Effects of influenza

Adverse effects and possible complications of influenza

The unfavorable consequences of influenza in the form of various kinds of complications arise when untimely, incorrect and incomplete treatment of the aforementioned disease. Under the flu is commonly understood acute damage to the respiratory system, which is of a viral nature. In this case, susceptibility to the effects of viruses persists in people of any age. The disease is very contagious and almost every year spreads to the state of the epidemic. The adverse effects after the flu can be extremely serious, even to the point of death. According to statistics, during the seasonal epidemics in the world, on average, about 300-500 thousand people die, whose organisms could not cope with disease - this state of affairs is most typical for underdeveloped countries that do not have the resources to provide proper medical service. Along with this, even without taking into account the lethal outcome, complications of influenza can be extremely unfavorable. You are invited to learn more about them.

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Basic information on the dangers of influenza

As noted, the human respiratory system suffers the most from influenza. Along with this, the toxic effect of the virus can be subjected to all systems and organs. According to the location of the complications, the dangerous effects of influenza are classified into several main groups:

  • pulmonary complications. Often these are the following ailments and pathologies: lung abscesses, pleural empyema, pneumonia;
  • complications affecting the functioning of the cardiovascular system: myocarditis, pericarditis;
  • complications of ENT organs: tracheitis and otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis, etc .;
  • complications on the nervous system: neuralgia and neuritis, encephalitis, meningitis, etc .;
  • muscle disorders, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the flu can lead to an exacerbation of asymptomatically occurring diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Next, you are invited to learn more about the information on dangerous complications of influenza.

Possible complications after the flu

  1. Pneumonia. One of the most common complications. As a rule, it develops as a secondary infection caused by staphylococci or streptococci. There are fewer cases of combined pneumonia caused simultaneously by bacteria and viruses. Even less often, primary viral pneumonia is diagnosed. This dangerous disease is characterized by a high level of fatalities. It develops when a person suffers from a highly pathogenic virus. The risk group includes patients with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. When a virus is damaged, there is a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels that provide blood supply to the lungs, which provokes pulmonary hemorrhage and can lead to death.
  2. Complications of the cardiovascular system. Against the background of an infectious-toxic shock, there is an increase in the heart rate, the pressure may drop to critical levels. Complications are particularly characteristic of older people. Rare are the consequences, expressed in the form of diseases such as pericarditis and myocarditis. On the background of pericarditis, heart failure may develop.
  3. Complications that affect the organs of the ENT system. Against the background of intensive multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract, pronounced violations of the processes of airway cleansing from fine dust and other external inclusions are noted. In addition, influenza can lead to the development of various secondary infections, for example, otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc. Complications in the form of otitis or rhinitis can result in inflammation of the brain.
  4. Complications that affect the nervous system. Influenza can cause an exacerbation of diseases that previously occurred without significant symptoms: hypotonic or hypertonic crisis, neuropsychiatric diseases, radiculitis and other neurological disorders. In this case, the virus-pathogen has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. This, in turn, can provoke damage to the meninges and walls of the cerebral vessels. The risk group includes patients who have suffered head injuries, concussions, and alcoholism. The result of such lesions is often such diseases as encephalitis, meningitis, etc.
  5. Complications of muscles and kidneys. The feeling of aching muscles is one of the characteristic signs of the flu. A similar condition can be noted and for some time after recovery, indicating the presence of myositis - an inflammatory process that affects skeletal muscles. Most often, these disorders are diagnosed in young patients. In this case, an increase in myoglobin concentration in the urinalysis can be noted, which indicates the presence of all the prerequisites for the development of acute renal dysfunction.
  6. Reye's syndrome. Quite a rare complication, diagnosed mainly in young patients who have been infected with influenza type B. It is a consequence of improper treatment of influenza with drugs that include acetylsalicylic acid. The disease is classified as acute encephalopathy, accompanied by edema of the brain and liver infiltration. To exclude the risk of this complication, high temperature in young patients is "knocked off" by paracetamol, but not aspirin.

Effects of influenza in pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are particularly sensitive to their health and developing within the fetus. It is important to understand that no one can give a 100% reliable answer regarding the issue of the child's defeat with the flu.One can only say that the most dangerous for the fetus is the flu during the first 12 weeks - it is for this period that the formation of the tissues and organs of the developing baby falls.After the completion of their bookmarking the child simply grows, therefore, the flu is no longer capable of causing significant damage to the processes of forming the structure of organs.

