary to address to the doctor. This is necessary because the inflammation can have not only a pronounced, but also a hidden character. The instructions below will help to recognize what pneumonia is and what symptoms it indicates.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an adult

Pneumonia, depending on the type of pathogen and the nature of the flow is divided into several types:

  • acute or chronic;
  • virus;
  • fungal;
  • radical;
  • croup or pleuropneumonia;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • aspiration;
  • bilateral or one-sided.

There are several types of pneumonia, but they have common symptoms:

  1. Persistent cough. First dry, and with the development of the disease wet with pus and mucous sputum yellow-green hue.
  2. The duration of the cold is more than a week. Viral disease not only does not pass, but is characterized by deterioration.
  3. Repeated increase in body temperature after period of improvement.
  4. Absence of a positive effect of antipyretic drugs.
  5. Painful sensations when coughing in the chest and back, shortness of breath, pale skin.
  6. General malaise, excessive sweating, lack of appetite.


A distinctive feature of bronchopneumonia is its foci, i.e. the disease affects many small areas of the pulmonary lobules. More often it occurs as a result of complications of bronchitis, when the virus descends lower in the respiratory system. A large number of lesions makes it difficult to diagnose and treat such a form of pneumonia, therefore it is characterized by frequent relapses. Signs of focal pneumonia in adult women and men look like this:

  • chills, intense fever;
  • cough dry, with abundant phlegm or even with bloody discharge;
  • quickening of breathing;
  • internal rales;
  • increase in temperature up to 39 ° С;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pale skin;
  • sleep disorders;
  • cramps of the lower part of the legs;
  • lack of air;
  • pain with deep breath and cough.

Hidden pneumonia

Pneumonia of the lungs may not manifest symptoms. This is a particularly severe, latent form of infection caused by chlamydia or mycoplasmas, i.e. Atypical for common inflammation it is difficult to determine, because the nature of the course of the disease is often asymptomatic and sluggish, but doctors can notice signs of atypical pneumonia in adult:

  • intermittent breathing with whistles;
  • the appearance of sweat on the forehead, even with minor loads;
  • the blush on the cheeks stains;
  • dyspnea;
  • a constant thirst;
  • increased heart rate;
  • difficult breathing;
  • general malaise;
  • one half of the chest remains immobile during breathing.


What is the risk of bilateral pneumonia? The lesions are extensive and located in both lungs, which causes oxygen starvation of the body, because healthy departments can not cope. In addition, the following signs of viral pneumonia are noted:

  • heat;
  • weakness of the body, low appetite;
  • lack of air;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • blue lips and fingertips;
  • impaired consciousness;
  • dry or wet cough;
  • hard breath.


Another dangerous form of pneumonia is fungal. With her, too, there are difficulties in diagnosis, because the clinical picture is poorly due to the specificity of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease. This leads to the fact that the potential patient does not even know about his disease. A person can get infected while in a room where there is damp and there is mold.

First there are signs characteristic of usual pneumonia in the form of dyspnea, heavy breathing, malaise and high fever. Then they are joined by a cough with purulent discharge as a result of rupture of inflammations formed by microorganisms. Complications of pneumonia of the fungal form are more often presented in the form of pleurisy due to the ingress of pus into the pleural cavity.


This form of infectious disease is also called croupous. Pleuropneumonia often affects up to 2-3 lobes of the lung and necessarily draws into its process the membrane - the pleura. The following are the first symptoms of infection:

  • the temperature rises to 40 ° C;
  • there is a strong chill and a headache;
  • when breathing, there is pain in the chest;
  • breathing becomes superficial because of pain.

With the development of the eye the patient's eyes become shiny, the lips acquire a bright cherry color, a blush appears on the side of the pneumonia. Herpes sores can form on the neck. After the appearance of a cough, rusty sputum begins to disappear the next day, sometimes vomiting occurs. After another day, there is such shortness of breath that the patient is unable to rise even to the floor.


This kind of pneumonia develops when fluids get into the lungs, vomit or food. As you can see in the photo, the foreign body is determined by x-ray. The following features are distinguished by the aspiration form:

  • cough with discharge of unpleasant smelling mucus with impurities of pus and blood;
  • feverish condition;
  • pain in the chest;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • blue skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • difficulty in swallowing.

The main symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia is an insidious disease that can go on without pronounced symptoms. The danger is that a person connects the ailment with overstrain at work or with other factors, and therefore does not hurry to see a doctor. For this reason, complications often occur or the disease becomes chronic, which complicates both diagnosis and treatment.

Without temperature

The latent form of pneumonia in an adult without a cough and other characteristic symptoms is one of the most dangerous. The patient does not notice signs, and therefore delays with the necessary treatment. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without fever are presented in the following list:

  • constant weakness and tendency to sleep;
  • tired look with a painful blush;
  • hard, wheezing;
  • the appearance of dyspnea with light loads;
  • violation of the heart rate, increased heart rate;
  • increased sweating, especially at night;
  • lack of normal appetite.

