Belmo and cataract: causes and treatment

Eyes are the most vulnerable structure of the human body, because they are constantly exposed to various environmental factors. And global computerization has increased several times the burden on the organs of vision, as a result of which their vulnerability also increased. And although the throat and cataract have completely different origins, however similar at first sight symptoms for a long time caused delusion even for doctors. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the thorn in the eye in humans and in cataracts.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication Therapy
    • 5.2Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The pupil in the human eye is surrounded by an iris, and on top of them covers a protective shell - the cornea. When it begins to grow dull, a whitish stain develops, which eventually spreads to the pupil and iris area.This can be due to the degeneration of the corneal tissues into the connective tissue as a result of mechanical damage or inflammation.

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The development of pathology entails a loss of tissue transparency and the appearance of a progressing cloudy spot. Belmo (leukoma) in very rare cases can be congenital, when the fetus is affected even in the womb when infected with viruses or bacteria.Most often, such a visual defect is of an acquired nature, and the cause may be a banal clogging or trauma to the cornea.

Under the pupil and iris is the lens - the lens of the human eye, on whose condition visual acuity depends. And when against the background of age-related changes (after 40-50 years) the lens grows dull, a person begins to see worse and, without proper treatment, can lose sight.

Both leukoma and cataract are constantly progressing pathologies, they can be treated with folk methods only in addition to the means of official medicine, otherwise you can lose precious time, and with it vision.


Development of a thorn can occur as a result of the following pathologies:

  • KeratiteInflammatory disease of the cornea. The disease can be allergenic, infectious or traumatic;
  • Trachoma- infectious affection of the conjunctiva and the cornea, transmitted by the contact-household way and having causative agent chlamydia trachoma;
  • Injury- can be triggered by a burn: acid, alkaline, heat. Alkaline burn is the most dangerous, since alkali penetrates into the deepest structures and causes irreversible changes;
  • Operation- trauma to the cornea during surgical or laser interventions can cause complications resulting in scar formation on the cornea.

Any inflammatory processes that develop during surgery, trauma, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes, can provoke the formation of a thorn.

In addition to age-related changes in the lens, which are the main causes of cataract development, a number of the following factors can influence the occurrence of pathology:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Defeat of the endocrine system;
  • Bad ecology (long-term presence in industrial zones, near industrial giants);
  • Prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke and the effects of radiation;
  • Taking medications that affect visual acuity;
  • The effect of ultraviolet (natural and artificial) for a long period.

Both leukemia and cataracts can be the result of incorrect or untimely treatment, and also arise when complications of other eye pathologies develop.


The signs of both diseases are similar in many ways, and so until recently they were diagnosed as one pathology. When developing, both cataracts and cataracts occur:

  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Distortion of visual perception;
  • Blurred vision of perceived images;
  • Photosensitivity, lacrimation.

However, there are some differences.If the development of cataracts occurs imperceptibly and gradually, affecting only the quality of vision, then when there is a dullness, uncomfortable sensations are possible:

  • Cutting and burning sensation in the eyes;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • Sensation of foreign body in the eye.

If a cataract always leads to a deterioration in vision, then the development of leukemia, with the progression of the process away from the pupil, may not have a significant effect on visual acuity for a long time. A distinctive feature in developing cataracts is a decrease in visual capabilities in the dark. Especially well it can be felt by motorists, who find it more difficult to control the situation on the road.

Possible complications

Ignoring symptoms, self-treatment and even just a delay with the onset of treatment can lead to a complete loss of vision in both pathologies. As for complications, they are possible with the development of any pathological process in the body in case of untimely treatment or misused medications.

Incorrect therapywith leukemiacan cause the following diseases:

  • Secondary glaucoma- decreased visual acuity as a result of increased intraocular pressure;
  • Myopia- Decrease in sharpness of perception of subjects on long distances;
  • Spasm of accommodation(false myopia) - a violation of the eye muscle, resulting in the loss of visual acuity into the distance;
  • Astenopia- rapid fatigue with hard eye work;
  • Strabismus- violation of the position of the eye, when one or both of the eyes deviate when viewed directly;
  • Nystagmus- involuntary oscillatory movements of the eyes, up to several hundred per minute.

Equally complex and serious are the consequences of progressive cataracts:

  • Secondary glaucoma;
  • Faciolitic glaucoma;
  • Phacogenic iridocyclitis;
  • Membrane cataract;
  • Fibrous changes in the posterior capsule of the lens.


Diagnosis of pathologies occurs with the constant participation of an ophthalmologist, after clarifying the general symptoms of pathologies. The diagnosis of "leukemia" may require the following studies:

  • Ophthalmoscopy (used to diagnose congenital form in newborns);
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • CT of orbits;
  • Visometry;
  • Tonometry;
  • Biomicroscopy using slit lamp is the main method.