In general, statistics are not the most comforting: if after a mother suffered from influenza in the fetus there were significant deviations in development and formation, a specialist may propose termination of pregnancy. If the course of pregnancy after the influenza carried is maintained in a normal state, and no significant violations are detected during ultrasound, there is nothing to worry about with a high degree of probability.

If the viral disease was characterized by a very severe course and accompanied by complications, the risk of infection of the baby persists. Under similar circumstances, the use of the "triple test" is usually resorted to, according to the results of which the content of estriol, hCG and AFP is determined.

Along with this, the results of this diagnostic exercise are often not reliable, because indicators depend on many factors. In accordance with the indicators of the study (usually the test is given several times for greater confidence), specialist either concludes that there is no risk to the child, or appoints additional survey. In the course of additional examinations, a procedure called amniocentesis is performed.

The procedure for amniocentesis is reduced to the collection of amniotic fluid for research on various pathologies in the fetus. Before the appointment procedure, the doctor carefully examines the patient's condition in order to determine the probability the subsequent occurrence of complications - in 1% of cases there is a threat of premature delivery or miscarriage.


In case of detection of pathology, the final decision on the fate of the fetus remains with the parents.

How to avoid complications: recommendations for patients

First, do not engage in uncontrolled self-management. Secondly, do not suffer the disease on your legs - strictly bed rest. Thirdly, do not try to "knock down" the temperature less than 39 degrees, if it does not cause you significant discomfort. Antipyretic drugs should be taken solely on the advice of a doctor. Fourth, drink more fluid - the body will be easier to remove toxins and other harmful substances.


In due time address to the doctor, follow its or his references and be healthy!


Complications after the flu: weakness, cough, dizziness, temperature

Complications after the flu can be harder and more dangerous than the disease itself.

The body affected by the infection has no strength to cope with the next bacteria. The complication of influenza in adults turns into a chronic disease that is difficult to treat.

Complications of influenza or swine influenza h1n1 may affect:

  • lungs: bronchitis, pneumonia,
  • upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis,
  • cardiovascular system: acute heart failure, heart attack, myocarditis,
  • nervous system: meningitis, neuralgia, neuritis,
  • urinary tract and kidney: pyelonephritis, cystitis,
  • muscles and joints - myositis,
  • brain: arachnoiditis, meningitis, stroke,
  • chronic diseases: rheumatism, diabetes, metabolic disorders.

Major complications from influenza

Dry cough with swine and usual flu, as well as sweating and dizziness for a long time do not pass. The temperature is often kept at 37 degrees. In these conditions, bronchitis and otitis occur. Characteristic symptoms:

  1. dizzy,
  2. there is a sweating which does not pass,
  3. joints, legs, eyes hurt.
In some cases, there are discharges from the ear, sulfur plugs appear, these are also characteristic symptoms. Keep cough after the flu, it is dry and debilitating. Suspicion of bronchitis should cause a person to see a doctor.

The listed phenomena and symptoms can also be the reason for non-observance of the doctor's recommendations when treatment is not performed. Often, bed rest is not observed, dizziness, joint pain, sweating and other complications of influenza.

In humans, sweating is reduced, a dry cough passes, and the condition improves on the second day with the intake of strong drugs, but the virus and bronchitis remain not defeated, and the temperature after the flu, including subfebrile, is about 37 degrees.

If bronchitis is not treated, the symptoms will intensify:

  1. general weakness,
  2. subfebrile temperature (long does not pass),
  3. dry cough,
  4. sweating,
  5. a headache with the flu.

Dry cough after the flu can talk about pneumonia, fast postgripposis pneumonia. The disease can be easily detected. Pneumonia manifests itself if there are such symptoms:

  • chills,
  • dizziness,
  • sharp, and then kept subfebrile temperature to 37 degrees,
  • pain in the chest,
  • rash on the skin,
  • severe dry cough,
  • sputum or discharge with blood.

Complications after the flu and bronchitis are weighty reasons to consult a doctor in the very near future and begin to treat everything.

As a rule, treatment is carried out under stationary conditions. After the flu, complications, most often, bronchitis, can be in children and people in old age, urgent medical treatment is needed.

Dry and wet cough after the flu is dangerous because other people can get infected, because pneumococci are quickly transmitted from person to person. When the treatment is not completed, pneumococci are implanted in the lung tissue. According to the nature of its current, pneumonia can be:

  • acute,
  • chronic.


