Gelisal cough syrup for children

"Gelisal" - cough syrup: instruction, application, feedback

Cough becomes one of the most unpleasant symptoms of many diseases. Unlike other signs of pathology, this problem lends itself to separate treatment. For the treatment, tablets, syrups, suspensions, drops, powders and solutions for inhalation can be used. One of the effective drugs was "Gelisal" (cough syrup). The instruction on its use will be presented to your attention in the article. Also you will learn about the ways of using the composition. Separately, it is necessary to say about the reviews that the preparation "Gelisal" (cough syrup) possesses.

gelysal syrup for cough instructions

Composition of the medicinal product

About the product "Gelisal" (syrup) reviews are mostly good. Positive opinions are based on the composition of the medication. It includes only natural plant components. The basis for the medicine was an extract of ivy field. In 5 milliliters of the drug contains almost 29 mg of the described substance.

Also in the preparation for cough, there are additional components. These are purified water, ethanol, sorbitol, propylene glycol, potassium sorbate, fragrances and so on. The composition is issued in a bottle of 100 milliliters, on the facade of which the name "Gelisal" is indicated - cough syrup. Instruction is present in each medicine package.

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helixal cough syrup

Indications for therapy

When should I take Gelisal syrup? The instruction informs on the following indications:

  • inflammatory processes in the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system;
  • bronchitis chronic and acute;
  • tracheobronchitis, laryngitis;
  • asthma and bronchoectatic disease;
  • bronchospasm with difficulty in sputum discharge and so on.

Often the drug is used in complex therapy, but can be used on its own.

Limitations and unforeseen reactions

When is it necessary to limit or completely exclude the drug "Gelisal" (cough syrup)? The instruction says that the contraindication to treatment is the situation when there is an increased sensitivity to the components. The use of the drug in pregnancy is contraindicated because it contains substances that adversely affect the fetus. With hereditary fructose intolerance, the medicine should be replaced by analogues without its content.

The agent rarely causes negative reactions. Usually this is the case with independent and uncontrolled application. Side effects include problems with digestion in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Less common are allergic reactions, which are eliminated with antihistamines and cancellation of therapy.

syrup gelisal instruction

Method of use

About the medicine "Gelisal" (cough syrup), the instruction says that it is used only after eating. Components of the medication according to consumers can somewhat irritate the gastric mucosa. Particularly sensitive people strongly feel this process. The medication is taken undiluted. However, in special situations, you can dilute the syrup with a small amount of plain water or juice.

The dosage of the medicine is always determined by the doctor. In this case, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient and the strength of the symptomatology. If the doctor did not give individual recommendations, then the cough syrup is taken according to the annotation "Gelisal". The instruction establishes the following portions of the drug for patients:

  • children after 12 months and up to the age of 5 years, the syrup is prescribed 2.5 ml two times a day;
  • after 5 and up to 10 years, a single dose of the drug remains the same (2.5 ml), but the application rate increases to 3;
  • It is recommended to use a solution of 5 milliliters up to three times a day for adult patients.

Babies under the age of one year are prescribed medication only after consulting a doctor and comparing the benefits and risks. Do not exceed the specified dosage alone. The duration of application of the composition, recommended by the instruction, is one week. However, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can increase this period. Take the composition for another 2-3 days after the disappearance of symptoms.

Helicyl cough syrup for children

Interaction with other drugs

What else does the patient say about the preparation "Gelisal" (cough syrup) instruction? The abstract contains a paragraph on the interaction of the described agent with other drugs. Do not take antitussives at the same time as the syrup. This can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition and the emergence of a strong inflammatory process.

It is not recommended at the same time as the described agent to prescribe drugs that irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa. This tool for cough treatment contributes to the effectiveness of the latter. As a result, the patient can develop gastritis.

Do not use the slurry at the same time as the sorbents. If you want to use those, you need to take a break at least two hours. Otherwise, you just do not get the effect of treatment.

special instructions

The medicine "Gelisal" (cough syrup for children) contains in its composition fructose and other sugars. That is why during the reception, the level of this substance in the blood can rise. People suffering from diabetes should definitely take this fact into account.

In its composition, the drug contains ethanol. With the simultaneous management of transport, this substance is prohibited and can be detected during laboratory diagnostics. People suffering from alcohol dependence, the drug is contraindicated.