Chronic pneumonia

Any untreated disease flows into a chronic form. This also applies to pneumonia. When there is at least one focus of inflammation in the lungs, it can cause chronic pneumonia. Such a process is dangerous because it can lead to cardiovascular failure. Characteristic chronic signs of pneumonia in adults are as follows:

  • hard breath;
  • cough with phlegm, sometimes including pus;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dyspnea;
  • general malaise of the body;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • during periods of relapse - cough, fever.

Video about the symptoms and treatment of pneumonia

Having found out at itself signs of a pneumonia, it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor. Only he will be able to determine the form, the nature of the course of the disease and will prescribe the right therapy. To know what changes in the body indicate pneumonia, look at the video below, from which you will understand both the symptoms and the treatment of pneumonia.

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. Treatment of pneumonia

The acute infectious pathology, which is characterized by the destruction of lung tissue, is called pneumonia. Such a disease is more commonly known as pneumonia. There are many varieties of disease. And all the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult depend on the form of pathology. Understanding such a subtle nuance is an effective key to its treatment.

Brief description of the disease

Pneumonia develops if the infectious and inflammatory process, localized in the respiratory system, extends to the connective tissues of the lungs and the alveoli. Of course, this greatly affects the functioning of the body. After all, the part of fibrin and blood sweat in the alveoli. The patient is hampered by normal breathing, a violation of gas exchange is developing.

The disease can manifest itself in different ways. From the area of ​​the lesion and the localization of the focus depends on the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. Sometimes intoxication develops. Coagulability of blood can be impaired, bronchial passability worsens.

Despite the rapid development of modern medicine, pathology is quite common. And even today it can lead to death. Therefore, one should know the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. After all, it is very important to identify the disease in time and start an adequate treatment.

Causes of the development of ailment

In general, the inflammation of the lungs occurs due to the action of microorganisms:

  • bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci);
  • viruses (pathogens of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses);
  • fungi (aspergillus, histoplasm).

In addition to the above, in the development of pathology can take part special types: legionella, chlamydia, mycoplasma. It is the latter group that provokes the development of atypical pneumonia in adults.

But even if the pathogen has entered the body, a person does not necessarily develop pathology. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult will only appear if there are factors that reduce immunity.

These include:

  • any chronic pathologies (diseases of the urinary system, blood circulation, oncology, liver diseases, HIV infection);
  • bad habits;
  • mechanical trauma to the lung area;
  • complete immobility, prolonged hypodynamia;
  • inefficient nutrition (lack of minerals, vitamins);
  • occupational hazards;
  • debilitating physical exertion;
  • fatigue, neurosis, chronic stress;
  • elderly age;
  • taking certain medications (immunosuppressants, chemotherapy, hormonal drugs);
  • penetration of chemical agents in the respiratory tract.

Common signs of illness

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult are divided into:

  • typical (pulmonary);
  • atypical (extrapulmonary).

Of course, it is very problematic to diagnose ailment at home at home. However, if you know the common features with which a dangerous pathology manifests, it is quite possible to distinguish it from banal ARVI.

But it should be understood that the following are the general symptoms of pneumonia in an adult.

So, to pulmonary signs carry:

  1. Cough. Often it is moist, with abundant sputum. However, the elderly can be observed dry.
  2. Dyspnea. Its occurrence is associated with physical activity. As a rule, it is moderate.
  3. Pain. Patients experience severe discomfort in the sternum, exactly in the place where the inflammation occurred. When the pneumonia is localized in the lower parts of the lungs, a person experiences symptoms of diaphragm irritation. Pain occurs in the abdomen.
  4. Rattles are heard, rapid breathing.
  5. In the case of effusion into the pleural cavity of the fluid, the patient develops acute pain, intensified after coughing, shortness of breath, severe discomfort during movement or deep inspiration. In some cases, a violation of hemodynamics may develop: the pressure will decrease, the pulse will become more frequent, hypoxia will develop.
  6. The nasolabial triangle acquires a cyanotic shade.

Like many infectious diseases, pneumonia leads to intoxication. In this case, extrapulmonary symptoms are observed.

These include:

  • hyperthermia;
  • deterioration of the condition: a decline in strength, weakness, fatigue;
  • headache, discomfort in the joints and muscles.

However, it should be understood that the clinical picture will be quite diverse in such pathology as pneumonia. Symptoms in adults, treatment depends on many factors. Among which: the causative agent, the mechanism of the development of the disease, the conditions of the onset and course of the disease, the spread of the process, the presence of complications, the severity.

Types of pathology

There are several classifications. Let's consider some of them.

If you take into account the causative agent of the disease, then distinguish the following types of pneumonia:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • mycoplasmic;
  • fungal;
  • mixed.

According to the mechanism of development, the disease is classified as follows:

  • primary (independent disease of the respiratory system);
  • secondary (complication of some pathologies);
  • posttraumatic;
  • postoperative;
  • infarct-pneumonia (triggered by pulmonary artery embolism or thrombosis).

In the prevalence of the inflammatory process, pneumonia can be:

  • one-sided;
  • two-sided.

Depending on the course of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • sharp;
  • protracted;
  • chronic.

Classification by prevailing defeat:

  • parenchymal pneumonia (cereal, lobar);
  • focal (bronchopneumonia, lobular);
  • pathology with connective tissue damage.