Effects of influenza, as well as complications of influenza, can be expressed in problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. Sometimes the symptoms are almost not manifested, and therefore, it is possible to detect pathology only after conducting a laboratory analysis of urine.

Treatment, doctors prefer not to start without the test after ten days after the diagnosis of influenza and ARVI.

When a person had the flu, then:

  1. aching legs, eyes and lower back,
  2. the temperature rises,
  3. there is dizziness,
  4. decreases urine output.

May also be:

  • pyelonephritis,
  • glomerulonephritis,
  • acute renal failure,
  • cystitis.

Often dizzy, aching teeth, there is sweating, as well as dry cough and sneezing. You need treatment so that the disease does not become chronic.

Acute pneumonia lasts from a few days to a month. Then there is a complete restoration. In chronic form, pneumonia exhausts the body with certain periods.

It is necessary to do a full medical course, and then to strengthen the protective functions of the body.

Nervous system

Characteristic appearance:

  1. neuralgia,
  2. radiculitis,
  3. polyneuritis.

However, the patient is most severely affected by the development and progression of meningitis and arachnoiditis.

The disease begins on the 7-8th day, when the fever disappears during the flu and recovery is felt. In some cases there are "flies" in front of the eyes, as well as dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and weakness after the flu. It seems that these are manifestations of an organism's intoxication, but in fact an arachnoiditis develops.

Then there is a violation of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in an inflammatory process in the arachnoid shell of the brain. If you do not detect it in time and do not take emergency actions, then sepsis may appear - a purulent infection.

A very serious illness is meningitis. This disease, as a complication of the flu is even more dangerous. Dizziness is typical of the condition, the eyes are sore. The temperature at the same time decreases below the norm, it happens on the 6-7th day of the flu.

After these manifestations, vomiting begins, not related to eating, and photophobia. Dizziness becomes stronger, the pain becomes unbearable, so it is so important to understand how to recover from the flu.

You should definitely consult a doctor, since the consequences of this condition can be the most deplorable and complications of the flu will only grow, spreading even to the eyes.

Complications of the flu on the heart and blood vessels

Toxic damage to the heart muscle is always accompanied by rhythm disturbances, for example tachycardia or arrhythmia, or heart neuroses: an increase in heart rate, tingling in the area.

Cardiovascular diseases are recognized as the most common pathology of the present, which is why one should not allow excess stress on the vessels and heart.

During the epidemic of influenza or swine flu, mortality rises, especially among people with coronary artery disease or hypertension, especially among older people.

Such ailments as pericarditis (inflammatory process of the pericardium bag) or myocarditis (inflammation heart muscle) can also be recorded in people at a young age who previously believed their heart healthy.

The toxin of usual or swine influenza affects the vegetative nervous system, which negatively affects the condition of all organs and systems of the body. For example, if there is a complication on the gastrointestinal tract, then in a prolonged time the peptic ulcer becomes aggravated.

After the illness, chronic diseases are often aggravated. In epidemics, the number of strokes and heart attacks increases. Complications after the flu are difficult for patients with bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus.

In severe swallowing of ordinary or swine influenza accompanied by high fever, there are signs of encephalopathy. Encephalopathy is a complex of neurological and mental disorders, which is manifested by convulsive seizures and hallucinations.

In this period, there is a lesion of the spinal cord and the brain, for example, myositis. Start to hurt your eyes, joints, legs. Discomfort phenomena a person feels for any movement, in the muscles with time dense knots are formed.

Soft tissues swell, swell, and the temperature rises, to about 37 degrees. In most cases, the sensitivity of the entire skin increases, which creates a permanent inconvenience.

Swine flu h1n1

Swine flu can appear by airborne droplets. The first symptoms of the h1n1 virus are similar to those of the usual flu. After a while appears:

  • subfebrile temperature (lasts a long time),
  • dizziness,
  • joints weaken and hurt,
  • dry strong cough,
  • nasal congestion and sore throat,
  • nausea and vomiting.

If there is at least one manifestation of h1n1, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Swine flu is often seen on the second day of infection. The main complications:

  1. Viral pneumonia. It is often the cause of death from the virus h1n1. Pneumonia affects the lung tissue, it can not be treated with antibiotics. The disease provokes deficiency of the kidneys, lungs, the heart suffers.
  2. Other, milder diseases: otitis, sinusitis, convulsions, pericarditis, asthma, renal failure, myocarditis, cardiovascular diseases.

