Excellent vision is an indicator of the healthy state of the human body.It is known that pathological processes occurring in various organs also affect vision. Today, more and more people are facing an unexpected decline in vision, and this is so important, since more than 80% of information is perceived visually by a person.
What methods will help correct vision? We'll talk about this in our material.
1Types of abnormalities in vision
1.6Impaired peripheral vision
2Recovery Methods
2.1Orthopedic method
2.2Exercises for the eyes
2.3Laser correction
2.4Operations to replace the lens
Types of abnormalities in vision
Any mechanism can fail, what can we say about a living organism.Every day we expose our eyes to harmful effects. However, many people do not consider it necessary to undergo regular examinations from an ophthalmologist. In addition, vision can deteriorate gradually, so a person does not always immediately notice the problem.
There are many reasons that can cause visual disturbances.Many of them arise from damage to the optic nerve and the photosensitive membrane, but the most common cause of vision loss is a lack of refraction. Ethen the disorder entails disturbances in the process of focusing the light rays, so that the person sees the image not quite clearly.
Possible symptoms of problems with vision:
Falling visual acuity;
Partial loss of clarity;
Burning of the eyes.
If you manage to notice even the slightest signs of a visual impairment, contact the oculist immediately.
The official name in medicine is myopia.With this vision impairment, a person loses the ability to clearly see distant objects, since the image is projected in front of the eye retina. The higher the degree of myopia, the worse an adult or child sees in the distance. This disease can be the result of curvature of the cornea or lengthening the shape of the eye.Most of all, short-sightedness is lamented by schoolchildren and people who spend a lot of time behind the monitor.
Correction of myopia can be carried out by means of glasses, contact optics or surgical intervention. At the initial stage will help improve eyesight vision.
The scientific name of this disorder is hypermetropia.This disorder can be caused by a small diameter of the eyeball or curvature of the cornea. In the case of hyperopia, the distance between the cornea and the retina is reduced, as a result of which the image is focused behind the retina.
There is an opinion that with this violation a person sees distant objects well, but this is not so.If the degree of hypermetropia is medium or high, the quality of vision decreases as when looking at closely located objects, and on the remote.
Most often, children suffer from hypermetropia. However, children's farsightedness is often due to the fact that the eyeball of the child has not yet reached the optimal size; Over time, such a violation disappears on its own. But the process must necessarily be controlled by a doctor.
This type of violation is associated with a deterioration in the ability to focus the organ of vision.With astigmatism, the shape of the eye becomes oval. The rays falling into the eye are reflected not in the center of the retina, but in two places, so the image is blurred. Astigmatism often develops in combination with hyperopia or nearsightedness, and from the very childhood.Insufficient treatment of this problem can lead to strabismus or a rapid drop in vision.Treatment of astigmatism is carried out by surgical correction or by means of special optics.
This disorder appears often in people over 40 years of age and is popularly called age-long-sightedness.It is caused by the fact that over time the lens loses its elasticity, and its supporting muscles weaken. People with presbyopia lose their sharpness of vision near. If you do not fight this disorder, it can cause complications in the form of headache or rapid eye fatigue.Contact optics, glasses or surgery will help to cope with age-long-sightedness.
This is the most common disease that occurs due to the clouding of the lens.More often cataracts occur in the elderly, but can also be the result of an infectious disease at any age. Treat cataracts mainly through surgical intervention.
Impaired peripheral vision
Normally, a person has a fairly wide range of peripheral vision.Violations of this function can be associated with the emergence of small cattle - areas with loss of sight - or spots of dark color.
The field of vision can narrow down to a small islet in the central region; while a person looks at the world as if through a tube (tunnel vision).
There are also partial fallouts in the field of view in a different volume.
Peripheral vision disorders can occur on one or both eyes.
Recovery Methods
People with visual impairments are ready to use any methods, just to restore it. For treatment or correction use programs that fall into several categories:
Orthopedic method
This method is a correction of vision.Return the lost acuity in this way is impossible, but you can reduce discomfort, correct the visual acuity and partially restore it.
This method is understood as the application of corrective optics - glasses and contact lenses.
The spectral optical coherent tomograph is a high-frequency non-contact method for diagnosing the morphology of the cornea, retina and optic nerve.
Determine the causes of vision loss, as well as appoint a program of treatment should the ophthalmologist, and not the seller of optics. The doctor will be able not only to check in detail the vision, but also to select the correct correction optics correctly.