When the gastric ulcer is exacerbated, the described suspension may worsen the patient's condition. Before using in this situation, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

gelisal syrup reviews

The drug "Gelisal" (cough syrup): consumer and medical reviews

Patients' opinions about this drug are mostly positive. Consumers remain satisfied with the use of the described cough medicine. They report that a positive effect is already observed on the second day after proper administration. Cough, which used to be dry and more resembling spasms, becomes wet. The person begins to cough up productively.

Doctors report that the composition of the drug is natural. That is why it is among the safest. Extract of the field ivy in combination with additional components contributes to the dilution of dense bronchial mucus. Also, the drug has an expectorant effect. As a result, sputum begins to separate from the walls of the bronchial tree and rushes upward. About the drug "Gelisal" (syrup from cough for children) reviews are also good because it can make a damp and dry spasm from unproductive. Children with great pleasure use the described composition, since it has a pleasant unobtrusive taste. To increase the effect of treatment, doctors recommend drinking more liquid during the therapy.

gelisal syrup from cough отзывы


You have learned about the medicine "Gelisal" syrup for children. Instruction of the drug, testimonials and recommendations for use are presented to your attention. Remember that all antitussive drugs should be used only as directed by the doctor after a preliminary examination. This will help you avoid side effects and unpleasant complications. Observe the prescribed regimen and dose of the drug, do not make your own adjustments to therapy. Health to you!

Cough syrups for children

Coughing a child can be provoked by a huge number of reasons. Parents are always very concerned about this manifestation of the common cold, because they are ready to try any cough syrups for children to help crumbs. In order to find the best and most useful means for use, one should try to determine which disease the symptom is caused by. You must learn about the most popular and effective modern preparations.

Features of cough treatment in children

The symptom of sputum production is the natural reaction of the organism to external stimuli. It is quite normal that every person periodically coughs. It is not necessary to panic if the symptom of the infant before the age of two does not cause him anxiety, does not interfere with sleep, is not accompanied by a fever, a runny nose. However, if he does not give the baby a normal sleep or is, is an allergic reaction or a residual cold phenomenon, then urgent measures must be taken.

Dry cough

The reasons for this symptom are different:

  • cold, virus, infection;
  • supercooling;
  • whooping cough;
  • reflux (often observed in infants until the year);
  • irritation of mucous membranes by external factors.

It is more difficult to cure a dry cough in a child than in an adult: the baby moves less and is more in a supine position, due to which stagnation of sputum occurs. To treat illnesses in infants from year is resolved only by those preparations which the expert will register, and the dose he calculates, instead of mum. It is advisable to use expectorants, because up to two years of infants can not drive out the mucus themselves, so be sure to buy them the means by which sputum goes. Still it is necessary to make sure that during the treatment the infant drinks a sufficient amount of liquid.


The wet type of cough in infants is easier to treat. Children from three years of boldly give a syrup from a cough inexpensive and effective with a safe compound. Breasts are more suitable herbs, for example, mother-and-stepmother, but only after consulting a pediatrician. Cough preparations with plant elements in the composition will also help. During treatment, it must be ensured that the baby drinks a lot. Mucolytic agents, for example, Omnitus, Stoptussin, Travisil, Fluimutsil, can not be used categorically.

Classification of cough medicines

According to their characteristics, all antitussive drugs are divided into three groups:

  • expectorant;
  • mucolytic;
  • combined and central action.
Cough syrup for children


If the infant is sick, he needs to urgently buy a medicine for a dry cough, for example, "Erespal", "Alphabet", "Gelisal". These drugs dilute mucus and transform an unproductive symptom, from which the babies are very much tormented and sleep badly. After their reception the sputum becomes less dense and viscous, leaves easier. Expectorant can be a reflex action that irritates the mucous membranes, or resorptive. After taking a resorptive drug, mucus is released more.


Suspensions of this group, for example, "Mukaltin", "Linkas", "Bronchicum", "Ambrobene", dilute thick and sticky sputum, which is difficult to separate. Such drugs are not recommended for newborns and infants until two years. Mucolytics, for example, licorice root syrup, simply dilute mucus, but do not contribute to an increase in its volume, which can not be said about expectorants. They should be used in diseases of the lower parts of the respiratory tract. Never combine them with antitussive agents.

