Why after vaccination against influenza

Why do you begin to get sick after the flu vaccination? Runny nose.. coughing..


Alexander Zubko

Inoculation - is when the body is introduced weakened influenza viruses or other viruses. If the immunity is very weak, then there is a chance that these viruses will progress and so the disease itself will begin

Alexander) sssr (

Because vaccination is the small dose of the flu virus, it is done specifically to ensure that the immune system has learned how to fight this virus.

Oleg Yurikov

immunity is weakened. you can drink a course of lactofiltrum, helps to adjust the work of the intestines, and he is responsible for the entire body's immune system by 70%

Peter Sokolov

response to an inoculation

Sveta Komova

the strain of the virus is inoculated, and if the immunity is weak, or late with vaccinations and fell into the epidemic, then the disease develops. immunity can indeed be strengthened, lactofiltrum is not bad at the previous advice, more fresh vegetables and fruits, outdoor walks daily, contrast shower

instagram viewer

Tell the doctor. Every year I get vaccinated against the flu, and immediately after it I get sick, why?


Stanislav S

An interesting turn to "put the vaccine" ...
Immunizations from influenza lag behind the epidemic.
While the firm will develop immunity in the animal to a specific strain of the virus and release the vaccine, the approach is already quite another strain of the same flu.

Tatiana Matveeva

this can be, just a weak immunity, you can try to put it early ..


dull the development of their immunity

[email protected]

?! Today, for the first time, I vaccinated myself against the flu... and that - I'm going to get sick now ?!
By the way, the medical officer, while typing a vaccine in the syringe, assured me that all these stories about the fact that vaccinated more often and heavier sick ...

Personal Cabinet Removed

because I have already long since cut through my man. I think that you do not have to do this. she spoils the immune system completely.

Svetlana Erofeeva

My father, too, always got sick. Has ceased to inoculate - easy sneezing.
Perhaps this reaction is due to the fact that the vaccine is done in a week (two) before the conditional onset of the ARVI-shnogo season, i.e., your body has already picked up this virus and tries to deal with it somehow (you yourself still feel good), but in this moment you add a dull dose of a new mutant virus, the body does not stand such impudence and falls ill on complete. Drink the course of Cycloferon in a time when everyone around you starts to sneeze, you will not get sick. Checked more than once.


I think these vaccines are useless, because they are developed every year to the type of virus that was that year. Viruses are very quickly mutated, so the chances that this vaccine will help from the type of virus that will be few this year.

alexander nikolaevich

Inoculations are crappy or inoculated into the time, when you are already sick

I wonder why after a flu shot


Anna Belova

More than once on TV they talked about the fact that vaccinations do not protect against diseases, but they can do harm.

Sounds of the rain

Are you that small? To you the virus of a flu violently in an organism enter and observe: easily you will get ill, it is heavy, or in general forward legs or foots will carry. .(((
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if the link is blocked, remove extra spaces

A guest from the past ...

So the flu vaccine is a weakened virus of this infection. Theoretically, a person with a normal state of health should not be sick from vaccination, but if the immunity is weakened, he can get sick in an easy form. Therefore, vaccinations and do not, for example, with a cold, cough, fever.

Beauty Unspeakable

not the virus itself, but its shell, but the body reacts, like a real

Lisyonok Dobry

This is a natural reaction of the body. True, before the vaccinations, I never got sick. As soon as I was vaccinated at school, I have been constantly ill since then. Periodically.

Peter Sokolov

usually 2-3 days more

Why does the child get cold after each vaccination?


Tanya with @

For each vaccination the human body produces its own immunity. Some small
people strongly ache a little, others not so - all in different ways. Your son will be upset and everything will be in
order. In the meantime, his body copes with immunization in its own way. Keep in touch with
child's doctor. If he does not express fears - everything is in order.


Such a reaction to vaccinations from him, if you are very worried, consult a doctor


it's not a cold! this is a normal reaction to the inoculation! it's a chemical drug, it's hard to digest by the little baby's baby! but it's not scary! everyone passes through it


because you have already immunized him all the way with immunizations

Lev Sukhorukov

Perhaps the body takes these drugs as pathogenic and fights them. That's why he's sick.
Consult a physician. Good luck.


weak immunity!!


Colds are nothing more than protecting the body from viruses. Vaccination is the same viruses, only weak ones. Here the organism also struggles with them.


if just a slight increase in temperature, then this is normal, a little panadola in a spoon and everything is in order, if it takes a day. .
if this is the case every time, then you can give panadol concurrently with the vaccine and do not wait for the temperature to rise. .
if the increase in the tempo is significant, it is worth consulting with a knowledgeable physician... to think about the strengthening of immunity (vitamins, hardening ..). .
but the vaccines still have to do, unfortunately, to avoid really serious diseases

Varvara Hoy

After vaccination, immunity decreases, since when a vaccine is introduced, a virus is infused into the body, with which it (the body) has to fight. If these are routine vaccinations, then there is nothing terrible - every child reacts differently. But, if it is a vaccine against the flu, then strongly against it, especially to children!