Swine flu does not carry a mortal danger. The virus h1n1 is practically indistinguishable from the usual flu, it should be treated in the same way. If treatment is started in time, then the h1n1 virus can be effectively eliminated, the main thing is to recognize the symptoms of swine flu.

People who have swine flu h1n1 should take their condition seriously. It is important that the legs rest, while the temperature should be knocked down by febrifugal drugs and fully fed.

How to avoid complications from influenza

In order to prevent complications of ARVI and h1n1, you need:

  1. Treatment, which is appointed by the doctor, to the end. Each drug acts at a certain concentration, so you should not throw money, even with improvement.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. In particular, they consume juices, vitamins and fruit drinks. The liquid helps to remove and dissolve the waste products of bacteria and viruses, thereby purifying the body.
  3. Balanced diet. You need to eat cereals with fiber, vitamins (vegetables, fruits), support intestinal microflora (dairy products). It is important to limit the consumption of fried, fatty, salty foods.
  4. Treatment involves bed rest. This means that the legs should be at rest, forbidden watching TV and working on the computer. It irritates the nervous system, which has already been exhausted by ARVI.
  5. Throughout the time of ARVI, the condition needs to be monitored, that is, to record and measure the pulse, pressure and temperature.
  6. Every half an hour you should gargle with a solution of soda or furacilin.
  7. After 12 days after the beginning of the acute respiratory viral infection, it is necessary to pass blood and urine tests.
  8. Carrying out an ECG is indicated to determine how ARVI and bronchitis affect the heart.

Complications of influenza are diverse, and can affect any body system. Therefore, it is important for a person to know why the head is spinning, the temperature does not go away, legs hurt, what is dangerous for bronchitis and ARVI.

How to prevent the development of influenza and its complications - in the video in this article.


Complications after the flu

FluIs a viral respiratory disease that belongs to the ARVI group (acute respiratory viral infections). To date, scientists have identified about 2000 varieties of the influenza virus, each of which, having got into the body, acts specifically. Without a laboratory analysis of sputum, it is impossible to distinguish influenza from other respiratory infections (adenovirus, rhinovirus), and their symptoms are similar in many respects. The most dangerous are complications - after the flu, transferred "on their feet" or persons with weak immunity, they make themselves felt especially often.

Complications after a flu on the lungs

Very often a secondary bacterial infection is attached to a viral infection, and as a result, pneumonia begins - pneumonia. Do not confuse it with viral pneumonia, when the disease develops lightning fast on the second day of influenza infection, differing in high mortality.

So, if after the flu is observed fever, chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath (or at least one of the symptoms), you need to see a doctor and examine the lungs.

Complications of influenza are often manifested in the form of bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by a dry, painful cough.

It is especially strong in the mornings, with time the sputum of a mucus-purulent character begins, and attacks cause even more discomfort.

Complications after the flu on the ears

In addition to lungs and bronchi, a secondary bacterial infection can affect the nose and ears, causing respectively rhinitis and otitis.

When rhinitis, the discharge from the nose is first transparent, but after a few days they become mucous or purulent, have an unpleasant smell. The rhinitis does not stop, the nose is laid, the sense of smell is greatly reduced.

If rhinitis is not treated, the infection passes into the auditory tube (external otitis) or the middle ear (otitis media). Signs of this complication of the flu are pain (tingling) in the ear, which is strengthened by pressing on the tragus. Sometimes there are purulent discharge or itching.

Other complications

Influenza is most dangerous for children under 2 years old and elderly patients over 65 years of age. Complications are susceptible to those who suffer from chronic diseases.

If there is a chronic pyelonephritis, for example, then the risk of complications after the flu on the kidney is great.

The virus worsens the course of diseases of the cardiovascular system, therefore, during the outbreak of epidemics, the number of myocardial infarctions and strokes increases. In addition, pericarditis or myocarditis can become a complication after the flu on the heart, even in healthy people. If after the illness pricks in the chest - you need to be examined.

Answering the question how to avoid complications of influenza, you need to focus on preventing self-medication and heroism. The patient is shown bed rest. Fight with flu antibiotics in no case it is impossible - they are powerless against the virus and are appointed only in case of attachment of a secondary bacterial infection.


Vaccination against influenza, the consequences?