Combined and central action antitussives

Such a cough medicine for children should be used very carefully, because the composition may include harmful components. Often these drugs are produced with codeine, for example, syrup or "Sinekod" drops. The presence of a dangerous component is reflected in the name, and the drugs act on those segments of the brain that cause the reflex. The funds of this group not only block seizures, but also anesthetize, soothe. As a rule, they are used for infants who cough so much that they can not sleep at night, suffer from severe attacks.

List of the most effective cough syrups for children

Pharmaceutical companies offer cough syrups for children in a wide range. The most popular at everyone on hearing, but it is necessary to find out the necessary information in detail, after all it will help mums and dads to pick up the best syrup from a cough for children if they are ill. It is important to always think about the fact that it is necessary to apply the drugs, clearly following the recommendations of the attending physician and carefully measuring the dose. Syrups and drops from a cough should not become a kind of drug, all you need is moderation.


  1. Composition: 15 or 30 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride in a 5 ml formulation.
  2. Indications: "Lazolvan syrup for children" is suitable for older children and infants, who have viscous sputum. Apply in diseases of the upper respiratory tract in an acute or chronic manifestation: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, in which mucus leaves badly. "Lasolvan" strengthens secretion and dilutes sputum, facilitates the process of its separation.
  3. Application: infants from birth to two years are prescribed 3 ml of the drug twice a day, from two to six years the dose is the same, only three times a day. Older children should take 5 ml each two to three times. If 5 ml is 30 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride, then the dosage should be reduced by half.
  4. Price: from 195 rubles.
Products Lazolvan for children


  1. Ingredients: in a child care per 1 ml of 20 mg of carbocisteine.
  2. Indications: "Children's Fluidite" is taken inside by children over two years old with acute diseases of the lungs or bronchi, a cough with hard-to-recover sputum. Recommended appointment in diseases of the nasopharynx, middle ear.
  3. Application: children under five years of age are recommended 5 ml of the drug twice a day. Older children should use the remedy in the same amount three times during the day.
  4. Cost: from 280 rubles.
Cough syrup for children before and after 1 year


  1. Composition: the main active substance of the syrup from dry cough is the extract of lanceolate plantain. The composition of the drug from wet - root extract root.
  2. Indications: should choose a remedy based on the symptoms of the child. Means with plantain beneficial effect on the throat, does not allow stimuli to provoke seizures. Vitamin C in the composition has a general strengthening effect on the body. "Herbion" with a primrose dilutes and removes mucus.
  3. Application: Herbion from moist cough apply three times a teaspoon. The drug from unproductive is applied three times in two spoons. Both remedies should be taken with a good drink.
  4. Cost: with plantain - from 240 rubles., With primrose - from 230 rubles.
Dry cough syrup for children


  1. Ingredients: the main active ingredients in the composition are herbal extracts.
  2. Indications: "Alteika" is recommended for use in the treatment of infants with an unproductive cough. The drug expectorant, promotes the removal of edema and inflammation, and also reduces the amount of produced gastric juice, so that the upper respiratory tract is not irritated by it.
  3. Application: "Alteika" is recommended for infants twice for 2.5 ml. Infants under two years of age need the same amount, but three times a day. Preschoolers apply 5 ml of the drug 4 times, and older children 2 small spoons 4-5 times from morning to evening.
  4. Cost: from 135 rubles.
Children's Ateyka

Syrup of plantain Dr. Tais

  1. Ingredients: the composition of the product is exclusively plant components, the main one being the plantain extract.
  2. Indication: the drug is classified as mucolytics. Cough medicine for children, like other mucolytic drugs, relieves spasms and inflammation, kills bacteria. Helps the bronchi to get rid of mucus. The drug is suitable for use in colds of the respiratory tract, allergies.
  3. Application: from year to 6 years - 3 ml four times a day. Older children are recommended to drink 5 ml as many times.
  4. Cost: from 170 rubles.
Syrup Mucoplant


  1. Composition: the main component in the composition of the herbal preparation is the extract of ivy leaves. In 5 ml of the remedy is 35 mg of extract.
  2. Indications: "Prospan" is recommended for children with non-productive cough. Has a calming effect, relieve the baby of seizures and contribute to the withdrawal of secretions.
  3. Application: Infants from 1 to 3 years - 2 ml of the drug 2 times. Children under five years of age are used in the same amount three times. Children over the age of five are recommended to use 5 ml of the drug three times.
  4. Price: from 420 rubles.
Syrup Avenue

