Tortured cough with phlegm what to do

What to do if you have tortured cough: tips and recipes

Cough is one of the symptoms of certain diseases. Often it passes quickly. But if this did not happen and tortured the cough, what to do in this situation? To begin with it is necessary to understand the reasons causing this unpleasant phenomenon.

The cough is unpleasant in that it brings physical discomfort, since by its duration it literally exhausts, exhausts the person. Such a cough often becomes painful, especially with prolonged seizures. In addition, because of this unpleasant symptom, a person may hesitate to appear in public places, especially where silence is observed: in the library, at a working meeting, in the theater, etc.

Causes of cough

The causes of such a symptom, as a cough, must be established, since this directly affects the treatment being prescribed. For different causes of cough, preparations with different dosing times and dosages may be prescribed, as well as some other necessary procedures.

Cough occurs as a reflex of the human body in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. People tend to regard this reflex as a symptom of colds in the respiratory tract. However, various factors can act as an irritant, among them: foreign bodies, dust and other allergens, inflammatory processes, sputum, etc. Thus, coughing is not always indicative of ARVI, bronchitis or pneumonia, it can quite speak of another problem. For example, about more serious diseases: bronchial asthma or tuberculosis. Sometimes this symptom occurs even with heart disease. It can also occur in smokers whose airway mucosa is over-dried.
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Cough in various diseases has its own distinctive features. So, with pneumonia and bronchitis, a gray or yellow-green sputum appears during coughing. When tracheitis, it is accompanied by pain in the chest. A cough with laryngitis is barking and rough. The symptom of whooping cough is a very long, but not strong cough. Even smokers can notice seizures of this phenomenon, especially in the mornings after getting up from bed.

However, do not engage in self-medication, even if there is confidence in the diagnosis! The doctor can determine the true cause of the disease.

Cough can be of two kinds: wet and dry. The first type is accompanied by the separation of phlegm, and the second - no. They are treated differently in different ways.

Wet cough is better than dry, since in this case, sputum is removed from the body and contains harmful microorganisms. And this contributes to a speedy recovery.

With a dry cough, the body does not produce phlegm, it only accumulates in the respiratory tract. As a rule, it is dry cough that lasts long and painfully, as by itself it irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract and provokes new attacks.

Thus, when treating a prolonged cough, they are primarily repelled by the cause of the appearance of this symptom and its type.

Treatment of prolonged cough

Treatment of a painful cough should not be postponed. The earlier it is started, the easier it is to conquer this disease. A prolonged cough can cause other complications and go into a chronic form.

With a dry prolonged cough, drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action are prescribed.

They are designed to dilute sputum and improve its retreat.

Effective in this regard, the drugs of central action, which affect the brain and the cough center located there. Drugs can be of two types: narcotic, containing codeine, and non-narcotic, in which this component is absent. Codeine-containing drugs (Kodelak, Codeine, Neo-Kodion, Nurofen Plus, Pentalgin-N, Piralgin, Solpadein, "Terpinkod "Tetralgin etc.) have a number of shortcomings: addictive, depress the breath, affect the motor skills intestines. These drugs are deprived of these without codeine (Butamirat, Glaucin, etc.).

Drug-mucolytics, diluting sputum, include Ambrobene, Lazolvan, ACTS, Solutan, Mukaltin, and others. In their composition, medicinal herbs are most often included, therefore such remedies are the safest.

There are also combined drugs that have a double effect, for example, Doctor MOM, Kodelak Fito, Broncholitin.

When treating cough in children, non-narcotic drugs should be used. Medicines with codeine can be used only in exceptional cases, when you need to immediately block the attack of a prolonged cough.

It is useful to perform inhalations with a nebulizer inhaler, in which you can use either pure saline (sodium chloride or physiological saline, as it is also called), and its mixture with drugs for inhalation (Ambroghexal, Berodual and other). Such a measure helps to dilute sputum and improves the ingestion of the drug inside. The dosage and timing of the procedure should be determined by the doctor.

If a cough is caused by an allergic reaction to some kind of allergens (down, dust, pollen, hair), then antihistamines are prescribed (Suprastin, Zirtek, Fenistil, etc.).

Folk methods of treatment of prolonged cough

In folk medicine, there are many ways to alleviate a painful cough in the home. Most recipes are designed primarily to combat the cough that has arisen because of a cold.