Recently they made us in the garden. No consequences! And the fact that you have a runny nose, two options, the reaction of the body and thereby immunity is immunized for a year; or the infection appeared earlier inoculation and made itself felt in this way. Observe two days for the temperature, if ORZ, then treat! Good luck. Do not be ill!

Natalia V.

and still an ache and a twisting in joints, a flaccidity ...

Galina Shkin

Vaccinated with a weakened virus, it is possible that he suffers a mild form of influenza and he develops a lingering immunity to this strain of influenza.

Nikolay Dendebera

This is exactly the reaction. Vaccination is a weakened influenza virus. That's just where is the guarantee that this year will be exactly this, not "B" or "B" or even what?

Tatiana Pajitnova

If there were cases of allergy to chicken eggs, then the vaccine is contraindicated (can give the strongest allergic reaction with complication), it is impossible to inoculate after a serious long illness, during illness (orz, cold, etc.). And if there are no contraindications then do it.

Fairy Winged

Yes, whatever. In principle, you have waited for them, the reaction can be expressed so.


Yes, these are the consequences of vaccination. Viruses mutate, and the vaccine is the same year from year, so I do not see any reason to do it, although I'm not against vaccination. My son was once vaccinated in the garden and now I will not agree to it any more (I shed that same day with a critical temperature). Good luck!

*** just me

without ceremony. I never do my inoculation against the flu. very often I hear that after her children are even more sick. Here is my husband, although not a child, last year he was vaccinated and was very sick. three days 39 and not below. but I was not vaccinated and above 37.7 I did not raise the temperature. I also heard that the vaccine is standard, and the flu virus is different every time. this opinion is my personal and does not carry any agitational nature

Influenza in pregnancy than to treat? Preventing and treating influenza during pregnancy

What is the risk of influenza in pregnancy? Than to treat eh? Influenza virus is most dangerous for its complications on the mother and child. A rare pregnancy does without this common disease. It is necessary to provide bed rest, wet cleaning and fresh air to the room.

Self-medication is dangerous in any trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease should contact a doctor. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, easy forms of hardening will help prevent the disease, relieve serious complications.

Symptoms of influenza

Influenza is an infectious airway disease caused by the influenza virus. It spreads by airborne droplets. If a person is sick with the flu, when sneezing and coughing, he passes the infection on. So the flu virus gets to healthy people. In the body, it spreads with the flow of blood, destroys the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of influenza include:

  • aches in the joints;
  • fear of light;
  • increased body temperature;
  • perspiration in the throat, cough;
  • runny nose.

Sweating in the state of the flu is replaced by chills. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the body is reduced. Then the person sweats. After a while, this condition gives way to chills. This means that the temperature rises again (sometimes up to 40 ° C).

Firstly, it is necessary to correctly diagnose influenza in pregnancy. "Than to treat it or him?" - this is a question that needs to be addressed in the second turn. Symptoms of influenza are similar to some other viral diseases. You should see a doctor for the correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate.

Effects of influenza in pregnancy

A variety of different complications can cause influenza in pregnancy. Than to treat it or him? Will it hurt the child?

Influenza virus can badly affect the condition of a pregnant woman, affect the development of the fetus. The threat of miscarriage, premature birth - these are complications after an infectious disease.

  • The virus adversely affects the cardiovascular system. Can provoke heart failure.
  • To cause complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis.
  • The flu contributes to the complication of chronic diseases (gastritis, asthma), leading to a metabolic disorder.

After the transferred disease immunity, resistance to various bacterial infections (pneumococcal, staphylococcal, hemophilic) decreases.

Influenza during pregnancy in the first trimester. How to treat

Especially dangerous is the flu in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. A virus with a blood stream can infect a fetus. Unfortunately, no doctor can tell exactly how the baby will develop during pregnancy. In the first trimester, the calls of sick women and doctors tend to the fact that the consequences in each case may be different.

There is an assumption that especially the influenza affects the central nervous system, affects the fetal nerve cells. You should know that the mother's body produces antibodies and is able to protect the embryo from the virus.

The greatest danger is the consequences in the form of intrauterine fetal death. At 2-3 months of pregnancy, the embryo organs are formed. Defects of their development can bring the flu during pregnancy in the first trimester. Than to treat it?

In the first 12 weeks, do not take medicine. They can negatively affect the development of the baby. Be sure to observe bed rest at the beginning of the disease, to limit the intake of salty foods. Only in case of high temperature (from 3, ° C) should drugs be taken with paracetamol (for example, "Ibuprofen").