Consider the most common species. We will analyze what causes pneumonia symptoms in adults, treatment of the disease and the main features of the pathology.

Viral disease

This pathology has its own peculiarities. However, in its pure form it is extremely rare. In adults, viral-bacterial pneumonia is most often diagnosed.

As a rule, pathology is a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza. If viral pneumonia is diagnosed, the symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • muscle pain;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • fever;
  • general tiredness;
  • headache;
  • cough with whitish transparent phlegm;
  • chills;
  • pain in the sternum, worse with deep breaths, coughing.

Asymptomatic pneumonia

In some cases, there may be inflammation of the lungs, which is not manifested by virtually no signs. This pathology is characterized as a latent form of the disease.

Pneumonia without symptoms in an adult is a dangerous condition. As a result of the absence of characteristic signs, the necessary treatment is not carried out. And this, in turn, can lead to quite unpleasant consequences.

In addition, a person does not even suspect that he is contagious, and leads a normal life. The danger lies in the fact that he continues to infect other people.

A latent form of pneumonia can develop as a result of reduced immunity, the intake of certain medications (antitussives, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids).

And still, one can suspect a pathology by the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath;
  • a rapid pulse;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • an unusual blush;
  • wheezing.

Croupous pneumonia

In pathology, a whole lobe of the lung is affected. Sometimes the inflammation spans several lobes. The development of croupous pneumonia is triggered by pneumococcus. The causative agent is highly pathogenic. Therefore, there are severe symptoms of pneumonia in adults: with temperature, intoxication of the body.

The following signs of ailment are characteristic:

  • chills;
  • hyperthermia (up to 39 degrees Celsius);
  • cough (first 2 days - dry);
  • pain in the sternum stitching;
  • "Rusty" sputum due to veins of blood (appears on day 3);
  • shortness of breath.

In case of complication of the pathology, skin hyperemia, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, herpetic rash on the chin, cheeks, nose, pressure decrease, wheezing in the chest are observed.

Focal pneumonia

Such a disease is characterized by a gradual, barely noticeable beginning. In this case, there are symptoms of pneumonia in adults with a temperature of 38-39 degrees.

The disease manifests itself by the following signs:

  • the temperature rises to febrile;
  • weakness;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • painful syndrome in the chest with inspiration, cough;
  • hard breathing;
  • acrocyanosis.

Atypical form of the disease

Sometimes symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without temperature are observed. This form is provoked by atypical microorganisms:

  • mycoplasma;
  • legionella;
  • chlamydia.

Atypical pneumonia can cause and viruses, fungi, protozoa. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature are very similar to a cold.

The main signs of the disease:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • stuffy nose, runny nose;
  • dry cough, significantly worse at night;
  • a sore throat;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing;
  • nausea, vomiting.

However, if the pathology is provoked by the legionella microorganism, then the temperature may rise. For pathology, a strong cough is characteristic. A somewhat different clinic is observed if it is provoked by chlamydia, mycoplasma pneumonia. Symptoms in adults without temperature are a characteristic manifestation of such a pathology.

This form of illness is susceptible to:

  • smokers;
  • living in the general closed premises (barracks, hostels);
  • people with weakened immunity;
  • patients suffering from chronic lung diseases;
  • children;
  • young people.

Radical pneumonia

This is a very serious form of pathology. Symptoms of radical pneumonia in adults may not appear for a long time. But at the same time very often lead to dangerous consequences. The insidiousness of the pathology lies in the difficulty of diagnosis. After all, the focus of inflammation at the root of the lung is localized.

The disease proceeds much brighter than a simple pathology. It should not be forgotten that the radical pneumonia is very dangerous. Symptoms and treatment in adults should be observed by a doctor. After all, if the therapy is wrong, the risk of complications is high.

Symptoms are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • severe cough (dry or with a lot of sputum);
  • elevated temperature, not confused by drugs;
  • discomfort in the throat, pershenie;
  • coryza;
  • weakness, chills.

The main method of combating pathology is antibiotic therapy. If the treatment is chosen correctly, then the patient becomes much easier already for 2-3 days. Often used and fizioprotsedury.

Treatment of ailment

The approach to combating the disease must be comprehensive. The basis of treatment is made up of antibiotics. Preference is given to the penicillin drug. However, in a number of cases, other medicines may be prescribed.

The most popular antibiotics used to treat pneumonia are:

  • "Augmentin".
  • "Amoxicillin."
  • "Cefazolin."
  • "Amoxiclav."
  • "Cefatoxime."
  • "Azithromycin".

In addition, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. The patient is recommended expectorant drugs, restorative drugs, antipyretic drugs. Depending on the form of pathology, mucolytic, antimicrobial medications are prescribed.

If there are symptoms characteristic of a form such as SARS, symptoms in adults without temperature, then antibiotics are selected depending on the bacterium that caused the ailment. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • "Erythromycin".
  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Tetracycline."


Any form of pneumonia today is successfully cured. But the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and fully comply with the prescribed treatment. The implementation of such simple rules will give a quick recovery. Health to you!

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