Here are some recipes of folk medicine against cough:

  1. Inhaling nebulizer, folk medicine advises to replace inhalations over boiled potatoes.
  2. Chest and back can be rubbed with goat or badger fat.
  3. It is useful to rinse your throat with broths of chamomile, calendula, sage, and breastfeed. They have anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Onion husks from 5 bulbs to grind, add a glass of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of honey and 4 glasses of water. All cook for about 3 hours on low heat, after which take 2 tsp. up to 5 times a day. Keep refrigerated.
  5. Onion is rich in phytoncides, which can kill germs. Therefore, it is useful to breathe over a chopped onion or to arrange it in a cut-up form along the apartment.
  6. An effective method of prolonged cough is a decoction of bran. In 2 liters of water for 10 minutes you need to boil 300 g of wheat or rye bran and 3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably burnt). The received structure should be taken during the day in small portions in hot form.
  7. Cut hazelnuts mixed with honey and take 1 tsp. every 3 hours. Wash down with warmed milk.
  8. From the potato, you can prepare a compress. It is necessary to boil potatoes in a uniform, grind to a gruel, mix with 5 drops of iodine and a spoon of vegetable oil. The resulting mass is applied to the chest and warmly wrapped. Remove after cooling potatoes.

Useful tips for treating a cough

These tips must be observed in order to get better soon:
  1. The course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, since only he can correctly determine the necessary medicinal means and their dosages taking into account the features of the course of the disease, age, the presence of other health problems and etc.
  2. When taking medication, you need to remember that you can not simultaneously take drugs with mucolytic effects and antitussives!
  3. It is useful to supplement traditional treatment with folk medicine.
  4. If the cough does not pass for more than a month, then it is worthwhile to repeatedly consult a doctor.
  5. Most often, coughing attacks occur at night, when sputum accumulates, not leaving in one position. Therefore it is important to change the position of the body more often at night.
  6. If you suffer from a dry cough, then an abundant warm drink will help. You can drink water, teas, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, milk with honey.
  7. Cough increases with dry air, so an important task is to maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the patient's room.
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When coughing, you need to carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor in order to beat him. To speed up the recovery process, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine, supplementing them with the traditional treatment with medicines. It is important not to postpone the initiation of treatment and take the necessary measures as early as possible. Then cope with the cough will be much faster!

What should I do if I have a dry cough?

If a person has tortured a dry cough, what to do with such a symptom, you need to check with a doctor.Dry cough is a consequence of some disease of the respiratory system.It can begin with a feeling of discomfort in the throat.

A person in the event of such an unpleasant symptom tries to get rid of him and begins to cough. This can last a long time, until the cough center is calmed down.

The choice of medicines depends on the cause of this type of cough.

It can be determined only by medical examination and diagnostic.

The main causes of dry cough

  1. An unproductive form of cough may indicate that there is a foreign substance in the respiratory system from which the body tries to free itself. Thus, a protective reflex appears, which helps to remove harmful substances from the mucous membranes of the bronchi.
  2. The basis of dry cough may be spasm of muscle tissue. Such pathological reaction of the body is triggered when the allergen enters the bronchi. The substance stimulates the formation of biologically active substances causing such a spasm in the body.
  3. In the appearance of such a symptom, the failure of the pumping function of the heart can be to blame.
  4. The reason may be in the clogging of one of the bronchi with inflamed tissues. Cough in this case is caused by a violation of air circulation.
  5. The use of certain drugs has the side effect of coughing up. It is available for drugs designed to lower blood pressure.
  6. Dry cough is available to fans of tobacco products. He tortures them in the morning and has the name "smoker's cough". Tobacco smoke irritates mucous tissues, resins settle in the lungs and bronchi. This leads to a disease of the respiratory system, the symptom of which is a dry cough.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system is always accompanied by such a symptom. Depending on the place of the defeat, there are such diseases as:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • Oncological diseases of the lung;
  • tuberculosis.

How to treat this kind of cough

There are several ways to stop dry cough. Relief can come after determining the causes and the right drug. With some diseases, the doctor can offer drugs that increase the sputum discharge. In other cases, drugs are suitable, relaxing the cough center or relieving spasm of the bronchi.

To treat the disease in the pharmacy chain you can buy various drugs. The trading network offers effective low-cost drugs and expensive medicines. The choice depends only on the reason that the doctor determines.

Medicinal products that help cure dry cough, are divided into several types.

Cough suppressants can affect the cough center. Such drugs contain codeine, glaucine, oxeladin, dextromethorphan, prenoxdiazine. They suppress the respiratory center and can cause shortness of breath. Drugs of this action for children under 2 years can not be given, and up to 12 years they are taken only as prescribed by the doctor. They have an expectorant property, have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, improve the spirometry. These drugs are indicated for acute dry cough of different origin.

These include:

  • Codeine;
  • Kodelak;
  • syrup Kodelak fito;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Bronchoton;
  • Bronchocine;
  • Sinecod;
  • Libexin.
Antitussive preparations of peripheral action based on acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene can suppress cough, affecting the cough receptors, reducing their excitability. These include ATSTS and other analogues that have this abbreviation in the title.

Traditionally, for the treatment of dry cough apply natural means of combined origin or completely synthetic, which contribute to the sputum discharge. They are able to have antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. These include:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Herbion;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Linkas;
  • Tablets from cough with soda and grass thermopsis;
  • Mukaltin.

How to relieve a fit of dry cough at night

At home, an attack that began in a patient who has survived ARVI can be removed with folk methods.