Influenza in pregnancy. Second trimester

You should know that during pregnancy there is a natural decrease in immunity. This is due to the fact that the child's cells are perceived by the mother's body as alien. Only in this case the woman will be able to bear the baby.

The disease promotes fetal hypoxia. It can cause damage to the placenta, lead to water scarcity, the outflow of amniotic fluid ahead of time. The threat of miscarriage is influenza during pregnancy in the second trimester. Лечениес 12 for 24 weeks it is better to begin with broth from a dogrose, a camomile. Drink fruit drinks, compotes of dried fruits. Try to make the most of the people's means.

It is necessary to stay in a well-ventilated area during the illness, with a room temperature not exceeding 23 ° C. To reduce active activity, to rest more. Restrict food intake with reduced appetite.

In general, influenza influences the process of delivery itself. After the transferred disease, the risk of blood loss, weakening of labor activity increases.

Flu during pregnancy in the third trimester. How to treat

From 24 weeks the mother's organism becomes most vulnerable to the influenza virus. Decreased immunity, susceptibility to infectious diseases contribute to complications during illness.

We must try to protect ourselves from large concentrations of people, especially during the epidemic of influenza. The incubation period can last from several hours to several days.

Possible intrauterine infection of the fetus, the development of hypoxia can form the rhinitis during pregnancy in the third trimester. Treatment should begin with the first symptoms. Be sure to call a doctor at home, follow all his recommendations.

If there was a rhinitis during pregnancy in the third trimester, than to treat? People's methods should be preferred. Minimize the intake of drugs.

Medicinal products

Do not prescribe yourself antiviral drugs. At a high temperature, obvious muscular pains take the drug "Paracetamol". In some cases, doctors are allowed to take acetylsalicylic acid. In a day to drink antipyretic should not more than 4 times.

Do not take antibiotics, painkillers. This should be done only on the advice of a doctor, when the state of health causes serious concern. Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is allowed to gargle with a solution of "Furacilin" or baking soda. You can add to the treatment of medicines based on herbal preparations for better expectoration.

With abundant rhinitis use vasoconstrictive drugs. It must be remembered that it is recommended not to dig in them for more than 3 days. In the lightest case, it is better to limit washing the nose with saline.

Indications for hospitalization

  1. Lack of quality home care, good conditions.
  2. Complication of chronic diseases (cardiovascular, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis).
  3. The appearance of complications of influenza (pneumonia, damage to the nervous system).

Folk remedies

Even folk remedies during pregnancy are better to apply after advice with a doctor. Possible complications, the fetal infection is influenza during pregnancy. Than to treat it?

Tea with raspberries, honey, lemon can take the whole pregnancy. Compotes from cranberries, cranberries will help reduce the temperature, remove the body from the slag.

Rinsings with calendula, eucalyptus, sage are recommended for sore throats. Cough will save radish juice with honey, boiled dates with boiled milk. Soda inhalation will help with a dry cough. For sputum discharge, prefer steam inhalations with herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano, lavender, eucalyptus. Inhale couples, covered with a towel, do not advise at high temperature.

In the nose fit phytophores from the juice of carrots, apples with the addition of a few drops of fir oil. Aloe juice, beets can be dripped every 2-3 hours.

As a fortifying agent, you can take ginger tea. Grate the root of the ginger (with a teaspoonful), pour it with 2 cups of boiling water. To taste add honey, lemon juice.

It is not recommended to keep your feet in hot water during pregnancy. Only a warm bath for the lower extremities is allowed.

Prevention of influenza

Vaccination against the influenza virus is safe for the mother and child. Contraindications for her - the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, an individual intolerance, an allergy to the drug.

Absence of stress, hypothermia is also included in the prevention of influenza. Proper nutrition, calm sleep, intake of vitamin preparations. Essential oils for aromatherapy should be used. Rinse your mouth with a mixed water tincture of eucalyptus, calendula. Wear a gauze dressing during a flu epidemic. Periodically iron it with an iron, wash it.

Helpful Tips

  • Do not walk in rainy weather or when there is a strong wind.
  • Regularly ventilate the apartment, do a wet cleaning.
  • Dressing for the weather, lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment.
  • Take vitamin teas (within reasonable limits).
  • Avoid people who already have flu.
  • Put onions and garlic, cut into slices.


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