Anna Pipchenko

This is a weak immune system, it is necessary to strengthen immunity and temper. First, give the baby Bronhomunal, when the child is not sick, start to temper the throat as follows, each time giving a drink to a few minutes put the drink in the fridge (start with 1 minute and every 2-3 days increase the time until you bring it to an hour) throat and nasopharynx gradually tempered, only if you feel that the child was ill, then stop at that time, give this temperature drink longer. Every day for 5-10 minutes, let the child walk barefoot around the house, at first you can lay the rug, then on the bare floor, and then start to temper the legs with water, starting with the temperature water 28 degrees and gradually lowering it until you reach that the child can wash the legs with cold water (2-3 months for weakened immunity stretches such procedure). Serve Actamel for 1 pc. a day, but you need to give at least -2 years, then you feel a real effect.
Before vaccination, give the child an antihistamine (suprastin, tavegil, etc.) ) and half a dose of antipyretic and for the night repeat after inoculation - you will see - it will become easier
Good luck, if something is not clear or you need more options for tempering, then write.

Mom, advise - vaccination against influenza



Nothing will happen, if he gets sick then, on you
then do not spread. We do not do these vaccinations and do not want to.


we have not done such a nonsense for a long time, the whole family, why bring an infection into the house, which can not get there at all from outside.
And in the kindergarten from the son of the whole group only three people signed up for vaccination. Think for yourself, decide for yourself ...

Yana Bulgakova

Do not worry you so! I every year do my daughter every IMPORTANT (Vaksgripp) with a flu shot. Reactions are poor, with temperature, etc. no! The child, thank God, is not sick. Therefore, I recommend this vaccine and all my girlfriends.

Personal Cabinet Removed

I have been vaccinating my children for two years and they have never been ill after the vaccination. If the husband has strong immunity, he will not get sick either

Katerina Zaplina

do not worry so much... Inoculation is the introduction of bacteria in an insignificant amount (infection in a mild form) or already dead, as doctors say - everything is normal.

sofia strokova

and my pediatrician dissuaded me from this vaccination! but did not explain how much, she said, do not do nonsense!


Unfortunately, I had a very sad experience, after the flu vaccination, I had a severe grip in a month and weakened for a year ...

Yanina Darusenkova

every year I get vaccinated and I never got sick, even in mild form.
but my mother after vaccination still a week at home shelle, she somehow sick and not in the easiest, it should be noted, the form

Harry Booklan

We do not do vaccinations at all!!! I have four children, Kostik is the youngest, him, of the year. He was not given a single vaccination!!! I know by my activity that there are no vaccinations useful, they are all harmful! In certificates there are% mortality! When I talk with colleagues, I usually ask them to give me a letter of guarantee that nothing will happen to my son after vaccination!!! They always smile and say... You yourself are a doctor, you know that we do not sign papers... I say, if you do not guarantee my child's health, what right do you have to offer something... In the worst case, they write in an outpatient card about the vaccination done, which in fact no one did !!!)))

Personal Cabinet Removed

Inoculated with a dead vaccine. Your husband, if he falls ill, is not in connection with the vaccination, but because it did not help. For example, you did not guess with the type of virus. In general, olt influenza should be vaccinated only if the flu is much more dangerous for a given person than interfering with its immune system through vaccination. I think we should get vaccinated against the flu with complete nonsense, we all suffered from it repeatedly, it's okay if we start treating it in time, but do not go to work with temperature in a heroic way - keep within a couple of days. And the consequences of vaccination are unknown what can be.


May be ill in mild forms, I will tell the whole family to do this, I will not listen to advice-that it's mine, sometimes! It is not harmful to transfer this disease with complications! Good luck!


We do not make any vaccinations and have never regretted it.


usually 80% of the vaccinated are fighting. because the flu is actively mutating and no one knows what it will come this year. I do not get vaccinated vvobshche not from chto.u me since birth is not one inoculation, and my daughter, too. and we did not get sick and do not get sick due to this


get sick from a vaccine-vaccine is a disease in mild form. A vaccine is a vaccine, then there would be no complications if you get sick


It is not necessary that the husband will get sick with the flu, this is unlikely!

Ksenia ...

You know, the flu shot is anti-Boeh. It lowers immunity, and immediately you begin to ache. not the flu, but to all and a little bit. poi in the morning the child and her husband apple juice with onions (:) and there will be no flu at all!

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