Arthritis and arthrosis: drugs for treatment, types of drugs


  • 1Medications for arthritis and arthrosis: treatment with pills
    • 1.1Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • 1.2Painkillers
    • 1.3Glucocorticosteroids
    • 1.4Fundamental therapy
    • 1.5Muscle relaxants
    • 1.6Chondroprotectors
  • 2Medicines for the treatment of joint arthritis
    • 2.1Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • 2.2Chondroprotectors
    • 2.3Therapy with medicinal herbs
  • 3Arthritis and arthrosis: drugs for treatment, types of drugs
    • 3.1Arthritis and arthrosis
    • 3.2Treatment
    • 3.3Remedies for inflammation and pain
    • 3.4Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 3.5First generation
    • 3.6The second generation
    • 3.7Glucocorticoids
    • 3.8Means restoring the joint
    • 3.9Other treatments
  • 4Treatment of joints: a list of medications for arthritis, recommendations for use in arthrosis
    • 4.1List of NSAIDs in joint diseases
    • 4.2Inhibitors of COX-1
    • 4.3Inhibitors of COX-2: NSAIDs of the new generation
    • 4.4Conclusion

Medications for arthritis and arthrosis: treatment with pills

Inflammation of the joints, that is, arthritis, is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system.

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Arthritis is accompanied by pain, swelling, and motor disabilities, which prevents many everyday activities.

In arthritis, long-term treatment is required, because when the patient is inactive, the condition of the joints worsens severely. As a rule, the main drug for arthritis is a pill, that is, the basis of treatment is medication.

Tablets against arthritis is one of the elements of complex treatment. There is no miracle cure for arthritis, which would completely eliminate the disease, however, correctly selected drugs will effectively remove symptoms, slow down the progression of arthritis and prevent complications.

Treatment involves the use of groups of medications:

  1. muscle relaxants,
  2. chondroprotectors,
  3. means of basic therapy,
  4. painkillers,
  5. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAID ointments and tablets,
  6. glucocorticosteroids - GCS.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

The group includes:

  • indomethacin,
  • ketoprofen,
  • diclofenac,
  • meloxicam.

NSAIDs cope well with the painful symptoms. They reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances that regulate pain and inflammation.

These drugs increase the patient's mobility of joints, which significantly improves overall health and quality of life.

During the acute phase, the most effective injection of drugs in the injection form.

After removing the main symptomatology, the course of treatment includes tablets as the main cure for arthritis.


The basic means against pain:

  1. paracetamol,
  2. ibuprofen,
  3. aspirin,
  4. Analgin.

The use of analgesics, that is, analgesics, in arthritis is only a means of reducing the symptoms of the disease. Non-narcotics remedy pain well and rarely have side effects, however, unlike NSAIDs, analgesics are not anti-inflammatory drugs.


This group includes:

  • prednisolone,
  • hydrocortisone,
  • dexamethasone,
  • betamethasone.

SCS or glucocorticosteroids are hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs that are used in the form of intraarticular injections during exacerbation of the disease. SCS quickly relieve pain, stop the inflammatory process and improve the mobility of the joints.

In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe SCS in the form of tablets. Dosage of the drug is constantly decreasing as the patient's condition improves.

Long-term hormonal treatment can cause serious disorders, such as:

  1. cataract,
  2. osteoporosis,
  3. glaucoma,
  4. adrenal gland dysfunction.

Fundamental therapy

These are the following drugs:

  • arava,
  • plaquenyl,
  • rheumatrex,
  • lieganal,
  • imarant,
  • neoral.

These funds can not only alleviate the symptoms, they have anti-inflammatory effects, and also inhibit the formation of arthritis. These medicines prevent the bones from deforming.

The action of agents is based on immunosuppressive activity. The main manifestations are the anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Basic therapy is used for certain types of diseases, for example, in rheumatoid arthritis. One of the most common drugs is sulfasalazine. This drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial functions.

Sulfasalazine in its structure is a combination of 5-aminosalicylic acid and sulfapyridine. The course of treatment lasts 6 weeks.