  1. Bronchial spasm is removed with a warm alkaline drink. For this purpose, the curative water of Borjomi is used in its pure form or mixed with hot milk in the proportions:.
  2. Mineral water can be replaced with a small amount of soda, dissolved in hot milk.
  3. Rassiranie chest and back with warming ointments with menthol, turpentine, essential oils helps to calm the cough center at night.
  4. Rubbing the feet and joint bends well helps to relieve a dry cough attack in children and adults.
  5. Use of mustard plasters and mustard foot baths helps to recover.
  6. With an unproductive cough, inhalations made on herbal infusions with the addition of essential oils of conifers and eucalyptus are useful.
  7. Soda inhalations can help calm a cough at home.
  8. A hot sweet tea with lemon and honey can take off for a short time.

If you suffer from a dry cough for a long time, you should consult a therapist. In time, the treatment will help cure the disease, after which the unpleasant symptom will disappear. Self-purchase of medicines can lead to vainly spent money and a chronic disease that will need to be treated for a long time.

Hello! I have not smoked cigarettes for a month, but I was tortured by a cough with phlegm. What should I do?



Bromhexine for sputum liquefaction. This resin irritates the alveoli of the bronchi. A long time will come out. Consult a pulmonologist.

Ella Petrova

there is a cleaning of the lungs is normal.

Irina Lapshina

The body as a whole and the broncho-pulmonary system want to get rid of poisons faster. What is mucus, phlegm? These are food residues, microbial waste, a small drink of water, an unbalanced diet, negative thoughts, low mobility physical, mental and spiritual. What to do? Try to drink up to -2 liters of clean water a day, liquefying and helping the waste out of the body; do exercises for this zone and breathing exercises; to try less and less calorically To eat, not to gain weight and make pleasant to your beloved body; it is important to have positive and noble thoughts; Look for exercises on the Internet for the internal organs, and there - for the shoulder belt. It's good to be like back and chest massage. Necessarily need to take vitamins. Try to move as much as possible, and then - vigorously engage in something athletic. Love yourself not only from the outside, but also your inner world, taking care of it and the people around you.


Drink expectorant - decoction of elecampane, mother-and-stepmother. do breathing exercises, drainage of bronchi, lung massage - there are posters on the walls in the clinic or in the physiotherapy room in the same place

Andrey Gnenyuk

I quit smoking, it was the same. And a month later he will clear his throat with brown clots. It clears the lungs.


I would add to all of the above that you MUST get to the doctor and eliminate the disease. And then you might think that this is from smoking, but in fact you already have pneumonia.

Man of the world

At me it is worse, when threw pressure, a headache, diarrhea, temperature, giddiness, depression, phobias and many other things. The sea and walks with a metal detector helped.


this is good! everything will turn out harmful and everything will pass!

Quit smoking cough: how to clean the lungs

And the truth is, it happens that after quitting smoking appears a cough. Many people know about the cough of the smoker. Those who do not smoke know it on theory, about those who smoke - in practice. The question naturally arises: "Why, after a person has refused smoking, does he get a cough? After all, it should be quite the opposite? ". But in practice, everything can be different. Inhaling air, a person begins to cough heavily and literally suffocate! You quit smoking, coughing tortured you? How to clean the lungs, find out in this article.

Quit smoking - cough: causes of the problem

Why does a cough appear in a person who quit smoking: The fact is that every person in the bronchi has a kind of mucus that protects them. This mucus does not allow microbes and viruses to penetrate into the depth of the bronchi and can interfere with the appearance and development of complex diseases and their possible complications. In the mucosa of the airways there are many hairs that move and at the same time create the visibility of the waves, and, thereby, push out the remnants of the formed mucus along with the dust that a person swallows. Therefore, a person, even if he is not sick, can cough.

These "hairs" in a person who smokes are immobile due to tobacco smoke. Sputum gradually accumulates in the bronchi, because the function of coughing - "cleaning" the bronchi is broken. Thus, a favorable environment for the multiplication of microbes is created. This is how first can develop purulent bronchitis, and then - chronic bronchitis.

When you stop smoking, the epithelium is gradually restored and the hairs resume their work. They begin to move and push out the slime that has accumulated over many years. This sputum is mostly gray. Lungs begin with the help of cleansing from tobacco and other products of smoking. It is for this reason that a person who quit smoking coughs up in him so that all these toxins come out. And this is quite a natural reaction of the body.

How to clean the lungs after smoking?

Effective ways to cleanse your lungs after you quit smoking:

1. use of herbs (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus),

2. take medicines that dilute sputum, absorbable lozenges,

3. gargling with soda,

4. breathing exercises,

5. sports (swimming, running and physical education),

6. bath and walk in the fresh air. It's good if it's a coniferous forest.

7. It is also recommended for cleaning the lungs, after you quit smoking, chest massage. But do everything in moderation. If necessary, consult a doctor.

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