Doctor MOM

  1. Ingredients: the preparation contains extracts of a whole set of herbs.
  2. Indication: the drug is recommended for children with respiratory diseases with a paroxysmal cough and sputum, which does not depart. Only two days later, the child's condition improves significantly.
  3. Application: the syrup is given at the age of 3 to 5 years by 2 ml three times, and the older ones are recommended to double the dose.
  4. Cost: from 148 rubles.
Doctor IOM from a cough


  1. Composition: the main substance in the formulation is ambroxol hydrochloride. In a child 5 ml of the drug, 15 mg of the main component.
  2. Indications: mucolytic drug with a pronounced expectorant effect. Recommended use for getting rid of diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, tracheitis, colds, pneumonia, sore throats.
  3. Application: from birth to two years 2 times daily, 2.5 ml is needed. Up to seven years it is necessary to drink the drug in the same amount three times, and older 5 ml.
  4. Cost: from 20 rubles.
Syrup Ambroxol

Granules for the preparation of syrup

  1. Ingredients: tablets with acetylcysteine ​​in bags, which are bred with boiled water. In 5 ml of the formulation will be 100 mg of the active substance.
  2. Indication: the resulting syrup is used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract, which manifests a dry cough with hard-to-separate mucus, otitis media, acute and chronic sinusitis. Converts it to wet, has an expectorant effect.
  3. Application: babies can not use granules. Children from 2 years should be bred on a bag three times a day.
  4. Price: from 120 rubles. for 20 bags.
ACS from sputum


  1. Composition: 5 milliliters of the drug contains 1 mg of salbutamol and 2 mg of bromhexine.
  2. Indications: Combination drug. Salbutamol in the composition has a bronchodilator effect, prevents spasms. Bromhexine has expectorant and antitussive properties, makes mucus less viscous. The drug is used to stop non-productive cough in diseases of the respiratory system.
  3. Application: up to six years - 5 ml three times a day. Children older than 10 ml.
  4. Cost: from 170 rubles.
Expectorant Dzhoset


  1. Ingredients: 100 g of "Eucabal" contain in the composition of 3 g of plantain extract in liquid form, 15 g of thyme extract.
  2. Indications: The drug is used in complex treatment for inflammation of the respiratory tract, in the presence of difficult to separate sputum. Recommended use for rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.
  3. Application: infants up to 6 months give 5 ml daily. For infants up to one year, the same dose is recommended twice a day. For older children, the dose is doubled and applied twice.
  4. Cost: from 200 rubles.
Syrup Eucambal


  1. Composition: the main component of the composition is an extract of ivy leaves.
  2. Indication: Homeopathic remedy "Gedelix" is prescribed for diseases of respiratory organs of infectious and inflammatory genus with the presence of mucus, which heavily departs: bronchitis, tracheobronchitis. It liquefies phlegm, promotes its rapid excretion.
  3. Application: infants up to a year are given after a meal of 2.5 ml per day. Up to five years of age, three times a day are used, and four are more senior.
  4. Cost: from 350 rubles.
Homeopathic remedy Gedelix


  1. Composition: combined preparation with salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin in the composition.
  2. Indications: Diseases of the respiratory system with the separation of mucus - colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, acute and protracted tracheobronchitis. Effective cough syrup for children and with exacerbation of bronchial asthma, allergies. "Ascoril" is taken with pertussis with spasmodic seizures. Assign it and with tuberculosis. "Ascoril" is prescribed to babies with cystic fibrosis-a defective defect.
  3. Application: preschool children are given 5 ml three times a day. For older children, the dose is doubled.
  4. Price: from 230 rubles.
Mukolytik Ascoril

Video: How to choose a cough medicine - Dr. Komarovsky

See the video in which the famous specialist Eugene Komarovsky advises how to choose a cough syrup for children. In a half-hour program, the doctor, along with his parents, understands the causes of coughing of babies, their types and treatment rules. After watching the video, you are guaranteed to know which cough syrups for children should be bought in pharmacies and safe to use for small patients. See the video with the opinion of an authoritative pediatrician about the disease and its treatment.