First, sulfasalazine is taken at 500 mg per day, then the amount increases.


To avoid any side effects, sulfasalazine should be consumed with plenty of water.


If the patient has an allergy, bronchial asthma, as well as violations of the liver and kidneys, then sulfasalazine can not be taken. Pregnant women and nursing mothers sulfasalazine is also strictly contraindicated.

Sulfasalazine has a long disintegration process, it accumulates in the blood, which can be expressed in the following symptoms:

  • itching,
  • cramps in the abdomen,
  • migraine,
  • anorexia,
  • hemolytic anemia.

If side effects occur, you should consult your doctor and replace sulfasalazine with another drug whenever possible.

Sulfasalazine and other basic drugs are slow, so you should not expect an obvious effect immediately. Drug use can last at least two months.

Muscle relaxants

This includes:

  • midokalm,
  • sirdalud,
  • baclofen.

Miorelaxants - cures for arthritis, which eliminate muscle spasms against the backdrop of painful joints. Pain removed in the area of ​​the affected joint, blood circulation improves, muscle tension goes away.

Spasm of muscles is a kind of protective reaction of joints, which protects them from strong pressure and deformation.

Thus, these drugs need to be used very carefully - such medications for arthritis are needed only in combination with chondroprotectors.


The most common drugs are:

  1. don,
  2. artra,
  3. structure,
  4. chondroitin.

The use of chondroprotectors (preparations of glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin) inhibits the development of arthritis and restores joints. Chondroprotectors accelerate the healing of the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints, stimulate the secretion of the joint fluid.

These drugs are slow, so treatment can last from, to, years.

Competent medical treatment, started on time and combined with physiotherapy, massage and a healthy way life, it will give an opportunity to improve the condition of the joints and the body, allowing to return to the usual everyday activities.

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Medicines for the treatment of joint arthritis

The disease of arthritis is characterized by inflammation of the joints. Pain occurs when you move or lift weights, because the joint loses its mobility, changing shape and swelling.

Often the skin over the joints turns red, a fever appears. Drug treatment by different groups of drugs is dominant in this disease.

Effective folk remedies, for example, gold mustache.

Drug groups are also relevant for arthritis of the hip joint, also suitable for the treatment of rheumatoid, knee arthritis. Before starting any medications of any group, it is important to consult the doctor in advance.

Arthritis on the big toes

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Are prescribed to relieve inflammation in the joints, reduce pain. Drugs of this group are an important group of medicines for arthritis.

NSAIDs do not treat joint arthritis of the joints, rheumatoid arthritis and other types of this disease.

But they help to relieve inflammation and pain, which allows continuing complex treatment of the disease.

Note! Unlike corticosteroids (cortisone and others). treatment of rheumatoid, reactive and any other type of arthritis joints NSAIDs have fewer side effects on the human body.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs do not contain hormones. Cortisone includes the hormones of the adrenal cortex. Cortisone for therapeutic purposes helps with many diseases.

In the initial stages of arthritis, legs and other cortisone may be prescribed as an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drug.

The pharmaceutical industry divides all non-steroid preparations into two groups: inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2. Preparations of the second group refer to a new generation of drugs.

They have a selective effect on the body and have much fewer side effects regarding the health of the stomach and digestive organs. This also increases the tolerability of these drugs.


Drugs of this group do not have a negative effect on the cartilaginous tissue, which is typical for some drugs from the group COX-1.


But drugs for treating rheumatoid arthritis or another type of this disease from the COX-2 group can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.

All these pills and other forms of medication are anti-inflammatory, and help from rheumatoid and knee, jet, foot arthritis and other types.