When diagnosing a cataract, examinations may be necessary:

  • Investigation of the ocular fundus (ophthalmoscopy);
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure (tonometry);
  • Anterior segment examination (biomicroscopy);
  • The study of the refraction of rays in the optical components of the eye (refractometry);
  • Measuring the curvature of the cornea with a special instrument (ophthalmometry).

Medication Therapy

As in the case of leukemia, and cataracts, medications are not critical in getting rid of pathologies. At the initial stage of cataracts they are able to slow the progression of the disease, and the throat can be treated with medicines only in case of early detection at the stage of microscopic dimensions of the changes.

Therefore, most often resort to surgical methods of treatment.

With leukoma:

  • Transplantation of the donor or artificial cornea;
  • Setting protective lenses;
  • Operative or conservative laser treatment.

If the development of pathology is associated with burns of different etiology, then in parallel, basic therapy is conducted, aimed at eliminating the consequences of damage.

With cataract:

  • Phacoemulsification. To date, the most advanced technology to replace the lens on the intraocular lens, which in most cases completely restore the vision. Has no age limitations and allows to carry out the operation at any stage of cataract development. It is a relatively safe technology that, in some cases, allows outpatient treatment;
  • Laser treatment. There is still no established methodology for laser application at all stages. The use of the laser is limited to performing micro-cuts in the cornea and dividing the lens into pieces. Follow-up manipulations (cataract removal and IOL implantation) are performed by a qualified specialist.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed and the adequate treatment is carried out, the more chances for a complete restoration of vision. In addition, in an earlier period, treatment is performed with a minimum of injuries in the affected area, and complications for the same reason are unlikely to occur.

Folk remedies

Of course, surgery is the most guaranteed result, but such interference in the human body rarely passes easily and without consequences. Therefore, many patients in the early stages of trying to use a variety of folk remedies, promising a good result.

In the presence of a thorn in the eye:

  • Rye bread. In a freshly baked caraway, a hole is cut along the diameter of the glass and a glass is placed in it upside down. When liquid appears on the inside, it is collected and buried in the eye;
  • Curious cleavage. Make infusion of 1 tbsp. l. dry grass in a glass of boiling water for 3 hours, then use for lotions on closed eyes three times a day;
  • Dill.Make infusion 1 tbsp. l. dill in 400 ml of water. Insist in a wrapped container, after filtering and instilled in the eye 3 drops daily;
  • Breast milk. Bury in a sick eye the breast milk of a woman who gave birth to the firstborn and did not make an abortion. The remedy helps with the development of the thorns due to trauma;
  • Onion and honey. Juice 1 bulb is bred in a glass of boiled water, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and dig into the eye 3 drops three times a day.

In the presence ofcataracts:

  • Honey drops. Dilute honey with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 4, instilled in the eye for 1 drop 5 times a day. With a slight burning, the concentration should be lowered, but gradually it is necessary to raise it, bringing within a month to a proportion of 1: 1;
  • Calendula. Infusion 2 hours. l. dry flowers in 400 ml of boiling water for, h. used to wash the eyes several times a day;
  • Juna's Recipe. Hard-boiled eggs are cut off the crown (about 1/3), the yolk is removed and put into its place for 1 hour. l. Sahara. Cover with a cut piece and place in a fireplace or oven for 30-40 minutes. at t +100 + 120 ° C. The resulting liquid is poured into a sterile vessel and instilled 2 drops 6 times a day. The product is an excellent nutritional composition for eye tissues and restores their functionality. The composition can be used only for 2 days, after that you should prepare fresh. When instilled, there is abundant lacrimation that helps to cleanse the eye of toxins.

Recipes of traditional medicine should be necessarily coordinated with the attending physician, since the eye is a too important and especially vulnerable structure of the human body.


To prevent the development of throat or cataract, one should take care of the eyes as carefully as possible, paying attention to several points:

  • Eat foods and vitamins that provide the eye with the necessary substances;
  • Avoid overexertion of the eyes, making frequent breaks while working on the computer and paying attention to the gym;
  • Do not allow the drying out of the cornea and eye injuries - the main causes of the appearance of the belly;
  • At initial stages of a cataract to use medicamentous preparations recommended by the doctor;
  • In time, treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes.

Ciprofloxacin: eye drops

Everything about eye drops Tsipromed is written here.

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Cataract is a disease of the elderly, its approach can be delayed with careful use of such an important organ as the eyes. Belmo, most often appearing with trauma, is the pathology of people of mostly young age. And it is easily ruled out with a careful attitude to the eyes.

However, in either case, a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist can prevent the appearance and development of these pathologies.

Also read about how glaucoma and cataract are interrelated.

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