Exercises for the eyes
If the diagnosis has shown that radical measures are not required for vision correction, the oculist can offer programs that are available to everyone to improve vision.To home programs can be attributed various exercises that train the muscles of the eyes. This method does not require any material costs. Depending on the circumstances, the specialist can offer one of the variants of complex exercises for the restoration of vision, for example:
Bates's method;
Norbekov Complex;
Gymnastics Zhdanov;
Exercises of Academician Utekhin;
Avetisov's method.William Bates Methodology
These programs are suitable even for children after 5 years.
In order to achieve a good result and restore visual acuity, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises three times a day for 15-20 minutes.
Laser correction
Thanks to the advent of laser medicine, many incurable earlier eye diseases began to yield to therapy.
To increase the visual acuity in the eye surgery, the laser was increasingly used. Such intervention is the most sparing, correct and safe.
Today, many clinics successfully perform vision correction using the LASIK and Super LASIK method using a high-precision excimer laser.The operation takes place within one day, the process of laser correction lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. Its main advantage is that the effect of restoring vision is observed almost immediately.
Laser vision correction has few limitations, so before a radical procedure, ophthalmologists perform a full examination of patients to identify possible contraindications.
Operations to replace the lens
The method of surgical intervention is the most radical. But in many cases only surgical intervention can help a person to correct vision. The most common types of operations include:
Restoration of the iris;
Transplant cornea;
Lens replacement.Replacement of the lens
The operation to replace the lens is one of the most common surgical interventions. This is the only treatment option for progressive cataracts (opacity of the lens). During the operation, the clouded lens is removed, then it is replaced with an artificial lens. Surgical cataract treatment can completely restore vision.
Eye surgery has evolved in recent years to such an extent that operations to replace the lens can be attributed to the safest. In most cases, the operation is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can return home within a few hours.
Vitamins to improve vision are sold in any pharmacy. The main vitamins that the organs of vision need are groups A, B, C, E, as well as calcium and zinc.
If the eyes are periodically watered, and during the twilight or darkness of vision deterioration, then, most likely, the body lacks vitamin A, on which depends the health of the retina.
In addition to pharmacy products, you need to eat foods rich in vitamins, and, thus, adjust the image of your diet.
You can help your eyesight if you work on it in a complex way: take vitamins in the form of tablets, and also eat healthy food.
Vitamin A is abundant in orange products: apricots, carrots, bell peppers, avocados. A huge amount of vitamin A contains blueberries.
If vision problems occur at any time of the day, and eyes become afraid of light, the eye organs require B vitamins responsible for the state of nerve cells.
The most important vitamin of vision is Riboflavin. It is taken for prophylaxis, as well as for the treatment of dystrophic disorders of the cornea of the eye.
B vitamins are also found in brewer's yeast, meat, fish, nuts and cereals.
Often bursting vessels in the eyes indicate a lack of vitamin C, which can be found in citrus, dog rose, blueberry and young potatoes.
It should be remembered that vitamin C has the property of rapidly breaking down during heat treatment, so products containing this vitamin, it is better to use fresh.
Dryness and burning, discomfort caused by a deficiency of vitamin E, which will enter the body along with nuts, eggs, cereals and olive oil.
Our organs of vision sometimes do not have enough calcium, which is responsible for strengthening tissues. This element is simply necessary for people with myopia. As for people with cataracts, they need zinc, which is able to prevent this disease. You can find it in fish, pork and beef liver, in a pumpkin.
All these substances and vitamins are often found in vitamin complexes that:
Increase vision;
Relieve fatigue;
Regenerating effect on the retina of the eyes.
For example, people with myopia or hyperopia can benefit from such drugs as:
Biofit bilberry;
Vitrum et al.Blueberry Forte protects the vessels of the eyes and improves eyesight
You can never give up the methods of traditional medicine. For example, an excellent remedy for impaired vision can become infusion of the herb grass. They should wash their eyes 2 times a day, and a pinch of this powder - diluted with water and ingested daily.
Another known means is carrot juice, mixed with honey.This mixture should be taken within a month, after which the vision should improve significantly.
Remember that vitamins are more related to preventive drugs. Restore the full visual acuity is possible with the help of complex therapy, appointed by a doctor. And you can supplement the treatment with vitamins and beneficial substances.
So, you can restore visual acuity only after consulting with an ophthalmologist who will identify the cause of the problem and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.Whatever it may be, medical, radical or orthopedic, do not forget about the vitamins contained in food. It is necessary to take care of your eyes before the symptoms of vision decrease.