Aspirin is used in the first stages of the disease

The first group includes the following drugs:

  1. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). This drug in the COX-1 group was discovered first. Aspirin continues to be prescribed for treatment at the initial stage of rheumatoid arthritis, joint arthritis or any other kind of this disease. But, thanks to the latest achievements in the field of medicine, the effect of aspirin in arthritis and arthrosis is considered weak. Even if at the first stages the doctor prescribes aspirin, it soon replaces with other medicines.
    Note! Aspirin slows the coagulability of the blood, therefore, it should be taken cautiously to people with blood diseases.
  2. Ibuprofen. It is transferred very well, although, by effect, it is slightly inferior to other drugs of this category. When joint diseases are often prescribed by doctors, due to the effectiveness of the action and a low number of side effects.
  3. Diclofenac. The medicine was created back in the 1960s, but in the treatment of joint diseases it still remains urgent. Can be sold in the form of tablets or ointments. It has excellent anti-inflammatory drugs and effectively removes pain syndrome.
  4. Ketoprofen. Many patients stop on this medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, hip arthritis or other types of this disease, because the drug is available in different forms. This gel and aerosol, tablets, creams, injections, suppositories (rectal suppositories) and solutions for external use.
  5. Indomethacin. The strongest drug for anti-inflammatory effect, effectively reduces pain. In pharmacies is sold in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories, gel or ointment. A strong active action against the disease is accompanied by a number of side effects. The drug is most affordable.

Meloxicam is a non-steroid drug

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the COX-2 group include:

  1. Meloksikam. It is especially effective to drink this drug for joint arthrosis. You can take a long time without interruption, but always under strict doctor control. In pharmacies can be found in the form of tablets and ointments, rectal suppositories and solution for oral administration.
  2. Nimesulide. In addition, what to drink this drug is necessary to stop the inflammation and reduce the pain. It will also help in slowing the process of destruction of cartilaginous tissue. This is important for arthritis of the hip joint or for any other form of the disease.
  3. Celecoxib. Side effects for the stomach and digestive tract are practically absent, but the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is very strong. Drinking this medicine can be in the form of capsules, which are available in 100 and 200 mg.
  4. Etoricoxib. Take should be in small doses up to 150 mg per day, then side effects on the stomach are minimized. Assign with arthrosis of the joints of the feet and hands. The doctor prescribes to drink the drug 30-60 mg per day. The first days of admission you need to control blood pressure.
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Helps in how to treat this disease and the drug sulfasazalin. It refers to that group of drugs for the treatment of joints that help cope with inflammation. Including suitable for the treatment of knee arthritis, rheumatoid, jet, foot arthritis.

Sulfasazalin taken for 2 or more months, especially effective drug in the treatment of rheumatoid disease. The effect of sulfasazalin is only after at least six weeks from the beginning of admission.

Sulfasazalin will be effective if doses are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the overall picture of the disease and other tests.

Glucosamine interferes with the development of arthrosis


The next extensive group of drugs that is prescribed for the treatment of rheumatoid, jet and other arthritic joints. These medicines are used to improve the structure of the affected cartilage.

The drug in this category slows the progression of the disease and strengthens the cartilaginous tissue. A long-term course of treatment is prescribed for two or more months, and chondroprotectors can be drunk to prevent relapses.

An effective medicine that is indispensable in treatment.

The effective drugs of this group include (the main components of drugs):

  1. Glucosamine. Glucosamine is a natural compound. Glucosamine restores the functions of cartilaginous tissue, it also inhibits the development of degenerative processes inherent in arthritis of the legs or another kind of this disease. Glucosamine also stimulates synovial fluid synthesis. If you constantly drink glucosamine, it will also improve the elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue and reduce the pain syndrome. Glucosamine belongs to a large group of drugs of this category: Dona, Elbona, Artiflex and others. Constantly, new drugs appear, including glucosamine.
  2. Chondroitin. This is a building material for joint tissues. Like glucosamine, it gives joints flexibility. But it acts differently, namely, it depresses the enzymes that destroy the cartilage. The drug is able to provide joints free sliding, improve their supply of blood. It is a part of different medicines of this group.

Some chondoprotekors contain simultaneously glucosamine and chondroitin. This combination allows the substances to advantageously enhance each other's action. These drugs are great for treating joint diseases that are degenerative.

Tablets and other forms of drugs in this group, which include glucosamine and chondroitin, are the only ones that affect the immediate cause.