Feedback on results after application

Veronica, 28 years old

As soon as it gets cold, my baby starts to catch a cold and cough. It is best served by syrup "Alteika". I trust this remedy, because it is vegetable and tasty. Buy it started after it found a photo in the magazine for moms. The product is inexpensive and I am completely calm, because its components do not harm my son.

Tatiana, 34 years old

The daughter often suffers from a paroxysmal cough. We give her a cheap and time-tested syrup Ambroxol, recommended to us by a doctor. Previously drank Flavamed. The drug works well for her, seizures calm down by the evening of the first day of treatment. I give my daughter three times a half of a small spoon, as stated in the instructions, so we have enough bottles for a long time. I advised my friend to treat them to children.

Елена, 40 years old

My children are always very good at coughing Eucabal. I give it in the treatment of colds, bronchitis. In this case, we also use other means for treatment. It has long been heard that plantain and thyme are very effective for colds. Very satisfied with the effect of the reception of "Eucabalus". The condition of the children improves almost immediately, the cough becomes wet.

Cough syrups - the list of the best assistants in the treatment of the baby

A child's organism perceives any illness more heavily than an adult. Therefore, the approach to their treatment should be special. Coughing is a very common symptom for a child. Depending on its type, a dry or wet cough should be chosen according to the treatment.A good remedy for fighting a child's cough is special syrups.They have a taste that is pleasant to the kid and has a viscous consistency that allows gently enveloping the throat, muffling the cough and treating it.

Types of child cough

the most effective cough syrup for children

At the reception the doctor diagnoses what kind of cough the baby is sick

At the beginning of cough treatment you need to know its source, otherwise you risk making it worse. Cough is different:

  • A natural cough.This is a normal reaction of the larynx to external stimuli - dust, dirt. Its characteristics: short duration, strengthening in the morning and during harvesting, not affecting the mood of the child.
  • Psychological cough.As the name implies, this kind of cough is caused by psychological stress in the form of conflicts, etc. It can also develop after a disease. To treat it it is necessary by means of dialogue with the kid and supervision at the psychologist. Characteristics: appearance during a conversation, active manifestation during stress, high sound and repeated repetition in a minute.
  • Cough caused by illness.It can be dry, wet, periodic and protracted. His characteristics: accompaniment of the remaining symptoms - temperature, decreased activity, loss of appetite, runny nose, but how to rinse your nose with a child with a cold, you can learn from this article.

Features of cough treatment in children

cough syrups for infantsChildren under 1 year old

Reasons for the appearance:

  • ARVI; what to do, when the cough does not pass after ARVI, is specified in the article.
  • Increased glands;
  • Bronchial asthma; but how to treat asthmatic bronchitis is indicated in this article.
  • Hot or stale air;
  • Inflammation of the trachea. What to do when children have laryngitis tracheitis laryngotracheitis, this article will help to understand.

To treat a cough in babies is necessary under the supervision of a doctor. The regime of the baby should be not strictly bedded, but with the inclusion of activity: a calm game if desired. Carry the baby around the house in his arms.

If the child has lost his appetite, do not force him to eat by force. Just try to offer easy baby yogurt, jelly, fruit puree.But you have to watch for the baby to take a lot of fluids, as this helps the body recover.Drink it with your favorite drinks, lightly warming them. Give a beautiful bottle, turn this process into a game.

the most effective cough syrup for children

To choose preparations for treatment it is necessary carefully, besides, consulting with the doctor.It is best to use broths of hypoallergenic herbs and plant-based syrups.Doctors often prescribe a comprehensive treatment: pills, syrups, massage and inhalations for children coughing. Massage is done in the sternum, soft patting movements, feet are massaged.
Inhalations help with any kind of cough. Steam inhalation dilutes sputum. Soda inhalations are good for dry cough.

Syrups are preferred on a plant basis. The most effective of them - "Doctor Mom" ​​with a dry cough and "Lazolvan child" when wet.

Children under 2 years

Recommendations for children of this age do not differ much from previous ones. You need to follow a special diet, eat more porridge and mashed potatoes, cabbage.The grape juice and its fruits are also effective, it exerts an expectorant effect.You can give the child a lemon, ground with honey.

