Amblyopia in adults - treatment and detection

Over time, the chance of problems with the eyes increases markedly. There are simply age-related changes that can not be avoided, but there are diseases that simply manifest themselves over time. Amblyopia refers to the second. It can be found at any age, but more often it affects adults. Curing the disease is difficult, but you can try.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Amblyopia consists in the fact that in humans only one eye becomes the leading one.As a result, the brain begins to perceive only that visual information that comes through it. The usual binocular vision, which is formed when a person looks with two eyes, is seriously disturbed. This disease is also called lazy eye syndrome.

A person sees objects, but only now he can hardly distinguish between their depth, their volume, and also correctly understand what exactly is the location of objects in space relative to each other friends. This can later become a very serious obstacle for a person.

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The manifestation of amblyopia in an adult

Amblyopia not only affects the eyesight.It has a very strong effect on human health.One eye constantly has a very heavy load, which causes a serious overstrain. As a result, in the field of the eyelids, the person constantly has carvings and other negative sensations, and he suffers from severe headaches.


The causes of the problem may vary depending on which type of disease is encountered in a particular case.

There are two most common types of amblyopia.

  • Refractive amblyopia is provoked by ametropia, a problem that is caused by incorrect wearing of glasses.This affects the fundus, as a result of which it changes somewhat, and the function of one of the eyes decreases.
  • Obscuration amblyopia appears as a result of a congenital defect in the development of one of the visual analyzers.The problem manifests itself at any age and begins to progress very quickly. The downside of this form of the disease is that it is much more difficult to treat the obscurant form, the chances for success are much less.

There are less common, but no less problematic variants of the disease, for example, deprivational amblyopia, when in one eye there is an obstacle (throat, scar, cataract and so on), hysterical amblyopia, which manifests itself in disorders mental character, as well as anisometropic, when the eyes have a very different refractive power, the difference is more than three diopters.


Often a patient may not realize that he develops a similar problem.The early stage of the disease, unfortunately, is almost impossible to detect. And the symptoms can vary depending on which type of amblyopia is present in a person.But nevertheless there are some rather common signs that should alert a person and make him think about what it is possible to contact a doctor.These attributes include:

  • Doubling in the eyes.It happens because the images are too different, because the visual center can not connect them together.
  • Shroud before the eyes.Or just not enough clear perception of objects.
  • Deterioration of the eyesight of one eye, which can not be corrected with the help of eyeglasses correction.This is not a very common symptom in adults, but it also happens.
  • A sharp decrease in vision, which can last as a couple of hours, and several months.
  • When a person looks at the screen, his visually impaired eye closes.
  • Enhanced eye fatigue in cases that require increased visual attention.
  • Not enough good orientation in unusual circumstances, as well as general absent-mindedness and clumsiness.


First, a general ophthalmologic examination is performed, which makes it possible to assess the location of the eyeballs, the response to light, and so on. After that, tests like:

  • perimetry;
  • sighting;
  • definition of refraction.

If the disease is at a late stage, biomicroscopy, the definition of lens transparency and examination of the fundus can be performed.


Unfortunately, when this disease occurs in adults, the disease can be cured only in fairly rare cases.Usually, the changes in vision are irreversible. But it is still possible to take some measures.

Usually therapy is that all possible factors that could theoretically lead to amblyopia are eliminated. It is necessary to solve the problem of clouding the lens, cataracts, strabismus and so on.

When the causes that cause deterioration of the functions of one eye are eliminated, one can proceed to the next task - the occlusion of the dominant visual analyzer.In simpler terms, it means that the lead eye is subjected to an artificial reduction in the ability to perceive any visual information. And the amblyopic eye at this time, on the contrary, is stimulated.All this is done in parallel and can lead to a fairly positive result.

This is done to restore the balance of parallel and equal perception between various visual analyzers of information, as well as uniform load distribution, assigned to them. Simply put, the role of the eyes is slightly leveled.

After that, the doctors look at how effective the measures were.If they gave any result, then further laser vision correction is performed. In this case, you can minimize the negative consequences of the problem and partially restore your vision.


The problem in the abandoned stage can lead to a permanent decrease in vision - up to the total loss of vision.


First of all, to prevent the refractive form of this disease, you must always follow the rules of wearing glasses. If the glasses are worn incorrectly or will not be worn at all in situations where this is required, the problem can develop strongly and begin to progress.



Amblyopia is a rather problematic phenomenon, which causes great discomfort and is not always well suited for treatment. But if, at the first detection of the signs of the problem, immediate measures are taken, then it is possible to facilitate its course.

How to treat amblyopia in children read in this article.

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