Rheumatoid, reagative, leg arthritis and others can be cured due to drugs that contain glucosamine and chondroitin, because they repair the tissue.

Appropriate selection of chondroprotectors is necessary in order to choose the ideal drug from the variety. After all, glucosamine and chondroitin are not the only additives.

Chondroitin in the form of gel

It is important! Many people are interested in the question of whether darsonval helps with the treatment of knee joint arthritis or another type of disease.

Against arthritis of the joint, including the knee, darsonval has a superficial effect. Darsonval stimulates blood circulation around the affected joint.

But darsonval will not have the necessary curative effect against the disease. It turns out that the means and forces spent on the treatment of the joint, if you use darsonval, do not justify themselves.

If darsonval appointed a doctor, you can try to undergo a course of treatment to see if darsonval helps to treat a particular joint.

Therapy with medicinal herbs

Herbs for the treatment of arthritis of the legs, knee and other arthritic joint types are also used quite often.

This type of treatment has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, relieves pain.

It is better to conduct herbal therapy together with medical treatment and necessarily under the supervision of a doctor.

Along with other herbs for treatment of reactive arthritis, knee and other types of disease, one wants to single out a golden mustache.

It is best to take the golden mustache in the form of a tincture for alcohol inside, and also make compresses and rubbing.

The golden mustache of many grows at home, so, to prepare an alcohol tincture that will help in the treatment of joint arthritis yourself. To do this, a golden mustache is taken in the amount of 42 joints and the floor is filled with a liter of vodka.


Infuse for three weeks in a glass container, periodically shaken. Then strain and can be stored in the refrigerator in a dark glass container.


Golden mustard in the tincture according to this recipe is taken on a tablespoon three times a day, the best time is one hour before a meal. Whatever the therapeutic effect does not have a golden mustache, it should be used under the supervision of a doctor. As for grinding, then tincture to take a couple of times a day.

Golden mustache has a positive effect with arthritis of the legs, rheumatoid or other types of the disease. Useful plants that can be taken also include barberry, birch, hawthorn, radish and many others.

The use of "Dimexide" in arthritis

For lotions with arthritis on the fingers or in the area of ​​other joints, legs, you can apply not only medicinal herbs, but also pharmaceutical preparations. One such is dimexide.

Dimexide is an inexpensive drug. Dimexide is used for various types of arthritis, including when there is rheumatoid arthritis, foot arthritis, a reactive form of this disease.

Dimexide must be diluted with boiled water, cooled to room temperature, in a ratio of one to one. Dimexid serves to wet the napkin and apply it to the joint.

Then apply the film on the dimexide and wrap it in a flexible bandage. Do not tighten too much, the main thing is that the compress, in which the dimexide is included, kept well. Then dimexid washed off with cool water.

Use dimexide for compresses should be within two weeks. Arthritis: methotrexate, golden mustache and other drugs will reduce the pain syndrome, which is important in the first stages of the disease.

Dimexide will be treated already during the first days of use: the swelling will begin to subside, and the pain will decrease. Dimexide has instructions.


Many are interested in the question of how much medication with antibiotics helps and what drugs to take. New antibiotics for the treatment of rheumatoid, jet, arthritis of the legs and any joint are not invented.


Tablets of this group are prescribed if the disease caused chlamydia, shigella or salmonella. To purify the body, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. It should last at least a week.

From the first time there is no clearing the body of these serious pathogens, therefore, you may need to repeat therapy against them. Antibiotics will have to be taken anew.

Dimexide and its derivatives are anti-inflammatory drugs that stop acute pain.

If joint pain occurs, seek medical attention

Against knee arthritis, arthritis of any joint and any kind of this disease, there are many drugs.

With this rheumatoid arthritis may have some differences in treatment from other species.

It is for this reason that it is important not to make independent decisions, which medications will help against knee arthritis or any other kind of this disease.

Treatment of knee arthritis, rheumatoid disease, arthritis of the fingers or toes - each type of disease has its own characteristics, which only a specialist will adequately tell.