You can make special mustard baths: add dry mustard in warm water, hold the legs there, then put on warm socks and go to bed. It is also important to drink a lot. You can use inhalation.

Children from 3 years

expectorating cough syrups for children

Humidified air in the room - the first recommendation for a child coughing

Already an adult child to treat cough can also be dieting, providing frequent drinking.It is necessary to regularly air the room and humidify the air.In the period of coughing, even at the beginning of the disease, it is not necessary to take the child to a kindergarten. You can use folk remedies, for example, burnt cough sugars or other popular cough recipes for children.

You can apply and mustard plasters, but do it carefully, keep them no more than 3 minutes.

Varieties of cough syrups

anti-inflammatory cough syrup for children

Monitor the effectiveness of the syrup for five days, and if it does not help, replace it with another remedy

Syrups are of two types: the first is directed to the treatment of dry cough, the second - to the treatment of a damp cough.Therefore, the choice of syrup depends on the type of cough. By their composition, syrups can be organic and synthetic. Carefully read the composition and give preference to preparations from natural ingredients.

Among syrups, monoscopes are also distinguished, with only one active ingredient included, and polysyrups, the composition of which includes a set of components.

It is more effective to choose natural polysiropes, since they practically do not harm health and have a complex effect on dry or wet cough.

It is important to remember thateven natural syrup with prolonged use can adversely affect the body.Therefore, if after 5 days the syrup you are taking does not help, provided that you follow the instructions, it is recommended to replace it with another drug.

List of effective cough syrups

  1. Eraspal.This is an orange syrup with possible precipitation. It includes hydrochloride fenspirida, as well as an extract of licorice, dyes and flavors. The minus of the drug is that it contains sugar substitutes, which have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby. To apply it is necessary so: to children till a year 4 mg of a syrup, children are more senior than year 2-4 teaspoons, to adults from 3 to 6 tea spoons. The use of syrup should be abstained during pregnancy. It is worth noting that in the event of headaches, nausea, vomiting should stop using syrup.
  2. Gedelix.A vegetable syrup based on an extract of ivy leaves. It acts on the removal of phlegm. Designed to treat wet cough. Method of application: children under 1 year 2.5 ml twice daily, children from 4 years of age the same dose, but 3 times daily. Children from 4 to 10 years are prescribed a similar dose 4 times a day, children older than 10 years should consume 5 ml 3-4 times daily. The course of treatment is not more than a week.
  3. Bromhexine.Syrup fights with phlegm, is intended for the treatment of a damp cough. Dosage: adults and children over 14 years from 8 to 16 mg 3 times a day. Children under 2 years should take 2 mg three times a day, from 2 to 6 years - 4 mg, from 6 to 14 - 8 mg.
  4. Syrup of Althea.The liquid is yellowish in color. The cough syrup of Alteika fights with phlegm. It includes a dry extract of althea root and sugar syrup.
  5. doctor mum syrup for cough for childrenSyrup of licorice.The drug in its composition includes sugar syrup, a thick extract of licorice and water mixed with ethyl alcohol. It is an organic syrup that is used in the treatment of wet cough. Contraindicated in patients with ulcer and people who are allergic to components.
  6. Dr. Mom is a cough syrup for children.A syrup of green color with a pleasant smell of pineapple. He struggles with a damp cough. Contains dry extracts of aloe, nightshade, turmeric, licorice, pepper cubebe and basil. The preparation is of plant origin.
  7. Linkas syrup from cough.The liquid is brown. The composition of the drug includes dry extracts of licorice, violets, long pepper, hyssop leaves, alpinia roots, althea flowers. The herbal preparation is intended for the treatment of moist cough.
  8. Gelisal.A thick brown syrup with a yellowish tinge. The active substance is a dry extract of ivy leaves. Has an expectorant effect. Application: children from 1 year to 5 years in half a measuring spoon twice a day, children from 5 to 10 years the same dose 3 times a day, children over 10 to 1 measuring spoon three times a day.


From this video you will learn more about how to treat a child's cough:

Organic cough polysirop is a good medicine for treating children.In consultation with a doctor and the correct choice of syrup, treatment will be effective.Also, the syrup is suitable for the complex fight against the baby's disease. Choose a syrup depending on the type of cough and do not give preference to "universal syrups," and then the cough will quickly weaken its grip.

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