He will also help to find the optimal medicines of each group against arthritis of the joint. Responsible choice of medicines against this disease is the main guarantee of future health.

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Arthritis and arthrosis: drugs for treatment, types of drugs

According to the statistics received by the World Health Organization, joint diseases are now firmly in third place.

Only problems related to the digestive system, the heart, and the blood vessels have overcome them.

In one form or another, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from joint problems.

If earlier this pathology struck mainly people older than 45-50 years, then at the present time her age has grown very young. Inflammations, deposition of salts and joint deformities can occur even at the age of 25 years.

Arthritis and arthrosis

All the variety of pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Inflammatory - arthritis.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic - arthrosis.

The first from the second differs by the presence of inflammation in the joint. In the case of arthritis, inflammation is always present. In other words, the term arthritis unites all the pathologies of the joints, in which inflammation arises in them. In this case, it is unimportant to suffer from it only one joint or several at once.

The cause of arthritis can be injuries, joints in the joint viruses, bacteria or fungi and even your own immune system.

As for arthrosis, they develop for other reasons. Usually, the cause of joint destruction is severe physical activity, trauma, circulatory disorders or age-related changes. In the case of arthrosis, inflammation does not develop.


The most severe pathology is rheumatoid arthritis, in which the articular tissues begin to attack the cells of the body's immune system.


Especially painfully arthritis occurs in the legs, in which the affected limb can completely lose the ability to move.

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And the most common arthrosis of the knee joint is gonarthrosis.


Despite the fact that these diseases occur in different ways and can arise for various reasons, the medical treatment of arthritis and arthrosis is often similar.

Initially, doctors prescribe medications that help to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joint.

Then in the course are the means that contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue, improving blood circulation and nerve conduction.

Basically, the cures for arthritis and arthrosis relate to prescription leave. Regardless of the type of arthritis medication for treatment, the regimen, dosage and duration of the course should be selected by the physician.

Remedies for inflammation and pain

The feeling of pain in a person arises from the irritation of special, painful receptors that are found in virtually all tissues and organs.

It can be of different intensity and each is perceived in its own way.

Often, pain and inflammation go hand in hand, forming a vicious circle in which inflammation increases pain, and pain, in turn, provokes the formation of inflammatory mediators.

It is for this reason that both arthritis and arthrosis are used drugs that can reduce both. They can be divided into two groups: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid hormone preparations.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The date of birth of these drugs is considered to be 1897, when the famous chemist Felix Hoffmann discovered a substance known throughout the world as Aspirin. Today, NSAIDs are one of the most numerous and popular groups of medicines.

These drugs for arthritis or arthrosis can block the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which is responsible for the production of inflammatory mediators in the body. Such, for example, as prostaglandins, thromboxanes or simple cyclines. By selectivity of action they are divided into preparations of the first and second generation.

First generation

Means of indiscriminate action, blocking all types of enzyme COX. These include, for example, such drugs as Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and Ibuprofen. Their main drawback is an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa.

Cyclooxygenase, in addition to being responsible for the production of inflammatory mediators, also participates in the synthesis of substances forming a protective mucosa in the stomach. True, these processes are responsible for another of its kind, namely, COX-1, while in the appearance of inflammation it is mostly COX-2 that is to blame.

Because of indiscriminate action, first-generation drugs block both variants of the enzyme and thus can provoke the development or exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer.

That is why the first-generation NSAIDs for arthritis doctors try to prescribe in low doses and short courses.

The second generation

Means that have a predominant effect on COX-2. Most often with arthritis from this generation, such drugs as Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Arcoxia or Celebrex are used.

These drugs spare the stomach, since they practically do not affect the first kind of enzyme.


As a rule, they are appointed by long-term courses, since there are practically no effects on the stomach.


However, they also have a significant drawback - the effect on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if there is coronary heart disease, unstable angina, hypertension or other similar problems, the drug prescribed from this group of drugs should be taken with caution.

To select a remedy from the NSAID group, the schedule and duration of its administration should be your doctor.


These hormones are normally produced in the human body by the adrenal cortex. In medicine, their synthetic analogs are used to relieve severe inflammation and pain in arthritis and arthrosis from around 1940.

As well as NSAIDs, hormonal drugs from arthritis and arthrosis can influence COX. However, not on its activity, but directly on the process of formation of this enzyme.

In addition, they affect another enzyme - phospholipase A2, which also participates in the synthesis of substances that provoke inflammation.

By the degree of activity hormonal drugs for the treatment of joints are divided into:

  1. Glucocorticoids with low activity, such as hydrocortisone or prednisolone.
  2. Preparations with an average degree of activity, which include fluocortolone and flumethasone.
  3. Hormones with a high degree of activity, for example, betamethasone or even more powerful hormone - clobetasol.

Tablets from arthrosis or arthritis containing glucocorticoids are considered to be potent and are prescribed by doctors only when other means of relieving inflammation and pain do not help.

Means restoring the joint

Arthritis and arthrosis are diseases in which the destruction of tissues and structures occurs in the joint.

Even when inflammation and pain managed to win, these changes can cause stiffness and limited mobility.

In order to prevent such negative changes and, if possible, to restore the injured joint as much as possible and apply chondroprotective agents.

One of the basic substances that ensure the health of any joint is glucosamine and chondroitin. With pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, there are not enough substances in the body and they have to be supplied from the outside.

The mechanism of action of such tablets from arthritis or arthrosis is based on the fact that the constituent substances can be incorporated into the damaged cartilaginous tissue. Thus, they make up for the lack of food and inhibit the destruction of the joint. Depending on the composition, they are divided into several generations:

  • The first generation - a cure for arthrosis and arthritis, obtained from a purified extract of bone and cartilaginous tissue of animals. Of these, only Alflutop is currently used.
  • The second generation - monopreparations containing substances obtained by biochemical synthesis. By their structure, they are almost inferior to those that are synthesized in the body, but unlike the first generation, they practically do not cause allergies. Usually Mukosat, Don or Structum are used from this group.
  • The third generation is a combination of drugs containing chondroitin and glucosamine, for example, Teraflex or supplemented with an NSAID, such as Teraflex Advance.

Chondroprotectors are quite effective. However, a good curative effect from them develops slowly and should be applied by long courses from three months to a year.

There is one more feature of the treatment with these medications. In the case of arthritis, they are appointed after an acute inflammatory process is removed.

It is not so important how exactly damaged joint arthritis tablets, ointments or injectable solutions with chondroprotectors allow you to choose the most effective treatment scheme in any case.

Other treatments

A treatment regimen including an anti-inflammatory agent and a chondroprotector is the basis for the treatment of any joint pathology. However, this is far from all drugs that doctors can prescribe for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis. In addition to these, the list may include:

  1. Homeopathic medicines such as Traumeel or Objective T, helping to relieve inflammation, pain and reduce swelling.
  2. Cytostatics and immunosuppressants, for example, Methotrexate, is prescribed mainly for rheumatoid arthritis of joints, which develops due to disorders in the immune system.
  3. B vitamins needed to restore nerve conduction in the joint.
  4. Antibiotics, which are usually used for arthritis caused by viruses or bacteria, for example, with gonorrheal form, but can sometimes be prescribed for arthrosis.
  5. Medicinal herbs and preparations based on them, for example, such as Arnica ointment or Sabelnik. Usually, such a medicine for arthritis is used as an addition to the basic treatment.
  6. Means based on propolis, bee or snake venom, such as ointment Apizarthron or Viprosal.

There are a lot of drugs for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. Each of them is effective at a certain form of the disease or when a certain joint is affected. For example, arthritis of the knee can be treated quite differently from arthritis, which arises in small joints.

Therefore, to engage in self-treatment, even with an accurate diagnosis is impossible. Arthrosis or arthritis, the medicine from which is picked up incorrectly, will not only fail, but it will develop further, destroying the joint.

There is one more nuance of treatment - diet and proper exercise. It does not matter if you are diagnosed with arthrosis or arthritis of the hands or feet, the medication will not be effective enough if you do not reconsider your diet and lifestyle.


Joints are truly unique education, capable of withstanding fragility to withstand body weight and cope with rather high loads. In order not to lose this quality in time, consult a doctor and do not ignore the alarming symptoms.


»More information on the topic:

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Treatment of joints: a list of medications for arthritis, recommendations for use in arthrosis

Faced with this or that disease of joints, the person first of all is interested in what anti-inflammatory drugs he should use to quickly eliminate symptoms. And although pharmacies offer a variety of medications, not all of them are equally safe, which must be taken into account before starting treatment.

Most often, doctors prescribe these drugs for the treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis. The therapeutic properties of these drugs are associated with their ability to reduce the level of inflammation in the joints, as well as pain.

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In the composition of NSAIDsthere are no hormones, than they differ from hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to this, they have much fewer contraindications, which makes them safer for the treatment of joints.

What is important for a patient to know before using NSAIDs for joint management?

  • Many drugs from the NSAID group for the treatment of joints that are generally considered safe can only be taken in the form of short courses because of their serious side effects. Especially careful with them you need to be people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and the cardiovascular system.
  • The list of recommended drugs for the treatment of arthritis should not contain anti-inflammatory drugs drugs, if the patient previously had gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, and colitis. Health hazards, these medicines for the treatment of joints are because they cause irritation of the mucous membranes, leading to inflammation and ulcers.
  • Use for the treatment of arthritis, these drugs for people with liver and kidney disease is necessary only with the permission of the treating doctor. A feature of NSAIDs is that theyaffect the renal blood flow, as a result, water and sodium are delayed. It is dangerous not only to increase blood pressure, but also dysfunction of the kidney and liver.
  • There are individual patients who have an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joint inflammation. Regardless of the presence of diseases that are present in the list of contraindications, it is necessary to start taking them in small doses, gradually bringing up the recommended rate.
  • To begin treatment of inflammation of the joints with the chosen drug is necessary only after acquaintance with the instruction for use, which must be adhered to during the course.
  • Preparations of the category NPVSnegatively affect the gastric mucosa. In order to reduce this harm with arthritis, it is necessary to take tablets with as much liquid as possible. It is recommended to drink them with a full glass of water. You should use ordinary water, in the case of using other liquids, the effect of the treatment may be less significant because of their ability to absorb medicines.
  • It is not recommended for arthritis to undergo simultaneous treatment with several drugs of the NSAID group: this approach to treatment will not be of much use. The only thing that can be achieved is an increase in the number of side effects.
  • Abstain from taking this group of drugs should women during pregnancy. Those patients who, because of their condition, are required to use these drugs, for example, with arthritis, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use.
  • Having started treatment with drugs from the NSAID group, it is necessary for a whileto exclude from the ration alcohol, otherwise it will intensify the harm that drugs can have on the mucous membrane of the stomach.
  • The recommendation is that you should not choose your own medicines for arthritic joints. Any decision you must agree with the attending physician. So you do not allow complications during treatment and will be able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms much quicker.

List of NSAIDs in joint diseases

Drugs belonging to this category can be classified into two groups:

  • inhibitors of cyclooxygenase I (COX-1);
  • inhibitors of cyclooxygenase type 2 (COX-2).

Inhibitors of COX-1


This is one of the first drugs that has been used in medicine to treat many diseases.

It was invented more than 100 years ago, and today it still remains in demand, even given that many more modern and effective medicines are available today.

Therefore, when starting to treat osteoarthritis, it is necessary first of allstart taking aspirin.

This drug has a wide range of effects, but the positive effect of its use in the treatment of arthritis and arthritis is obtained insignificant.

Therefore, a few weeks after taking the place, other drugs are prescribed instead of him, sometimes they immediately refuse aspirin in favor of more modern ones.

Do not take risks, starting to take aspirin for arthritis, people who have blood diseases. There may be a negative effect of this drug because of its ability to slow blood clotting.


Many specialists are recommended to use this particular drug from the category of NSAIDs, which was created back in the 60s of the last century.


In pharmacies, it is offered in the form of tablets and ointments.


The therapeutic properties of this drug for the treatment of arthrosis are associated with its ability to suppress pain, as well as to combat inflammatory processes.

In pharmacies presented under several names:

  • Orthophene;
  • Dolex;
  • Diclonate;
  • Naklofen and others.


With the help of this drug can not achieve such a rapid elimination of inflammatory and painful syndrome, than with the use of other medications, including indomethacin. However, it continues to be used because of the good tolerability of most patients.

In pharmacies this drug is presented under various names - Bonifen, Ibalgin, Reumafen, Faspik, etc.


In the list of mandatory for use for the treatment of arthritis, this remedy is included because of its ability to quickly suppress pain symptoms. In pharmacies, it is offered in the form of tablets weighing 25 grams, as well as gels, ointments and rectal suppositories.

But use it with caution because of the many side effects. It remains popular due to the ability to quickly eliminate the symptoms of arthritis and joint arthrosis.

Many he attracts and affordable cost - packing of tablets costs 15-50 r.

Depending on the manufacturer, this medicine may have different names - Indovazin, Metindol, Indocollir, etc.


Along with the above drugs, it is customary to include ketoprofen in a group of nonselective medicines. It has almost the same effect as ibuprofen, on sale it is presented in the form of tablets, gels, aerosols, creams and solutions for external use.

In pharmacies it is offered under various names - Fastum, Flamax, Artrum, Febrophide, etc.

Inhibitors of COX-2: NSAIDs of the new generation

A feature of the drugs of this group of NSAIDs is their selective effect on the body. Because of this feature, the harm done to the gastrointestinal tract is minimized. He alsohas better tolerability.

It is believed that certain preparations from the category of COX-1 are capable of causing significant harm to cartilaginous tissue.

But the preparations of the COX-2 group do not have such a negative effect, so they are recommended to be used in such situations, first of all in the treatment of arthrosis.


But even these drugs have their drawbacks. Although with long-term use these drugs do not affect the stomach, their use can affect the work of the cardiovascular system.


The list of drugs in this category include: meloxicam, nimesulide, celecoxib, etorikoksib, etc.


Among the preparations containing this active substance, movalis is quite common.

Compared with diclofenac and indomethacin, this medicine can be taken for a long time - the treatment can be continued even for many years.

But in any case, you need to regularly see a doctor.

In pharmacies this drug is offered in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories, ointments and solution for intramuscular injection.

Experts recommend using mostly tablets because of their long-term effect.

It is usually necessary to drink only one pill in the morning or before going to bed so that it will work the next day.

In pharmacies this drug is offered under different names - Melox, Matarin, Mesipol, Melbeck, etc. In our country, many know it as a movalis.



Manufacturers of this drug is the pharmaceutical company Pfizer which was originally released under the name of Tselebrex.


This drug is in demand because of the ability to quickly remove inflammation and pain symptoms in diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis.

It has no strong side effects that could adversely affect the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal tract. In pharmacies, it is offered in the form of capsules weighing 100 and 200 mg.


This drug has proven itself as a remedy, excellent cleaning pain symptoms and inflammation of the joints, which makes it an excellent option for the treatment of joint arthrosis.

Specialists appreciate it because of the presence of antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to slow down the effects of substances that destroy cartilaginous tissue, collagen fibers and proteoglycans.

In the pharmacy network, this drug for the treatment of joints is offered in various forms: a gel for external use, tablets for internal use and resorption, as well as granules that are used for cooking solutions.

In pharmacies, the drug is offered under several names -Aponin, Nimegesic, Rimesid, Prolid, and others..


Diseases of the joints are accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms, which cause great inconvenience to people.

Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the correct selection of drugs.

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of medicines for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.


Use of any of the medications presented is necessary only on the advice of a doctor. Many of them have side effects, so if you pick up the wrong medicine, then as a result of this treatment of joints, serious complications can arise.


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